
Sorry, no results were found.



To determine the outcomes after mechanical thrombectomy (MT) versus medical management in patients with minor stroke symptomatology.

A meta-analysis was performed for studies reporting outcomes after MT, either as stand-alone therapy or with intravenous thrombolysis in patients with minor stroke and large-vessel occlusion.

Fourteen studies with 2134 patients met the selection criteria and were included. Two studies compared immediate thrombectomy versus best medical management (with rescue thrombectomy) and the odds ratios of excellent outcomes, good outcomes, mortality and incidence of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (sICH) after immediate thrombectomy versus best medical management were 1.07 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.93-1.22%), 1.15 (95% CI 1.05-1.25), 0.65 (95% CI 0.30-1.38), and 2.89 (95% CI 0.82-10.13), respectively. Among the 8 studies that compared MT outcomes versus medical management (without thrombectomy), odds ratios of excellent outcomes, good outcomes, mortality, and incidence of ria for clinical deterioration, and selection bias for rescue MT and rates of reperfusion), emphasizing the need for a randomized controlled trial.
In this study, we sought to characterize contemporary trends in cost and utilization of spinal cord stimulation (SCS).

The Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project-National Inpatient Sample was queried for inpatient admissions from 2008 to 2014 where SCS was performed. We then determined the rates and costs of SCS performed in this time frame to treat diagnoses that we classified as device-related complications, degenerative spine disease, pain syndromes, and neuropathies/neuritis/nerve lesions. Least-squares regression was performed to determine the yearly trends for each indication adjusted by the total number of yearly hospitalizations for that diagnosis.

We identified a total of 6876 admissions in whom an SCS was performed. The overall rate of inpatient SCS procedures performed has decreased by 45% from 2008 to 2014 (14.0 to 7.7 procedures per 100,000 admissions). Adjusted analysis for yearly trends also demonstrated a declining trend for all indications; however, this was not found to be statistically significant, except for device-related complications (P= 0.004). The median inflation-adjusted cost of an admission where SCS was performed increased slightly by 7.4% from $26,200 (IQR $16,700-$33,800) in 2008 to $28,100 (IQR $19,600-$36,900) in 2014. Billed hospital charges demonstrated a significant increase with median inflation-adjusted admission charge of $66,068 in 2008 to $110,672 in2014.

Despite a declining contemporary trend in inpatient SCS, an increase was noted in admission costs and hospital charges. A significant declining trend was noted in revision SCS implantations due to device-related complications.
Despite a declining contemporary trend in inpatient SCS, an increase was noted in admission costs and hospital charges. A significant declining trend was noted in revision SCS implantations due to device-related complications.
Despite evidence to support that aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) is best treated at high-volume centers, it is unknown whether clinical practice reflects these findings.

We analyzed patients transferred to our high-volume center for aSAH between 2006 and 2017. Data collection included number of transfers, demographic data, Hunt and Hess score, Fisher score, comorbid conditions, length of stay (LOS), discharge disposition, in-hospital mortality rates, insurance status, and hospital charges. Comparisons were made across 3 time periods (2006-2009, 2010-2013, and 2014-2017) and included subgroup analyses by treatment modality (endovascular vs. microsurgical).

aSAH transfers declined from 213 in 2006-2009 to 160 in 2014-2017. While there was no change in presenting Hunt and Hess scores, the percentage of modified Fisher scores of 4 increased from 2006-2009 to 2014-2017. Transferred patients had a greater comorbidity index and decreased predicted 10-year survival. Despite this, the average LOS decrelity, and cost declined. These changing referral patterns have implications for outcome data, quality reporting, resident education, and developing systems of care to optimize outcomes.
Meningioma is the most common primary brain tumor, constituting more than half of all benign central nervous system tumors. This study aims to analyze the clinical outcome and recurrence after surgery of intracranial meningioma in Nepal.

This is a retrospective study of newly diagnosed intracranial meningioma patients operated at Nepal Mediciti Hospital between 2007 and 2019. Demographics; clinical, radiologic, and perioperative details; histopathology; and clinical outcome variables were reviewed. Association of independent variables with primary outcome variables modified Rankin Scale (favorable [≤ 3] vs. unfavorable [>3]) and recurrence was analyzed. Logistic regression model was designed to calculate adjusted odds ratio with 95% confidence interval (CI).

Of 233 patients, mean age was 47 years, female individuals were affected twice as much as male individuals. Location was supratentorial in 83.3%, 83.7% had tumor greater than 5 cm in size. Gross total resection (SM 0-III) was achieved in 85.4%. Ah standardized follow up protocol to assess the long-term outcome.
A male predominance in Brugada syndrome (BrS) has been widely reported, but scarce information on female patients with BrS is available.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the clinical characteristics and long-term prognosis of women with BrS.

A multicenter retrospective study of patients diagnosed with BrS and previous electrophysiological study (EPS) was performed.

Among 770 patients, 177 (23%) were female. At presentation, 150 (84.7%) were asymptomatic. Females presented less frequently with a type 1 electrocardiographic pattern (30.5% vs 55.0%; P <.001), had a higher rate of family history of sudden cardiac death (49.7% vs 29.8%; P <.001), and had less sustained ventricular arrhythmias (VAs) on EPS (8.5% vs 15.1%; P = .009). Genetic testing was performed in 79 females (45% of the sample) and was positive in 34 (19%). An implantable cardioverter-defibrillator was inserted in 48 females (27.1%). During mean (± SD) follow-up of 122.17 ± 57.28 months, 5 females (2.8%) experienced a cardiovascular event compared to 42 males (7.


