& like USA government had hand in 9/11/2001 JUST A TEST 2 see how the public civilian masses would react, dead 13 soldiers in Afghanistan (2021), like USA's military agency (s) above & mile's down below ground (ie: Area 51 now in Utah & Dulce base in New Mexico DARPA-HARPA agencies & etc else relatedly had hand in (Covid, misc) vaccines & the lock down's & with THEM (fill in blank's) DIDN'T meet THEIR SELF deemed mark-quota, misc as majority of U all USA-global connected NECLEUS species-humanity R LITERALLY suppose 2 B DEAD ALREADY, THAT was THEIR deemed point-priority BUT as THEY seemed 2 (fail? or not), currently-presently THEY deeming 2 literally BRING it BACK with the 'next episode' as they say, it's gonna B worse like now THEIR deeming 2 handle Donald Trump with WHAT? Assassination? Sigh just saying.