
Sorry, no results were found.



Previously, two species of Zygentoma have been reported as synanthropic in Estonia (
Linnaeus, 1758 and
(Packard, 1873)).
Escherich, 1905 is an invasive species that is currently expanding its range in Europe, but had no published records from the northern Baltic Region.

was first found in Estonia in 2018. It has currently several established populations in public buildings in Tartu and Tallinn, but has not been found in private households, nor in other places in Estonia. A brief overview of its invasion history in northern Europe is given.
Ctenolepisma longicaudatum was first found in Estonia in 2018. It has currently several established populations in public buildings in Tartu and Tallinn, but has not been found in private households, nor in other places in Estonia. A brief overview of its invasion history in northern Europe is given.
Warren, 1894 (Lepidoptera Geometridae Ennominae Boarmiini) is a New World moth genus mainly diversified in the Neotropical Region. It is represented in Chile by two described species, both from the Atacama Desert.

sp. n. (Lepidoptera Geometridae Ennominae Boarmiini) is described and illustrated from the western slopes of the Andes of northern Chile. Its larvae were found feeding on leaves of the Chilean endemic shrub Dalea pennellii (J.F. Macbr.) J.F. Macbr. var. chilensis Barneby (Fabaceae). Morphological differences of
sp. n. with the two species of the genus previously known from Chile are discussed. A DNA barcode fragment of
sp. n. showed 93.7-94.3% similarity with the Nearctic
(Barnes & McDunnough, 1917). However, the morphology of the genitalia suggests that these two species are distantly related. The discovery of
sp. n. highlights the need for additional surveys in underexplored areas to understand better the taxonomic diversity and evolutionary relationships of the mainly Neotropical moth genus
Iridopsis socoromaensis sp. n. (Lepidoptera Geometridae Ennominae Boarmiini) is described and illustrated from the western slopes of the Andes of northern Chile. Its larvae were found feeding on leaves of the Chilean endemic shrub Dalea pennellii (J.F. Macbr.) J.F. Macbr. var. chilensis Barneby (Fabaceae). Morphological differences of I. socoromaensis sp. n. with the two species of the genus previously known from Chile are discussed. A DNA barcode fragment of I. socoromaensis sp. n. showed 93.7-94.3% similarity with the Nearctic I. sanctissima (Barnes & McDunnough, 1917). However, the morphology of the genitalia suggests that these two species are distantly related. The discovery of I. socoromaensis sp. n. highlights the need for additional surveys in underexplored areas to understand better the taxonomic diversity and evolutionary relationships of the mainly Neotropical moth genus Iridopsis.DNA barcoding has rapidly become a useful complementary tool in floristic investigations particularly for identifying specimens that lack diagnostic characters. Here, we assess the capability of three DNA barcode markers (chloroplast rpoB, accD and nuclear ITS) for correct species assignment in a floristic survey on the Caucasus. We focused on two herbal groups with potential for ornamental applications, namely orchids and asterids. On these two plant groups, we tested whether our selection of barcode markers allows identification of the "barcoding gap" in sequence identity and to distinguish between monophyletic species when employing distance-based methods. All markers successfully amplified most specimens, but we found that the rate of species-level resolution amongst selected markers largely varied in the two plant groups. Overall, for both lineages, plastid markers had a species-level assignment success rate lower than the nuclear ITS marker. The latter confirmed, in orchids, both the existence of a barcoding gap and that all accessions of the same species clustered together in monophyletic groups. Further, it also allowed the detection of a phylogeographic signal.The ITS marker resulted in its being the best performing barcode for asterids; however, none of the three tested markers showed high discriminatory ability. Even if ITS were revealed as the most promising plant barcode marker, we argue that the ability of this barcode for species assignment is strongly dependent on the evolutionary history of the investigated plant lineage.
We investigated the diversity and behaviour of insects that visit flowers of four native
(Family Melastomataceae) species of Taiwan and a horticultural hybrid
species at the Fushan Botanical Garden, Taiwan biweekly from May to August 2020. Visits of flower-visiting insects were classified into seven behavioural categories, based on the insects' behaviour and positions on the flower. The data are further assigned into four insect-flower interactions, namely pollination, herbivory, commensalism and neutralism. Our goal is to provide baseline data of insect-plant interactions of
, which is a common, but understudied plant genus in the country.

