
Sorry, no results were found.


13 hrs ago

The smoking relapse rate during the first 12 months after pregnancy is around 80% in the United States. Delivering remote smoking cessation interventions to women in the postpartum period can reduce the burden associated with frequent office visits and can enable remote communication and support. Developing reliable, remote, smoking measuring instruments is a crucial step in achieving this vision.

The study presents the evaluation of the MoMba Live Long system, a smartphone-based breath carbon monoxide (CO) meter and a custom iOS smartphone app. We report on how our smoking detection system worked in a controlled office environment and in an out-of-office environment to examine its potential to deliver a remote contingency management intervention.

In-office breath tests were completed using both the MoMba Live Long system and a commercial monitor, the piCO
Smokerlyzer. In addition, each participant provided a urine test for smoking status validation through cotinine. We used in-office test data to vers with reliable and valid measures comparable to a commercially available CO monitor. NCT02237898; https// NCT02237898; https// new species of Dactylogyrus Diesing, 1850 (Dactylogyridae) are described from the gills of seven endemic species of cyprinoids (Cyprinidae, Leuciscidae) inhabiting the Balkan Peninsula Dactylogyrus romuli n. sp. from Luciobarbus albanicus (Greece), Dactylogyrus remi n. sp. from Luciobarbus graecus (Greece), Dactylogyrus recisus n. sp. from Pachychilon macedonicum (Greece), Dactylogyrus octopus n. sp. from Tropidophoxinellus spartiaticus (Greece), Dactylogyrus vukicae n. sp. from Delminichthys adspersus (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Dactylogyrus leptus n. sp. from Chondrostoma knerii (Bosnia and Herzegovina), and Dactylogyrus sandai n. sp. from Telestes karsticus (Croatia). To delineate species boundaries, we used an integrative taxonomic approach combining morphological and genetic data. With these tools, we illustrate that some species of monogeneans considered as cryptic might be designated as pseudocryptic (morphologically similar, not easily differentiated) after a posteriori detailed morphological examination, as happened with D. romuli n. sp. and D. remi n. sp. Thus, for accurate species characterization, it is particularly important to acquire both morphological and molecular data from the same individual specimens, ideally along with illustrations of taxonomically important structures directly taken from hologenophores. Using phylogenetic reconstruction, we investigated the phylogenetic position of newly described Dactylogyrus species within Dactylogyrus species from Balkan cyprinoids with regard to morphological characteristics, host range, and geographical distribution.Enterocytozoon bieneusi is an intestinal pathogen that infects a wide range of species, including humans. Cattle constitute an important host for E. bieneusi; however, there is a scarcity of information on the prevalence and genotyping of E. bieneusi in cattle in the Hainan Province of China. In this study, PCR analysis of 314 fecal samples from cattle in six cities of Hainan was performed for genotype identification. The average prevalence of E. bieneusi in these animals was 9.9% (31/314), and ranged from 0.0% (0/12) to 20.5% (8/39). Five known genotypes - EbpC (n = 14), BEB4 (n = 12), J (n = 2), I (n = 1), and CHG5 (n = 1) - and a novel genotype HNC-I (n = 1) - were identified. Genotypes EbpC and HNC-I were placed in zoonotic Group 1, and the remaining four genotypes (BEB4, J, I, and CHG5) were placed in Group 2. Since 93.5% of the genotypes found in the cattle (29/31) (EbpC, BEB4, J, and I) have previously been found in humans, these genotypes are probably involved in the transmission of microsporidiosis to humans.As evidence emerged supporting noninvasive strategies for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)-related respiratory distress, we implemented a noninvasive COVID-19 respiratory protocol (NCRP) that encouraged high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) and self-proning across our healthcare system. To assess safety, we conducted a retrospective chart review evaluating mortality and other patient safety outcomes after implementation of the NCRP protocol (April 3, 2020, to April 15, 2020) for adult patients hospitalized with COVID-19, compared with preimplementation outcomes (March 15, 2020, to April 2, 2020). During the study, there were 469 COVID-19 admissions. Fewer patients underwent intubation after implementation (10.7% [23 of 215]), compared with before implementation (25.2% [64 of 254]) (P less then .01). Overall, 26.2% of patients died (24% before implementation vs 28.8% after implementation; P = .14). In patients without a do not resuscitate/do not intubate order prior to admission, mortality was 21.8% before implementation vs 21.9% after implementation. Overall, we found no significant increase in mortality following implementation of a noninvasive respiratory protocol that decreased intubations in patients with COVID-19.
A discharge against medical advice (DAMA) is associated with adverse health outcomes. Its association with postdischarge healthcare resource utilization (HcRU) outside an inpatient setting is unknown. This information can help us understand how a DAMA may affect healthcare-seeking behavior following a hospital stay. We evaluated the relationship between a DAMA and 30-day postdischarge HcRU.

This retrospective cohort study uses a 10% random sample of enrollees in the IQVIA PharMetrics
Plus database. We included individuals aged 18 to 64 years with an inpatient admission during 2007-2015 and continuous insurance coverage. We defined comparison groups as DAMA and routine discharge. Both groups were matched on baseline covariates. We quantified the association between a DAMA and 30-day HcRU, as well as 90-day for sensitivity analysis, with use of generalized linear models for binary outcomes (inpatient readmissions, emergency department [ED] visits) and count outcomes (physician office visits, nonphysician outpatient encounters, prescription drug fills).

