I CANNOT see YO message's, friend request's, misc cuz Sovren's website has issue's with the text is invisible, whether problem's with the Java software which helps with text wordage & visual animation's. PLEASE know of problem's, I CAN'T see, it's Sovren's website, maybe Java or misc software they got is NOT working right cuz my system is all proper so it ain't on my side - to U all who are trying to message me here on Sovren, in my upper notification's icon - where the bell is, when I go to click on the bell & scroll down, the actual text thereof is invisible & not showing any profile photo - picture of who is messaging me is not showing up neither. So best I can say is either try & message me on another of my social media profile platform's &/or try & message Sovren under their contact link at the bottom of the webpage your looking at & you can as well message: info@isegoria.com - (770) 285-7785.

Sigh huh iight it's THAT Time AGAIN 4 me 2 wrap up my 9-5 & settle in 4 my evening via micro TV dinner-supper-chow, old classic B/W TV shows, Naturescape channel under Animals + Nature category via Pluto TV & ? News & then me 2 bed & repeat tomorrow if God willing, God bless in Jesus & stay safe

& mind U (me just noting-conveying here), I'm NOT - concerned with eternal Heaven (itself), it's past historically tense since been - & is tick tock 'Time' (flies) 2 date right now currently-presently wherever U all connected whole, FAILED idea though created originally in LESS than a day & given embedded internally within all we'd (who R capable adult's) ever need 2 SELF deny Warrior do our non voluntary-non optional job-responsibility 4 why we were even Holy thought & & exist), NECLEUS species-humanity live locally USA-globally that is 'The evil-unholy-immoral Problem' B4 Holy Trinity & Heaven & with NOT having changed past-2 date, allowing weed's of garden amidst (above) = why worse is Coming!

Sigh huh, I got (while I daily work on web-online) local KUSC's classical music FM radio station 2 comfort me externally (outside of my body via ear's) & Holy, retributionary Eye's of Fire, Holy Majesty-King Jesus Christ, eternal Son of Yahweh Jehovah Father God & Heaven (itself) / 3 in 1-1 in 3 Holy Trinity & WITHOUT or NEVER QUESTIONING HIM 2 comfort me internally within; just had 2 share, if U-ANY wanna tune in2 (above's) music day or night, SIGH - https://www.kusc.org/

Welcome to KUSC Los Angeles. Enjoy the beautiful calm and the joyful inspiration of our unique classical music mix and the California spirit of our friendly announcers.


& note TIME of day-night amidst-amongst 8,019,876,189 individual human's give or take (as of 1/2024) of 195 individual countries worldwide USA-globally Earth slowly rotating = 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity itself. & I'm sharing there is USA 2 global public FREE USA-global public access webcams 2 view local USA 2 global public areas ie: cities, local small businesses etc; feel free 2 web keyword search, good luck God bless in Jesus & please B safe out there, smile.