
5 hrs ago

This study aimed to investigate the interaction of sociodemographic characteristics on acceptance of disability among individuals with physical disabilities (IWPD). Data from the 8th Panel Survey of Employment for the Disabled in Korea (PSED) in the second wave were used. A sample concerning the first phase of disability was extracted using the one-step colony method to extract regions and was stratified based on the type of disability, disability grade, and age. To explore the association between acceptance of sociodemographic characteristics and of disability, we used a general linear model. A significant main effect was observed in employment, health status, degree of help, and subjective economic status. Regarding employment status, acceptance of disability in unemployment of IWPD with less than high school was lower as compared to those with more than high school. We observed that unemployed IWPD with low income or poor health status could be the group with the highest risk for acceptance of disability. Individuals in the low economic group were more religious than those in the high economic one. These findings indicate that specialized intervention programs that consider religion, economic status, employment, education, health, and their interactions would be effective for acceptance of disability. Interdisciplinary team members should consider the individual profiles of these populations and implement suitable support and rehabilitation programs.Objective Between the ages of 12 and 25 the onset of mental disorders typically occurs, and the burden of mental health problems is greatest for this group. Indicated preventive interventions to target individuals with subclinical symptoms to prevent the transition to clinical levels of disorders have gained considerable traction. However, the threshold to seek help appears to be high even when help is needed. Online interventions could offer a solution, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. This scoping review will present an overview of the recent research of indicated online preventive interventions for youth (12-25 years) experiencing the early stages of mental health complaints with the aim of identifying the nature and extent of the research evidence. Methods The 5-stage framework by Arksey and O'Malley was used. Academic literature published from 2013 onwards in printed or electronic format was included from Scopus, PsychINFO, and Ovid MEDLINE(R) ALL. Results The search yielded 11,122 results, with issues show promise in reducing various mental health complaints, and increasing positive mental health indicators such as well-being and resilience. Additionally, high levels of usability and acceptability were found. However, the included studies show important methodological shortcomings. Also, the research has mainly focused on specific diagnostic categories, meaning there is a lack of transdiagnostic approaches. Finally, clear definitions of- as well as instruments to measure- emerging or subclinical mental health symptoms in youth remain are missing.Dopamine-β-hydroxylase (DβH) is an enzyme converting dopamine to norepinephrine, a key neurotransmitter in mood disorders, such as major depressive disorder (MDD) and bipolar disorder (BD). Due to overlapping symptomology of unipolar and bipolar depression, the present study attempted to explorer if the plasma DβH activity could discriminate the depressive episodes of BD from MDD. The aim of this study was to compare the plasma DβH activity among MDD patients (n = 104), BD patients (n = 101), and healthy controls (n = 160). Clinical characteristics and cognitive function were assessed using the Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS), Hamilton Depression Scale (HAM-D), Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAM-A), Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), and Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS). Our data showed a lower plasma DβH activity in patients with BD, not MDD, than that in controls. For the BD patients, the plasma DβH activities were negatively correlated with HAM-D scores and HAM-A scores. However, there was no significant correlation between plasma DβH activity and severity of depressive symptoms in MDD patients. No significant correlation between DβH activities and cognitive assessments neither in BD nor in MDD patients. The present study provides evidence that BD is associated with decreased circulating DβH activity.The concept of autism continues to evolve. Not only have the central diagnostic criteria that define autism evolved but understanding of the label and how autism is viewed in research, clinical and sociological terms has also changed. Several key issues have emerged in relation to research, clinical and sociological aspects of autism. Shifts in research focus to encompass the massive heterogeneity covered under the label and appreciation that autism rarely exists in a diagnostic vacuum have brought about new questions and challenges. Diagnostic changes, increasing moves towards early diagnosis and intervention, and a greater appreciation of autism in girls and women and into adulthood and old age have similarly impacted on autism in the clinic. Discussions about autism in socio-political terms have also increased, as exemplified by the rise of ideas such as neurodiversity and an increasingly vocal dialogue with those diagnosed on the autism spectrum. Such changes are to be welcomed, but at the same time bring with them new challenges. Those changes also offer an insight into what might be further to come for the label of autism.The high laying performance of today's laying hens places enormous demands on their mineral metabolism. While up-to-date data are rare, the present study aimed to describe blood parameters associated with egg laying and bone metabolism during the pre-laying period, in the course of the laying period and the daily egg laying cycle. Ten to 15 laying hens of two high-performing, phylogenetically divergent lines (BLA brown-egg layer; WLA white-egg layer), kept in single cages were blood sampled at 17, 25, 29, 49, and 69 weeks of age. Sampling was made at 6 a.m., 10 a.m., 2 p.m. and, with the exception of week 17, 6 p.m. Blood samples were analyzed for concentrations of total and ionized calcium, inorganic phosphate (PO4), markers of bone formation (osteocalcin) and resorption [carboxyterminal crosslinked telopeptide of type I collagen (CTX-I)], 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25(OH)D3) and estradiol-17β. In the pre-laying period (17 week), the estradiol-17β level calculated for WLA was more than twice as high as the level calculated for BLA, while no significant difference could be observed in the laying period (25 to 69 weeks).