A total of 1,289 visits to flowers were recorded by at least 63 insect morphospecies belonging to seven orders. The number of insect species recorded per
species ranged from 9 to 39. Visiting, sonication and passing were the three most frequently recorded types of behaviour, collectively accounting for 90.2% (n = 1,240) of the total observations. Pollinationherbivory (6.3%) and commensalism (3.5%). Sweat bees of the genera Lasioglossum and Maculonomia (Hymenoptera Halictidae) are considered key pollinators to Melastoma species in Fushan Botanical Garden, based on their high number of visits and sonication behaviour. Our study provides the first list of insects that visit the flowers of all Taiwan's known Melastoma species and description of their interactions with the plants.The first taxonomic descriptions of the sponge diversity at El Pelado Marine Protected Area in the province of Santa Elena, Ecuador is reported. Tedania (Tedania) ecuadoriensis Jaramillo & Hajdu, sp. nov. is described from its shallow waters. In addition, Callyspongia (Callyspongia) aff. californica (sensuCruz-Barraza and Carballo 2008; nonsensuDickinson 1945) and Cliona aff. euryphylle are reported for the first time. The former species is likely distributed over 4,000 km along the Tropical Eastern Pacific, whereas the latter might be an example of a trans-isthmian lineage. An amended diagnosis for Callyspongia (Callyspongia) and an updated identification key for the subgenera of Callyspongia are provided.


[This corrects the article DOI 10.1155/2020/6490710.].The objective of this article is a comprehensive analysis and study of normative and legal acts regulating the reform of financing the health care system, the introduction of the programs of state guarantees for medical care of the population and determining the perspectives for implementing the programs of state guarantees for medical care of the population in Ukraine. The authors of the study have used theoretical (analysis, generalization, systematization, etc.) and empirical (observation, classification, comparison, etc.) methods.; The conducted analysis of international experience has established that countries such as Bulgaria, Georgia, Estonia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Croatia and others had already gone through the process of introducing guarantees in the health care sector. It has been concluded that the main features of the term of "guaranteed package" should include a clear definition of the rights to receive medical services; financing from the budget; consideration of the priority of various types of medical services.; The programs of medical guarantees of Ukraine during 2018-2020 have been analyzed. Specific features of their implementation have been determined; the tariff rates and correction factors have been analyzed. The main tariff rates for financing medical services have been distinguished capitation rate; rate for the treated case or payment for diagnostically related groups; the rate on a medical service, where a separate service is the chargeable unit; global rate; rate on the results of the implementation of medical service contracts.The aim of the article is a comprehensive analysis of the possibility of realizing the human right to health protection based on the practice of the European Court of Human Rights.; To achieve this goal, general scientific and special methods of cognition were used, chosen taking into account the purpose of the work. The epistemological method was used to study the general prerequisites, means and patterns of development of mechanisms for protecting the human right to health protection, including in the ECHR. The dialectical method - when searching for the right approaches to solving theoretical and legal problems that arise in the legal regulation of the human right to health protection. Using the method of legal analysis, the scope of medical human rights is determined. The statistical method was used to study the dynamics in the processes associated with the realization of the human right to health at the ECHR. #link# made it possible to compare the norms of the national legislation o the work of healthcare systems for the better. It has been determined that the main task of the ECHR and international organizations in resolving issues related to the protection of the human right to health care is the observance by the participating states of the Convention in this area.The article deals with issues related to the use of specialist medical knowledge by a specialist in the investigation of illegal medical activities. The procedural status of a specialist in criminal procedural legislation of Georgia, Ukraine and certain EU countries has been carried out. The analysis of forms and directions of the use of special knowledge in the course of interaction with the investigator, allows to establish a special value for the process of proving the involvement of a specialist in the field of medicine to conduct procedural actions. It was found that by means of special medical knowledge in the course of the investigation there will be more chances to establish the circumstances to be proven, to properly record the evidence and to increase the effectiveness of the procedural action. Based on the consultations with a medical specialist, in the course of organizational and technical cooperation with the investigator, it will help to identify all circumstances that will influence the qualifactivities has been established.The article explores the issue of the human right to health as a fundamental one in a democratic society, international norms and standards, international obligations of Ukraine, as well as the financial activities of public authorities in the context of radical reform of the health care system in Ukraine. It is being focused onto the WHO's "Health for All" policy, as well as "Health 2020", which became the basis for a new European Health Strategy, the nationwide Health 2020 Ukrainian Dimension. It is emphasized that the financing function of the WHO and other international organizations is considered to be the key function of the health system. The purpose of this article is of this article is to identify the peculiarities of the financial activities of public authorities in the context of a thorough reform of the healthcare system in Ukraine and to evaluate the compliance of national legislation with international norms and standards. The methodological basis of the conducted research is the general methodsre the elimination of systemic deficiencies and the cessation of breaches within international treaties caused by these deficiencies. Attention is drawn to the relation between the concepts of "public finances" and "public financial activities". The peculiarities of the legal organization of financial activity of the state and bodies of local self-government, the content of financial activity in the sphere of healthcare are revealed. The role of the state and local self-government bodies in financial activity as subjects of financial function is revealed. The principles, methods, forms of financial activity are described. It is emphasized that the new model of financing healthcare in Ukraine is based on the following principles financial protection; universality of coverage and equity of access to care; transparency and accountability; efficiency; free choice; competition among suppliers; predictability of the volume of funds for medical services in the state budget; subsidiarity.The purpose of this study is to determine the legal regime of donor organs in private International law. Research material - legal regulation of donor organs in private international law, as well as international judicial practice, scientific views and ideas about the subject of research.; Based on the scientific analysis, the authors draw the following conclusions. In particular, the conclusion that the organ removed from a living donor, as well as the body of a deceased person, have a dual nature. They belong to material objects that are capable of carrying both property and non-property worth. If an organ taken from a living donor or the body of a deceased person is considered property, then they acquire the regime of things restricted in civil circulation. At the same time, it is concluded that the property component of such boons does not prevent them from simultaneously acting as and objects of non-property legal relations. In addition, the paper separately pays attention to the in vitro embryo, which has the potential ability to be transplanted into the human body.


