
Sorry, no results were found.



of sustainable development.Intimate partner violence has been associated with numerous consequences for women, including pregnancy termination. This study aimed to examine the association between intimate partner violence and pregnancy termination among adolescent girls and young women in 25 sub-Saharan African countries. Data for this study was obtained from the demographic and health surveys of 25 countries in sub-Saharan Africa, published between 2010 and 2019. A total of 60,563 adolescent girls and young women were included in this study. Binary logistic regression models were used in analyzing the data and the results were presented as crude odds ratios (CORs) and adjusted odds ratios (AORs) at 95% confidence interval (CI). The prevalence of intimate partner violence and pregnancy termination among adolescent girls and young women in the 25 countries in sub-Saharan Africa were 19% and 10.1% respectively. In all these countries, the odds of pregnancy termination was higher among adolescent girls and young women who had ever experienced intimate partner violence, compared to those who had never experienced intimate partner violence [COR = 1.60, 95% CI = 1.51-1.71], and this persisted after controlling for confounders [AOR = 1.58, 95% CI = 1.48-1.68]. However, across countries, intimate partner violence had significant association with pregnancy termination among adolescent girls and young women in Angola, Chad, Congo DR and Gabon (Central Africa); Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote D'lvoire, Gambia and Mali (West Africa); Comoros, Rwanda and Uganda (East Africa); and Malawi and Zambia (Southern Africa). The findings imply that reducing pregnancy termination among adolescent girls and young women in sub-Saharan Africa depends on the elimination of intimate partner violence. Thus, policies and programmes aimed at reducing pregnancy termination among adolescent girls and young women in sub-Saharan Africa, should pay particular attention to those who have history of intimate partner violence.In sub-Saharan Africa, where intimate partner violence has been found to be predominant, several scholars have made efforts to understand its predictors. Socio-culturally, polygyny has been considered as a key determinant of intimate partner violence. This study aimed to examine the association between polygyny and intimate partner violence in 16 sub-Saharan African countries. Binary logistic regression models were used in testing the association and the results were presented as crude and adjusted odds ratios at 95% confidence interval. The proportion of women in polygamous marriages in the 16 countries was 20.2%, ranging from as high as 40% in Chad to as low as 1.6% in South Africa. The prevalence of IPV was 30.7% in the 16 countries, ranging from as high as 44% in Uganda to as low as 12.7% in South Africa. The odds of IPV were higher among women in polygamous marriages in Angola, Burundi, Ethiopia, Uganda, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe but was lower among women in polygamous marriages in Cameroon [COR = 0.54, 95% CI = 0.44-0.66] and Nigeria [COR = 0.61, 95% CI = 0.55-0.67], and this persisted after controlling for level of education, place of residence, wealth quintile, media exposure, and justification of violence. This study has found a significant association between polygyny and intimate partner violence. The practice of intimate partner violence in sub-Saharan Africa is fused into the socio-cultural norms and religious traditions of most countries in the sub-Saharan African region. The findings imply that family structures expose women to intimate partner violence. Therefore, global efforts in dealing with intimate partner violence through the Sustainable Development Goals should be done with attention on the socio-cultural norms and traditions around marriage and family structures.•Immune checkpoint inhibitors are approved for all mismatch repair deficient tumors.•Although rare, autoimmune myositis complicating pembrolizumab therapy may be fatal.•In this case, pembrolizumab caused rhabdomyolysis but also a durable response.•Severe autoimmune reaction may be associated with durable treatment response.Pupil tracking data are collected through the use of an infrared camera, and a head-mounted system [1]. The head-mounted system detects the relative pupil position and adjusts the mouse cursor position accordingly. The data are available for comparison of eye tracking with saccadic movements (with the head fixed in space) versus those from smooth movements (with the head moving in space). The analysis comprises two experiments for both types of eye tracking, which are performed with ten trials each for two participants. In the first experiment, the participant attempts to place the cursor into a target boundary of varying sizes. In the second experiment, the participant attempts to move the cursor to a target location within the shortest time.Stress has been shown to disturb the balance of human intestinal microbiota and subsequently causes mental health problems like anxiety and depression. Our previous study showed that ingesting the probiotic strain, Lactobacillus (L.) plantarum P-8, for 12 weeks could alleviate stress and anxiety of stressed adults. The current study was a follow-up work aiming to investigate the functional role of the gut metagenomes in the observed beneficial effects. The fecal metagenomes of the probiotic (n = 43) and placebo (n = 36) receivers were analyzed in depth. The gut microbiomes of the placebo group at weeks 0 and 12 showed a significantly greater Aitchison distance (P less then 0.001) compared with the probiotic group. Meanwhile, the Shannon diversity index of the placebo group (P less then 0.05) but not the probiotic group decreased significantly at week 12. Additionally, significantly more species-level genome bins (SGBs) of Bifidobacterium adolescentis, Bifidobacterium longum, and Fecalibacterium prausnitzii (P less then 0.01) were identified in the fecal metagenomes of the probiotic group, while the abundances of SGBs representing the species Roseburia faecis and Fusicatenibacter saccharivorans decreased significantly (P less then 0.05). Furthermore, the 12-week probiotic supplementation enhanced the diversity of neurotransmitter-synthesizing/consuming SGBs and the levels of some predicted microbial neuroactive metabolites (e.g., short-chain fatty acids, gamma-aminobutyric acid, arachidonic acid, and sphingomyelin). Our results showed a potential link between probiotic-induced gut microbiota modulation and stress/anxiety alleviation in stressed adults, supporting that the gut-brain axis was involved in relieving stress-related symptoms. The beneficial effect relied not only on microbial diversity changes but more importantly gut metagenome modulations at the SGB and functional gene levels.