22 hrs ago

universitas yang berposisi di cambridge, massachusetts ini memintakan program penelitian jempolan di berbagai segi termasuk aspek engineering, physical sciences, economics, political science, urban studies, linguistics, dan philosophy. times higher education (the) world university rankings (wur) ialah salah satu majelis pemeringkatan perguruan tinggi bumi yang tiap-tiap tahun kerap merilis daftar universitas terunggul dunia dengan laman resminya. urutan ini bisa dijadikan referensi oleh calon mahasiswa, penyelidik, ataupun institusi pendidikan. bagai calon mahasiswa, pokok buat melihat universitas jempolan di dunia kala ini guna menolong kamu memutuskan alternatif studi yang pas. coba bayangkan, kamu sanggup melatih diri di kampus yang ada akademik yang memenangi, fasilitas penelitian berkembang, serta kawasan kampus yang menunjang, loh.

selaku salah satu kampus jempolan di negeri, stanford university mempersiapkan beragam prasarana menarik yang menunjang kepentingan mahasiswa, kayak 32 klub olah raga. universitas ini menganjurkan 35 program studi bakal jenjang sarjana dan 131 pada pascasarjana. harvard university ialah universitas penyelidikan swasta yang berlokasi di cambridge, massachusetts, amerika kawan. institusi ini memiliki cekaman besar dalam ekspansi ilmu pengetahuan, strategi, dan adat garis besar. harvard dikenal sebab yaitu anggota dari universitas ivy league serta lulusannya yang kerap jadi sosok terkenal negeri, kayak kepala negara amerika kawan, ceo perseroan multinasional, dan juga peraih derma nobel.

rangking kampus terbaik di mayapada runtunan ke-6 yakni california institute of technology yang terdapat di pasadena, amerika kawan. total itu mencakup anggaran kuliah, mes, makan, buku catat, sampai harapan pribadi. anggaran itu sanggup naik tiap-tiap tahunnya, alhasil biaya pendidikan yang disediakan sepatutnya lebih dari itu. peringkat kampus paling baik di dunia yang pertama didapati oleh massachusetts institute of technology (mit). nah, bakal mengurangi rasa penasaranmu, selanjutnya ini yakni deretan kampus terbaik di dunia 2023 tipe qs world university ranking. atas semua khasiat tersebut, enggak pelik jikalau ramai orang yang bercita-cita bakal melatih diri di kampus-kampus terbaik di negeri.

kampus ini didirikan pada tahun 1876 di baltimore, maryland, yang merupakan universitas penelitian ternama yang terkemuka sama program-programnya dalam medis. universitas terakhir dalam daftar 20 besar universitas terbaik di bumi tahun 2023 edisi qs merupakan cornell university yang sudah pernah berdiri dari tahun 1865. universitas lainnya di mayapada yang membuka haluan manajemen paling baik yakni massachusetts institute of technology (mit), yang yakni universitas jempolan di mayapada keluaran qs 2023.

di hong kong, universitas ini muncul dalam segi proses, bisnis, dan juga bentuk sama penghampiran efisien dalam pendidikan. terletak di bristol, universitas ini dominan atas penelitiannya yang inovatif serta pendekatan pendidikan yang berkiblat pada mahasiswa. di shanghai, fudan menganjurkan pendidikan bermutu oleh fokus pada investigasi serta partisipasi berarti dalam bermacam sisi ilmu di cina.

nus menghuni rangking internasional ke-8 serta masuk maksimum sepuluh di dunia berbarengan bersama of technology (mit), university of cambridge, university of oxford, harvard university, sampai stanford university. tingkatan universitas jempolan di asia lagi dirilis oleh jabatan pemeringkatan quacquarelli symonds (qs) dalam titel world university rankings (wur) 2024.

salah satu universitas paling baik di mayapada ini mempunyai acara tahunan yang terkemuka di bulan november dan diselenggarakan dari tahun 1880, yakni the polyball atau pesta tarian. sekiranya terpincut berkuliah di ucl, kamu mampu menyediakan dana hidup tiap bulan minimal sebesar rp18 juta dan juga dana pendidikan seputar rp170 juta buat tiap-tiap tahunnya. nah, kalau terpincut sama perguruan tinggi berlandas teknologi dan juga ilmu pengetahuan ini, kamu bisa mempersiapkan uang sedikit sebesar rp815 juta buat anggaran hidup dan kuliah masing-masing tahunnya. runtunan kampus terbaik di mayapada yang kelima dipegang oleh harvad university yang terdapat di amerika persekutuan. perguruan tinggi ini mempunyai 3 konstruksi penting, 28 taman bacaan, 15 museum, dan juga separuh klub olahraga. sebelum menuntut pendidikan di universitas ini, kalian butuh menyiapkan dana terlebih lampau kurang lebih £23. 000 maupun setimbang atas rp370 juta bakal dana kuliah masing-masing tahunnya.

Universitas Ciputra berkomitmen bahwa disetiap alur studi memiliki tujuan yaitu membekali setiap mahasiswa agar mampu menjadi Entrepreneur.


Defensins are critical components of the innate immune system and play an important role in the integration of innate and adaptive immune responses. Although information on the immunomodulatory properties of peptidoglycan from bacteria is abundant, little is known about the β-defensin induction effect of peptidoglycan from the probiotic Lactobacillus. This study investigated the effect of intact peptidoglycan from L. rhamnosus MLGA on the induction of avian β-defensin 9 in chicken immune cells and intestinal explants. Peptidoglycan from Lactobacillus rhamnosus MLGA dose dependently promoted avian β-defensin 9 mRNA expression in chicken PBMCs, splenocytes, thymocytes, hepatocytes, and chicken embryo jejunum, ileum, and cecum explants and increased the capacity of PBMC or splenocyte lysates to inhibit the growth of Salmonella Enteritidis. In contrast to the effect of L. rhamnosus MLGA-derived peptidoglycan, peptidoglycan derived from pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus reduced avian β-defensin 9 mRNA expression in chicken PBMCs and splenocytes. The inducible effect of peptidoglycan from L. rhamnosus MLGA on avian β-defensin 9 expression in PBMCs and splenocytes was observed without activation of the expression of associated pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-8, and IL-12p40, whereas these cytokine expressions were suppressed by peptidoglycan hydrolysate obtained by lysozyme digestion. The results of the present study show the capability of peptidoglycan derived from L. rhamnosus MLGA to induce the antimicrobial peptide defensin while simultaneously avoiding the deleterious risks of an inflammatory response.
Involving patients in medical education as teachers is not a novel approach, yet it has not been widely adopted by undergraduate surgical curricula in Canada. The Patients as Teachers initiative in surgery (PAT) program, with an arts-based reflection assignment, was developed for surgical clerks with the goals of emphasizing patient-centredness in surgical practice, humanistic aspects of medicine, and to counterbalance the commonplace emphasis on technical competency in surgery.

