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Research skills are mandatory for all oncology residency training programmes. Creating the environment to foster skills and passion can be a challenge in all settings, and a unique challenge in low and middle income countries (LMICs). Tremendous clinical workload places exceptional demand on clinician teachers, research infrastructure and access to research collaborators with diverse methodological skill sets can be limited. International collaborations, and in particular relationship partnerships (Whitehead et al ((2018) Acad Med 93 1760-1763)) can be a useful approach to bridge resource gaps and enrich the support available to trainees (Research EoH ((2014) TDR/ESSENCE/2.14)). The Clinical Research Mentorship Programme (CRMP) is a collaborative initiative created by the University of Toronto Department of Radiation Oncology, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, delivered in collaboration with LMIC radiation oncology residency programmes with the primary goal of enriching the research experience of LMIC oncologyen will continue to demonstrate effectiveness for our trainees, sustainability for our faculty and institutions and will serve as one mechanism to build radiation capacity for LMIC through collaboration, mentorship and research.The Cancer burden in Africa is increasing. Nurses play a pivotal role in health care systems and find themselves in a key position to engage with patients, communities and other health professionals to address disparities in cancer care and work towards achieving cancer control in Africa. The rapidly evolving nature of cancer care requires a highly skilled and specialised oncology nurse to either provide clinical care and/or conduct research to improve evidence-based practice. Although Africa has been slow to respond to the need for trained oncology nurses, much has been done over the past few years. This article aims to provide an update of Oncology nursing education and training in Africa with specific focus on South Africa, Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Zambia and Egypt. Mapping oncology nursing education and training in Africa in 2020, the International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife, provides an opportunity to leverage on the essential roles of the oncology nurse and commit to an agenda that will drive and sustain progress to 2030 and beyond.As the burden of cancer increases worldwide, more so in low- and middle-income countries, one of the greatest challenges is human resource capacity development. Addressing this is critical in reducing the burden of cancer in the African continent. Other challenges include socio-economic demographics and disparities in the overall cancer care. Lack of sufficient numbers of qualified staff has been one of the obstacles in developing adequate and modern cancer treatment centres in Africa. Training in clinical oncology in Zimbabwe was established in 1990 through the collaboration between the Government of Zimbabwe and the WHO as a regional project. The training is offered by the University of Zimbabwe through the established Master of Medicine in Radiotherapy and Oncology (MMed Rad & Onco) postgraduate programme. Regional and local fellows have been trained, yielding more than 20 clinical oncologists over the years, who have initiated cancer treatment facilities in Africa and beyond. They have continued to train have remained in Africa.
Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-positive breast cancer is associated with poor prognosis and access to anti-HER2 treatment is still a challenge in lower-middle income countries. The availability of the biosimilar trastuzumab has improved access by lowering the costs. We report the pattern of use of neoadjuvant ± adjuvant trastuzumab and outcomes in patients with HER2-positive non-metastatic breast cancer treated with regimens incorporating shorter durations of therapy and the use of the biosimilar trastuzumab compared to the innovator.

We conducted a retrospective analysis of patients with non-metastatic HER2-positive breast cancer treated with neoadjuvant ± adjuvant trastuzumab (innovator (
= 34 (33%)) and biosimilar (
= 70 (67%)) manufactured by Biocon Biologics) with chemotherapy. Information regarding chemotherapy regimens, duration of trastuzumab use (≤12 weeks and >12 weeks), pathological response (Miller Payne grade), disease free survival (DFS), overall survival (OS) and safine in routine clinical practice led to inconclusive outcomes of ≤12 weeks versus >12 weeks trastuzumab treatment. However, on the basis of historical data, patients could be offered shorter duration of trastuzumab when a standard 1-year treatment of adjuvant trastuzumab is not feasible in resource-constrained settings. The p-CR using the biosimilar trastuzumab in neoadjuvant treatment has been observed to be comparable to the innovator trastuzumab.
12 weeks trastuzumab treatment. However, on the basis of historical data, patients could be offered shorter duration of trastuzumab when a standard 1-year treatment of adjuvant trastuzumab is not feasible in resource-constrained settings. The p-CR using the biosimilar trastuzumab in neoadjuvant treatment has been observed to be comparable to the innovator trastuzumab.
The Hyper-CVAD/Methotrexate-Cytarabine (H-CVAD/MTX-AraC) chemotherapy protocol has been one of the standard treatments for blood cancers, such as Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL), Burkitt's lymphoma (BL) and B-cell and T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL). Due to high toxicity, it has been progressively replaced with new specific regimens with a better safety profile (GELA protocol for MCL, BURKIMAB for BL and PETHEMA for B-cell and T-cell ALL). The objective of this study is to analyse the toxicity and infectious complications of these therapeutic regimens, as well as the event free survival (EFS).

This is a retrospective and descriptive observational study of 81 patients, comparing 42 patients treated with H-CVAD/MTX-AraC (group A) versus 39 patients treated with GELA/BURKIMAB/PETHEMA (group B).

