I CANNOT see YO message's, friend request's, misc cuz Sovren's website has issue's with the text is invisible, whether problem's with the Java software which helps with text wordage & visual animation's. PLEASE know of problem's, I CAN'T see, it's Sovren's website, maybe Java or misc software they got is NOT working right cuz my system is all proper so it ain't on my side - to U all who are trying to message me here on Sovren, in my upper notification's icon - where the bell is, when I go to click on the bell & scroll down, the actual text thereof is invisible & not showing any profile photo - picture of who is messaging me is not showing up neither. So best I can say is either try & message me on another of my social media profile platform's &/or try & message Sovren under their contact link at the bottom of the webpage your looking at & you can as well message: info@isegoria.com - (770) 285-7785.

Sigh huh iight it's THAT Time AGAIN 4 me 2 wrap up my 9-5 & settle in 4 my evening via micro TV dinner-supper-chow, old classic B/W TV shows, Naturescape channel under Animals + Nature category via Pluto TV & ? News & then me 2 bed & repeat tomorrow if God willing, God bless in Jesus & stay safe

& I guess with past-2date cause-effect repeats itself with worse Coming if I'm still here amidst U, Yippee Ki‐Yay so B it then, BRING IT of ALL out USA-global murder-suicide-mutiny, annihilation, genocidal, massacre, extermination, Russian roulette cuz ALL ENDS ONLY 1 WAY Coming

Sigh huh U-YAW fellow 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity itself wanna humor up Devil then FINE, U CAN DO IT immediately after YO last NON SELF owned via Luke 9:24 breath out of YO dust ash corpse in2 BURN ALIVE screaming nightmarish horror Hell & join VAST ie: Hitler.

& cuz this OUR 1st longest TEST period B4 1st Coming judgment day despite Devil allowed 2 BRING Holy War 2 we fellow 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity, it's we Devil timelessly laughs it up at, NOT with while spite-ing Simpsons kid Nelson Muntz laugh "Ha ha" at God?!