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13 hrs ago

(2) Concentration effect and molecular composition exerted great impacts on the MW distribution of the Cu(II) ions bound to CSO-DOM. (3) The humic-like component of terrestrial origin with the MW range of 100 kDa∼0.45 μm possessed high binding stability, capacity, and priority with Cu(II) ions, and they could be used at a high concentration to promote the removal efficiency of coagulation for Cu(Ⅱ) ions of CSOs by competitive complexation and inter-molecular bridging.Studying the sublethal effects of agrochemical pesticides on nontarget honeybees (Apis mellifera) is important for agricultural development. Carbendazim is a widely used broad-spectrum fungicide that inhibits mitotic microtubule formation and cell division. However, the impact of carbendazim on bee health and development has not been fully elucidated. Here, using proteomics approaches, we assessed in vitro the changes in the expression of functional proteins in the head of newly emerged adults following treatment with field concentration of carbendazim during the larval stage. Treatment with carbendazim severely altered 266 protein expression patterns in the heads of adults and 218 of them showed downregulation after carbendazim exposure. Notably, major royal jelly proteins, a crucial multifunctional protein family with irreplaceable function in sustaining the development of colonies, were significantly suppressed in carbendazim-treated bees. This result was verified in both head and hypopharyngeal gland of nurse bees. Moreover, visual and olfactory loss, immune functions, muscular activity, social behavior, neural and brain development, protein synthesis and modification, and metabolism-related proteins were likely inhibited by carbendazim treatment. Together, these results suggest that carbendazim is an environmental risk factor that likely weakens bee colonies, partially due to reduced expression of major royal jelly proteins, which may be potential causes of colony collapse disorder.Understanding the influence of organic matters on the fate of Cr(VI) during ferrihydrite-Cr(VI) (Fh-Cr) co-precipitates transformation helps to study the retention of Cr(VI) by iron oxides in the environment. In this paper, Fh-Cr was prepared by co-precipitation and the redistribution of Cr(VI) in the oxalate or citrate system during the transformation of Fh-Cr was studied. X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Transmission electron microscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy were used to characterize Fh-Cr for aging 7 days at 70 °C. Results showed that both oxalate and citrate could hinder the release of Cr(VI) from Fh-Cr and abate the harm of Cr(VI). Oxalate improved the transformation from Fh-Cr to hematite and promoted Cr(VI) to be enfolded into the secondary minerals to further immobilize Cr at initial pH of 5.0 and 7.0, while citrate evidently reduced the release of Cr(VI) through stabilizing Fh-Cr at initial pH of 9.0. Besides, reduction of Cr(VI) by oxalate and citrate was through forming the surface complexes that promoted electron transfer from oxalate or citrate to Cr(VI), which can effectively abate the harm of Cr(VI). The findings of this study can promote understanding of the influences of organic matters on Cr(VI) immobilization during transformation of iron oxides in nature.
Few studies have investigated cumulative effects and mortality displacement of short-term air pollution exposure on deaths; therefore, uncertainty remains regarding its public health significance.

We obtained air pollution and daily cause-specific mortality data of Nanjing from January 2004 to December 2019, covering a period of 16 years. We performed a time-series analysis with single-day, 2-day moving average, and distributed lag models, respectively, to estimate the effects of PM
, PM
, NO
and SO
exposure on total cardiovascular disease, ischaemic heart disease (IHD), and cerebrovascular disease (CBVD) mortality. Distributed lag models were used to assess the roles of cumulative exposure and mortality displacement.

Cumulative effect estimates for 0-7 lag days were more considerable than estimates for single-day lags and 2-day moving average lag. The cumulative effect estimates for PM
, NO
and SO
on total cardiovascular and CBVD mortality became essentially zero within 30 days, which suggested the existence of mortality displacement. But the cumulative effect estimates for PM
and SO
on IHD mortality remained elevated and statistically significant within 27 (2.11%; 95% CI 0.12, 4.27%) and 22 (2.63%; 95% CI 0.39, 4.91%) days, respectively, which suggested the absence of mortality displacement.

Our results indicated that risk assessment based on single-day or 2-day moving average exposure rather than cumulative exposure likely underestimate the adverse effects of air pollution. The cumulative PM
and SO
exposure for nearly a month may have adverse effects on IHD mortality.
Our results indicated that risk assessment based on single-day or 2-day moving average exposure rather than cumulative exposure likely underestimate the adverse effects of air pollution. The cumulative PM2.5 and SO2 exposure for nearly a month may have adverse effects on IHD mortality.Copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) concentrations in oyster soft tissues can be particularly high due to contamination, leading to extremely green/blue colors. This raises key questions regarding the behavior and speciation of trace metals in oyster soft tissues. This study investigated trace metal concentration profiles of contaminated Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) soft tissues collected from trace metal-contaminated coastal area of Xiangshan District using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Moreover, Cu and Zn speciation in contaminated and non-contaminated oyster soft tissues were investigated by X-ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopy/extended X-ray absorption fine structure (XANES/EXAFS) spectroscopic methods. The contents of Cu (1,100-1,400 mg/kg) and Zn (500-700 mg/kg) dry weight were high in oyster soft tissue samples. The XANES/EXAFS results revealed that Cu and Zn existed primarily as copper (II) oxide (CuO) and zinc oxide (ZnO) in contaminated oysters.