Saccades are rapid eye movements that redirect gaze. Their magnitudes and directions are tightly controlled by the oculomotor system, which is capable of generating conjugate, monocular, convergent and divergent saccades. Recent studies suggest a mainly monocular control of saccades in mammals, although the development of binocular control and the interaction of different functional populations is less well understood. For zebrafish, a well-established model in sensorimotor research, the nature of binocular control in this key oculomotor behavior is unknown. Here, we use the optokinetic response and calcium imaging to characterize how the developing zebrafish oculomotor system encodes the diverse repertoire of saccades. We find that neurons with phasic saccade-associated activity (putative burst neurons) are most frequent in dorsal regions of the hindbrain and show elements of both monocular and binocular encoding, revealing a mix of the response types originally hypothesized by Helmholtz and Hering. Additionally, we observed a certain degree of behavior-specific recruitment in individual neurons. Surprisingly, calcium activity is only weakly tuned to saccade size. Instead, saccade size is apparently controlled by a push-pull mechanism of opposing burst neuron populations. Our study reveals the basic layout of a developing vertebrate saccade system and provides a perspective into the evolution of the oculomotor system.Measuring soil health indicators (SHIs), particularly soil total nitrogen (TN), is an important and challenging task that affects farmers' decisions on timing, placement, and quantity of fertilizers applied in the farms. Most existing methods to measure SHIs are in-lab wet chemistry or spectroscopy-based methods, which require significant human input and effort, time-consuming, costly, and are low-throughput in nature. To address this challenge, we develop an artificial intelligence (AI)-driven near real-time unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based multispectral sensing solution (UMS) to estimate soil TN in an agricultural farm. TN is an important macro-nutrient or SHI that directly affects the crop health. Accurate prediction of soil TN can significantly increase crop yield through informed decision making on the timing of seed planting, and fertilizer quantity and timing. The ground-truth data required to train the AI approaches is generated via laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), which can be readily ectrum. In addition, we extract the features from the multispectral images captured while the UAV follows an autonomous flight plan, at different growth stages of the crops. The ML model's performance is tested on a fixed configuration space for the hyper-parameters using various hyper-parameter optimization techniques at three different wavelengths of the N spectrum.Caspase-6 (Casp6) is implicated in Alzheimer disease (AD) cognitive impairment and pathology. Hippocampal atrophy is associated with cognitive impairment in AD. Here, a rare functional exonic missense CASP6 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), causing the substitution of asparagine with threonine at amino acid 73 in Casp6 (Casp6N73T), was associated with hippocampal subfield CA1 volume preservation. Compared to wild type Casp6 (Casp6WT), recombinant Casp6N73T altered Casp6 proteolysis of natural substrates Lamin A/C and α-Tubulin, but did not alter cleavage of the Ac-VEID-AFC Casp6 peptide substrate. Casp6N73T-transfected HEK293T cells showed elevated Casp6 mRNA levels similar to Casp6WT-transfected cells, but, in contrast to Casp6WT, did not accumulate active Casp6 subunits nor show increased Casp6 enzymatic activity. Electrophysiological and morphological assessments showed that Casp6N73T recombinant protein caused less neurofunctional damage and neurodegeneration in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons than Casp6WT. Lastly, CASP6 mRNA levels were increased in several AD brain regions confirming the implication of Casp6 in AD. These studies suggest that the rare Casp6N73T variant may protect against hippocampal atrophy due to its altered catalysis of natural protein substrates and intracellular instability thus leading to less Casp6-mediated damage to neuronal structure and function.Left ventricular (LV) structure and function anomalies are frequent during the CKD continuum and are associated with increased risk of mortality. Cross section and longitudinal ultrasound data are available for advanced CKD and transition to ESKD. Less information is available about LV changes during stable, long-term hemodialysis (HD) treatment. All stable HD patients from 9 HD centers (1034 patients, 671 males, age 58.71 ± 12.94 years) have been enrolled in January 2015. The cohort was followed-up for 4 years, kidney transplantation or death. Yearly, two-dimensional and M-mode continuous and Pulse Doppler echocardiography were performed. During the follow-up, the prevalence of cardiovascular comorbidities significantly increased (p  5% increase and ± 5% variations). More than 5% increase of LVEF was associated with higher mortality risk (crude 1.5-fold, adjusted 1.43-fold) compared to stationary EF (p = 0.001). Cardiovascular disease progresses during stable long-term HD therapy and increases mortality risk. HF becomes highly prevalent but only HF with decreased LVEF  less then  50% is associated with increased risk of mortality.The critically endangered African forest elephant (Loxodonta cyclotis) plays a vital role in maintaining the structure and composition of Afrotropical forests, but basic information is lacking regarding the drivers of elephant movement and behavior at landscape scales. We use GPS location data from 96 individuals throughout Gabon to determine how five movement behaviors vary at different scales, how they are influenced by anthropogenic and environmental covariates, and to assess evidence for behavioral syndromes-elephants which share suites of similar movement traits. Elephants show some evidence of behavioral syndromes along an 'idler' to 'explorer' axis-individuals that move more have larger home ranges and engage in more 'exploratory' movements. However, within these groups, forest elephants express remarkable inter-individual variation in movement behaviours. This variation highlights that no two elephants are the same and creates challenges for practitioners aiming to design conservation initiatives.


cted S Typhi (regardless of culture confirmation), 95% (93-96) against culture-confirmed S Typhi, and 97% (95-98) against XDR S Typhi.

