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Body size variation within Megalomys correlates with island bank area and might thus reflect historical rather than modern biogeography. Zygodontomys specimens from the Grenada Bank fall within the upper end of size variation in extant populations and may constitute an example of 'island gigantism', but it is possible that occurrence of this widespread species on the Grenada Bank might reflect prehistoric human-mediated translocation. We predict further endemic Caribbean rice rat taxa remain to be discovered, including a possible species of Megalomys on the neighbouring island of St. Vincent.Species known from China in the praying mantis subfamily Hierodulinae are revised. A new species, Titanodula menglaensis sp. nov. is described. Hierodula tenuidentata Saussure, 1869 and Dracomantis mirofraternus Shcherbakov Vermeersch, 2020 are newly recorded from China. Two new synonyms are proposed Titanodula formosana (Giglio-Tos, 1912) = Titanodula fruhstorferi (Werner, 1916), syn. nov. and Hierodula macrodentata Wang, Zhou Zhang, 2020 = Hierodula latipennis Brunner de Wattenwyl, 1893. Ootheca and male genitalia of the Chinese species are described and photographed. An identification key to genera and species of Hierodulinae from China is also provided. The current Chinese checklist contains 21 species.Protaetia (Macroliocola) dianae Mückstein, a new species of fruit chafer (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Cetoniinae) from northern Vietnam is described. Habitus and diagnostic features of the new species are illustrated. A new country record of Protaetia (Liocola) miharai (Alexis Delpont, 1998) for Vietnam is presented.Meadia minor sp. nov., a scaless ilyophine eel, is described on the basis of 10 specimens collected from off Quy Nhon, central coast of Vietnam. It can be distinguished from its congeners in having a relatively long trunk (21.3-25.0% TL) which is longer than head length; a short and blunt snout (21.4-23.7% HL); gill opening close to pectoral-fin base; interbranchial space broad (20.7-26.2% HL); dorsal-fin origin above posterior third of pectoral fin; body depth 24-28 times in TL; total vertebrae 118-122; mean vertebral formula 7-33-121; and a small body size, reaching 330 mm TL. The generic status of the new species is discussed. Short descriptions of two congeners are provided.Garra orontesi, new species, is described from the Orontes River drainage in the eastern Mediterranean Sea basin in Turkey and Syria. It is distinguished from its congeners in the Mediterranean Sea basin and adjacent Mesopotamia by possessing 17-21 gill rakers on the lower part of the first gill arch, the pelvic-fin origin usually below the second branched dorsal-fin ray, 8½ branched dorsal-fin rays, usually 2-3 scales between the tip of the pectoral and pelvic-fin origins, and no tubercles behind the upper posterior eye margin. It is also distinguished by a minimum K2P distance of 2.7% in its COI barcode region against G. rufa, and 3.9% against the geographically adjacent G. turcica.Genus Uvarovistia ranged along the Zagros Mountain belt. We presented first genetic data from three species of the genus and a taxonomic rectification indicated by these data. Sequences of three mitochondrial and two nuclear gene segments were obtained from different populations. Phylogenetic and automatic species delimitation analyses consistently suggested three distinct phylogroups as U. zebra, U. satunini and the third a new species, U. munzurensis Uluar Yahyaoğlu sp. n. Time estimation and population genetic analyses supported consistent results. The following conclusions were reached (i) five species in the genus constitute two distinct species groups named as Zebra Group and Satunini Group, (ii) data suggest intra generic relationships as U. zebra + ((U. satunini + U. munzurensis) + (U. bakhtiara +U. iraka)), (iii) molecular clock estimations indicated a deep divergence time and no gene flow between U. satunini and U. munzurensis, (iv) although these two species cannot be clearly distinguished by morphology, range of U. munzurensis seems to be isolated from other by lowlands of Euphrates Valley, and (v) age of generic ancestor is around five million years a time corresponding to connection of Anatolian and Zagros plates, and genus radiated along Zagros belt after dispersal of ancestral stock here.Oxynoemacheilus phasicus, new species, is described from the Rioni and Enguri River drainages in Georgia. It is distinguished from other Oxynoemacheilus species in the O. brandtii group by a mottled or marbled flank pattern in adults, a slightly emarginate caudal fin, and a deep caudal peduncle. Molecular data suggest that the new species is characterized by a minimum K2P distance of 7.5% from O. brandtii from the Kura drainage in the mtDNA COI barcode region. Oxynoemacheilus brandtii and O. elsae are re-diagnosed. A very slender Oxynoemacheilus from the Aras drainage clusters as sister to O. elsae in our molecular analysis and not with O. brandtii from the Kura River. However, it is identified as O. brandtii as it is indistinguishable from this species in morphological characters.The occurrence of the muscid genus Spilogona Schnabl in Macaronesia is documented for the first time by the description of two new species, S. azorensis sp. nov. and S. maderensis sp. nov. These appear to be local endemics of the Azores and Madeira, respectively.The Macaronesian species of the muscid genus Limnophora are reviewed with special emphasis on the fauna of the western Canary Islands. The genus is represented by 14 species in the Macaronesian archipelagos, with 10 species in the Canary Islands, 4 species in the Cape Verde Islands, and 3 species in Madeira. Limnophora obsignatula sp. nov. is endemic to the western Canary Islands, where it replaces the widespread continental L. obsignata (Rondani). It is further shown that L. paneliusi Emden, a species so far considered endemic to the Cape Verde Islands, is widespread in the Canary Islands. Two species, L. obsignata (Rondani) and L. tigrina Am Stein, are removed from the list of Canarian Muscidae as based on misidentifications of other species with a mesonotal "Anthomyia-pattern". Limnophora (Calliophrys) riparia capoverdica Emden, a taxon described from the Cape Verde Islands, is synonymized with L. riparia (Fallén), syn. nov. Distribution data and illustrated diagnoses are given for each species. The species account is finalized with an identification key to males and females.


