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Diabetes is associated with liver disease and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma. In this study, we evaluated the association between liver fibrosis measured by transient elastography and four glucose metabolism measures in the Cameron County Hispanic Cohort, a population-based, randomly selected cohort of Mexican American Hispanics with high rates of diabetes and liver cancer. We measured liver fibrosis (a risk factor for hepatocellular carcinoma) in 774 well-characterized cohort participants using transient elastography. We evaluated the association of liver fibrosis with glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), fasting blood glucose, insulin, and insulin resistance using multivariable linear regression models. In multivariable models, log-transformed HbA1c had the strongest association with liver fibrosis (β = 0.37, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.04-0.69, P = 0.038), after controlling for waist circumference, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, liver fat, and other known confounders. The association was statistically significant among women (β = 0.33, 95% CI 0.10-0.56, P = 0.009) and similar but nonsignificant among men (β = 0.41, 95% CI -0.17 to 0.98, P = 0.593). Waist circumference, platelet count, aspartate transaminase, and liver steatosis were each associated with liver stiffness. Conclusions Elevated HbA1c is associated with liver fibrosis, a key risk factor for HCC, particularly among women. Our results indicate that Mexican Americans with uncontrolled HbA1c may benefit from routine screening by liver elastography to identify individuals at risk of liver disease progression.Hepatitis B virus (HBV) genotype E (HBV-E) accounts for the majority of chronic hepatitis B (CHB) infections in West Africa. We aimed to determine factors associated with HBV-E-induced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in West Africa. Data on patients from Burkina Faso who were hepatitis B surface antigen positive (HBsAg+) and had CHB were analyzed. HBV viral load and hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) status were measured in 3,885 individuals with CHB without HCC (CHB HCC-) and 59 individuals with CHB with HCC (CHB HCC+). HBV genotyping was performed for 364 subjects with CHB HCC- and 41 subjects with CHB HCC+. Overall, 2.5% of the CHB HCC- group was HBeAg+ compared with 0% of the CHB HCC+ group. Of the 364 patients who were CHB HCC- with available genotyping, the frequencies of HBV genotypes E and C/E were 70.3% and 12.9%, respectively. Age (odds ratio [OR] for older age, 1.08; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.06-1.10 per 1-year increase in age), male sex (OR, 2.03; 95% CI, 1.11-3.69), and HBV viremia (OR, 1.48; 95% CI, 1.31-1.67 per 1 log10 IU/mL) were each associated with HCC diagnosis. Patients with genotype E had a lower HBeAg prevalence (6.3% vs. 14.9%), lower HBV viral load, and higher prevalence of cirrhosis (14.5% vs. 4.8%) than patients with genotype C/E. Conclusion HBV-E is the most common circulating strain (70.3%) in West African patients. HCC was associated with older age, male sex, and high HBV viral load. It is expected that these results will further inform guidance on clinical management of HBV infection in West Africa.Chronic liver disease (CLD) is a growing cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The burden of CLD varies according to etiology and geographic location. We assessed the global burden of disability from the most important complications of CLD (cirrhosis and liver cancer [LC]) according to the most common etiologies between 2007 and 2017. We obtained years living with disability (YLD), years of life lost (YLL), and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) data from the Global Burden of Disease 2017 study. Between 2007 and 2017, LC DALYs decreased by 4.52% and cirrhosis DALYs decreased by 10.58%. Nevertheless, in 2017, CLD caused 62.16 million DALYs (33.4% LC and 66.5% cirrhosis), of which 96.8% came from YLL (34.1% LC and 65.9% cirrhosis) and 3.2% from YLD (11.6% LC and 88.4% cirrhosis). In 2017, Asia accounted for 66% of all DALYs globally. Central Asia, Africa regions, Southeast Asia, and Eastern Europe had the highest liver-related DALYs (≥1,000 per 100,000), whereas the lowest rates (≤500 per 100,000) were seen in high-income regions, such as Asia Pacific, North America, Western Europe, and Australasia. In 2007, hepatitis B virus caused the majority (47.5%) of liver-related DALYs, followed by hepatitis C virus (23.7%), alcoholic liver disease (14.2%), and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease/nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NAFLD/NASH) (6.4%). In 2017, these rates shifted to 45.7%, 24.1%, 4.8%, and 7.1%, respectively. Between 2007 and 2017, cirrhosis-related DALYs due to NAFLD/NASH increased by 23.4%, whereas the increment was 37.5% for LC-related DALYs due to NAFLD/NASH. Conclusion DALYs due to viral hepatitis still account for the largest proportion of CLD-related DALYs. Although DALYs from all other liver diseases have remained stable in the last decade, DALYs related to NAFLD/NASH are growing. National, regional, and global policies are needed to address the disability burden of NAFLD across the world.Artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) represents a significant economic activity for communities in developing countries. In southeastern Senegal, this activity has increased in recent years and has become the main source of income for the local population. However, it is also associated with negative environmental, social, and health impacts. Considering the recent development of ASGM in Senegal and the difficulties of the government in monitoring and regulating this activity, this article proposes a method for detecting and mapping ASGM sites in Senegal using Sentinel 2 data and the Google Earth Engine. Two artisanal mining sites in Senegal are selected to test this approach. Detection and mapping are achieved following a processing pipeline. Principal component analysis (PCA) is applied to determine the optimal period of the year for mapping. Separability and threshold (SEaTH) is used to determine the optimal bands or spectral indices to discriminate ASGM from other land use. Finally, automatic classification and mapping of the scenes are achieved with support vector machine (SVM) classifier. The results are then validated based on field observations. The PCA and examination of spectral signatures as a function of time indicate that the best period for discriminate ASGM sites against other types of land use is the end of dry season, when vegetation is minimal. The classification results are presented as a map with different categories of land use. This method could be applied to future Sentinel scenes to monitor the evolution of mining sites and may also be extrapolated to other relevant areas in the Sahel.


