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International Public Notice: The Problem and the Pathway
By Anna Von Reitz

The problem is that "our" military isn't our military --- it has been bought and sold, and they have been working as low-paid mercenaries for the British Crown since the 1860's.

So, there are no gallant saviors. "Our" military has been paid by the British Crown Corporation, SERCO, which is its Paymaster. "Our" generals, diplomats, and even those serving "as" Presidents, have been knighted and received emoluments from the Queen of England, despite prohibitions against this in all three Federal Constitutions.

We have, unwittingly, been the Enforcers for the British Empire, which never gave up its colonialist urges -- simply changed names and jurisdictions.

Everything that you see going on around you, all this evil, including the loss of nearly a million American children per year, has been allowed by the U.S. Military. And they have profited from it. Greatly.

So please don't believe all the hype and don't promote it.

The U.S. Army has been in control since April of 1863 and we can prove it.

The Hague Conventions are derived from the Lieber Code, and we can prove it.

The dissolution of the League of Nations in favor of the United Nations was occasioned by Britain's need to change the jurisdiction of its venal colonialist operations, and we can prove it.

They changed the venue, but not the crimes.

Britain and its meddling is behind and the cause of all the constant uproar in the Middle East and we can prove it.

Instead of the land jurisdiction and actual countries being involved in the enslavement rackets, commodity rigging, and unjust enrichment personified by the British Raj in India, and now their "World Raj", corporations have been used as the instrumentalities of these Gross Offenders to accomplish the same ends and to perpetuate a form of Corporate Feudalism.

If anything, nameless Corporations that can easily be renamed and registered in various locations, and used for purposes of bankruptcy fraud, are less accountable than kings and queens.

Most recently, these brigands are offering to destroy various national monuments around the globe and blow up major dam facilities on several continents --- gestures to denigrate and change national identity on one hand, and calculated to cause mass death and chaos on the other.

These are deliberate, self-serving, cowardly proposals made by men who have so far lost their way, that they cannot conceive of a rational response to this situation, but only seek to avoid detection and reckoning for themselves.

The soldiers and managers of these corporations have been offered amnesty. If they don't take it, they are criminals. It's that simple. They are engaged in criminal activities and have been unknowingly, unofficially, unconscionably, engaged in criminal activities for many years.

We have not minced any words nor is there any lack of proof offered that: (1) they are operating in a foreign capacity and under the direction of foreign interests; (2) they have conspired against the Constitutions and evaded their obligations to the American People; (3) they have willfully implemented a self-interested process of latching onto American babies, copyrighting their Given Names, and registering them as foreign assets having foreign citizenship obligations; (4) they have misrepresented our government as being "missing" and "in interregnum" while keeping this secret from the American People; (5) they have substituted their own business organizations operating as "State of State" franchise corporations for our unincorporated American States of States (all known as Confederate States well-prior to the so-called Civil War); (6) they have illegally and immorally press-ganged and conscripted our young people and called it "the draft" for purposes of waging illegal Mercenary Conflicts throughout the world; (7) they have assumed outrageous powers and authorities for themselves under the guise of "Emergency Powers" never granted to them; (8) they have presented themselves as our caretakers and representatives under color of law and have acted as Executors de Son Tort with regard to our private and public property assets; (9) they have illegally and immorally occupied and asset-stripped our county under the pretense of a military occupation which is in fact an illegal mercenary occupation; (10) they have run their own privately-issued non-negotiable military scrip as a form of "legal tender" and monopolistically imposed this fraud upon the American People and run a whole gamut of commodity rigging, asset transfer, and title transfer fraud schemes and rackets based on this; (11) they have created and imposed an entire system of foreign "military districts" on this country and foreign "district courts" have been illegally and immorally introduced and operated in our States of the Union as King's Bench Courts; (12) these foreign courts coupled with the unconscionable unlawful conversion of American babies into British Crown assets (see Item 3 above) have been used to commit vast crimes of personage and illegal confiscation of property in this country and resulted in the denial of contractual guarantees and exemptions owed to the victims of these schemes; (13) they have become so corrupt in their administration and fiscal responsibilities that they have proposed to kill their erstwhile employers, the American People, who are also their Priority Creditors; (14) having evaluated their likely losses in a land war against the well-armed American Public, these cowards have instead unleashed an outlawed bioweapon to wipe out a large sector of our population --- and even profited themselves from this, by buying large quantities of their death-dealing product "for" us; (15) after decades of running a mutually beneficial double-dipping scheme in which Americans unknowingly paid for two entire "federal government" structures, one territorial and one municipal, together with two complete foreign court systems, and two sets of "state-of-state" franchises, the British Territorial U.S. Military Government is finally having to shove aside the Pope's Municipal Government minions and do some of the dirty work themselves; (16) they "lost" six trillion dollars-worth of Department of Defense money during the tenure of Donald Rumsfeld and have since "lost" another one trillion, three hundred billion dollars per year on a non-existent nuclear defense program; (17) their hand-picked and privately elected USA, Inc. "Presidents" and equally compromised British Territorial United States Congresses have failed to impose any fiscal restraint or accountability; (18) they have continued to run their own private corporation elections as if they were public elections so as to confuse and defraud the American People and lull them into the belief that these foreign commercial and municipal corporation "Presidents" are the long-lost American Presidents that we are owed; (19) they have, while acting under color of law and pretending to either be us or to represent us, exerted undue and unearned influence, have traded on our formerly good reputation and stolen identity, so as to recklessly access and spend our credit and illegally commit our resources to innumerable illegal and immoral commercial "wars" and incursions against other countries; (20) these criminal activities have been reported to all and any world authorities including the Central Banks which should have long ago shut down their access to our credit and asset accounts; (21) as a result of all the above, we must all -- and we do mean the entire world community -- deal with the fact that America is now and has long been in the grip of a criminal military conspiracy run as a mercenary force by the erstwhile "redefined" and "corporatized" British Colonialist Empire; (22) this secretively constructed "World Raj" has operated under color of law right under our noses and has claimed state immunities and protections owed to lawful governments that it has never been owed; (23) and now, we hear about a worldwide "military alliance" coming to save us, but it is apparent that a worldwide --- and criminal --- military alliance has been at the root of all this evil all along, so we do not advocate any undue trust or jubilation with regard to these offers of assistance for the national civilian governments and the living people of this planet, the seventeen still-illegally occupied countries of western Europe, the former Commonwealth, Japan, South Korea, Iraq, Libya, and diverse other countries that have come under the occupation and administrative control of the USA, Inc.

For anyone doubting that this is all true, please note their often repeated and passionate declarations about "their democracy" and threats to "democracy" etc., and realize that the government of this country has never been a democracy.

Please note that we have always had a republican form of government in the several States of the Union, not a democracy, and that once-upon-a-time, we also had a Federal Republic operating in international and global jurisdictions and doing business as "the States of America", which was the doing-business-as-name of our original 1781 Confederation of American States-of-States.

This American Federal Republic has been out of business since 1861.

Those responsible for this deplorable situation have recently offered to occupy our vacated Federal Republic and thereby redefine it as a British Territorial version of "a" Federal Republic under the control of the British Crown and King --- that is, pull another substitution fraud scheme and try to hoodwink everyone into thinking that their administration is the American Government without the nicety of consulting the American Government --- our States of the Union and our People.

We have objected to these misrepresentations and all other impersonations and misrepresentations that have been foisted off on us since the Buchanan Administration of the U.S. Government. This is nothing more or less than unlawful conversion and a national-level identity theft scheme carried out on a vast scale, and only made possible by the profound secrecy of the conspirators and the induced ignorance of our soldiery.

For those still cognizant enough to realize that it is their duty to protect our country and people "against all Enemies, both foreign and domestic" ---- with respect to military operations, the enemy is domestic to the U.S. and has been headquartered in the United States Territories and Possessions, most especially, in the British Commonwealth nation of Puerto Rico.

There can be no legal or lawful occupation of this country by the British Territorial U.S. Army, Inc. or any Successor thereof, nor any substitution of a British Territorial corporation dba "the American Government, Inc." for our unincorporated American Government or our unincorporated American Federal Republic.

These ruses must cease and those responsible for these lies must desist.

Realizing that our honorable men and women serving in the "American Armed Services" have been kept in the dark and that the vast majority of them have never been made aware of their own mercenary-for-hire status, we have offered them a general amnesty. They can come home at last and no longer be abused by these criminals.