Body size variation within Megalomys correlates with island bank area and might thus reflect historical rather than modern biogeography. Zygodontomys specimens from the Grenada Bank fall within the upper end of size variation in extant populations and may constitute an example of 'island gigantism', but it is possible that occurrence of this widespread species on the Grenada Bank might reflect prehistoric human-mediated translocation. We predict further endemic Caribbean rice rat taxa remain to be discovered, including a possible species of Megalomys on the neighbouring island of St. Vincent.Species known from China in the praying mantis subfamily Hierodulinae are revised. A new species, Titanodula menglaensis sp. nov. is described. Hierodula tenuidentata Saussure, 1869 and Dracomantis mirofraternus Shcherbakov Vermeersch, 2020 are newly recorded from China. Two new synonyms are proposed Titanodula formosana (Giglio-Tos, 1912) = Titanodula fruhstorferi (Werner, 1916), syn. nov. and Hierodula macrodentata Wang, Zhou Zhang, 2020 = Hierodula latipennis Brunner de Wattenwyl, 1893. Ootheca and male genitalia of the Chinese species are described and photographed. An identification key to genera and species of Hierodulinae from China is also provided. The current Chinese checklist contains 21 species.Protaetia (Macroliocola) dianae Mückstein, a new species of fruit chafer (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Cetoniinae) from northern Vietnam is described. Habitus and diagnostic features of the new species are illustrated. A new country record of Protaetia (Liocola) miharai (Alexis Delpont, 1998) for Vietnam is presented.Meadia minor sp. nov., a scaless ilyophine eel, is described on the basis of 10 specimens collected from off Quy Nhon, central coast of Vietnam. It can be distinguished from its congeners in having a relatively long trunk (21.3-25.0% TL) which is longer than head length; a short and blunt snout (21.4-23.7% HL); gill opening close to pectoral-fin base; interbranchial space broad (20.7-26.2% HL); dorsal-fin origin above posterior third of pectoral fin; body depth 24-28 times in TL; total vertebrae 118-122; mean vertebral formula 7-33-121; and a small body size, reaching 330 mm TL. The generic status of the new species is discussed. Short descriptions of two congeners are provided.Garra orontesi, new species, is described from the Orontes River drainage in the eastern Mediterranean Sea basin in Turkey and Syria. It is distinguished from its congeners in the Mediterranean Sea basin and adjacent Mesopotamia by possessing 17-21 gill rakers on the lower part of the first gill arch, the pelvic-fin origin usually below the second branched dorsal-fin ray, 8½ branched dorsal-fin rays, usually 2-3 scales between the tip of the pectoral and pelvic-fin origins, and no tubercles behind the upper posterior eye margin. It is also distinguished by a minimum K2P distance of 2.7% in its COI barcode region against G. rufa, and 3.9% against the geographically adjacent G. turcica.Genus Uvarovistia ranged along the Zagros Mountain belt. We presented first genetic data from three species of the genus and a taxonomic rectification indicated by these data. Sequences of three mitochondrial and two nuclear gene segments were obtained from different populations. Phylogenetic and automatic species delimitation analyses consistently suggested three distinct phylogroups as U. zebra, U. satunini and the third a new species, U. munzurensis Uluar Yahyaoğlu sp. n. Time estimation and population genetic analyses supported consistent results. The following conclusions were reached (i) five species in the genus constitute two distinct species groups named as Zebra Group and Satunini Group, (ii) data suggest intra generic relationships as U. zebra + ((U. satunini + U. munzurensis) + (U. bakhtiara +U. iraka)), (iii) molecular clock estimations indicated a deep divergence time and no gene flow between U. satunini and U. munzurensis, (iv) although these two species cannot be clearly distinguished by morphology, range of U. munzurensis seems to be isolated from other by lowlands of Euphrates Valley, and (v) age of generic ancestor is around five million years a time corresponding to connection of Anatolian and Zagros plates, and genus radiated along Zagros belt after dispersal of ancestral stock here.Oxynoemacheilus phasicus, new species, is described from the Rioni and Enguri River drainages in Georgia. It is distinguished from other Oxynoemacheilus species in the O. brandtii group by a mottled or marbled flank pattern in adults, a slightly emarginate caudal fin, and a deep caudal peduncle. Molecular data suggest that the new species is characterized by a minimum K2P distance of 7.5% from O. brandtii from the Kura drainage in the mtDNA COI barcode region. Oxynoemacheilus brandtii and O. elsae are re-diagnosed. A very slender Oxynoemacheilus from the Aras drainage clusters as sister to O. elsae in our molecular analysis and not with O. brandtii from the Kura River. However, it is identified as O. brandtii as it is indistinguishable from this species in morphological characters.The occurrence of the muscid genus Spilogona Schnabl in Macaronesia is documented for the first time by the description of two new species, S. azorensis sp. nov. and S. maderensis sp. nov. These appear to be local endemics of the Azores and Madeira, respectively.The Macaronesian species of the muscid genus Limnophora are reviewed with special emphasis on the fauna of the western Canary Islands. The genus is represented by 14 species in the Macaronesian archipelagos, with 10 species in the Canary Islands, 4 species in the Cape Verde Islands, and 3 species in Madeira. Limnophora obsignatula sp. nov. is endemic to the western Canary Islands, where it replaces the widespread continental L. obsignata (Rondani). It is further shown that L. paneliusi Emden, a species so far considered endemic to the Cape Verde Islands, is widespread in the Canary Islands. Two species, L. obsignata (Rondani) and L. tigrina Am Stein, are removed from the list of Canarian Muscidae as based on misidentifications of other species with a mesonotal "Anthomyia-pattern". Limnophora (Calliophrys) riparia capoverdica Emden, a taxon described from the Cape Verde Islands, is synonymized with L. riparia (Fallén), syn. nov. Distribution data and illustrated diagnoses are given for each species. The species account is finalized with an identification key to males and females.