All patients in group A developed pancytopenia, but in group B 74.4% neutropenia, 51.3% thrombocytopenia and 69.2% anaemia. The total number of infections in group A was higher than in group B 154 versus 48, 3.


ropractors fill the role of musculoskeletal health care service providers. Their perceived value stems from additional expert disciplinary knowledge, improved diagnostic triage and increased treatment flexibility. However, where not utilized, the role of a spinal health expert is questioned and when acknowledged, is limited to that of a technician/therapist. It is unclear from this investigation whether chiropractors can claim core provider status. Further exploration of this interesting context of interprofessional practice is warranted.
Birth weight (BW) is a strong predictor of neonatal outcomes. The purpose of this study was to compare BWs between global regions (south Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, Central America) prospectively and to determine if trends exist in BW over time using the population-based maternal and newborn registry (MNHR) of the Global Network for Women'sand Children's Health Research (Global Network).

The MNHR is a prospective observational population-based registryof six research sites participating in the Global Network (2013-2018), within five low- and middle-income countries (Kenya, Zambia, India, Pakistan, and Guatemala) in threeglobal regions (sub-Saharan Af rica, south Asia, Central America). The birth weights were obtained for all infants born during the study period. This was done either by abstracting from the infants' health facility records or from direct measurement by the registry staff for infants born at home. After controlling for demographic characteristics, mixed-effect regression models were utilized eans overall across the entire study period, particularly as compared to Asian sites. The incidence of LBW was highest in the Asian sites (India and Pakistan) compared to the African and Central American sites. Trial registration The study is registered at Trial Registration NCT01073475.
Overall, BWmeans by global region did not change significantly over the 5-year study period. From 2013 to 2018, infants enrolled at the African sites demonstrated the highest BW means overall across the entire study period, particularly as compared to Asian sites. The incidence of LBW was highest in the Asian sites (India and Pakistan) compared to the African and Central American sites. Trial registration The study is registered at Trial Registration NCT01073475.
The current COVID-19 pandemic is highlighting gaps around the world in the design and workflow of Emergency Departments (ED). These gaps have an impact on both patient care and staff safety and represent a risk to public health. There is a need for a conceptual framework to guide ED design and workflow to address these challenges. Such a framework is important as the ED environment will always remain vulnerable to infectious diseases outbreaks in the future.

This paper aims to address issues and principles around ED design and workflow amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. We propose a conceptual framework and checklist for EDs to be prepared for future outbreaks as well.

A scoping literature review was conducted, of the experiences of EDs in managing outbreaks such as SARS, H1N1 and COVID-19. The combined experiences of the authors and the experiences from the literature were grouped under common themes to develop the conceptual framework.

Four key principles were derived- (1) situational awareness, surveillmework may help EDs across the world prepare for infectious disease outbreaks.
It is still difficult for people with physical impairments to be and remain equally integrated into the labour market. For this reason, the question of occupational activity has explicitly been examined by the German Spinal Cord Injury Survey (GerSCI) in order to identify barriers and facilitators for labour market participation.

Cross-sectional explorative observational study. The GerSCI survey is the German part of the International Spinal Cord Injury Survey (InSCI). Using survey data from persons recruited at eight specialised SCI-centres in Germany.

1.479 persons with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) aged 18years and older.

In a self-disclosure questionnaire, persons with SCI show themselves as a professionally well-educated and highly motivated group with most of them aiming at gainful employment and considering themselves fit for work. Many changeable and non-changeable factors have been found, which showed a high correlation with the return to work after acquired SCI.

Education and pain belong to the most critical factors and thereby possible approaches to increase the level of employment, which is essential and highly relevant not only for earning money but also for self-confidence and social integration. SCI has many dimensions in itself; support also should be multidimensional. Study results might help to improve participation.
Education and pain belong to the most critical factors and thereby possible approaches to increase the level of employment, which is essential and highly relevant not only for earning money but also for self-confidence and social integration. SCI has many dimensions in itself; support also should be multidimensional. Study results might help to improve participation.
Nulliparity has been associated with lower birth weight (BW) and other adverse pregnancy outcomes, with most of the data coming from high-income countries. In this study, we examined birth weight for gestational age z-scores and neonatal (28-day) mortality in a large prospective cohort of women dated by first trimester ultrasound from multiple sites in low and middle-income countries.

Pregnant women were recruited during the first trimester of pregnancy and followed through 6weeks postpartum from Maternal Newborn Health Registry (MNHR) sites in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Guatemala, Belagavi and Nagpur, India, and Pakistan from 2017 and 2018. Data related to the pregnancy and its outcomes were collected prospectively. First trimester ultrasound was used for determination of gestational age; (BW) was obtained in grams within 48h of delivery and later transformed to weight for age z-scores (WAZ) adjusted for gestational age using the INTERGROWTH-21st standards.

15,121 women were eligible and included.