Typbar-TCV is effective in protecting children against S Typhi infection in an outbreak setting, and was able, with moderate deployment, to curtail a major XDR S Typhi outbreak in a densely populated setting. The vaccine shows efficacy against S Typhi irrespective of antimicrobial resistance.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Stimulated by the economic challenges faced by many sub-Saharan African countries and the changes in the rotavirus burden across these countries, this study aimed to inform the decision of health policy makers of eight sub-Saharan countries, who are yet to introduce the rotavirus vaccine as of Dec 31, 2020, on the health economic consequences of the introduction of the vaccine in terms of the costs and benefits.

We did a cost-benefit analysis using a simulation-based decision-analytic model for children aged younger than 1 year, who were followed up to 259 weeks, in the Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Guinea, Somalia, and South Sudan. Data were collected and analysed between Jan 13, 2020, and Dec 11, 2020. Cost-effectiveness analysis and budget impact analysis were done as secondary analyses. Four rotavirus vaccinations (Rotarix, Rotateq, Rotavac, and Rotasiil) were compared with no vaccination. The primary outcome was disability-adjusted life-years averted, converted toloyed to ensure optimal health benefits and cost minimisation of the vaccine introduction. The final decision to introduce the rotavirus vaccine should be preceded by comparing its BCR to the BCRs of other health-care projects.

Copenhagen Consensus Center and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Copenhagen Consensus Center and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.Crystallins, the most prevalent lens proteins, have no turnover throughout the entire human lifespan. These long-lived proteins are susceptible to post-synthetic modifications, including oxidation and glycation, which are believed to be some of the primary mechanisms for age-related cataractogenesis. Thanks to high glutathione (GSH) and ascorbic acid (ASA) levels as well as low oxygen content, the human lens is able to maintain its transparency for several decades. Aging accumulates substantial changes in the human lens, including a decreased glutathione concentration, increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation, impaired antioxidative defense capacity, and increased redox-active metal ions, which induce glucose and ascorbic acid degradation and protein glycation. The glycated lens crystallins are either prone to UVA mediated free radical production or they attract metal ion binding, which can trigger additional protein oxidation and modification. This vicious cycle is expected to be exacerbated with older age or diabetic conditions. ASA serves as an antioxidant in the human lens under reducing conditions to protect the human lens from damage, but ASA converts to the pro-oxidative role and causes lens protein damage by ascorbylation in high oxidation or enriched redox-active metal ion conditions. This review is dedicated in honor of Dr. Frank Giblin, a great friend and superb scientist, whose pioneering and relentless work over the past 45 years has provided critical insight into lens redox regulation and glutathione homeostasis during aging and cataractogenesis.
White light endoscopy is a pivotal first-line tool for the detection of gastric neoplasms. However, gastric neoplasms can be missed during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy due to the subtle nature of these lesions and varying skill among endoscopists. Here, we aimed to evaluate the effect of an artificial intelligence (AI) system designed to detect focal lesions and diagnose gastric neoplasms on reducing the miss rate of gastric neoplasms in clinical practice.

This single-centre, randomised controlled, tandem trial was done at Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, China. We recruited consecutive patients (≥18 years old) undergoing routine upper gastrointestinal endoscopy for screening, surveillance, or investigation of symptoms. Same-day tandem upper gastrointestinal endoscopy was done where patients first underwent either AI-assisted (AI-first) or routine (routine-first) white light endoscopy, followed immediately by the other procedure, with targeted biopsies for all detected lesions taken at the end of the gastric neoplasm miss rate. AI-assisted endoscopy has the potential to improve the yield of gastric neoplasms by endoscopists.

The Project of Hubei Provincial Clinical Research Center for Digestive Disease Minimally Invasive Incision and the Hubei Province Major Science and Technology Innovation Project.
The Project of Hubei Provincial Clinical Research Center for Digestive Disease Minimally Invasive Incision and the Hubei Province Major Science and Technology Innovation Project.Microglia play critical roles in brain development, homeostasis, and disease. Microglia in animal models cannot accurately model human microglia due to notable transcriptomic and functional differences between human and other animal microglia. Incorporating human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC)-derived microglia into brain organoids provides unprecedented opportunities to study human microglia. However, an optimized method that integrates appropriate amounts of microglia into brain organoids at a proper time point, resembling in vivo brain development, is still lacking. Here, we report a new brain region-specific, microglia-containing organoid model by co-culturing hPSC-derived primitive neural progenitor cells and primitive macrophage progenitors. In the organoids, the number of human microglia can be controlled, and microglia exhibit phagocytic activity and synaptic pruning function. Furthermore, human microglia respond to Zika virus infection of the organoids. Our findings establish a new microglia-containing brain organoid model that will serve to study human microglial function in a variety of neurological disorders.Organ-on-chip (OoC) technology is thriving thanks to stem cells availability and international OoC programs. Concerted standardization, qualification, and independent testing of devices are needed to coherently develop OoC technology further and fulfill its potential in drug development, disease modeling, and personalized medicine. The OoC roadmap can lead the way forward.


Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.



of sustainable development.Intimate partner violence has been associated with numerous consequences for women, including pregnancy termination. This study aimed to examine the association between intimate partner violence and pregnancy termination among adolescent girls and young women in 25 sub-Saharan African countries. Data for this study was obtained from the demographic and health surveys of 25 countries in sub-Saharan Africa, published between 2010 and 2019. A total of 60,563 adolescent girls and young women were included in this study. Binary logistic regression models were used in analyzing the data and the results were presented as crude odds ratios (CORs) and adjusted odds ratios (AORs) at 95% confidence interval (CI). The prevalence of intimate partner violence and pregnancy termination among adolescent girls and young women in the 25 countries in sub-Saharan Africa were 19% and 10.1% respectively. In all these countries, the odds of pregnancy termination was higher among adolescent girls and young women who had ever experienced intimate partner violence, compared to those who had never experienced intimate partner violence [COR = 1.60, 95% CI = 1.51-1.71], and this persisted after controlling for confounders [AOR = 1.58, 95% CI = 1.48-1.68]. However, across countries, intimate partner violence had significant association with pregnancy termination among adolescent girls and young women in Angola, Chad, Congo DR and Gabon (Central Africa); Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote D'lvoire, Gambia and Mali (West Africa); Comoros, Rwanda and Uganda (East Africa); and Malawi and Zambia (Southern Africa). The findings imply that reducing pregnancy termination among adolescent girls and young women in sub-Saharan Africa depends on the elimination of intimate partner violence. Thus, policies and programmes aimed at reducing pregnancy termination among adolescent girls and young women in sub-Saharan Africa, should pay particular attention to those who have history of intimate partner violence.In sub-Saharan Africa, where intimate partner violence has been found to be predominant, several scholars have made efforts to understand its predictors. Socio-culturally, polygyny has been considered as a key determinant of intimate partner violence. This study aimed to examine the association between polygyny and intimate partner violence in 16 sub-Saharan African countries. Binary logistic regression models were used in testing the association and the results were presented as crude and adjusted odds ratios at 95% confidence interval. The proportion of women in polygamous marriages in the 16 countries was 20.2%, ranging from as high as 40% in Chad to as low as 1.6% in South Africa. The prevalence of IPV was 30.7% in the 16 countries, ranging from as high as 44% in Uganda to as low as 12.7% in South Africa. The odds of IPV were higher among women in polygamous marriages in Angola, Burundi, Ethiopia, Uganda, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe but was lower among women in polygamous marriages in Cameroon [COR = 0.54, 95% CI = 0.44-0.66] and Nigeria [COR = 0.61, 95% CI = 0.55-0.67], and this persisted after controlling for level of education, place of residence, wealth quintile, media exposure, and justification of violence. This study has found a significant association between polygyny and intimate partner violence. The practice of intimate partner violence in sub-Saharan Africa is fused into the socio-cultural norms and religious traditions of most countries in the sub-Saharan African region. The findings imply that family structures expose women to intimate partner violence. Therefore, global efforts in dealing with intimate partner violence through the Sustainable Development Goals should be done with attention on the socio-cultural norms and traditions around marriage and family structures.•Immune checkpoint inhibitors are approved for all mismatch repair deficient tumors.•Although rare, autoimmune myositis complicating pembrolizumab therapy may be fatal.•In this case, pembrolizumab caused rhabdomyolysis but also a durable response.•Severe autoimmune reaction may be associated with durable treatment response.Pupil tracking data are collected through the use of an infrared camera, and a head-mounted system [1]. The head-mounted system detects the relative pupil position and adjusts the mouse cursor position accordingly. The data are available for comparison of eye tracking with saccadic movements (with the head fixed in space) versus those from smooth movements (with the head moving in space). The analysis comprises two experiments for both types of eye tracking, which are performed with ten trials each for two participants. In the first experiment, the participant attempts to place the cursor into a target boundary of varying sizes. In the second experiment, the participant attempts to move the cursor to a target location within the shortest time.Stress has been shown to disturb the balance of human intestinal microbiota and subsequently causes mental health problems like anxiety and depression. Our previous study showed that ingesting the probiotic strain, Lactobacillus (L.) plantarum P-8, for 12 weeks could alleviate stress and anxiety of stressed adults. The current study was a follow-up work aiming to investigate the functional role of the gut metagenomes in the observed beneficial effects. The fecal metagenomes of the probiotic (n = 43) and placebo (n = 36) receivers were analyzed in depth. The gut microbiomes of the placebo group at weeks 0 and 12 showed a significantly greater Aitchison distance (P less then 0.001) compared with the probiotic group. Meanwhile, the Shannon diversity index of the placebo group (P less then 0.05) but not the probiotic group decreased significantly at week 12. Additionally, significantly more species-level genome bins (SGBs) of Bifidobacterium adolescentis, Bifidobacterium longum, and Fecalibacterium prausnitzii (P less then 0.01) were identified in the fecal metagenomes of the probiotic group, while the abundances of SGBs representing the species Roseburia faecis and Fusicatenibacter saccharivorans decreased significantly (P less then 0.05). Furthermore, the 12-week probiotic supplementation enhanced the diversity of neurotransmitter-synthesizing/consuming SGBs and the levels of some predicted microbial neuroactive metabolites (e.g., short-chain fatty acids, gamma-aminobutyric acid, arachidonic acid, and sphingomyelin). Our results showed a potential link between probiotic-induced gut microbiota modulation and stress/anxiety alleviation in stressed adults, supporting that the gut-brain axis was involved in relieving stress-related symptoms. The beneficial effect relied not only on microbial diversity changes but more importantly gut metagenome modulations at the SGB and functional gene levels.