The proportion of radically operated patients with ≥12 lymph nodes examined pathologically increased from 2% to 58% in colon cancer and from 2% to 50% in rectal cancer. The use of neoadjuvant radiotherapy increased from 6% to 39% among stage II and from 20% to 50% among patients with stage III rectal cancer. The use of adjuvant chemotherapy in stage III colon cancer increased from 42% to 63%. The 5-year RSR increased from 50% to 58% in colon cancer and from 37% to 64% in patients with rectal cancer.

Major improvements were seen in the diagnostics, staging and treatment of CRC in Estonia contributing to better outcomes. Increase in emergency surgeries highlights possible shortcomings in timely diagnosis and treatment.
Major improvements were seen in the diagnostics, staging and treatment of CRC in Estonia contributing to better outcomes. Increase in emergency surgeries highlights possible shortcomings in timely diagnosis and treatment.
Contingency management (CM) is a treatment for substance misuse that involves the provision of incentives. This review examines the hypothesis that adding another formal psychotherapy, such as cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) or motivational enhancement therapy (MET), to CM improves substance use outcomes at both treatment end and at post-treatment follow-up compared with CM only.

Searches were performed in December 2017 and July 2019 of seven electronic bibliographic databases (MEDLINE, PsycINFO, EMBASE, Scopus, Web of Science, CINAHL, PsycEXTRA), as well as online trial registries and EThoS, and were followed by reference list screening.

Included studies were randomised controlled trials of adults (18-65) who were using illicit substances, alcohol or tobacco. Studies featured an experimental arm delivering CM combined with a structured evidence-based psychotherapeutic intervention and a CM-only arm. Studies published up to July 2019 were included.

The primary outcome was biometrically verified poat combining CM with another intervention improves the short-term or long-term effects of CM treatment.
To evaluate the impact of new National Drug Pricing Policy (NDPP) 2018 on access to medicines in terms of prices, availability and affordability.

Two cross-sectional surveys were undertaken before and after the launch of NDPP 2018, using a modified WHO/Health Action International (WHO/HAI) methodology.

Four districts of Lahore division, Pakistan.

16 public sector hospitals and 16 private sector retail pharmacies.

The pre and post survey data on prices and availability of lowest price generics (LPGs) and originator brands (OBs) of 50 medicines were obtained by visiting the same public and private sector health facilities (n=32). Out of 50, 46 surveyed medicines were from the National Essential Medicines List. Inflation-adjusted median unit prices (MUPs) and median price ratios (MPRs) from 2019 were used for price comparison. Affordability was calculated in terms of number of days' wages required to get a standard treatment by the lowest paid unskilled government worker.

