
4 hrs ago

Mariachis en Puebla Si buscas mariachis de la ciudad de Puebla y Cholula, te ofrecemos pluralidad en costos de nuestros servicios diseñados para toda clase de eventos sociales; serenatas, bodas, XV años, comuniones, graduaciones, bautizos, aniversarios, despedidas, aniversario, misas y asambleas empresariales. Contamos con excelente presentación, un repertorio amplísimo que contiene canciones del el día de ayer y hoy, somos puntuales y tenemos geniales promociones. Te ofrecemos las mejores serenatas de mariachis a domicilio en cualquier parte de Puebla con el mejor repertorio, la mejor calidad musical y con costos que se ajustan a cualquier presupuesto. Atendemos las veinticuatro horas del día, los 7 días de la semana ¿Le anularon a último momento los amenazadores de su evento? En Mariachi Ángeles de Puebla estamos conscientes que su tiempo es valioso y limitado. Cooperamos con mariachis profesionales para brindar la mejor gala a todo tipo de evento social; cumpleaños, bodas, XV años, graduaciones, aniversarios. Disfruta de la música viva de Mariachi en todos y cada uno de tus eventos singulares, en esta pagina resolverás esas dudas que tienes en mente al contratar un grupo mariachi en puebla. El Mariachi Ángeles de Puebla le ofrece el mejor servicio musical con la calidad y experiencia que nos caracteriza, contamos con un extenso repertorio adecuado para todo tipo de asambleas, fiestas o eventos. Somos un Grupo de Mariachis dedicados a brindar servicios de entretenimiento musical al estilo de la mejor música mexicana orientado a llevar diversión a las familias amantes de este género musical garantizando la puntualidad y calidad a sus reuniones sociales. Tenemos más de veinte años de experiencia, contamos con un amplio repertorio musical y gracias a ello nuestros clientes del servicio nos han dado la ocasión de recorrer 18 estados de nuestra preciosa república mexicana. Nuestros precios son competitivos y los podemos ajustar a su presupuesto. Te recomendamos negociar desde un inicio, claro y preciso, si el servicio es por hora e incluye varios instrumentos, no vaya a ser la de malas. Todo depende de tu cartera y estado de emoción, la verdad transcurrido el tiempo la Plaza del Mariachi a perdido su esplendor e incluso ya no es tan segura. Acá puedes lograr mariachis en la CDMX con toda la banda y el punch de la música vernácula o ponerte a cantar ahí mismo. En este lugar puedes conseguir mariachis en la CDMX, literal en toda la urbe, puesto que el catálogo va por costos y alcaldías. página que agrupa con seguridad y directa a varios conjuntos de mariachis, que entre sus menesteres cuentan con acoples de 5 a 8 elementos, aparte de tocar instrumentos como el harpa, el violín y contar con vocalistas profesionales. Con muchísimo gusto estamos libres en los instantes importante de tu vida pues somos profesionales en nuestro servicio. Te ofrecemos gran pluralidad de opciones para acontecimientos sociales como los son los cumpleaños; contamos con canciones ideales para agradar el oído mas exigente. Encuentra mariachis en los municipios de Puebla, solicita tu presupuesto en para lograr una buena fiesta o celebración de aniversario a buen costo. Contamos más de 20 años de experiencia que nos respalda en la interpretación de éxitos de ayer hoy y del instante y merced a la perseverancia, elegancia, respeto y compromiso a la música hemos permanecido en el mercado musical. En el año 2001 llegó a Puebla un súper francés al centro comercial Parque Milenium, se trataba de Auchan una tienda que ofrecía una variedad de productos de la canasta básica y productos importados en el formato de autoservicios. En el año dos mil uno llegó a Puebla un supermercado francés al centro comercial Parque Milenium, se trataba de Auchan una tienda que ofrecía una variedad de productos de la canasta básica y productos importados en el formato de autoservicios. Elige mariachis en Puebla, costes según la calidad musical y presentación musical. El nombre brota tomando algo que caracteriza e identifica a la urbe de Puebla. El Mariachi Ángeles de Puebla nace con la intención de llevar la música mexicana a las personas del estado de Puebla para todo género de acontecimiento social. Los precios dependen de la calidad y experiencia de cada uno de nuestros mariachis y la ubicación en los limites de la ciudad de Puebla y Cholula. Además te ofrecemos todo la asesoría para darte los mejores costos de la ciudad de Puebla con los mariachis permitidos del estado. Es uno de los primeros mariachis del jardín de Santa Inés, con más de cincuenta años como grupo, cuyo objetivo es el orgullo y respeto a la música mexicana de mariachi. Deseamos alcanzar la satisfacción de nuestros clientes del servicio a través de nuestros servicios, La razón de ellos es en especial alegrar tu acontecimiento social. Estamos conformados por mariachis de amplia experiencia quienes interpretan lo mejor de la música mexicana. Estamos conformados por mariachis de dilatada experiencia quienes interpretan lo mejor de la música mexicana. Somos una agrupación de mariachis locales de la urbe de Puebla y Cholula.