Saccades are rapid eye movements that redirect gaze. Their magnitudes and directions are tightly controlled by the oculomotor system, which is capable of generating conjugate, monocular, convergent and divergent saccades. Recent studies suggest a mainly monocular control of saccades in mammals, although the development of binocular control and the interaction of different functional populations is less well understood. For zebrafish, a well-established model in sensorimotor research, the nature of binocular control in this key oculomotor behavior is unknown. Here, we use the optokinetic response and calcium imaging to characterize how the developing zebrafish oculomotor system encodes the diverse repertoire of saccades. We find that neurons with phasic saccade-associated activity (putative burst neurons) are most frequent in dorsal regions of the hindbrain and show elements of both monocular and binocular encoding, revealing a mix of the response types originally hypothesized by Helmholtz and Hering. Additionally, we observed a certain degree of behavior-specific recruitment in individual neurons. Surprisingly, calcium activity is only weakly tuned to saccade size. Instead, saccade size is apparently controlled by a push-pull mechanism of opposing burst neuron populations. Our study reveals the basic layout of a developing vertebrate saccade system and provides a perspective into the evolution of the oculomotor system.Measuring soil health indicators (SHIs), particularly soil total nitrogen (TN), is an important and challenging task that affects farmers' decisions on timing, placement, and quantity of fertilizers applied in the farms. Most existing methods to measure SHIs are in-lab wet chemistry or spectroscopy-based methods, which require significant human input and effort, time-consuming, costly, and are low-throughput in nature. To address this challenge, we develop an artificial intelligence (AI)-driven near real-time unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based multispectral sensing solution (UMS) to estimate soil TN in an agricultural farm. TN is an important macro-nutrient or SHI that directly affects the crop health. Accurate prediction of soil TN can significantly increase crop yield through informed decision making on the timing of seed planting, and fertilizer quantity and timing. The ground-truth data required to train the AI approaches is generated via laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), which can be readily ectrum. In addition, we extract the features from the multispectral images captured while the UAV follows an autonomous flight plan, at different growth stages of the crops. The ML model's performance is tested on a fixed configuration space for the hyper-parameters using various hyper-parameter optimization techniques at three different wavelengths of the N spectrum.Caspase-6 (Casp6) is implicated in Alzheimer disease (AD) cognitive impairment and pathology. Hippocampal atrophy is associated with cognitive impairment in AD. Here, a rare functional exonic missense CASP6 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), causing the substitution of asparagine with threonine at amino acid 73 in Casp6 (Casp6N73T), was associated with hippocampal subfield CA1 volume preservation. Compared to wild type Casp6 (Casp6WT), recombinant Casp6N73T altered Casp6 proteolysis of natural substrates Lamin A/C and α-Tubulin, but did not alter cleavage of the Ac-VEID-AFC Casp6 peptide substrate. Casp6N73T-transfected HEK293T cells showed elevated Casp6 mRNA levels similar to Casp6WT-transfected cells, but, in contrast to Casp6WT, did not accumulate active Casp6 subunits nor show increased Casp6 enzymatic activity. Electrophysiological and morphological assessments showed that Casp6N73T recombinant protein caused less neurofunctional damage and neurodegeneration in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons than Casp6WT. Lastly, CASP6 mRNA levels were increased in several AD brain regions confirming the implication of Casp6 in AD. These studies suggest that the rare Casp6N73T variant may protect against hippocampal atrophy due to its altered catalysis of natural protein substrates and intracellular instability thus leading to less Casp6-mediated damage to neuronal structure and function.Left ventricular (LV) structure and function anomalies are frequent during the CKD continuum and are associated with increased risk of mortality. Cross section and longitudinal ultrasound data are available for advanced CKD and transition to ESKD. Less information is available about LV changes during stable, long-term hemodialysis (HD) treatment. All stable HD patients from 9 HD centers (1034 patients, 671 males, age 58.71 ± 12.94 years) have been enrolled in January 2015. The cohort was followed-up for 4 years, kidney transplantation or death. Yearly, two-dimensional and M-mode continuous and Pulse Doppler echocardiography were performed. During the follow-up, the prevalence of cardiovascular comorbidities significantly increased (p  5% increase and ± 5% variations). More than 5% increase of LVEF was associated with higher mortality risk (crude 1.5-fold, adjusted 1.43-fold) compared to stationary EF (p = 0.001). Cardiovascular disease progresses during stable long-term HD therapy and increases mortality risk. HF becomes highly prevalent but only HF with decreased LVEF  less then  50% is associated with increased risk of mortality.The critically endangered African forest elephant (Loxodonta cyclotis) plays a vital role in maintaining the structure and composition of Afrotropical forests, but basic information is lacking regarding the drivers of elephant movement and behavior at landscape scales. We use GPS location data from 96 individuals throughout Gabon to determine how five movement behaviors vary at different scales, how they are influenced by anthropogenic and environmental covariates, and to assess evidence for behavioral syndromes-elephants which share suites of similar movement traits. Elephants show some evidence of behavioral syndromes along an 'idler' to 'explorer' axis-individuals that move more have larger home ranges and engage in more 'exploratory' movements. However, within these groups, forest elephants express remarkable inter-individual variation in movement behaviours. This variation highlights that no two elephants are the same and creates challenges for practitioners aiming to design conservation initiatives.