Qualitative data was collected exploring the question What was the experience and impact of the PAT program on patient teachers and students? Patient teachers (
 = 5) were invited to participate in one-on-one interviews and students (
 = 46) were invited to participate in focus groups at the end of the program.

Findings converged around two main themes what students/patient teachers valued about the PAT program and what they perceived was learned. While patient teachers felt a sense of emotional healing and appreciated a chance to contribute to medical education, students valued having protected time to learn in depth from the patient teachers. Students also begrudgingly came to appreciate the arts-based reflection assignment.

By bringing patient voice to the forefront and encouraging reflection, the PAT program emphasized to students the compassionate and humanistic side of surgical care. Future studies could examine the mechanisms by which learning occurs and long-term impacts.
By bringing patient voice to the forefront and encouraging reflection, the PAT program emphasized to students the compassionate and humanistic side of surgical care. Future studies could examine the mechanisms by which learning occurs and long-term impacts.
The optimal timing of induction for those undergoing a trial of labor after cesarean section has not been established. The little data which supports the consideration of induction at 39 weeks gestation excludes those with a history of prior cesarean section.

To determine the risks and benefits of elective induction of labor (IOL) at 39 weeks compared with expectant management (EM) until 42 weeks in pregnancies complicated by one previous cesarean delivery.

This is a retrospective cohort analysis of singleton non-anomalous pregnancies in the United States between January 2015 and December 2017. Data was provided by the CDC National Center for Health Statistics, Division of Vital Statistics. Analyses included only pregnancies with a history of one previous cesarean delivery (CD). Perinatal outcomes of pregnancies electively induced at 39 weeks (IOL) were compared to pregnancies that were induced, augmented or underwent spontaneous labor between 40 and 42 weeks (EM). Unlabored cesarean deliveries were excancies developed preeclampsia and 42 progressed to eclampsia. There were no differences in other perinatal outcomes.

In pregnancies complicated by one previous cesarean delivery, elective induction of labor at 39 weeks reduced the risk of intra-amniotic infection, blood transfusion, and low 5-minute Apgar score while increased the risk of repeat cesarean delivery.
In pregnancies complicated by one previous cesarean delivery, elective induction of labor at 39 weeks reduced the risk of intra-amniotic infection, blood transfusion, and low 5-minute Apgar score while increased the risk of repeat cesarean delivery.Drawing on a salutogenic perspective, we explored sense of coherence (SOC) in a group of Palestinian mental health care providers living and working in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories (West Bank). Specifically, we conducted a qualitative exploration of the cultural characteristics of SOC and its components (comprehensibility, manageability, and meaningfulness) in two groups of Palestinian Muslim helpers. We found that context-specific features of SOC can mobilize generalized resistance resources for coping with traumatic and stressful experiences, even in an environment characterized by political instability, military violence, and social trauma. Ten main themes emerged from the thematic content analysis acceptance, reacting to adversity, acknowledging human insecurity (comprehensibility), self-control, talking to family, education as a resource for survival, connecting to the severity of the event, responsibility as a source of control (manageability), religiosity, and sense of belonging (meaningfulness). The Islamic faith, as expressed through the concepts of Sumud and Taslim, seemed to permeate individuals' ability to attribute meaning to historical and transgenerational trauma, as well as to their ongoing traumatic conditions, thus acting as their ultimate source of health and wellbeing. A holistic, spiritual, and collectivist outlook helped respondents to approach their lives with optimism. We discuss the implications for mental health care providers and future research directions.



Today on “Truth in Media”, a colossal battle taking place over who should man the battle stations in President-elect Donald Trump’s new administration.

Rumors are circulating that “Little” Marco Rubio could soon be the next Secretary of State.

Is Trump betraying his promise to take America out of all foreign wars? Or is he attempting to steer a middle course and start with ending the Ukraine war? And will Mitch McConnell stonewall Trump’s cabinet picks if he doesn’t get his desired neocons in place?

Mike Waltz is now the National Security Advisor, another potential alarming neocon pick. And Kristi Noem will soon head up the Department of Homeland Security.

One thing is for sure, one week in and already the future Trump Administration has been a wild ride...

With the devastation wrought by Hurricane Helene, many in the know about geoengineering capabilities are asking:

Was this done on purpose?

And Catherine Austin Fitts says yes, such a thing is certainly possible. For a potential example of political favors being swapped for desirable weather (yes, you read that right), see this strange (and very telling?) statement by former Member of the House of Commons of Canada Brian Pallister when a citizen asked him why ivermectin use was being actively discouraged for the treatment of COVID in Manitoba.

Full video with Dane Wigington here:

Same products, different recipes for different countries.

Vani Hari brings in the drinks, cereals, and fast foods that undergo a makeover depending on which political jurisdiction they’re sold in.

Full Health and Nutrition Hearing:



Today on “Truth in Media”, a colossal battle taking place over who should man the battle stations in President-elect Donald Trump’s new administration.

Rumors are circulating that “Little” Marco Rubio could soon be the next Secretary of State.

Is Trump betraying his promise to take America out of all foreign wars? Or is he attempting to steer a middle course and start with ending the Ukraine war? And will Mitch McConnell stonewall Trump’s cabinet picks if he doesn’t get his desired neocons in place?

Mike Waltz is now the National Security Advisor, another potential alarming neocon pick. And Kristi Noem will soon head up the Department of Homeland Security.

One thing is for sure, one week in and already the future Trump Administration has been a wild ride...

With the devastation wrought by Hurricane Helene, many in the know about geoengineering capabilities are asking:

Was this done on purpose?

