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of sustainable development.Intimate partner violence has been associated with numerous consequences for women, including pregnancy termination. This study aimed to examine the association between intimate partner violence and pregnancy termination among adolescent girls and young women in 25 sub-Saharan African countries. Data for this study was obtained from the demographic and health surveys of 25 countries in sub-Saharan Africa, published between 2010 and 2019. A total of 60,563 adolescent girls and young women were included in this study. Binary logistic regression models were used in analyzing the data and the results were presented as crude odds ratios (CORs) and adjusted odds ratios (AORs) at 95% confidence interval (CI). The prevalence of intimate partner violence and pregnancy termination among adolescent girls and young women in the 25 countries in sub-Saharan Africa were 19% and 10.1% respectively. In all these countries, the odds of pregnancy termination was higher among adolescent girls and young women who had ever experienced intimate partner violence, compared to those who had never experienced intimate partner violence [COR = 1.60, 95% CI = 1.51-1.71], and this persisted after controlling for confounders [AOR = 1.58, 95% CI = 1.48-1.68]. However, across countries, intimate partner violence had significant association with pregnancy termination among adolescent girls and young women in Angola, Chad, Congo DR and Gabon (Central Africa); Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote D'lvoire, Gambia and Mali (West Africa); Comoros, Rwanda and Uganda (East Africa); and Malawi and Zambia (Southern Africa). The findings imply that reducing pregnancy termination among adolescent girls and young women in sub-Saharan Africa depends on the elimination of intimate partner violence. Thus, policies and programmes aimed at reducing pregnancy termination among adolescent girls and young women in sub-Saharan Africa, should pay particular attention to those who have history of intimate partner violence.In sub-Saharan Africa, where intimate partner violence has been found to be predominant, several scholars have made efforts to understand its predictors. Socio-culturally, polygyny has been considered as a key determinant of intimate partner violence. This study aimed to examine the association between polygyny and intimate partner violence in 16 sub-Saharan African countries. Binary logistic regression models were used in testing the association and the results were presented as crude and adjusted odds ratios at 95% confidence interval. The proportion of women in polygamous marriages in the 16 countries was 20.2%, ranging from as high as 40% in Chad to as low as 1.6% in South Africa. The prevalence of IPV was 30.7% in the 16 countries, ranging from as high as 44% in Uganda to as low as 12.7% in South Africa. The odds of IPV were higher among women in polygamous marriages in Angola, Burundi, Ethiopia, Uganda, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe but was lower among women in polygamous marriages in Cameroon [COR = 0.54, 95% CI = 0.44-0.66] and Nigeria [COR = 0.61, 95% CI = 0.55-0.67], and this persisted after controlling for level of education, place of residence, wealth quintile, media exposure, and justification of violence. This study has found a significant association between polygyny and intimate partner violence. The practice of intimate partner violence in sub-Saharan Africa is fused into the socio-cultural norms and religious traditions of most countries in the sub-Saharan African region. The findings imply that family structures expose women to intimate partner violence. Therefore, global efforts in dealing with intimate partner violence through the Sustainable Development Goals should be done with attention on the socio-cultural norms and traditions around marriage and family structures.•Immune checkpoint inhibitors are approved for all mismatch repair deficient tumors.•Although rare, autoimmune myositis complicating pembrolizumab therapy may be fatal.•In this case, pembrolizumab caused rhabdomyolysis but also a durable response.•Severe autoimmune reaction may be associated with durable treatment response.Pupil tracking data are collected through the use of an infrared camera, and a head-mounted system [1]. The head-mounted system detects the relative pupil position and adjusts the mouse cursor position accordingly. The data are available for comparison of eye tracking with saccadic movements (with the head fixed in space) versus those from smooth movements (with the head moving in space). The analysis comprises two experiments for both types of eye tracking, which are performed with ten trials each for two participants. In the first experiment, the participant attempts to place the cursor into a target boundary of varying sizes. In the second experiment, the participant attempts to move the cursor to a target location within the shortest time.Stress has been shown to disturb the balance of human intestinal microbiota and subsequently causes mental health problems like anxiety and depression. Our previous study showed that ingesting the probiotic strain, Lactobacillus (L.) plantarum P-8, for 12 weeks could alleviate stress and anxiety of stressed adults. The current study was a follow-up work aiming to investigate the functional role of the gut metagenomes in the observed beneficial effects. The fecal metagenomes of the probiotic (n = 43) and placebo (n = 36) receivers were analyzed in depth. The gut microbiomes of the placebo group at weeks 0 and 12 showed a significantly greater Aitchison distance (P less then 0.001) compared with the probiotic group. Meanwhile, the Shannon diversity index of the placebo group (P less then 0.05) but not the probiotic group decreased significantly at week 12. Additionally, significantly more species-level genome bins (SGBs) of Bifidobacterium adolescentis, Bifidobacterium longum, and Fecalibacterium prausnitzii (P less then 0.01) were identified in the fecal metagenomes of the probiotic group, while the abundances of SGBs representing the species Roseburia faecis and Fusicatenibacter saccharivorans decreased significantly (P less then 0.05). Furthermore, the 12-week probiotic supplementation enhanced the diversity of neurotransmitter-synthesizing/consuming SGBs and the levels of some predicted microbial neuroactive metabolites (e.g., short-chain fatty acids, gamma-aminobutyric acid, arachidonic acid, and sphingomyelin). Our results showed a potential link between probiotic-induced gut microbiota modulation and stress/anxiety alleviation in stressed adults, supporting that the gut-brain axis was involved in relieving stress-related symptoms. The beneficial effect relied not only on microbial diversity changes but more importantly gut metagenome modulations at the SGB and functional gene levels.