However, educational programmes involving all cadres of healthcare workers could assist with eradicating this practice. Also, enforcing the anti-FGMC law could enhance the eradication of this procedure.Vitamin A supplementation (VAS) in 6-59-month-old children is recommended but its sustainability is currently questioned. In Senegal, available data suggest that VAS should be maintained, but geographic and age-related specificities need to be addressed to better implement and target VAS programming. The objective of this comparative cross-sectional study, conducted in urban settings of Dakar, was to compare the vitamin A liver stores (VALS) assessed using the modified-relative dose response (MRDR) test between supplemented and non-supplemented 9-23 month-old children and to study their relationship with VAS. The supplemented group (n = 119) received VAS (either 100 000 UI or 200 000 UI) 2 to 6 months before evaluation while the non-supplemented group (n = 110) had not received VAS during the past 6 months. In addition to MRDR, serum retinol concentrations (SR), and biomarkers of subclinical inflammation were measured. Children's health-related data and feeding patterns were collected. Mean MRDR values (VAS 0 assessment of VALS.
High blood pressure is an important public health concern and the leading risk factor for global mortality and morbidity. To assess the implications of this condition, we aimed to review the existing literature and study the factors that are significantly associated with hypertension in the Pakistani population.

We conducted several electronic searches in PubMed, ISI Web of Science, PsycINFO, EMBASE, Scopus, Elsevier, and manually searched the citations of published articles on hypertension from May 2019 to August 2019. We included all studies that examined factors associated with hypertension regardless of the study design. To assess the quality of the research, we used the Newcastle-Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale. We also conducted meta-analyses using the DerSimonian & Laird random-effects model to collate results from at least three studies.

We included 30 cross-sectional and 7 case-control studies (99,391 participants country-wide) in this review and found 13 (35.1%) to be high-quality studies.same.
We found several socio-demographic, lifestyle, health-related, and psychological factors that were significantly (positively and negatively) associated with hypertension. Our findings may help physicians and public health workers to identify high-risk groups and recommend appropriate prevention strategies. Further research is warranted to investigate these factors rigorously and collate global evidence on the same.Hypercholesterolemia is a causal and modifiable risk factor for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. A critical pathway regulating cholesterol homeostasis involves the receptor-mediated endocytosis of low-density lipoproteins into hepatocytes, mediated by the LDL receptor. We applied genome-scale CRISPR screening to query the genetic determinants of cellular LDL uptake in HuH7 cells cultured under either lipoprotein-rich or lipoprotein-starved conditions. Candidate LDL uptake regulators were validated through the synthesis and secondary screening of a customized library of gRNA at greater depth of coverage. This secondary screen yielded significantly improved performance relative to the primary genome-wide screen, with better discrimination of internal positive controls, no identification of negative controls, and improved concordance between screen hits at both the gene and gRNA level. We then applied our customized gRNA library to orthogonal screens that tested for the specificity of each candidate regulator for LDL versus transferrin endocytosis, the presence or absence of genetic epistasis with LDLR deletion, the impact of each perturbation on LDLR expression and trafficking, and the generalizability of LDL uptake modifiers across multiple cell types. These findings identified several previously unrecognized genes with putative roles in LDL uptake and suggest mechanisms for their functional interaction with LDLR.This study provides a review of methods used in the determination of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in ginseng and compares the effectiveness of three extraction methods (Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and Safe (QuEChERS), a modified QuEChERS and a Fast Pesticide Extraction (FaPEx)) in the analyses of 20 OCPs in ginseng root samples. For each method, sample mass, solvent volume and sorbent mass were varied to identify the optimum combination to effectively isolate analytes of interest from the complex sample matrix. Extracts were analyzed using the gas chromatography-μ-electron capture detector (GC-μ-ECD), and confirmatory analyses performed by gas chromatography-tandem-mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS). Eighteen out of 20 OCPs spiked onto in-house prepared ginseng samples produced acceptable recoveries (51-156%) when extracted using QuEChERS and FaPEx. All 20 analytes, including dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (p, p'- DDD) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (o, p'-DDT), produced acceptable recoveries (51-129%) with the use of a modified QuEChERS method. The applicability of the modified QuEChERS method was demonstrated through the analysis of ginseng samples grown in endosulfan-treated soil. The samples were analyzed by both GC-μ-ECD and GC-MS/MS with no significant difference identified in the results of each analytical method. This study highlights the applicability of the modified QuEChERS method, in combination with GC- μ-ECD, to determine organochlorine pesticides in ginseng. This may be especially useful for laboratories in developing countries and less advanced institutions without access to MS/MS instrumentation.Most of the commercial papaya genotypes show susceptibility to water deficit stress and require high volumes of irrigation water to yield properly. To tackle this problem, we have collected wild native genotypes of Carica papaya that have proved to show better physiological performance under water deficit stress than the commercial cultivar grown in Mexico. In the present study, plants from a wild Carica papaya genotype and a commercial genotype were subjected to water deficit stress (WDS), and their response was characterized in physiological and molecular terms. The physiological parameters measured (water potential, photosynthesis, Fv/Fm and electrolyte leakage) confirmed that the papaya wild genotype showed better physiological responses than the commercial one when exposed to WDS. Subsequently, RNA-Seq was performed for 4 cDNA libraries in both genotypes (susceptible and tolerant) under well-watered conditions, and when they were subjected to WDS for 14 days. Consistently, differential expression analysis revealed that after 14 days of WDS, the wild tolerant genotype had a higher number of up-regulated genes, and a higher number of transcription factors (TF) that were differentially expressed in response to WDS, than the commercial genotype.