The known cardiovascular risk-factor adjusted odds ratio (OR) of a one-standard deviation (SD) increment (28.1 ng/mL) of IGF-1 for reduced MTP was 0.69 (0.51, 0.95) for subjects without atherosclerosis and 1.93 (1.05, 3.52) for subjects with atherosclerosis. IGF-1 was found to be inversely associated with a reduced MTP among elderly men without atherosclerosis but not among those with atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis can thus act as a powerful confounding factor on the association between IGF-1 levels and a reduced MTP.Recent studies have revealed extensive genetic variations among Neospora caninum, a cyst-forming protozoan parasite that is one of the main causes of bovine abortion in the cattle industry worldwide. Previous genetic studies based on multilocus microsatellite genotyping (MLGs) of different Ibero-American populations showed a high genetic diversity. These studies provided clear clues of a predominant clonal propagation in cattle and population sub-structuring partially associated with geographical origin. Although, these reports were limited to a reduced number of countries. In this study, the N. caninum isolates from aborted bovine fetuses and stillbirths and a goat abortion from Northern Italy were investigated genetically using 9 microsatellite markers. Complete or nearly complete isolate profiles were obtained from 30 fetuses and stillbirths. An extensive genetic diversity was also found in this Italian N. caninum population. The study of genetic relationships among Italian MLGs using network (eBURST) and principal component analyses based on the allele-sharing coefficient (PCoA) showed different clonal subpopulations disseminated throughout Northern Italy without apparent segregation depending on the geographic origin, cattle breed, or time of collection. The presence of linkage disequilibrium supports a predominant clonal propagation of Italian N. caninum. In addition, most of Italian MLGs segregated from other global populations including Spain, Argentina, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, and Scotland, suggesting the existence of specific N. caninum subpopulations in the Northern Italy and different subpopulations of N. caninum circulating in Europe.We identified cultivable fungi present in the glacial ice fragments collected in nine sites across Antarctica Peninsula and assessed their abilities to produce bioactive compounds. Three ice fragments with approximately 20 kg were collected, melted and 3 L filtered through of 0.45 µm sterilized membranes, which were placed on the media Sabouraud agar and minimal medium incubated at 10 °C. We collected 66 isolates classified into 27 taxa of 14 genera. Penicillium palitans, Penicillium sp. 1, Thelebolus balaustiformis, Glaciozyma antarctica, Penicillium sp. 7, Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, and Rhodotorula dairenensis had the highest frequencies. The diversity and richness of the fungal community were high with moderate dominance. Penicillium species were present in all samples, with Penicillium chrysogenum showing the broadest distribution. P. chrysogenum, P. palitans, and Penicillium spp. had trypanocidal, leishmanicidal, and herbicidal activities, with P. chrysogenum having the broadest and highest capability. 1H NMR signals revealed the presence of highly functionalized secondary metabolites in the bioactive extracts. Despite extreme environmental conditions, glacial ice harbours a diverse fungal community, including species never before recorded in the Arctic and Antarctica. Among them, Penicillium taxa may represent wild fungal strains with genetic and biochemical pathways that may produce new secondary bioactive metabolites.The primary function of ovarian granulosa cells (GCs) is the support of oocytes during maturation and development. Molecular analyses of granulosa cell-associated processes, leading to improvement of understanding of the cell cycle events during the formation of ovarian follicles (folliculogenesis), may be key to improve the in vitro fertilization procedures. Primary in vitro culture of porcine GCs was employed to examine the changes in the transcriptomic profile of genes belonging to "cell cycle", "cell division", "cell cycle process", "cell cycle phase transition", "cell cycle G1/S phase transition", "cell cycle G2/M phase transition" and "cell cycle checkpoint" ontology groups. During the analysis, microarrays were employed to study the transcriptome of GCs, analyzing the total RNA of cells from specific periods of in vitro cultures. This research was based on material obtained from 40 landrace gilts of similar weight, age and the same living conditions. RNA was isolated at specific timeframes before the culture was established (0 h) and after 48 h, 96 h and 144 h in vitro. Out of 133 differentially expressed genes, we chose the 10 most up-regulated (SFRP2, PDPN, PDE3A, FGFR2, PLK2, THBS1, ETS1, LIF, ANXA1, TGFB1) and the 10 most downregulated (IGF1, NCAPD2, CABLES1, H1FOO, NEK2, PPAT, TXNIP, NUP210, RGS2 and CCNE2). Some of these genes known to play key roles in the regulation of correct cell cycle passage (up-regulated SFRP2, PDE3A, PLK2, LIF and down-regulated CCNE2, TXNIP, NEK2). The data obtained provide a potential reference for studies on the process of mammalian folliculogenesis, as well as suggests possible new genetic markers for cell cycle progress in in vitro cultured porcine granulosa cells.A novel mycovirus with the proposed name "Magnaporthe oryzae narnavirus virus 1" (MoNV1), was described in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. The virus has a single-stranded (+ss) RNA genome of 2452 nucleotides, contains a single open reading frame (ORF) predicted to encode an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RDRP), and is closely related to some viruses of the genus Narnavirus, family Narnaviridae, including Aspergillus fumigatus narnavirus 1 (AfNV1), Neofusicoccum parvum narnavirus 2 (NpNV2) and Alternaria tenuissima narnavirus 1 (AtNV2). Genome sequence comparisons and phylogenetic analysis suggested that MoNV1 is a new member of the genus Narnavirus. The RDRPs of MoNV1 and some closely related narnaviruses do not contain a typical metal-binding "GDD" motif and catalytic site. Further studies are needed to investigate the replication mechanism of these viruses.