Here, we report that EBNA1 contains two SUMO-interacting themes (SIM2 and SIM3), and mutation of SIM2, not SIM3, dramatically disrupts the EBNA1 dimerization, while SIM3 plays a role in the polySUMO2 customization of EBNA1 at lysine 477 in vitro. Proteomic and immunoprecipitation analyses additional unveil that the SIM3 motif is required when it comes to EBNA1-mediated inhibitory impacts on SUMO2-modified STUB1, SUMO2-mediated degradation of USP7, and SUMO1-modified KAP1. Deletion associated with the EBNASIM motif leads to practical lack of both EBNA1-mediated viral episome maintenance and lytic gene silencing. Significantly, hypoxic stress induces the SUMO2 customization of EBNA1, and as a result the dissociation of EBNA1 with STUB1, KAP1 and USP7 to improve the SUMO1 adjustment of both STUB1 and KAP1 for reactivation of lytic replication. Therefore, the EBNA1SIM motif plays an important part in EBV latency and is a potential healing target against EBV-associated cancers.Using bacteriophage-derived endolysins as an alternative strategy for fighting drug-resistant germs has recently already been garnering renewed interest. Nonetheless, their particular application continues to be hindered by their slim spectra of activity. In our earlier work, we demonstrated that the endolysin LysIME-EF1 possesses efficient bactericidal task against numerous strains of Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis). Herein, we noticed an 8 kDa fragment and hypothesized it adds to LysIME-EF1 lytic activity. To examine our hypothesis, we determined the structure of LysIME-EF1 at 1.75 Å resolution. LysIME-EF1 displays a distinctive design in which one full-length LysIME-EF1 forms a tetramer with three additional C-terminal cell-wall binding domains (CBDs) that correspond to your abovementioned 8 kDa fragment. Also, we identified an internal ribosomal binding website (RBS) and alternate begin codon within LysIME-EF1 gene, that are demonstrated to be responsible for the translation associated with truncated CBD. To elucidate the molecular process when it comes to lytic activity of LysIME-EF1, we blended mutagenesis, lytic activity assays and in vivo animal disease experiments. The outcomes verified that the additional LysIME-EF1 CBDs are very important for LysIME-EF1 architecture and its particular lytic activity. To the understanding, this is actually the first determined framework of multimeric endolysin encoded by an individual gene in E. faecalis phages. As a result, it might probably offer valuable insights into creating powerful endolysins from the opportunistic pathogen E. faecalis.Alcelaphine herpesvirus 1 (AlHV-1) is a gammaherpesvirus this is certainly held asymptomatically by wildebeest. Upon cross-species transmission with other ruminants, including domestic cattle, AlHV-1 induces malignant catarrhal fever (MCF), that is a fatal lymphoproliferative disease resulting from proliferation and uncontrolled activation of latently infected CD8+ T cells. Two laboratory strains of AlHV-1 are employed generally in study C500, which will be pathogenic, and WC11, that has been attenuated by long-term upkeep in cellular tradition. The published genome series of a WC11 seed stock from a German laboratory unveiled the deletion of two major regions. The sequence of a WC11 seed stock used in our laboratory additionally holds these deletions and, in inclusion, the duplication of an internal series in the critical region. The larger regarding the two deletions has actually resulted in the lack of gene A7 and a sizable part of gene A8. These genetics tend to be positional orthologs of this Epstein-Barr virus genetics encoding envelope glycoproteins gp42 and gp350, respectively, that are tangled up in viral propagation and flipping of mobile tropism. To research their education to which the absence of A7 and A8 participates in WC11 attenuation, recombinant viruses lacking these specific features had been generated in C500. Making use of bovine nasal turbinate and embryonic lung cell lines, increased cell-free viral propagation and impaired syncytia formation had been noticed in the absence of A7, whereas cell-free viral scatter had been inhibited in the lack of A8. Consequently, A7 appears to be concerned in cell-to-cell viral spread, and A8 in viral cell-free propagation. Eventually, illness of rabbits with either mutant failed to cause the signs of MCF or even the expansion of contaminated CD8+ T cells. These results indicate that A7 and A8 are both essential for managing viral spread and suggest that AlHV-1 needs both genetics to efficiently spread in vivo and attain CD8+ T lymphocytes and cause MCF.The aim of the analysis would be to identify and genetically define Arcobacter butzleri in dog red-footed tortoises suspected for Campylobacter spp., making use of molecular practices. A written consent from tortoise owners was obtained, after outlining the advantages of the study to tortoise owners of Grenada. Fecal examples were gathered from 114 tortoises from five parishes regarding the country and cultured for Campylobacter spp. utilizing selective tradition methods. A. butzleri had been isolated from 4.39% of animal tortoises. Total thirteen isolates were gotten; all defined as A. butzleri by a universal and a species-specific Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and direct sequencing. Hereditary characterization of these isolates had been carried out centered on Enterobacterial repeated intergenic consensus PCR (ERIC-PCR) that produced eight various hereditary fingerprints with a discriminatory energy of 0.91. Campylobacter types are not detected molecularly in any regarding the culture-positive samples. This is the first report of illness of dog tortoises in Grenada, West Indies with A. butzleri. This research emphasizes from the chance of zoonotic transmission of A. butzleri by exotic animals, that is a significant concern for public health.BACKGROUND We aimed to evaluate the expression of APOBEC3A (A3A), 3B (A3B) mRNA, and germline APOBEC3A/B deletion polymorphism in clients with breast cancers also to investigate the correlation between their particular expressions and clinicopathological attributes. TECHNIQUES RNA and DNA samples had been extracted from 138 cancer of the breast tissues and adjacent typical breast areas. The levels of A3A and A3B mRNA transcripts were determined making use of quantitative real time polymerase sequence effect. Insertion and removal PCR assays were performed to detect the A3B deletion allele. The serum concentrations of soluble programmed death-ligand 1 (sPD-L1) and interferon gamma were determined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. RESULTS A3B mRNA phrase levels had been substantially greater in triple-negative breast types of cancer in comparison to hormone receptor-positive, human epidermal development element receptor 2-negative breast cancers.