13 hrs ago

[This corrects the article DOI 10.1155/2020/6490710.].The objective of this article is a comprehensive analysis and study of normative and legal acts regulating the reform of financing the health care system, the introduction of the programs of state guarantees for medical care of the population and determining the perspectives for implementing the programs of state guarantees for medical care of the population in Ukraine. The authors of the study have used theoretical (analysis, generalization, systematization, etc.) and empirical (observation, classification, comparison, etc.) methods.; The conducted analysis of international experience has established that countries such as Bulgaria, Georgia, Estonia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Croatia and others had already gone through the process of introducing guarantees in the health care sector. It has been concluded that the main features of the term of "guaranteed package" should include a clear definition of the rights to receive medical services; financing from the budget; consideration of the priority of various types of medical services.; The programs of medical guarantees of Ukraine during 2018-2020 have been analyzed. Specific features of their implementation have been determined; the tariff rates and correction factors have been analyzed. The main tariff rates for financing medical services have been distinguished capitation rate; rate for the treated case or payment for diagnostically related groups; the rate on a medical service, where a separate service is the chargeable unit; global rate; rate on the results of the implementation of medical service contracts.The aim of the article is a comprehensive analysis of the possibility of realizing the human right to health protection based on the practice of the European Court of Human Rights.; To achieve this goal, general scientific and special methods of cognition were used, chosen taking into account the purpose of the work. The epistemological method was used to study the general prerequisites, means and patterns of development of mechanisms for protecting the human right to health protection, including in the ECHR. The dialectical method - when searching for the right approaches to solving theoretical and legal problems that arise in the legal regulation of the human right to health protection. Using the method of legal analysis, the scope of medical human rights is determined. The statistical method was used to study the dynamics in the processes associated with the realization of the human right to health at the ECHR. #link# made it possible to compare the norms of the national legislation o the work of healthcare systems for the better. It has been determined that the main task of the ECHR and international organizations in resolving issues related to the protection of the human right to health care is the observance by the participating states of the Convention in this area.The article deals with issues related to the use of specialist medical knowledge by a specialist in the investigation of illegal medical activities. The procedural status of a specialist in criminal procedural legislation of Georgia, Ukraine and certain EU countries has been carried out. The analysis of forms and directions of the use of special knowledge in the course of interaction with the investigator, allows to establish a special value for the process of proving the involvement of a specialist in the field of medicine to conduct procedural actions. It was found that by means of special medical knowledge in the course of the investigation there will be more chances to establish the circumstances to be proven, to properly record the evidence and to increase the effectiveness of the procedural action. Based on the consultations with a medical specialist, in the course of organizational and technical cooperation with the investigator, it will help to identify all circumstances that will influence the qualifactivities has been established.The article explores the issue of the human right to health as a fundamental one in a democratic society, international norms and standards, international obligations of Ukraine, as well as the financial activities of public authorities in the context of radical reform of the health care system in Ukraine. It is being focused onto the WHO's "Health for All" policy, as well as "Health 2020", which became the basis for a new European Health Strategy, the nationwide Health 2020 Ukrainian Dimension. It is emphasized that the financing function of the WHO and other international organizations is considered to be the key function of the health system. The purpose of this article is of this article is to identify the peculiarities of the financial activities of public authorities in the context of a thorough reform of the healthcare system in Ukraine and to evaluate the compliance of national legislation with international norms and standards. The methodological basis of the conducted research is the general methodsre the elimination of systemic deficiencies and the cessation of breaches within international treaties caused by these deficiencies. Attention is drawn to the relation between the concepts of "public finances" and "public financial activities". The peculiarities of the legal organization of financial activity of the state and bodies of local self-government, the content of financial activity in the sphere of healthcare are revealed. The role of the state and local self-government bodies in financial activity as subjects of financial function is revealed. The principles, methods, forms of financial activity are described. It is emphasized that the new model of financing healthcare in Ukraine is based on the following principles financial protection; universality of coverage and equity of access to care; transparency and accountability; efficiency; free choice; competition among suppliers; predictability of the volume of funds for medical services in the state budget; subsidiarity.The purpose of this study is to determine the legal regime of donor organs in private International law. Research material - legal regulation of donor organs in private international law, as well as international judicial practice, scientific views and ideas about the subject of research.; Based on the scientific analysis, the authors draw the following conclusions. In particular, the conclusion that the organ removed from a living donor, as well as the body of a deceased person, have a dual nature. They belong to material objects that are capable of carrying both property and non-property worth. If an organ taken from a living donor or the body of a deceased person is considered property, then they acquire the regime of things restricted in civil circulation. At the same time, it is concluded that the property component of such boons does not prevent them from simultaneously acting as and objects of non-property legal relations. In addition, the paper separately pays attention to the in vitro embryo, which has the potential ability to be transplanted into the human body.