Finally, various approaches are offered on how to explain these results to children and their caregivers.Limited information on current dietary patterns of Native American (NA) adults exists. This paper describes the dietary intake of 582 NA adults, aged 19-75 years, living in six communities in New Mexico and Wisconsin in 2016-2017 and compares macronutrient and micronutrient intakes, estimated via a semi-quantitative 30-day Block Food Frequency Questionnaire, among different age and sex groups. NA adults consumed a diet high in % energy from total fat, saturated fat, added sugars, and sodium. A general trend of lower micronutrient intakes with increasing age was observed. Health professionals can apply this information to develop effective and culturally relevant nutrition interventions.Abbreviations NA = Native American; CVD = Cardiovascular diseases; IOM = Institute of Medicine; IRB = Institutional Review Board; AIQ = Adult Impact Questionnaire; FFQ = Food Frequency Questionnaire; NHANES = National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; NHNS Navajo Health and Nutrition Survey.Objective African American account for more than 60% of women living with HIV/AIDS in the United States. This population is disproportionately affected in areas of diagnosis, treatment, and morbidity. HIV-related stigma has been found to play a pivotal role in the experiences of African American women living with HIV/AIDS (WLWHA) impacting self-perception, treatment adherence, depression, interpersonal relationships, and overall quality of life. Limited studies have explored the ways in which HIV-related stigma impacts the self-perceptions of African American WLWHA. To explore these experiences, this study examined the ways in which HIV-related stigma impacts the intrapersonal experiences of African American WLWHA.Design A phenomenological investigation was conducted to explore the experiences of African American WLWHA.Main Outcome Measure In-depth, semi-structured qualitative interviews.Results Interpretive phenomenological analysis revealed four emergent themes (1) increased vulnerability; (2) processing the diagnosis of HIV/AIDS; (3) surviving HIV/AIDS; and (4) quality of life.Conclusion Findings of this study contribute to existing literature by highlighting the intricacies of the lived experiences of African American WLWHA from initial diagnosis to present day. Exploring the trajectory of the illness among this population allows for a deeper understanding of the ways in which HIV/AIDS impacts the intrapersonal experiences and self-perceptions of WLWHA.In April 2009, Mexican, American, and Canadian authorities announced a novel influenza that became the first pandemic of the century. We report on lessons learned in Mexico. The Mexican Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response Plan, developed and implemented since 2005, was a decisive element for the early response. Major lessons-learned were the need for flexible plans that consider different scenarios; the need to continuously strengthen routine surveillance programs and laboratory capacity and strengthen coordination between epidemiological departments, clinicians, and laboratories; maintain strategic stockpiles; establish a fund for public health emergencies; and collaboration among neighboring countries. Mexico responded with immediate reporting and transparency, implemented aggressive control measures and generous sharing of data and samples. Lessons learned induced changes leading to a better response to public health critical events.Biopsy, brushing, and transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA) are the most common methods for diagnosis of lung adenocarcinoma and are taken during the same diagnostic bronchoscopic procedure. However, it is not clear what the morphological diagnostic criteria of cytology by brushing or TBNA are. A retrospective analysis was performed on 136 patients who underwent video bronchoscopy examination for diagnostic purposes. All the subjects were performed brushing or TBNA and confirmed as lung adenocarcinoma by biopsy or postoperative pathology. An additional 140 randomly selected patients with benign lung diseases were included in the study and used as a control group. The benign cells usually confused with adenocarcinoma cells were ciliated columnar cells, mucous columnar cells, ciliated cuboid cells, and reactive ciliated cells, respectively. The number of cases diagnosed as adenocarcinoma cells, carcinoma cells, suspicious cancer cells, and atypical proliferative cells by cytology was 101, 11, 20, and 4, respectively. The main basis for the interpretation of adenocarcinoma cells is the enlargement of individual nucleus, the arrangements of multistage papillary, and the general enlargement of nuclei, while the main clue for the interpretation of suspicious cancer cells and dysplasia cells comes from escape cells. The results suggested that the degree of nuclear enlargement, multiple papillary arrangement, and escape cells or escape trend cells are important clues for the interpretation of lung adenocarcinoma cells, while the atypical proliferative cells were similar to escape cells or escape trend cells, which were essentially benign cells beside the cancer.The consequence of differing levels of agreement across raters is rarely studied. Subsequently, knowledge is limited on how number of raters affects the outcome. The present study aimed to examine the impact on pre-linguistic outcome classifications of 12-month-old infants when using four raters compared to three. Thirty experienced Speech and Language Therapists (SLTs) from five countries assessed 20 minute video recordings of four 12-month-old infants during a play session with a parent. One recording was assessed twice. A naturalistic listening method in real time was used. This involved (1) assessing, each syllable as canonical or non-canonical, and (2) following the recording, assessing if the infant was babbling canonically and listing the syllables the infant produced with command. The impact that four raters had on outcome, compared to three, was explored by classifying the outcome based on all possible combinations of three raters and determining the frequency that the outcome assessment changed when a fourth assessor was added.