Significant tDCS current-induced magnetic fields were observed at the left DLPFC target for both active stimulation montages (Brodmann's area (BA) 46 pHD = 0.048, Cohen's dHD = 0.73; pConv = 0.018, dConv = 0.86; BA 9 pHD = 0.011, dHD = 0.92; pConv = 0.022, dConv = 0.83). Significant longitudinal CBF increases were observed (a) at the left DLPFC stimulation-target for both active montages (pHD = 3.5E-3, dHD = 0.98; pConv = 2.8E-3, dConv = 1.08), and (b) at ACC for the HD-montage only (pHD = 2.4E-3, dHD = 1.06; pConv = 0.075, dConv = 0.64). These results confirm that tDCS-treatment (a) engages the stimulation-target, and (b) modulates depression-relevant neural circuitry in depressed participants, with stronger network-modulations induced by the HD-montage. Although not primary outcomes, active HD-tDCS showed significant improvements of anhedonia relative to sham, though HDRS scores did not differ significantly between montages post-treatment.Subanesthetic ketamine evokes rapid antidepressant effects in human patients that persist long past ketamine's chemical half-life of ~2 h. Ketamine's sustained antidepressant action may be due to modulation of cortical plasticity. We find that ketamine ameliorates depression-like behavior in the forced swim test in adult mice, and this depends on parvalbumin-expressing (PV) neuron-directed neuregulin-1 (NRG1)/ErbB4 signaling. Ketamine rapidly downregulates NRG1 expression in PV inhibitory neurons in mouse medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) following a single low-dose ketamine treatment. This NRG1 downregulation in PV neurons co-tracks with the decreases in synaptic inhibition to mPFC excitatory neurons for up to a week. This results from reduced synaptic excitation to PV neurons, and is blocked by exogenous NRG1 as well as by PV targeted ErbB4 receptor knockout. Thus, we conceptualize that ketamine's effects are mediated through rapid and sustained cortical disinhibition via PV-specific NRG1 signaling. Our findings reveal a novel neural plasticity-based mechanism for ketamine's acute and long-lasting antidepressant effects.Increased reactive oxygen species levels in the mitochondrial matrix can induce Parkin-dependent mitophagy, which selectively degrades dysfunctional mitochondria via the autolysosome pathway. Phosphorylated mitofusin-2 (MFN2), a receptor of parkin RBR E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase (Parkin), interacts with Parkin to promote the ubiquitination of mitochondrial proteins; meanwhile, the mitophagy receptors Optineurin (OPTN) and nuclear dot protein 52 (NDP52) are recruited to damaged mitochondria to promote mitophagy. However, previous studies have not investigated changes in the levels of OPTN, MFN2, and NDP52 during Parkin-mediated mitophagy. Here, we show that mild and sustained hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) stimulation induces Parkin-dependent mitophagy accompanied by downregulation of the mitophagy-associated proteins OPTN, NDP52, and MFN2. We further demonstrate that H2O2 promotes the expression of the miR-106b-93-25 cluster and that miR-106b and miR-93 synergistically inhibit the translation of OPTN, NDP52, and MFN2 by targeting their 3' untranslated regions. We further reveal that compromised phosphorylation of MYC proto-oncogene protein (c-Myc) at threonine 58 (T58) (producing an unstable form of c-Myc) caused by reduced nuclear glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta (GSK3β) levels contributes to the promotion of miR-106b-93-25 cluster expression upon H2O2 induction. Furthermore, miR-106b-mediated and miR-93-mediated inhibition of mitophagy-associated proteins (OPTN, MFN2, and NDP52) restrains cell death by controlling excessive mitophagy. Our data suggest that microRNAs (miRNAs) targeting mitophagy-associated proteins maintain cell survival, which is a novel mechanism of mitophagy control. Thus, our findings provide mechanistic insight into how miRNA-mediated regulation alters the biological process of mitophagy.Apoptosis related protein in TGF-β signaling pathway (ARTS) was originally discovered in cells undergoing apoptosis in response to TGF-β, but ARTS also acts downstream of many other apoptotic stimuli. ARTS induces apoptosis by antagonizing the anti-apoptotic proteins XIAP and Bcl-2. Here we identified the pro-apoptotic Sept4/ARTS gene as a p53-responsive target gene. Ectopic p53 and a variety of p53-inducing agents increased both mRNA and protein levels of ARTS, whereas ablation of p53 reduced ARTS expression in response to multiple stress conditions. Also, γ-irradiation induced p53-dependent ARTS expression in mice. Consistently, p53 binds to the responsive DNA element on the ARTS promoter and transcriptionally activated the promoter-driven expression of a luciferase reporter gene. Interestingly, ARTS binds to and sequesters p53 at mitochondria, enhancing the interaction of the latter with Bcl-XL. Ectopic ARTS markedly augments DNA damage stress- or Nutlin-3-triggered apoptosis, while ablation of ARTS preferentially impairs p53-induced apoptosis. Altogether, these findings demonstrate that ARTS collaborates with p53 in mitochondria-engaged apoptosis.Extensive migration has led to the necessity of knowledge regarding the treatment of migrants with different ethnical backgrounds. This is especially relevant for pharmacological treatment, because of the significant variation between migrant groups in their capacity to metabolize drugs. For psychiatric medications, CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 enzymes are clinically relevant. The aim of this meta-analysis was to analyze studies reporting clinically useful information regarding CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 genotype frequencies, across populations and ethnic groups worldwide. To that end, we conducted a comprehensive meta-analysis using Embase, PubMed, Web of Science, and PsycINFO (>336,000 subjects, 318 reports). A non-normal metabolizer (non-NM) probability estimate was introduced as the equivalent of the sum-prevalence of predicted poor, intermediate, and ultrarapid metabolizer CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 phenotypes. The probability of having a CYP2D6 non-NM predicted phenotype was highest in Algeria (61%) and lowest in Gambia (2.7%) while the probability for CYP2C19 was highest in India (80%) and lowest in countries in the Americas, particularly Mexico (32%).


