
Sorry, no results were found.


Virgin Atlantic is a top option for passengers all over the world because of its outstanding services and customer-focused philosophy. Virgin Atlantic Munich Office Virgin Atlantic Munich office provides a plethora of services and assistance to travelers passing through Munich, Germany. You will find all the information you require about the Virgin Atlantic Munich office in this all-inclusive guide, including its address, hours of operation, contact information, and responses to commonly asked questions. visit us:

Enhance your upcoming journey with Virgin Atlantic Luxembourg Office. Access their extraordinary assistance, flexible booking choices, and unparalleled solace at the office.


International Public Notice: The Election Shuffle
By Anna Von Reitz

We have already explained how an election can be stolen in this country without any traction to prosecute the Perpetrators.

The particular "Presidential Elections" under examination are only public opinion "elections" -- a straw vote attesting to the popularity or unpopularity of the candidate, having no guaranteed effect on the actual election of the Corporation President(s), a matter which is always determined by the Electors of the Electoral College --- who are Proxies of the Shareholders of the United States, Inc., and United States of America, Inc., who are largely Europeans.

While it is immoral and dishonest to mess with the results of a popular opinion poll such as those sponsored by the political parties (lobbies) in this country and which are foisted on the American Public as "Presidential Elections" --- of a kind -- we can find no law against it.

So, all of Donald Trump's accusations and complaints and arguments about the interference in the 2020 Election are probably God's Honest Truth --- but it continues not to matter, because there is no law against stealing a straw poll election and proof that this data manipulation impacted the votes of the Electors (in the actual Electoral College Election) have not been forthcoming.

It is glaringly obvious that Joe Biden spent most of the last campaign in the basement somewhere, didn't really campaign, avoided as much public exposure as possible (probably because his handlers already knew he was having cognitive problems) and was never so wildly popular as the skewed election results pretended.

The Liars made the mistake of overdoing it, like a little kid who starts out with a plausible story, and then embroiders it too much, the (Popular) Election Thieves had Joe Biden "winning" by a completely and wildly implausible margin given Donald Trump's economic record.

Which brings up the perennial question, "Why are you stupid Americans beating on Donald Trump? He created an economic miracle for you!"

As you see, it wasn't Americans who elected Joe Biden. It was largely European shareholders, and European shareholders have other investments --- like investments in China and Germany that compete with their investments here. They don't necessarily want America to be economically, socially, or educationally superior.

The actual Electors wanted Joe Biden in office, knowing that he would damage and reduce America's economic capacity and undo everything that Donald Trump did ----and thereby lessen competition for their other investments.

Just like the so-called Civil War scenario, where Great Britain, Inc., invested heavily in Egyptian cotton, thinking that they could displace American cotton. As competitors in the cotton market, they naturally wanted to undercut American cotton production and increase the labor costs of the American plantation owners for purely commercial reasons.

Abolition of slavery became their rallying cry --- not because they objected to slavery whenever they were the slave owners --- but because it was a politically potent weapon they could use to get a conflict started.

They achieved their actual goal, which was to reduce our cotton production and increase the expense of whatever cotton we did produce --- and hid it behind a smokescreen of public sentiment against the evils of slavery.

Their entirely self-interested and cynical manipulation is revealed by how quickly Parliament amended the Naval Agency and Dispositions Act of 1864 to allow King's Bench operations in this country, and also how quickly they "conferred" enemy citizenship obligations on the innocent former plantation slaves, using their "Territorial" Congress and Southern Democrats to do the dirty work.

The Civil War was about cotton prices, not slavery, but none of the history books commented on that. You have to read the boring, Committee Minutes of the British Parliament in the late 1850's and who is going to be motivated enough to do that?

A moment of silence for our researchers, then and now.

In the same way, the current day Monsters in Tweeds are ginning up all these stories about space aliens and exotic blood-thirsty religious cults as a smokescreen to cover the fact that they were themselves engaged in peddling one of the most infamous drugs in human history --- adrenochrome.

We needn't be surprised. The same characters were the primary perpetrators, developers, pushers, and beneficiaries of the infamous Opium Trade.

The importance and meaning of Gandhi's March to the Sea has been equally obscured; the Brits hoped to make salt a very, very valuable ---indeed, life saving-- commodity throughout the Indian Subcontinent, just as it was in Roman times in Europe.

Here, they simply kill us in the name of protecting us, and charge the survivors for the "service".