Have you seen the news of a Venezuelan gang taking over an entire apartment complex — in Aurora, Colorado?

The gang, known as “Tren de Aragua”, is notorious for trafficking and exploitation of women and young girls.

Authorities say they haven’t found evidence of a takeover, but that there are many members of this gang in the city. At least one member was arrested last month.


On this week’s roundup of the hottest news topics, Rick Sanchez sits down with the co-host of the Critical Hour on Radio Sputnik Dr. Wilmer Leon. The two discuss a recent spat between Mexico and the United States, with the Mexican president calling out the US ambassador for domestic meddling. The two also discuss Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr.’s recent endorsements of Donald Trump, and the media’s attack line that ‘conspiracy theorists’ are flocking to the Trump campaign. Then movie director Quentin Tarantino goes on an expletive-filled rant saying Kamala Harris should not conduct any pre-election interviews. And Vice President and Democratic Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris says she wants to make the US military more lethal than ever. Check out all of this and more on Direct Impact.


On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez discusses a recent spat between the United States and Mexico. The Mexican government is working towards judicial reform, which has sparked criticism from the US ambassador. But Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has had enough and is speaking out. It seems he is no longer satisfied with his country being the little brother in this relationship. Meanwhile, movie director Quentin Tarantino goes on an expletive-filled rant, saying Kamala Harris should not conduct any pre-election interviews, and Donald Trump poses for an awkward photo-op at Arlington National Cemetery. Rick Sanchez discusses all of this with international correspondent Manila Chan. Then geopolitical analyst and Editor-in-Chief at MENA Uncensored Leila Hatoum joins Rick from Beirut, to cover all of the latest news coming out of the conflict between Hezbollah, Israel, and Palestine. Don’t miss it!



Have you seen the news of a Venezuelan gang taking over an entire apartment complex — in Aurora, Colorado?

The gang, known as “Tren de Aragua”, is notorious for trafficking and exploitation of women and young girls.

Authorities say they haven’t found evidence of a takeover, but that there are many members of this gang in the city. At least one member was arrested last month.


On this week’s roundup of the hottest news topics, Rick Sanchez sits down with the co-host of the Critical Hour on Radio Sputnik Dr. Wilmer Leon. The two discuss a recent spat between Mexico and the United States, with the Mexican president calling out the US ambassador for domestic meddling. The two also discuss Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr.’s recent endorsements of Donald Trump, and the media’s attack line that ‘conspiracy theorists’ are flocking to the Trump campaign. Then movie director Quentin Tarantino goes on an expletive-filled rant saying Kamala Harris should not conduct any pre-election interviews. And Vice President and Democratic Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris says she wants to make the US military more lethal than ever. Check out all of this and more on Direct Impact.


On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez discusses a recent spat between the United States and Mexico. The Mexican government is working towards judicial reform, which has sparked criticism from the US ambassador. But Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has had enough and is speaking out. It seems he is no longer satisfied with his country being the little brother in this relationship. Meanwhile, movie director Quentin Tarantino goes on an expletive-filled rant, saying Kamala Harris should not conduct any pre-election interviews, and Donald Trump poses for an awkward photo-op at Arlington National Cemetery. Rick Sanchez discusses all of this with international correspondent Manila Chan. Then geopolitical analyst and Editor-in-Chief at MENA Uncensored Leila Hatoum joins Rick from Beirut, to cover all of the latest news coming out of the conflict between Hezbollah, Israel, and Palestine. Don’t miss it!

Joining me today is Jeff Berwick, founder of Anarchapulco, here to discuss a major hurricane that recently hit the Anarchapulco event in Mexico -- which received shockingly little coverage -- and why he feels this was actually an attack on the event itself. We also discuss his opinions surrounding the developing story of October 7th, and to what degree the Israeli government was involved. 

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Yesterday I interviewed Mike ter Maat. It was going to be a livestream but we experienced technical difficulties and had to record the interview to be posted at a later time. We cover some of the most important issues for a libertarian president such as inflation, monetary policy, immigration, and national defense and foreign interventionism. We greatly appreciate Mike ter Maat and his team taking the time to answer our questions.