Slow freezing improved maintenance of testis architecture, with minimal detachment of seminiferous tubule basement membranes post-thaw. Spermatogonia densities were reduced in NIV tissues compared with fresh, with no differences in spermatocyte, spermatid, or Sertoli cell counts, or germ cell marker DDX4+ cell densities among groups. In sum, we conclude that slow freezing better maintained morphology of cryopreserved testicular tissues compared with needle vitrification with 15% each DMSO and EG and 0.5 M sucrose, and that DMSO + EG combination SF supports cell viability. This represents a first step in the development of male gonadal tissue preservation strategies for the grey wolf.
The incidence of invasive meningococcal disease in the UK decreased by approximately four times from 1999 to 2014, with reductions in serogroup C and serogroup B disease. Lower serogroup C invasive meningococcal disease incidence was attributable to implementation of the meningococcal serogroup C conjugate vaccine in 1999, through direct and indirect protection, but no vaccine was implemented against serogroup B disease. UK Meningococcal Carriage surveys 1-3 (UKMenCar1-3), conducted in 1999, 2000, and 2001, were essential for understanding the impact of vaccination. To investigate the decline in invasive meningococcal disease incidence, we did a large oropharyngeal carriage survey in 2014-15, immediately before the changes to meningococcal vaccines in the UK national immunisation schedule.

UKMenCar4 was a cross-sectional survey in adolescents aged 15-19 years who were enrolled from schools and colleges geographically local to one of 11 UK sampling centres between Sept 1, 2014, and March 30, 2015. Participalth Research.A 31-year-old woman with epigastric pain underwent a "pi"-shaped copper bearing intrauterine device placement 11 years prior while lactating approximately 14 months after delivery. The patient experienced intermittent epigastric pain caused by the intrauterine device penetrating through the gastric wall. Removal required partial gastrectomy.
The intermittent administration of seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) is recommended to prevent malaria among children aged 3-59 months in areas of the Sahel subregion in Africa. However, the cost-effectiveness and cost savings of SMC have not previously been evaluated in large-scale studies.

We did a cost-effectiveness and cost-savings analysis of a large-scale, multi-country SMC campaign with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine plus amodiaquine for children younger than 5 years in seven countries in the Sahel subregion (Burkina Faso, Chad, Guinea, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, and The Gambia) in 2016. The financial and economic costs were analysed from the programmatic perspective and are reported in 2016 US$ for each country. The estimated numbers of averted malaria cases, deaths, and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) were based on numbers of SMC treatments administered and modelled malaria transmission. Cost savings were calculated from a programmatic perspective corresponding to the diagnostic and treatment caid.
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria is a robust vertical global health programme. The extent to which vertical programmes financially support health security has not been investigated. We, therefore, endeavoured to quantify the extent to which the budgets of this vertical programme support health security. We believe this is a crucial area of work as the global community works to combine resources for COVID-19 response and future pandemic preparedness.

We examined budgets for work in Kenya, Uganda, Vietnam, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guatemala, Guinea, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone from January, 2014 to December, 2020. These ten countries were selected because of the robustness of investments and the availability of data. Using the International Health Regulations Joint External Evaluation (JEE) tool as a framework, we mapped budget line items to health security capacities. Two researchers independently reviewed each budget and mapped items to the JEE. Budgets werepment received the greatest amount of direct budgetary support.

Over one-third of the Global Fund's work also supports health security and the organisation has budgeted more than $2 500 000 000 for activities that support health security in ten countries since 2014. Although these funds were not budgeted specifically for health security purposes, recognising how vertical programmes can synergistically support other global health efforts has important implications for policy related to health systems strengthening.

Resolve to Save Lives An Initiative of Vital Strategies.
Resolve to Save Lives An Initiative of Vital Strategies.
To determine whether the academic achievement of Department Chairperson (DC) and Research Director (RD), when present, is associated with increased scholarly productivity and National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding of faculty members in academic urology departments.

We identified the DC, RD and faculty members of 145 academic urology departments. The scholarly productivity and NIH funding for each individual faculty member was assessed from 2018 to 2019 using an h-index extrapolated from the Scopus database and the NIH RePORTER tool, respectively. The Spearman correlation coefficient was employed to define the correlation of these parameters. Hypothesis testing was conducted using the Mann-Whitney U test.

After excluding 13 departments due to missing faculty listing, our final sample included 132 departments and 2227 faculty members. In 2018, the NIH provided $55,243,658 in urology research grants to 24.2% of departments and 4.0% of faculty members. Of departments with NIH funding, 68.8% employed a RD. DC and RD h-index were positively correlated with departmental h-index. DC h-index positively correlated with department NIH funding. Moreover, NIH funding was significantly higher for departments with a RD vs those without a RD ($1,268,028 vs $62,941, P < .001); interestingly, NIH funding was higher for departments employing unfunded RDs vs those without a RD ($2,079,948 vs $579,055, P < .001).