13 hrs ago

Oral health plays a subordinate role in the range of topics in health reporting. Possible reasons are the limited availability of oral health data as well as that health reporting has historically focused on major risk factors and common diseases. Given the fact that oral health is an important public health issue, particularly in the perspective of prevention and healthcare, it would be desirable to give more consideration to the issue in health reporting. Based on Internet research, this article attempts to take stock of the extent to which oral health is already being addressed in health reporting in Germany, what professional standards exist, and what data sources are available. On this basis, further development of health reporting is suggested.Public health promotes health through organised efforts of society. Oral and maxillofacial diseases and conditions are important public health problems due to the large burden of disease and oral health inequity caused by social determinants. Caries, periodontitis, traumatic dental injuries or carcinomas of the mouth and throat can be reduced by increased public health efforts. One example for a highly effective public health measure like the health-promoting modification of the product range is the addition of fluoride to toothpastes, which is largely responsible for the impressive caries decline.However, the full potential of dental public health is not yet unlocked. It therefore appears necessary to create structures such as an "oral health institution" at the federal level and through statutory mandate. Its assignment should be "oral health for all" through changes in the social and economic environments to make them conducive to oral health. By this, the already established individual and group prophylaxis would be complemented with a population-based approach. The institution's tasks on the federal and on the federal states level should be to influence policies relevant to oral health, communication, collaboration, advanced training and research. Subdivisions of the proposed institution could provide oral health education for groups not yet reached. This would be an essential contribution to effectively addressing existing oral health problems across the population as well as for deprived and vulnerable groups.The sorption, desorption, and mobility of microencapsulated chlorpyrifos (CPF-MC) in two typical soils, namely, silt loam and sandy, were investigated in this study. Sorption/desorption experiments were carried out by using the batch equilibration method. Results showed that the sorption isotherms of CPF-MC and emulsifiable concentrate of chlorpyrifos (CPF-EC) in silt loamy soil were similar. However, a considerable difference was observed in the sorption isotherms of two chlorpyrifos (CPF) formulations in sandy soil. The amounts of CPF desorbed from two soils in four desorption steps decreased sequentially in CPF-EC treatments, while the desorbed amounts remained stable in CPF-MC treatments. Hence, the sorption/desorption processes of CPF-EC were mainly controlled by soil affinity to CPF. However, these processes of CPF-MC were affected by the release rate of CPF from capsules. The mobility of two CPF formulations in soil was estimated in vertical columns packed with soils. Results showed that there was leaching of CPF-EC in silt loam column, whereas CPF-MC was not vertically mobile in silt loam column under the same leaching conditions. However, in column with sandy soil, the percentage of CPF-MC leaching from the column was 86.54%, which was higher than the 73.75% that leached from the column in the treatment with CPF-EC.
Population is ageing and orthogeriatric care is an emerging research topic.

This bibliometric review aims to provide an overview, to investigate the status and trends in research in the field of orthogeriatric care of the most influential literature.

From the Core Collection databases in the Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge, the most influential original articles with reference to orthogeriatric care were identified in December 2020 using a multistep approach. A total of 50 articles were included and analysed in this bibliometric review.

The 50 most cited articles were published between 1983 and 2017. The number of total citations per article ranged from 34 to 704 citations (mean citations per article n = 93). Articles were published in 34 different journals between 1983 and 2017. In the majority of publications, geriatricians (62%) accounted for the first authorship, followed by others (20%) and (orthopaedic) surgeons (18%). Articles mostly originated from Europe (76%), followed by Asia-pacific (16%) and Northern America (8%). Key countries (UK, Sweden, and Spain) and key topic (hip fracture) are key drivers in the orthogeriatric research. The majority of articles reported about therapeutic studies (62%).

This bibliometric review acknowledges recent research. Orthogeriatric care is an emerging research topic in which surgeons have a potential to contribute and other topics such as intraoperative procedures, fractures other than hip fractures or elective surgery are related topics with the potential for widening the field to research.
This bibliometric review acknowledges recent research. Orthogeriatric care is an emerging research topic in which surgeons have a potential to contribute and other topics such as intraoperative procedures, fractures other than hip fractures or elective surgery are related topics with the potential for widening the field to research.
Intramedullary nailing (IMN) of fractures is associated with increased rates of inflammatory complications. The pathological mechanism underlying this phenomenon is unclear. However, polymorphonuclear granulocytes (PMNs) seem to play an important role. We hypothesized that a femur fracture and standardized IMN in pigs is associated with altered appearance of PMNs in circulation and enhanced activation status of these cells.

A porcine model including a femur fracture and IMN was utilized. Animals were randomized for control [anesthesia + mechanical ventilation only (A/MV)] and intervention [A/MV and unilateral femur fracture (FF) + IMN] conditions. PMN numbers and responsiveness, integrin (CD11b), L-selectin (CD62L) and Fcγ-receptor (CD16 and CD32)-expression levels were measured by flowcytometry of blood samples. Animals were observed for 72h.

Circulatory PMN numbers did not differ between groups. Early PMN-responsiveness was retained after insult. PMN-CD11b expression increased significantly upon insult and peaked after 24h, whereas CD11b in control animals remained unaltered (P = 0.