17) via the formation of fracture-like bubble chains. Percolation was followed by outgassing and bubble collapse causing densification and isolation of the bubble network, resulting in a hysteresis in the evolution of connectivity with porosity. At low melt viscosity and overpressure, we observed a viscous regime with much higher percolation threshold (Φ C  > 0.37) due to spherical bubble growth and lower degree of crystal connection. Finally, our results also show that sintering of crystal-free and crystal-bearing magma analogues is characterised by low percolation thresholds (Φ C  = 0.04 - 0.10). We conclude that the presence of crystals lowers the percolation threshold during vesiculation and may promote outgassing in shallow, crystal-rich magma at initial stages of Vulcanian and Strombolian eruptions. © The Author(s) 2020.Recent theory suggests that developmental idealism (DI) is an important source of variation and change in family behavior, yet this suggestion is largely untested at the individual level. This study examines the influence of DI beliefs and values on individuals' entrance into marriage. We hypothesize that when individuals and their parents endorse DI, they enter into marriage later, or more slowly. We also hypothesize that two pathways connecting DI to marriage are the instillation of older timing attitudes and expectations of marrying at older ages. We test these hypotheses using panel data collected in Nepal from 2008 to 2014. When young people and their parents endorsed DI, the young people valued older ages at marriage and expected to marry later. Young people's own DI endorsement also delayed their entrance into marriage, but parents' DI did not.Conversation between two people involves subtle nonverbal coordination in addition to speech. However, the precise parameters and timing of this coordination remain unclear, which limits our ability to theorize about the neural and cognitive mechanisms of social coordination. In particular, it is unclear if conversation is dominated by synchronization (with no time lag), rapid and reactive mimicry (with lags under 1 s) or traditionally observed mimicry (with several seconds lag), each of which demands a different neural mechanism. Here we describe data from high-resolution motion capture of the head movements of pairs of participants (n = 31 dyads) engaged in structured conversations. In a pre-registered analysis pathway, we calculated the wavelet coherence of head motion within dyads as a measure of their nonverbal coordination and report two novel results. First, low-frequency coherence (0.2-1.1 Hz) is consistent with traditional observations of mimicry, and modeling shows this behavior is generated by a mechanism with a constant 600 ms lag between leader and follower. This is in line with rapid reactive (rather than predictive or memory-driven) models of mimicry behavior, and could be implemented in mirror neuron systems. Second, we find an unexpected pattern of lower-than-chance coherence between participants, or hypo-coherence, at high frequencies (2.6-6.5 Hz). Exploratory analyses show that this systematic decoupling is driven by fast nodding from the listening member of the dyad, and may be a newly identified social signal. These results provide a step towards the quantification of real-world human behavior in high resolution and provide new insights into the mechanisms of social coordination. © The Author(s) 2019.Scaling evidence-based interventions (EBI) for children and families across healthcare systems can expand public health impact. Research has identified EBI adoption determinants. However, less understood are characteristics of agencies that opt in across the stages of adoption. This study examined the relationship between agency (N=69) characteristics (e.g., revenue) and four adoption stages during a large-scale trial of an EBI for children with significant behavioral difficulties and their families. 48 (70%) of agencies demonstrated interest, 28 (41%) scheduled an informational meeting, 20 (29%) received training, and 16 (22%) demonstrated EBI uptake. Analyses indicated no differences in characteristics and initial interest. However, agencies with small-sized revenue had significantly reduced odds at other adoption stages. Implications for strategies to bring EBI access to scale are discussed.In a number of applications, one has access to high-dimensional time series data on several related subjects. A motivating application area comes from the neuroimaging field, such as brain fMRI time series data, obtained from various groups of subjects (cases/controls) with a specific neurological disorder. The problem of regularized joint estimation of multiple related Vector Autoregressive (VAR) models is discussed, leveraging a group lasso penalty in addition to a regular lasso one, so as to increase statistical efficiency of the estimates by borrowing strength across the models. A modeling framework is developed that it allows for both group-level and subject-specific effects for related subjects, using a group lasso penalty to estimate the former. An estimation procedure is introduced, whose performance is illustrated on synthetic data and compared to other state-of-the-art methods. Moreover, the proposed approach is employed for the analysis of resting state fMRI data. In particular, a group-level descriptive analysis is conducted for brain inter-regional temporal effects of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) patients as opposed to controls, with the data available from the ADHD-200 Global Competition repository.In this study, we used an alginate-gelatin bioink to design and print 3D constructs with lattice, honeycomb and fibrous bundle patterns. These designs were printed using a small-scale laboratory printer, at first and later translated to a larger scale, high throughput-printing platform. A comparative analysis of the structures printed using two dissimilar platforms using gross morphologic evaluation, scanning electron microscopy and swelling assay confirmed our hypothesis that a design printed using a small-scale laboratory bioprinter for optimization of bioink composition and printing parameters can be successfully translated into a large scale-printing platform for high throughput printing of constructs. Since the designs for printing were implemented using a software which was common across both printers, this endpoint was feasible. The only difference in printing parameters resulted from variation in extrusion pressure which was due to a significant difference in barrel size used across both printers (3 ml versus 30 ml), while all other parameters stayed the same.