Academic success of a DC and RD was associated with urology departmental scholarly productivity and NIH funding. The presence of a RD, funded or unfunded, was associated with increased departmental NIH funding.
Academic success of a DC and RD was associated with urology departmental scholarly productivity and NIH funding. The presence of a RD, funded or unfunded, was associated with increased departmental NIH funding.


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Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.



of sustainable development.Intimate partner violence has been associated with numerous consequences for women, including pregnancy termination. This study aimed to examine the association between intimate partner violence and pregnancy termination among adolescent girls and young women in 25 sub-Saharan African countries. Data for this study was obtained from the demographic and health surveys of 25 countries in sub-Saharan Africa, published between 2010 and 2019. A total of 60,563 adolescent girls and young women were included in this study. Binary logistic regression models were used in analyzing the data and the results were presented as crude odds ratios (CORs) and adjusted odds ratios (AORs) at 95% confidence interval (CI). The prevalence of intimate partner violence and pregnancy termination among adolescent girls and young women in the 25 countries in sub-Saharan Africa were 19% and 10.1% respectively. In all these countries, the odds of pregnancy termination was higher among adolescent girls and young women who had ever experienced intimate partner violence, compared to those who had never experienced intimate partner violence [COR = 1.60, 95% CI = 1.51-1.71], and this persisted after controlling for confounders [AOR = 1.58, 95% CI = 1.48-1.68]. However, across countries, intimate partner violence had significant association with pregnancy termination among adolescent girls and young women in Angola, Chad, Congo DR and Gabon (Central Africa); Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote D'lvoire, Gambia and Mali (West Africa); Comoros, Rwanda and Uganda (East Africa); and Malawi and Zambia (Southern Africa). The findings imply that reducing pregnancy termination among adolescent girls and young women in sub-Saharan Africa depends on the elimination of intimate partner violence. Thus, policies and programmes aimed at reducing pregnancy termination among adolescent girls and young women in sub-Saharan Africa, should pay particular attention to those who have history of intimate partner violence.In sub-Saharan Africa, where intimate partner violence has been found to be predominant, several scholars have made efforts to understand its predictors. Socio-culturally, polygyny has been considered as a key determinant of intimate partner violence. This study aimed to examine the association between polygyny and intimate partner violence in 16 sub-Saharan African countries. Binary logistic regression models were used in testing the association and the results were presented as crude and adjusted odds ratios at 95% confidence interval. The proportion of women in polygamous marriages in the 16 countries was 20.2%, ranging from as high as 40% in Chad to as low as 1.6% in South Africa. The prevalence of IPV was 30.7% in the 16 countries, ranging from as high as 44% in Uganda to as low as 12.7% in South Africa. The odds of IPV were higher among women in polygamous marriages in Angola, Burundi, Ethiopia, Uganda, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe but was lower among women in polygamous marriages in Cameroon [COR = 0.54, 95% CI = 0.44-0.66] and Nigeria [COR = 0.61, 95% CI = 0.55-0.67], and this persisted after controlling for level of education, place of residence, wealth quintile, media exposure, and justification of violence. This study has found a significant association between polygyny and intimate partner violence. The practice of intimate partner violence in sub-Saharan Africa is fused into the socio-cultural norms and religious traditions of most countries in the sub-Saharan African region. The findings imply that family structures expose women to intimate partner violence. Therefore, global efforts in dealing with intimate partner violence through the Sustainable Development Goals should be done with attention on the socio-cultural norms and traditions around marriage and family structures.•Immune checkpoint inhibitors are approved for all mismatch repair deficient tumors.•Although rare, autoimmune myositis complicating pembrolizumab therapy may be fatal.•In this case, pembrolizumab caused rhabdomyolysis but also a durable response.•Severe autoimmune reaction may be associated with durable treatment response.Pupil tracking data are collected through the use of an infrared camera, and a head-mounted system [1]. The head-mounted system detects the relative pupil position and adjusts the mouse cursor position accordingly. The data are available for comparison of eye tracking with saccadic movements (with the head fixed in space) versus those from smooth movements (with the head moving in space). The analysis comprises two experiments for both types of eye tracking, which are performed with ten trials each for two participants. In the first experiment, the participant attempts to place the cursor into a target boundary of varying sizes. In the second experiment, the participant attempts to move the cursor to a target location within the shortest time.Stress has been shown to disturb the balance of human intestinal microbiota and subsequently causes mental health problems like anxiety and depression. Our previous study showed that ingesting the probiotic strain, Lactobacillus (L.) plantarum P-8, for 12 weeks could alleviate stress and anxiety of stressed adults. The current study was a follow-up work aiming to investigate the functional role of the gut metagenomes in the observed beneficial effects. The fecal metagenomes of the probiotic (n = 43) and placebo (n = 36) receivers were analyzed in depth. The gut microbiomes of the placebo group at weeks 0 and 12 showed a significantly greater Aitchison distance (P less then 0.001) compared with the probiotic group. Meanwhile, the Shannon diversity index of the placebo group (P less then 0.05) but not the probiotic group decreased significantly at week 12. Additionally, significantly more species-level genome bins (SGBs) of Bifidobacterium adolescentis, Bifidobacterium longum, and Fecalibacterium prausnitzii (P less then 0.01) were identified in the fecal metagenomes of the probiotic group, while the abundances of SGBs representing the species Roseburia faecis and Fusicatenibacter saccharivorans decreased significantly (P less then 0.05). Furthermore, the 12-week probiotic supplementation enhanced the diversity of neurotransmitter-synthesizing/consuming SGBs and the levels of some predicted microbial neuroactive metabolites (e.g., short-chain fatty acids, gamma-aminobutyric acid, arachidonic acid, and sphingomyelin). Our results showed a potential link between probiotic-induced gut microbiota modulation and stress/anxiety alleviation in stressed adults, supporting that the gut-brain axis was involved in relieving stress-related symptoms. The beneficial effect relied not only on microbial diversity changes but more importantly gut metagenome modulations at the SGB and functional gene levels.