The overall mean percent avasential medicines.
The availability of medicines slightly improved, except in the case of LPGs, which was reduced in the public sector. The implementation of NDPP 2018 led to increase in drug prices, making the standard treatment for some of the most prevalent ailments unaffordable. So verily, the drug pricing policy must be reviewed to ensure access to essential medicines.
To describe the characteristics of hospitalized children with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in New York City metropolitan area.

This was a multicenter, retrospective cohort study at 4 hospitals comprising 82 hospitalized children (0-21 years) who tested positive for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 after symptoms and risk screening between March 1 and May 10, 2020. We subdivided patients on the basis of their admission to acute or critical care units and by age groups. Further subanalyses were performed between patients requiring respiratory support or no respiratory support.

Twenty-three (28%) patients required critical care. Twenty-nine (35%) patients requiring respiratory support, with 9% needing mechanical ventilation, and 1 required extracorporeal support. All patients survived to discharge. Children with any comorbidity were more likely to require critical care (70% vs 37%,
= .008), with obesity as the most common risk factor for critical care (63% vs 28%,
= .02). Children with asthma were more likely to receive respiratory support (28% vs 8%,
= .02), with no difference in need for critical care (
= .26). Children admitted to critical care had higher rates of renal dysfunction at presentation (43% vs 10%,
= .002).

Children with comorbidities (obesity and asthma in particular) were at increased risk for critical care admission and/or need for respiratory support. Children with renal dysfunction at presentation were more likely to require critical care.
Children with comorbidities (obesity and asthma in particular) were at increased risk for critical care admission and/or need for respiratory support. Children with renal dysfunction at presentation were more likely to require critical care.Paediatric traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a non-degenerative, acquired brain insult. Following a blow or penetrating trauma to the head, normal brain function is disrupted. If it occurs during the early stages of development, deficits may not immediately become apparent but unfold and evolve over time. We address the difficulties that arise when treating a child with severe TBI.Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is fraught with controversy. Some clinicians believe it is a biological neurodevelopmental disorder which should be treated with medication. Others are adamant that ADHD is a social construct in which children, who have suffered developmental trauma, are medicalised. Evolutionary science may help us find a solution to this dichotomy by seeing ADHD as an example of an evolutionary mismatch in which children with ADHD are caught in a school environment that does not suit their natures. By considering how to improve the 'goodness of fit' between the child and their environment, clinicians can be more flexible in finding solutions that are ethically sound.


Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.



Previously, two species of Zygentoma have been reported as synanthropic in Estonia (
Linnaeus, 1758 and
(Packard, 1873)).
Escherich, 1905 is an invasive species that is currently expanding its range in Europe, but had no published records from the northern Baltic Region.

was first found in Estonia in 2018. It has currently several established populations in public buildings in Tartu and Tallinn, but has not been found in private households, nor in other places in Estonia. A brief overview of its invasion history in northern Europe is given.
Ctenolepisma longicaudatum was first found in Estonia in 2018. It has currently several established populations in public buildings in Tartu and Tallinn, but has not been found in private households, nor in other places in Estonia. A brief overview of its invasion history in northern Europe is given.
Warren, 1894 (Lepidoptera Geometridae Ennominae Boarmiini) is a New World moth genus mainly diversified in the Neotropical Region. It is represented in Chile by two described species, both from the Atacama Desert.