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Body size variation within Megalomys correlates with island bank area and might thus reflect historical rather than modern biogeography. Zygodontomys specimens from the Grenada Bank fall within the upper end of size variation in extant populations and may constitute an example of 'island gigantism', but it is possible that occurrence of this widespread species on the Grenada Bank might reflect prehistoric human-mediated translocation. We predict further endemic Caribbean rice rat taxa remain to be discovered, including a possible species of Megalomys on the neighbouring island of St. Vincent.Species known from China in the praying mantis subfamily Hierodulinae are revised. A new species, Titanodula menglaensis sp. nov. is described. Hierodula tenuidentata Saussure, 1869 and Dracomantis mirofraternus Shcherbakov Vermeersch, 2020 are newly recorded from China. Two new synonyms are proposed Titanodula formosana (Giglio-Tos, 1912) = Titanodula fruhstorferi (Werner, 1916), syn. nov. and Hierodula macrodentata Wang, Zhou Zhang, 2020 = Hierodula latipennis Brunner de Wattenwyl, 1893. Ootheca and male genitalia of the Chinese species are described and photographed. An identification key to genera and species of Hierodulinae from China is also provided. The current Chinese checklist contains 21 species.Protaetia (Macroliocola) dianae Mückstein, a new species of fruit chafer (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Cetoniinae) from northern Vietnam is described. Habitus and diagnostic features of the new species are illustrated. A new country record of Protaetia (Liocola) miharai (Alexis Delpont, 1998) for Vietnam is presented.Meadia minor sp. nov., a scaless ilyophine eel, is described on the basis of 10 specimens collected from off Quy Nhon, central coast of Vietnam. It can be distinguished from its congeners in having a relatively long trunk (21.3-25.0% TL) which is longer than head length; a short and blunt snout (21.4-23.7% HL); gill opening close to pectoral-fin base; interbranchial space broad (20.7-26.2% HL); dorsal-fin origin above posterior third of pectoral fin; body depth 24-28 times in TL; total vertebrae 118-122; mean vertebral formula 7-33-121; and a small body size, reaching 330 mm TL. The generic status of the new species is discussed. Short descriptions of two congeners are provided.Garra orontesi, new species, is described from the Orontes River drainage in the eastern Mediterranean Sea basin in Turkey and Syria. It is distinguished from its congeners in the Mediterranean Sea basin and adjacent Mesopotamia by possessing 17-21 gill rakers on the lower part of the first gill arch, the pelvic-fin origin usually below the second branched dorsal-fin ray, 8½ branched dorsal-fin rays, usually 2-3 scales between the tip of the pectoral and pelvic-fin origins, and no tubercles behind the upper posterior eye margin. It is also distinguished by a minimum K2P distance of 2.7% in its COI barcode region against G. rufa, and 3.9% against the geographically adjacent G. turcica.Genus Uvarovistia ranged along the Zagros Mountain belt. We presented first genetic data from three species of the genus and a taxonomic rectification indicated by these data. Sequences of three mitochondrial and two nuclear gene segments were obtained from different populations. Phylogenetic and automatic species delimitation analyses consistently suggested three distinct phylogroups as U. zebra, U. satunini and the third a new species, U. munzurensis Uluar Yahyaoğlu sp. n. Time estimation and population genetic analyses supported consistent results. The following conclusions were reached (i) five species in the genus constitute two distinct species groups named as Zebra Group and Satunini Group, (ii) data suggest intra generic relationships as U. zebra + ((U. satunini + U. munzurensis) + (U. bakhtiara +U. iraka)), (iii) molecular clock estimations indicated a deep divergence time and no gene flow between U. satunini and U. munzurensis, (iv) although these two species cannot be clearly distinguished by morphology, range of U. munzurensis seems to be isolated from other by lowlands of Euphrates Valley, and (v) age of generic ancestor is around five million years a time corresponding to connection of Anatolian and Zagros plates, and genus radiated along Zagros belt after dispersal of ancestral stock here.Oxynoemacheilus phasicus, new species, is described from the Rioni and Enguri River drainages in Georgia. It is distinguished from other Oxynoemacheilus species in the O. brandtii group by a mottled or marbled flank pattern in adults, a slightly emarginate caudal fin, and a deep caudal peduncle. Molecular data suggest that the new species is characterized by a minimum K2P distance of 7.5% from O. brandtii from the Kura drainage in the mtDNA COI barcode region. Oxynoemacheilus brandtii and O. elsae are re-diagnosed. A very slender Oxynoemacheilus from the Aras drainage clusters as sister to O. elsae in our molecular analysis and not with O. brandtii from the Kura River. However, it is identified as O. brandtii as it is indistinguishable from this species in morphological characters.The occurrence of the muscid genus Spilogona Schnabl in Macaronesia is documented for the first time by the description of two new species, S. azorensis sp. nov. and S. maderensis sp. nov. These appear to be local endemics of the Azores and Madeira, respectively.The Macaronesian species of the muscid genus Limnophora are reviewed with special emphasis on the fauna of the western Canary Islands. The genus is represented by 14 species in the Macaronesian archipelagos, with 10 species in the Canary Islands, 4 species in the Cape Verde Islands, and 3 species in Madeira. Limnophora obsignatula sp. nov. is endemic to the western Canary Islands, where it replaces the widespread continental L. obsignata (Rondani). It is further shown that L. paneliusi Emden, a species so far considered endemic to the Cape Verde Islands, is widespread in the Canary Islands. Two species, L. obsignata (Rondani) and L. tigrina Am Stein, are removed from the list of Canarian Muscidae as based on misidentifications of other species with a mesonotal "Anthomyia-pattern". Limnophora (Calliophrys) riparia capoverdica Emden, a taxon described from the Cape Verde Islands, is synonymized with L. riparia (Fallén), syn. nov. Distribution data and illustrated diagnoses are given for each species. The species account is finalized with an identification key to males and females.