cted S Typhi (regardless of culture confirmation), 95% (93-96) against culture-confirmed S Typhi, and 97% (95-98) against XDR S Typhi.

Typbar-TCV is effective in protecting children against S Typhi infection in an outbreak setting, and was able, with moderate deployment, to curtail a major XDR S Typhi outbreak in a densely populated setting. The vaccine shows efficacy against S Typhi irrespective of antimicrobial resistance.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Stimulated by the economic challenges faced by many sub-Saharan African countries and the changes in the rotavirus burden across these countries, this study aimed to inform the decision of health policy makers of eight sub-Saharan countries, who are yet to introduce the rotavirus vaccine as of Dec 31, 2020, on the health economic consequences of the introduction of the vaccine in terms of the costs and benefits.

We did a cost-benefit analysis using a simulation-based decision-analytic model for children aged younger than 1 year, who were followed up to 259 weeks, in the Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Guinea, Somalia, and South Sudan. Data were collected and analysed between Jan 13, 2020, and Dec 11, 2020. Cost-effectiveness analysis and budget impact analysis were done as secondary analyses. Four rotavirus vaccinations (Rotarix, Rotateq, Rotavac, and Rotasiil) were compared with no vaccination. The primary outcome was disability-adjusted life-years averted, converted toloyed to ensure optimal health benefits and cost minimisation of the vaccine introduction. The final decision to introduce the rotavirus vaccine should be preceded by comparing its BCR to the BCRs of other health-care projects.

Copenhagen Consensus Center and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Copenhagen Consensus Center and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.Crystallins, the most prevalent lens proteins, have no turnover throughout the entire human lifespan. These long-lived proteins are susceptible to post-synthetic modifications, including oxidation and glycation, which are believed to be some of the primary mechanisms for age-related cataractogenesis. Thanks to high glutathione (GSH) and ascorbic acid (ASA) levels as well as low oxygen content, the human lens is able to maintain its transparency for several decades. Aging accumulates substantial changes in the human lens, including a decreased glutathione concentration, increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation, impaired antioxidative defense capacity, and increased redox-active metal ions, which induce glucose and ascorbic acid degradation and protein glycation. The glycated lens crystallins are either prone to UVA mediated free radical production or they attract metal ion binding, which can trigger additional protein oxidation and modification. This vicious cycle is expected to be exacerbated with older age or diabetic conditions. ASA serves as an antioxidant in the human lens under reducing conditions to protect the human lens from damage, but ASA converts to the pro-oxidative role and causes lens protein damage by ascorbylation in high oxidation or enriched redox-active metal ion conditions. This review is dedicated in honor of Dr. Frank Giblin, a great friend and superb scientist, whose pioneering and relentless work over the past 45 years has provided critical insight into lens redox regulation and glutathione homeostasis during aging and cataractogenesis.
White light endoscopy is a pivotal first-line tool for the detection of gastric neoplasms. However, gastric neoplasms can be missed during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy due to the subtle nature of these lesions and varying skill among endoscopists. Here, we aimed to evaluate the effect of an artificial intelligence (AI) system designed to detect focal lesions and diagnose gastric neoplasms on reducing the miss rate of gastric neoplasms in clinical practice.

This single-centre, randomised controlled, tandem trial was done at Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, China. We recruited consecutive patients (≥18 years old) undergoing routine upper gastrointestinal endoscopy for screening, surveillance, or investigation of symptoms. Same-day tandem upper gastrointestinal endoscopy was done where patients first underwent either AI-assisted (AI-first) or routine (routine-first) white light endoscopy, followed immediately by the other procedure, with targeted biopsies for all detected lesions taken at the end of the gastric neoplasm miss rate. AI-assisted endoscopy has the potential to improve the yield of gastric neoplasms by endoscopists.

The Project of Hubei Provincial Clinical Research Center for Digestive Disease Minimally Invasive Incision and the Hubei Province Major Science and Technology Innovation Project.
The Project of Hubei Provincial Clinical Research Center for Digestive Disease Minimally Invasive Incision and the Hubei Province Major Science and Technology Innovation Project.Microglia play critical roles in brain development, homeostasis, and disease. Microglia in animal models cannot accurately model human microglia due to notable transcriptomic and functional differences between human and other animal microglia. Incorporating human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC)-derived microglia into brain organoids provides unprecedented opportunities to study human microglia. However, an optimized method that integrates appropriate amounts of microglia into brain organoids at a proper time point, resembling in vivo brain development, is still lacking. Here, we report a new brain region-specific, microglia-containing organoid model by co-culturing hPSC-derived primitive neural progenitor cells and primitive macrophage progenitors. In the organoids, the number of human microglia can be controlled, and microglia exhibit phagocytic activity and synaptic pruning function. Furthermore, human microglia respond to Zika virus infection of the organoids. Our findings establish a new microglia-containing brain organoid model that will serve to study human microglial function in a variety of neurological disorders.Organ-on-chip (OoC) technology is thriving thanks to stem cells availability and international OoC programs. Concerted standardization, qualification, and independent testing of devices are needed to coherently develop OoC technology further and fulfill its potential in drug development, disease modeling, and personalized medicine. The OoC roadmap can lead the way forward.