23 hrs ago

Duplication of inferior vena cava (DIVC) is a rare congenital malformation of extreme importance for vascular and urology surgeons, interventional radiologists. Oftentimes it goes unnoticed and is diagnosed incidentally at a routine or emergency CT-scan when complications occur due to associated congenital malformations. We present a case of a 70-year-old male patient who was admitted into the emergency room (ER) accusing abdominal pain. He was diagnosed with an intestinal obstruction due to a left paraduodenal hernia (LPDH), associated with a DIVC. The reviewing the literature led to concluding that DIVC is not the cause of LPDH.Introduction ganglioneuromas are benign tumors emerging from the sympathetic nervous system that could grow up to significant sizes before becoming symptomatic. Aim to describe the surgical technique of the posterior microscopic and anterior robotic assisted staged approach for voluminous "dumbbell" ganglioneuroma. Besides this, a detailed report of the evolution of 9 years old female patient with such a tumor who underwent a staged bipolar approach, under direct neuromonitoring is presented. The literature has been reviewed on this topic. Methods the neurosurgical approach consisted in S2-S3 laminectomy, resecting the intracanalar and intraforaminal S2 tumor, ligating and sectioning the S2 root, the surgical approach was minimally invasive using the DaVinci XI platform for excising the anterior retrorectal extension. Results As for the posterior surgical stage, the neurosurgical operating time was 165 minutes with a five days hospital stay, and the second anterior surgical staged step took 660 minutes with five days hospital stay. There were no complications in both surgical stages, and the postoperative outcome was uneventful. The 6 months MRI evidenced no recurrency. Conclusions the posterior microscopic and anterior robotic-assisted staged approach with continuous neuromonitoring for "dumbbell" ganglioneuroma has proven to be an efficient surgical strategy and technique. Further studies may support the effectiveness of this novel surgical approach and strategy.Introduction Advanced pelvic organ prolapse is a public health problem, and its treatment can be difficult, requiring a multidisciplinary approach. Aim The main objective of this article is to describe particular aspects of the use of Parietex ProGrip trade; Self-Fixating Mesh for abdominal sacrocolpopexy or sacrocervicopexy. The secondary objective is to present the initial results of the use of these self-fixating meshes. Results Ten successive patients with a POP of grade 2 or higher have benefited from this procedure. No complications or recurrences of prolapse were detected at 1, 3 and 6 months postoperatively. The mean operative time was 102Â+-25.84 minutes. The mean length of hospital stay was 6.7Â+-0.67 days. Conclusions The results of this surgical procedure demonstrate that Parietex ProGrip trade; Self- Fixating Mesh can be used without complications and with good postoperative results. The main advantage of using this mesh is that it does not require other fastening means. The lack of rejection reaction or foreign body pathology encourages the implementation of this surgical procedure. Further study is needed to consolidate these results.Background Liver transplantation (LT) has become a field with rich publication activity; however, there is a paucity of research regarding LT publications from southeastern European (SEE) countries. Understanding the factors that influence the publication output is essential to direct the research and to promote the publication of high-quality papers. Methods A bibliometric analysis was performed in PubMed for articles published on LT-related clinical experience from 11 countries from the SEE region before 2020. Data included the number of publications, citations, journal (cumulative) impact factors (IFs) and first/senior author gender and profession. Results 188 publications fitted the inclusion criteria. 25.5% of papers were published in journals without IFs. Most papers came from Greece (43.6%, 199.663 IFs), Romania (29.3%, 60.695 IFs) and Croatia (16%, 45.645 IFs). In the top three countries, first authors were dominantly male physicians. Senior authors were also mostly male (63.3-88%), with varying professions depending on the country (p=0.008). Conclusions The overall LT publication activity from the SEE countries is modest. The authors of Greece are the most productive in the region. The high liver LT activity does not necessarily translate into high publication output. LT communities in the SEE countries should find solutions on how to increase research and publication output.Background A multidisciplinary Heart Team (HT) is nowadays considered to be of great importance for a complete and accurate assessment of patients with stable coronary disease (CAD). This study evaluates the role of the HT approach in the selection of best therapeutic strategies for patients with stable CAD. Methods The study included 200 patients with stable coronary artery disease. The weekly HT meetings consisted of open discussion taking into consideration the latest recommended therapies. HT outcome options included medical therapy (MT), percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), or surgical intervention (CABG). Following HT implementation, the 1-, 3-, and 6-month outcomes in addition to the distribution of baseline characteristics were assessed. Results The following HT strategies were implemented PCI - 46%, CABG - 10% and MT - 44% of patients. Patients selected for surgical treatment were more likely to have multi-vessel coronary disease (p=0.011). The survival rates at 6 months according to HT strategy were 96.8% for PCI, 95% for CABG, and 94.2% for MT. Conclusions The HT multidisciplinary decision is mandatory for optimal patient care and can prevent specialty biases. Tertiary care institutions should develop and implement interdisciplinary protocols for common CAD cases.Background tool is needed to predict how wound following below-knee amputation (BKA) surgery will heal in patient with peripheral artery disease (PAD). Ultrasonography is an alternative to evaluate the condition of the arteries. We conducted a study to investigate the association between doppler ultrasonography as pre-amputation assessment with primary wound healing following BKA surgery. Methods A case-control study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of ultrasonography as a predictor of the wound healing. Bivariate and multivariate analysis were performed to explore association between ultrasonography indicators including peak systolic velocity, volume flow, arterial diameter, and distal artery spectral waveform with wound healing following BKA. Ultrasonography assessments were conducted on the popliteal artery, anterior tibial artery, and posterior tibial artery. Results Based on the multivariate analysis on all arteries, there were statistically significant associations of peak systolic velocity (adjusted odd ratio [OR]= 5.


Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.


13 hrs ago

The smoking relapse rate during the first 12 months after pregnancy is around 80% in the United States. Delivering remote smoking cessation interventions to women in the postpartum period can reduce the burden associated with frequent office visits and can enable remote communication and support. Developing reliable, remote, smoking measuring instruments is a crucial step in achieving this vision.

The study presents the evaluation of the MoMba Live Long system, a smartphone-based breath carbon monoxide (CO) meter and a custom iOS smartphone app. We report on how our smoking detection system worked in a controlled office environment and in an out-of-office environment to examine its potential to deliver a remote contingency management intervention.