Body size variation within Megalomys correlates with island bank area and might thus reflect historical rather than modern biogeography. Zygodontomys specimens from the Grenada Bank fall within the upper end of size variation in extant populations and may constitute an example of 'island gigantism', but it is possible that occurrence of this widespread species on the Grenada Bank might reflect prehistoric human-mediated translocation. We predict further endemic Caribbean rice rat taxa remain to be discovered, including a possible species of Megalomys on the neighbouring island of St. Vincent.Species known from China in the praying mantis subfamily Hierodulinae are revised. A new species, Titanodula menglaensis sp. nov. is described. Hierodula tenuidentata Saussure, 1869 and Dracomantis mirofraternus Shcherbakov Vermeersch, 2020 are newly recorded from China. Two new synonyms are proposed Titanodula formosana (Giglio-Tos, 1912) = Titanodula fruhstorferi (Werner, 1916), syn. nov. and Hierodula macrodentata Wang, Zhou Zhang, 2020 = Hierodula latipennis Brunner de Wattenwyl, 1893. Ootheca and male genitalia of the Chinese species are described and photographed. An identification key to genera and species of Hierodulinae from China is also provided. The current Chinese checklist contains 21 species.Protaetia (Macroliocola) dianae Mückstein, a new species of fruit chafer (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Cetoniinae) from northern Vietnam is described. Habitus and diagnostic features of the new species are illustrated. A new country record of Protaetia (Liocola) miharai (Alexis Delpont, 1998) for Vietnam is presented.Meadia minor sp. nov., a scaless ilyophine eel, is described on the basis of 10 specimens collected from off Quy Nhon, central coast of Vietnam. It can be distinguished from its congeners in having a relatively long trunk (21.3-25.0% TL) which is longer than head length; a short and blunt snout (21.4-23.7% HL); gill opening close to pectoral-fin base; interbranchial space broad (20.7-26.2% HL); dorsal-fin origin above posterior third of pectoral fin; body depth 24-28 times in TL; total vertebrae 118-122; mean vertebral formula 7-33-121; and a small body size, reaching 330 mm TL. The generic status of the new species is discussed. Short descriptions of two congeners are provided.Garra orontesi, new species, is described from the Orontes River drainage in the eastern Mediterranean Sea basin in Turkey and Syria. It is distinguished from its congeners in the Mediterranean Sea basin and adjacent Mesopotamia by possessing 17-21 gill rakers on the lower part of the first gill arch, the pelvic-fin origin usually below the second branched dorsal-fin ray, 8½ branched dorsal-fin rays, usually 2-3 scales between the tip of the pectoral and pelvic-fin origins, and no tubercles behind the upper posterior eye margin. It is also distinguished by a minimum K2P distance of 2.7% in its COI barcode region against G. rufa, and 3.9% against the geographically adjacent G. turcica.Genus Uvarovistia ranged along the Zagros Mountain belt. We presented first genetic data from three species of the genus and a taxonomic rectification indicated by these data. Sequences of three mitochondrial and two nuclear gene segments were obtained from different populations. Phylogenetic and automatic species delimitation analyses consistently suggested three distinct phylogroups as U. zebra, U. satunini and the third a new species, U. munzurensis Uluar Yahyaoğlu sp. n. Time estimation and population genetic analyses supported consistent results. The following conclusions were reached (i) five species in the genus constitute two distinct species groups named as Zebra Group and Satunini Group, (ii) data suggest intra generic relationships as U. zebra + ((U. satunini + U. munzurensis) + (U. bakhtiara +U. iraka)), (iii) molecular clock estimations indicated a deep divergence time and no gene flow between U. satunini and U. munzurensis, (iv) although these two species cannot be clearly distinguished by morphology, range of U. munzurensis seems to be isolated from other by lowlands of Euphrates Valley, and (v) age of generic ancestor is around five million years a time corresponding to connection of Anatolian and Zagros plates, and genus radiated along Zagros belt after dispersal of ancestral stock here.Oxynoemacheilus phasicus, new species, is described from the Rioni and Enguri River drainages in Georgia. It is distinguished from other Oxynoemacheilus species in the O. brandtii group by a mottled or marbled flank pattern in adults, a slightly emarginate caudal fin, and a deep caudal peduncle. Molecular data suggest that the new species is characterized by a minimum K2P distance of 7.5% from O. brandtii from the Kura drainage in the mtDNA COI barcode region. Oxynoemacheilus brandtii and O. elsae are re-diagnosed. A very slender Oxynoemacheilus from the Aras drainage clusters as sister to O. elsae in our molecular analysis and not with O. brandtii from the Kura River. However, it is identified as O. brandtii as it is indistinguishable from this species in morphological characters.The occurrence of the muscid genus Spilogona Schnabl in Macaronesia is documented for the first time by the description of two new species, S. azorensis sp. nov. and S. maderensis sp. nov. These appear to be local endemics of the Azores and Madeira, respectively.The Macaronesian species of the muscid genus Limnophora are reviewed with special emphasis on the fauna of the western Canary Islands. The genus is represented by 14 species in the Macaronesian archipelagos, with 10 species in the Canary Islands, 4 species in the Cape Verde Islands, and 3 species in Madeira. Limnophora obsignatula sp. nov. is endemic to the western Canary Islands, where it replaces the widespread continental L. obsignata (Rondani). It is further shown that L. paneliusi Emden, a species so far considered endemic to the Cape Verde Islands, is widespread in the Canary Islands. Two species, L. obsignata (Rondani) and L. tigrina Am Stein, are removed from the list of Canarian Muscidae as based on misidentifications of other species with a mesonotal "Anthomyia-pattern". Limnophora (Calliophrys) riparia capoverdica Emden, a taxon described from the Cape Verde Islands, is synonymized with L. riparia (Fallén), syn. nov. Distribution data and illustrated diagnoses are given for each species. The species account is finalized with an identification key to males and females.