In their endless search for unjust enrichment by any means, these same British-based organizations, their immediate predecessors and successors, have been directly and indirectly responsible for endless wars-for-profit, political intrigues, and pot-stirring of all kinds for the past 300 years beginning with Queen Anne, all aimed at creating a worldwide British-controlled and operated hegemony based on the impersonation and enslavement of otherwise free men and women and entire nations.

It is unknown precisely how their actions have been directed, aided, and abetted, or at times, ameliorated, by the Holy See; but it is clear that the British Monarch receives his crown(s) from the Pope and that all so-called Kings of England have acted as Overseers of the Church's Commonwealth lands in England since the early 1200s and have been co-conspirators in making illicit claims against the value of the souls of Roman Catholics and members of the Church of England since the reign of King Henry the Eighth.

A definite collusion between the Catholic Administration of the United States Municipal Government and the British Territorial "U.S." Government was formed in 1937 via the private "Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States", which created the redundant "double" Federal Government in this country referenced above.

These are the acts of self-interested commercial criminals hiding under the skirts of lawful governments and institutions, creating and then bilking public trusts and cashiering both public and private assets that never belonged to them, for their own unjust enrichment.

Throughout the discussions leading to this day, a process of more than twenty years duration, the Perpetrators of these crimes have evinced a willingness to share the spoils --- about 10% --- to their victims, but never agreed to do their actual jobs and honor their contractual obligations set forth in all three Federal Constitutions.

They have instead desired to retain and double-down on their coercive control of the living people in the countries affected by their hegemony, and have set up another monopolistic banking scheme that they misrepresent as the "Quantum Financial System" aka, "QFS". This is in fact a cobbled together system compiled by the CIA at Wright-Patterson AFB under the code name "Crimson Gate" and it is as "Quantum" as the Federal Reserve System was "Federal".

We are extremely tired of these sophomoric excuses and evasions and improper "offers" to provide us with such "services" as killing a third of our population with injections of crap to avoid paying them back even ten cents on a dollar, leaving our southern border open to unlimited illegal immigration, lying about everything possible, and continuing to press their ridiculous political party elections of private corporation "Presidents" as if these were the public elections and public offices that Americans are owed.

We are not deceived and we are not amused. We are witnessing the spectacle of grown people in responsible positions, engaging in theater and talking about "shows" --- how they are going to hoodwink the American Public again, demonize their enemies and create enemies that don't exist, all to make themselves out to be grand heroes --- instead of humbly owning their actual status as (largely unknowing) cheap paid mercenaries of the British Conspirators that have been at the bottom of every dogpile in the past 300 years.

In our estimation, these people are afraid. They are afraid of the consequences of their actions, whether they actually knew what they were doing, or not. They are afraid of the rage of the people that their actions have betrayed. They are afraid of letting go of the power that they usurped from the public. They are suspicious of everyone, including each other. And they don't know what to do.

The simple acceptance of amnesty, the honorable return of purloined assets, and lawful conversion of their corporations back to the land jurisdiction of their respective countries, seems to be overwhelming their brain stems, but giving up the lies, excuses, and coercive control seems to be the hardest pill to swallow.

They still want to be in control despite their deplorable performance, their breaches of trust, and their violations of their contracts --- the respective Constitutions and accommodations which allowed them to be here with the rest of us.

They struggle over the concept that it's both illegal and unlawful for them to be occupying our country or any of the other affected countries.

They are stymied to learn that The Law of War does not apply to Mercenary Conflicts and no amount of rules and codes and orders will paper over the criminal nature of what they have been involved in as "soldiers for hire" working at the behest of foreign governments.

They cling to the idea that they have "Emergency Powers" when no such "powers" were ever granted to them in any contract or treaty anywhere in existence; they continue to try to rule by "Executive Order" when there is no authority for that, either.

We understand that they have been operating illegally and unlawfully for over a hundred years and don't know any better, but once it has been discovered and exposed and everyone involved has been provided Notice and Due Process, it's time to wake up and take the simplest, clearest, most peaceable way out of it that is possible.

Amnesty. Return of purloined assets to the control of the actual owners. Resettlement on the land and acceptance of land law. Lawful conversion of corporate assets. And everyone worldwide gets their stuff back and gets to share the unjust enrichment generated by all this criminal activity.

This is the path forward which we have placed before the Perpetrators and the Public worldwide. We have been compassionate in our search for justice, circumspect in our consideration, and patient in the face of continuing nonsense.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
July 24th 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:


International Public Notice: Over the Target
By Anna Von Reitz

We are officially over the target and catching the flak; this past two weeks has seen an unprecedented effort by agencies and quasi-military personnel to promote slander and other harassments aimed at discrediting Federation officers and personnel.

This is no doubt the result of our view of the activities of our unlawfully converted military and both of their corporate presidential candidates, and our objection to their continued hegemony apart from civilian oversight, and also our direct objection to their plan to substitute a British Territorial "Republic" for the American Republic we are owed.

We don't pander for the simple reason that there has been more than enough of that. Plain-speaking and truth is what is required to overcome the criminality that Corporate Feudalism, bankers, dishonest clergy, politicians, and mercenary armies have made of this world.

We also object to and disapprove of spraying the Earth with incendiary waste products from various industries as chemtrails, exploding shells full of used but still highly radioactive nuclear wastes, promoting outlawed biological and chemical warfare, phony vaccines and pandemics.

We even object to and protest their loathsome practice of incubating screw worms and broadcasting millions of maggots over countries like Argentina and Panama --- introducing an alien species of flesh and blood eating flies to infect and feed upon domestic livestock and human beings in countries that have traditionally been friends of ours.

We objected to the insane invasion of Libya for the "crime" of advocating an African Union similar to our own and the use of gold-backed currency among the Union members. We think it is obvious who the criminals were in this matter, and it wasn't Gaddafi.

We object to the monopolization of the money transfer system, SWIFT, the imposition of non-negotiable legal tender such as EUROS and FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES, and the many instances of failed legalization of regulations and acts of legislation which are criminal in nature and were never remedied by providing access to exemptions, debt swaps, and other means to legalize them.

Yes, we object to all of this and more.

We object to the existence of arbitrarily imposed and illegal and criminally misused "State Trusts" which have been used to latch onto American assets and misuse them as Slush Funds for politicians and as collateral for foreign debts --- we especially object to foreign war debts and wars for profit being waged using our people as cheap mercenaries and our assets being used as the collateral funding it and our good names being slandered in the process.

Yes, we object. We disapprove. We protest. We are not at all pleased with this insane misuse and abuse of our assets by purported "custodians and trustees" we never appointed to these duties, and impositions made upon us based on the completely false idea that we were "absent" or adopting foreign citizenship obligations.

By what possible "authority" do these corporations continue to carry out actions like these "in the name of" our government?

These are not acts of war or anything politically motivated; these are acts of genocide both in actuality and on paper, with commercial advantages being sought-- crimes, in other words.

Even the recent U.S. Supreme Court actions allowing the British Territorial State Trusts to use our gold reserves to mint gold coinage for their own use is a violation of our property rights and contracts; our contracts with the actual States of the Union require that we -- not they -- provide a National Coinage and Currency for the use of all the States.

They and everyone else in the world can see that we are here and doing our job.

We have served due process and notice and record of our actions over the course of three decades; we have published our lineage treaties and identified ourselves and recorded and cured and published our claims. There can be no doubt that we are native to America and to our specific States of the Union. And there can be no doubt that any claims otherwise based on undisclosed "registrations" of American babies are unconscionable and illegal and self-interested.

We have resumed operations in spite of all this British hokum and are in General Assembly in all fifty (50) States of the Union.

We have taken care of housekeeping, such as enrolling all the incipient Territorial "States" as States of the Union and completing the process mandated by the Northwest Ordinance.

We have published the first Public Law in decades, outlawing claims by patent holders seeking to enslave people by undisclosed injection of patented mRNA or DNA materials.

We are here, presenting ourselves. And their response? Do they yield as required by their employment contracts to the remaining civilian authority of the actual American Government?

Will they continue to pretend that the "absence" of a lackey organization wielding delegated power somehow overcomes the right of the delegator to exercise their own powers directly?