The automatic identification and verification of speakers through representative audio continue to gain the attention of many researchers with diverse domains of applications. Despite this diversity, the availability of classified and categorized multi-purpose Arabic audio libraries is scarce. Therefore, we introduce a large Arabic-based audio clips dataset (15810 clips) of 30 popular reciters cantillating 37 chapters from the Holy Quran. These chapters have a variable number of verses saved to different subsequent folders, where each verse is allocated one folder containing 30 audio clips for the declared reciters covering the same textual content. An additional 397 audio clips for 12 competent imitators of the top reciters are collected based on popularity and number of views/downloads to allow for cross-comparison of text, reciters, and authenticity. Based on the volume, quality, and rich diversity of this dataset we anticipate a wide range of deployments for speaker identification, in addition to setting a new direction for the structure and organization of similar large audio clips dataset.This article provides the most updated dataset of Latin botanical identifications for the materia medica in Tibetan medicine, known as Bö Luk Sowa Rigpa (Tib. Bod lugs gso ba rig pa), or the "Tibetan knowledge field of healing," often denoted in English simply as Sowa Rigpa. As one of the major scholarly Asian traditional medical systems, Sowa Rigpa is the principal health resource for populations across Tibetan regions of China, Mongolia, Bhutan, Nepal, India, and culturally-related areas of Russia. The geography represented by this medicinal plant dataset extends across the entire Tibetan plateau, its adjacent ranges, the wider transregional Himalayas, central Asia and much of the Indian subcontinent. Data collection drew from textual analysis of the seminal works of the Tibetan medical canon, including the Four Medical Treatises, Crystal Orb and Rosary among others; as well as the contemporary definitive work Stainless Crystal Mirror of Materia Medica by Gawé Dorjé. Study authors applied the same classificra Online (WFO) and Flora of China (FoC). This dataset is the first publicly available comprehensive ethnobotanical identification of Sowa Rigpa materia medica with Latin binomial nomenclature. This dataset was developed to inform botanical and pharmacological analysis of the Tibetan medical materia medica repertoire as well as make comparative analyses of related materia medica in other Asian medical systems.Data presented in this article are associated with the research article "Identification of antiviral compounds against equid herpesvirus-1 using real-time cell assay screening efficacy of decitabine and valganciclovir alone and in combination" [1]. These data correspond to the in vitro screening of 2,891 potential antiviral compounds against equid herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1) based on impedance measurements using the xCELLigence® RTCA MP System. This dataset includes compounds from three different libraries i) 1,199 compounds from the Prestwick® Chemical Library, which contains mostly US Food and Drug Administration approved drugs (Prestwick® Chemical, Illkirch, France); ii) 1,651 compounds from the Centre d'Etudes et de Recherche sur le Médicament de Normandie (CERMN, Caen, France); iii) 41 compounds (called herein in-house antiviral library) selected for their effects against different human viruses. Compounds effective against EHV-1 were selected using the area under normalised curves (AUCn) and the time required for the Cell Index to decrease by 50% after virus infection (CIT50). The full dataset from the screen is made publicly available for further analyses.Data presented are on carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) inputs, and changes in soil C and N in eight systems during the first eight years of a tillage-intensive organic vegetable systems study that was focused on romaine lettuce and broccoli production in Salinas Valley on the central coast region of California. The eight systems differed in organic matter inputs from cover crops and urban yard-waste compost. The cover crops included cereal rye, a legume-rye mixture, and a mustard mixture planted at two seeding rates (standard rate 1x versus high rate 3x). There were three legume-rye 3x systems that differed in compost inputs (0 versus 7.6 Mg ha-1 vegetable crop-1) and cover cropping frequency (every winter versus every fourth winter). The data include (1) changes in soil total organic C and total N concentrations and stocks and nitrate N (NO3-N) concentrations over 8 years, (2) cumulative above ground and estimated below ground C and N inputs, cover crop and crop N uptake, and harvested crop N export over 8 years, (3) soil permanganate oxidizable carbon (POX-C) concentrations and stocks at time 0, 6 and 8 years, and (4) cumulative, estimated yields of lettuce and broccoli (using total biomass and harvest index values) over the 8 years. The C inputs from the vegetables and cover crops included estimates of below ground inputs based on shoot biomass and literature values for shootroot. The data in this article support and augment information presented in the research article "Winter cover crops increase readily decomposable soil carbon, but compost drives total soil carbon during eight years of intensive, organic vegetable production in California".This article contains supplemental data to the publication "Central Sleep Apnea and Pacing-Induced Cardiomyopathy" [1], which was the most recent publication of the "UPGRADE" study. It provides in-depth analysis of the effects of cardiac resynchronisation therapy (CRT) in patients suffering from pacing-induced cardiomyopathy (PICM) on cardiac remodeling as well as functional cardiac parameters in comparison to continuous right ventricular pacing (RVP). Furthermore, it also covers additional data on several sleep parameters, which were not presented in the main article including the index for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), the index for mixed sleep apnea and the oxygen saturation measurements during polysomnography. Further, Kaplan-Meier curves are presented for major adverse cardiac events (MACE) and overall mortality by severity of sleep apnea. Generally, the "UGRADE" study was a single-center prospective double-blinded randomized controlled trial lasting from 2014 to 2020. The methodology included a cross-over design giving the possibility to detect differences while CRT was activated and while continuous RVP was applied.


Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.