4 hrs ago

Mariachis en Puebla Si buscas mariachis de la ciudad de Puebla y Cholula, te ofrecemos pluralidad en costos de nuestros servicios diseñados para toda clase de eventos sociales; serenatas, bodas, XV años, comuniones, graduaciones, bautizos, aniversarios, despedidas, aniversario, misas y asambleas empresariales. Contamos con excelente presentación, un repertorio amplísimo que contiene canciones del el día de ayer y hoy, somos puntuales y tenemos geniales promociones. Te ofrecemos las mejores serenatas de mariachis a domicilio en cualquier parte de Puebla con el mejor repertorio, la mejor calidad musical y con costos que se ajustan a cualquier presupuesto. Atendemos las veinticuatro horas del día, los 7 días de la semana ¿Le anularon a último momento los amenazadores de su evento? En Mariachi Ángeles de Puebla estamos conscientes que su tiempo es valioso y limitado. Cooperamos con mariachis profesionales para brindar la mejor gala a todo tipo de evento social; cumpleaños, bodas, XV años, graduaciones, aniversarios. Disfruta de la música viva de Mariachi en todos y cada uno de tus eventos singulares, en esta pagina resolverás esas dudas que tienes en mente al contratar un grupo mariachi en puebla. El Mariachi Ángeles de Puebla le ofrece el mejor servicio musical con la calidad y experiencia que nos caracteriza, contamos con un extenso repertorio adecuado para todo tipo de asambleas, fiestas o eventos. Somos un Grupo de Mariachis dedicados a brindar servicios de entretenimiento musical al estilo de la mejor música mexicana orientado a llevar diversión a las familias amantes de este género musical garantizando la puntualidad y calidad a sus reuniones sociales. Tenemos más de veinte años de experiencia, contamos con un amplio repertorio musical y gracias a ello nuestros clientes del servicio nos han dado la ocasión de recorrer 18 estados de nuestra preciosa república mexicana. Nuestros precios son competitivos y los podemos ajustar a su presupuesto. Te recomendamos negociar desde un inicio, claro y preciso, si el servicio es por hora e incluye varios instrumentos, no vaya a ser la de malas. Todo depende de tu cartera y estado de emoción, la verdad transcurrido el tiempo la Plaza del Mariachi a perdido su esplendor e incluso ya no es tan segura. Acá puedes lograr mariachis en la CDMX con toda la banda y el punch de la música vernácula o ponerte a cantar ahí mismo. En este lugar puedes conseguir mariachis en la CDMX, literal en toda la urbe, puesto que el catálogo va por costos y alcaldías. página que agrupa con seguridad y directa a varios conjuntos de mariachis, que entre sus menesteres cuentan con acoples de 5 a 8 elementos, aparte de tocar instrumentos como el harpa, el violín y contar con vocalistas profesionales. Con muchísimo gusto estamos libres en los instantes importante de tu vida pues somos profesionales en nuestro servicio. Te ofrecemos gran pluralidad de opciones para acontecimientos sociales como los son los cumpleaños; contamos con canciones ideales para agradar el oído mas exigente. Encuentra mariachis en los municipios de Puebla, solicita tu presupuesto en para lograr una buena fiesta o celebración de aniversario a buen costo. Contamos más de 20 años de experiencia que nos respalda en la interpretación de éxitos de ayer hoy y del instante y merced a la perseverancia, elegancia, respeto y compromiso a la música hemos permanecido en el mercado musical. En el año 2001 llegó a Puebla un súper francés al centro comercial Parque Milenium, se trataba de Auchan una tienda que ofrecía una variedad de productos de la canasta básica y productos importados en el formato de autoservicios. En el año dos mil uno llegó a Puebla un supermercado francés al centro comercial Parque Milenium, se trataba de Auchan una tienda que ofrecía una variedad de productos de la canasta básica y productos importados en el formato de autoservicios. Elige mariachis en Puebla, costes según la calidad musical y presentación musical. El nombre brota tomando algo que caracteriza e identifica a la urbe de Puebla. El Mariachi Ángeles de Puebla nace con la intención de llevar la música mexicana a las personas del estado de Puebla para todo género de acontecimiento social. Los precios dependen de la calidad y experiencia de cada uno de nuestros mariachis y la ubicación en los limites de la ciudad de Puebla y Cholula. Además te ofrecemos todo la asesoría para darte los mejores costos de la ciudad de Puebla con los mariachis permitidos del estado. Es uno de los primeros mariachis del jardín de Santa Inés, con más de cincuenta años como grupo, cuyo objetivo es el orgullo y respeto a la música mexicana de mariachi. Deseamos alcanzar la satisfacción de nuestros clientes del servicio a través de nuestros servicios, La razón de ellos es en especial alegrar tu acontecimiento social. Estamos conformados por mariachis de amplia experiencia quienes interpretan lo mejor de la música mexicana. Estamos conformados por mariachis de dilatada experiencia quienes interpretan lo mejor de la música mexicana. Somos una agrupación de mariachis locales de la urbe de Puebla y Cholula.