And Catherine Austin Fitts says yes, such a thing is certainly possible. For a potential example of political favors being swapped for desirable weather (yes, you read that right), see this strange (and very telling?) statement by former Member of the House of Commons of Canada Brian Pallister when a citizen asked him why ivermectin use was being actively discouraged for the treatment of COVID in Manitoba.

Full video with Dane Wigington here:

Same products, different recipes for different countries.

Vani Hari brings in the drinks, cereals, and fast foods that undergo a makeover depending on which political jurisdiction they’re sold in.

Full Health and Nutrition Hearing:


It seems like every week offers a different twist to the 2024 campaign—some predicted moments and some not. The upcoming weeks are no different, with the Republican Presidential candidate facing the possibility of immediately being thrown into jail and the Democratic candidate facing the same situation that took out her predecessor.
On this episode of Perspective, Scottie Nell Hughes talks the upcoming presidential debate and Trumps sentencing with her panel (Bjorn Handeen, strategist, McShane LLC political consultants; Lionel, attorney & media analyst; Larry Ward, Chairman of Constitutional Rights PAC)


In today’s episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez delves into the mysterious case of Ryan Routh, a man who reportedly plotted against Donald Trump and developed an unusual obsession with Ukraine. Rick unravels Routh’s astonishing transition from a minor criminal to a figure with connections to both Ukrainian military leaders and US lawmakers. Along the way, he questions the reliability of mainstream media coverage and explores the potential political undercurrents at play. The episode also covers an extraordinary situation in Lebanon, where beepers are mysteriously exploding and causing widespread injuries. Rick will be joined by experts Elijah Magnier and Nabeel Khoury to help make sense of this unfolding crisis.


5 hrs ago

This study aimed to investigate the interaction of sociodemographic characteristics on acceptance of disability among individuals with physical disabilities (IWPD). Data from the 8th Panel Survey of Employment for the Disabled in Korea (PSED) in the second wave were used. A sample concerning the first phase of disability was extracted using the one-step colony method to extract regions and was stratified based on the type of disability, disability grade, and age. To explore the association between acceptance of sociodemographic characteristics and of disability, we used a general linear model. A significant main effect was observed in employment, health status, degree of help, and subjective economic status. Regarding employment status, acceptance of disability in unemployment of IWPD with less than high school was lower as compared to those with more than high school. We observed that unemployed IWPD with low income or poor health status could be the group with the highest risk for acceptance of disability. Individuals in the low economic group were more religious than those in the high economic one. These findings indicate that specialized intervention programs that consider religion, economic status, employment, education, health, and their interactions would be effective for acceptance of disability. Interdisciplinary team members should consider the individual profiles of these populations and implement suitable support and rehabilitation programs.Objective Between the ages of 12 and 25 the onset of mental disorders typically occurs, and the burden of mental health problems is greatest for this group. Indicated preventive interventions to target individuals with subclinical symptoms to prevent the transition to clinical levels of disorders have gained considerable traction. However, the threshold to seek help appears to be high even when help is needed. Online interventions could offer a solution, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. This scoping review will present an overview of the recent research of indicated online preventive interventions for youth (12-25 years) experiencing the early stages of mental health complaints with the aim of identifying the nature and extent of the research evidence. Methods The 5-stage framework by Arksey and O'Malley was used. Academic literature published from 2013 onwards in printed or electronic format was included from Scopus, PsychINFO, and Ovid MEDLINE(R) ALL. Results The search yielded 11,122 results, with issues show promise in reducing various mental health complaints, and increasing positive mental health indicators such as well-being and resilience. Additionally, high levels of usability and acceptability were found. However, the included studies show important methodological shortcomings. Also, the research has mainly focused on specific diagnostic categories, meaning there is a lack of transdiagnostic approaches. Finally, clear definitions of- as well as instruments to measure- emerging or subclinical mental health symptoms in youth remain are missing.Dopamine-β-hydroxylase (DβH) is an enzyme converting dopamine to norepinephrine, a key neurotransmitter in mood disorders, such as major depressive disorder (MDD) and bipolar disorder (BD). Due to overlapping symptomology of unipolar and bipolar depression, the present study attempted to explorer if the plasma DβH activity could discriminate the depressive episodes of BD from MDD. The aim of this study was to compare the plasma DβH activity among MDD patients (n = 104), BD patients (n = 101), and healthy controls (n = 160). Clinical characteristics and cognitive function were assessed using the Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS), Hamilton Depression Scale (HAM-D), Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAM-A), Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), and Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS). Our data showed a lower plasma DβH activity in patients with BD, not MDD, than that in controls. For the BD patients, the plasma DβH activities were negatively correlated with HAM-D scores and HAM-A scores. However, there was no significant correlation between plasma DβH activity and severity of depressive symptoms in MDD patients. No significant correlation between DβH activities and cognitive assessments neither in BD nor in MDD patients. The present study provides evidence that BD is associated with decreased circulating DβH activity.The concept of autism continues to evolve. Not only have the central diagnostic criteria that define autism evolved but understanding of the label and how autism is viewed in research, clinical and sociological terms has also changed. Several key issues have emerged in relation to research, clinical and sociological aspects of autism. Shifts in research focus to encompass the massive heterogeneity covered under the label and appreciation that autism rarely exists in a diagnostic vacuum have brought about new questions and challenges. Diagnostic changes, increasing moves towards early diagnosis and intervention, and a greater appreciation of autism in girls and women and into adulthood and old age have similarly impacted on autism in the clinic. Discussions about autism in socio-political terms have also increased, as exemplified by the rise of ideas such as neurodiversity and an increasingly vocal dialogue with those diagnosed on the autism spectrum. Such changes are to be welcomed, but at the same time bring with them new challenges. Those changes also offer an insight into what might be further to come for the label of autism.The high laying performance of today's laying hens places enormous demands on their mineral metabolism. While up-to-date data are rare, the present study aimed to describe blood parameters associated with egg laying and bone metabolism during the pre-laying period, in the course of the laying period and the daily egg laying cycle. Ten to 15 laying hens of two high-performing, phylogenetically divergent lines (BLA brown-egg layer; WLA white-egg layer), kept in single cages were blood sampled at 17, 25, 29, 49, and 69 weeks of age. Sampling was made at 6 a.m., 10 a.m., 2 p.m. and, with the exception of week 17, 6 p.m. Blood samples were analyzed for concentrations of total and ionized calcium, inorganic phosphate (PO4), markers of bone formation (osteocalcin) and resorption [carboxyterminal crosslinked telopeptide of type I collagen (CTX-I)], 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25(OH)D3) and estradiol-17β. In the pre-laying period (17 week), the estradiol-17β level calculated for WLA was more than twice as high as the level calculated for BLA, while no significant difference could be observed in the laying period (25 to 69 weeks).