The finding of highly similar OTUs in well-defined sub-clusters by network analysis suggests the co-occurrence of highly connected key members within Red Sea seagrass bacterial communities. These results provide key information towards the understanding of the role of microorganisms in seagrass ecosystem functioning framed under the seagrass holobiont concept.Assessing the extent of parasite diversity requires the application of appropriate molecular tools, especially given the growing evidence of multiple parasite co-occurrence. Here, we compared the performance of a next-generation sequencing technology (Ion PGM ™ System) in 12 Bombus terrestris specimens that were PCR-identified as positive for trypanosomatids (Leishmaniinae) in a previous study. These bumblebees were also screened for the occurrence of Nosematidae and Neogregarinorida parasites using both classical protocols (either specific PCR amplification or amplification with broad-range primers plus Sanger sequencing) and Ion PGM sequencing. The latter revealed higher parasite diversity within individuals, especially among Leishmaniinae (which were present as a combination of Lotmaria passim, Crithidia mellificae and Crithidia bombi), and the occurrence of taxa never reported in these hosts Crithidia acanthocephali and a novel neogregarinorida species. Furthermore, the complementary results produced by the different sets of primers highlighted the convenience of using multiple markers to minimize the chance of some target organisms going unnoticed. Altogether, the deep sequencing methodology offered a more comprehensive way to investigate parasite diversity than the usual identification methods and provided new insights whose importance for bumblebee health should be further analysed.
The global target for 2020 is that ≥90% of people living with HIV (PLHIV) receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) will achieve viral load suppression (VLS). We examined VLS and its determinants among adults receiving ART for at least four months.

We analysed data from the population-based HIV impact assessment (PHIA) surveys in Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe (2015 to 2017). PHIA surveys are nationally representative, cross-sectional household surveys. Data collection included structured interviews, home-based HIV testing and laboratory testing. Blood samples from PLHIV were analysed for HIV RNA, CD4 counts and recent exposure to antiretroviral drugs (ARVs). We calculated representative estimates for the prevalence of VLS (viral load <1000copies/mL), nonsuppressed viral load (NVL; viral load ≥1000copies/mL), virologic failure (VF; ARVs present and viral load ≥1000copies/mL), interrupted ART (ARVs absent and viral load ≥1000copies/mL) and rates of switching to second-line ART (protease inh per year) switched to second-line ART.

Countries are approaching global VLS targets for adults. Treatment support, in particular for younger adults, and people with higher CD4 counts, and switching of people to protease inhibitor- or integrase inhibitor-based regimens may further reduce NVL prevalence.
Countries are approaching global VLS targets for adults. Treatment support, in particular for younger adults, and people with higher CD4 counts, and switching of people to protease inhibitor- or integrase inhibitor-based regimens may further reduce NVL prevalence.This review is centered on the linear conjugated polyenes, which encompasses chromatic biomolecules, such as carotenoids, polyunsaturated aldehydes and polyolefinic fatty acids. The linear extension of the conjugated double bonds in these molecules is the main feature that determines the spectroscopic properties as light-absorbing. These classes of compounds are responsible for the yellow, orange, red and purple colors which are observed in their parent flora and fauna in nature. Raman spectroscopy has been used as analytical tool for the characterization of these molecules, mainly due to the strong light scattering produced by the delocalized pi electrons in the carbon chain. In addition, conjugated polyenes are one of the main target molecular species for astrobiology, and we also present a brief discussion of the use of Raman spectroscopy as one of the main analytical tools for the detection of polyenes extra-terrestrially.
The recreational use of dextromethorphan (DXM) triggers dependence. The pattern and clinical predictors of relapse are unclear.

Here, we retrospectively analyzed the clinical information of 28 patients with DXM dependence (20 males and 8 females).

The mean age at admission was 25.89 years (standard deviation [SD] = 7.84), and the average duration of DXM abuse was 24.96 months (SD = 17.40). The relapse rates at 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year were 7.14%, 25%, 71.43%, and 89.29%, respectively. Depression and anxiety status at baseline were positive predictors of relapse (r = -.539, P = .006, R
 = 0.290; r = -.449, P = .024, R
 = 0.202, respectively).

Our results suggest that patients with DXM dependence are at high risk of relapse and that measuring affective disturbance is important for predicting the outcomes of their treatment.

This study first identified a high relapse rate among patients with DXM dependence and found that the baseline depression and anxiety status was correlated with the time length of relapse. These findings not only warn us of the vulnerability of DXM-dependent relapse but also reveal the importance of measuring affective disturbance in relapse prevention. (Am J Addict 2020;0000-00).
This study first identified a high relapse rate among patients with DXM dependence and found that the baseline depression and anxiety status was correlated with the time length of relapse. These findings not only warn us of the vulnerability of DXM-dependent relapse but also reveal the importance of measuring affective disturbance in relapse prevention. (Am J Addict 2020;0000-00).In eukaryotic cells, clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME) is a central pathway for the internalization of proteins from the cell surface, thereby contributing to the maintenance of the plasma membrane protein composition. A key component for the formation of endocytic clathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs) is AP-2, as it sequesters cargo membrane proteins, recruits a multitude of other endocytic factors and initiates clathrin polymerization. Here, we inhibited CME by depletion of AP-2 and explored the consequences for the plasma membrane proteome. Quantitative analysis revealed accumulation of major constituents of the endosomal-lysosomal system reflecting a block in retrieval by compensatory CME. The noticeable enrichment of integrins and blockage of their turnover resulted in severely impaired cell migration. Rare proteins such as the anti-cancer drug target CA9 and tumor markers (CD73, CD164, CD302) were significantly enriched. The AP-2 knockdown attenuated the global endocytic capacity, but clathrin-independent entry pathways were still operating, as indicated by persistent internalization of specific membrane-spanning and GPI-anchored receptors (PVR, IGF1R, CD55, TNAP).


Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.