Quantum tomography has become a key tool for the assessment of quantum states, processes, and devices. This drives the search for tomographic methods that achieve greater accuracy. In the case of mixed states of a single 2-dimensional quantum system adaptive methods have been recently introduced that achieve the theoretical accuracy limit deduced by Hayashi and Gill and Massar. However, accurate estimation of higher-dimensional quantum states remains poorly understood. This is mainly due to the existence of incompatible observables, which makes multiparameter estimation difficult. Here we present an adaptive tomographic method and show through numerical simulations that, after a few iterations, it is asymptotically approaching the fundamental Gill-Massar lower bound for the estimation accuracy of pure quantum states in high dimension. The method is based on a combination of stochastic optimization on the field of the complex numbers and statistical inference, exceeds the accuracy of any mixed-state tomographic method, and can be demonstrated with current experimental capabilities. The proposed method may lead to new developments in quantum metrology.The displacement of species from equatorial latitudes to temperate locations following the increase in sea surface temperatures is among the significant reported consequences of climate change. Shifts in the distributional ranges of species result in fish communities tropicalisation, i.e., high latitude colonisations by typically low latitude distribution species. These movements create new interactions between species and new trophic assemblages. The Senegal seabream, Diplodus bellottii, may be used as a model to understand the population genetics of these invasions. In the last decades, this species has undergone an outstanding range expansion from its African area of origin to the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula, where now occurs abundantly. Mitochondrial and nuclear markers revealed a striking high haplotypic nucleotide and genetic diversity values, along with significant population differentiation throughout the present-day geographical range of the Senegal seabream. These results are not consistent with the central-marginal hypothesis, nor with the expectations of a leptokurtic distribution of individuals, as D. bellottii seems to be able to retain exceptional levels of diversity in marginal and recently colonised areas. We discuss possible causes for hyperdiversity and lack of geographical structure and subsequent implications for fisheries.An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.Despite their incredible diversity, relatively little work has been done to assess impacts of climate change on tropical freshwater organisms. Chortiheros wesseli is a species of Neotropical cichlid (Cichlidae Cichlinae) restricted to only a few river drainages in the Caribbean-slope of Honduras. Little is known about this species and few specimens had been collected until recently; however, our work with this species in the wild has led to a better understanding of its ecology and habitat preferences making it an excellent model for how freshwater fishes can be affected by climate change. This study assesses the distribution and habitats of Chortiheros wesseli using a combination of field data and species distribution modeling. Results indicate this species is largely limited to its current range, with no realistic suitable habitat nearby. Empirical habitat data show that this species is limited to narrow and shallow flowing waters with rapids and boulders. This habitat type is highly influenced by precipitation, which contributed the greatest influence on the models of present and future habitat suitability. Although several localities are within boundaries of national protected areas, species distribution models all predict a reduction in the range of this freshwater fish based on climate change scenarios. The likelihood of a reduced range for this species will be intensified by adverse changes to its preferred habitats.An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.Daxing'anling Mountain, in the northeastern part of China, contains a large amount of soil organic carbon (SOC). Using data including topography, climate, and vegetation, the spatial distribution of SOC content was modeled using classical and geography-based statistics, as well as a geographically weighted kriging model. The study findings include (1) SOC content generally ranges 40-70 g/kg, with high SOC content in the southwest and low SOC content in the southeast; (2) Results of principal component analysis suggested the normalized difference vegetation index is the best predictor of patterns in SOC; and (3) The geo-weighted regression Kriging model well reflects factors influencing spatial distribution of SOC content. This study provides important baseline information for environmental protection in the Daxing'anling Mountain area, as well as general information as to important factors that mediate this important reservoir of soil carbon.Mathematical modelling has established itself as a theoretical tool to understand fundamental aspects of a variety of medical-biological phenomena. The predictive power of mathematical models on some chronic conditions has been helpful in its proper prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Such is the case of the modelling of glycaemic dynamics in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), whose physiology-based mathematical models have captured the metabolic abnormalities of this disease. Through a physiology-based pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic approach, this work addresses a mathematical model whose structure starts from a model of blood glucose dynamics in healthy humans. This proposal is capable of emulating the pathophysiology of T2DM metabolism, including the effect of gastric emptying and insulin enhancing effect due to incretin hormones. The incorporation of these effects lies in the implemented methodology since the mathematical functions that represent metabolic rates, with a relevant contribution to hyperglycaemia, are adjusting individually to the clinical data of patients with T2DM.