13 hrs ago

Mining activities are known to generate a large amount of mine tailings and acid mine drainage which contain varieties of heavy metals. Heavy metals play an important role in co-selection for bacterial antibiotic resistance. However, the characteristics of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in mining-affected water environments are still unclear. Here we investigated the pollution of metals, profiles of ARGs, mobile genetic elements (MGEs) and microbial community in mining-affected surface water and groundwater. The results showed that in the tested water samples, the concentrations of Zn and Mn were the highest, and Ni was the lowest. Higher abundances of ARGs with great proportion of sulfonamides, chloramphenicols and tetracyclines resistance genes were found in mining-affected water when compared with those without mining activities. Additionally, there were positive correlations between heavy metals (especially Ni, Zn and Mn) and these ARGs. Linear regression analysis suggested that MGEs were positively correlated with ARGs. In addition, total phosphorus was correlated with ARGs (p less then 0.05). The microbial community was different between the mining-affected water and the reference (p less then 0.05). Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes and Actinobacteria were dominant phyla in the surface water and groundwater. Network analysis showed that many ARGs were significantly associated with these dominant bacteria, which suggested they might be potential hosts for these ARGs. These findings provide a clear evidence that the mining activities in the study area had a significant impact on surface water and groundwater to different degrees.Phosphate plays an important role in a wide range of chemical and biological processes, so the development of a new phosphate optical sensor with high sensitivity, specificity and visual recognition function has important practical significance. Herein, a ratiometric fluorescent (RF) probe and a smartphone-integrated colorimetric test paper sensing platform for assay phosphate was fabricated using hybrid fluorescent UiO-66-NH2 and Eu3+@MOF-808 metal-organic frameworks. After continuous addition of phosphate, the blue fluorescence emission of UiO-66-NH2 and the red emission of Eu3+@MOF-808 were regularly enhanced and quenched respectively, and the fluorescence response of the detection platform to phosphate exhibited a clear color change process (red → pink → blue). More importantly, the probe solution and test paper of the integrated smartphone are converted to digital values through RGB channels and successfully used to visualize semi-quantitative recognition of phosphate. In addition, an RF probe and a smartphone integrated fluorescent test paper were developed separately to devise logic gate devices for detecting phosphate. The multifunctional ratio sensing platform integrated by the smartphone furnishes a new strategy and broad prospects for the intelligent online identification of important targets in biological samples and environmental samples.Humans are increasingly dependent on engineered landscapes to minimize negative health impacts of water consumption. Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) systems, such as river and lake bank filtration, surface spreading or direct injection into the aquifer have been used for decades for water treatment and storage. Microbial and sorptive processes in these systems are effective for the attenuation of many emerging contaminants including trace organic chemicals such as pharmaceuticals and personal care products. Recent studies showed a superior efficiency of trace organic chemical biotransformation by incumbent communities of microorganisms under oxic and carbon-limited (oligotrophic) conditions. This study sought to identify features of bacterial genomes that are predictive of trophic strategy in this water management context. Samples from a pilot scale managed aquifer recharge system with regions of high and low carbon concentration, were used to generate a culture collection from which oligotrophic and copiotrophic bacteria were categorized. Genomic markers linked to either trophic strategy were used to develop a Bayesian network model that can infer prevailing carbon conditions in MAR systems from metagenomic data.Haloketones (HKs) is one class of disinfection by-products (DBPs) which is genetically toxic and mutagenic. Monitoring HKs in drinking water is important for drinking water safety, yet it is a time-consuming and laborious job. Developing predictive models of HKs to estimate their occurrence in drinking water is a good alternative, but to date no study was available for HKs modeling. This study was to explore the feasibility of linear, log linear regression models, back propagation (BP) as well as radial basis function (RBF) artificial neural networks (ANNs) for predicting HKs occurrence (including dichloropropanone, trichloropropanone and total HKs) in real water supply systems. Results showed that the overall prediction ability of RBF and BP ANNs was better than linear/log linear models. Though the BP ANN showed excellent prediction performance in internal validation (N25 = 98-100%, R2 = 0.99-1.00), it could not well predict HKs occurrence in external validation (N25 = 62-69%, R2 = 0.202-0.848). Prediction ability of RBF ANN in external validation (N25 = 85%, R2 = 0.692-0.909) was quite good, which was comparable to that in internal validation (N25 = 74-88%, R2 = 0.799-0.870). These results demonstrated RBF ANN could well recognized the complex nonlinear relationship between HKs occurrence and the related water quality, and paved a new way for HKs prediction and monitoring in practice.Effective biomonitoring requires an understanding of the factors driving concentrations of the substances or compounds of interest in the tissues of studied organisms. Biomonitoring of trace elements, and heavy metals in particular, has been the focus of much research; however, the complex roles many trace elements play in animal and plant tissues can make it difficult to disentangle environmental signals from physiology. This study examined the concentrations of 15 trace elements in the teeth of 122 Pacific walruses (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) to investigate the potential for walrus teeth as biomonitors of trace elements in Arctic ecosystems. Elemental concentrations were measured across cementum growth layer groups (GLGs), thereby reconstructing a lifetime history of element concentrations for each walrus. The locations of GLGs were used to divide trace element time series into individual years, allowing each GLG to be associated with an animal age and a calendar year. The elements studied exhibited a great deal of complexity, reflecting the numerous factors responsible for generating tooth trace element concentrations.



Originally published November 17, 2014, at

Eleven years ago, I started a YouTube project that would change my life forever. On September 2nd, 2013, I picked up my camera and began a conversation through time. Donning the persona of "Past Liam", I documented every other day of my life, speaking to myself one year in the future. Once that year ended, on September 3, 2014, Future Liam took over, filling in his replies on the off days. Past Liam/Future Liam was born.

To celebrate the eleventh anniversary of PL/FL, I will be re-uploading each episode daily to Rumble, Odysee, and other video platforms to help bridge who I was then with who I am now. Get to know me through the lens of my first steps into adulthood, with little idea of the trials and tribulations to come at the end of the decade.

Past Liam / Future Liam playlist:

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Originally published October 20, 2014, at

Listen to "Heartbeat" by Jade Mooking:

Eleven years ago, I started a YouTube project that would change my life forever. On September 2nd, 2013, I picked up my camera and began a conversation through time. Donning the persona of "Past Liam", I documented every other day of my life, speaking to myself one year in the future. Once that year ended, on September 3, 2014, Future Liam took over, filling in his replies on the off days. Past Liam/Future Liam was born.

To celebrate the eleventh anniversary of PL/FL, I will be re-uploading each episode daily to Rumble, Odysee, and other video platforms to help bridge who I was then with who I am now. Get to know me through the lens of my first steps into adulthood, with little idea of the trials and tribulations to come at the end of the decade.

Past Liam / Future Liam playlist:

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On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez discusses recent comments by now former Deputy Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland that objects and sites in Russia are legitimate targets for Ukrainian missiles and drones, many if not most of which are supplied by NATO countries. The next topic is a new law proposed by Congress which seeks to make serving in the Israeli military equivalent to serving in the US Army for American citizens. Finally, President Emmanuel Macron heads to the Pacific island territory of New Caledonia to help quell a recent violent uprising against French rule. Correspondent Manila Chan breaks all of the topics down with Rick. Then independent journalist Sam Husseini joins the show to discuss a recent ICC arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as well as the ongoing tragedy in Gaza.