22 hrs ago

universitas yang berposisi di cambridge, massachusetts ini memintakan program penelitian jempolan di berbagai segi termasuk aspek engineering, physical sciences, economics, political science, urban studies, linguistics, dan philosophy. times higher education (the) world university rankings (wur) ialah salah satu majelis pemeringkatan perguruan tinggi bumi yang tiap-tiap tahun kerap merilis daftar universitas terunggul dunia dengan laman resminya. urutan ini bisa dijadikan referensi oleh calon mahasiswa, penyelidik, ataupun institusi pendidikan. bagai calon mahasiswa, pokok buat melihat universitas jempolan di dunia kala ini guna menolong kamu memutuskan alternatif studi yang pas. coba bayangkan, kamu sanggup melatih diri di kampus yang ada akademik yang memenangi, fasilitas penelitian berkembang, serta kawasan kampus yang menunjang, loh.

selaku salah satu kampus jempolan di negeri, stanford university mempersiapkan beragam prasarana menarik yang menunjang kepentingan mahasiswa, kayak 32 klub olah raga. universitas ini menganjurkan 35 program studi bakal jenjang sarjana dan 131 pada pascasarjana. harvard university ialah universitas penyelidikan swasta yang berlokasi di cambridge, massachusetts, amerika kawan. institusi ini memiliki cekaman besar dalam ekspansi ilmu pengetahuan, strategi, dan adat garis besar. harvard dikenal sebab yaitu anggota dari universitas ivy league serta lulusannya yang kerap jadi sosok terkenal negeri, kayak kepala negara amerika kawan, ceo perseroan multinasional, dan juga peraih derma nobel.

rangking kampus terbaik di mayapada runtunan ke-6 yakni california institute of technology yang terdapat di pasadena, amerika kawan. total itu mencakup anggaran kuliah, mes, makan, buku catat, sampai harapan pribadi. anggaran itu sanggup naik tiap-tiap tahunnya, alhasil biaya pendidikan yang disediakan sepatutnya lebih dari itu. peringkat kampus paling baik di dunia yang pertama didapati oleh massachusetts institute of technology (mit). nah, bakal mengurangi rasa penasaranmu, selanjutnya ini yakni deretan kampus terbaik di dunia 2023 tipe qs world university ranking. atas semua khasiat tersebut, enggak pelik jikalau ramai orang yang bercita-cita bakal melatih diri di kampus-kampus terbaik di negeri.

kampus ini didirikan pada tahun 1876 di baltimore, maryland, yang merupakan universitas penelitian ternama yang terkemuka sama program-programnya dalam medis. universitas terakhir dalam daftar 20 besar universitas terbaik di bumi tahun 2023 edisi qs merupakan cornell university yang sudah pernah berdiri dari tahun 1865. universitas lainnya di mayapada yang membuka haluan manajemen paling baik yakni massachusetts institute of technology (mit), yang yakni universitas jempolan di mayapada keluaran qs 2023.

di hong kong, universitas ini muncul dalam segi proses, bisnis, dan juga bentuk sama penghampiran efisien dalam pendidikan. terletak di bristol, universitas ini dominan atas penelitiannya yang inovatif serta pendekatan pendidikan yang berkiblat pada mahasiswa. di shanghai, fudan menganjurkan pendidikan bermutu oleh fokus pada investigasi serta partisipasi berarti dalam bermacam sisi ilmu di cina.

nus menghuni rangking internasional ke-8 serta masuk maksimum sepuluh di dunia berbarengan bersama of technology (mit), university of cambridge, university of oxford, harvard university, sampai stanford university. tingkatan universitas jempolan di asia lagi dirilis oleh jabatan pemeringkatan quacquarelli symonds (qs) dalam titel world university rankings (wur) 2024.

salah satu universitas paling baik di mayapada ini mempunyai acara tahunan yang terkemuka di bulan november dan diselenggarakan dari tahun 1880, yakni the polyball atau pesta tarian. sekiranya terpincut berkuliah di ucl, kamu mampu menyediakan dana hidup tiap bulan minimal sebesar rp18 juta dan juga dana pendidikan seputar rp170 juta buat tiap-tiap tahunnya. nah, kalau terpincut sama perguruan tinggi berlandas teknologi dan juga ilmu pengetahuan ini, kamu bisa mempersiapkan uang sedikit sebesar rp815 juta buat anggaran hidup dan kuliah masing-masing tahunnya. runtunan kampus terbaik di mayapada yang kelima dipegang oleh harvad university yang terdapat di amerika persekutuan. perguruan tinggi ini mempunyai 3 konstruksi penting, 28 taman bacaan, 15 museum, dan juga separuh klub olahraga. sebelum menuntut pendidikan di universitas ini, kalian butuh menyiapkan dana terlebih lampau kurang lebih £23. 000 maupun setimbang atas rp370 juta bakal dana kuliah masing-masing tahunnya.

Universitas Ciputra berkomitmen bahwa disetiap alur studi memiliki tujuan yaitu membekali setiap mahasiswa agar mampu menjadi Entrepreneur.