To determine the outcomes after mechanical thrombectomy (MT) versus medical management in patients with minor stroke symptomatology.

A meta-analysis was performed for studies reporting outcomes after MT, either as stand-alone therapy or with intravenous thrombolysis in patients with minor stroke and large-vessel occlusion.

Fourteen studies with 2134 patients met the selection criteria and were included. Two studies compared immediate thrombectomy versus best medical management (with rescue thrombectomy) and the odds ratios of excellent outcomes, good outcomes, mortality and incidence of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (sICH) after immediate thrombectomy versus best medical management were 1.07 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.93-1.22%), 1.15 (95% CI 1.05-1.25), 0.65 (95% CI 0.30-1.38), and 2.89 (95% CI 0.82-10.13), respectively. Among the 8 studies that compared MT outcomes versus medical management (without thrombectomy), odds ratios of excellent outcomes, good outcomes, mortality, and incidence of ria for clinical deterioration, and selection bias for rescue MT and rates of reperfusion), emphasizing the need for a randomized controlled trial.
In this study, we sought to characterize contemporary trends in cost and utilization of spinal cord stimulation (SCS).

The Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project-National Inpatient Sample was queried for inpatient admissions from 2008 to 2014 where SCS was performed. We then determined the rates and costs of SCS performed in this time frame to treat diagnoses that we classified as device-related complications, degenerative spine disease, pain syndromes, and neuropathies/neuritis/nerve lesions. Least-squares regression was performed to determine the yearly trends for each indication adjusted by the total number of yearly hospitalizations for that diagnosis.

We identified a total of 6876 admissions in whom an SCS was performed. The overall rate of inpatient SCS procedures performed has decreased by 45% from 2008 to 2014 (14.0 to 7.7 procedures per 100,000 admissions). Adjusted analysis for yearly trends also demonstrated a declining trend for all indications; however, this was not found to be statistically significant, except for device-related complications (P= 0.004). The median inflation-adjusted cost of an admission where SCS was performed increased slightly by 7.4% from $26,200 (IQR $16,700-$33,800) in 2008 to $28,100 (IQR $19,600-$36,900) in 2014. Billed hospital charges demonstrated a significant increase with median inflation-adjusted admission charge of $66,068 in 2008 to $110,672 in2014.

Despite a declining contemporary trend in inpatient SCS, an increase was noted in admission costs and hospital charges. A significant declining trend was noted in revision SCS implantations due to device-related complications.
Despite a declining contemporary trend in inpatient SCS, an increase was noted in admission costs and hospital charges. A significant declining trend was noted in revision SCS implantations due to device-related complications.
Despite evidence to support that aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) is best treated at high-volume centers, it is unknown whether clinical practice reflects these findings.

We analyzed patients transferred to our high-volume center for aSAH between 2006 and 2017. Data collection included number of transfers, demographic data, Hunt and Hess score, Fisher score, comorbid conditions, length of stay (LOS), discharge disposition, in-hospital mortality rates, insurance status, and hospital charges. Comparisons were made across 3 time periods (2006-2009, 2010-2013, and 2014-2017) and included subgroup analyses by treatment modality (endovascular vs. microsurgical).

aSAH transfers declined from 213 in 2006-2009 to 160 in 2014-2017. While there was no change in presenting Hunt and Hess scores, the percentage of modified Fisher scores of 4 increased from 2006-2009 to 2014-2017. Transferred patients had a greater comorbidity index and decreased predicted 10-year survival. Despite this, the average LOS decrelity, and cost declined. These changing referral patterns have implications for outcome data, quality reporting, resident education, and developing systems of care to optimize outcomes.
Meningioma is the most common primary brain tumor, constituting more than half of all benign central nervous system tumors. This study aims to analyze the clinical outcome and recurrence after surgery of intracranial meningioma in Nepal.

This is a retrospective study of newly diagnosed intracranial meningioma patients operated at Nepal Mediciti Hospital between 2007 and 2019. Demographics; clinical, radiologic, and perioperative details; histopathology; and clinical outcome variables were reviewed. Association of independent variables with primary outcome variables modified Rankin Scale (favorable [≤ 3] vs. unfavorable [>3]) and recurrence was analyzed. Logistic regression model was designed to calculate adjusted odds ratio with 95% confidence interval (CI).

Of 233 patients, mean age was 47 years, female individuals were affected twice as much as male individuals. Location was supratentorial in 83.3%, 83.7% had tumor greater than 5 cm in size. Gross total resection (SM 0-III) was achieved in 85.4%. Ah standardized follow up protocol to assess the long-term outcome.
A male predominance in Brugada syndrome (BrS) has been widely reported, but scarce information on female patients with BrS is available.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the clinical characteristics and long-term prognosis of women with BrS.

A multicenter retrospective study of patients diagnosed with BrS and previous electrophysiological study (EPS) was performed.

Among 770 patients, 177 (23%) were female. At presentation, 150 (84.7%) were asymptomatic. Females presented less frequently with a type 1 electrocardiographic pattern (30.5% vs 55.0%; P <.001), had a higher rate of family history of sudden cardiac death (49.7% vs 29.8%; P <.001), and had less sustained ventricular arrhythmias (VAs) on EPS (8.5% vs 15.1%; P = .009). Genetic testing was performed in 79 females (45% of the sample) and was positive in 34 (19%). An implantable cardioverter-defibrillator was inserted in 48 females (27.1%). During mean (± SD) follow-up of 122.17 ± 57.28 months, 5 females (2.8%) experienced a cardiovascular event compared to 42 males (7.