Significant tDCS current-induced magnetic fields were observed at the left DLPFC target for both active stimulation montages (Brodmann's area (BA) 46 pHD = 0.048, Cohen's dHD = 0.73; pConv = 0.018, dConv = 0.86; BA 9 pHD = 0.011, dHD = 0.92; pConv = 0.022, dConv = 0.83). Significant longitudinal CBF increases were observed (a) at the left DLPFC stimulation-target for both active montages (pHD = 3.5E-3, dHD = 0.98; pConv = 2.8E-3, dConv = 1.08), and (b) at ACC for the HD-montage only (pHD = 2.4E-3, dHD = 1.06; pConv = 0.075, dConv = 0.64). These results confirm that tDCS-treatment (a) engages the stimulation-target, and (b) modulates depression-relevant neural circuitry in depressed participants, with stronger network-modulations induced by the HD-montage. Although not primary outcomes, active HD-tDCS showed significant improvements of anhedonia relative to sham, though HDRS scores did not differ significantly between montages post-treatment.Subanesthetic ketamine evokes rapid antidepressant effects in human patients that persist long past ketamine's chemical half-life of ~2 h. Ketamine's sustained antidepressant action may be due to modulation of cortical plasticity. We find that ketamine ameliorates depression-like behavior in the forced swim test in adult mice, and this depends on parvalbumin-expressing (PV) neuron-directed neuregulin-1 (NRG1)/ErbB4 signaling. Ketamine rapidly downregulates NRG1 expression in PV inhibitory neurons in mouse medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) following a single low-dose ketamine treatment. This NRG1 downregulation in PV neurons co-tracks with the decreases in synaptic inhibition to mPFC excitatory neurons for up to a week. This results from reduced synaptic excitation to PV neurons, and is blocked by exogenous NRG1 as well as by PV targeted ErbB4 receptor knockout. Thus, we conceptualize that ketamine's effects are mediated through rapid and sustained cortical disinhibition via PV-specific NRG1 signaling. Our findings reveal a novel neural plasticity-based mechanism for ketamine's acute and long-lasting antidepressant effects.Increased reactive oxygen species levels in the mitochondrial matrix can induce Parkin-dependent mitophagy, which selectively degrades dysfunctional mitochondria via the autolysosome pathway. Phosphorylated mitofusin-2 (MFN2), a receptor of parkin RBR E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase (Parkin), interacts with Parkin to promote the ubiquitination of mitochondrial proteins; meanwhile, the mitophagy receptors Optineurin (OPTN) and nuclear dot protein 52 (NDP52) are recruited to damaged mitochondria to promote mitophagy. However, previous studies have not investigated changes in the levels of OPTN, MFN2, and NDP52 during Parkin-mediated mitophagy. Here, we show that mild and sustained hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) stimulation induces Parkin-dependent mitophagy accompanied by downregulation of the mitophagy-associated proteins OPTN, NDP52, and MFN2. We further demonstrate that H2O2 promotes the expression of the miR-106b-93-25 cluster and that miR-106b and miR-93 synergistically inhibit the translation of OPTN, NDP52, and MFN2 by targeting their 3' untranslated regions. We further reveal that compromised phosphorylation of MYC proto-oncogene protein (c-Myc) at threonine 58 (T58) (producing an unstable form of c-Myc) caused by reduced nuclear glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta (GSK3β) levels contributes to the promotion of miR-106b-93-25 cluster expression upon H2O2 induction. Furthermore, miR-106b-mediated and miR-93-mediated inhibition of mitophagy-associated proteins (OPTN, MFN2, and NDP52) restrains cell death by controlling excessive mitophagy. Our data suggest that microRNAs (miRNAs) targeting mitophagy-associated proteins maintain cell survival, which is a novel mechanism of mitophagy control. Thus, our findings provide mechanistic insight into how miRNA-mediated regulation alters the biological process of mitophagy.Apoptosis related protein in TGF-β signaling pathway (ARTS) was originally discovered in cells undergoing apoptosis in response to TGF-β, but ARTS also acts downstream of many other apoptotic stimuli. ARTS induces apoptosis by antagonizing the anti-apoptotic proteins XIAP and Bcl-2. Here we identified the pro-apoptotic Sept4/ARTS gene as a p53-responsive target gene. Ectopic p53 and a variety of p53-inducing agents increased both mRNA and protein levels of ARTS, whereas ablation of p53 reduced ARTS expression in response to multiple stress conditions. Also, γ-irradiation induced p53-dependent ARTS expression in mice. Consistently, p53 binds to the responsive DNA element on the ARTS promoter and transcriptionally activated the promoter-driven expression of a luciferase reporter gene. Interestingly, ARTS binds to and sequesters p53 at mitochondria, enhancing the interaction of the latter with Bcl-XL. Ectopic ARTS markedly augments DNA damage stress- or Nutlin-3-triggered apoptosis, while ablation of ARTS preferentially impairs p53-induced apoptosis. Altogether, these findings demonstrate that ARTS collaborates with p53 in mitochondria-engaged apoptosis.Extensive migration has led to the necessity of knowledge regarding the treatment of migrants with different ethnical backgrounds. This is especially relevant for pharmacological treatment, because of the significant variation between migrant groups in their capacity to metabolize drugs. For psychiatric medications, CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 enzymes are clinically relevant. The aim of this meta-analysis was to analyze studies reporting clinically useful information regarding CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 genotype frequencies, across populations and ethnic groups worldwide. To that end, we conducted a comprehensive meta-analysis using Embase, PubMed, Web of Science, and PsycINFO (>336,000 subjects, 318 reports). A non-normal metabolizer (non-NM) probability estimate was introduced as the equivalent of the sum-prevalence of predicted poor, intermediate, and ultrarapid metabolizer CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 phenotypes. The probability of having a CYP2D6 non-NM predicted phenotype was highest in Algeria (61%) and lowest in Gambia (2.7%) while the probability for CYP2C19 was highest in India (80%) and lowest in countries in the Americas, particularly Mexico (32%).