Defensins are critical components of the innate immune system and play an important role in the integration of innate and adaptive immune responses. Although information on the immunomodulatory properties of peptidoglycan from bacteria is abundant, little is known about the β-defensin induction effect of peptidoglycan from the probiotic Lactobacillus. This study investigated the effect of intact peptidoglycan from L. rhamnosus MLGA on the induction of avian β-defensin 9 in chicken immune cells and intestinal explants. Peptidoglycan from Lactobacillus rhamnosus MLGA dose dependently promoted avian β-defensin 9 mRNA expression in chicken PBMCs, splenocytes, thymocytes, hepatocytes, and chicken embryo jejunum, ileum, and cecum explants and increased the capacity of PBMC or splenocyte lysates to inhibit the growth of Salmonella Enteritidis. In contrast to the effect of L. rhamnosus MLGA-derived peptidoglycan, peptidoglycan derived from pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus reduced avian β-defensin 9 mRNA expression in chicken PBMCs and splenocytes. The inducible effect of peptidoglycan from L. rhamnosus MLGA on avian β-defensin 9 expression in PBMCs and splenocytes was observed without activation of the expression of associated pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-8, and IL-12p40, whereas these cytokine expressions were suppressed by peptidoglycan hydrolysate obtained by lysozyme digestion. The results of the present study show the capability of peptidoglycan derived from L. rhamnosus MLGA to induce the antimicrobial peptide defensin while simultaneously avoiding the deleterious risks of an inflammatory response.
Involving patients in medical education as teachers is not a novel approach, yet it has not been widely adopted by undergraduate surgical curricula in Canada. The Patients as Teachers initiative in surgery (PAT) program, with an arts-based reflection assignment, was developed for surgical clerks with the goals of emphasizing patient-centredness in surgical practice, humanistic aspects of medicine, and to counterbalance the commonplace emphasis on technical competency in surgery.

Qualitative data was collected exploring the question What was the experience and impact of the PAT program on patient teachers and students? Patient teachers (
 = 5) were invited to participate in one-on-one interviews and students (
 = 46) were invited to participate in focus groups at the end of the program.

Findings converged around two main themes what students/patient teachers valued about the PAT program and what they perceived was learned. While patient teachers felt a sense of emotional healing and appreciated a chance to contribute to medical education, students valued having protected time to learn in depth from the patient teachers. Students also begrudgingly came to appreciate the arts-based reflection assignment.

By bringing patient voice to the forefront and encouraging reflection, the PAT program emphasized to students the compassionate and humanistic side of surgical care. Future studies could examine the mechanisms by which learning occurs and long-term impacts.
By bringing patient voice to the forefront and encouraging reflection, the PAT program emphasized to students the compassionate and humanistic side of surgical care. Future studies could examine the mechanisms by which learning occurs and long-term impacts.
The optimal timing of induction for those undergoing a trial of labor after cesarean section has not been established. The little data which supports the consideration of induction at 39 weeks gestation excludes those with a history of prior cesarean section.

To determine the risks and benefits of elective induction of labor (IOL) at 39 weeks compared with expectant management (EM) until 42 weeks in pregnancies complicated by one previous cesarean delivery.

This is a retrospective cohort analysis of singleton non-anomalous pregnancies in the United States between January 2015 and December 2017. Data was provided by the CDC National Center for Health Statistics, Division of Vital Statistics. Analyses included only pregnancies with a history of one previous cesarean delivery (CD). Perinatal outcomes of pregnancies electively induced at 39 weeks (IOL) were compared to pregnancies that were induced, augmented or underwent spontaneous labor between 40 and 42 weeks (EM). Unlabored cesarean deliveries were excancies developed preeclampsia and 42 progressed to eclampsia. There were no differences in other perinatal outcomes.

In pregnancies complicated by one previous cesarean delivery, elective induction of labor at 39 weeks reduced the risk of intra-amniotic infection, blood transfusion, and low 5-minute Apgar score while increased the risk of repeat cesarean delivery.
In pregnancies complicated by one previous cesarean delivery, elective induction of labor at 39 weeks reduced the risk of intra-amniotic infection, blood transfusion, and low 5-minute Apgar score while increased the risk of repeat cesarean delivery.Drawing on a salutogenic perspective, we explored sense of coherence (SOC) in a group of Palestinian mental health care providers living and working in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories (West Bank). Specifically, we conducted a qualitative exploration of the cultural characteristics of SOC and its components (comprehensibility, manageability, and meaningfulness) in two groups of Palestinian Muslim helpers. We found that context-specific features of SOC can mobilize generalized resistance resources for coping with traumatic and stressful experiences, even in an environment characterized by political instability, military violence, and social trauma. Ten main themes emerged from the thematic content analysis acceptance, reacting to adversity, acknowledging human insecurity (comprehensibility), self-control, talking to family, education as a resource for survival, connecting to the severity of the event, responsibility as a source of control (manageability), religiosity, and sense of belonging (meaningfulness). The Islamic faith, as expressed through the concepts of Sumud and Taslim, seemed to permeate individuals' ability to attribute meaning to historical and transgenerational trauma, as well as to their ongoing traumatic conditions, thus acting as their ultimate source of health and wellbeing. A holistic, spiritual, and collectivist outlook helped respondents to approach their lives with optimism. We discuss the implications for mental health care providers and future research directions.