Whereas the assessed uncorrected sedimentation coefficients span a variety from 6.22 to 6.61 S, appropriate calibration led to a tenfold paid down standard deviation of sedimentation coefficients. The calibrated relative standard deviation and mean error of 0.2% and 0.07%, respectively, can be compared with analytical errors and side-by-side repeatability in one single instrument.A research was carried out to define and differentiate four West African Dwarf goat communities on such basis as morphometric qualities and in addition predict themselves weights utilizing linear human anatomy dimensions. A total of 384 goats had been sampled from four agro-ecological areas through the middle belt and south part of Ghana. The morphometric faculties examined for phenotypic differentiation using univariate and multivariate evaluation were human body weight, human body length, withers height, upper body girth, upper body level, shoulder point width, rump length, rump width, head size, head width, shin circumference, horn length, ear length, tail length, and locks length. Results obtained indicated that agro-ecological zone and age substantially (p  less then  0.05) impacted the overall performance of most faculties. The phenotypic correlations among the list of traits had been reasonable to large (0.06-0.67) indicating linear connections among these characteristics that might be caused by both genetic and environmental elements. The regression analysis also unveiled that just one trath, head length, ear length, shin circumference, head width, and neck point width were the most discriminating variables accountable for the variants one of the four goat communities. In summary, morphometric variants exist among West African Dwarf goat communities of Ghana. Yet, additional researches on molecular genetic variety of the communities tend to be suggested to aid a sustainable breed enhancement strategy. Also, equations have now been developed which can be used to reliably anticipate the body weight of WAD goats and future study must also concentrate on building solitary variable body weight estimator measuring tapes based only on either the upper body girth, withers level, or body size prediction equations for farmers to use when you look at the absence of evaluating scale.Medical study in sub-Saharan Africa is of high priority for communities to respond properly to regional health requirements. Frequently enough it stays a challenge to build up capacity in infrastructure and recruiting to greatest intercontinental standards and also to maintain this over mid-term to lasting periods as a result of troubles in getting long-lasting institutional core funding, attracting highly competent researchers for medical study and dealing with ever altering structural and governmental conditions. The Centre de Recherches Médicales de Lambaréné (CERMEL) functions as model for just how to get over such difficulties and to continually increase its impact on medical care in Central Africa and past. Starting as a study annex towards the Albert Schweitzer Hospital in Lambaréné, Gabon, it offers subsequently expanded its tasks to scholastic and regulating medical trials for medicines, vaccines and diagnostics in neuro-scientific malaria, tuberculosis, and an array of impoverishment associated and neglected exotic infectious diseases. Advancing bioethics in health research in Africa and steadily enhancing its international systems and infrastructures, CERMEL serves as a reference center for many intercontinental consortia. In close collaboration with national authorities, CERMEL is one of the most significant education hubs for health study in Central Africa. It is hoped that CERMEL and its particular leitmotiv "to improve health care for local communities" will serve as an inspiration to other organizations in sub-Saharan Africa to advance increase African capacity to advance medicine. Eighty-two knees with pain following TKA were most notable retrospective study. Two separate raters measured the anatomical and surgical posterior condylar angles twice for each Kanekasu radiograph and 2D-CT. These dimensions were compared contrary to the 3D-CT dimension. The intra- and interrater reliability for the Kanekasu radiograph and 2D-CT and the correlation with 3D-CT were computed. The intra- and interrater reliability for measurements associated with the anatomical posterior condyle angle when it comes to Kanekasu radiograph additionally the 2D-CT were exemplary for both raters (0.85-0.92). For the less experienced rater 1, the intrarater reliability was substantially much better for 2D-CT than Kanekasu radiograph for measuring both the medical (p < 0.01) and anatomical posterior condyle perspectives (p < 0.05). For the experienced rater 2, the intrarater relialable, it must be preferred over 2D-CT and Kanekasu view radiograph for femoral component rotation dimensions.circHIPK3 contributes to increased myocardial fibrosis during DCM by working as a contending endogenous RNA that upregulates Col1a1 and Col3a1 phrase through suppressing miR-29b-3p.The use of scene context is a strong means in which biological organisms guide and facilitate artistic search. Although many research indicates enhancements of target-related electroencephalographic activity (EEG) with synthetic cues, there has been a lot fewer studies demonstrating such improvements during search with scene context and items in real world scenes. Here, observers covertly searched for a target in photos of real scenes although we used EEG to measure the steady state artistic evoked a reaction to things flickering at various frequencies. The target appeared in its typical contextual place or out of context although we managed for low-level properties regarding the picture including target saliency resistant to the history and retinal eccentricity. A pattern classifier utilizing EEG activity in the appropriate modulated frequencies revealed target recognition accuracy increased as soon as the target was at a contextually proper place.