The known cardiovascular risk-factor adjusted odds ratio (OR) of a one-standard deviation (SD) increment (28.1 ng/mL) of IGF-1 for reduced MTP was 0.69 (0.51, 0.95) for subjects without atherosclerosis and 1.93 (1.05, 3.52) for subjects with atherosclerosis. IGF-1 was found to be inversely associated with a reduced MTP among elderly men without atherosclerosis but not among those with atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis can thus act as a powerful confounding factor on the association between IGF-1 levels and a reduced MTP.Recent studies have revealed extensive genetic variations among Neospora caninum, a cyst-forming protozoan parasite that is one of the main causes of bovine abortion in the cattle industry worldwide. Previous genetic studies based on multilocus microsatellite genotyping (MLGs) of different Ibero-American populations showed a high genetic diversity. These studies provided clear clues of a predominant clonal propagation in cattle and population sub-structuring partially associated with geographical origin. Although, these reports were limited to a reduced number of countries. In this study, the N. caninum isolates from aborted bovine fetuses and stillbirths and a goat abortion from Northern Italy were investigated genetically using 9 microsatellite markers. Complete or nearly complete isolate profiles were obtained from 30 fetuses and stillbirths. An extensive genetic diversity was also found in this Italian N. caninum population. The study of genetic relationships among Italian MLGs using network (eBURST) and principal component analyses based on the allele-sharing coefficient (PCoA) showed different clonal subpopulations disseminated throughout Northern Italy without apparent segregation depending on the geographic origin, cattle breed, or time of collection. The presence of linkage disequilibrium supports a predominant clonal propagation of Italian N. caninum. In addition, most of Italian MLGs segregated from other global populations including Spain, Argentina, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, and Scotland, suggesting the existence of specific N. caninum subpopulations in the Northern Italy and different subpopulations of N. caninum circulating in Europe.We identified cultivable fungi present in the glacial ice fragments collected in nine sites across Antarctica Peninsula and assessed their abilities to produce bioactive compounds. Three ice fragments with approximately 20 kg were collected, melted and 3 L filtered through of 0.45 µm sterilized membranes, which were placed on the media Sabouraud agar and minimal medium incubated at 10 °C. We collected 66 isolates classified into 27 taxa of 14 genera. Penicillium palitans, Penicillium sp. 1, Thelebolus balaustiformis, Glaciozyma antarctica, Penicillium sp. 7, Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, and Rhodotorula dairenensis had the highest frequencies. The diversity and richness of the fungal community were high with moderate dominance. Penicillium species were present in all samples, with Penicillium chrysogenum showing the broadest distribution. P. chrysogenum, P. palitans, and Penicillium spp. had trypanocidal, leishmanicidal, and herbicidal activities, with P. chrysogenum having the broadest and highest capability. 1H NMR signals revealed the presence of highly functionalized secondary metabolites in the bioactive extracts. Despite extreme environmental conditions, glacial ice harbours a diverse fungal community, including species never before recorded in the Arctic and Antarctica. Among them, Penicillium taxa may represent wild fungal strains with genetic and biochemical pathways that may produce new secondary bioactive metabolites.The primary function of ovarian granulosa cells (GCs) is the support of oocytes during maturation and development. Molecular analyses of granulosa cell-associated processes, leading to improvement of understanding of the cell cycle events during the formation of ovarian follicles (folliculogenesis), may be key to improve the in vitro fertilization procedures. Primary in vitro culture of porcine GCs was employed to examine the changes in the transcriptomic profile of genes belonging to "cell cycle", "cell division", "cell cycle process", "cell cycle phase transition", "cell cycle G1/S phase transition", "cell cycle G2/M phase transition" and "cell cycle checkpoint" ontology groups. During the analysis, microarrays were employed to study the transcriptome of GCs, analyzing the total RNA of cells from specific periods of in vitro cultures. This research was based on material obtained from 40 landrace gilts of similar weight, age and the same living conditions. RNA was isolated at specific timeframes before the culture was established (0 h) and after 48 h, 96 h and 144 h in vitro. Out of 133 differentially expressed genes, we chose the 10 most up-regulated (SFRP2, PDPN, PDE3A, FGFR2, PLK2, THBS1, ETS1, LIF, ANXA1, TGFB1) and the 10 most downregulated (IGF1, NCAPD2, CABLES1, H1FOO, NEK2, PPAT, TXNIP, NUP210, RGS2 and CCNE2). Some of these genes known to play key roles in the regulation of correct cell cycle passage (up-regulated SFRP2, PDE3A, PLK2, LIF and down-regulated CCNE2, TXNIP, NEK2). The data obtained provide a potential reference for studies on the process of mammalian folliculogenesis, as well as suggests possible new genetic markers for cell cycle progress in in vitro cultured porcine granulosa cells.A novel mycovirus with the proposed name "Magnaporthe oryzae narnavirus virus 1" (MoNV1), was described in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. The virus has a single-stranded (+ss) RNA genome of 2452 nucleotides, contains a single open reading frame (ORF) predicted to encode an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RDRP), and is closely related to some viruses of the genus Narnavirus, family Narnaviridae, including Aspergillus fumigatus narnavirus 1 (AfNV1), Neofusicoccum parvum narnavirus 2 (NpNV2) and Alternaria tenuissima narnavirus 1 (AtNV2). Genome sequence comparisons and phylogenetic analysis suggested that MoNV1 is a new member of the genus Narnavirus. The RDRPs of MoNV1 and some closely related narnaviruses do not contain a typical metal-binding "GDD" motif and catalytic site. Further studies are needed to investigate the replication mechanism of these viruses.