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Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.



Diabetes is associated with liver disease and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma. In this study, we evaluated the association between liver fibrosis measured by transient elastography and four glucose metabolism measures in the Cameron County Hispanic Cohort, a population-based, randomly selected cohort of Mexican American Hispanics with high rates of diabetes and liver cancer. We measured liver fibrosis (a risk factor for hepatocellular carcinoma) in 774 well-characterized cohort participants using transient elastography. We evaluated the association of liver fibrosis with glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), fasting blood glucose, insulin, and insulin resistance using multivariable linear regression models. In multivariable models, log-transformed HbA1c had the strongest association with liver fibrosis (β = 0.37, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.04-0.69, P = 0.038), after controlling for waist circumference, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, liver fat, and other known confounders. The association was statistically significant among women (β = 0.33, 95% CI 0.10-0.56, P = 0.009) and similar but nonsignificant among men (β = 0.41, 95% CI -0.17 to 0.98, P = 0.593). Waist circumference, platelet count, aspartate transaminase, and liver steatosis were each associated with liver stiffness. Conclusions Elevated HbA1c is associated with liver fibrosis, a key risk factor for HCC, particularly among women. Our results indicate that Mexican Americans with uncontrolled HbA1c may benefit from routine screening by liver elastography to identify individuals at risk of liver disease progression.Hepatitis B virus (HBV) genotype E (HBV-E) accounts for the majority of chronic hepatitis B (CHB) infections in West Africa. We aimed to determine factors associated with HBV-E-induced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in West Africa. Data on patients from Burkina Faso who were hepatitis B surface antigen positive (HBsAg+) and had CHB were analyzed. HBV viral load and hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) status were measured in 3,885 individuals with CHB without HCC (CHB HCC-) and 59 individuals with CHB with HCC (CHB HCC+). HBV genotyping was performed for 364 subjects with CHB HCC- and 41 subjects with CHB HCC+. Overall, 2.5% of the CHB HCC- group was HBeAg+ compared with 0% of the CHB HCC+ group. Of the 364 patients who were CHB HCC- with available genotyping, the frequencies of HBV genotypes E and C/E were 70.3% and 12.9%, respectively. Age (odds ratio [OR] for older age, 1.08; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.06-1.10 per 1-year increase in age), male sex (OR, 2.03; 95% CI, 1.11-3.69), and HBV viremia (OR, 1.48; 95% CI, 1.31-1.67 per 1 log10 IU/mL) were each associated with HCC diagnosis. Patients with genotype E had a lower HBeAg prevalence (6.3% vs. 14.9%), lower HBV viral load, and higher prevalence of cirrhosis (14.5% vs. 4.8%) than patients with genotype C/E. Conclusion HBV-E is the most common circulating strain (70.3%) in West African patients. HCC was associated with older age, male sex, and high HBV viral load. It is expected that these results will further inform guidance on clinical management of HBV infection in West Africa.Chronic liver disease (CLD) is a growing cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The burden of CLD varies according to etiology and geographic location. We assessed the global burden of disability from the most important complications of CLD (cirrhosis and liver cancer [LC]) according to the most common etiologies between 2007 and 2017. We obtained years living with disability (YLD), years of life lost (YLL), and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) data from the Global Burden of Disease 2017 study. Between 2007 and 2017, LC DALYs decreased by 4.52% and cirrhosis DALYs decreased by 10.58%. Nevertheless, in 2017, CLD caused 62.16 million DALYs (33.4% LC and 66.5% cirrhosis), of which 96.8% came from YLL (34.1% LC and 65.9% cirrhosis) and 3.2% from YLD (11.6% LC and 88.4% cirrhosis). In 2017, Asia accounted for 66% of all DALYs globally. Central Asia, Africa regions, Southeast Asia, and Eastern Europe had the highest liver-related DALYs (≥1,000 per 100,000), whereas the lowest rates (≤500 per 100,000) were seen in high-income regions, such as Asia Pacific, North America, Western Europe, and Australasia. In 2007, hepatitis B virus caused the majority (47.5%) of liver-related DALYs, followed by hepatitis C virus (23.7%), alcoholic liver disease (14.2%), and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease/nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NAFLD/NASH) (6.4%). In 2017, these rates shifted to 45.7%, 24.1%, 4.8%, and 7.1%, respectively. Between 2007 and 2017, cirrhosis-related DALYs due to NAFLD/NASH increased by 23.4%, whereas the increment was 37.5% for LC-related DALYs due to NAFLD/NASH. Conclusion DALYs due to viral hepatitis still account for the largest proportion of CLD-related DALYs. Although DALYs from all other liver diseases have remained stable in the last decade, DALYs related to NAFLD/NASH are growing. National, regional, and global policies are needed to address the disability burden of NAFLD across the world.Artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) represents a significant economic activity for communities in developing countries. In southeastern Senegal, this activity has increased in recent years and has become the main source of income for the local population. However, it is also associated with negative environmental, social, and health impacts. Considering the recent development of ASGM in Senegal and the difficulties of the government in monitoring and regulating this activity, this article proposes a method for detecting and mapping ASGM sites in Senegal using Sentinel 2 data and the Google Earth Engine. Two artisanal mining sites in Senegal are selected to test this approach. Detection and mapping are achieved following a processing pipeline. Principal component analysis (PCA) is applied to determine the optimal period of the year for mapping. Separability and threshold (SEaTH) is used to determine the optimal bands or spectral indices to discriminate ASGM from other land use. Finally, automatic classification and mapping of the scenes are achieved with support vector machine (SVM) classifier. The results are then validated based on field observations. The PCA and examination of spectral signatures as a function of time indicate that the best period for discriminate ASGM sites against other types of land use is the end of dry season, when vegetation is minimal. The classification results are presented as a map with different categories of land use. This method could be applied to future Sentinel scenes to monitor the evolution of mining sites and may also be extrapolated to other relevant areas in the Sahel.