Obviously, these men are not reading their contract nor are they listening to their employers, and they have continued to engage in criminal acts, including fraudulently misrepresenting their corporate elections as public elections.

A recent expose on the website of the Comptroller of the Currency shows their preparations for a "global reset" of currency values without, however, facing the basic questions of ownership, representation, and resources.

We have reclaimed the assets of the State Trusts and they have been fully informed that the living progeny of the victims whose property was cashiered illegally by the British Territorial Raj are here to collect their birthright assets that our purported custodians socked away "for" us and then taxed us for the use of our own land and our own credit.

These are the acts and thoughts of criminals engaged in illegal booty and prize salvaging. These are the acts and thoughts of Executors de Son Tort.

In Law, there is no excuse for the continued pretenses and obstructions that these foreign Principals and their corporations masquerading as governments have made.

They know that we are owed an immediate and unquestioned liquidation of these State Trusts in our favor.

They also know that even though they have acted as corporations, when they seized upon and copyrighted our Given Names in order to create corporate franchises for their own benefit, they acted as Public Usufructs to legalize this action.

As such, they owe us the Usufructuary Duty to hold us harmless from all charges and injuries accruing from their action.

That means that their Principals are responsible for paying all bills, all charges, all penalties, all fees, all taxes, all insurances related to their franchises and to hold us harmless --- but have they?

No, they have not.

They have pretended that their franchise taxes are our taxes, that their franchise's citizenship obligations are our obligations, and so far worked to confuse the identity of the living man with the En Legis "person" they named after us, that most of the world, including the victims, have been fooled by this chicanery.

They have claimed a repugnant ownership interest in their imaginary franchises named after us, taken out insurance policies on these franchises and on their franchises' purported property assets, used them as collateral backing their own debts, and then not even had the decency to use the life insurance to pay off the debts still owed by these "franchises" when they die.

The $950 Trillion in "Life Force Value Annuities" --- another pot of insurance premiums -- that Prince Philip received in April 2017 from the GOVERNOR OF OTTAWA -- should have been used to pay off a substantial part of the world debt.

Instead, it disappeared, while the insurmountable debt being amassed on the clueless victims of these scam artists continued to climb and to devalue the entire world financial system.

It's time for all the purloined assets to be returned and for this to be accomplished in an honest and transparent fashion.

First, in America, all title, right, and interest in land seized upon illegally and without full disclosure in the 1860s and again in the 1930's and placed in State Trusts, must be returned to the living heirs still living on and possessing title to such land.

You may begin with all lands and land assets held in the Wisconsin State Trust in the name of Julius Alfred Schnur and Alfred Julius Schnur, their heirs and assigns -- to be returned together with all cadastral surveys, patents, plat numbers and titles to Anna Maria Riezinger, at our Fiduciary Office, address listed below.

This is a lawful demand for liquidation of illegally seized-upon Wisconsin State Trust Assets, via return to the rightful owner. Proof of life and identity have already been provided.

Second, bank liens and security interests based on fraudulent misrepresentation and the practice of loaning the victim his own credit, must be released.

Third, all property taxes assigned or collected on the basis of this fraudulent salvage operation must be credited to the rightful owner(s).

Fourth, the profits gained from these unlawful, illegal, and immoral activities must be seized upon and used to provide restitution to the victims.

We are not interested in an artificial "Great Reset" that does nothing but victimize the victims again while building yet another financial edifice on fraud and sand.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
July 13th 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:


Brothers & Sisters of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales

International Public Notice: The Elephant in the Room
By Anna Von Reitz

There has been no King or Queen of England since 1702.

That means that the land and soil jurisdiction of England has been vacated since 1702 and the country exists only as a matter of public record, in the minds of its people, and as assets held by a foreign Public Trust.

The land and soil assets of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales have all been bound in an International Trust and Trading Company known as "Great Britain" operating in the International jurisdiction of the sea.

Recently, this government entity has been dissolved and a new corporation "acting as" a government has been set up in the global jurisdiction of the air, where it proposes to operate with similar disrespect and disregard for Law and Custom --- and in evasion of treaties and contracts owed to other nations.

England has gone rogue, and Scotland, Ireland, and Wales have gone rogue with it. What is startling is that these countries have been operating in this manner for three centuries, and nobody called them on it.

The governments of these countries have willfully vacated their land and soil, and operated in a private, incorporated Territorial capacity for 300 years. They "went to sea" and have remained there, with the consequence that everything that they have done or pretended to do in all that time has been done under color of law.

They have fraudulently misrepresented the nature of their "government" to the people of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales and the rest of the world, too.

While claiming to have a Constitutional Monarchy in England, for example, they have in fact evaded their contracts and vacated the Constitutional Monarchy long ago; they have only continued the "show" for their innocent victims, trotting out the Stone of Scone, pretending to be Protestants, and kissing the Bible in public, while carrying on a completely different and private agenda divorced from Law and Custom.

They were helped in this unlawful conversion of government, a process of replacing the government of the people with corporations, by members of the Bar Associations hired as privateers who have abused their positions of public respect in favor of private profit.

Faced with these realities there is little wonder why the people of these afflicted nations find themselves laboring under the lash of slave masters and are confused by the fact that their government doesn't "add up" and provide those benefits and protections that are supposed to be in place for the people, despite the public façade of civility and order.

There is a very simple reason for this. The Government of Great Britain has been operated in a Territorial capacity, not a National capacity.

It has given over its functions as a government to private interests that are for-profit corporations in the business of providing "essential government services" --- corporations that have been profiteering under color of law on the side.

This profiteering has taken place against the people of the afflicted countries and every other country that one way or another, has had service contracts with or been illegally occupied by "Great Britain" in the guise of its Territorial government units.

As they have vacated the land and soil of each home country, the Perpetrators have vacated and violated the Law and Customs of each country, too. They put to sea instead; left their land in the care of the National Trusts, and carried on as if all was well and normal -- when it decidedly is not.

This circumstance has allowed the abuse not only of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, but has promoted abuses ranging around the world, impacting billions of people, and guaranteeing "endless" war for profit.

This is, in the end, the reason that all roads lead to Rome and why Britain is always at the bottom of every dog pile. These "governmental services" corporations belong to Rome -- accounting for Rome's part in these trespasses, and the Brits responsible for these breaches of trust and contract work for Rome.

These "Kings" and "Queens" have been the Overseers of the Pope's Commonwealth land in England for 800 years and it is the Pope who gave them their crowns. The Pope can also take their crowns away from them, which ensures their slave-like obedience.

The "split of the take" that has endured since the 1580's was engineered by King Henry the Eighth, who got his divorce sanctified and a 40% share of whatever assets he could drag in. The initial assets shared out with the Pope were ownership interests in the souls of members of the Church of England, represented as "baptismal certificates".

The Pope got 60% and the King got 40% of the value of the souls of Anglican Church members, a quid pro quo that has remained in place from that time to this.

This abuse of "certificates" and "registrations" to establish ownership interests in private property -- your soul, your Good Name, your car, your land, your business and everything else you think you possess -- has run its course.

So has the use and misuse of "Great Britain" and "the UNITED KINGDOM" and all the other nameless, faceless corporations that have been used to defraud and deprive and deceive the people of this world, so as to evade plainly-stated contracts and treaties -- all these criminal impersonations have run their course.

What we are left with are the good people of each country and an economic nightmare.

These unlawfully converted and incorporated government corporations have run up a gigantic amount of debt and the books have (deliberately) never been balanced against the credit that the living people are owed as a result of all the inequitable exchanges of goods and services for legal tender [promissory] notes that have been imposed under color of law.

When we do this, simply by balancing the books, the "national debt" disappears, and instead, a very substantial "national credit" owed to the living people appears.

The corporations responsible for this situation would rather go bankrupt and presume that their victims are the "public" responsible for their bankruptcy protection, but no such corporate veil can be afforded to criminal organizations --- especially when they misidentify the public responsible for their existence and operations, and cast their debts on innocent strangers they've impersonated, instead.

What started out as a national-level bilking of the people of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, depriving them of their Law and Customs, their property assets, contracts, and guarantees in 1702, has led to an international crime spree of unimaginable proportions -- a crime spree that has lasted 300 years and adversely impacted all jurisdictions of air, land, and sea worldwide.