In-office breath tests were completed using both the MoMba Live Long system and a commercial monitor, the piCO
Smokerlyzer. In addition, each participant provided a urine test for smoking status validation through cotinine. We used in-office test data to vers with reliable and valid measures comparable to a commercially available CO monitor. NCT02237898; https// NCT02237898; https// new species of Dactylogyrus Diesing, 1850 (Dactylogyridae) are described from the gills of seven endemic species of cyprinoids (Cyprinidae, Leuciscidae) inhabiting the Balkan Peninsula Dactylogyrus romuli n. sp. from Luciobarbus albanicus (Greece), Dactylogyrus remi n. sp. from Luciobarbus graecus (Greece), Dactylogyrus recisus n. sp. from Pachychilon macedonicum (Greece), Dactylogyrus octopus n. sp. from Tropidophoxinellus spartiaticus (Greece), Dactylogyrus vukicae n. sp. from Delminichthys adspersus (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Dactylogyrus leptus n. sp. from Chondrostoma knerii (Bosnia and Herzegovina), and Dactylogyrus sandai n. sp. from Telestes karsticus (Croatia). To delineate species boundaries, we used an integrative taxonomic approach combining morphological and genetic data. With these tools, we illustrate that some species of monogeneans considered as cryptic might be designated as pseudocryptic (morphologically similar, not easily differentiated) after a posteriori detailed morphological examination, as happened with D. romuli n. sp. and D. remi n. sp. Thus, for accurate species characterization, it is particularly important to acquire both morphological and molecular data from the same individual specimens, ideally along with illustrations of taxonomically important structures directly taken from hologenophores. Using phylogenetic reconstruction, we investigated the phylogenetic position of newly described Dactylogyrus species within Dactylogyrus species from Balkan cyprinoids with regard to morphological characteristics, host range, and geographical distribution.Enterocytozoon bieneusi is an intestinal pathogen that infects a wide range of species, including humans. Cattle constitute an important host for E. bieneusi; however, there is a scarcity of information on the prevalence and genotyping of E. bieneusi in cattle in the Hainan Province of China. In this study, PCR analysis of 314 fecal samples from cattle in six cities of Hainan was performed for genotype identification. The average prevalence of E. bieneusi in these animals was 9.9% (31/314), and ranged from 0.0% (0/12) to 20.5% (8/39). Five known genotypes - EbpC (n = 14), BEB4 (n = 12), J (n = 2), I (n = 1), and CHG5 (n = 1) - and a novel genotype HNC-I (n = 1) - were identified. Genotypes EbpC and HNC-I were placed in zoonotic Group 1, and the remaining four genotypes (BEB4, J, I, and CHG5) were placed in Group 2. Since 93.5% of the genotypes found in the cattle (29/31) (EbpC, BEB4, J, and I) have previously been found in humans, these genotypes are probably involved in the transmission of microsporidiosis to humans.As evidence emerged supporting noninvasive strategies for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)-related respiratory distress, we implemented a noninvasive COVID-19 respiratory protocol (NCRP) that encouraged high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) and self-proning across our healthcare system. To assess safety, we conducted a retrospective chart review evaluating mortality and other patient safety outcomes after implementation of the NCRP protocol (April 3, 2020, to April 15, 2020) for adult patients hospitalized with COVID-19, compared with preimplementation outcomes (March 15, 2020, to April 2, 2020). During the study, there were 469 COVID-19 admissions. Fewer patients underwent intubation after implementation (10.7% [23 of 215]), compared with before implementation (25.2% [64 of 254]) (P less then .01). Overall, 26.2% of patients died (24% before implementation vs 28.8% after implementation; P = .14). In patients without a do not resuscitate/do not intubate order prior to admission, mortality was 21.8% before implementation vs 21.9% after implementation. Overall, we found no significant increase in mortality following implementation of a noninvasive respiratory protocol that decreased intubations in patients with COVID-19.
A discharge against medical advice (DAMA) is associated with adverse health outcomes. Its association with postdischarge healthcare resource utilization (HcRU) outside an inpatient setting is unknown. This information can help us understand how a DAMA may affect healthcare-seeking behavior following a hospital stay. We evaluated the relationship between a DAMA and 30-day postdischarge HcRU.

This retrospective cohort study uses a 10% random sample of enrollees in the IQVIA PharMetrics
Plus database. We included individuals aged 18 to 64 years with an inpatient admission during 2007-2015 and continuous insurance coverage. We defined comparison groups as DAMA and routine discharge. Both groups were matched on baseline covariates. We quantified the association between a DAMA and 30-day HcRU, as well as 90-day for sensitivity analysis, with use of generalized linear models for binary outcomes (inpatient readmissions, emergency department [ED] visits) and count outcomes (physician office visits, nonphysician outpatient encounters, prescription drug fills).