Research skills are mandatory for all oncology residency training programmes. Creating the environment to foster skills and passion can be a challenge in all settings, and a unique challenge in low and middle income countries (LMICs). Tremendous clinical workload places exceptional demand on clinician teachers, research infrastructure and access to research collaborators with diverse methodological skill sets can be limited. International collaborations, and in particular relationship partnerships (Whitehead et al ((2018) Acad Med 93 1760-1763)) can be a useful approach to bridge resource gaps and enrich the support available to trainees (Research EoH ((2014) TDR/ESSENCE/2.14)). The Clinical Research Mentorship Programme (CRMP) is a collaborative initiative created by the University of Toronto Department of Radiation Oncology, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, delivered in collaboration with LMIC radiation oncology residency programmes with the primary goal of enriching the research experience of LMIC oncologyen will continue to demonstrate effectiveness for our trainees, sustainability for our faculty and institutions and will serve as one mechanism to build radiation capacity for LMIC through collaboration, mentorship and research.The Cancer burden in Africa is increasing. Nurses play a pivotal role in health care systems and find themselves in a key position to engage with patients, communities and other health professionals to address disparities in cancer care and work towards achieving cancer control in Africa. The rapidly evolving nature of cancer care requires a highly skilled and specialised oncology nurse to either provide clinical care and/or conduct research to improve evidence-based practice. Although Africa has been slow to respond to the need for trained oncology nurses, much has been done over the past few years. This article aims to provide an update of Oncology nursing education and training in Africa with specific focus on South Africa, Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Zambia and Egypt. Mapping oncology nursing education and training in Africa in 2020, the International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife, provides an opportunity to leverage on the essential roles of the oncology nurse and commit to an agenda that will drive and sustain progress to 2030 and beyond.As the burden of cancer increases worldwide, more so in low- and middle-income countries, one of the greatest challenges is human resource capacity development. Addressing this is critical in reducing the burden of cancer in the African continent. Other challenges include socio-economic demographics and disparities in the overall cancer care. Lack of sufficient numbers of qualified staff has been one of the obstacles in developing adequate and modern cancer treatment centres in Africa. Training in clinical oncology in Zimbabwe was established in 1990 through the collaboration between the Government of Zimbabwe and the WHO as a regional project. The training is offered by the University of Zimbabwe through the established Master of Medicine in Radiotherapy and Oncology (MMed Rad & Onco) postgraduate programme. Regional and local fellows have been trained, yielding more than 20 clinical oncologists over the years, who have initiated cancer treatment facilities in Africa and beyond. They have continued to train have remained in Africa.
Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-positive breast cancer is associated with poor prognosis and access to anti-HER2 treatment is still a challenge in lower-middle income countries. The availability of the biosimilar trastuzumab has improved access by lowering the costs. We report the pattern of use of neoadjuvant ± adjuvant trastuzumab and outcomes in patients with HER2-positive non-metastatic breast cancer treated with regimens incorporating shorter durations of therapy and the use of the biosimilar trastuzumab compared to the innovator.

We conducted a retrospective analysis of patients with non-metastatic HER2-positive breast cancer treated with neoadjuvant ± adjuvant trastuzumab (innovator (
= 34 (33%)) and biosimilar (
= 70 (67%)) manufactured by Biocon Biologics) with chemotherapy. Information regarding chemotherapy regimens, duration of trastuzumab use (≤12 weeks and >12 weeks), pathological response (Miller Payne grade), disease free survival (DFS), overall survival (OS) and safine in routine clinical practice led to inconclusive outcomes of ≤12 weeks versus >12 weeks trastuzumab treatment. However, on the basis of historical data, patients could be offered shorter duration of trastuzumab when a standard 1-year treatment of adjuvant trastuzumab is not feasible in resource-constrained settings. The p-CR using the biosimilar trastuzumab in neoadjuvant treatment has been observed to be comparable to the innovator trastuzumab.
12 weeks trastuzumab treatment. However, on the basis of historical data, patients could be offered shorter duration of trastuzumab when a standard 1-year treatment of adjuvant trastuzumab is not feasible in resource-constrained settings. The p-CR using the biosimilar trastuzumab in neoadjuvant treatment has been observed to be comparable to the innovator trastuzumab.
The Hyper-CVAD/Methotrexate-Cytarabine (H-CVAD/MTX-AraC) chemotherapy protocol has been one of the standard treatments for blood cancers, such as Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL), Burkitt's lymphoma (BL) and B-cell and T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL). Due to high toxicity, it has been progressively replaced with new specific regimens with a better safety profile (GELA protocol for MCL, BURKIMAB for BL and PETHEMA for B-cell and T-cell ALL). The objective of this study is to analyse the toxicity and infectious complications of these therapeutic regimens, as well as the event free survival (EFS).

This is a retrospective and descriptive observational study of 81 patients, comparing 42 patients treated with H-CVAD/MTX-AraC (group A) versus 39 patients treated with GELA/BURKIMAB/PETHEMA (group B).

All patients in group A developed pancytopenia, but in group B 74.4% neutropenia, 51.3% thrombocytopenia and 69.2% anaemia. The total number of infections in group A was higher than in group B 154 versus 48, 3.


ropractors fill the role of musculoskeletal health care service providers. Their perceived value stems from additional expert disciplinary knowledge, improved diagnostic triage and increased treatment flexibility. However, where not utilized, the role of a spinal health expert is questioned and when acknowledged, is limited to that of a technician/therapist. It is unclear from this investigation whether chiropractors can claim core provider status. Further exploration of this interesting context of interprofessional practice is warranted.
Birth weight (BW) is a strong predictor of neonatal outcomes. The purpose of this study was to compare BWs between global regions (south Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, Central America) prospectively and to determine if trends exist in BW over time using the population-based maternal and newborn registry (MNHR) of the Global Network for Women'sand Children's Health Research (Global Network).