Sorry, no results were found.



Originally published November 17, 2014, at

Eleven years ago, I started a YouTube project that would change my life forever. On September 2nd, 2013, I picked up my camera and began a conversation through time. Donning the persona of "Past Liam", I documented every other day of my life, speaking to myself one year in the future. Once that year ended, on September 3, 2014, Future Liam took over, filling in his replies on the off days. Past Liam/Future Liam was born.

To celebrate the eleventh anniversary of PL/FL, I will be re-uploading each episode daily to Rumble, Odysee, and other video platforms to help bridge who I was then with who I am now. Get to know me through the lens of my first steps into adulthood, with little idea of the trials and tribulations to come at the end of the decade.

Past Liam / Future Liam playlist:

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Originally published October 20, 2014, at

Listen to "Heartbeat" by Jade Mooking:

Eleven years ago, I started a YouTube project that would change my life forever. On September 2nd, 2013, I picked up my camera and began a conversation through time. Donning the persona of "Past Liam", I documented every other day of my life, speaking to myself one year in the future. Once that year ended, on September 3, 2014, Future Liam took over, filling in his replies on the off days. Past Liam/Future Liam was born.

To celebrate the eleventh anniversary of PL/FL, I will be re-uploading each episode daily to Rumble, Odysee, and other video platforms to help bridge who I was then with who I am now. Get to know me through the lens of my first steps into adulthood, with little idea of the trials and tribulations to come at the end of the decade.

Past Liam / Future Liam playlist:

Thanks for watching!

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On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez discusses recent comments by now former Deputy Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland that objects and sites in Russia are legitimate targets for Ukrainian missiles and drones, many if not most of which are supplied by NATO countries. The next topic is a new law proposed by Congress which seeks to make serving in the Israeli military equivalent to serving in the US Army for American citizens. Finally, President Emmanuel Macron heads to the Pacific island territory of New Caledonia to help quell a recent violent uprising against French rule. Correspondent Manila Chan breaks all of the topics down with Rick. Then independent journalist Sam Husseini joins the show to discuss a recent ICC arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as well as the ongoing tragedy in Gaza.


On this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez discusses recent comments by US President Joe Biden that India, Japan, and other nations are quote “xenophobic.” Correspondent Manila Chan joins Rick to discuss what geopolitical and economic repercussions could result from the president’s most recent comments. Rick and Manila also discuss US senators threatening the International Criminal Court if any nation attempts to prosecute Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for war crimes. The two also discuss Russia’s upcoming Victory Day Parade and strange reactions in Germany, Christian persecution in Gaza, and the odd return of a former US Congressman. Then Rick is joined by Asia-Pacific expert Sourabh Gupta to discuss US-India relations.

On this episode of the Cost of Everything we take a closer look at the cost of waste management. Host Christy Ai explains which countries are the biggest trash producers and which are the nations with a seemingly unlimited supply of foreign trash flowing into their dumps. Professor Lily Pollans joins the show to discuss how we can manage and dispose of the tons and tons of municipal solid waste and what kind of trash is really feeding the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and filling the landfills of Asian countries.


13 hrs ago

(2) Concentration effect and molecular composition exerted great impacts on the MW distribution of the Cu(II) ions bound to CSO-DOM. (3) The humic-like component of terrestrial origin with the MW range of 100 kDa∼0.45 μm possessed high binding stability, capacity, and priority with Cu(II) ions, and they could be used at a high concentration to promote the removal efficiency of coagulation for Cu(Ⅱ) ions of CSOs by competitive complexation and inter-molecular bridging.Studying the sublethal effects of agrochemical pesticides on nontarget honeybees (Apis mellifera) is important for agricultural development. Carbendazim is a widely used broad-spectrum fungicide that inhibits mitotic microtubule formation and cell division. However, the impact of carbendazim on bee health and development has not been fully elucidated. Here, using proteomics approaches, we assessed in vitro the changes in the expression of functional proteins in the head of newly emerged adults following treatment with field concentration of carbendazim during the larval stage. Treatment with carbendazim severely altered 266 protein expression patterns in the heads of adults and 218 of them showed downregulation after carbendazim exposure. Notably, major royal jelly proteins, a crucial multifunctional protein family with irreplaceable function in sustaining the development of colonies, were significantly suppressed in carbendazim-treated bees. This result was verified in both head and hypopharyngeal gland of nurse bees. Moreover, visual and olfactory loss, immune functions, muscular activity, social behavior, neural and brain development, protein synthesis and modification, and metabolism-related proteins were likely inhibited by carbendazim treatment. Together, these results suggest that carbendazim is an environmental risk factor that likely weakens bee colonies, partially due to reduced expression of major royal jelly proteins, which may be potential causes of colony collapse disorder.Understanding the influence of organic matters on the fate of Cr(VI) during ferrihydrite-Cr(VI) (Fh-Cr) co-precipitates transformation helps to study the retention of Cr(VI) by iron oxides in the environment. In this paper, Fh-Cr was prepared by co-precipitation and the redistribution of Cr(VI) in the oxalate or citrate system during the transformation of Fh-Cr was studied. X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Transmission electron microscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy were used to characterize Fh-Cr for aging 7 days at 70 °C. Results showed that both oxalate and citrate could hinder the release of Cr(VI) from Fh-Cr and abate the harm of Cr(VI). Oxalate improved the transformation from Fh-Cr to hematite and promoted Cr(VI) to be enfolded into the secondary minerals to further immobilize Cr at initial pH of 5.0 and 7.0, while citrate evidently reduced the release of Cr(VI) through stabilizing Fh-Cr at initial pH of 9.0. Besides, reduction of Cr(VI) by oxalate and citrate was through forming the surface complexes that promoted electron transfer from oxalate or citrate to Cr(VI), which can effectively abate the harm of Cr(VI). The findings of this study can promote understanding of the influences of organic matters on Cr(VI) immobilization during transformation of iron oxides in nature.
Few studies have investigated cumulative effects and mortality displacement of short-term air pollution exposure on deaths; therefore, uncertainty remains regarding its public health significance.