All this harm has been engendered because the governments of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales vacated their natural estate on the land and soil, incorporated their functions as "service corporations" and went to sea, thereby evading all their land-based treaties, contracts, and guarantees by vacating their land jurisdiction.

They left Law and Custom, the Magna Carta, and their own Kingdoms behind in favor of life "at sea" as international pirates and mercenaries.

As attractive as that might have seemed at the time, it also has the effect of leaving the Perpetrators "legless" and without standing among the nations of the world.

The elements of fraud intrinsic to this situation including the willful misrepresentation of events such as staged and phony coronations appearing to meet the requirements of a long-vanished Constitutional Monarchy have tainted all business dealings, contracts, and relationships entered into by the so-called British Monarchs and their unlawfully converted Parliaments.

The land and soil of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales have stood vacant for over 300 years--- except for their abused, deluded, and defrauded people and their traditional assemblies, Clan Governments, and the sovereign estate holdings bequeathed by William the Conqueror -- to the extent that lawful inheritors still exist.

The Perpetrators have worked, to some effect, to create the same deplorable deceit and usurpation via their interest in the British Territorial corporation known as "the United States of America --- Incorporated" and have used this association to promote numerous substitution, impersonation, and identity theft schemes against the Americans.

This has resulted in the same kind of criminal misadministration of contracts and evasion of the Law and Customs of our country and our Constitutions, confusion, national identity theft, unlawful conversion of assets, human trafficking, certificate and registration fraud, mortgage fraud, property tax fraud, real estate title fraud, bankruptcy fraud, banking and securities fraud, substitution fraud, trespass crimes, false impersonation crimes, barratry crimes, inland piracy, press-ganging, illegal conscription, illegal and unlawful salvage operations, illegal and unlawful imposition of foreign citizenship obligations via False Registrations and Unconscionable Contracts foisted off on American babies in their cradles, currency and commodity rigging, false claims in commerce, misrepresentation, conspiracy against the Constitutions, and treason against our lawful contract government.

This has also led to a crime spree of unlawful and illegal mercenary operations using American assets under color of law to promote war-profiteering without the Americans ever being made aware of the nature of these activities.

The misuse and abuse of American assets empowered the crime syndicate based on collusion between Rome and the so-called Government of Great Britain, Inc., to attack a great many other nations using a long litany of spurious excuses -- nations which were subsequently occupied illegally by British Territorial forces and hired mercenary forces, similar to the British Raj system inflicted on India.

This and various financial schemes that went on in tandem with this activity resulted in destabilizing and controlling national currencies that were seized upon as part of a currency commodity rigging scheme promoted by the Federal Reserve and other central banks, which weaponized and selectively obstructed trade and commerce on a worldwide basis.

Two social and financial class systems were promoted to ensnare the General Public, with a class
of "professionals" being enrolled as indentured servants to oversee, control, and direct the masses, and a class of debt slaves misidentified as Municipal citizens, both serving as "securitized assets" and collateral belonging to the criminally misdirected and maliciously mismanaged corporations responsible for this rampage.

England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales went off track a long time ago, and their action vacating their land jurisdiction and obstructing the Law of the Land in their own countries, has been both unlawful and illegal with respect to their people, who are owed good faith service and contractual performance from the government they ordained.

The same can be said for every other country and nation adversely impacted by this outrageous Romano-British Fraud Scheme -- a roster that now includes not only the British home lands, The United States, the former Commonwealth nations, the seventeen still-occupied countries of Western Europe, Japan, South Korea, Iraq, Libya, and numerous other countries that have all similarly been overtaken by the deceits and fraudulent misrepresentations of these incorporated "government service providers".

It's well-past the time when this circumstance should have been settled in favor of the living people to whom all right, title, and interest does belong.

All the erring institutions, the corporations malfunctioning "as" governments, and all the misdirected professionals supporting them, need to be fully informed ---and then need to stand down with respect to the lawful government, knowing that the only government giving substance to a country is vested in its physical assets and the people living within its borders.

It is of paramount importance, therefore, that the land and soil of each country remains populated, that the Law of the Land is enforced, and that the government service contracts are fulfilled in good faith and order.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
July 7th 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:



In 2011, NATO supported the overthrow of former President Muammar Gaddafi, bringing about years of instability and two more civil wars that have yet to create a permanent political settlement. Host Manila Chan speaks to veteran war correspondent and journalist Elijah Magnier about the overthrow of Gaddafi and the current state of Libya.


On this addition of the 360 view we are going to ask is the World Freedom Index just a ranking made by the West to add justification into involvement in foreign conflicts? Who writes and decides the criteria for the index and others like it? Is it just another tool of U.S. global hegemony to label bad actors and countries who are ripe for regime change? To discuss we are joined by Ed Martin, President of the Phyllis Schlafly Eagles, as well as Mohammad Marandi professor of English at the University of Tehran.


Check out our partner for this episode

Google will now de-monetize any content or websites that "exploit, dismiss or condones the war" in Ukraine. Google will punish anyone who does not agree with the official position of the U.S. government on this war, but what about those who condone war in Syria, Iraq , Afghanistan, Libya,, Somalia or Yemen?


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Sorry, no results were found.



In 2011, NATO supported the overthrow of former President Muammar Gaddafi, bringing about years of instability and two more civil wars that have yet to create a permanent political settlement. Host Manila Chan speaks to veteran war correspondent and journalist Elijah Magnier about the overthrow of Gaddafi and the current state of Libya.


On this addition of the 360 view we are going to ask is the World Freedom Index just a ranking made by the West to add justification into involvement in foreign conflicts? Who writes and decides the criteria for the index and others like it? Is it just another tool of U.S. global hegemony to label bad actors and countries who are ripe for regime change? To discuss we are joined by Ed Martin, President of the Phyllis Schlafly Eagles, as well as Mohammad Marandi professor of English at the University of Tehran.


Check out our partner for this episode

Google will now de-monetize any content or websites that "exploit, dismiss or condones the war" in Ukraine. Google will punish anyone who does not agree with the official position of the U.S. government on this war, but what about those who condone war in Syria, Iraq , Afghanistan, Libya,, Somalia or Yemen?

The same self-serving politicians and MSM who convinced us to go to war in Iraq/Libya/Syria, destroying the Middle East, are now trying to convince us that we need to go to war with Russia and destroy Europe—and the United States.



International Public Notice: The Problem and the Pathway
By Anna Von Reitz

The problem is that "our" military isn't our military --- it has been bought and sold, and they have been working as low-paid mercenaries for the British Crown since the 1860's.

So, there are no gallant saviors. "Our" military has been paid by the British Crown Corporation, SERCO, which is its Paymaster. "Our" generals, diplomats, and even those serving "as" Presidents, have been knighted and received emoluments from the Queen of England, despite prohibitions against this in all three Federal Constitutions.

We have, unwittingly, been the Enforcers for the British Empire, which never gave up its colonialist urges -- simply changed names and jurisdictions.

Everything that you see going on around you, all this evil, including the loss of nearly a million American children per year, has been allowed by the U.S. Military. And they have profited from it. Greatly.

So please don't believe all the hype and don't promote it.

The U.S. Army has been in control since April of 1863 and we can prove it.

The Hague Conventions are derived from the Lieber Code, and we can prove it.

The dissolution of the League of Nations in favor of the United Nations was occasioned by Britain's need to change the jurisdiction of its venal colonialist operations, and we can prove it.

They changed the venue, but not the crimes.

Britain and its meddling is behind and the cause of all the constant uproar in the Middle East and we can prove it.

Instead of the land jurisdiction and actual countries being involved in the enslavement rackets, commodity rigging, and unjust enrichment personified by the British Raj in India, and now their "World Raj", corporations have been used as the instrumentalities of these Gross Offenders to accomplish the same ends and to perpetuate a form of Corporate Feudalism.

If anything, nameless Corporations that can easily be renamed and registered in various locations, and used for purposes of bankruptcy fraud, are less accountable than kings and queens.

Most recently, these brigands are offering to destroy various national monuments around the globe and blow up major dam facilities on several continents --- gestures to denigrate and change national identity on one hand, and calculated to cause mass death and chaos on the other.

These are deliberate, self-serving, cowardly proposals made by men who have so far lost their way, that they cannot conceive of a rational response to this situation, but only seek to avoid detection and reckoning for themselves.