It isn't to Britain's advantage to have a strong America, now that they think they have found a source of even cheaper mercenaries and factory labor in China.

All of this rot, all the wars, all the misery, all the lies, come down to Britain and the heirs of the British East India Company and the Dutch East India Company commingling together like a ball of snakes for 300 years.

These are old European evils that our ancestors came here to escape, but as everyone can now see, they piggy-backed along like fleas and infected the New World with the same diabolical and small minded, grasping, dishonest and selfish consumer mentality that afflicted the Old World.

The coercive and destructive lust for political power came along for the ride.

The Electors marching off to cast their votes via the Electoral College are never going to elect Trump, which means that the White Hats, to the extent that they exist, are in a bit of a tizzy. The continuing schism between the US, Inc. and the USA, Inc. may be just for show, but it makes the 2024 Election Shuffle dicey, especially because the Americans finally woke up and realize that it's all just a fraud anyway, top to bottom and front to back.

This isn't a story about the Dems and Fabians stealing the popular election results of the 2020 Election. This is a story about cynical criminals who have misled the American people to think that their votes count, that these private corporate political elections are public elections, and that the "Presidents" of the United States (Incorporated) and the United States of America (Incorporated) are the same as and hold the same presidential offices as their unincorporated American counterparts --- when they don't.

In our opinion, there should be no 2024 elections. It just results in more fraud and more misunderstandings and increasingly dangerous situations.

Both Donald Trump and Ms. Harris should be brought to Philadelphia for a Come-to-Jesus Meeting with the actual American Government; their respective corporations should get back to work within the limitations of their actual contracts; our credit-based financial system should be put in place without delay, and the truth --- the actual truth --- should be told to the American people.

In the midst of all this complete and utter hokum and despite the fine performances of those who are ignorant and those who pretend to be ignorant, discerning Americans have noticed something very peculiar.

While everything in American supermarkets now costs more, it is also coming from vastly different sources---- mostly Continental European sources. We are eating Irish butter and Italian pasta from the Old Countries, cookies from France --- the entire palate of consumer choices has been changed almost overnight, so that we are faced with new brands of nearly everything and American brands are disappearing, too, as if we are obligated now to eat food imported from the European Union and no longer know how to milk our own cows.

Like the change in governmental services administration, the European Union products are flooding the market and cost three or four times more than local products or products imported from South America. This change is being forced on us using subtle and not-so-subtle means --- like the senseless culling of millions of American chickens and destruction of American food canning facilities, slaughterhouses, and grain silos.

We don't need any more lies, any more Hollywood, any more fakery or any more fraud from anyone about anything, and that includes, but is not limited to substituted "presidential" elections and the reasons that European products are suddenly flooding what should be protected national markets.

Remember how the Brits used the moral issue of slavery as the means to undercut our cotton market and create a war-for-profit for themselves? Good. Now remember how they bilked the Chinese factory workers to undercut American workers. Remember how they have undercut American farmers to facilitate their land grabs.

And get angry. Very angry. But, when we say this, we mean --- get angry in a cold and calculating and determined way that does not waiver or get lost in the Land of Oz. No breast-beating. No victimhood. No stalking around talking about guns in the middle of the night.

We have guns. We know how to use them, but so what? We have no intention of fighting another Revolution to win what we have already won, what is legitimately and only ours, and what these false-hearted con artists owe us -- returned unharmed.

Remember that this is not about the causes of war or defending our country, as much as it is about knowing who we are, knowing the American Way of doing things, and doing it.

Let your commitment to fairness and compassion extend to everyone, while we continue to bear down on the actual criminals among us.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
July 24th 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:


DEBET - Trang cá cược bóng đá uy tín online, cá cược thể thao trực tuyến nhà cái uy tín số 1 GERMANY. Tỷ lệ cá cược tốt nhất với những trò chơi thể thao đa dạng.
Website :
Hotline : 0345210849
Địa chỉ : 2187 Đ. Vĩnh Lộc, Vĩnh Lộc B, Bình Chánh, Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam
Email :
Hastag : #debet #debetme



In this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez critiques the bias in Western media coverage, using Jake Tapper’s comments on Hamas as an example. He also covers an anti-war activist’s confrontation with President Biden, the audience’s reaction, and efforts by China and Brazil to broker peace in Ukraine. The show concludes with an interview with Professor Glenn Diesen, who discusses his book on the shifting global order and the end of Western hegemony.