13 hrs ago

[This corrects the article DOI 10.1155/2020/6490710.].The objective of this article is a comprehensive analysis and study of normative and legal acts regulating the reform of financing the health care system, the introduction of the programs of state guarantees for medical care of the population and determining the perspectives for implementing the programs of state guarantees for medical care of the population in Ukraine. The authors of the study have used theoretical (analysis, generalization, systematization, etc.) and empirical (observation, classification, comparison, etc.) methods.; The conducted analysis of international experience has established that countries such as Bulgaria, Georgia, Estonia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Croatia and others had already gone through the process of introducing guarantees in the health care sector. It has been concluded that the main features of the term of "guaranteed package" should include a clear definition of the rights to receive medical services; financing from the budget; consideration of the priority of various types of medical services.; The programs of medical guarantees of Ukraine during 2018-2020 have been analyzed. Specific features of their implementation have been determined; the tariff rates and correction factors have been analyzed. The main tariff rates for financing medical services have been distinguished capitation rate; rate for the treated case or payment for diagnostically related groups; the rate on a medical service, where a separate service is the chargeable unit; global rate; rate on the results of the implementation of medical service contracts.The aim of the article is a comprehensive analysis of the possibility of realizing the human right to health protection based on the practice of the European Court of Human Rights.; To achieve this goal, general scientific and special methods of cognition were used, chosen taking into account the purpose of the work. The epistemological method was used to study the general prerequisites, means and patterns of development of mechanisms for protecting the human right to health protection, including in the ECHR. The dialectical method - when searching for the right approaches to solving theoretical and legal problems that arise in the legal regulation of the human right to health protection. Using the method of legal analysis, the scope of medical human rights is determined. The statistical method was used to study the dynamics in the processes associated with the realization of the human right to health at the ECHR. #link# made it possible to compare the norms of the national legislation o the work of healthcare systems for the better. It has been determined that the main task of the ECHR and international organizations in resolving issues related to the protection of the human right to health care is the observance by the participating states of the Convention in this area.The article deals with issues related to the use of specialist medical knowledge by a specialist in the investigation of illegal medical activities. The procedural status of a specialist in criminal procedural legislation of Georgia, Ukraine and certain EU countries has been carried out. The analysis of forms and directions of the use of special knowledge in the course of interaction with the investigator, allows to establish a special value for the process of proving the involvement of a specialist in the field of medicine to conduct procedural actions. It was found that by means of special medical knowledge in the course of the investigation there will be more chances to establish the circumstances to be proven, to properly record the evidence and to increase the effectiveness of the procedural action. Based on the consultations with a medical specialist, in the course of organizational and technical cooperation with the investigator, it will help to identify all circumstances that will influence the qualifactivities has been established.The article explores the issue of the human right to health as a fundamental one in a democratic society, international norms and standards, international obligations of Ukraine, as well as the financial activities of public authorities in the context of radical reform of the health care system in Ukraine. It is being focused onto the WHO's "Health for All" policy, as well as "Health 2020", which became the basis for a new European Health Strategy, the nationwide Health 2020 Ukrainian Dimension. It is emphasized that the financing function of the WHO and other international organizations is considered to be the key function of the health system. The purpose of this article is of this article is to identify the peculiarities of the financial activities of public authorities in the context of a thorough reform of the healthcare system in Ukraine and to evaluate the compliance of national legislation with international norms and standards. The methodological basis of the conducted research is the general methodsre the elimination of systemic deficiencies and the cessation of breaches within international treaties caused by these deficiencies. Attention is drawn to the relation between the concepts of "public finances" and "public financial activities". The peculiarities of the legal organization of financial activity of the state and bodies of local self-government, the content of financial activity in the sphere of healthcare are revealed. The role of the state and local self-government bodies in financial activity as subjects of financial function is revealed. The principles, methods, forms of financial activity are described. It is emphasized that the new model of financing healthcare in Ukraine is based on the following principles financial protection; universality of coverage and equity of access to care; transparency and accountability; efficiency; free choice; competition among suppliers; predictability of the volume of funds for medical services in the state budget; subsidiarity.The purpose of this study is to determine the legal regime of donor organs in private International law. Research material - legal regulation of donor organs in private international law, as well as international judicial practice, scientific views and ideas about the subject of research.; Based on the scientific analysis, the authors draw the following conclusions. In particular, the conclusion that the organ removed from a living donor, as well as the body of a deceased person, have a dual nature. They belong to material objects that are capable of carrying both property and non-property worth. If an organ taken from a living donor or the body of a deceased person is considered property, then they acquire the regime of things restricted in civil circulation. At the same time, it is concluded that the property component of such boons does not prevent them from simultaneously acting as and objects of non-property legal relations. In addition, the paper separately pays attention to the in vitro embryo, which has the potential ability to be transplanted into the human body.