The MNHR is a prospective observational population-based registryof six research sites participating in the Global Network (2013-2018), within five low- and middle-income countries (Kenya, Zambia, India, Pakistan, and Guatemala) in threeglobal regions (sub-Saharan Af rica, south Asia, Central America). The birth weights were obtained for all infants born during the study period. This was done either by abstracting from the infants' health facility records or from direct measurement by the registry staff for infants born at home. After controlling for demographic characteristics, mixed-effect regression models were utilized eans overall across the entire study period, particularly as compared to Asian sites. The incidence of LBW was highest in the Asian sites (India and Pakistan) compared to the African and Central American sites. Trial registration The study is registered at Trial Registration NCT01073475.
Overall, BWmeans by global region did not change significantly over the 5-year study period. From 2013 to 2018, infants enrolled at the African sites demonstrated the highest BW means overall across the entire study period, particularly as compared to Asian sites. The incidence of LBW was highest in the Asian sites (India and Pakistan) compared to the African and Central American sites. Trial registration The study is registered at Trial Registration NCT01073475.
The current COVID-19 pandemic is highlighting gaps around the world in the design and workflow of Emergency Departments (ED). These gaps have an impact on both patient care and staff safety and represent a risk to public health. There is a need for a conceptual framework to guide ED design and workflow to address these challenges. Such a framework is important as the ED environment will always remain vulnerable to infectious diseases outbreaks in the future.

This paper aims to address issues and principles around ED design and workflow amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. We propose a conceptual framework and checklist for EDs to be prepared for future outbreaks as well.

A scoping literature review was conducted, of the experiences of EDs in managing outbreaks such as SARS, H1N1 and COVID-19. The combined experiences of the authors and the experiences from the literature were grouped under common themes to develop the conceptual framework.

Four key principles were derived- (1) situational awareness, surveillmework may help EDs across the world prepare for infectious disease outbreaks.
It is still difficult for people with physical impairments to be and remain equally integrated into the labour market. For this reason, the question of occupational activity has explicitly been examined by the German Spinal Cord Injury Survey (GerSCI) in order to identify barriers and facilitators for labour market participation.

Cross-sectional explorative observational study. The GerSCI survey is the German part of the International Spinal Cord Injury Survey (InSCI). Using survey data from persons recruited at eight specialised SCI-centres in Germany.

1.479 persons with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) aged 18years and older.

In a self-disclosure questionnaire, persons with SCI show themselves as a professionally well-educated and highly motivated group with most of them aiming at gainful employment and considering themselves fit for work. Many changeable and non-changeable factors have been found, which showed a high correlation with the return to work after acquired SCI.

Education and pain belong to the most critical factors and thereby possible approaches to increase the level of employment, which is essential and highly relevant not only for earning money but also for self-confidence and social integration. SCI has many dimensions in itself; support also should be multidimensional. Study results might help to improve participation.
Education and pain belong to the most critical factors and thereby possible approaches to increase the level of employment, which is essential and highly relevant not only for earning money but also for self-confidence and social integration. SCI has many dimensions in itself; support also should be multidimensional. Study results might help to improve participation.
Nulliparity has been associated with lower birth weight (BW) and other adverse pregnancy outcomes, with most of the data coming from high-income countries. In this study, we examined birth weight for gestational age z-scores and neonatal (28-day) mortality in a large prospective cohort of women dated by first trimester ultrasound from multiple sites in low and middle-income countries.

Pregnant women were recruited during the first trimester of pregnancy and followed through 6weeks postpartum from Maternal Newborn Health Registry (MNHR) sites in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Guatemala, Belagavi and Nagpur, India, and Pakistan from 2017 and 2018. Data related to the pregnancy and its outcomes were collected prospectively. First trimester ultrasound was used for determination of gestational age; (BW) was obtained in grams within 48h of delivery and later transformed to weight for age z-scores (WAZ) adjusted for gestational age using the INTERGROWTH-21st standards.

15,121 women were eligible and included.


The finding of highly similar OTUs in well-defined sub-clusters by network analysis suggests the co-occurrence of highly connected key members within Red Sea seagrass bacterial communities. These results provide key information towards the understanding of the role of microorganisms in seagrass ecosystem functioning framed under the seagrass holobiont concept.Assessing the extent of parasite diversity requires the application of appropriate molecular tools, especially given the growing evidence of multiple parasite co-occurrence. Here, we compared the performance of a next-generation sequencing technology (Ion PGM ™ System) in 12 Bombus terrestris specimens that were PCR-identified as positive for trypanosomatids (Leishmaniinae) in a previous study. These bumblebees were also screened for the occurrence of Nosematidae and Neogregarinorida parasites using both classical protocols (either specific PCR amplification or amplification with broad-range primers plus Sanger sequencing) and Ion PGM sequencing. The latter revealed higher parasite diversity within individuals, especially among Leishmaniinae (which were present as a combination of Lotmaria passim, Crithidia mellificae and Crithidia bombi), and the occurrence of taxa never reported in these hosts Crithidia acanthocephali and a novel neogregarinorida species. Furthermore, the complementary results produced by the different sets of primers highlighted the convenience of using multiple markers to minimize the chance of some target organisms going unnoticed. Altogether, the deep sequencing methodology offered a more comprehensive way to investigate parasite diversity than the usual identification methods and provided new insights whose importance for bumblebee health should be further analysed.
The global target for 2020 is that ≥90% of people living with HIV (PLHIV) receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) will achieve viral load suppression (VLS). We examined VLS and its determinants among adults receiving ART for at least four months.