In this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez discusses the escalating tensions between the US, its NATO allies, and Russia, following a controversial decision by the US, Germany, and France to provide Ukraine with missiles capable of striking deep inside Russian territory. Plus, the show highlights Russia’s strategic military maneuvers in Cuba, drawing historical parallels to the Cuban Missile Crisis. The episode concludes with an interview with Professor Francis Anthony Boyle, who links NATO’s actions to the conflict in Ukraine.


On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez discusses recent comments by US President Joe Biden that India, Japan, and other nations are quote “xenophobic.” Correspondent Manila Chan joins Rick to discuss what geopolitical and economic repercussions could result from the president’s most recent comments. Rick and Manila also discuss US senators threatening the International Criminal Court if any nation attempts to prosecute Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for war crimes. The two also discuss Russia’s upcoming Victory Day Parade and strange reactions in Germany, Christian persecution in Gaza, and the odd return of a former US Congressman. Then Rick is joined by Asia-Pacific expert Sourabh Gupta to discuss US-India relations.


Sorry, no results were found.



In this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez critiques the bias in Western media coverage, using Jake Tapper’s comments on Hamas as an example. He also covers an anti-war activist’s confrontation with President Biden, the audience’s reaction, and efforts by China and Brazil to broker peace in Ukraine. The show concludes with an interview with Professor Glenn Diesen, who discusses his book on the shifting global order and the end of Western hegemony.


In this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez discusses the escalating tensions between the US, its NATO allies, and Russia, following a controversial decision by the US, Germany, and France to provide Ukraine with missiles capable of striking deep inside Russian territory. Plus, the show highlights Russia’s strategic military maneuvers in Cuba, drawing historical parallels to the Cuban Missile Crisis. The episode concludes with an interview with Professor Francis Anthony Boyle, who links NATO’s actions to the conflict in Ukraine.


On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez discusses recent comments by US President Joe Biden that India, Japan, and other nations are quote “xenophobic.” Correspondent Manila Chan joins Rick to discuss what geopolitical and economic repercussions could result from the president’s most recent comments. Rick and Manila also discuss US senators threatening the International Criminal Court if any nation attempts to prosecute Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for war crimes. The two also discuss Russia’s upcoming Victory Day Parade and strange reactions in Germany, Christian persecution in Gaza, and the odd return of a former US Congressman. Then Rick is joined by Asia-Pacific expert Sourabh Gupta to discuss US-India relations.

Farmers block roads across Germany to protest against subsidy cuts.
In Berlin, dozens of tractors blast their horns and block the main avenue leading to the Brandenburg Gate. Farmers have blocked roads with tractors across Germany, kicking off a week of protests against plans to phase out agricultural subsidies that ministers have warned could be co-opted by the far right.

Watch all 50 minutes of this here:


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Twitter: @Chris_martenson

“Autopsy is not only a service to the doctors who were responsible for the patient, but it is a public service for our health system.” - Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt
Many cases of sudden death and severe disease are being reported since the rollout of the COVID-19 gene-based vaccines. Early on, several doctors and scientists warned that the COVID vaccines would lead to several complications including autoimmune disease, blood clots, strokes, and more. Additionally, The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS, data showed a strong correlation between the vaccines and adverse events. But how does one determine in an individual case that the vaccine was the cause of death or the adverse event? It is through pathology.
An early pioneer of pathological investigations into vaccine adverse events was Prof. Arne Burkhardt — a senior, highly accomplished pathologist from Germany. Prof. Burkhardt came out of retirement in 2021 to examine the autopsy and biopsy materials of vaccinated patients. The work of Prof. Burkhardt not only provided strong evidence of vaccine causation, it substantiated the professional medical hypotheses of doctors and scientists around the world.
Journalist Taylor Hudak interviewed Prof. Burkhardt in his laboratory in Reutlingen, Germany, shortly before his death in May 2023. Prof. Burkhardt explains several of his findings in detail as well as which testing mechanisms he uses. Additionally, he shares his perspectives on the public health industry and academic and medical science as well as what motivates him to do this work.
All Video Source Links Can Be Found Here At The Last American Vagabond:

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Virgin Atlantic is a top option for passengers all over the world because of its outstanding services and customer-focused philosophy. Virgin Atlantic Munich Office Virgin Atlantic Munich office provides a plethora of services and assistance to travelers passing through Munich, Germany. You will find all the information you require about the Virgin Atlantic Munich office in this all-inclusive guide, including its address, hours of operation, contact information, and responses to commonly asked questions. visit us:

Enhance your upcoming journey with Virgin Atlantic Luxembourg Office. Access their extraordinary assistance, flexible booking choices, and unparalleled solace at the office.