sp. n. (Lepidoptera Geometridae Ennominae Boarmiini) is described and illustrated from the western slopes of the Andes of northern Chile. Its larvae were found feeding on leaves of the Chilean endemic shrub Dalea pennellii (J.F. Macbr.) J.F. Macbr. var. chilensis Barneby (Fabaceae). Morphological differences of
sp. n. with the two species of the genus previously known from Chile are discussed. A DNA barcode fragment of
sp. n. showed 93.7-94.3% similarity with the Nearctic
(Barnes & McDunnough, 1917). However, the morphology of the genitalia suggests that these two species are distantly related. The discovery of
sp. n. highlights the need for additional surveys in underexplored areas to understand better the taxonomic diversity and evolutionary relationships of the mainly Neotropical moth genus
Iridopsis socoromaensis sp. n. (Lepidoptera Geometridae Ennominae Boarmiini) is described and illustrated from the western slopes of the Andes of northern Chile. Its larvae were found feeding on leaves of the Chilean endemic shrub Dalea pennellii (J.F. Macbr.) J.F. Macbr. var. chilensis Barneby (Fabaceae). Morphological differences of I. socoromaensis sp. n. with the two species of the genus previously known from Chile are discussed. A DNA barcode fragment of I. socoromaensis sp. n. showed 93.7-94.3% similarity with the Nearctic I. sanctissima (Barnes & McDunnough, 1917). However, the morphology of the genitalia suggests that these two species are distantly related. The discovery of I. socoromaensis sp. n. highlights the need for additional surveys in underexplored areas to understand better the taxonomic diversity and evolutionary relationships of the mainly Neotropical moth genus Iridopsis.DNA barcoding has rapidly become a useful complementary tool in floristic investigations particularly for identifying specimens that lack diagnostic characters. Here, we assess the capability of three DNA barcode markers (chloroplast rpoB, accD and nuclear ITS) for correct species assignment in a floristic survey on the Caucasus. We focused on two herbal groups with potential for ornamental applications, namely orchids and asterids. On these two plant groups, we tested whether our selection of barcode markers allows identification of the "barcoding gap" in sequence identity and to distinguish between monophyletic species when employing distance-based methods. All markers successfully amplified most specimens, but we found that the rate of species-level resolution amongst selected markers largely varied in the two plant groups. Overall, for both lineages, plastid markers had a species-level assignment success rate lower than the nuclear ITS marker. The latter confirmed, in orchids, both the existence of a barcoding gap and that all accessions of the same species clustered together in monophyletic groups. Further, it also allowed the detection of a phylogeographic signal.The ITS marker resulted in its being the best performing barcode for asterids; however, none of the three tested markers showed high discriminatory ability. Even if ITS were revealed as the most promising plant barcode marker, we argue that the ability of this barcode for species assignment is strongly dependent on the evolutionary history of the investigated plant lineage.
We investigated the diversity and behaviour of insects that visit flowers of four native
(Family Melastomataceae) species of Taiwan and a horticultural hybrid
species at the Fushan Botanical Garden, Taiwan biweekly from May to August 2020. Visits of flower-visiting insects were classified into seven behavioural categories, based on the insects' behaviour and positions on the flower. The data are further assigned into four insect-flower interactions, namely pollination, herbivory, commensalism and neutralism. Our goal is to provide baseline data of insect-plant interactions of
, which is a common, but understudied plant genus in the country.

A total of 1,289 visits to flowers were recorded by at least 63 insect morphospecies belonging to seven orders. The number of insect species recorded per
species ranged from 9 to 39. Visiting, sonication and passing were the three most frequently recorded types of behaviour, collectively accounting for 90.2% (n = 1,240) of the total observations. Pollinationherbivory (6.3%) and commensalism (3.5%). Sweat bees of the genera Lasioglossum and Maculonomia (Hymenoptera Halictidae) are considered key pollinators to Melastoma species in Fushan Botanical Garden, based on their high number of visits and sonication behaviour. Our study provides the first list of insects that visit the flowers of all Taiwan's known Melastoma species and description of their interactions with the plants.The first taxonomic descriptions of the sponge diversity at El Pelado Marine Protected Area in the province of Santa Elena, Ecuador is reported. Tedania (Tedania) ecuadoriensis Jaramillo & Hajdu, sp. nov. is described from its shallow waters. In addition, Callyspongia (Callyspongia) aff. californica (sensuCruz-Barraza and Carballo 2008; nonsensuDickinson 1945) and Cliona aff. euryphylle are reported for the first time. The former species is likely distributed over 4,000 km along the Tropical Eastern Pacific, whereas the latter might be an example of a trans-isthmian lineage. An amended diagnosis for Callyspongia (Callyspongia) and an updated identification key for the subgenera of Callyspongia are provided.