We analysed data from the population-based HIV impact assessment (PHIA) surveys in Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe (2015 to 2017). PHIA surveys are nationally representative, cross-sectional household surveys. Data collection included structured interviews, home-based HIV testing and laboratory testing. Blood samples from PLHIV were analysed for HIV RNA, CD4 counts and recent exposure to antiretroviral drugs (ARVs). We calculated representative estimates for the prevalence of VLS (viral load <1000copies/mL), nonsuppressed viral load (NVL; viral load ≥1000copies/mL), virologic failure (VF; ARVs present and viral load ≥1000copies/mL), interrupted ART (ARVs absent and viral load ≥1000copies/mL) and rates of switching to second-line ART (protease inh per year) switched to second-line ART.

Countries are approaching global VLS targets for adults. Treatment support, in particular for younger adults, and people with higher CD4 counts, and switching of people to protease inhibitor- or integrase inhibitor-based regimens may further reduce NVL prevalence.
Countries are approaching global VLS targets for adults. Treatment support, in particular for younger adults, and people with higher CD4 counts, and switching of people to protease inhibitor- or integrase inhibitor-based regimens may further reduce NVL prevalence.This review is centered on the linear conjugated polyenes, which encompasses chromatic biomolecules, such as carotenoids, polyunsaturated aldehydes and polyolefinic fatty acids. The linear extension of the conjugated double bonds in these molecules is the main feature that determines the spectroscopic properties as light-absorbing. These classes of compounds are responsible for the yellow, orange, red and purple colors which are observed in their parent flora and fauna in nature. Raman spectroscopy has been used as analytical tool for the characterization of these molecules, mainly due to the strong light scattering produced by the delocalized pi electrons in the carbon chain. In addition, conjugated polyenes are one of the main target molecular species for astrobiology, and we also present a brief discussion of the use of Raman spectroscopy as one of the main analytical tools for the detection of polyenes extra-terrestrially.
The recreational use of dextromethorphan (DXM) triggers dependence. The pattern and clinical predictors of relapse are unclear.

Here, we retrospectively analyzed the clinical information of 28 patients with DXM dependence (20 males and 8 females).

The mean age at admission was 25.89 years (standard deviation [SD] = 7.84), and the average duration of DXM abuse was 24.96 months (SD = 17.40). The relapse rates at 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year were 7.14%, 25%, 71.43%, and 89.29%, respectively. Depression and anxiety status at baseline were positive predictors of relapse (r = -.539, P = .006, R
 = 0.290; r = -.449, P = .024, R
 = 0.202, respectively).

Our results suggest that patients with DXM dependence are at high risk of relapse and that measuring affective disturbance is important for predicting the outcomes of their treatment.

This study first identified a high relapse rate among patients with DXM dependence and found that the baseline depression and anxiety status was correlated with the time length of relapse. These findings not only warn us of the vulnerability of DXM-dependent relapse but also reveal the importance of measuring affective disturbance in relapse prevention. (Am J Addict 2020;0000-00).
This study first identified a high relapse rate among patients with DXM dependence and found that the baseline depression and anxiety status was correlated with the time length of relapse. These findings not only warn us of the vulnerability of DXM-dependent relapse but also reveal the importance of measuring affective disturbance in relapse prevention. (Am J Addict 2020;0000-00).In eukaryotic cells, clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME) is a central pathway for the internalization of proteins from the cell surface, thereby contributing to the maintenance of the plasma membrane protein composition. A key component for the formation of endocytic clathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs) is AP-2, as it sequesters cargo membrane proteins, recruits a multitude of other endocytic factors and initiates clathrin polymerization. Here, we inhibited CME by depletion of AP-2 and explored the consequences for the plasma membrane proteome. Quantitative analysis revealed accumulation of major constituents of the endosomal-lysosomal system reflecting a block in retrieval by compensatory CME. The noticeable enrichment of integrins and blockage of their turnover resulted in severely impaired cell migration. Rare proteins such as the anti-cancer drug target CA9 and tumor markers (CD73, CD164, CD302) were significantly enriched. The AP-2 knockdown attenuated the global endocytic capacity, but clathrin-independent entry pathways were still operating, as indicated by persistent internalization of specific membrane-spanning and GPI-anchored receptors (PVR, IGF1R, CD55, TNAP).