The soldiers and managers of these corporations have been offered amnesty. If they don't take it, they are criminals. It's that simple. They are engaged in criminal activities and have been unknowingly, unofficially, unconscionably, engaged in criminal activities for many years.

We have not minced any words nor is there any lack of proof offered that: (1) they are operating in a foreign capacity and under the direction of foreign interests; (2) they have conspired against the Constitutions and evaded their obligations to the American People; (3) they have willfully implemented a self-interested process of latching onto American babies, copyrighting their Given Names, and registering them as foreign assets having foreign citizenship obligations; (4) they have misrepresented our government as being "missing" and "in interregnum" while keeping this secret from the American People; (5) they have substituted their own business organizations operating as "State of State" franchise corporations for our unincorporated American States of States (all known as Confederate States well-prior to the so-called Civil War); (6) they have illegally and immorally press-ganged and conscripted our young people and called it "the draft" for purposes of waging illegal Mercenary Conflicts throughout the world; (7) they have assumed outrageous powers and authorities for themselves under the guise of "Emergency Powers" never granted to them; (8) they have presented themselves as our caretakers and representatives under color of law and have acted as Executors de Son Tort with regard to our private and public property assets; (9) they have illegally and immorally occupied and asset-stripped our county under the pretense of a military occupation which is in fact an illegal mercenary occupation; (10) they have run their own privately-issued non-negotiable military scrip as a form of "legal tender" and monopolistically imposed this fraud upon the American People and run a whole gamut of commodity rigging, asset transfer, and title transfer fraud schemes and rackets based on this; (11) they have created and imposed an entire system of foreign "military districts" on this country and foreign "district courts" have been illegally and immorally introduced and operated in our States of the Union as King's Bench Courts; (12) these foreign courts coupled with the unconscionable unlawful conversion of American babies into British Crown assets (see Item 3 above) have been used to commit vast crimes of personage and illegal confiscation of property in this country and resulted in the denial of contractual guarantees and exemptions owed to the victims of these schemes; (13) they have become so corrupt in their administration and fiscal responsibilities that they have proposed to kill their erstwhile employers, the American People, who are also their Priority Creditors; (14) having evaluated their likely losses in a land war against the well-armed American Public, these cowards have instead unleashed an outlawed bioweapon to wipe out a large sector of our population --- and even profited themselves from this, by buying large quantities of their death-dealing product "for" us; (15) after decades of running a mutually beneficial double-dipping scheme in which Americans unknowingly paid for two entire "federal government" structures, one territorial and one municipal, together with two complete foreign court systems, and two sets of "state-of-state" franchises, the British Territorial U.S. Military Government is finally having to shove aside the Pope's Municipal Government minions and do some of the dirty work themselves; (16) they "lost" six trillion dollars-worth of Department of Defense money during the tenure of Donald Rumsfeld and have since "lost" another one trillion, three hundred billion dollars per year on a non-existent nuclear defense program; (17) their hand-picked and privately elected USA, Inc. "Presidents" and equally compromised British Territorial United States Congresses have failed to impose any fiscal restraint or accountability; (18) they have continued to run their own private corporation elections as if they were public elections so as to confuse and defraud the American People and lull them into the belief that these foreign commercial and municipal corporation "Presidents" are the long-lost American Presidents that we are owed; (19) they have, while acting under color of law and pretending to either be us or to represent us, exerted undue and unearned influence, have traded on our formerly good reputation and stolen identity, so as to recklessly access and spend our credit and illegally commit our resources to innumerable illegal and immoral commercial "wars" and incursions against other countries; (20) these criminal activities have been reported to all and any world authorities including the Central Banks which should have long ago shut down their access to our credit and asset accounts; (21) as a result of all the above, we must all -- and we do mean the entire world community -- deal with the fact that America is now and has long been in the grip of a criminal military conspiracy run as a mercenary force by the erstwhile "redefined" and "corporatized" British Colonialist Empire; (22) this secretively constructed "World Raj" has operated under color of law right under our noses and has claimed state immunities and protections owed to lawful governments that it has never been owed; (23) and now, we hear about a worldwide "military alliance" coming to save us, but it is apparent that a worldwide --- and criminal --- military alliance has been at the root of all this evil all along, so we do not advocate any undue trust or jubilation with regard to these offers of assistance for the national civilian governments and the living people of this planet, the seventeen still-illegally occupied countries of western Europe, the former Commonwealth, Japan, South Korea, Iraq, Libya, and diverse other countries that have come under the occupation and administrative control of the USA, Inc.

For anyone doubting that this is all true, please note their often repeated and passionate declarations about "their democracy" and threats to "democracy" etc., and realize that the government of this country has never been a democracy.

Please note that we have always had a republican form of government in the several States of the Union, not a democracy, and that once-upon-a-time, we also had a Federal Republic operating in international and global jurisdictions and doing business as "the States of America", which was the doing-business-as-name of our original 1781 Confederation of American States-of-States.

This American Federal Republic has been out of business since 1861.

Those responsible for this deplorable situation have recently offered to occupy our vacated Federal Republic and thereby redefine it as a British Territorial version of "a" Federal Republic under the control of the British Crown and King --- that is, pull another substitution fraud scheme and try to hoodwink everyone into thinking that their administration is the American Government without the nicety of consulting the American Government --- our States of the Union and our People.

We have objected to these misrepresentations and all other impersonations and misrepresentations that have been foisted off on us since the Buchanan Administration of the U.S. Government. This is nothing more or less than unlawful conversion and a national-level identity theft scheme carried out on a vast scale, and only made possible by the profound secrecy of the conspirators and the induced ignorance of our soldiery.

For those still cognizant enough to realize that it is their duty to protect our country and people "against all Enemies, both foreign and domestic" ---- with respect to military operations, the enemy is domestic to the U.S. and has been headquartered in the United States Territories and Possessions, most especially, in the British Commonwealth nation of Puerto Rico.

There can be no legal or lawful occupation of this country by the British Territorial U.S. Army, Inc. or any Successor thereof, nor any substitution of a British Territorial corporation dba "the American Government, Inc." for our unincorporated American Government or our unincorporated American Federal Republic.

These ruses must cease and those responsible for these lies must desist.

Realizing that our honorable men and women serving in the "American Armed Services" have been kept in the dark and that the vast majority of them have never been made aware of their own mercenary-for-hire status, we have offered them a general amnesty. They can come home at last and no longer be abused by these criminals.

In their endless search for unjust enrichment by any means, these same British-based organizations, their immediate predecessors and successors, have been directly and indirectly responsible for endless wars-for-profit, political intrigues, and pot-stirring of all kinds for the past 300 years beginning with Queen Anne, all aimed at creating a worldwide British-controlled and operated hegemony based on the impersonation and enslavement of otherwise free men and women and entire nations.

It is unknown precisely how their actions have been directed, aided, and abetted, or at times, ameliorated, by the Holy See; but it is clear that the British Monarch receives his crown(s) from the Pope and that all so-called Kings of England have acted as Overseers of the Church's Commonwealth lands in England since the early 1200s and have been co-conspirators in making illicit claims against the value of the souls of Roman Catholics and members of the Church of England since the reign of King Henry the Eighth.

A definite collusion between the Catholic Administration of the United States Municipal Government and the British Territorial "U.S." Government was formed in 1937 via the private "Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States", which created the redundant "double" Federal Government in this country referenced above.

These are the acts of self-interested commercial criminals hiding under the skirts of lawful governments and institutions, creating and then bilking public trusts and cashiering both public and private assets that never belonged to them, for their own unjust enrichment.

Throughout the discussions leading to this day, a process of more than twenty years duration, the Perpetrators of these crimes have evinced a willingness to share the spoils --- about 10% --- to their victims, but never agreed to do their actual jobs and honor their contractual obligations set forth in all three Federal Constitutions.

They have instead desired to retain and double-down on their coercive control of the living people in the countries affected by their hegemony, and have set up another monopolistic banking scheme that they misrepresent as the "Quantum Financial System" aka, "QFS". This is in fact a cobbled together system compiled by the CIA at Wright-Patterson AFB under the code name "Crimson Gate" and it is as "Quantum" as the Federal Reserve System was "Federal".