[This corrects the article DOI 10.1155/2020/6490710.].The objective of this article is a comprehensive analysis and study of normative and legal acts regulating the reform of financing the health care system, the introduction of the programs of state guarantees for medical care of the population and determining the perspectives for implementing the programs of state guarantees for medical care of the population in Ukraine. The authors of the study have used theoretical (analysis, generalization, systematization, etc.) and empirical (observation, classification, comparison, etc.) methods.; The conducted analysis of international experience has established that countries such as Bulgaria, Georgia, Estonia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Croatia and others had already gone through the process of introducing guarantees in the health care sector. It has been concluded that the main features of the term of "guaranteed package" should include a clear definition of the rights to receive medical services; financing from the budget; consideration of the priority of various types of medical services.; The programs of medical guarantees of Ukraine during 2018-2020 have been analyzed. Specific features of their implementation have been determined; the tariff rates and correction factors have been analyzed. The main tariff rates for financing medical services have been distinguished capitation rate; rate for the treated case or payment for diagnostically related groups; the rate on a medical service, where a separate service is the chargeable unit; global rate; rate on the results of the implementation of medical service contracts.The aim of the article is a comprehensive analysis of the possibility of realizing the human right to health protection based on the practice of the European Court of Human Rights.; To achieve this goal, general scientific and special methods of cognition were used, chosen taking into account the purpose of the work. The epistemological method was used to study the general prerequisites, means and patterns of development of mechanisms for protecting the human right to health protection, including in the ECHR. The dialectical method - when searching for the right approaches to solving theoretical and legal problems that arise in the legal regulation of the human right to health protection. Using the method of legal analysis, the scope of medical human rights is determined. The statistical method was used to study the dynamics in the processes associated with the realization of the human right to health at the ECHR. #link# made it possible to compare the norms of the national legislation o the work of healthcare systems for the better. It has been determined that the main task of the ECHR and international organizations in resolving issues related to the protection of the human right to health care is the observance by the participating states of the Convention in this area.The article deals with issues related to the use of specialist medical knowledge by a specialist in the investigation of illegal medical activities. The procedural status of a specialist in criminal procedural legislation of Georgia, Ukraine and certain EU countries has been carried out. The analysis of forms and directions of the use of special knowledge in the course of interaction with the investigator, allows to establish a special value for the process of proving the involvement of a specialist in the field of medicine to conduct procedural actions. It was found that by means of special medical knowledge in the course of the investigation there will be more chances to establish the circumstances to be proven, to properly record the evidence and to increase the effectiveness of the procedural action. Based on the consultations with a medical specialist, in the course of organizational and technical cooperation with the investigator, it will help to identify all circumstances that will influence the qualifactivities has been established.The article explores the issue of the human right to health as a fundamental one in a democratic society, international norms and standards, international obligations of Ukraine, as well as the financial activities of public authorities in the context of radical reform of the health care system in Ukraine. It is being focused onto the WHO's "Health for All" policy, as well as "Health 2020", which became the basis for a new European Health Strategy, the nationwide Health 2020 Ukrainian Dimension. It is emphasized that the financing function of the WHO and other international organizations is considered to be the key function of the health system. The purpose of this article is of this article is to identify the peculiarities of the financial activities of public authorities in the context of a thorough reform of the healthcare system in Ukraine and to evaluate the compliance of national legislation with international norms and standards. The methodological basis of the conducted research is the general methodsre the elimination of systemic deficiencies and the cessation of breaches within international treaties caused by these deficiencies. Attention is drawn to the relation between the concepts of "public finances" and "public financial activities". The peculiarities of the legal organization of financial activity of the state and bodies of local self-government, the content of financial activity in the sphere of healthcare are revealed. The role of the state and local self-government bodies in financial activity as subjects of financial function is revealed. The principles, methods, forms of financial activity are described. It is emphasized that the new model of financing healthcare in Ukraine is based on the following principles financial protection; universality of coverage and equity of access to care; transparency and accountability; efficiency; free choice; competition among suppliers; predictability of the volume of funds for medical services in the state budget; subsidiarity.The purpose of this study is to determine the legal regime of donor organs in private International law. Research material - legal regulation of donor organs in private international law, as well as international judicial practice, scientific views and ideas about the subject of research.; Based on the scientific analysis, the authors draw the following conclusions. In particular, the conclusion that the organ removed from a living donor, as well as the body of a deceased person, have a dual nature. They belong to material objects that are capable of carrying both property and non-property worth. If an organ taken from a living donor or the body of a deceased person is considered property, then they acquire the regime of things restricted in civil circulation. At the same time, it is concluded that the property component of such boons does not prevent them from simultaneously acting as and objects of non-property legal relations. In addition, the paper separately pays attention to the in vitro embryo, which has the potential ability to be transplanted into the human body.