An effective flight strategy is also presented, aiming to use radiation detectors coupled with UAVs to undertake extensive monitoring of areas with enhanced levels of environmental radiation, which is of prime importance due to the lasting hazardous effects of enhanced environmental radiation in the nearby ecosystem and population.We are witnessing an exponential increase in the use of different nanomaterials in a plethora of biomedical fields. We are all aware of how nanoparticles (NPs) have influenced and revolutionized the way we supply drugs or how to use them as therapeutic agents thanks to their tunable physico-chemical properties. However, there is still a niche of applications where NP have not yet been widely explored. This is the field of ocular delivery and NP-based therapy, which characterizes the topic of the current review. In particular, many efforts are being made to develop nanosystems capable of reaching deeper sections of the eye such as the retina. Particular attention will be given here to noble metal (gold and silver), and to polymeric nanoparticles, systems consisting of lipid bilayers such as liposomes or vesicles based on nonionic surfactant. We will report here the most relevant literature on the use of different types of NPs for an efficient delivery of drugs and bio-macromolecules to the eyes or as active therapeutic tools.Few rural sanitation programs have documented large increases in sanitation coverage or have assessed if interventions equitably increase sanitation coverage for vulnerable groups. We characterize the impact of the Sustainable Sanitation and Hygiene for All (SSH4A) approach on key program WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene) indicators, and also assess if these increases in WASH coverage are equitably reaching vulnerable groups. The SSH4A approach was administered in 12 program areas in 11 countries, including Bhutan, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Mozambique, Nepal, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. Repeated cross-sectional household surveys were administered over four rounds at annual follow-up rounds from 2014 to 2018. Surveys were conducted in an average of 21,411 households at each round of data collection. Overall, sanitation coverage increased by 53 percentage points between baseline and the final round of data collection (95% CI 52%, 54%). We estimate that 4.8 million people gained access to basic sanitation in these areas during the project period. Most countries also demonstrated movement up the sanitation ladder, in addition to increases in handwashing stations and safe disposal of child feces. When assessing equity-if sanitation coverage levels were similar comparing vulnerable and non-vulnerable groups-we observed that increases in coverage over time were generally comparable between vulnerable groups and non-vulnerable groups. However, the increase in sanitation coverage was slightly higher for higher wealth households compared to lower wealth households. Results from this study revealed a successful model of rural sanitation service delivery. However, further work should be done to explore the specific mechanisms that led to success of the intervention.This paper presents an approach to analyse the quality, in terms of precision and reliability, of a system which integrates-at the observation-level-landmark positions and GNSS measurements, obtained with a single camera and a digital map, and a single frequency GNSS receiver respectively. We illustrate the analysis by means of design computations, and we present the actual performance by means of a small experiment in practice. It is shown that the integration model is able to produce a position solution even when both sensors individually fail to do so. With realistic assumptions on measurement noise, the proposed integrated, low-cost system can deliver a horizontal position with a precision of better than half a meter. The external reliability of the integrated system is at the few decimetre-level, showing that the impact of undetected faults in the measurements, for instance incorrectly identified landmarks in the image, on the horizontal position is limited and acceptable, thereby confirming the fault-robustness of the system.Magnetic Resonance (MR) Imaging is a diagnostic technique that produces noisy images, which must be filtered before processing to prevent diagnostic errors. However, filtering the noise while keeping fine details is a difficult task. This paper presents a method, based on sparse representations and singular value decomposition (SVD), for non-locally denoising MR images. The proposed method prevents blurring, artifacts, and residual noise. Our method is composed of three stages. The first stage divides the image into sub-volumes, to obtain its sparse representation, by using the KSVD algorithm. Then, the global influence of the dictionary atoms is computed to upgrade the dictionary and obtain a better reconstruction of the sub-volumes. In the second stage, based on the sparse representation, the noise-free sub-volume is estimated using a non-local approach and SVD. The noise-free voxel is reconstructed by aggregating the overlapped voxels according to the rarity of the sub-volumes it belongs, which is computed from the global influence of the atoms. The third stage repeats the process using a different sub-volume size for producing a new filtered image, which is averaged with the previously filtered images. The results provided show that our method outperforms several state-of-the-art methods in both simulated and real data.The design of the mRNA vaccine involves the selection of in vitro transcription (IVT) systems and nonviral delivery vectors. This study aimed to verify the effect of 5' and 3' untranslated region (UTR) sequences on the translation efficiency of mRNA. Three modes of IVT-mRNA systems (IVT-mRNA-n1/n2/n3) with diverse UTRs were constructed, and EGFP (enhanced green fluorescent protein) and HA (hemagglutinin) gene of H3N2 influenza virus were introduced into each of them. The results showed that the mode of 5' and 3' UTRs originating from human β-globulin was better than the mode of UTRs from human α-globulin, and the n3 mode was the best. mEGFP-n3, mH3HA-n3, and mLuciferease-n3 were prepared to compare the effect of cationic lipid nanoparticle (LNP) with that of mannose-conjugated LNP (LNP-Man) on the efficiency of gene delivery. The results showed that the effect of LNP-Man was better than that of LNP both in vitro and in vivo. Choosing appropriate ligands might help in vaccine design. After selecting the IVT-mRNA-n3 system and delivery vectors, mRNA vaccines were constructed against the H1N1 influenza virus, and C57BL/6 mice were immunized through intranasal administration.


As women living with HIV (WLWH) become older, their risk of developing breast cancer increases. Nonetheless, literature is conflicting regarding tumor stage, distribution of subtypes and overall survival among WLWH vs. HIV-negative women with breast cancer. We assessed differences in clinicopathological characteristics and overall survival between these two groups.