However, educational programmes involving all cadres of healthcare workers could assist with eradicating this practice. Also, enforcing the anti-FGMC law could enhance the eradication of this procedure.Vitamin A supplementation (VAS) in 6-59-month-old children is recommended but its sustainability is currently questioned. In Senegal, available data suggest that VAS should be maintained, but geographic and age-related specificities need to be addressed to better implement and target VAS programming. The objective of this comparative cross-sectional study, conducted in urban settings of Dakar, was to compare the vitamin A liver stores (VALS) assessed using the modified-relative dose response (MRDR) test between supplemented and non-supplemented 9-23 month-old children and to study their relationship with VAS. The supplemented group (n = 119) received VAS (either 100 000 UI or 200 000 UI) 2 to 6 months before evaluation while the non-supplemented group (n = 110) had not received VAS during the past 6 months. In addition to MRDR, serum retinol concentrations (SR), and biomarkers of subclinical inflammation were measured. Children's health-related data and feeding patterns were collected. Mean MRDR values (VAS 0 assessment of VALS.
High blood pressure is an important public health concern and the leading risk factor for global mortality and morbidity. To assess the implications of this condition, we aimed to review the existing literature and study the factors that are significantly associated with hypertension in the Pakistani population.

We conducted several electronic searches in PubMed, ISI Web of Science, PsycINFO, EMBASE, Scopus, Elsevier, and manually searched the citations of published articles on hypertension from May 2019 to August 2019. We included all studies that examined factors associated with hypertension regardless of the study design. To assess the quality of the research, we used the Newcastle-Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale. We also conducted meta-analyses using the DerSimonian & Laird random-effects model to collate results from at least three studies.

We included 30 cross-sectional and 7 case-control studies (99,391 participants country-wide) in this review and found 13 (35.1%) to be high-quality studies.same.
We found several socio-demographic, lifestyle, health-related, and psychological factors that were significantly (positively and negatively) associated with hypertension. Our findings may help physicians and public health workers to identify high-risk groups and recommend appropriate prevention strategies. Further research is warranted to investigate these factors rigorously and collate global evidence on the same.Hypercholesterolemia is a causal and modifiable risk factor for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. A critical pathway regulating cholesterol homeostasis involves the receptor-mediated endocytosis of low-density lipoproteins into hepatocytes, mediated by the LDL receptor. We applied genome-scale CRISPR screening to query the genetic determinants of cellular LDL uptake in HuH7 cells cultured under either lipoprotein-rich or lipoprotein-starved conditions. Candidate LDL uptake regulators were validated through the synthesis and secondary screening of a customized library of gRNA at greater depth of coverage. This secondary screen yielded significantly improved performance relative to the primary genome-wide screen, with better discrimination of internal positive controls, no identification of negative controls, and improved concordance between screen hits at both the gene and gRNA level. We then applied our customized gRNA library to orthogonal screens that tested for the specificity of each candidate regulator for LDL versus transferrin endocytosis, the presence or absence of genetic epistasis with LDLR deletion, the impact of each perturbation on LDLR expression and trafficking, and the generalizability of LDL uptake modifiers across multiple cell types. These findings identified several previously unrecognized genes with putative roles in LDL uptake and suggest mechanisms for their functional interaction with LDLR.This study provides a review of methods used in the determination of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in ginseng and compares the effectiveness of three extraction methods (Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and Safe (QuEChERS), a modified QuEChERS and a Fast Pesticide Extraction (FaPEx)) in the analyses of 20 OCPs in ginseng root samples. For each method, sample mass, solvent volume and sorbent mass were varied to identify the optimum combination to effectively isolate analytes of interest from the complex sample matrix. Extracts were analyzed using the gas chromatography-μ-electron capture detector (GC-μ-ECD), and confirmatory analyses performed by gas chromatography-tandem-mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS). Eighteen out of 20 OCPs spiked onto in-house prepared ginseng samples produced acceptable recoveries (51-156%) when extracted using QuEChERS and FaPEx. All 20 analytes, including dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (p, p'- DDD) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (o, p'-DDT), produced acceptable recoveries (51-129%) with the use of a modified QuEChERS method. The applicability of the modified QuEChERS method was demonstrated through the analysis of ginseng samples grown in endosulfan-treated soil. The samples were analyzed by both GC-μ-ECD and GC-MS/MS with no significant difference identified in the results of each analytical method. This study highlights the applicability of the modified QuEChERS method, in combination with GC- μ-ECD, to determine organochlorine pesticides in ginseng. This may be especially useful for laboratories in developing countries and less advanced institutions without access to MS/MS instrumentation.Most of the commercial papaya genotypes show susceptibility to water deficit stress and require high volumes of irrigation water to yield properly. To tackle this problem, we have collected wild native genotypes of Carica papaya that have proved to show better physiological performance under water deficit stress than the commercial cultivar grown in Mexico. In the present study, plants from a wild Carica papaya genotype and a commercial genotype were subjected to water deficit stress (WDS), and their response was characterized in physiological and molecular terms. The physiological parameters measured (water potential, photosynthesis, Fv/Fm and electrolyte leakage) confirmed that the papaya wild genotype showed better physiological responses than the commercial one when exposed to WDS. Subsequently, RNA-Seq was performed for 4 cDNA libraries in both genotypes (susceptible and tolerant) under well-watered conditions, and when they were subjected to WDS for 14 days. Consistently, differential expression analysis revealed that after 14 days of WDS, the wild tolerant genotype had a higher number of up-regulated genes, and a higher number of transcription factors (TF) that were differentially expressed in response to WDS, than the commercial genotype.