Finally, various approaches are offered on how to explain these results to children and their caregivers.Limited information on current dietary patterns of Native American (NA) adults exists. This paper describes the dietary intake of 582 NA adults, aged 19-75 years, living in six communities in New Mexico and Wisconsin in 2016-2017 and compares macronutrient and micronutrient intakes, estimated via a semi-quantitative 30-day Block Food Frequency Questionnaire, among different age and sex groups. NA adults consumed a diet high in % energy from total fat, saturated fat, added sugars, and sodium. A general trend of lower micronutrient intakes with increasing age was observed. Health professionals can apply this information to develop effective and culturally relevant nutrition interventions.Abbreviations NA = Native American; CVD = Cardiovascular diseases; IOM = Institute of Medicine; IRB = Institutional Review Board; AIQ = Adult Impact Questionnaire; FFQ = Food Frequency Questionnaire; NHANES = National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; NHNS Navajo Health and Nutrition Survey.Objective African American account for more than 60% of women living with HIV/AIDS in the United States. This population is disproportionately affected in areas of diagnosis, treatment, and morbidity. HIV-related stigma has been found to play a pivotal role in the experiences of African American women living with HIV/AIDS (WLWHA) impacting self-perception, treatment adherence, depression, interpersonal relationships, and overall quality of life. Limited studies have explored the ways in which HIV-related stigma impacts the self-perceptions of African American WLWHA. To explore these experiences, this study examined the ways in which HIV-related stigma impacts the intrapersonal experiences of African American WLWHA.Design A phenomenological investigation was conducted to explore the experiences of African American WLWHA.Main Outcome Measure In-depth, semi-structured qualitative interviews.Results Interpretive phenomenological analysis revealed four emergent themes (1) increased vulnerability; (2) processing the diagnosis of HIV/AIDS; (3) surviving HIV/AIDS; and (4) quality of life.Conclusion Findings of this study contribute to existing literature by highlighting the intricacies of the lived experiences of African American WLWHA from initial diagnosis to present day. Exploring the trajectory of the illness among this population allows for a deeper understanding of the ways in which HIV/AIDS impacts the intrapersonal experiences and self-perceptions of WLWHA.In April 2009, Mexican, American, and Canadian authorities announced a novel influenza that became the first pandemic of the century. We report on lessons learned in Mexico. The Mexican Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response Plan, developed and implemented since 2005, was a decisive element for the early response. Major lessons-learned were the need for flexible plans that consider different scenarios; the need to continuously strengthen routine surveillance programs and laboratory capacity and strengthen coordination between epidemiological departments, clinicians, and laboratories; maintain strategic stockpiles; establish a fund for public health emergencies; and collaboration among neighboring countries. Mexico responded with immediate reporting and transparency, implemented aggressive control measures and generous sharing of data and samples. Lessons learned induced changes leading to a better response to public health critical events.Biopsy, brushing, and transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA) are the most common methods for diagnosis of lung adenocarcinoma and are taken during the same diagnostic bronchoscopic procedure. However, it is not clear what the morphological diagnostic criteria of cytology by brushing or TBNA are. A retrospective analysis was performed on 136 patients who underwent video bronchoscopy examination for diagnostic purposes. All the subjects were performed brushing or TBNA and confirmed as lung adenocarcinoma by biopsy or postoperative pathology. An additional 140 randomly selected patients with benign lung diseases were included in the study and used as a control group. The benign cells usually confused with adenocarcinoma cells were ciliated columnar cells, mucous columnar cells, ciliated cuboid cells, and reactive ciliated cells, respectively. The number of cases diagnosed as adenocarcinoma cells, carcinoma cells, suspicious cancer cells, and atypical proliferative cells by cytology was 101, 11, 20, and 4, respectively. The main basis for the interpretation of adenocarcinoma cells is the enlargement of individual nucleus, the arrangements of multistage papillary, and the general enlargement of nuclei, while the main clue for the interpretation of suspicious cancer cells and dysplasia cells comes from escape cells. The results suggested that the degree of nuclear enlargement, multiple papillary arrangement, and escape cells or escape trend cells are important clues for the interpretation of lung adenocarcinoma cells, while the atypical proliferative cells were similar to escape cells or escape trend cells, which were essentially benign cells beside the cancer.The consequence of differing levels of agreement across raters is rarely studied. Subsequently, knowledge is limited on how number of raters affects the outcome. The present study aimed to examine the impact on pre-linguistic outcome classifications of 12-month-old infants when using four raters compared to three. Thirty experienced Speech and Language Therapists (SLTs) from five countries assessed 20 minute video recordings of four 12-month-old infants during a play session with a parent. One recording was assessed twice. A naturalistic listening method in real time was used. This involved (1) assessing, each syllable as canonical or non-canonical, and (2) following the recording, assessing if the infant was babbling canonically and listing the syllables the infant produced with command. The impact that four raters had on outcome, compared to three, was explored by classifying the outcome based on all possible combinations of three raters and determining the frequency that the outcome assessment changed when a fourth assessor was added.