17) via the formation of fracture-like bubble chains. Percolation was followed by outgassing and bubble collapse causing densification and isolation of the bubble network, resulting in a hysteresis in the evolution of connectivity with porosity. At low melt viscosity and overpressure, we observed a viscous regime with much higher percolation threshold (Φ C  > 0.37) due to spherical bubble growth and lower degree of crystal connection. Finally, our results also show that sintering of crystal-free and crystal-bearing magma analogues is characterised by low percolation thresholds (Φ C  = 0.04 - 0.10). We conclude that the presence of crystals lowers the percolation threshold during vesiculation and may promote outgassing in shallow, crystal-rich magma at initial stages of Vulcanian and Strombolian eruptions. © The Author(s) 2020.Recent theory suggests that developmental idealism (DI) is an important source of variation and change in family behavior, yet this suggestion is largely untested at the individual level. This study examines the influence of DI beliefs and values on individuals' entrance into marriage. We hypothesize that when individuals and their parents endorse DI, they enter into marriage later, or more slowly. We also hypothesize that two pathways connecting DI to marriage are the instillation of older timing attitudes and expectations of marrying at older ages. We test these hypotheses using panel data collected in Nepal from 2008 to 2014. When young people and their parents endorsed DI, the young people valued older ages at marriage and expected to marry later. Young people's own DI endorsement also delayed their entrance into marriage, but parents' DI did not.Conversation between two people involves subtle nonverbal coordination in addition to speech. However, the precise parameters and timing of this coordination remain unclear, which limits our ability to theorize about the neural and cognitive mechanisms of social coordination. In particular, it is unclear if conversation is dominated by synchronization (with no time lag), rapid and reactive mimicry (with lags under 1 s) or traditionally observed mimicry (with several seconds lag), each of which demands a different neural mechanism. Here we describe data from high-resolution motion capture of the head movements of pairs of participants (n = 31 dyads) engaged in structured conversations. In a pre-registered analysis pathway, we calculated the wavelet coherence of head motion within dyads as a measure of their nonverbal coordination and report two novel results. First, low-frequency coherence (0.2-1.1 Hz) is consistent with traditional observations of mimicry, and modeling shows this behavior is generated by a mechanism with a constant 600 ms lag between leader and follower. This is in line with rapid reactive (rather than predictive or memory-driven) models of mimicry behavior, and could be implemented in mirror neuron systems. Second, we find an unexpected pattern of lower-than-chance coherence between participants, or hypo-coherence, at high frequencies (2.6-6.5 Hz). Exploratory analyses show that this systematic decoupling is driven by fast nodding from the listening member of the dyad, and may be a newly identified social signal. These results provide a step towards the quantification of real-world human behavior in high resolution and provide new insights into the mechanisms of social coordination. © The Author(s) 2019.Scaling evidence-based interventions (EBI) for children and families across healthcare systems can expand public health impact. Research has identified EBI adoption determinants. However, less understood are characteristics of agencies that opt in across the stages of adoption. This study examined the relationship between agency (N=69) characteristics (e.g., revenue) and four adoption stages during a large-scale trial of an EBI for children with significant behavioral difficulties and their families. 48 (70%) of agencies demonstrated interest, 28 (41%) scheduled an informational meeting, 20 (29%) received training, and 16 (22%) demonstrated EBI uptake. Analyses indicated no differences in characteristics and initial interest. However, agencies with small-sized revenue had significantly reduced odds at other adoption stages. Implications for strategies to bring EBI access to scale are discussed.In a number of applications, one has access to high-dimensional time series data on several related subjects. A motivating application area comes from the neuroimaging field, such as brain fMRI time series data, obtained from various groups of subjects (cases/controls) with a specific neurological disorder. The problem of regularized joint estimation of multiple related Vector Autoregressive (VAR) models is discussed, leveraging a group lasso penalty in addition to a regular lasso one, so as to increase statistical efficiency of the estimates by borrowing strength across the models. A modeling framework is developed that it allows for both group-level and subject-specific effects for related subjects, using a group lasso penalty to estimate the former. An estimation procedure is introduced, whose performance is illustrated on synthetic data and compared to other state-of-the-art methods. Moreover, the proposed approach is employed for the analysis of resting state fMRI data. In particular, a group-level descriptive analysis is conducted for brain inter-regional temporal effects of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) patients as opposed to controls, with the data available from the ADHD-200 Global Competition repository.In this study, we used an alginate-gelatin bioink to design and print 3D constructs with lattice, honeycomb and fibrous bundle patterns. These designs were printed using a small-scale laboratory printer, at first and later translated to a larger scale, high throughput-printing platform. A comparative analysis of the structures printed using two dissimilar platforms using gross morphologic evaluation, scanning electron microscopy and swelling assay confirmed our hypothesis that a design printed using a small-scale laboratory bioprinter for optimization of bioink composition and printing parameters can be successfully translated into a large scale-printing platform for high throughput printing of constructs. Since the designs for printing were implemented using a software which was common across both printers, this endpoint was feasible. The only difference in printing parameters resulted from variation in extrusion pressure which was due to a significant difference in barrel size used across both printers (3 ml versus 30 ml), while all other parameters stayed the same.