Systematic review and meta-analysis using MEDLINE, Scopus, ISI Web of Knowledge, LILACS, SciELO and conference abstracts up to 1 January 2020. Cross-sectional/cohort studies comparing baseline characteristics (stage and/or subtypes) and/or overall survival of WLWH vs. HIV-negative women with breast cancer were included. We performed random-effects meta-analyses to estimate summary statistics and subgroup analyses according to region of the world.

Eighteen studies [4 from North America, 14 from sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)] were included, with 3174 WLWH and 2 394 598 HIV-negative women. WLWH from North America and SSA were more likely to present wrvival gap among WLWH with breast cancer and further studies are needed to decipher the reasons behind these disparities.
To assess plasma and vaginal inflammation in three antenatal groups (HIV-uninfected women, HIV-infected women entering care on preconceptional ART, and HIV-infected women not on preconceptional ART) and whether these measures are associated with spontaneous preterm birth (sPTB).

Case--control study nested within a pregnancy cohort in Lusaka, Zambia.

We analyzed 11 pro-inflammatory and two anti-inflammatory markers in 207 women with paired plasma and vaginal specimens collected between 16 and 20 gestational weeks. Among 51 HIV-infected women, we repeated the assays in 24-34-week samples. We used confirmatory factor analysis to create inflammation scores and compared them among the three groups.

At baseline, HIV-infected women not on ART had higher vaginal pro-inflammatory scores than HIV-uninfected women [mean 0.37 (95% CI -0.06 to 0.80) vs. -0.02 (-0.32 to 0.27), P = 0.02]. In repeat testing, women not on preconceptional ART had an increase in vaginal inflammation between the baseline and 24-34-week vnflammation was associated with sPTB and offers a potential mechanistic insight into this important adverse birth outcome.
To evaluate the association between the Rhesus system RH2-blood group expression and susceptibility to HIV infection, viral load, CD4+ cell count and rate of CD4+ decline. We also aimed to determine if a country's HIV prevalence may be predicted from its RH2 relative frequency.

Our previous studies did not find any HIV-infected RH2 homozygotes. Therefore, the current cross-sectional study analysed a larger sample to determine whether HIV-infection also occurs in homozygotes. We also conducted a cross-sectional analysis of RH2 expression in an HIV natural history cohort in Botswana. Lastly, we analysed published data from 60 countries around the world to interrogate the link between RH2 frequency and HIV prevalence.

One thousand and six hundred anticoagulated blood samples (800 HIV-positive and 800 HIV-negative) were phenotyped for RH2 using serological methods. The proportion of RH2-positive samples was compared across categories of HIV status and odds ratios calculated. Mean viral load and CD4+ cell counts from a natural history cohort study were also compared across categories of RH2. Kaplan--Meier plots were generated for 4-year CD4+-decline to 350 cells/μl.

No RH2 homozygotes were found among HIV-positives. Moreover, RH2-negatives were 1.37 times more likely to be HIV-positive than heterozygotes (P = 0.02) and 33 times more likely than RH2 homozygotes (P = 0.01). RH2-positive patients showed significantly higher mean CD4+ cell counts (P < 0.0001), lower viral load (P = 0.024) and slower CD4+ decline (P = 0.038).

RH2 is potentially a critical host genetic factor determining susceptibility of any population to HIV infection, and probably transcends most other factors in importance for HIV risk of infection.
RH2 is potentially a critical host genetic factor determining susceptibility of any population to HIV infection, and probably transcends most other factors in importance for HIV risk of infection.
To describe changes in maternal viral control over time in South African women living with HIV (WLHIV) using surveillance data from the National Health Laboratory Service's Corporate Data Warehouse (NHLS CDW).

A retrospective cohort analysis of maternal viral load during pregnancy and up to 15 months postpartum was performed amongst WLHIV (15-49 years) within the public-health sector between 2016 and 2017.

HIV and pregnancy-related test data were used to create a synthetic cohort of pregnant WLHIV from the NHLS CDW. Syphilis-screening, in association with ward type and/or postpregnancy cervical screening and/or birth HIV test and/or positive β-hCG, was used as a proxy for pregnancy. The syphilis-screening date marked the first antenatal care visit (fANC). Fractional polynomial models described viral load evolution from fANC up to 15 months postdelivery. Piecewise linear regression models determined factors associated with viral load decline.

Among 178 319 pregnant WLHIV, 345 174 viral load tests were performed [median = 2 (IQR 2-3) per woman]. At fANC, 85 545 (48%) women were antiretroviral therapy (ART) experienced; 88 877 (49.8%) were not and 3897 (2.2%) unknown. Proportions of viraemia (viral load ≥50 copies/ml) were 39 756 (53.6%) at first viral load performed during pregnancy, 14 780 (36.9%) at delivery and 24 328 (33.5%) postpartum. Maternal age at least 25 years, CD4+ cell count at least 500 cells/μl and viral load less than 50 copies/ml at baseline predicted sustained viral load suppression during follow-up.

Despite high-ART coverage among pregnant women in South Africa, only 63% of WLHIV achieved viral load less than 50 copies/ml at delivery. Maternal viral load monitoring requires prioritization for maternal health and eMTCT.
Despite high-ART coverage among pregnant women in South Africa, only 63% of WLHIV achieved viral load less than 50 copies/ml at delivery. Maternal viral load monitoring requires prioritization for maternal health and eMTCT.