23 hrs ago

Duplication of inferior vena cava (DIVC) is a rare congenital malformation of extreme importance for vascular and urology surgeons, interventional radiologists. Oftentimes it goes unnoticed and is diagnosed incidentally at a routine or emergency CT-scan when complications occur due to associated congenital malformations. We present a case of a 70-year-old male patient who was admitted into the emergency room (ER) accusing abdominal pain. He was diagnosed with an intestinal obstruction due to a left paraduodenal hernia (LPDH), associated with a DIVC. The reviewing the literature led to concluding that DIVC is not the cause of LPDH.Introduction ganglioneuromas are benign tumors emerging from the sympathetic nervous system that could grow up to significant sizes before becoming symptomatic. Aim to describe the surgical technique of the posterior microscopic and anterior robotic assisted staged approach for voluminous "dumbbell" ganglioneuroma. Besides this, a detailed report of the evolution of 9 years old female patient with such a tumor who underwent a staged bipolar approach, under direct neuromonitoring is presented. The literature has been reviewed on this topic. Methods the neurosurgical approach consisted in S2-S3 laminectomy, resecting the intracanalar and intraforaminal S2 tumor, ligating and sectioning the S2 root, the surgical approach was minimally invasive using the DaVinci XI platform for excising the anterior retrorectal extension. Results As for the posterior surgical stage, the neurosurgical operating time was 165 minutes with a five days hospital stay, and the second anterior surgical staged step took 660 minutes with five days hospital stay. There were no complications in both surgical stages, and the postoperative outcome was uneventful. The 6 months MRI evidenced no recurrency. Conclusions the posterior microscopic and anterior robotic-assisted staged approach with continuous neuromonitoring for "dumbbell" ganglioneuroma has proven to be an efficient surgical strategy and technique. Further studies may support the effectiveness of this novel surgical approach and strategy.Introduction Advanced pelvic organ prolapse is a public health problem, and its treatment can be difficult, requiring a multidisciplinary approach. Aim The main objective of this article is to describe particular aspects of the use of Parietex ProGrip trade; Self-Fixating Mesh for abdominal sacrocolpopexy or sacrocervicopexy. The secondary objective is to present the initial results of the use of these self-fixating meshes. Results Ten successive patients with a POP of grade 2 or higher have benefited from this procedure. No complications or recurrences of prolapse were detected at 1, 3 and 6 months postoperatively. The mean operative time was 102Â+-25.84 minutes. The mean length of hospital stay was 6.7Â+-0.67 days. Conclusions The results of this surgical procedure demonstrate that Parietex ProGrip trade; Self- Fixating Mesh can be used without complications and with good postoperative results. The main advantage of using this mesh is that it does not require other fastening means. The lack of rejection reaction or foreign body pathology encourages the implementation of this surgical procedure. Further study is needed to consolidate these results.Background Liver transplantation (LT) has become a field with rich publication activity; however, there is a paucity of research regarding LT publications from southeastern European (SEE) countries. Understanding the factors that influence the publication output is essential to direct the research and to promote the publication of high-quality papers. Methods A bibliometric analysis was performed in PubMed for articles published on LT-related clinical experience from 11 countries from the SEE region before 2020. Data included the number of publications, citations, journal (cumulative) impact factors (IFs) and first/senior author gender and profession. Results 188 publications fitted the inclusion criteria. 25.5% of papers were published in journals without IFs. Most papers came from Greece (43.6%, 199.663 IFs), Romania (29.3%, 60.695 IFs) and Croatia (16%, 45.645 IFs). In the top three countries, first authors were dominantly male physicians. Senior authors were also mostly male (63.3-88%), with varying professions depending on the country (p=0.008). Conclusions The overall LT publication activity from the SEE countries is modest. The authors of Greece are the most productive in the region. The high liver LT activity does not necessarily translate into high publication output. LT communities in the SEE countries should find solutions on how to increase research and publication output.Background A multidisciplinary Heart Team (HT) is nowadays considered to be of great importance for a complete and accurate assessment of patients with stable coronary disease (CAD). This study evaluates the role of the HT approach in the selection of best therapeutic strategies for patients with stable CAD. Methods The study included 200 patients with stable coronary artery disease. The weekly HT meetings consisted of open discussion taking into consideration the latest recommended therapies. HT outcome options included medical therapy (MT), percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), or surgical intervention (CABG). Following HT implementation, the 1-, 3-, and 6-month outcomes in addition to the distribution of baseline characteristics were assessed. Results The following HT strategies were implemented PCI - 46%, CABG - 10% and MT - 44% of patients. Patients selected for surgical treatment were more likely to have multi-vessel coronary disease (p=0.011). The survival rates at 6 months according to HT strategy were 96.8% for PCI, 95% for CABG, and 94.2% for MT. Conclusions The HT multidisciplinary decision is mandatory for optimal patient care and can prevent specialty biases. Tertiary care institutions should develop and implement interdisciplinary protocols for common CAD cases.Background tool is needed to predict how wound following below-knee amputation (BKA) surgery will heal in patient with peripheral artery disease (PAD). Ultrasonography is an alternative to evaluate the condition of the arteries. We conducted a study to investigate the association between doppler ultrasonography as pre-amputation assessment with primary wound healing following BKA surgery. Methods A case-control study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of ultrasonography as a predictor of the wound healing. Bivariate and multivariate analysis were performed to explore association between ultrasonography indicators including peak systolic velocity, volume flow, arterial diameter, and distal artery spectral waveform with wound healing following BKA. Ultrasonography assessments were conducted on the popliteal artery, anterior tibial artery, and posterior tibial artery. Results Based on the multivariate analysis on all arteries, there were statistically significant associations of peak systolic velocity (adjusted odd ratio [OR]= 5.