Slow freezing improved maintenance of testis architecture, with minimal detachment of seminiferous tubule basement membranes post-thaw. Spermatogonia densities were reduced in NIV tissues compared with fresh, with no differences in spermatocyte, spermatid, or Sertoli cell counts, or germ cell marker DDX4+ cell densities among groups. In sum, we conclude that slow freezing better maintained morphology of cryopreserved testicular tissues compared with needle vitrification with 15% each DMSO and EG and 0.5 M sucrose, and that DMSO + EG combination SF supports cell viability. This represents a first step in the development of male gonadal tissue preservation strategies for the grey wolf.
The incidence of invasive meningococcal disease in the UK decreased by approximately four times from 1999 to 2014, with reductions in serogroup C and serogroup B disease. Lower serogroup C invasive meningococcal disease incidence was attributable to implementation of the meningococcal serogroup C conjugate vaccine in 1999, through direct and indirect protection, but no vaccine was implemented against serogroup B disease. UK Meningococcal Carriage surveys 1-3 (UKMenCar1-3), conducted in 1999, 2000, and 2001, were essential for understanding the impact of vaccination. To investigate the decline in invasive meningococcal disease incidence, we did a large oropharyngeal carriage survey in 2014-15, immediately before the changes to meningococcal vaccines in the UK national immunisation schedule.

UKMenCar4 was a cross-sectional survey in adolescents aged 15-19 years who were enrolled from schools and colleges geographically local to one of 11 UK sampling centres between Sept 1, 2014, and March 30, 2015. Participalth Research.A 31-year-old woman with epigastric pain underwent a "pi"-shaped copper bearing intrauterine device placement 11 years prior while lactating approximately 14 months after delivery. The patient experienced intermittent epigastric pain caused by the intrauterine device penetrating through the gastric wall. Removal required partial gastrectomy.
The intermittent administration of seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) is recommended to prevent malaria among children aged 3-59 months in areas of the Sahel subregion in Africa. However, the cost-effectiveness and cost savings of SMC have not previously been evaluated in large-scale studies.

We did a cost-effectiveness and cost-savings analysis of a large-scale, multi-country SMC campaign with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine plus amodiaquine for children younger than 5 years in seven countries in the Sahel subregion (Burkina Faso, Chad, Guinea, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, and The Gambia) in 2016. The financial and economic costs were analysed from the programmatic perspective and are reported in 2016 US$ for each country. The estimated numbers of averted malaria cases, deaths, and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) were based on numbers of SMC treatments administered and modelled malaria transmission. Cost savings were calculated from a programmatic perspective corresponding to the diagnostic and treatment caid.
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria is a robust vertical global health programme. The extent to which vertical programmes financially support health security has not been investigated. We, therefore, endeavoured to quantify the extent to which the budgets of this vertical programme support health security. We believe this is a crucial area of work as the global community works to combine resources for COVID-19 response and future pandemic preparedness.

We examined budgets for work in Kenya, Uganda, Vietnam, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guatemala, Guinea, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone from January, 2014 to December, 2020. These ten countries were selected because of the robustness of investments and the availability of data. Using the International Health Regulations Joint External Evaluation (JEE) tool as a framework, we mapped budget line items to health security capacities. Two researchers independently reviewed each budget and mapped items to the JEE. Budgets werepment received the greatest amount of direct budgetary support.

Over one-third of the Global Fund's work also supports health security and the organisation has budgeted more than $2 500 000 000 for activities that support health security in ten countries since 2014. Although these funds were not budgeted specifically for health security purposes, recognising how vertical programmes can synergistically support other global health efforts has important implications for policy related to health systems strengthening.

Resolve to Save Lives An Initiative of Vital Strategies.
Resolve to Save Lives An Initiative of Vital Strategies.
To determine whether the academic achievement of Department Chairperson (DC) and Research Director (RD), when present, is associated with increased scholarly productivity and National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding of faculty members in academic urology departments.

We identified the DC, RD and faculty members of 145 academic urology departments. The scholarly productivity and NIH funding for each individual faculty member was assessed from 2018 to 2019 using an h-index extrapolated from the Scopus database and the NIH RePORTER tool, respectively. The Spearman correlation coefficient was employed to define the correlation of these parameters. Hypothesis testing was conducted using the Mann-Whitney U test.