We are extremely tired of these sophomoric excuses and evasions and improper "offers" to provide us with such "services" as killing a third of our population with injections of crap to avoid paying them back even ten cents on a dollar, leaving our southern border open to unlimited illegal immigration, lying about everything possible, and continuing to press their ridiculous political party elections of private corporation "Presidents" as if these were the public elections and public offices that Americans are owed.

We are not deceived and we are not amused. We are witnessing the spectacle of grown people in responsible positions, engaging in theater and talking about "shows" --- how they are going to hoodwink the American Public again, demonize their enemies and create enemies that don't exist, all to make themselves out to be grand heroes --- instead of humbly owning their actual status as (largely unknowing) cheap paid mercenaries of the British Conspirators that have been at the bottom of every dogpile in the past 300 years.

In our estimation, these people are afraid. They are afraid of the consequences of their actions, whether they actually knew what they were doing, or not. They are afraid of the rage of the people that their actions have betrayed. They are afraid of letting go of the power that they usurped from the public. They are suspicious of everyone, including each other. And they don't know what to do.

The simple acceptance of amnesty, the honorable return of purloined assets, and lawful conversion of their corporations back to the land jurisdiction of their respective countries, seems to be overwhelming their brain stems, but giving up the lies, excuses, and coercive control seems to be the hardest pill to swallow.

They still want to be in control despite their deplorable performance, their breaches of trust, and their violations of their contracts --- the respective Constitutions and accommodations which allowed them to be here with the rest of us.

They struggle over the concept that it's both illegal and unlawful for them to be occupying our country or any of the other affected countries.

They are stymied to learn that The Law of War does not apply to Mercenary Conflicts and no amount of rules and codes and orders will paper over the criminal nature of what they have been involved in as "soldiers for hire" working at the behest of foreign governments.

They cling to the idea that they have "Emergency Powers" when no such "powers" were ever granted to them in any contract or treaty anywhere in existence; they continue to try to rule by "Executive Order" when there is no authority for that, either.

We understand that they have been operating illegally and unlawfully for over a hundred years and don't know any better, but once it has been discovered and exposed and everyone involved has been provided Notice and Due Process, it's time to wake up and take the simplest, clearest, most peaceable way out of it that is possible.

Amnesty. Return of purloined assets to the control of the actual owners. Resettlement on the land and acceptance of land law. Lawful conversion of corporate assets. And everyone worldwide gets their stuff back and gets to share the unjust enrichment generated by all this criminal activity.

This is the path forward which we have placed before the Perpetrators and the Public worldwide. We have been compassionate in our search for justice, circumspect in our consideration, and patient in the face of continuing nonsense.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
July 24th 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:


International Public Notice: Over the Target
By Anna Von Reitz

We are officially over the target and catching the flak; this past two weeks has seen an unprecedented effort by agencies and quasi-military personnel to promote slander and other harassments aimed at discrediting Federation officers and personnel.

This is no doubt the result of our view of the activities of our unlawfully converted military and both of their corporate presidential candidates, and our objection to their continued hegemony apart from civilian oversight, and also our direct objection to their plan to substitute a British Territorial "Republic" for the American Republic we are owed.

We don't pander for the simple reason that there has been more than enough of that. Plain-speaking and truth is what is required to overcome the criminality that Corporate Feudalism, bankers, dishonest clergy, politicians, and mercenary armies have made of this world.

We also object to and disapprove of spraying the Earth with incendiary waste products from various industries as chemtrails, exploding shells full of used but still highly radioactive nuclear wastes, promoting outlawed biological and chemical warfare, phony vaccines and pandemics.

We even object to and protest their loathsome practice of incubating screw worms and broadcasting millions of maggots over countries like Argentina and Panama --- introducing an alien species of flesh and blood eating flies to infect and feed upon domestic livestock and human beings in countries that have traditionally been friends of ours.

We objected to the insane invasion of Libya for the "crime" of advocating an African Union similar to our own and the use of gold-backed currency among the Union members. We think it is obvious who the criminals were in this matter, and it wasn't Gaddafi.

We object to the monopolization of the money transfer system, SWIFT, the imposition of non-negotiable legal tender such as EUROS and FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES, and the many instances of failed legalization of regulations and acts of legislation which are criminal in nature and were never remedied by providing access to exemptions, debt swaps, and other means to legalize them.

Yes, we object to all of this and more.

We object to the existence of arbitrarily imposed and illegal and criminally misused "State Trusts" which have been used to latch onto American assets and misuse them as Slush Funds for politicians and as collateral for foreign debts --- we especially object to foreign war debts and wars for profit being waged using our people as cheap mercenaries and our assets being used as the collateral funding it and our good names being slandered in the process.

Yes, we object. We disapprove. We protest. We are not at all pleased with this insane misuse and abuse of our assets by purported "custodians and trustees" we never appointed to these duties, and impositions made upon us based on the completely false idea that we were "absent" or adopting foreign citizenship obligations.

By what possible "authority" do these corporations continue to carry out actions like these "in the name of" our government?

These are not acts of war or anything politically motivated; these are acts of genocide both in actuality and on paper, with commercial advantages being sought-- crimes, in other words.

Even the recent U.S. Supreme Court actions allowing the British Territorial State Trusts to use our gold reserves to mint gold coinage for their own use is a violation of our property rights and contracts; our contracts with the actual States of the Union require that we -- not they -- provide a National Coinage and Currency for the use of all the States.

They and everyone else in the world can see that we are here and doing our job.

We have served due process and notice and record of our actions over the course of three decades; we have published our lineage treaties and identified ourselves and recorded and cured and published our claims. There can be no doubt that we are native to America and to our specific States of the Union. And there can be no doubt that any claims otherwise based on undisclosed "registrations" of American babies are unconscionable and illegal and self-interested.

We have resumed operations in spite of all this British hokum and are in General Assembly in all fifty (50) States of the Union.

We have taken care of housekeeping, such as enrolling all the incipient Territorial "States" as States of the Union and completing the process mandated by the Northwest Ordinance.

We have published the first Public Law in decades, outlawing claims by patent holders seeking to enslave people by undisclosed injection of patented mRNA or DNA materials.

We are here, presenting ourselves. And their response? Do they yield as required by their employment contracts to the remaining civilian authority of the actual American Government?

Will they continue to pretend that the "absence" of a lackey organization wielding delegated power somehow overcomes the right of the delegator to exercise their own powers directly?

Obviously, these men are not reading their contract nor are they listening to their employers, and they have continued to engage in criminal acts, including fraudulently misrepresenting their corporate elections as public elections.

A recent expose on the website of the Comptroller of the Currency shows their preparations for a "global reset" of currency values without, however, facing the basic questions of ownership, representation, and resources.

We have reclaimed the assets of the State Trusts and they have been fully informed that the living progeny of the victims whose property was cashiered illegally by the British Territorial Raj are here to collect their birthright assets that our purported custodians socked away "for" us and then taxed us for the use of our own land and our own credit.

These are the acts and thoughts of criminals engaged in illegal booty and prize salvaging. These are the acts and thoughts of Executors de Son Tort.

In Law, there is no excuse for the continued pretenses and obstructions that these foreign Principals and their corporations masquerading as governments have made.

They know that we are owed an immediate and unquestioned liquidation of these State Trusts in our favor.

They also know that even though they have acted as corporations, when they seized upon and copyrighted our Given Names in order to create corporate franchises for their own benefit, they acted as Public Usufructs to legalize this action.

As such, they owe us the Usufructuary Duty to hold us harmless from all charges and injuries accruing from their action.

That means that their Principals are responsible for paying all bills, all charges, all penalties, all fees, all taxes, all insurances related to their franchises and to hold us harmless --- but have they?

No, they have not.

They have pretended that their franchise taxes are our taxes, that their franchise's citizenship obligations are our obligations, and so far worked to confuse the identity of the living man with the En Legis "person" they named after us, that most of the world, including the victims, have been fooled by this chicanery.

They have claimed a repugnant ownership interest in their imaginary franchises named after us, taken out insurance policies on these franchises and on their franchises' purported property assets, used them as collateral backing their own debts, and then not even had the decency to use the life insurance to pay off the debts still owed by these "franchises" when they die.

The $950 Trillion in "Life Force Value Annuities" --- another pot of insurance premiums -- that Prince Philip received in April 2017 from the GOVERNOR OF OTTAWA -- should have been used to pay off a substantial part of the world debt.