Here, we report that EBNA1 contains two SUMO-interacting themes (SIM2 and SIM3), and mutation of SIM2, not SIM3, dramatically disrupts the EBNA1 dimerization, while SIM3 plays a role in the polySUMO2 customization of EBNA1 at lysine 477 in vitro. Proteomic and immunoprecipitation analyses additional unveil that the SIM3 motif is required when it comes to EBNA1-mediated inhibitory impacts on SUMO2-modified STUB1, SUMO2-mediated degradation of USP7, and SUMO1-modified KAP1. Deletion associated with the EBNASIM motif leads to practical lack of both EBNA1-mediated viral episome maintenance and lytic gene silencing. Significantly, hypoxic stress induces the SUMO2 customization of EBNA1, and as a result the dissociation of EBNA1 with STUB1, KAP1 and USP7 to improve the SUMO1 adjustment of both STUB1 and KAP1 for reactivation of lytic replication. Therefore, the EBNA1SIM motif plays an important part in EBV latency and is a potential healing target against EBV-associated cancers.Using bacteriophage-derived endolysins as an alternative strategy for fighting drug-resistant germs has recently already been garnering renewed interest. Nonetheless, their particular application continues to be hindered by their slim spectra of activity. In our earlier work, we demonstrated that the endolysin LysIME-EF1 possesses efficient bactericidal task against numerous strains of Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis). Herein, we noticed an 8 kDa fragment and hypothesized it adds to LysIME-EF1 lytic activity. To examine our hypothesis, we determined the structure of LysIME-EF1 at 1.75 Å resolution. LysIME-EF1 displays a distinctive design in which one full-length LysIME-EF1 forms a tetramer with three additional C-terminal cell-wall binding domains (CBDs) that correspond to your abovementioned 8 kDa fragment. Also, we identified an internal ribosomal binding website (RBS) and alternate begin codon within LysIME-EF1 gene, that are demonstrated to be responsible for the translation associated with truncated CBD. To elucidate the molecular process when it comes to lytic activity of LysIME-EF1, we blended mutagenesis, lytic activity assays and in vivo animal disease experiments. The outcomes verified that the additional LysIME-EF1 CBDs are very important for LysIME-EF1 architecture and its particular lytic activity. To the understanding, this is actually the first determined framework of multimeric endolysin encoded by an individual gene in E. faecalis phages. As a result, it might probably offer valuable insights into creating powerful endolysins from the opportunistic pathogen E. faecalis.Alcelaphine herpesvirus 1 (AlHV-1) is a gammaherpesvirus this is certainly held asymptomatically by wildebeest. Upon cross-species transmission with other ruminants, including domestic cattle, AlHV-1 induces malignant catarrhal fever (MCF), that is a fatal lymphoproliferative disease resulting from proliferation and uncontrolled activation of latently infected CD8+ T cells. Two laboratory strains of AlHV-1 are employed generally in study C500, which will be pathogenic, and WC11, that has been attenuated by long-term upkeep in cellular tradition. The published genome series of a WC11 seed stock from a German laboratory unveiled the deletion of two major regions. The sequence of a WC11 seed stock used in our laboratory additionally holds these deletions and, in inclusion, the duplication of an internal series in the critical region. The larger regarding the two deletions has actually resulted in the lack of gene A7 and a sizable part of gene A8. These genetics tend to be positional orthologs of this Epstein-Barr virus genetics encoding envelope glycoproteins gp42 and gp350, respectively, that are tangled up in viral propagation and flipping of mobile tropism. To research their education to which the absence of A7 and A8 participates in WC11 attenuation, recombinant viruses lacking these specific features had been generated in C500. Making use of bovine nasal turbinate and embryonic lung cell lines, increased cell-free viral propagation and impaired syncytia formation had been noticed in the absence of A7, whereas cell-free viral scatter had been inhibited in the lack of A8. Consequently, A7 appears to be concerned in cell-to-cell viral spread, and A8 in viral cell-free propagation. Eventually, illness of rabbits with either mutant failed to cause the signs of MCF or even the expansion of contaminated CD8+ T cells. These results indicate that A7 and A8 are both essential for managing viral spread and suggest that AlHV-1 needs both genetics to efficiently spread in vivo and attain CD8+ T lymphocytes and cause MCF.The aim of the analysis would be to identify and genetically define Arcobacter butzleri in dog red-footed tortoises suspected for Campylobacter spp., making use of molecular practices. A written consent from tortoise owners was obtained, after outlining the advantages of the study to tortoise owners of Grenada. Fecal examples were gathered from 114 tortoises from five parishes regarding the country and cultured for Campylobacter spp. utilizing selective tradition methods. A. butzleri had been isolated from 4.39% of animal tortoises. Total thirteen isolates were gotten; all defined as A. butzleri by a universal and a species-specific Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and direct sequencing. Hereditary characterization of these isolates had been carried out centered on Enterobacterial repeated intergenic consensus PCR (ERIC-PCR) that produced eight various hereditary fingerprints with a discriminatory energy of 0.91. Campylobacter types are not detected molecularly in any regarding the culture-positive samples. This is the first report of illness of dog tortoises in Grenada, West Indies with A. butzleri. This research emphasizes from the chance of zoonotic transmission of A. butzleri by exotic animals, that is a significant concern for public health.BACKGROUND We aimed to evaluate the expression of APOBEC3A (A3A), 3B (A3B) mRNA, and germline APOBEC3A/B deletion polymorphism in clients with breast cancers also to investigate the correlation between their particular expressions and clinicopathological attributes. TECHNIQUES RNA and DNA samples had been extracted from 138 cancer of the breast tissues and adjacent typical breast areas. The levels of A3A and A3B mRNA transcripts were determined making use of quantitative real time polymerase sequence effect. Insertion and removal PCR assays were performed to detect the A3B deletion allele. The serum concentrations of soluble programmed death-ligand 1 (sPD-L1) and interferon gamma were determined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. RESULTS A3B mRNA phrase levels had been substantially greater in triple-negative breast types of cancer in comparison to hormone receptor-positive, human epidermal development element receptor 2-negative breast cancers.