The automatic identification and verification of speakers through representative audio continue to gain the attention of many researchers with diverse domains of applications. Despite this diversity, the availability of classified and categorized multi-purpose Arabic audio libraries is scarce. Therefore, we introduce a large Arabic-based audio clips dataset (15810 clips) of 30 popular reciters cantillating 37 chapters from the Holy Quran. These chapters have a variable number of verses saved to different subsequent folders, where each verse is allocated one folder containing 30 audio clips for the declared reciters covering the same textual content. An additional 397 audio clips for 12 competent imitators of the top reciters are collected based on popularity and number of views/downloads to allow for cross-comparison of text, reciters, and authenticity. Based on the volume, quality, and rich diversity of this dataset we anticipate a wide range of deployments for speaker identification, in addition to setting a new direction for the structure and organization of similar large audio clips dataset.This article provides the most updated dataset of Latin botanical identifications for the materia medica in Tibetan medicine, known as Bö Luk Sowa Rigpa (Tib. Bod lugs gso ba rig pa), or the "Tibetan knowledge field of healing," often denoted in English simply as Sowa Rigpa. As one of the major scholarly Asian traditional medical systems, Sowa Rigpa is the principal health resource for populations across Tibetan regions of China, Mongolia, Bhutan, Nepal, India, and culturally-related areas of Russia. The geography represented by this medicinal plant dataset extends across the entire Tibetan plateau, its adjacent ranges, the wider transregional Himalayas, central Asia and much of the Indian subcontinent. Data collection drew from textual analysis of the seminal works of the Tibetan medical canon, including the Four Medical Treatises, Crystal Orb and Rosary among others; as well as the contemporary definitive work Stainless Crystal Mirror of Materia Medica by Gawé Dorjé. Study authors applied the same classificra Online (WFO) and Flora of China (FoC). This dataset is the first publicly available comprehensive ethnobotanical identification of Sowa Rigpa materia medica with Latin binomial nomenclature. This dataset was developed to inform botanical and pharmacological analysis of the Tibetan medical materia medica repertoire as well as make comparative analyses of related materia medica in other Asian medical systems.Data presented in this article are associated with the research article "Identification of antiviral compounds against equid herpesvirus-1 using real-time cell assay screening efficacy of decitabine and valganciclovir alone and in combination" [1]. These data correspond to the in vitro screening of 2,891 potential antiviral compounds against equid herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1) based on impedance measurements using the xCELLigence® RTCA MP System. This dataset includes compounds from three different libraries i) 1,199 compounds from the Prestwick® Chemical Library, which contains mostly US Food and Drug Administration approved drugs (Prestwick® Chemical, Illkirch, France); ii) 1,651 compounds from the Centre d'Etudes et de Recherche sur le Médicament de Normandie (CERMN, Caen, France); iii) 41 compounds (called herein in-house antiviral library) selected for their effects against different human viruses. Compounds effective against EHV-1 were selected using the area under normalised curves (AUCn) and the time required for the Cell Index to decrease by 50% after virus infection (CIT50). The full dataset from the screen is made publicly available for further analyses.Data presented are on carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) inputs, and changes in soil C and N in eight systems during the first eight years of a tillage-intensive organic vegetable systems study that was focused on romaine lettuce and broccoli production in Salinas Valley on the central coast region of California. The eight systems differed in organic matter inputs from cover crops and urban yard-waste compost. The cover crops included cereal rye, a legume-rye mixture, and a mustard mixture planted at two seeding rates (standard rate 1x versus high rate 3x). There were three legume-rye 3x systems that differed in compost inputs (0 versus 7.6 Mg ha-1 vegetable crop-1) and cover cropping frequency (every winter versus every fourth winter). The data include (1) changes in soil total organic C and total N concentrations and stocks and nitrate N (NO3-N) concentrations over 8 years, (2) cumulative above ground and estimated below ground C and N inputs, cover crop and crop N uptake, and harvested crop N export over 8 years, (3) soil permanganate oxidizable carbon (POX-C) concentrations and stocks at time 0, 6 and 8 years, and (4) cumulative, estimated yields of lettuce and broccoli (using total biomass and harvest index values) over the 8 years. The C inputs from the vegetables and cover crops included estimates of below ground inputs based on shoot biomass and literature values for shootroot. The data in this article support and augment information presented in the research article "Winter cover crops increase readily decomposable soil carbon, but compost drives total soil carbon during eight years of intensive, organic vegetable production in California".This article contains supplemental data to the publication "Central Sleep Apnea and Pacing-Induced Cardiomyopathy" [1], which was the most recent publication of the "UPGRADE" study. It provides in-depth analysis of the effects of cardiac resynchronisation therapy (CRT) in patients suffering from pacing-induced cardiomyopathy (PICM) on cardiac remodeling as well as functional cardiac parameters in comparison to continuous right ventricular pacing (RVP). Furthermore, it also covers additional data on several sleep parameters, which were not presented in the main article including the index for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), the index for mixed sleep apnea and the oxygen saturation measurements during polysomnography. Further, Kaplan-Meier curves are presented for major adverse cardiac events (MACE) and overall mortality by severity of sleep apnea. Generally, the "UGRADE" study was a single-center prospective double-blinded randomized controlled trial lasting from 2014 to 2020. The methodology included a cross-over design giving the possibility to detect differences while CRT was activated and while continuous RVP was applied.