We obtained air pollution and daily cause-specific mortality data of Nanjing from January 2004 to December 2019, covering a period of 16 years. We performed a time-series analysis with single-day, 2-day moving average, and distributed lag models, respectively, to estimate the effects of PM
, PM
, NO
and SO
exposure on total cardiovascular disease, ischaemic heart disease (IHD), and cerebrovascular disease (CBVD) mortality. Distributed lag models were used to assess the roles of cumulative exposure and mortality displacement.

Cumulative effect estimates for 0-7 lag days were more considerable than estimates for single-day lags and 2-day moving average lag. The cumulative effect estimates for PM
, NO
and SO
on total cardiovascular and CBVD mortality became essentially zero within 30 days, which suggested the existence of mortality displacement. But the cumulative effect estimates for PM
and SO
on IHD mortality remained elevated and statistically significant within 27 (2.11%; 95% CI 0.12, 4.27%) and 22 (2.63%; 95% CI 0.39, 4.91%) days, respectively, which suggested the absence of mortality displacement.

Our results indicated that risk assessment based on single-day or 2-day moving average exposure rather than cumulative exposure likely underestimate the adverse effects of air pollution. The cumulative PM
and SO
exposure for nearly a month may have adverse effects on IHD mortality.
Our results indicated that risk assessment based on single-day or 2-day moving average exposure rather than cumulative exposure likely underestimate the adverse effects of air pollution. The cumulative PM2.5 and SO2 exposure for nearly a month may have adverse effects on IHD mortality.Copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) concentrations in oyster soft tissues can be particularly high due to contamination, leading to extremely green/blue colors. This raises key questions regarding the behavior and speciation of trace metals in oyster soft tissues. This study investigated trace metal concentration profiles of contaminated Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) soft tissues collected from trace metal-contaminated coastal area of Xiangshan District using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Moreover, Cu and Zn speciation in contaminated and non-contaminated oyster soft tissues were investigated by X-ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopy/extended X-ray absorption fine structure (XANES/EXAFS) spectroscopic methods. The contents of Cu (1,100-1,400 mg/kg) and Zn (500-700 mg/kg) dry weight were high in oyster soft tissue samples. The XANES/EXAFS results revealed that Cu and Zn existed primarily as copper (II) oxide (CuO) and zinc oxide (ZnO) in contaminated oysters.

13 hrs ago

Oral health plays a subordinate role in the range of topics in health reporting. Possible reasons are the limited availability of oral health data as well as that health reporting has historically focused on major risk factors and common diseases. Given the fact that oral health is an important public health issue, particularly in the perspective of prevention and healthcare, it would be desirable to give more consideration to the issue in health reporting. Based on Internet research, this article attempts to take stock of the extent to which oral health is already being addressed in health reporting in Germany, what professional standards exist, and what data sources are available. On this basis, further development of health reporting is suggested.Public health promotes health through organised efforts of society. Oral and maxillofacial diseases and conditions are important public health problems due to the large burden of disease and oral health inequity caused by social determinants. Caries, periodontitis, traumatic dental injuries or carcinomas of the mouth and throat can be reduced by increased public health efforts. One example for a highly effective public health measure like the health-promoting modification of the product range is the addition of fluoride to toothpastes, which is largely responsible for the impressive caries decline.However, the full potential of dental public health is not yet unlocked. It therefore appears necessary to create structures such as an "oral health institution" at the federal level and through statutory mandate. Its assignment should be "oral health for all" through changes in the social and economic environments to make them conducive to oral health. By this, the already established individual and group prophylaxis would be complemented with a population-based approach. The institution's tasks on the federal and on the federal states level should be to influence policies relevant to oral health, communication, collaboration, advanced training and research. Subdivisions of the proposed institution could provide oral health education for groups not yet reached. This would be an essential contribution to effectively addressing existing oral health problems across the population as well as for deprived and vulnerable groups.The sorption, desorption, and mobility of microencapsulated chlorpyrifos (CPF-MC) in two typical soils, namely, silt loam and sandy, were investigated in this study. Sorption/desorption experiments were carried out by using the batch equilibration method. Results showed that the sorption isotherms of CPF-MC and emulsifiable concentrate of chlorpyrifos (CPF-EC) in silt loamy soil were similar. However, a considerable difference was observed in the sorption isotherms of two chlorpyrifos (CPF) formulations in sandy soil. The amounts of CPF desorbed from two soils in four desorption steps decreased sequentially in CPF-EC treatments, while the desorbed amounts remained stable in CPF-MC treatments. Hence, the sorption/desorption processes of CPF-EC were mainly controlled by soil affinity to CPF. However, these processes of CPF-MC were affected by the release rate of CPF from capsules. The mobility of two CPF formulations in soil was estimated in vertical columns packed with soils. Results showed that there was leaching of CPF-EC in silt loam column, whereas CPF-MC was not vertically mobile in silt loam column under the same leaching conditions. However, in column with sandy soil, the percentage of CPF-MC leaching from the column was 86.54%, which was higher than the 73.75% that leached from the column in the treatment with CPF-EC.
Population is ageing and orthogeriatric care is an emerging research topic.

This bibliometric review aims to provide an overview, to investigate the status and trends in research in the field of orthogeriatric care of the most influential literature.

From the Core Collection databases in the Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge, the most influential original articles with reference to orthogeriatric care were identified in December 2020 using a multistep approach. A total of 50 articles were included and analysed in this bibliometric review.