International Public Notice: The Election Shuffle
By Anna Von Reitz

We have already explained how an election can be stolen in this country without any traction to prosecute the Perpetrators.

The particular "Presidential Elections" under examination are only public opinion "elections" -- a straw vote attesting to the popularity or unpopularity of the candidate, having no guaranteed effect on the actual election of the Corporation President(s), a matter which is always determined by the Electors of the Electoral College --- who are Proxies of the Shareholders of the United States, Inc., and United States of America, Inc., who are largely Europeans.

While it is immoral and dishonest to mess with the results of a popular opinion poll such as those sponsored by the political parties (lobbies) in this country and which are foisted on the American Public as "Presidential Elections" --- of a kind -- we can find no law against it.

So, all of Donald Trump's accusations and complaints and arguments about the interference in the 2020 Election are probably God's Honest Truth --- but it continues not to matter, because there is no law against stealing a straw poll election and proof that this data manipulation impacted the votes of the Electors (in the actual Electoral College Election) have not been forthcoming.

It is glaringly obvious that Joe Biden spent most of the last campaign in the basement somewhere, didn't really campaign, avoided as much public exposure as possible (probably because his handlers already knew he was having cognitive problems) and was never so wildly popular as the skewed election results pretended.

The Liars made the mistake of overdoing it, like a little kid who starts out with a plausible story, and then embroiders it too much, the (Popular) Election Thieves had Joe Biden "winning" by a completely and wildly implausible margin given Donald Trump's economic record.

Which brings up the perennial question, "Why are you stupid Americans beating on Donald Trump? He created an economic miracle for you!"

As you see, it wasn't Americans who elected Joe Biden. It was largely European shareholders, and European shareholders have other investments --- like investments in China and Germany that compete with their investments here. They don't necessarily want America to be economically, socially, or educationally superior.

The actual Electors wanted Joe Biden in office, knowing that he would damage and reduce America's economic capacity and undo everything that Donald Trump did ----and thereby lessen competition for their other investments.

Just like the so-called Civil War scenario, where Great Britain, Inc., invested heavily in Egyptian cotton, thinking that they could displace American cotton. As competitors in the cotton market, they naturally wanted to undercut American cotton production and increase the labor costs of the American plantation owners for purely commercial reasons.

Abolition of slavery became their rallying cry --- not because they objected to slavery whenever they were the slave owners --- but because it was a politically potent weapon they could use to get a conflict started.

They achieved their actual goal, which was to reduce our cotton production and increase the expense of whatever cotton we did produce --- and hid it behind a smokescreen of public sentiment against the evils of slavery.

Their entirely self-interested and cynical manipulation is revealed by how quickly Parliament amended the Naval Agency and Dispositions Act of 1864 to allow King's Bench operations in this country, and also how quickly they "conferred" enemy citizenship obligations on the innocent former plantation slaves, using their "Territorial" Congress and Southern Democrats to do the dirty work.

The Civil War was about cotton prices, not slavery, but none of the history books commented on that. You have to read the boring, Committee Minutes of the British Parliament in the late 1850's and who is going to be motivated enough to do that?

A moment of silence for our researchers, then and now.

In the same way, the current day Monsters in Tweeds are ginning up all these stories about space aliens and exotic blood-thirsty religious cults as a smokescreen to cover the fact that they were themselves engaged in peddling one of the most infamous drugs in human history --- adrenochrome.

We needn't be surprised. The same characters were the primary perpetrators, developers, pushers, and beneficiaries of the infamous Opium Trade.

The importance and meaning of Gandhi's March to the Sea has been equally obscured; the Brits hoped to make salt a very, very valuable ---indeed, life saving-- commodity throughout the Indian Subcontinent, just as it was in Roman times in Europe.

Here, they simply kill us in the name of protecting us, and charge the survivors for the "service".

It isn't to Britain's advantage to have a strong America, now that they think they have found a source of even cheaper mercenaries and factory labor in China.

All of this rot, all the wars, all the misery, all the lies, come down to Britain and the heirs of the British East India Company and the Dutch East India Company commingling together like a ball of snakes for 300 years.