ISRCTN identifier ISRCTN65209863.Two new genera and four new species from subfamily Forticulcitinae are described from the intestines of white mullet (Mugil curema) and flathead grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) collected in 27 localities across a wide geographical range on Pacific Ocean slopes comprising three countries in Middle America Mexico, Guatemala and Costa Rica. The new genera Ekuarhuni n. gen. and Overstreetoides n. gen. had to be erected to accommodate two new species, Ekuarhuni papillatum n. sp. and Overstreetoides pacificus n. sp., with unique morphological traits that differentiate them from the two genera described previously. In addition, two new species, Forticulcita minuta n. sp. and Forticulcita isabelae n. sp., were described, which were characterized as exhibiting a small body size ( less then  1100 μm long). These new species were classified as the diminutive morphotype, together with three other congeneric species of Forticulcita. Forticulcita minuta n. sp. is distinguished by being the smallest species within the genus ( less then  305 μm). Meanwhile, Forticulcita isabelae n. sp. is distinguished by its body size and testis length. In specimens of the four new species, sequencing was performed with two molecular markers, the large subunit (LSU) and the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) of nuclear rDNA, and the results were compared with other sequences available in GenBank. Phylogenetic analyses performed with the combined dataset of the two nuclear molecular markers (LSU + ITS2) placed all the analysed species within the clade of Forticulcitinae with strong bootstrap support (100%) and a high Bayesian posterior probability (1.0). The four new species showed differences in abundance in their definitive hosts and were widely distributed along the Pacific Ocean coasts of Mexico, Guatemala and Costa Rica, in Middle America.Myiasis is a parasitic infestation of live vertebrates with the dipteran larvae that grow within the host while feeding on its living or dead tissue. Human myiasis is prevalent among individuals in close association of domestic animals and those inhabiting the unhygienic conditions. Open neglected suppurative wounds are the favourable sites that attract and stimulate the gravid female flies for oviposition. However, the poor personal hygiene, ignorance and the mental illness further add to it. Tracheopulmonary myiasis involves the infestation of foul smelling nasal and oral orifices or neglected wounds like tracheostomal incisions with the parasitic dipteran larvae which may extend up to the trachea, bronchi and lungs leading to serious health complications. Despite the incidence of human tracheopulmonary infestation is rare, the severe medical impediments and heterogeneous worldwide distribution signify the medical importance of this condition. The present manuscript reviews and summarizes the worldwide reported cases of human tracheopulmonary myiasis and the predisposing risk factors for onset of the same, as future reference for parasitologists and medical professionals.
To investigate the associations between clinical, procedural, and radiographic factors and outcomes of steroid hip injections, including long-term and immediate pain reduction, time to arthroplasty, time to reinjection, and the total number of injections.

All intra-articular anesthetic and steroid injections of the hip under fluoroscopic guidance between January 2014 and March 2016 were retrospectively reviewed. Hip radiographs were scored using the Kellgren-Lawrence (KL) and Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) scores. Immediate pain relief and response were evaluated using a change in visual analog scale and OMERACT-OARSI criteria respectively. Long-term pain relief was evaluated at 2‑7months after injection by reviewing the medical records. Correlation between patient characteristics, procedural variations, and radiographic factors with injection outcomes was analyzed by using linear and logistic regression models.

Of 361 injections, 79.8% showed an immediate pain response and 32.7% had subjective long-term pain relief (> 2months). There was no significant correlation between immediate pain relief and response with long-term pain relief and other outcomes. Older age and higher KL score, OARSI-central joint space narrowing (JSN), and inferior acetabular osteophyte were correlated with long-term pain relief (p = 0.01‑0.03). Higher KL and OARSI grades, particularly JSN, were significantly correlated with increased immediate pain relief and total number of injections but decreased time to arthroplasty. Baseline pain positively correlated with immediate pain response (p < 0.001).

Older patients with higher grades of radiographic OA and high baseline pain were good candidates for steroid injections, particularly for those patients awaiting hip arthroplasty.
Older patients with higher grades of radiographic OA and high baseline pain were good candidates for steroid injections, particularly for those patients awaiting hip arthroplasty.The yeast Candida maltosa is a model organism for studying adaptive changes in the structure and function of the cell wall when consuming water-insoluble nutrient sources. The cells of C. maltosa that utilize hydrocarbons contain supramolecular structures, so-called "canals" in the cell wall. Differences in protein profiles of culture liquids and cell wall extracts of C. maltosa grown on glucose and hexadecane were analyzed. Three proteins specific of cells grown on hexadecane were revealed using mass spectrometry glycosyl hydrolase EPD2 in the culture liquid; a protein belonging to the cytochrome C family in the 0.5 mol/L NaCl extract; and PPIA_CANAL protein known as chaperone, in the 0.1% SDS extract. The possible role of these proteins in cell wall structures responsible for adaptation to hexadecane utilization is discussed.
To determine prognostic factors and overall survival (OS) in therapy-related myeloid neoplasm (t-MN) of patients after receiving peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT).

All patients treated from February 1999 until September 2019 at our center who had bone marrow biopsy-proven t-MN after PRRT were included. Patient characteristics, laboratory results, and all tumor-directed therapies before t-MN diagnosis were collected. Cox regression analysis was performed to identify parameters associated with OS. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was used to define cutoff values as well as sensitivity and specificity of the parameters.

Out of 1631 patients treated with PRRT, 30 patients developed t-MN comprising myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) in 23 patients (77%) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in 7 patients (23%). The median OS of t-MN patients was 13months (range 9.1-16.9months) 6months for AML and 15months for the MDS subgroup, respectively. Higher platelet level was a significant prognostic parameter for longer OS (hazard ratio (HR) 0.


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