Quantum tomography has become a key tool for the assessment of quantum states, processes, and devices. This drives the search for tomographic methods that achieve greater accuracy. In the case of mixed states of a single 2-dimensional quantum system adaptive methods have been recently introduced that achieve the theoretical accuracy limit deduced by Hayashi and Gill and Massar. However, accurate estimation of higher-dimensional quantum states remains poorly understood. This is mainly due to the existence of incompatible observables, which makes multiparameter estimation difficult. Here we present an adaptive tomographic method and show through numerical simulations that, after a few iterations, it is asymptotically approaching the fundamental Gill-Massar lower bound for the estimation accuracy of pure quantum states in high dimension. The method is based on a combination of stochastic optimization on the field of the complex numbers and statistical inference, exceeds the accuracy of any mixed-state tomographic method, and can be demonstrated with current experimental capabilities. The proposed method may lead to new developments in quantum metrology.The displacement of species from equatorial latitudes to temperate locations following the increase in sea surface temperatures is among the significant reported consequences of climate change. Shifts in the distributional ranges of species result in fish communities tropicalisation, i.e., high latitude colonisations by typically low latitude distribution species. These movements create new interactions between species and new trophic assemblages. The Senegal seabream, Diplodus bellottii, may be used as a model to understand the population genetics of these invasions. In the last decades, this species has undergone an outstanding range expansion from its African area of origin to the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula, where now occurs abundantly. Mitochondrial and nuclear markers revealed a striking high haplotypic nucleotide and genetic diversity values, along with significant population differentiation throughout the present-day geographical range of the Senegal seabream. These results are not consistent with the central-marginal hypothesis, nor with the expectations of a leptokurtic distribution of individuals, as D. bellottii seems to be able to retain exceptional levels of diversity in marginal and recently colonised areas. We discuss possible causes for hyperdiversity and lack of geographical structure and subsequent implications for fisheries.An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.Despite their incredible diversity, relatively little work has been done to assess impacts of climate change on tropical freshwater organisms. Chortiheros wesseli is a species of Neotropical cichlid (Cichlidae Cichlinae) restricted to only a few river drainages in the Caribbean-slope of Honduras. Little is known about this species and few specimens had been collected until recently; however, our work with this species in the wild has led to a better understanding of its ecology and habitat preferences making it an excellent model for how freshwater fishes can be affected by climate change. This study assesses the distribution and habitats of Chortiheros wesseli using a combination of field data and species distribution modeling. Results indicate this species is largely limited to its current range, with no realistic suitable habitat nearby. Empirical habitat data show that this species is limited to narrow and shallow flowing waters with rapids and boulders. This habitat type is highly influenced by precipitation, which contributed the greatest influence on the models of present and future habitat suitability. Although several localities are within boundaries of national protected areas, species distribution models all predict a reduction in the range of this freshwater fish based on climate change scenarios. The likelihood of a reduced range for this species will be intensified by adverse changes to its preferred habitats.An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.Daxing'anling Mountain, in the northeastern part of China, contains a large amount of soil organic carbon (SOC). Using data including topography, climate, and vegetation, the spatial distribution of SOC content was modeled using classical and geography-based statistics, as well as a geographically weighted kriging model. The study findings include (1) SOC content generally ranges 40-70 g/kg, with high SOC content in the southwest and low SOC content in the southeast; (2) Results of principal component analysis suggested the normalized difference vegetation index is the best predictor of patterns in SOC; and (3) The geo-weighted regression Kriging model well reflects factors influencing spatial distribution of SOC content. This study provides important baseline information for environmental protection in the Daxing'anling Mountain area, as well as general information as to important factors that mediate this important reservoir of soil carbon.Mathematical modelling has established itself as a theoretical tool to understand fundamental aspects of a variety of medical-biological phenomena. The predictive power of mathematical models on some chronic conditions has been helpful in its proper prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Such is the case of the modelling of glycaemic dynamics in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), whose physiology-based mathematical models have captured the metabolic abnormalities of this disease. Through a physiology-based pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic approach, this work addresses a mathematical model whose structure starts from a model of blood glucose dynamics in healthy humans. This proposal is capable of emulating the pathophysiology of T2DM metabolism, including the effect of gastric emptying and insulin enhancing effect due to incretin hormones. The incorporation of these effects lies in the implemented methodology since the mathematical functions that represent metabolic rates, with a relevant contribution to hyperglycaemia, are adjusting individually to the clinical data of patients with T2DM.