After excluding 13 departments due to missing faculty listing, our final sample included 132 departments and 2227 faculty members. In 2018, the NIH provided $55,243,658 in urology research grants to 24.2% of departments and 4.0% of faculty members. Of departments with NIH funding, 68.8% employed a RD. DC and RD h-index were positively correlated with departmental h-index. DC h-index positively correlated with department NIH funding. Moreover, NIH funding was significantly higher for departments with a RD vs those without a RD ($1,268,028 vs $62,941, P < .001); interestingly, NIH funding was higher for departments employing unfunded RDs vs those without a RD ($2,079,948 vs $579,055, P < .001).

Academic success of a DC and RD was associated with urology departmental scholarly productivity and NIH funding. The presence of a RD, funded or unfunded, was associated with increased departmental NIH funding.
Academic success of a DC and RD was associated with urology departmental scholarly productivity and NIH funding. The presence of a RD, funded or unfunded, was associated with increased departmental NIH funding.


Site-specific confounder-adjusted vaccine effectiveness (VE) estimates for almost any vaccine publicity had been computed by age-group ( less then 18 years (y), 18-64y and 65 + y) and pooled by setting (major attention, medical center) through arbitrary effects meta-analysis. In addition, one population-based of DRIVE for the coming years. We utilized the whole world Health corporation's (Just who) Data Quality Review (DQR) Toolkit to judge MyChild Solution's information quality into the 19 health services across two regions applying MyChild Solution into the Gambia at the time of the analysis. We evaluated all relevant information high quality metrics in addition to additional metrics of great interest, such as the incidence of tracking errors, the incidence of partial signal degree data, and implausible times. Where possible, we compared brings about those for the main-stream HMIS. Dietary phosphorus (P) constraint is vital to take care of hyperphosphatemia and reduce heart problems risk and mortality in customers with chronic renal infection (CKD) plus the larger population. Different options for nutritional P limitation exist, however the bioavailability of P in food should also be looked at when coming up with appropriate meals choices to maintain customers' total well being. Here, we propose the "Phosphatemic Index" (PI) as a novel tool for evaluating diet P load centered on P bioavailability; we additionally evaluated the result of continuous consumption of different PI meals in blended dishes on serum undamaged fibroblast development aspect 23 focus. A 2-stage crossover study ended up being carried out learn 1 20 healthy individuals used 10 various foods containing 200mg of P, additionally the PI was calculated from the location underneath the curve of a time versus serum P focus curve; Study 2 10 healthier members consumed 4 different test meals (reasonable, moderate, or high PI dishes or a control) over a 5-day duration. Research 1 revealed milk and dairy food had high PI values, pork and ham had medium PI values, and soy and tofu had reduced PI values. In research 2, ingestion of high PI test dishes showed higher fasting serum intact fibroblast development aspect 23 amounts and reduced serum 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D levels in contrast to ingestion of reduced PI test dishes. These results suggest that the PI can usefully evaluate the dietary P load of various foods and will help make proper food choices for dietary P constraint in CKD clients.These conclusions suggest that the PI can usefully measure the dietary P load of numerous foods and may help to make appropriate meals choices for diet P limitation in CKD clients. Throughout the COVID-19 outbreak period, medical attention had been given to clients with dental emergencies by using improved quality 2 or grade 3 personal defensive equipment (PPE). Teledentistry was made use of to present take care of clients with nonemergency needs. Online webinars and lectures had been conent to attenuate the disruption in training for the pupils and also to engage the dental neighborhood amid a pandemic. Making use of monolithic multilayer precolored zirconia facilitates the production of esthetic restorations in a convenient and simple way. However, the accuracy of the last color isn't obvious. Eighty cubical A2-shade monolithic multilayer precolored zirconia ceramic specimens (15×15 mm) of 2 different thicknesses (1.0 mm and 1.5 mm) and 4 zirconia companies (UPCERA EXPLORE [UPEX], KATANA Zirconia STML [STML], Enamel ZR Multi-5 [EZM5], and Aidite 3D Pro Zir [A3DM]) were fabricated and divided into 8 groups (n=10). The Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage (CIELab) values had been assessed against 3 various backing substrates (gray, transparent, and A2) using a spectrophotometer. The color huge difference (ΔE) between the backing substrates of each and every team while the Vita A2 Shade Guide, translucency parameter (TP), and chroma (C) values we of monolithic multilayer precolored zirconia ceramic, and also the high transparency of ceramics can cause shade differences.Vulvovaginitis, talking about inflammation associated with vulva and vagina, is a commonly reported concern among adolescents and ladies presenting for gynecologic treatment. Apparent symptoms of vulvovaginitis can sometimes include vaginal release, odor, irritation, pain, dysuria, epidermis discomfort, burning up, and dyspareunia. Vulvovaginitis may result from infectious or non-infectious causes. Bacterial vaginosis, vulvovaginal candidiasis, and trichomoniasis represent the three most common infectious factors behind vulvovaginitis in adolescents and youngsters. Furthermore, non-infectious causes like the presence of a foreign body in the vagina, substance irritants, douching, and bad health may also trigger apparent symptoms of vulvovaginitis. An extensive record in conjunction with the appropriate physical evaluation and laboratory evaluation is essential to identify the reason for someone's symptoms. Notably, adolescent clients should be given the opportunity to speak independently using the supplier without a parent or guardian present in the area, particularly when gathering the sexual history.