Plasmodium species are apicomplexan parasites whose zoites are polarized cells with a marked apical organisation where the organelles associated with host cell invasion and colonization reside. Plasmodium gametes mate in the mosquito midgut to form the spherical and presumed apolar zygote that morphs during the following 24 hours into a polarized, elongated and motile zoite form, the ookinete. Endocytosis-mediated protein transport is generally necessary for the establishment and maintenance of polarity in epithelial cells and neurons, and the small GTPase RAB11A is an important regulator of protein transport via recycling endosomes. PbRAB11A is essential in blood stage asexual of Plasmodium. Therefore, a promoter swap strategy was employed to down-regulate PbRAB11A expression in gametocytes and zygotes of the rodent malaria parasite, Plasmodium berghei which demonstrated the essential role of RAB11A in ookinete development. The approach revealed that lack of PbRAB11A had no effect on gamete production and fertility rates however, the zygote to ookinete transition was almost totally inhibited and transmission through the mosquito was prevented. Lack of PbRAB11A did not prevent meiosis and mitosis, nor the establishment of polarity as indicated by the correct formation and positioning of the Inner Membrane Complex (IMC) and apical complex. However, morphological maturation was prevented and parasites remained spherical and immotile and furthermore, they were impaired in the secretion and distribution of microneme cargo. The data are consistent with the previously proposed model of RAB11A endosome mediated delivery of plasma membrane in Toxoplasma gondii if not its role in IMC formation and implicate it in microneme function.Toxoplasma gondii possesses an armada of secreted virulent factors that enable parasite invasion and survival into host cells. These factors are contained in specific secretory organelles, the rhoptries, micronemes and dense granules that release their content upon host cell recognition. Dense granules are secreted in a constitutive manner during parasite replication and play a crucial role in modulating host metabolic and immune responses. While the molecular mechanisms triggering rhoptry and microneme release upon host cell adhesion have been well studied, constitutive secretion remains a poorly explored aspect of T. gondii vesicular trafficking. Here, we investigated the role of the small GTPase Rab11A, a known regulator of exocytosis in eukaryotic cells. Our data revealed an essential role of Rab11A in promoting the cytoskeleton driven transport of dense granules and the release of their content into the vacuolar space. Rab11A also regulates transmembrane protein trafficking and localization during parasite replication, indicating a broader role of Rab11A in cargo exocytosis at the plasma membrane. Moreover, we found that Rab11A also regulates extracellular parasite motility and adhesion to host cells. In line with these findings, MIC2 secretion was altered in Rab11A-defective parasites, which also exhibited severe morphological defects. Strikingly, by live imaging we observed a polarized accumulation of Rab11A-positive vesicles and dense granules at the apical pole of extracellular motile and invading parasites suggesting that apically polarized Rab11A-dependent delivery of cargo regulates early secretory events during parasite entry into host cells.Local anomalies in rainfall and temperature induced by El Niño and La Niña episodes could change the structure of the vector community. We aimed to estimate the effect of the El Niño-La Niña cycle in the potential distribution of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) vector species in Colombia and to compare the richness of the vectors with the occurrence of CL in the state of Norte de Santander. The potential distributions of four species were modeled using a MaxEnt algorithm for the following episodes La Niña 2010-2011, Neutral 2012-2015 and El Niño 2015-2016. The relationship between the potential richness of the vectors and the occurrence of CL in Norte de Santander was evaluated with a log-binomial regression model. During the El Niño 2015-2016 episode, Lutzomyia ovallesi and Lutzomyia panamensis increased their distribution into environmentally suitable areas, and three vector species (Lutzomyia gomezi, Lutzomyia ovallesi and Lutzomyia panamensis) showed increases in the range of their altitudinal distribution. During the La Niña 2010-2011 episode, a reduction was observed in the area suitable for occupation by Lutzomyia gomezi and Lutzomyia spinicrassa. During the El Niño 2015-2016 episode, the occurrence of at least one CL case was related to a higher percentage of rural localities showing a richness of vectors = 4. The anomalies in rainfall and temperature induced by the episodes produced changes in the potential distribution of CL vectors in Colombia. In Norte de Santander, during Neutral 2012-2015 and El Niño 2015-2016 episodes, a higher probability of at least one CL case was related to a higher percentage of areas with a greater richness of vectors. The results help clarify the effect of the El Niño-La Niña cycle in the dynamics of CL in Colombia and emphasize the need to monitor climate variability to improve the prediction of new cases.Although specific interactions between host and pathogen genotypes have been well documented in invertebrates, the identification of host genes involved in discriminating pathogen genotypes remains a challenge. In the mosquito Aedes aegypti, the main dengue virus (DENV) vector worldwide, statistical associations between host genetic markers and DENV types or strains were previously detected, but the host genes underlying this genetic specificity have not been identified. In particular, it is unknown whether DENV type- or strain-specific resistance relies on allelic variants of the same genes or on distinct gene sets. Here, we investigated the genetic architecture of DENV resistance in a population of Ae. aegypti from Bakoumba, Gabon, which displays a stronger resistance phenotype to DENV type 1 (DENV-1) than to DENV type 3 (DENV-3) infection. Following experimental exposure to either DENV-1 or DENV-3, we sequenced the exomes of large phenotypic pools of mosquitoes that are either resistant or susceptible to each DENV type.