The suborder affiliation of the two species Cinclidonemertes mooreae Crandall, 2010 and Verrillianemertes schultzei Senz, 2001 is left uncertain.A new species, Pluviam guangxiensis is described from Guangxi Province, China. It is distinct from the known genera and species of Podoscirtinae. Details are provided. Thus, a new genus, with one new species, was established. Supplementary information relating to Xuanwua motuoensis He, 2015, which is very similar is provided.A new genus of Alleculinae (tribe Alleculini Laporte, 1840, subtribe Alleculina Laporte, 1840), Vietnalia gen. nov. with the species Vietnalia catcatica sp. nov. as a type species from the Oriental Region (Vietnam, Lao Cai Province), is described, illustrated and compared with similar (shape of body) genera Doranalia Novák, 2020 and Nikomenalia Dubrovina, 1975. Vietnalia catcatica gen. nov. and sp. nov. distinctly differs from Doranalia and Nikomenalia species particularly by antennomere 3 approximately as long as antennomere 4 in males and slightly longer than antennomere 4 in females, by ultimate maxillary palpomere widely triangular, transverse, strongly widened apically, female has antenna shorter than half body length, male abdomen has 6 visible ventrites, male ultimate and penultimate abdominal ventrites have impressions, male ultimate abdominal ventrite is excised in middle of apex. Male space between eyes is distinctly wider than in males of Doranalia species.Some species of the ant genus Forelius can be misclassified as the genus Tapinoma due to the convergent reduction of the petiolar scale. I review the taxonomic status of Tapinoma antarcticum Forel 1904 and Tapinoma heyeri Forel 1902. Morphological evidence supports the transfer of these names to the ant genus Forelius. Proposed taxonomic changes are as follows Forelius antarcticus (Forel) comb. nov. (=Forelius fazi (Santschi 1923) comb. nov., =Forelius eidmanni Goetsch 1933 comb. rev.); Forelius heyeri (Forel) comb. nov. (=Forelius heyeri risii (Forel 1912) comb. and syn. nov., =Forelius pusillus (Santschi 1922) syn. nov., =Forelius tucumanus (Kusnezov 1953) syn. nov.). Lectotypes for Forelius antarcticus and Forelius heyeri are designated. The worker of Forelius heyeri, as well as the worker and queen of Forelius antarcticus are diagnosed and redescribed. Multifocus images for lectotype workers are provided. Morphological variation within and between species of Forelius with rounded spiracles is discussed.A taxonomic review of the marine littoral genus Iotarphia Cameron is presented. Three species are recognized, one of which is described as a new species (I. magna Song Ahn, sp. n.) based on morphological and molecular characters. Genetic divergence of COI using uncorrected p-distance among Iotarphia species ranged from 10% to 11.6%, while intraspecific divergence ranged from 0% to 1.3%. All three species were strongly supported as a single lineage on both neighbor-joining and parsimony trees. The genus Iotarphia and I. australis Cameron are redescribed with illustrations of diagnostic characters. The female of I. rufobrunnea is characterized for the first time. A key and comparison table for similarities and differences among the species are presented.Marolia alicantina sp. nov. (Coleoptera Melandryidae) from eastern Spain is described and illustrated. All specimens were collected using window traps on Quercus rotundifolia Lamarck, 1785 (Fagaceae) in the Carrascar de la Font Roja Natural Park (Alicante, Spain). M. alicantina sp. nov. is the only European Marolia having erect setae on the elytra and pronotum. M. alicantina resembles M. grandis Peyerimhoff, 1971 from north Africa, from which it can distinguished by the denser punctuation of the pronotum, shape of the base of the pronotum and shape of the aedeagus. Furthermore, unpublished records for other Marolia species are presented in this paper; in particular M. purkynei MaÅ™an, 1933 is recorded for the first time in Croatia and Greece. The authors had the chance to study six specimens, subsequently labelled as syntypes, of the M. purkynei type series. The location of the remaining possible syntype remains unknown.The millipede genus Striaria Bollman, 1888 heretofore had been thought to be confined to the Appalachian region of eastern North America, is replaced in western North America by species of the genus Amplaria Chamberlin, 1941. Collections from northern Idaho show that this is not the case, and that at least four species of Striaria occur in the west. These species are described herein as Striaria aculeata n. sp., S. bombillus n. sp., S. vagabundus n. sp. and S. orator n. sp.Bolbelasmus (Bolbelasmus) zagrosensis Sommer, Hillert, Hrůzová Král, new species, from Iran is described, illustrated and compared with its congeners known from the western Palaearctic region. An updated key to the western Palaearctic species of the nominotypical subgenus is provided. New country record of B. (B.) nireus (Reitter, 1895) from Greece (island of Rhodes) is reported. Distribution of B. (B.) makrisi Miessen, 2011, B. (B.) nireus and the new species is summarized and mapped.The species of the Nearctic genus Tritoxa Loew are revised. Seven species of Tritoxa are recognized, including two new species T. californica sp. nov. (type locality near Spring Garden, California), T. cuneata Loew, T. decipiens sp. nov. (type locality near Smithers, British Columbia), T. flexa (Wiedemann), T. incurva Loew, T. pollinosa Cole and T. ra Harriot. One species from California and Nevada based on female specimens remains undescribed. A key to all species is provided, species are illustrated and their distributions mapped. Wing patterns may be used to differentiate among all species, although confident identification of certain sympatric species requires confirmation by examination of male genitalia.The genus Magnificus Yan, 2000 was originally established to include M. jiuzhiensis Yan, 2000 and M. zhiduoensis Yan, 2000. Here we also include the species M. bouvieri (Oberthür, 1913) comb. n., M. dirschi (Bang-Haas, 1939) comb. n., M. miniatus (Chu Wang, 1985a) comb. n., M. regius (Staudinger, 1896) comb. n., and M. roseus (Oberthür, 1911) comb. n. Monophyly of Magnificus is supported by the shared presence of a unique shape of the tergosternal sclerite in the anterio-abdominal region and pseudoteguminal arm in the male genitalia. We also provide evidence for the inclusion of Magnificus and the northern Eurasian genera Hepialus Fabricius, Pharmacis Hübner, Triodia Hübner and Zenophassus Tindale as members of a larger monophyletic group supported by the shared presence in the male genitalia of a deep U-shaped medial notch in the posterior margin of the saccus and an expanded triangular flange at the lateral corners of the notch. The reciprocally allopatric distribution of Magnificus and its probable sister group is consistent with each originating locally by vicariance over different parts of a widespread ancestral range.