Whites and Hispanics were victims most diagnosed with concussion and DV, but Native Americans and Blacks comprised a much greater proportion of diagnoses compared with the representative state demographics. Although likely underreported, approximately half of the cases were inflicted by intimate partners, which corresponded closely to marital status. Surprisingly, 61% of victims sought medical treatment for non-concussion injuries and then concussion was entered as a primary diagnosis. The demographic and health care facility disparities demand TBI/concussion screening in suspected DV patients, education and training of care providers, and potential redistribution of resources to select health care facilities.Martian lava tube caves resulting from a time when the planet was still volcanically active are proposed to contain deposits of water ice, a feature that may increase microbial habitability. In this study, we taxonomically characterized and directly measured metabolic activity of the microbial communities that inhabit lava tube ice from Lava Beds National Monument, an analogue environment to martian lava tubes. We investigated whether this environment was habitable to microorganisms by determining their taxonomic diversity, metabolic activity, and viability using both culture-dependent and culture-independent techniques. With 16S rRNA gene sequencing, we recovered 27 distinct phyla from both ice and ice-rock interface samples, primarily consisting of Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, and Chloroflexi. Radiorespiration and Biolog EcoPlate assays found these microbial communities to be metabolically active at both 5°C and -5°C and able to metabolize diverse sets of heterotrophic carbon substrates at each temperature. Viable cells were predominantly cold adapted and capable of growth at 5°C (1.3 × 104 to 2.9 × 107 cells/mL), and 24 of 38 cultured isolates were capable of growth at -5°C. Furthermore, 14 of these cultured isolates, and 16 of the 20 most numerous amplicon sequences we recovered were most closely related to isolates and sequences obtained from other cryophilic environments. Given these results, lava tube ice appears to be a habitable environment, and considering the protections martian lava tubes offer to microbial communities from harsh surface conditions, similar martian caves containing ice may be capable of supporting extant, active microbial communities.Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a recognized global public health concern. Although the link between antimicrobial usage in food animals and AMR in humans is established, the detailed interactions are unclear. Antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) in livestock was first implemented in Europe with Sweden as the pioneer in 1986. Despite this head start, AMR is still an ongoing challenge for Europe. The European Union (EU) is an established agriculture producer, the second largest pork producer globally, and one of the largest markets for organic food. China is the global leader in both production and consumption of pork. China's rise in prosperity has led to an increase in its pork demand. Chinese producers commonly use antimicrobials during production for disease treatment and prevention to meet this increased demand. China's rising prosperity together with recent publicized food safety scandals, disease outbreaks in domestic livestock products, and increased AMR awareness have resulted in an increased willingness to pay and demand for organic food by Chinese consumers. Responding to the growing concerns of AMR by consumers and the World Health Organization (WHO), the Chinese government introduced a national pilot program in 2016 to reduce unnecessary antimicrobial use. Compared with China, the EU is a different entity as it is a political union comprising diverse countries and although it may have more experience in AMS, both entities face similar issues with AMR and increasing demand for organic food. Increased interest in organic food has arisen due to concerns about AMR, food safety, outbreaks of bacterial food contamination, and animal welfare. This article aims to compare the different AMS strategies employed by each entity, China and the EU, and how the increased demand for organic produce globally also influences the effort to reduce antimicrobial use in these entities' pork industries.As part of a broader project to create a comprehensive self-report measure for the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology consortium, we developed preliminary scales to assess internalizing symptoms. The item pool was created in four steps (a) clarifying the range of content to be assessed, (b) identifying target constructs to guide item writing, (c) developing formal definitions for each construct, and (d) writing multiple items for each construct. This yielded 430 items assessing 57 target constructs. Responses from a heterogeneous scale development sample (N = 1,870) were subjected to item-level factor analyses based on polychoric correlations. This resulted in 39 scales representing a total of 213 items. The psychometric properties of these scales replicated well across the development sample and an independent validation sample (N = 496 adults). Internal consistency analyses established that most scales assess relatively narrow forms of psychopathology. Structural analyses demonstrated the presence of a strong general factor. Additional analyses of the 35 nonsexual dysfunction scales revealed a replicable four-factor structure with dimensions we labeled Distress, Fear, Body Dysmorphia, and Mania. A final set of analyses established that the internalizing scales varied widely-and consistently-in the strength of their associations with neuroticism and extraversion.Purpose To evaluate the efficacy of topical ketorolac tromethamine 0.5% given pre-emptively a day before, for alleviating pain in patients undergoing panretinal photocoagulation (PRP) treatment. Methods A controlled single-blinded study was conducted on 33 patients with diabetic retinopathy (DR; severe nonproliferative DR, proliferative DR, or advanced diabetic eye disease) who required PRP treatment in both eyes simultaneously. Each eye of the patients was randomly assigned for ketorolac tromethamine 0.5% eyedrop or placebo. Both eyedrop bottles were randomly labeled. Eyedrops were self-administered by the patients, 4 times a day before the procedure (at 6 am, 12 noon, 6 pm, and 12 midnight) and every 15 min for 1 h (4 times) before the laser. Each patient was subjected to PRP using a Visulas 532s Zeiss device set to spot size 200 μm, time 0.10 s, and ∼600 burns in each eye. The pain score was evaluated immediately after treatment in each eye independently with Scott's visual analog scale (VAS) and the McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ).


The Dark World of Counterfeit Money: A Cautionary Expedition

In the intricate and often shadowy world of financing, the problem of counterfeit money stands as a powerful obstacle to economic stability and the trust in currency. Despite rigid measures by governments and banks worldwide, the production and distribution of fake banknotes continue to posture considerable threats. This article digs into the approaches, effects, and preventive measures against counterfeit money, providing a detailed understanding of this illegal activity. It is necessary to note that this post is for informational functions just and does not back or motivate any unlawful activities.

Comprehending Counterfeit Money
Counterfeit money describes banknotes or coins that are not authentic, produced without the legal authority of a federal government or banks. These fake currencies are created to deceive people and services, frequently with high levels of elegance. The intentions behind counterfeiting vary, ranging from financial gain to political disruption. Counterfeiters employ various techniques, from traditional printing techniques to sophisticated digital innovations, to develop these deceitful notes.