Milk yield (MY) is one of the main factors that affect the economic profitability of dairy farms. Thus, increasing the MY per animal and decreasing the feed cost can lead to economic gains, so the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of dry period length (DPL), days open (DO), and days in milk (DIM) on the productivity and profitability of dairy cow farms.

Data used in this study were taken from 3095 lactation records of Friesian dairy cows of private and governmental sectors. The data were classified into 4 DPL categories DPL
<45 days; DPL
45-60 days; DPL
61-75 days, and DPL
>75 days, 3 DO categories DO
≤90 days; DO
91-110 days and DO
>111 days, and 8 DIM categories DIM
180-210 days; DIM
211-240 days; DIM
241-270 days; DIM
271-300 days; DIM
301-330 days; DIM
331-360 days; DIM
361-447 days; and DIM
>447 days.

The average net profit (NP) was significantly different (p<0.05) among different categories of DPL, DO, and DIM in both production sectors, where high estimates of NP were calculated for DPL
(30667.3 EGP), and it was the lowest for DPL
(19690.6 EGP). DO
had the highest NP (30754.1 EGP), while DO
had the lowest NP (24875.5 EGP). DIM
had the highest NP (29569.3 EGP), while DIM
had the lowest NP (19528.4 EGP).

Finally, we can conclude that DPL 61-75 days, DO 91-110 days, and DIM 241-270 days had the highest level of total MY, total return, and NP. Private dairy cow farms achieve a higher level of NP than governmental ones under subtropical Egyptian conditions.
Finally, we can conclude that DPL 61-75 days, DO 91-110 days, and DIM 241-270 days had the highest level of total MY, total return, and NP. Private dairy cow farms achieve a higher level of NP than governmental ones under subtropical Egyptian conditions.
Black cumin meal (BCM) is the principal by-product that can be obtained from black cumin seed (
L) after the oil is removed from the fruit and represents 70-75% of the fruit weight. The aim of this experiment was to assess the influence of feeding BCM on the carcass characteristics and meat quality of growing lambs.

Twenty-four Awassi lambs were randomly divided into two dietary treatments. The lambs were penned individually in single pens and provided access to
feed and water. The dietary treatments were no BCM (control [CON]; n=12) or 150 g BCM/kg (BCM 150; n=12) of dietary dry matter.

Lambs fed BCM had greater (p≤0.01) fasting live BW, and hot and cold carcass weights. Leg fat and eye muscle depth were lower (p≤0.05) in CON versus BCM lambs. Meat whiteness (L*), redness (a*), and yellowness did not differ between lambs fed the two diets.

The inclusion of BCM improves lamb carcass characteristics, but does not affect lamb meat quality.
The inclusion of BCM improves lamb carcass characteristics, but does not affect lamb meat quality.
This study aimed at determining the profiles of progesterone and bovine interferon-τ (bIFN-τ) and the correlation between the two in repeat breeding (RB) Aceh cattle and non-RB Aceh cattle.

The study was performed on five RB and five non-RB Aceh cows. These cows were subjected to estrous synchronization using the prostaglandin F2 alpha hormone, which was followed by artificial insemination (AI). Serum samples were collected on days 5, 6, 7, 15, 16, and 17 after AI to measure the concentration of progesterone at the beginning and end of the luteal phase and from days 14 to 18 after AI to measure the concentration of bIFN-τ. The concentrations of progesterone and bIFN-τ were determined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Pregnancy examinations were performed by ultrasonography on days 25, 35, 45, and 55 after AI. Data for progesterone and bIFN-τ concentrations were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney and t-tests, and the correlation between progesterone and bIFN-τ was analyzed using the Spearman correlatioesterone and bIFN-τ in non-RB Aceh cows tended to be higher than those in RB Aceh cows, although, it was not significantly different. Non-RB Aceh cows were able to maintain pregnancy until day 55, whereas RB Aceh cows were diagnosed with early embryonic death before day 25 after AI.
causes enteric disease in mammals and may potentially be transmitted from marine turtles that shed the pathogen in the environment. Marine turtle-associated human salmonellosis is a potential public health concern in Grenada, as the island supports populations of leatherback turtles (
), hawksbill turtles (
), and green turtles (
) that interface with veterinarians and conservation workers, the local population, and the thousands of visitors that frequent the island yearly. To date, the prevalence of
has only been examined in a small subset of marine turtles in the Caribbean and no studies have been conducted in Grenada. The aim of this study was to quantify the prevalence of
in leatherback, hawksbill and green turtles in Grenada, characterize phenotypes and DNA profiles, and explore the potential risk to human health in the region.

A total of 102 cloacal swabs were obtained from nesting leatherback turtles and foraging hawksbill and green turtles. Samples were cultured on enrichment and selecti findings help elucidate the role of marine turtles as potential sources of zoonotic
and provide baseline data for one health research in Grenada and the wider Caribbean region.
Nesting leatherback turtles actively shed S. enterica and poses a risk for zoonosis; however, the presence of viable pathogen in green and hawksbill species is unclear. These findings help elucidate the role of marine turtles as potential sources of zoonotic S. enterica and provide baseline data for one health research in Grenada and the wider Caribbean region.Antimicrobial is an indispensable part of veterinary medicine used for the treatment and control of diseases as well as a growth promoter in livestock production. Frequent use of antimicrobials in veterinary practices may lead to the residue in animal originated products and creates some potential problems for human health. The presence of antimicrobial residues in animal originated foods may induce serious health problems such as allergic reaction, antimicrobial resistance (AMR), and lead to carcinogenic and mutagenic effects in the human body. The misuse or abuse of antibiotics in human medicine is thought to be a principal cause of AMR but some antimicrobial-resistant bacteria and their resistant genes originating from animals are also responsible for developing AMR. However, the residual effect of antimicrobials in feed and food products of animal origin is undeniable. In developing countries, the community is unaware of this residual effect due to lack of proper information about antibiotic usage, AMR surveillance, and residue monitoring system.