Instead, it disappeared, while the insurmountable debt being amassed on the clueless victims of these scam artists continued to climb and to devalue the entire world financial system.

It's time for all the purloined assets to be returned and for this to be accomplished in an honest and transparent fashion.

First, in America, all title, right, and interest in land seized upon illegally and without full disclosure in the 1860s and again in the 1930's and placed in State Trusts, must be returned to the living heirs still living on and possessing title to such land.

You may begin with all lands and land assets held in the Wisconsin State Trust in the name of Julius Alfred Schnur and Alfred Julius Schnur, their heirs and assigns -- to be returned together with all cadastral surveys, patents, plat numbers and titles to Anna Maria Riezinger, at our Fiduciary Office, address listed below.

This is a lawful demand for liquidation of illegally seized-upon Wisconsin State Trust Assets, via return to the rightful owner. Proof of life and identity have already been provided.

Second, bank liens and security interests based on fraudulent misrepresentation and the practice of loaning the victim his own credit, must be released.

Third, all property taxes assigned or collected on the basis of this fraudulent salvage operation must be credited to the rightful owner(s).

Fourth, the profits gained from these unlawful, illegal, and immoral activities must be seized upon and used to provide restitution to the victims.

We are not interested in an artificial "Great Reset" that does nothing but victimize the victims again while building yet another financial edifice on fraud and sand.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
July 13th 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:


Brothers & Sisters of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales

International Public Notice: The Elephant in the Room
By Anna Von Reitz

There has been no King or Queen of England since 1702.

That means that the land and soil jurisdiction of England has been vacated since 1702 and the country exists only as a matter of public record, in the minds of its people, and as assets held by a foreign Public Trust.

The land and soil assets of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales have all been bound in an International Trust and Trading Company known as "Great Britain" operating in the International jurisdiction of the sea.

Recently, this government entity has been dissolved and a new corporation "acting as" a government has been set up in the global jurisdiction of the air, where it proposes to operate with similar disrespect and disregard for Law and Custom --- and in evasion of treaties and contracts owed to other nations.

England has gone rogue, and Scotland, Ireland, and Wales have gone rogue with it. What is startling is that these countries have been operating in this manner for three centuries, and nobody called them on it.

The governments of these countries have willfully vacated their land and soil, and operated in a private, incorporated Territorial capacity for 300 years. They "went to sea" and have remained there, with the consequence that everything that they have done or pretended to do in all that time has been done under color of law.

They have fraudulently misrepresented the nature of their "government" to the people of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales and the rest of the world, too.

While claiming to have a Constitutional Monarchy in England, for example, they have in fact evaded their contracts and vacated the Constitutional Monarchy long ago; they have only continued the "show" for their innocent victims, trotting out the Stone of Scone, pretending to be Protestants, and kissing the Bible in public, while carrying on a completely different and private agenda divorced from Law and Custom.

They were helped in this unlawful conversion of government, a process of replacing the government of the people with corporations, by members of the Bar Associations hired as privateers who have abused their positions of public respect in favor of private profit.

Faced with these realities there is little wonder why the people of these afflicted nations find themselves laboring under the lash of slave masters and are confused by the fact that their government doesn't "add up" and provide those benefits and protections that are supposed to be in place for the people, despite the public façade of civility and order.

There is a very simple reason for this. The Government of Great Britain has been operated in a Territorial capacity, not a National capacity.

It has given over its functions as a government to private interests that are for-profit corporations in the business of providing "essential government services" --- corporations that have been profiteering under color of law on the side.

This profiteering has taken place against the people of the afflicted countries and every other country that one way or another, has had service contracts with or been illegally occupied by "Great Britain" in the guise of its Territorial government units.

As they have vacated the land and soil of each home country, the Perpetrators have vacated and violated the Law and Customs of each country, too. They put to sea instead; left their land in the care of the National Trusts, and carried on as if all was well and normal -- when it decidedly is not.

This circumstance has allowed the abuse not only of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, but has promoted abuses ranging around the world, impacting billions of people, and guaranteeing "endless" war for profit.

This is, in the end, the reason that all roads lead to Rome and why Britain is always at the bottom of every dog pile. These "governmental services" corporations belong to Rome -- accounting for Rome's part in these trespasses, and the Brits responsible for these breaches of trust and contract work for Rome.

These "Kings" and "Queens" have been the Overseers of the Pope's Commonwealth land in England for 800 years and it is the Pope who gave them their crowns. The Pope can also take their crowns away from them, which ensures their slave-like obedience.

The "split of the take" that has endured since the 1580's was engineered by King Henry the Eighth, who got his divorce sanctified and a 40% share of whatever assets he could drag in. The initial assets shared out with the Pope were ownership interests in the souls of members of the Church of England, represented as "baptismal certificates".

The Pope got 60% and the King got 40% of the value of the souls of Anglican Church members, a quid pro quo that has remained in place from that time to this.

This abuse of "certificates" and "registrations" to establish ownership interests in private property -- your soul, your Good Name, your car, your land, your business and everything else you think you possess -- has run its course.

So has the use and misuse of "Great Britain" and "the UNITED KINGDOM" and all the other nameless, faceless corporations that have been used to defraud and deprive and deceive the people of this world, so as to evade plainly-stated contracts and treaties -- all these criminal impersonations have run their course.

What we are left with are the good people of each country and an economic nightmare.

These unlawfully converted and incorporated government corporations have run up a gigantic amount of debt and the books have (deliberately) never been balanced against the credit that the living people are owed as a result of all the inequitable exchanges of goods and services for legal tender [promissory] notes that have been imposed under color of law.

When we do this, simply by balancing the books, the "national debt" disappears, and instead, a very substantial "national credit" owed to the living people appears.

The corporations responsible for this situation would rather go bankrupt and presume that their victims are the "public" responsible for their bankruptcy protection, but no such corporate veil can be afforded to criminal organizations --- especially when they misidentify the public responsible for their existence and operations, and cast their debts on innocent strangers they've impersonated, instead.

What started out as a national-level bilking of the people of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, depriving them of their Law and Customs, their property assets, contracts, and guarantees in 1702, has led to an international crime spree of unimaginable proportions -- a crime spree that has lasted 300 years and adversely impacted all jurisdictions of air, land, and sea worldwide.

All this harm has been engendered because the governments of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales vacated their natural estate on the land and soil, incorporated their functions as "service corporations" and went to sea, thereby evading all their land-based treaties, contracts, and guarantees by vacating their land jurisdiction.

They left Law and Custom, the Magna Carta, and their own Kingdoms behind in favor of life "at sea" as international pirates and mercenaries.

As attractive as that might have seemed at the time, it also has the effect of leaving the Perpetrators "legless" and without standing among the nations of the world.

The elements of fraud intrinsic to this situation including the willful misrepresentation of events such as staged and phony coronations appearing to meet the requirements of a long-vanished Constitutional Monarchy have tainted all business dealings, contracts, and relationships entered into by the so-called British Monarchs and their unlawfully converted Parliaments.

The land and soil of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales have stood vacant for over 300 years--- except for their abused, deluded, and defrauded people and their traditional assemblies, Clan Governments, and the sovereign estate holdings bequeathed by William the Conqueror -- to the extent that lawful inheritors still exist.

The Perpetrators have worked, to some effect, to create the same deplorable deceit and usurpation via their interest in the British Territorial corporation known as "the United States of America --- Incorporated" and have used this association to promote numerous substitution, impersonation, and identity theft schemes against the Americans.

This has resulted in the same kind of criminal misadministration of contracts and evasion of the Law and Customs of our country and our Constitutions, confusion, national identity theft, unlawful conversion of assets, human trafficking, certificate and registration fraud, mortgage fraud, property tax fraud, real estate title fraud, bankruptcy fraud, banking and securities fraud, substitution fraud, trespass crimes, false impersonation crimes, barratry crimes, inland piracy, press-ganging, illegal conscription, illegal and unlawful salvage operations, illegal and unlawful imposition of foreign citizenship obligations via False Registrations and Unconscionable Contracts foisted off on American babies in their cradles, currency and commodity rigging, false claims in commerce, misrepresentation, conspiracy against the Constitutions, and treason against our lawful contract government.

This has also led to a crime spree of unlawful and illegal mercenary operations using American assets under color of law to promote war-profiteering without the Americans ever being made aware of the nature of these activities.