The proportion of radically operated patients with ≥12 lymph nodes examined pathologically increased from 2% to 58% in colon cancer and from 2% to 50% in rectal cancer. The use of neoadjuvant radiotherapy increased from 6% to 39% among stage II and from 20% to 50% among patients with stage III rectal cancer. The use of adjuvant chemotherapy in stage III colon cancer increased from 42% to 63%. The 5-year RSR increased from 50% to 58% in colon cancer and from 37% to 64% in patients with rectal cancer.

Major improvements were seen in the diagnostics, staging and treatment of CRC in Estonia contributing to better outcomes. Increase in emergency surgeries highlights possible shortcomings in timely diagnosis and treatment.
Major improvements were seen in the diagnostics, staging and treatment of CRC in Estonia contributing to better outcomes. Increase in emergency surgeries highlights possible shortcomings in timely diagnosis and treatment.
Contingency management (CM) is a treatment for substance misuse that involves the provision of incentives. This review examines the hypothesis that adding another formal psychotherapy, such as cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) or motivational enhancement therapy (MET), to CM improves substance use outcomes at both treatment end and at post-treatment follow-up compared with CM only.

Searches were performed in December 2017 and July 2019 of seven electronic bibliographic databases (MEDLINE, PsycINFO, EMBASE, Scopus, Web of Science, CINAHL, PsycEXTRA), as well as online trial registries and EThoS, and were followed by reference list screening.

Included studies were randomised controlled trials of adults (18-65) who were using illicit substances, alcohol or tobacco. Studies featured an experimental arm delivering CM combined with a structured evidence-based psychotherapeutic intervention and a CM-only arm. Studies published up to July 2019 were included.

The primary outcome was biometrically verified poat combining CM with another intervention improves the short-term or long-term effects of CM treatment.
To evaluate the impact of new National Drug Pricing Policy (NDPP) 2018 on access to medicines in terms of prices, availability and affordability.

Two cross-sectional surveys were undertaken before and after the launch of NDPP 2018, using a modified WHO/Health Action International (WHO/HAI) methodology.

Four districts of Lahore division, Pakistan.

16 public sector hospitals and 16 private sector retail pharmacies.

The pre and post survey data on prices and availability of lowest price generics (LPGs) and originator brands (OBs) of 50 medicines were obtained by visiting the same public and private sector health facilities (n=32). Out of 50, 46 surveyed medicines were from the National Essential Medicines List. Inflation-adjusted median unit prices (MUPs) and median price ratios (MPRs) from 2019 were used for price comparison. Affordability was calculated in terms of number of days' wages required to get a standard treatment by the lowest paid unskilled government worker.

The overall mean percent avasential medicines.
The availability of medicines slightly improved, except in the case of LPGs, which was reduced in the public sector. The implementation of NDPP 2018 led to increase in drug prices, making the standard treatment for some of the most prevalent ailments unaffordable. So verily, the drug pricing policy must be reviewed to ensure access to essential medicines.
To describe the characteristics of hospitalized children with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in New York City metropolitan area.

This was a multicenter, retrospective cohort study at 4 hospitals comprising 82 hospitalized children (0-21 years) who tested positive for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 after symptoms and risk screening between March 1 and May 10, 2020. We subdivided patients on the basis of their admission to acute or critical care units and by age groups. Further subanalyses were performed between patients requiring respiratory support or no respiratory support.

Twenty-three (28%) patients required critical care. Twenty-nine (35%) patients requiring respiratory support, with 9% needing mechanical ventilation, and 1 required extracorporeal support. All patients survived to discharge. Children with any comorbidity were more likely to require critical care (70% vs 37%,
= .008), with obesity as the most common risk factor for critical care (63% vs 28%,
= .02). Children with asthma were more likely to receive respiratory support (28% vs 8%,
= .02), with no difference in need for critical care (
= .26). Children admitted to critical care had higher rates of renal dysfunction at presentation (43% vs 10%,
= .002).