The 50 most cited articles were published between 1983 and 2017. The number of total citations per article ranged from 34 to 704 citations (mean citations per article n = 93). Articles were published in 34 different journals between 1983 and 2017. In the majority of publications, geriatricians (62%) accounted for the first authorship, followed by others (20%) and (orthopaedic) surgeons (18%). Articles mostly originated from Europe (76%), followed by Asia-pacific (16%) and Northern America (8%). Key countries (UK, Sweden, and Spain) and key topic (hip fracture) are key drivers in the orthogeriatric research. The majority of articles reported about therapeutic studies (62%).

This bibliometric review acknowledges recent research. Orthogeriatric care is an emerging research topic in which surgeons have a potential to contribute and other topics such as intraoperative procedures, fractures other than hip fractures or elective surgery are related topics with the potential for widening the field to research.
This bibliometric review acknowledges recent research. Orthogeriatric care is an emerging research topic in which surgeons have a potential to contribute and other topics such as intraoperative procedures, fractures other than hip fractures or elective surgery are related topics with the potential for widening the field to research.
Intramedullary nailing (IMN) of fractures is associated with increased rates of inflammatory complications. The pathological mechanism underlying this phenomenon is unclear. However, polymorphonuclear granulocytes (PMNs) seem to play an important role. We hypothesized that a femur fracture and standardized IMN in pigs is associated with altered appearance of PMNs in circulation and enhanced activation status of these cells.

A porcine model including a femur fracture and IMN was utilized. Animals were randomized for control [anesthesia + mechanical ventilation only (A/MV)] and intervention [A/MV and unilateral femur fracture (FF) + IMN] conditions. PMN numbers and responsiveness, integrin (CD11b), L-selectin (CD62L) and Fcγ-receptor (CD16 and CD32)-expression levels were measured by flowcytometry of blood samples. Animals were observed for 72h.

Circulatory PMN numbers did not differ between groups. Early PMN-responsiveness was retained after insult. PMN-CD11b expression increased significantly upon insult and peaked after 24h, whereas CD11b in control animals remained unaltered (P = 0.

13 hrs ago

Mining activities are known to generate a large amount of mine tailings and acid mine drainage which contain varieties of heavy metals. Heavy metals play an important role in co-selection for bacterial antibiotic resistance. However, the characteristics of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in mining-affected water environments are still unclear. Here we investigated the pollution of metals, profiles of ARGs, mobile genetic elements (MGEs) and microbial community in mining-affected surface water and groundwater. The results showed that in the tested water samples, the concentrations of Zn and Mn were the highest, and Ni was the lowest. Higher abundances of ARGs with great proportion of sulfonamides, chloramphenicols and tetracyclines resistance genes were found in mining-affected water when compared with those without mining activities. Additionally, there were positive correlations between heavy metals (especially Ni, Zn and Mn) and these ARGs. Linear regression analysis suggested that MGEs were positively correlated with ARGs. In addition, total phosphorus was correlated with ARGs (p less then 0.05). The microbial community was different between the mining-affected water and the reference (p less then 0.05). Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes and Actinobacteria were dominant phyla in the surface water and groundwater. Network analysis showed that many ARGs were significantly associated with these dominant bacteria, which suggested they might be potential hosts for these ARGs. These findings provide a clear evidence that the mining activities in the study area had a significant impact on surface water and groundwater to different degrees.Phosphate plays an important role in a wide range of chemical and biological processes, so the development of a new phosphate optical sensor with high sensitivity, specificity and visual recognition function has important practical significance. Herein, a ratiometric fluorescent (RF) probe and a smartphone-integrated colorimetric test paper sensing platform for assay phosphate was fabricated using hybrid fluorescent UiO-66-NH2 and Eu3+@MOF-808 metal-organic frameworks. After continuous addition of phosphate, the blue fluorescence emission of UiO-66-NH2 and the red emission of Eu3+@MOF-808 were regularly enhanced and quenched respectively, and the fluorescence response of the detection platform to phosphate exhibited a clear color change process (red → pink → blue). More importantly, the probe solution and test paper of the integrated smartphone are converted to digital values through RGB channels and successfully used to visualize semi-quantitative recognition of phosphate. In addition, an RF probe and a smartphone integrated fluorescent test paper were developed separately to devise logic gate devices for detecting phosphate. The multifunctional ratio sensing platform integrated by the smartphone furnishes a new strategy and broad prospects for the intelligent online identification of important targets in biological samples and environmental samples.Humans are increasingly dependent on engineered landscapes to minimize negative health impacts of water consumption. Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) systems, such as river and lake bank filtration, surface spreading or direct injection into the aquifer have been used for decades for water treatment and storage. Microbial and sorptive processes in these systems are effective for the attenuation of many emerging contaminants including trace organic chemicals such as pharmaceuticals and personal care products. Recent studies showed a superior efficiency of trace organic chemical biotransformation by incumbent communities of microorganisms under oxic and carbon-limited (oligotrophic) conditions. This study sought to identify features of bacterial genomes that are predictive of trophic strategy in this water management context. Samples from a pilot scale managed aquifer recharge system with regions of high and low carbon concentration, were used to generate a culture collection from which oligotrophic and copiotrophic bacteria were categorized. Genomic markers linked to either trophic strategy were used to develop a Bayesian network model that can infer prevailing carbon conditions in MAR systems from metagenomic data.Haloketones (HKs) is one class of disinfection by-products (DBPs) which is genetically toxic and mutagenic. Monitoring HKs in drinking water is important for drinking water safety, yet it is a time-consuming and laborious job. Developing predictive models of HKs to estimate their occurrence in drinking water is a good alternative, but to date no study was available for HKs modeling. This study was to explore the feasibility of linear, log linear regression models, back propagation (BP) as well as radial basis function (RBF) artificial neural networks (ANNs) for predicting HKs occurrence (including dichloropropanone, trichloropropanone and total HKs) in real water supply systems. Results showed that the overall prediction ability of RBF and BP ANNs was better than linear/log linear models. Though the BP ANN showed excellent prediction performance in internal validation (N25 = 98-100%, R2 = 0.99-1.00), it could not well predict HKs occurrence in external validation (N25 = 62-69%, R2 = 0.202-0.848). Prediction ability of RBF ANN in external validation (N25 = 85%, R2 = 0.692-0.909) was quite good, which was comparable to that in internal validation (N25 = 74-88%, R2 = 0.799-0.870). These results demonstrated RBF ANN could well recognized the complex nonlinear relationship between HKs occurrence and the related water quality, and paved a new way for HKs prediction and monitoring in practice.Effective biomonitoring requires an understanding of the factors driving concentrations of the substances or compounds of interest in the tissues of studied organisms. Biomonitoring of trace elements, and heavy metals in particular, has been the focus of much research; however, the complex roles many trace elements play in animal and plant tissues can make it difficult to disentangle environmental signals from physiology. This study examined the concentrations of 15 trace elements in the teeth of 122 Pacific walruses (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) to investigate the potential for walrus teeth as biomonitors of trace elements in Arctic ecosystems. Elemental concentrations were measured across cementum growth layer groups (GLGs), thereby reconstructing a lifetime history of element concentrations for each walrus. The locations of GLGs were used to divide trace element time series into individual years, allowing each GLG to be associated with an animal age and a calendar year. The elements studied exhibited a great deal of complexity, reflecting the numerous factors responsible for generating tooth trace element concentrations.

