Huh SEE, just ANOTHER example-drop in bucket of humanity NOT leaving well enough ALONE, GONE ROGUE from Holy Trinity & deeming humanity itself knows better than God? WRONG! Like NASA, etc else USA-globally, past 50 Plus years-2 date, working 24/7 swing shift's (ALL human dust & ash corpse TOOLS until literally NOT momentarily needed NO more, above & miles down below ground ie: Area 51 NOW in Utah & Nevada & New Mexico's Dulce 7 miles down base aside from vast & various else USA-globally & Vatican's under streets of Rome for 53 miles in any which way direction (their archives & treasures). THIS ALL LITERALLY ONLY ENDS 1 WAY (Coming) -

Filmmakers rarely give audiences assertive female characters. In this sci-fi movie directed by James Cameron Linda Hamilton holds men responsible for destruc...