What is more, KCNQ1OT1 promoted proliferation, invasion, and drug resistance via inhibiting the expression of miR-129-5p and further promoting the expression of miR-129-5p-mediated LARP1. Collectively, it suggests that downregulation of KCNQ1OT1 inhibits proliferation, invasion, and drug resistance by regulating miR-129-5p-mediated LARP1 in osteosarcoma cells.Pingchuan formula (PCF) was created by Professor Yu Jianer. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of PCF on dendritic cells (DCs) and toll-like receptors (TLRs) in initiating immunity. A bronchial asthma BALB/c mouse model was established using an OVA excitation method. PCF was immediately administered by gavage after the first excitation. After 7 d, hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining was used to observe the pathological changes in the asthma model. Eosinophil infiltration and concentrations of IL-4, IFN-r, IL-12, and IFN-α in BALF were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Real-time PCR was used to determine mRNA levels of IL-12 and IFN-α. Protein expression levels of ERK, Toll-2, IDO, and Toll-9 were measured by immunoblot. HE and ELISA showed that PCF could improve lung pathological changes and significantly decrease the concentration of IL-4 in BALF. Moreover, PCF could increase IL-12, IFN-α, and IFN-r in BALF. Real-time PCR and western blot showed that PCF restored the DCs and TLRs in initiating immunity. In summary, this study found that PCF can improve the pathological changes and reduce the symptoms of asthma in a BALB/c mouse model. It can facilitate the initiation of immunity by restoring the DCs and TLRs.Blood viscosity is one of the important parameters to characterize hemorheological properties of the human body. Its real-time and dynamic measurement has important physiological significance for studying the development and prevention of chronic diseases. This study researched noninvasive and personalized measurement of microvascular blood viscosity. In the microcirculation capillary network blood flow model, combined with pulse wave parameters, multiple regression analysis was used to fit the simulated radius of personalized physiological blood vessels to calculate the microvascular blood viscosity. The fitted value related to the simulated radius of the physiological blood vessel had a high correlation with the corresponding theoretically derived value (correlation coefficient 0.904, P ≤ 0.001). The calculated value of the microvascular blood viscosity had a certain correlation with the clinical whole blood viscosity at a low shear rate (correlation coefficient 0.443, P less then 0.05). This algorithm could provide effective means for noninvasive and long-term individual monitoring and family health care.An increasing number of studies have shown that abnormal metabolism processes are closely correlated with the genesis and progression of colorectal cancer (CRC). In this study, we systematically explored the prognostic value of metabolism-related genes (MRGs) for CRC patients. A total of 289 differentially expressed MRGs were screened based on The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and the Molecular Signatures Database (MSigDB), and 72 differentially expressed transcription factors (TFs) were obtained from TCGA and the Cistrome Project database. The clinical samples obtained from TCGA were randomly divided at a ratio of 7  3 to obtain the training group (n = 306) and the test group (n = 128). After univariate and multivariate Cox regression analyses, we constructed a prognostic model based on 6 MRGs (AOC2, ENPP2, ADA, GPD1L, ACADL, and CPT2). Kaplan-Meier survival analysis of the training group, validation group, and overall samples proved that the model had statistical significance in predicting the outcomes of patients. Independent prognosis analysis suggested that this risk score might serve as an independent prognosis factor for CRC patients. Moreover, we combined the prognostic model and the clinical characteristics in a nomogram to predict the overall survival of CRC patients. Furthermore, gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) was conducted to identify the enriched Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathways in the high- and low-risk groups, which might provide novel therapeutic targets for CRC patients. We discovered through the protein-protein interaction (PPI) network and TF-MRG regulatory network that 7 hub genes were retrieved from the PPI network and 4 kinds of differentially expressed TFs (NR3C1, MYH11, MAF, and CBX7) positively regulated 4 prognosis-associated MRGs (GSTM5, PTGIS, ENPP2, and P4HA3).
Intimate partner violence (IPV) adversely affects female reproductive health in different ways. However, the relationship between IPV and abortion has not been adequately examined in Nepal. This study is aimed at examining the association between IPV and abortion in Nepal.

Data for this study was derived from the Nepal Demographic Health Surveys (NDHS) of 2011 and 2016. A total of 8641 women aged 15-49 years were selected for the violence module in NDHS 2011 and 2016. The analysis was restricted to 2978 women who reported at least one pregnancy five years preceding each survey. Among them, 839 women who experienced different forms of violence were included in the analysis. Various forms of IPV were taken as exposure variables while abortion as an outcome of interest. The study employed logistic regression analysis to examine the association between IPV and abortion.

Nearly one in three (28.2%) women experienced any forms of IPV. A total of 22.2% women experienced physical violence. Almost one in five (19.5%) women were slapped. More than half (52.8%) of the women with no education experienced IPV. The logistic regression analyses showed a significant association between IPV and abortion. Women with severe physical violence had nearly two-fold higher odds (adjusted Odds Ratio (aOR) = 1.68; 95% CI 1.06, 2.64) of having abortion. Similarly, women who reported physical violence were more likely to have abortion (aOR = 1.54; 95% CI 1.09, 2.19) compared to those who did not experience such violence.

Intimate partner violence is associated with abortion in Nepal. It is imperative that effective implementation of IPV-preventive measures through the promotion of appropriate social and policy actions can help reduce abortion in Nepal.
Intimate partner violence is associated with abortion in Nepal. It is imperative that effective implementation of IPV-preventive measures through the promotion of appropriate social and policy actions can help reduce abortion in Nepal.