Toxoplasma gondii infections are common in humans and animals worldwide. The present review summarizes worldwide information on the prevalence of clinical and subclinical infections, epidemiology, diagnosis, and genetic diversity of T. gondii in wild canids and other carnivores for the past decade. Seroprevalence estimates of T. gondii worldwide were tabulated for each host. Seroprevalence in wild foxes was very high compared with farmed Arctic foxes. Economic and public health aspects of some of the carnivore species raised for fur and meat (raccoon dogs, mink) are discussed. Diagnostic efficacies of different serological methods and PCR methods are discussed. Clinical toxoplasmosis was observed mainly in carnivores concurrently infected with immunosuppressive Canine Distemper Virus infection. Abortion and blindness were noted in mink. Genetic diversity of isolates using DNA derived from 162 (89 viable T. gondii isolates and 73 DNA extracted from tissues) of wild carnivores from several countries is discussed. However, 69 of the 162 T. gondii isolates were strains from USA and these were genetically diverse with predominance of ToxoDB genotypes #4 and #5 (haplogroup 12). Only limited information is available concerning genotyping of T. gondii isolates from other countries; none of the 93 T. gondii isolates from other countries (Brazil, China, France, Grenada) were haplogroup 12.Seasonal affective disorder has been associated with sleep problems, young age, and an evening chronotype. A chronotype refers to an individual's preference in the timing of their sleep-wake cycle, as well as the time during the sleep-wake cycle when a person is most alert and energetic. Seasonality refers to season-dependent fluctuations in sleep length, social activity, mood, weight, appetite, and energy level. Evening chronotype is more common in young adults and morning chronotype more common in the elderly. This study aimed to estimate the differential contribution of chronotype and age on seasonality. A sample of n=410 participants were included in the study. The age groups showed significantly different results according to sleep parameters, depression, anxiety, stress, seasonality, and chronotype. The oldest group (>59 years) showed the lowest scores on all of these scales. According to a path analysis, chronotype and age predict propensity for seasonality. However, sleep problems were linked to chronotype but not to age. Older adults seem to be more resistant to seasonal changes that are perceived as a problem than young and middle aged adults. Future studies would benefit from considering cultural aspects and examine seasonality, chronotype, depression, and insomnia in longitudinal designs.In metazoans, protein O-fucosylation of Ser/Thr residues was only found in secreted or cell surface proteins, and this post-translational modification is catalyzed by ER-localized protein O-fucosyltransferases (POFUTs) in the GT65 family. Recently, a novel nucleocytoplasmic POFUT, SPINDLY (SPY), was identified in the reference plant Arabidopsis thaliana to modify nuclear transcription regulators DELLAs, revealing a new regulatory mechanism for gene expression. The paralog of AtSPY, SECRET AGENT (SEC), is an O-link-N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) transferase (OGT), which O-GlcNAcylates Ser/Thr residues of target proteins. Both AtSPY and AtSEC are tetratricopeptide repeat-domain-containing glycosyltransferases in the GT41 family. The discovery that AtSPY is a POFUT clarified decades of miss-classification of AtSPY as an OGT. SPY and SEC play pleiotropic roles in plant development, and the interactions between SPY and SEC are complex. SPY-like genes are conserved in diverse organisms, except in fungi and metazoans, suggesting that O-fucosylation is a common mechanism in modulating intracellular protein functions.Evolutionary processes that formed the current protein universe left their traces, among them homologous segments that recur, or are 'reused,' in multiple proteins. These reused segments, called 'themes,' can be found at various scales, the best known of which is the domain. Yet, recent studies have begun to focus on the evolutionary insights that can be derived from sub-domain-scale themes, which are candidates for traces of more ancient events. Characterizing these may provide clues to the emergence of domains. Particularly interesting are themes that are reused across dissimilar contexts, that is, where the rest of the protein domain differs. We survey computational studies identifying reused themes within different contexts at the sub-domain level.Sertoli cells (SCs) are important testicular somatic cells that carry out various functions in spermatogenesis. Understanding the biological mechanisms underlying SC development may facilitate the understanding of animal reproduction. Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) is a dimeric glycoprotein produced by SCs and plays essential roles in spermatogenesis. In this study, we cloned the coding sequence of the yak AMH, predicated the structure of AMH protein, analyzed AMH expression in the testis at different stages, and studied the functions of AMH in yak SCs. The open reading frame (ORF) of the yak AMH contained 1728 bp and encoded 575 amino acids. Structural analysis revealed that the yak AMH protein had a highly conserved transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) domain. The mRNA expression level for the AMH gene in yak testis increased significantly from the fetal stage to calf stage, then decreased with the increase of age. The highest expression was found in calf stage. Cell proliferation was depressed in AMH-deficient SCs. Expression of several genes involved in SC proliferation and development, including PCNA, BCL-2, BAX, CASP3, AR and AMHR2 were altered after knockdown of AMH. Also, three SC-secreted factors essential for spermatogenesis, SCF, GDNF and ABP, were repressed at the transcription level after AMH knockdown in yak SCs. Moreover, supplementation with exogenous AMH protein partially rescued SC proliferation, and the expression of PCNA, BCL-2, AR and AMHR2 after AMH gene interference. This research provided theoretical basis for understanding the mechanism by which AMH regulates yak spermatogenesis and might give new insights in improving yak reproductive performance in the future.