These are old European evils that our ancestors came here to escape, but as everyone can now see, they piggy-backed along like fleas and infected the New World with the same diabolical and small minded, grasping, dishonest and selfish consumer mentality that afflicted the Old World.

The coercive and destructive lust for political power came along for the ride.

The Electors marching off to cast their votes via the Electoral College are never going to elect Trump, which means that the White Hats, to the extent that they exist, are in a bit of a tizzy. The continuing schism between the US, Inc. and the USA, Inc. may be just for show, but it makes the 2024 Election Shuffle dicey, especially because the Americans finally woke up and realize that it's all just a fraud anyway, top to bottom and front to back.

This isn't a story about the Dems and Fabians stealing the popular election results of the 2020 Election. This is a story about cynical criminals who have misled the American people to think that their votes count, that these private corporate political elections are public elections, and that the "Presidents" of the United States (Incorporated) and the United States of America (Incorporated) are the same as and hold the same presidential offices as their unincorporated American counterparts --- when they don't.

In our opinion, there should be no 2024 elections. It just results in more fraud and more misunderstandings and increasingly dangerous situations.

Both Donald Trump and Ms. Harris should be brought to Philadelphia for a Come-to-Jesus Meeting with the actual American Government; their respective corporations should get back to work within the limitations of their actual contracts; our credit-based financial system should be put in place without delay, and the truth --- the actual truth --- should be told to the American people.

In the midst of all this complete and utter hokum and despite the fine performances of those who are ignorant and those who pretend to be ignorant, discerning Americans have noticed something very peculiar.

While everything in American supermarkets now costs more, it is also coming from vastly different sources---- mostly Continental European sources. We are eating Irish butter and Italian pasta from the Old Countries, cookies from France --- the entire palate of consumer choices has been changed almost overnight, so that we are faced with new brands of nearly everything and American brands are disappearing, too, as if we are obligated now to eat food imported from the European Union and no longer know how to milk our own cows.

Like the change in governmental services administration, the European Union products are flooding the market and cost three or four times more than local products or products imported from South America. This change is being forced on us using subtle and not-so-subtle means --- like the senseless culling of millions of American chickens and destruction of American food canning facilities, slaughterhouses, and grain silos.

We don't need any more lies, any more Hollywood, any more fakery or any more fraud from anyone about anything, and that includes, but is not limited to substituted "presidential" elections and the reasons that European products are suddenly flooding what should be protected national markets.

Remember how the Brits used the moral issue of slavery as the means to undercut our cotton market and create a war-for-profit for themselves? Good. Now remember how they bilked the Chinese factory workers to undercut American workers. Remember how they have undercut American farmers to facilitate their land grabs.

And get angry. Very angry. But, when we say this, we mean --- get angry in a cold and calculating and determined way that does not waiver or get lost in the Land of Oz. No breast-beating. No victimhood. No stalking around talking about guns in the middle of the night.

We have guns. We know how to use them, but so what? We have no intention of fighting another Revolution to win what we have already won, what is legitimately and only ours, and what these false-hearted con artists owe us -- returned unharmed.

Remember that this is not about the causes of war or defending our country, as much as it is about knowing who we are, knowing the American Way of doing things, and doing it.

Let your commitment to fairness and compassion extend to everyone, while we continue to bear down on the actual criminals among us.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
July 24th 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:


DEBET - Trang cá cược bóng đá uy tín online, cá cược thể thao trực tuyến nhà cái uy tín số 1 GERMANY. Tỷ lệ cá cược tốt nhất với những trò chơi thể thao đa dạng.
Website :
Hotline : 0345210849
Địa chỉ : 2187 Đ. Vĩnh Lộc, Vĩnh Lộc B, Bình Chánh, Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam
Email :
Hastag : #debet #debetme


Moscow warns of retaliation over U.S. missile deployment in Germany

Moscow has officially warned that it will leave all options on the table in response to the planned deployment of U.S. nuclear-capable Tomahawk and hypersonic missiles in Germany. Former DoD analyst Karen Kwiatkowski explains why Washington’s decision is so dangerous and why the Biden administration is proceeding anyway. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told […]


Moscow warns of retaliation over U.S. missile deployment in Germany

Moscow has officially warned that it will leave all options on the table in response to the planned deployment of U.S. nuclear-capable Tomahawk and hypersonic missiles in Germany. Former DoD analyst Karen Kwiatkowski explains why Washington’s decision is so dangerous and why the Biden administration is proceeding anyway. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told […]