O-1/IL-10 axis in a murine model was able to significantly ameliorate MAS disease activity. These results suggest that HO-1 may be viable as a MAS therapeutic target, and treatment with DMF and MMF should be considered in future investigations of MAS therapy.Human in vitro tissues are extracorporeal 3D cultures of human cells embedded in biomaterials, commonly hydrogels, which recapitulate the heterogeneous, multiscale, and architectural environment of the human body. Contemporary strategies used in 3D tissue and organ engineering integrate the use of automated digital manufacturing methods, such as 3D printing, bioprinting, and biofabrication. Human tissues and organs, and their intra- and interphysiological interplay, are particularly intricate. For this reason, attentiveness is rising to intersect materials science, medicine, and biology with arts and informatics. This report presents advances in computational modeling of bioink polymerization and its compatibility with bioprinting, the use of digital design and fabrication in the development of fluidic culture devices, and the employment of generative algorithms for modeling the natural and biological augmentation of in vitro tissues. As a future direction, the use of serially linked in vitro tissues as human body-mimicking systems and their application in drug pharmacokinetics and metabolism, disease modeling, and diagnostics are discussed.Cushion tissues, the primordia of valves and septa of the adult heart, are formed in the atrioventricular (AV) and outflow tract (OFT) regions of the embryonic heart. The cushion tissues are generated by the endothelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), involving many soluble factors, extracellular matrix, and transcription factors. Moreover, neural crest-derived mesenchymal cells also migrate into the OFT cushion. The transcription factor Msx1 is known to be expressed in the endothelial and mesenchymal cells during cushion tissue formation. However, its exact role in EMT during cushion tissue formation is still unknown. In this study, we investigated the expression patterns of Msx1 mRNA and protein during chick heart development. Msx1 mRNA was localized in endothelial cells of the AV region at Stage 14, and its protein was first detected at Stage 15. Thereafter, Msx1 mRNA and protein were observed in the endothelial and mesenchymal cells of the OFT and AV regions. in vitro assays showed that ectopic Msx1 expression in endothelial cells induced p27, a cell-cycle inhibitor, expression and inhibited fibroblast growth factor 4 (FGF4)-induced cell proliferation. Although the FGF signal reduced the EMT-inducing activities of transforming growth factor β (TGFβ), ectopic Msx1 expression in endothelial cells enhanced TGFβ signaling-induced αSMA, an EMT marker, expression. These results suggest that Msx1 may support the transformation of endothelial cells due to a TGFβ signal in EMT during cushion tissue formation.Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) emerged in late 2019 and has since caused a global pandemic. Experimental studies and sporadic reports have confirmed susceptibility of dogs and cats to SARS-CoV-2 infection. However, the importance of pet animals in the epidemiology of this infection is unclear. This study reports on a first large-scale serosurvey of SARS-CoV-2 infections in dogs and cats in Europe. From 26 February 2020, just one day after the first confirmed human case of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Croatia, to 15 June 2020, dog and cat serum samples were collected from animals admitted to three veterinary facilities in Croatia. Additionally, on 25 May 2020, a total of 122 serum samples from employees of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Zagreb were collected. Total of 656 dogs and 131 cat serum samples were tested using an in-house microneutralisation test (MNT). Human serum samples, as well as 172 randomly selected, dog sera were tested using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). ELISA-positive human sera were subsequently tested using MNT. Neutralising antibodies were confirmed in 0.76% cats and 0.31% dogs. ELISA reactivity was recorded in 7.56% tested dog sera. On the other hand, 5.19% of administrative, basic and pre-clinical sciences department personnel and 5.13% of animal health service providers and laboratory personnel tested ELISA positive. Neutralising antibodies were not confirmed in any of the human samples. In conclusion, seropositivity among pet animals in Croatia is low, especially when compared to results from China. A small number of seropositive animals with a low titre of neutralising antibodies suggest infections are rare and are following infections in the human population. Additionally, contact with animals does not seem to be an occupational risk for veterinary practitioners.HLA-C*030484 differs from C*03040101 by a synonymous mutation in codon 12 in exon 2.Silver-Russell syndrome (SRS) is characterized by pre- and postnatal growth deficiency. It is most often caused by hypomethylation of the paternal imprinting center 1 of chromosome 11p15.5. In contrast, Sotos syndrome is an overgrowth syndrome that results either from pathogenic NSD1 gene variants or copy number variations affecting the NSD1 gene. Here, we report on a 6 month-old boy with severe short stature, relative macrocephaly, severe feeding difficulties with underweight, muscular hypotonia, motor delay, medullary nephrocalcinosis, bilateral sensorineural hearing impairment and facial dysmorphisms. SNP array revealed a 2.1 Mb de novo interstitial deletion of 5q35.2q35.3 encompassing the NSD1 gene. As Sotos syndrome could not satisfactorily explain his symptoms, diagnostic testing for SRS was initiated. It demonstrated hypomethylation of the imprinting center 1 of chromosome 11p15.5 confirming the clinically suspected SRS. We compared the symptoms of our patient with the typical clinical features of individuals with SRS and Sotos syndrome, respectively. To our knowledge, this is the first study reporting the very unusual coincidence of both Sotos syndrome and SRS in the same patient.To investigate the relationship between vitreomacular traction (VMT) width, foveal floor width (FFW) and other anatomical characteristics between eyes of patients with VMT. Retrospective observational study of unilateral and bilateral VMT cases from two specialist ophthalmic centres in the United Kingdom (UK) between 2016 and 2018. For unilateral VMT cases VMT width in the affected eye and FFW in the non-affected fellow eye were measured. In bilateral VMT cases VMT width in both eyes was measured. In all cases, the presence of any associated inner or outer retinal, and vitreoretinal interface (VRI) changes, including epiretinal membrane, was also documented. 88 patients fulfilled the study criteria 57 having unilateral and 31 bilateral VMT. For unilateral VMT cases, log (VMT) width was significantly correlated with FFW (r = 0.347, p = 0.008). Using stepwise linear regression, FFW (p = 0.004) and VRI changes (p = 0.03) were both significantly associated with VMT width with a R2 of 0.21. In bilateral VMT cases, there was strong positive correlation between log (VMT) width (r = 0.