This study aimed to investigate the interaction of sociodemographic characteristics on acceptance of disability among individuals with physical disabilities (IWPD). Data from the 8th Panel Survey of Employment for the Disabled in Korea (PSED) in the second wave were used. A sample concerning the first phase of disability was extracted using the one-step colony method to extract regions and was stratified based on the type of disability, disability grade, and age. To explore the association between acceptance of sociodemographic characteristics and of disability, we used a general linear model. A significant main effect was observed in employment, health status, degree of help, and subjective economic status. Regarding employment status, acceptance of disability in unemployment of IWPD with less than high school was lower as compared to those with more than high school. We observed that unemployed IWPD with low income or poor health status could be the group with the highest risk for acceptance of disability. Individuals in the low economic group were more religious than those in the high economic one. These findings indicate that specialized intervention programs that consider religion, economic status, employment, education, health, and their interactions would be effective for acceptance of disability. Interdisciplinary team members should consider the individual profiles of these populations and implement suitable support and rehabilitation programs.Objective Between the ages of 12 and 25 the onset of mental disorders typically occurs, and the burden of mental health problems is greatest for this group. Indicated preventive interventions to target individuals with subclinical symptoms to prevent the transition to clinical levels of disorders have gained considerable traction. However, the threshold to seek help appears to be high even when help is needed. Online interventions could offer a solution, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. This scoping review will present an overview of the recent research of indicated online preventive interventions for youth (12-25 years) experiencing the early stages of mental health complaints with the aim of identifying the nature and extent of the research evidence. Methods The 5-stage framework by Arksey and O'Malley was used. Academic literature published from 2013 onwards in printed or electronic format was included from Scopus, PsychINFO, and Ovid MEDLINE(R) ALL. Results The search yielded 11,122 results, with issues show promise in reducing various mental health complaints, and increasing positive mental health indicators such as well-being and resilience. Additionally, high levels of usability and acceptability were found. However, the included studies show important methodological shortcomings. Also, the research has mainly focused on specific diagnostic categories, meaning there is a lack of transdiagnostic approaches. Finally, clear definitions of- as well as instruments to measure- emerging or subclinical mental health symptoms in youth remain are missing.Dopamine-β-hydroxylase (DβH) is an enzyme converting dopamine to norepinephrine, a key neurotransmitter in mood disorders, such as major depressive disorder (MDD) and bipolar disorder (BD). Due to overlapping symptomology of unipolar and bipolar depression, the present study attempted to explorer if the plasma DβH activity could discriminate the depressive episodes of BD from MDD. The aim of this study was to compare the plasma DβH activity among MDD patients (n = 104), BD patients (n = 101), and healthy controls (n = 160). Clinical characteristics and cognitive function were assessed using the Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS), Hamilton Depression Scale (HAM-D), Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAM-A), Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), and Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS). Our data showed a lower plasma DβH activity in patients with BD, not MDD, than that in controls. For the BD patients, the plasma DβH activities were negatively correlated with HAM-D scores and HAM-A scores. However, there was no significant correlation between plasma DβH activity and severity of depressive symptoms in MDD patients. No significant correlation between DβH activities and cognitive assessments neither in BD nor in MDD patients. The present study provides evidence that BD is associated with decreased circulating DβH activity.The concept of autism continues to evolve. Not only have the central diagnostic criteria that define autism evolved but understanding of the label and how autism is viewed in research, clinical and sociological terms has also changed. Several key issues have emerged in relation to research, clinical and sociological aspects of autism. Shifts in research focus to encompass the massive heterogeneity covered under the label and appreciation that autism rarely exists in a diagnostic vacuum have brought about new questions and challenges. Diagnostic changes, increasing moves towards early diagnosis and intervention, and a greater appreciation of autism in girls and women and into adulthood and old age have similarly impacted on autism in the clinic. Discussions about autism in socio-political terms have also increased, as exemplified by the rise of ideas such as neurodiversity and an increasingly vocal dialogue with those diagnosed on the autism spectrum. Such changes are to be welcomed, but at the same time bring with them new challenges. Those changes also offer an insight into what might be further to come for the label of autism.The high laying performance of today's laying hens places enormous demands on their mineral metabolism. While up-to-date data are rare, the present study aimed to describe blood parameters associated with egg laying and bone metabolism during the pre-laying period, in the course of the laying period and the daily egg laying cycle. Ten to 15 laying hens of two high-performing, phylogenetically divergent lines (BLA brown-egg layer; WLA white-egg layer), kept in single cages were blood sampled at 17, 25, 29, 49, and 69 weeks of age. Sampling was made at 6 a.m., 10 a.m., 2 p.m. and, with the exception of week 17, 6 p.m. Blood samples were analyzed for concentrations of total and ionized calcium, inorganic phosphate (PO4), markers of bone formation (osteocalcin) and resorption [carboxyterminal crosslinked telopeptide of type I collagen (CTX-I)], 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25(OH)D3) and estradiol-17β. In the pre-laying period (17 week), the estradiol-17β level calculated for WLA was more than twice as high as the level calculated for BLA, while no significant difference could be observed in the laying period (25 to 69 weeks).