Children with comorbidities (obesity and asthma in particular) were at increased risk for critical care admission and/or need for respiratory support. Children with renal dysfunction at presentation were more likely to require critical care.
Children with comorbidities (obesity and asthma in particular) were at increased risk for critical care admission and/or need for respiratory support. Children with renal dysfunction at presentation were more likely to require critical care.Paediatric traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a non-degenerative, acquired brain insult. Following a blow or penetrating trauma to the head, normal brain function is disrupted. If it occurs during the early stages of development, deficits may not immediately become apparent but unfold and evolve over time. We address the difficulties that arise when treating a child with severe TBI.Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is fraught with controversy. Some clinicians believe it is a biological neurodevelopmental disorder which should be treated with medication. Others are adamant that ADHD is a social construct in which children, who have suffered developmental trauma, are medicalised. Evolutionary science may help us find a solution to this dichotomy by seeing ADHD as an example of an evolutionary mismatch in which children with ADHD are caught in a school environment that does not suit their natures. By considering how to improve the 'goodness of fit' between the child and their environment, clinicians can be more flexible in finding solutions that are ethically sound.




USAID: Soros' Secret Cash Cow

Is US taxpayer money fueling George Soros' global influence? Let's find out.
US conservative think tank the Heritage Foundation claimed in 2017 that George Soros' Open Society Foundations (OSF) had been made "the main implementer of USAID’s aid" since at least 2009.
But the Soros-USAID collaboration began much earlier. A 1993 USAID document shows the agency signed an agreement with the Soros Foundations’ Management Training Program to train 30 "professionals" from Bulgaria, Estonia, Poland, Romania and Slovakia.
In the late 1990s and early 2000s, a series of color revolutions shook Eastern Europe, with George Soros' network of NGOs playing a central role in the unrest.
In 2003–2004, Soros’ International Renaissance Foundation partnered with USAID to support Ukraine's ‘Orange Revolution’. Prior to that, the US spent $54.7 million in 2003 and $34.11 million in 2004 on "democracy programs" in Ukraine through various agencies, including USAID.
The US legal watchdog Judicial Watch revealed in April 2018 that USAID sponsored Soros’ globalist agenda in Guatemala. In total, OSF reportedly spent around $100 million fomenting unrest in Latin America between 2015 and 2018.
In October 2018, the watchdog obtained documents indicating that USAID partnered with Soros to fund radical left-wing activists in Albania. In 2016, USAID reportedly allocated $9 million to a campaign overseen by Soros’ East West Management Institute.
To illustrate the scale of funds managed by Soros-linked initiatives, in 2024, then-President Joe Biden requested nearly $30 billion for USAID in 2025.

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Medical Disclaimers apply. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Seek the assistance of health care professionals for any conditions. We are not doctors.
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USAID: Soros' Secret Cash Cow
Is US taxpayer money fueling George Soros' global influence? Let's find out.
US conservative think tank the Heritage Foundation claimed in 2017 that George Soros' Open Society Foundations (OSF) had been made "the main implementer of USAID’s aid" since at least 2009.
But the Soros-USAID collaboration began much earlier. A 1993 USAID document shows the agency signed an agreement with the Soros Foundations’ Management Training Program to train 30 "professionals" from Bulgaria, Estonia, Poland, Romania and Slovakia.
In the late 1990s and early 2000s, a series of color revolutions shook Eastern Europe, with George Soros' network of NGOs playing a central role in the unrest.
In 2003–2004, Soros’ International Renaissance Foundation partnered with USAID to support Ukraine's ‘Orange Revolution’. Prior to that, the US spent $54.7 million in 2003 and $34.11 million in 2004 on "democracy programs" in Ukraine through various agencies, including USAID.
The US legal watchdog Judicial Watch revealed in April 2018 that USAID sponsored Soros’ globalist agenda in Guatemala. In total, OSF reportedly spent around $100 million fomenting unrest in Latin America between 2015 and 2018.
In October 2018, the watchdog obtained documents indicating that USAID partnered with Soros to fund radical left-wing activists in Albania. In 2016, USAID reportedly allocated $9 million to a campaign overseen by Soros’ East West Management Institute.
To illustrate the scale of funds managed by Soros-linked initiatives, in 2024, then-President Joe Biden requested nearly $30 billion for USAID in 2025.

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Medical Disclaimers apply. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Seek the assistance of health care professionals for any conditions. We are not doctors.
***Medical Disclaimers apply:: """"Forwarding, not a line by line endorsement of all items.""""" **

Is US taxpayer money fueling George Soros' global influence? Let's find out.