The Methods of Counterfeiting
Standard Printing Techniques:

Offset Printing: This is one of the oldest techniques, where counterfeiters utilize big printing presses to produce fake banknotes. While less common today due to the high expense and technical competence required, it is still used by some sophisticated operations.
Lithography: This technique involves producing an image on a flat surface area, such as a metal plate or stone, and then transferring it to paper. Lithographic counterfeits can be very detailed but are likewise more challenging to produce in large amounts.
Digital and Modern Techniques:

Inkjet Printing: With the introduction of high-resolution printers, counterfeiters can now produce banknotes with remarkable accuracy. This method is cheaper and more accessible, making it a popular option for small-scale operations.
Color Laser Printing: Similar to inkjet printing, color laser printers can produce high-quality counterfeit notes. Nevertheless, they are more pricey and need more specialized knowledge.
3D Printing: Some counterfeiters are starting to utilize 3D printers to develop the embossed functions found on authentic banknotes, including another layer of intricacy to the detection procedure. and Equipment:

Paper and Ink: Counterfeiters typically utilize premium paper and specialized inks to mimic the feel and look of real banknotes. The paper utilized in authentic currencies is frequently special and difficult to acquire, but replaces can be produced.
Security Features: Modern banknotes are geared up with different security functions, such as watermarks, holograms, and security threads. Counterfeiters try to replicate these functions using innovative strategies, however they are typically imperfect and can be spotted by qualified experts.
The Impact of Counterfeit Money
Financial Consequences:

Inflation: The introduction of counterfeit money into the economy can lead to inflation, as the increased money supply devalues the currency.
Loss of Trust: When counterfeit notes are found, it can erode public confidence in the currency and the financial system. This can have lasting impacts on financial stability.
Financial Losses: Individuals and businesses that accept counterfeit money often suffer monetary losses, as they are not reimbursable by the government or banks.
Legal and Ethical Implications:

Crook Charges: Possession and circulation of counterfeit money are major criminal offenses, punishable by substantial fines and imprisonment.
Moral Responsibility: Beyond the legal repercussions, there are considerable ethical implications. Counterfeiting not just hurts the economy however likewise exploits the trust of innocent individuals.
Social and Cultural Impact:

Community Disruption: Counterfeit money can interfere with local neighborhoods, causing increased criminal offense and social unrest.
Reputation Damage: Businesses that inadvertently accept and flow counterfeit money can suffer serious reputational damage, losing consumers and trust.
Preventive Measures Against Counterfeit Money
Public Awareness:

Educational Campaigns: Governments and monetary organizations frequently run educational projects to inform the public about the security functions of genuine banknotes and how to identify counterfeits.
Training for Businesses: Retailers and banks are provided with training to acknowledge and handle presumed counterfeit money.
Technological Advances:

Enhanced Security Features: Central banks constantly develop new security functions to remain ahead of counterfeiters. These consist of watermarks, color-shifting inks, and embedded security threads.
Blockchain and Digital Currencies: Some countries are checking out using blockchain innovation and digital currencies to reduce the frequency of counterfeit money. These innovations provide a more safe and transparent methods of performing transactions.
Legal and Regulatory Actions:

Stricter Laws: Governments are executing more stringent laws and charges to discourage counterfeiters.
International Cooperation: Counterfeit money is an international concern, and international cooperation is important to combat it. Law enforcement agencies from various countries interact to track and nab counterfeiters.
Often Asked Questions (FAQs).
How can one recognize counterfeit money?

Security Features: Check for watermarks, security threads, and color-shifting inks. These features are challenging to replicate precisely.
Raised Printing: Genuine banknotes have a slightly raised texture due to the printing process. Counterfeits typically lack this feature.
Microprint: Look for microprint, which is extremely little text that is hard to replicate without top quality devices.
What should do if I think a banknote is counterfeit?

Do Not Pass It On: If you suspect a note is counterfeit, do not attempt to spend it. This can result in legal difficulty and more dissemination of the counterfeit.
Contact Authorities: Report your suspicion to the regional cops or financial institution. They have the competence to verify the authenticity of the note and take appropriate action.
Are there any penalties for accepting counterfeit money?

No Penalties for Victims: Individuals and organizations that unknowingly accept counterfeit money are typically not punished. However, they are not reimbursed for the value of the fake note.
Penalties for Circulation: Those who intentionally accept and flow counterfeit money can face severe legal repercussions, consisting of fines and imprisonment.
How does counterfeiting impact the economy?

Inflation: The influx of counterfeit money can lead to inflation, as the value of the currency is diluted.
Loss of Trust: Economic stability depends on rely on the currency. Counterfeiting can erode this trust, causing wider financial concerns.
What is the role of innovation in preventing counterfeiting?

Advanced Printing Techniques: Modern security functions, such as holograms and color-shifting inks, make it harder for counterfeiters to duplicate banknotes.
Blockchain and Digital Currencies: These technologies use a more secure and transparent technique of transactions, reducing the risk of counterfeit money.
Counterfeit money stays a substantial hazard to economic stability and public trust. Comprehending the techniques utilized by counterfeiters, the impacts of their actions, and the preventive steps in location is crucial for individuals and companies alike. By staying informed and watchful, the public can play an important function in combating this illegal activity. Governments and banks need to continue to innovate and collaborate to protect the integrity of the currency and the more comprehensive economic system.

Extra Resources.
Central Bank Websites: Most main banks offer comprehensive info on the security functions of their banknotes and how to determine counterfeits.
Financial Institutions: Local banks and cooperative credit union frequently provide training and resources to assist businesses acknowledge and manage counterfeit money.
Police: Reporting suspicions to regional law enforcement can help track and collar counterfeiters, securing the neighborhood from further damage.
By interacting and remaining informed, society can take considerable steps towards reducing the dangers related to counterfeit money and keeping a steady and trustworthy financial system.

The Rise and Dangers of Counterfeit Money Shops Online In an age where the internet has actually transformed commerce, it has also supplied a platform for illicit activities. Amongst these, the sale of counterfeit money online has gotten disconcerting frequency. These so-called "counterfeit money shops" run in the shadows of