14 hrs ago

WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific (WPRO) organized an online meeting connecting WHO Collaborating Centres (WHO CCs) in the region on 25 August 2020, to share experiences and promote networking on COVID-19 response. The meeting shared regional update on situation and responses, and COVID-19 related experiences of selected WHO CCs, followed by discussions on opportunities for enhancing collaboration between WPRO and WHO CCs. Priorities of WPROs support to countries included a health systems approach rather than single intervention. On behalf of WHO CCs in Japan, the National Center for Global Health and Medicine (NCGM) delivered a presentation on the results of a survey about COVID-19 related activities of these WHO CCs. These activities were categorized into collaboration with WHO, research and development, public health responses, and clinical services. Collaboration with WHO included sending consultants through the scheme of GOARN, strengthening of COVID-19 testing, and contribution to development of WPRO guidelines. Research and development involved establishment of a nationwide registry of COVID-19 clinical data. Following the meeting, NCGM further enhanced its activities as WHO CC. Since WHO CCs in the country have a wide range of expertise that could contribute to health system strengthening, it is worthwhile for the WHO CCs to consider amending existing work plans for supporting countries in the region to incorporate a health systems approach as part of COVID-19 response strategies.Many large international cities, such as Shanghai, are facing the threat of more imported cases of COVID-19 because of the frequent flow of people and objects at home and abroad. In the face of the complex and changing disease status of the international community, dealing with this disease effectively is a great challenge to the city's existing public health emergency response capacity and also a major test of designated COVID-19 hospitals. Here, we share our experience as a designated COVID-19 hospital in Shanghai, China in terms of i) A Professional Multi-disciplinary Team, ii) Personalized Treatment Plans for Patients in Severe or Critically Ill Condition, iii) Well-organized Classification of Patients, iv) Establishment of Transitional Wards, v) Nosocomial Infection Prevention and Control, and vi) Identification and Reporting of the Asymptomatic in the hopes that these approaches can serve as a reference for healthcare providers and medical staff who are fighting the pandemic.The quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction method using nasopharyngeal swabs (NPS RT-qPCR) is regarded as the reference standard for diagnosing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). However, when using NPS RT-qPCR at busy airport quarantine stations, there are constraints on testing capacity, time, travelerstolerance, and availability of personal protective equipment for quarantine officers. A feasible alternative is therefore needed to test incoming travelers, especially when passenger numbers increase with the resumption of business, tourism, and economic activities. To explore alternatives to NPS RT-qPCR, we collected nasopharyngeal, anterior nasal, and saliva samples chronologically over days 1-7 from asymptomatic COVID-19 air travelers who were under quarantine at a designated facility, and we then compared test results for 9 different methods, comprising RT-qPCR (including the reference method), loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP), and qualitative and quantitative antigen testing. We evaluated sensitivity for 97 person-day samples independently to evaluate asymptomatic travelers regardless of their testing date and period of asymptomatic status upon entry. Sensitivity of the different tests varied from 46.6% to 81.0%, but this was improved from 72.7% to 100.0% when the viral load was > 10 4 copies/sample on NPS RT-qPCR. Thus, most high-risk asymptomatic travelers with higher viral load would be detected by the tests evaluated. Quantitative antigen testing using saliva samples showed 90.9% sensitivity and provided quicker results, and should be an acceptable alternative to NPS RT-qPCR at busy airport quarantine stations. We discuss the implications of our exploratory findings for establishing a comprehensive and feasible testing strategy for COVID-19 among air passengers.In Japan, clinical and experimental studies addressing COVID-19 have been increasing in number since early February 2020, with many case reports being published. Concurrently, many notifications and guidelines have been issued from the government and academic societies. Taking optimal measures at the prefectural level as well as the national level is necessary to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Surveying and analyzing details of the incidences of infected persons in each prefecture is extremely important. This report describes the epidemiological characteristics of COVID-19 observed in Okayama Prefecture, followed by discussion of the direction of public health actions to be taken in the future. We reiterate the crucial importance of reinforcing and maintaining current public health measures, including rapid and detailed compilation of information related to infected persons and their surroundings, appropriate blocking of viral transmission, and early containment of infected persons, to minimize the spread of infection especially during the overlapping epidemic period of influenza in Okayama Prefecture.The aim of this study is to investigate myocardial damage in recovering coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients with high-sensitivity troponin levels (hsTnT) and echocardiography. In this single-center cohort study, 215 COVID-19 recovered patients were recruited from all over Japan between April and September 2020. Demographic characteristics, hsTnT levels, and echocardiography data were collected for 209 patients, after excluding those without serum samples or good-quality echocardiographic images. The mean (± standard deviation) age was 44 (± 12) years (range 36-55 years), and 50.7% of the patients were males. The median time interval (interquartile range) from COVID-19 onset to post-recovery examination was 56 days (34-96 days). Seventy-four recovered patients (35.4%) had hsTnT less than detection sensitivity ( less then 3 pg/mL) and 135 recovered patients (64.6%) had hsTnT ≥ 3 pg/mL. Ejection fraction was more than 50% in all cases. Left ventricular global longitudinal strain (LVGLS) and right ventricular free-wall longitudinal strain (RVFWLS) were reduced in 62 (29.