An effective flight strategy is also presented, aiming to use radiation detectors coupled with UAVs to undertake extensive monitoring of areas with enhanced levels of environmental radiation, which is of prime importance due to the lasting hazardous effects of enhanced environmental radiation in the nearby ecosystem and population.We are witnessing an exponential increase in the use of different nanomaterials in a plethora of biomedical fields. We are all aware of how nanoparticles (NPs) have influenced and revolutionized the way we supply drugs or how to use them as therapeutic agents thanks to their tunable physico-chemical properties. However, there is still a niche of applications where NP have not yet been widely explored. This is the field of ocular delivery and NP-based therapy, which characterizes the topic of the current review. In particular, many efforts are being made to develop nanosystems capable of reaching deeper sections of the eye such as the retina. Particular attention will be given here to noble metal (gold and silver), and to polymeric nanoparticles, systems consisting of lipid bilayers such as liposomes or vesicles based on nonionic surfactant. We will report here the most relevant literature on the use of different types of NPs for an efficient delivery of drugs and bio-macromolecules to the eyes or as active therapeutic tools.Few rural sanitation programs have documented large increases in sanitation coverage or have assessed if interventions equitably increase sanitation coverage for vulnerable groups. We characterize the impact of the Sustainable Sanitation and Hygiene for All (SSH4A) approach on key program WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene) indicators, and also assess if these increases in WASH coverage are equitably reaching vulnerable groups. The SSH4A approach was administered in 12 program areas in 11 countries, including Bhutan, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Mozambique, Nepal, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. Repeated cross-sectional household surveys were administered over four rounds at annual follow-up rounds from 2014 to 2018. Surveys were conducted in an average of 21,411 households at each round of data collection. Overall, sanitation coverage increased by 53 percentage points between baseline and the final round of data collection (95% CI 52%, 54%). We estimate that 4.8 million people gained access to basic sanitation in these areas during the project period. Most countries also demonstrated movement up the sanitation ladder, in addition to increases in handwashing stations and safe disposal of child feces. When assessing equity-if sanitation coverage levels were similar comparing vulnerable and non-vulnerable groups-we observed that increases in coverage over time were generally comparable between vulnerable groups and non-vulnerable groups. However, the increase in sanitation coverage was slightly higher for higher wealth households compared to lower wealth households. Results from this study revealed a successful model of rural sanitation service delivery. However, further work should be done to explore the specific mechanisms that led to success of the intervention.This paper presents an approach to analyse the quality, in terms of precision and reliability, of a system which integrates-at the observation-level-landmark positions and GNSS measurements, obtained with a single camera and a digital map, and a single frequency GNSS receiver respectively. We illustrate the analysis by means of design computations, and we present the actual performance by means of a small experiment in practice. It is shown that the integration model is able to produce a position solution even when both sensors individually fail to do so. With realistic assumptions on measurement noise, the proposed integrated, low-cost system can deliver a horizontal position with a precision of better than half a meter. The external reliability of the integrated system is at the few decimetre-level, showing that the impact of undetected faults in the measurements, for instance incorrectly identified landmarks in the image, on the horizontal position is limited and acceptable, thereby confirming the fault-robustness of the system.Magnetic Resonance (MR) Imaging is a diagnostic technique that produces noisy images, which must be filtered before processing to prevent diagnostic errors. However, filtering the noise while keeping fine details is a difficult task. This paper presents a method, based on sparse representations and singular value decomposition (SVD), for non-locally denoising MR images. The proposed method prevents blurring, artifacts, and residual noise. Our method is composed of three stages. The first stage divides the image into sub-volumes, to obtain its sparse representation, by using the KSVD algorithm. Then, the global influence of the dictionary atoms is computed to upgrade the dictionary and obtain a better reconstruction of the sub-volumes. In the second stage, based on the sparse representation, the noise-free sub-volume is estimated using a non-local approach and SVD. The noise-free voxel is reconstructed by aggregating the overlapped voxels according to the rarity of the sub-volumes it belongs, which is computed from the global influence of the atoms. The third stage repeats the process using a different sub-volume size for producing a new filtered image, which is averaged with the previously filtered images. The results provided show that our method outperforms several state-of-the-art methods in both simulated and real data.The design of the mRNA vaccine involves the selection of in vitro transcription (IVT) systems and nonviral delivery vectors. This study aimed to verify the effect of 5' and 3' untranslated region (UTR) sequences on the translation efficiency of mRNA. Three modes of IVT-mRNA systems (IVT-mRNA-n1/n2/n3) with diverse UTRs were constructed, and EGFP (enhanced green fluorescent protein) and HA (hemagglutinin) gene of H3N2 influenza virus were introduced into each of them. The results showed that the mode of 5' and 3' UTRs originating from human β-globulin was better than the mode of UTRs from human α-globulin, and the n3 mode was the best. mEGFP-n3, mH3HA-n3, and mLuciferease-n3 were prepared to compare the effect of cationic lipid nanoparticle (LNP) with that of mannose-conjugated LNP (LNP-Man) on the efficiency of gene delivery. The results showed that the effect of LNP-Man was better than that of LNP both in vitro and in vivo. Choosing appropriate ligands might help in vaccine design. After selecting the IVT-mRNA-n3 system and delivery vectors, mRNA vaccines were constructed against the H1N1 influenza virus, and C57BL/6 mice were immunized through intranasal administration.