The anthiadine genus Dactylanthias is reviewed. Two species, Dactylanthias aplodactylus (Bleeker, 1858) and Dactylanthias baccheti Randall, 2007 are currently recognised, each known only from their holotypes. A specimen of Dactylanthias matching D. baccheti in coloration was recently collected from Nauru in the West Pacific Ocean. It was retained by a recreational fisher and deposited into the CSIRO Australian National Fish Collection, Hobart. Data collected from this specimen and comparison to images of and data from the holotypes of both nominal species indicate that Dactylanthias baccheti Randall, 2007 is a junior synonym of Dactylanthias aplodactylus (Bleeker, 1858). Additional records of specimens from Ambon, Indonesia (type locality of D. apolodactylus) and the Maldives Islands, Indian Ocean are reported. The genus is briefly compared with other anthiadine genera.Several soil samples from different habitats in Badakhshan province of Afghanistan were collected to isolate and characterize bacteria feeding nematodes. The Galleria mellonella-baiting method was used for the isolation of the Afghan insect-associated nematodes. The nematodes were studied using morphological and morphometric data. The Oscheius specimen was characterized by a longer body (630-820 µm) and shorter pharynx (125-145 µm), whereas other morphological characters were not unusual. The Diploscapter specimen had an annulated cuticle, with lip region width 1.5 times shorter than the stoma, and had separated pharyngeal corpus from the isthmus and vulva located in the middle of the body. The molecular data were derived using three loci; 18S, 28S (D2/D3 segment), and ITS rRNA region, which were utilized to measure the genetic distance. The phylogenetic analysis was conducted to reconstruct the relationship tree. Both morphological and molecular approaches confirmed the identity of nematode isolates as Oscheius tipulae and Diploscapter coronatus. This is the first report of insect-associated nematodes from the soil of Afghanistan. Both species were capable of infecting and killing G. mellonella larvae in less than 96 h.We describe the endemic Tasmanian cockroach, Polyzosteria yingina sp. nov. (Henry), 78 years after it was first documented. Evidence from morphology, biogeography and CO1 barcodes is used to distinguish this species from related mainland Australian taxa it has previously been confused with. Polyzosteria yingina sp. nov. has two strongly allopatric populations a compact alpine population above 1000m and a dispersed east coastal one at sealevel. However, mitochondrial Control Region D-loop molecular analysis suggests a single species identity for these disparate populations. Detailed internal and external morphological descriptions and photographs of living and preserved type material are presented. We also speculate on some hypotheses which could account for the unusual distribution of this charismatic insect.Members of the Lamiaceae, or mint family, are used worldwide for medicinal, culinary and/or magical-religious purposes, as well as in pesticides and as ornamental plants. Very little is known about nepticulids, or pygmy moths, as leaf miners of Lamiaceae, but they may be an important component of South American diversity and potential pests of economically-important species of the mint family. In this paper, four new species of leaf-mining Nepticulidae are described from the equatorial Andes of Ecuador S. mentholica Diškus Stonis, sp. nov., Stigmella aromatica Diškus Stonis, sp. nov., S. odora Diškus Stonis, sp. nov., feeding on Minthostachys mollis (Benth.) Griseb., and S. tomentosella Diškus Stonis, sp. nov., feeding on Clinopodium tomentosum (Kunth) Govaerts. It is hypothesized that host-plant distribution ranges can provide clues to potential distribution ranges of these newly discovered, trophically specialized leaf miners. The leaf mines, adults, and the genitalia of the new species are illustrated with photographs.Seven new species of Lonchaeidae in three genera are described from the Pacific island group of Vanuatu namely, Lamprolonchaea vila MacGowan sp. nov., Lonchaea efate MacGowan sp. nov., Lonchaea malekula MacGowan sp. nov., Lonchaea pentecosti MacGowan sp. nov., Lonchaea tanna MacGowan sp. nov., Silba erromango MacGowan sp. nov. and Silba hebridensis MacGowan sp. nov. The lonchaeid fauna of Vanuatu now totals 13 species in three genera. A key to species with illustrations of the male genitalia is provided.Among the thecate hydroids brought back by the Proteus-Guyane 2017 expedition of the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle of Paris, France, from French Guiana, two interesting species are reported upon. The plumulariid Callicarpa gracilis Fewkes, 1881, known so far from the type specimen only, is comprehensively redescribed 140 years after its original description. It adopts two different morphotypes with respect to both its tropho- and gonosome, forming either simple or ramified colonies, with either structurally-complex or rudimentary phylactocarps, respectively. Taxonomic notes on the genera Callicarpa Fewkes, 1881 and Hippurella Allman, 1877 are provided in light of their intricate history of origin and fate, together with the provisional resurrection of Antomma Stechow, 1919, as an allied genus of the former. The aglaopheniid Aglaophenia trifida L. Agassiz, 1862, whose gonosome was only partly documented to date, is redescribed thoroughly based on specimens bearing male and female corbulae. Scanning electron microscopy and molecular data were also used to document both species. A checklist of the thecate hydroids from French Guiana gathered during Proteus-Guyane 2017 and Guyane 2014 expeditions is provided as an appendix, together with brief notes on some species. Not dealing with the present study, but taking advantage of it, a new name, Antennella billardi Galea, nom. nov., is proposed as a replacement name for Plumularia balei Billard, 1911, which is a permanently invalid junior primary homonym of P. balei Bartlett, 1907.Merothrips mizoramensis sp.n. is described from northeastern India based on a single macropterous female. The fore wings of this specimen have a single longitudinal vein, the pronotal notopleural sutures are very long with the posteroangular setae displaced laterally, tergite IX lacks trichobothria, and many tergites and sternites bear an unusual number of sculptured lines.