14 hrs ago

8% probability of developing ureteral stenosis after kidney transplantation.

Donor age, recipient age, and multiple renal arteries were independent risk factors of graft ureteral obstruction. Probability of developing ureteral obstruction should be considered pre-operatively in our population, using the proposed predictive model.
Donor age, recipient age, and multiple renal arteries were independent risk factors of graft ureteral obstruction. Probability of developing ureteral obstruction should be considered pre-operatively in our population, using the proposed predictive model.
Estimation of kidney function is crucial in the evaluation of living kidney donor candidates. Despite the multitude of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) formulas, no equation is universal, and none were validated in the population of kidney donors. Novel biomarkers, including beta trace protein (BTP) and cystatin C, are studied to help estimate GFR and improve the safe qualification of living kidney donors.

This study compares the accuracy of different formulas that estimate GFR with reference scintigraphy-measured GFR in the population of living kidney donor candidates.

This study enrolled 30 healthy living kidney donor candidates. GFR was measured using the following 11 different formulas. For reference, GFR was assessed using 99m-Technetium-diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid.

The accuracy of estimation was generally low in all formulas. The strongest correlation between measured GFR (mGFR) and estimated GFR (eGFR) was achieved by the Nankivell formula (R= 0.47, P= .009); however, in the group of patation of kidney donors.Premature ovarian failure (POF) is the most frequently occurred disease in ovary. Direct inhibition of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) activity can treat woman POF but brings adverse effects to women. Herein, by rational design of a hydrogelator Nap-Phe-Phe-Asp-Arg-Leu-Tyr-OH (Y) and co-assembling Y with an inhibitor of receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK, an upstream kinase of mTOR), Ala-Glu-Ala-Ala-Leu-Tyr-Lys-Asn-Leu-Leu-His-Ser-OH (Inh), to form hydrogel Gel Y + Inh, we develop a "smart" strategy of RTK-responsive disassembly of the hydrogel to release Inh. Release of Inh moderately inhibits the activity of mTOR and therefore delays ovarian aging. Oocyte and zygote experiments show that Gel Y + Inh improves both meiotic maturation of the oocytes and early embryonic development of the zygotes. In vivo animal experiments indicate that Gel Y + Inh effectively delays ovarian aging in aged mice by down regulation of mTOR activity, stimulation of ovaries to secrete estrogen and progesterone, and development of more antral follicles for reproduction. We expect that our new hydrogel Gel Y + Inh could be applied to treat woman POF, as well as delay ovarian aging, in clinic in the near future.Os subtibiale is a low prevalence accessory bone of the ankle. This bone is located in the posterior colliculus of the tibial medial malleolus, both in paediatric and adult ages. It can cause pain, redness and/or swelling, which can lead to a mistaken diagnosis of avulsion fracture. Adequate anatomical knowledge is crucial. First, we present the case of a school-aged boy, seen at the outpatient clinic for a 2-month history of pain in both inner ankles after an injury. Second, we present the case of an adult patient with a 3-day history of right medial ankle pain, with no previous injury, evaluated at the Emergency Department. Accurate history-taking and physical examination are essential. The diagnosis is given by conventional radiology of both ankles, in antero-posterior and lateral load views. The initial treatment is conservative (splint or orthesis) to establish and maintain the function of the foot during loading activities. If there is no recovery after 6 months, surgical treatment can be considered.
To review our experience with pediatric nasal dermoids, and discuss reconstructive options for the nasal dorsum after pediatric nasal dermoid removal.

Retrospective review of pediatric nasal dermoid cases from January 1 2005 through October 1 2016.

Twenty-five cases (12 males, 13 females) were identified. Median age at time of surgery was 24 months (7-144). Ten nasal dermoids were superficial; eleven, intraosseous; one, intracranial extradural; three, intracranial intradural. Seven were located on the glabella; fifteen, dorsum; three, nasal tip. Twelve underwent vertical midline incision; ten underwent external rhinoplasty; and three combined approach with craniotomy. There was one recurrence four years postoperatively; which was secondarily resected completely via external rhinoplasty approach. Seven cases utilized endoscopic assistance. Conchal cartilage grafting was utilized in nine cases for dorsal reconstruction. A temporoparietal fascial graft was utilized to reconstruct the soft tissue defect in nstruction for lesions that significantly disrupt the nasal cartilages and/or nasal bones, wherein the defect is significant and osteotomies may not be sufficient. Temporoparietal fascia is a favorable adjunct for reconstructing soft tissue deficits when the skin is thin. Further studies and longer follow up are needed to adequately assess functional and cosmetic outcomes.
In New Zealand (NZ), permanent hearing loss is associated with higher levels of socioeconomic deprivation, and is more prevalent amongst Māori and Pacific than NZ European children. Many of these hearing losses are detected through newborn hearing screening, however there is a need to screen children again later, to look for childhood hearing losses that are either late-onset, progressive, or acquired. This study evaluated the feasibility of implementing an objective screening protocol that includes otoscopy, distortion product otoacoustic emission screening (DPOAEs), and tympanometry. It also evaluated the feasibility of using Early Learning Centres (ELCs) to contact families, recruit, and test 3-year-old children from an area of high socioeconomic deprivation in Auckland, New Zealand.

Sixty-one 3-year-old children were recruited from ELCs within the Counties Manukau District Health Board (CMDHB) region which services the geographical area of South Auckland. The first part of the screening protocol consisted of otoscopy, DPOAEs, and tympanometry.