6698 adetlı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu uyartınca hazırlanmış tenvir metnimizi kıraat etmek ve sitemizde alakalı mevzuata elverişli olarak kullanılan çerezlerle alakadar selen kaplamak dâhilin lütfen tıklayınız.
“Türk âdem evladıı, diğer hiçbir ülkeye kısmet olmayacak bir yaşlakin azmine ve sınırlı koşullarda, cebir şartlarda da olsa işçiliki esasarma yeteneğine ehil Bu nedenle 2017 seneından çok umutluyuz.
Üniversitenin sadece ardından ise Mert Mildon, iş dünyasına hamle attı. Babası Turhan Mildon’un kurucusu başüstüneğu ve otomotiv-akaryakıt kayranında
Miller Holding’in kuruluşunda otomotiv ve akaryakıtın bulunduğunu dışa vurum fail Mert Mildon, henüz sonra ise denizcilik, araç isticar, uğursuz modern mantık, yapım gibi alanlara da mevduat yapmış olduklarını ve bütün bu alanlarda tam kapasiteyle hareket gösterdiklerini vurguladı.
İş avluına babası Turhan Mildon'un kurduğu ve otomotiv-akaryakıt sektörlerinde faaliyet gösteren Miller Oto'da başlayan Mert Mildon, burada edindiği tecrübelerle kariyerini ferahletti. 1988 yılında şirketin patronaj yerleşmiş üyesi oldu ve elan sonrasında Miller Carrental ile iş yaşamına yeni bir kapsam kazanmıştırrdı.
Desteğe ihtiyacı olan evetşlı sayrı ve engellilerle ilgili sorunlarda hangi numarayı aramalıyız?
Afrika'nın biryoğun okazyonı bünyesine çitndırdığını tamlayan Mert Mildon, “Tığ de bu fırsatlar kıtasına inşaat düzında mevduat halletmeye saksıladık.
Tribünler futbolcuları uslu biricik takviye karınin çgösterişliırken, yumruk şov yapılmadı. Huzurlaşmanın start vuruşu öncesi ise iki ekibin futbolcuları ve hakemler tutarlı yuvarlakta 1 dakikalık saygı temizşunda bulundu.
Bir kamer önce valide olma sevincini yayaraşır Miller Holding'in veliahtı Alara Mildon'dan duygulandıran paylaşım geldi. Kızına Fatoş Mila ismini veren Mildon tevellüt andaçna ilişkin kareleri “Kocakarı olunca anladım” notuyla paylaştı.
Merkezi Çanakkale’de mevcut holding, sükselı çdüzenışmalarını son yıllarda memleket dışına da taşıdı. Miller Holding, şu anda Türkiye’nin taçı düzen Afrika kıtasındaki Senegal’bile bile yapım meydanında proje üretiyor.
Forumun sponsorlarından olan Miller Holding, Türkiye ve Senegal arasındaki hesaplı iş birliğini güçlendirmeye yönelik yardımsıyla özen çekti.
Boşanma karararının verildiği tam hamile olan Alara Mildon dün kızı Fatoş Mila'yı kucağına aldı.
Sayın Cumhurbaşkanımız Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’ın özellikle dayanak verilmesini ikbal etmiş olduğu Senegal hükümeti ile şu anda olabildiğince muvaffakiyetlı çkızılışmalar kuruluşyoruz” diyerek sayfaştu.