74, 0.25], I2 = 35%, P  less then  0.0001) and lower CRP (MD = -0.36, 95% CI [- 0.54, - 0.18], I2 = 69%, P  less then  0.0001), compared with the control group. However, there were no significant differences in LDL-C (MD = -0.08, 95% CI [- 0.16, 0.00], I2 = 27%, P = 0.05), waist circumference (MD = -0.12, 95% CI [- 0.92, 0.68], I2 = 44%, P = 0.76), systolic blood pressure (MD = -0.11, 95% CI [- 1.55, 1.33], I2 = 3%, P = 0.88), diastolic blood pressure (MD = -0.44, 95% CI [- 1.44, 0.57], I2 = 15%, P = 0.39), and fasting glucose (MD = -0.05, 95% CI [- 0.12, 0.01], I2 = 31%, P = 0.11) between the two groups. CONCLUSION This study suggests that whole grain food consumption can slightly reduce body weight and CRP in obese/overweight population.BACKGROUND Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm (SVA) is a rare cardiac anomaly which has potential for spontaneous rupture into other cardiac chambers or the pericardial space (depending on its location). A ruptured SVA has a very poor prognosis with high morbidity and mortality. The development of a shunt between the sinus of Valsalva and right-sided cardiac chambers results in a continuous murmur on examination. Our case report is a case of SVA rupture into the right atrium. CASE PRESENTATION In this case report, we describe a 23-year-old patient with an acute onset of chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations and dizziness starting 2 days prior to presentation to the emergency department. The patient was initially treated for presumed pulmonary embolism overnight while awaiting CTPA the next morning. However, further examination by the inpatient medical team demonstrated a continuous machinery cardiac murmur. Subsequent echocardiography demonstrated an acutely ruptured SVA with shunting to the right atrium. Emergency surgical repair resulted in an excellent outcome for the patient. CONCLUSION A thorough clinical history and physical examination is the cornerstone of all medical encounters. An SVA could be asymptomatic until acute rupture. Echocardiography is the preferred initial diagnostic tool. Additional imaging techniques can be used to confirm the diagnosis. In cases of rupture, prognosis is poor and surgical repair is always required.BACKGROUND Oxygen (O2) treatment has been a cornerstone in the treatment of patients with myocardial infarction. Recent studies, however, state that supplemental O2 therapy may have no effect or harmful effects in these patients. The aim of this study was thus to evaluate the effect of O2 therapy in patients with ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) based on the culprit vessel; Left Anterior Descending Artery (LAD) or Non-LAD. METHODS This was a two-center, investigator-initiated, single-blind, parallel-group, randomized controlled trial at the Skåne university hospital, Sweden. A simple computer-generated randomization was used. Patients were either randomized to standard care with O2 therapy (10 l/min) or air until the end of the primary percutaneous coronary intervention. The patients underwent a Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging (CMRI) days 2-6. The main outcome measures were Myocardium at Risk (MaR), Infarct Size (IS) and Myocardial Salvage Index (MSI) as measured by CMRI, and median high-sensitive troponin T (hs-cTnT). RESULTS A total of 229 patients were assessed for eligibility, and 160 of them were randomized to the oxygen or air arm. Because of primarily technical problems with the CMRI, 95 patients were included in the final analyses; 46 in the oxygen arm and 49 in the air arm. There were no significant differences between patients with LAD and Non-LAD as culprit vessel with regard to their allocation (oxygen or air) with regards to MSI, MaR, IS and hs-cTnT. CONCLUSION The results indicate that the location of the culprit vessel has probably no effect on the role of supplemental oxygen therapy in STEMI patients. TRIAL REGISTRATION Swedish Medical Products Agency (EudraCT No. 2011-001452-11) and Identifier (NCT01423929).BACKGROUND Human encephalitis can originate from a variety of different aetiologies, of which infection is the most common one. The diagnostic work-up is specifically challenging in patients with travel history since a broader spectrum of unfamiliar additional infectious agents, e. g. tropical disease pathogens, needs to be considered. Here we present a case of encephalitis of unclear aetiology in a female traveller returning from Africa, who in addition developed an atypical herpes simplex virus (HSV) encephalitis in close temporal relation with high-dose steroid treatment. CASE PRESENTATION A previously healthy 48-year-old female presented with confusion syndrome and impaired vigilance which had developed during a six-day trip to The Gambia. The condition rapidly worsened to a comatose state. Extensive search for infectious agents including a variety of tropical disease pathogens was unsuccessful. As encephalitic signs persisted despite of calculated antimicrobial and antiviral therapy, high-dose corticosteor possibly even trigger fulminant cerebral HSV reactivation in a critically ill patient. Thus, even if extensive laboratory diagnostics including wide-ranging search for infectious pathogens has been performed before and remained without results, continuous re-evaluation of potential differential diagnoses especially regarding opportunistic infections or reactivation of latent infections is of utmost importance, particularly if new symptoms occur.BACKGROUND Tuberculosis remains one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Therefore, understanding the pathophysiology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is imperative for developing new drugs. Post-transcriptional regulation plays a significant role in microbial adaptation to different growth conditions. While the proteins associated with gene expression regulation have been extensively studied in the pathogenic strain M. tuberculosis H37Rv, post-transcriptional regulation involving small RNAs (sRNAs) remains poorly understood. RESULTS We developed a novel moving-window based approach to detect sRNA expression using RNA-Seq data. Overlaying ChIP-seq data of RNAP (RNA Polymerase) and NusA suggest that these putative sRNA coding regions are significantly bound by the transcription machinery. Besides capturing many experimentally validated sRNAs, we observe the context-dependent expression of novel sRNAs in the intergenic regions of M. tuberculosis genome. For example, ncRv11806 shows expression only in the stationary phase, suggesting its role in mycobacterial latency which is a key attribute to long term pathogenicity.