The misuse and abuse of American assets empowered the crime syndicate based on collusion between Rome and the so-called Government of Great Britain, Inc., to attack a great many other nations using a long litany of spurious excuses -- nations which were subsequently occupied illegally by British Territorial forces and hired mercenary forces, similar to the British Raj system inflicted on India.

This and various financial schemes that went on in tandem with this activity resulted in destabilizing and controlling national currencies that were seized upon as part of a currency commodity rigging scheme promoted by the Federal Reserve and other central banks, which weaponized and selectively obstructed trade and commerce on a worldwide basis.

Two social and financial class systems were promoted to ensnare the General Public, with a class
of "professionals" being enrolled as indentured servants to oversee, control, and direct the masses, and a class of debt slaves misidentified as Municipal citizens, both serving as "securitized assets" and collateral belonging to the criminally misdirected and maliciously mismanaged corporations responsible for this rampage.

England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales went off track a long time ago, and their action vacating their land jurisdiction and obstructing the Law of the Land in their own countries, has been both unlawful and illegal with respect to their people, who are owed good faith service and contractual performance from the government they ordained.

The same can be said for every other country and nation adversely impacted by this outrageous Romano-British Fraud Scheme -- a roster that now includes not only the British home lands, The United States, the former Commonwealth nations, the seventeen still-occupied countries of Western Europe, Japan, South Korea, Iraq, Libya, and numerous other countries that have all similarly been overtaken by the deceits and fraudulent misrepresentations of these incorporated "government service providers".

It's well-past the time when this circumstance should have been settled in favor of the living people to whom all right, title, and interest does belong.

All the erring institutions, the corporations malfunctioning "as" governments, and all the misdirected professionals supporting them, need to be fully informed ---and then need to stand down with respect to the lawful government, knowing that the only government giving substance to a country is vested in its physical assets and the people living within its borders.

It is of paramount importance, therefore, that the land and soil of each country remains populated, that the Law of the Land is enforced, and that the government service contracts are fulfilled in good faith and order.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
July 7th 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:


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International Public Notice: Reply to Germany
By Anna Von Reitz

The problem in Germany and in all other illegally occupied countries including The United States has been caused by being "represented" by British Territorial (USA, Inc.) Persons who are themselves limited by their allegiance (feudal fealty) to the British Monarch, who is a vassal of the Pope.

They, the Occupiers, have no land rights and are permanently at sea, so their Monarch takes over as their Trustee on the land and soil, but if the Monarch vacates the land and soil, as the Brits have done circa 1703, the jurisdiction of the land and soil is vacated entirely and the law of those jurisdictions is also.

The last land and soil jurisdiction Queen of England was Queen Anne (1702-14). The land and soil of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales has been vacated for over 300 years and they are now scrambling and going in all directions trying to make up for their deceit -- to their own people and everyone else.

Technically, with the thrones of those nations secretly vacated, those countries have not existed for 300 years. That's why all of a sudden you hear about "King Charles of Scotland" and the Irish Clan Government, and our push for people everywhere to declare their birthright political status and realize that they are not "citizens" of these corporations and not subject to their foreign, private, corporate tribunals that were brought ashore under conditions of secrecy and deceit.

All these courts operate in either Maritime Commerce or Admiralty jurisdiction.

This is why their judges fall silent when we bring land law or soil law into their courts, or mention the Constitutional Guarantees we are heir to and which they actually owe us.

They know that we have concurrent superior general jurisdiction, but out of loyalty to the Pope (in Municipal Courts) or the British Monarch (sea courts) --- not to mention their own bottom lines, as they collect booty and prize money on the side --- these officers have bullied it through and acted as privateers.

This has been accomplished by impersonating us as foreign citizens and misrepresenting our countries' land and soil jurisdiction government as being "vacant". Whether England, The United States, or Germany, the game plan and scheme is the same.

This is not a matter of political, religious, or racial differences; this is a matter of criminal constructive fraud. The answer is hand-cuffs, not war.

The English, Scottish, Irish, and Welsh thrones have all been vacated since the reign of Queen Anne (1702-1714) in favor of the "throne" of "Great Britain" -- an international land trust and trading corporation operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea.

The situation in Germany and through the rest of the world varies; so far as we can determine, Germany succumbed to this "occupied status" in 1918. Australia in 1910. And so on.

The pattern resulting in each country being defrauded by its very own version of the British Raj in India is the same:

(1) Some kind of mercenary conflict or confusion or murder spree (as recently seen in Ukraine and Libya) either destroys or leaves the land jurisdiction government in chaos; (2) the British "Territorial" Government (usually using USA, Inc. Mercenaries or NATO Mercs (or NAZI Mercs?)) moves in on an "emergency" basis to "restore public order"; (3) they pretend that the lawful land jurisdiction government is "missing, whereabouts unknown" and this becomes their excuse for settling in and illegally occupying the victim country without the knowledge or consent of the people who live there; (4) they hire members of the Bar Associations to act as Mercenaries on Commission and set up foreign Maritime and Admiralty Courts on shore; (5) they impersonate and register the native population as "citizens" owing fealty to their Monarch and as "wards of the Crown" without the victim's knowledge or consent and use this to subject the victims to their foreign "law"; (6) they create franchise corporations operating under very similar names to familiar units of the actual government and substitute these for the familiar units of the lawful government so that the substitution goes undetected; (7) they set up their own "representative government" --- which represents their commercial interests --- and use legislative "statutes" and "codes" enforced by their own private corporate tribunals and private corporate police forces, to racketeer against the native population under color of law; (8) using these means and methods, they act as parasites, using the physical, intellectual and performance assets of the victims as collateral to borrow against, and cyclically bankrupting their own corporations to offload their debts onto the victims of this gigantic fraud and impersonation scheme; (9) meantime, the profits from all this are being exported offshore and money-laundered through foreign corporations named after the victims; (10) the split from all this is 60/40 between the Pope and the British King, as it has been since King Henry the Eighth.

There are additional insurance and taxation frauds, monopoly interests and commodity rigging schemes that are very lucrative for the inland pirates.

Every case that gets docketed in their courts is a bond, which gets traded in an elite "bundled bond" market that returns 96% conviction rates.

We are each made to pay for life insurance policies on our own lives, which the Bounders collect on.

Legal tender "laws" have forced us to trade actual goods and services in inequitable exchange for promissory notes that aren't even negotiable instruments. The list goes on and on and on.

This is, obviously, an old evil. The modus operandi mimics clandestine operations of the British Navy during the Napoleonic Wars -- sneaking into harbors under False Flags, swarming the wharves of foreign ports and claiming booty, while setting fire to all the other ships in the harbor before they can weigh anchor.

But this isn't war. It's a vast commercial crime. All the elements of the entire schtick are recognized as crimes of fraud, impersonation, barratry, conspiracy, commodity rigging, false claims in commerce, racketeering under color of law, and so on. The answer is hand-cuffs, not war.

Of course, your priority is organizing your traditional land and soil jurisdiction government as quickly and intelligently as possible, so as to rebut any supposition that their continued occupation (and embezzlement) is in any way needed or desirable.

The Rothschild banking interests have been central to all of this; the French Rothschilds have managed the Vatican's shady deals since 1823; the British Rothschilds have managed the British interests well-before Waterloo; the Swiss Rothschilds have received and keep the records of all the loot.

This is why the Rothschilds and their Rockefeller collaborators and their banks are such a focus of world attention.

This is why the Bank for International Settlements and the other Usual Suspects are pushing to develop "Mbridge" as a replacement for the SWIFT System and pushing "Central Bank Digital Currency" and also hoarding "Gold Revaluation Accounts" --- which they calculate will bring them back to solvency, even though the gold in those accounts has been stolen from other parties entirely.

Neither the Department of the Global Federal Reserve (Rothschild et alia) nor the Octagon Group (their version of a mutually assured destruction pact) nor Bank for International Settlements (63 co-conspirators) nor the IMF (the Bag Man in the group) are coming clean about any of this skullduggery.

They have to come clean and all this fraud has to stop, or there is literally no sane way to conduct business nor any reason to trust any conventional banking institution.

So, we recommend reclaiming your stolen identity and birthright as a start, getting your bank account with the Global Family Bank set up, and restoring your lawful land and soil jurisdiction, government, court system, and everything else.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652