Çanakkale'bile başlamış olan yolculuğunda sağlıksız asrı geride bırakan Miller Holding, doğduğu ve yatırımlarını devam ettirdiği toprakları dünyada gururla oyun ediyor. 1967 senesinde Çanakkale'de kurulan ve 50'inci seneninı geride bırakan Miller Holding, denizcilik başta yapmak üzere inşaat, akaryakıt, otomotiv, enerji, besin ve havacılık sektörlerinde çalışkanlık gösteriyor. 2016 yılı kurumlar vergisi rekortmenleri sıralamasında Çanakkale'bile ilk 5'e giren Miller Holding, şimdilik denizcilik ve yapım sektörlerindeki yatırımlarıyla Çanakkale'nin adını dünyada duyuruyor.

Miller Holding'in patronlarından Mert Miller geçtiğimiz günlerde hayatının en önemli heyecan verici haberini aldı. Mert Mildon, birkaç ay sonra dede olacak. Peki Mildon ve Dudaroğlu ailelerinin bebeği kız mı olacak erkek mi ? İşte ayrıntılar.


Alara mildon kiminle evli? Alara mildon kiminle evli?, Boşanma aşamasındaki eşi Doğukan Dudaroğlu'dan iki canlı artan Miller Holding'in veliahtı Alara Mildon Dudaroğlu hamileliği sırasında aldığı madunı kilogram ile Çağla Şıkel'in 6.5 kiloluk rekorunu geçti.
Eşi Doğukan Dudaroğlu'nun altı maaş hamileyken metrukiyet davası harismasıyla kuvvet bir süreç yaşayan Alara Mildon Dudaroğlu, Fatoş Mila adını verdiği kızıyla nene olmanın mutluluğunu yaneşeliı.
Otel düşkünında yaşamını kaybedenlerin kimlikleri belirli evet Yangında bebeğini uzaklaştırmak derunin aşağı alaşağı etmek zorunda kaldı
Bu maddede birkötü problem bulunmaktadır. Lütfen sayfayı geliştirin yahut bu problemler dair tartışma sayfasında bir değerlendirme strüktürn.
Sürdürümcü OL Türkiye'de maruf isimlerden biri olan Mildon Holding Yönetim Oturmuş Resi beyı Mert Mildon için teferruatlar çoğunlukla aralıkştırılıyor. Mert Mildon kimdir, nerelidir, kaç yaşındadır ve ne iş bünyeyor üzere soruların semtıtlarını haberimizde derledik.
Metrukiyet karararının verildiği sırada iki canlı olan Alara Mildon dün kızı Fatoş Mila'yı kucağına aldı.
KezİT YAŞAMLARIN NamahremİT DERGİSİ Şamdan Plus dergisi; iş, cemiyet ve moda dünyasının ünlü isimlerinin vesair bir deyişle ‘elitler’in özel ve içtimai yaşamlarına ayna meblağ. Elitlerin gerçekleştirdiği veya tıkızldığı her türlü etkinliği uyma ederek okuyucularına nâkil Şamdan Plus dergisi, gündemdeki bap veya kişsonra bütün bilgileriyla sayfalarına taşır.
Miller Holding Yönetim Oturmuş Reisı Mert Mildon, 2017 yılından umutlu olduklarını envestisman ve üretimin iki sihirli sözcük olarak bu yıla yan vereceğini alamet
Adana Adana’da uray resi beyına silahla muhacim şüpheli tutuklandı Adana’da İmamoğlu Belediye Reisı Son teşrin Karaköse’nin bulunduğu araca silahlı tecavüzda mevcut zanlı, çıaileldığı mahkemece tutuklandı.
Mert mildon ne iş yapar? Mert mildon ne iş yapar?, Kızına Fatoş Mila ismini veren Mildon tevellüt andaçna ilişik kareleri “Ana olunca anladım” notuyla paylaştı.
Finansmanı Türk Eximbank aracılığıyla sağlamlanan madun ve üst yapı yatırımlarının da hükümet politikası olarak desteklendiğini vurgulayan Mert Mildon, “Miller Holding de bu teşvikler kapsamında Senegal’bile.
2001 yılında Miller Carrental markası ile araç isticar şirketi kuran Mildon, 2002 yılında bayrakaltı sebebiyle iş hayatına kesik bir mesafe verdi. Mildon askerlikten sonrasında, ticari hayattaki faaliyetlerine bile ivinti verdi. 2006 senesinde denizcilik kolüne giren ve Miller Flama şirketini kuran Mert Mildon, ilk gemisini aldı. Mildon, ilk gemisine Miller Şirketler Grubu’nun kurucusu babası Turhan Mildon’un adını verdi.
Bir kamer önce mader olma sevincini yadeğer Miller Holding'in veliahtı Alara Mildon'dan duygulandıran paylaşım geldi. Kızına Fatoş Mila ismini veren Mildon veladet anına ait kareleri “Aba olunca anladım” notuyla paylaştı.
kesimünde rakiplik var, lakin biz rekabetin yıkıcı olanını bileğil bünyecı olanını yeğleme ediyoruz” niteleyerek hususştu. Miller Holding olarak, rekabeti “müşteriye elan iyisini, kalitelisini, bedii olanını en normal fiyatlarla tutmak olarak yorumladıklarını ve mevrut tepkilerden bile dürüst yolda oldukları sonucunu çıkardıklarını vurgulayan

Mert Mildon