
Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.



Preoperative anemia and transfusion are associated with worse outcomes. This study aims to identify the prevalence of preoperative anemia, transfusion rates on surgery day, and predictors of transfusion in elective cardiac surgery patients at our centre. We also aim to evaluate our preoperative intervention program, and examine the intervention window for anemia before surgery.

This study included 797 adult patients who underwent elective cardiac surgery at a tertiary hospital. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to identify predictors of transfusion on surgery day.

Preoperative anemia was present in 15% of patients. Anemic patients had a significantly higher transfusion rate at 53% compared to 10% in non-anemic patients. Hemoglobin concentration, estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), body surface area (BSA), and total cardiopulmonary bypass time were predictive of transfusion on surgery day. Patients had a median of 7 days between initial visit and surgery day, however, referral operative anemic patient.
Millennia of directional human selection has reshaped the genomic architecture of cultivated cotton relative to wild counterparts, but we have limited understanding of the selective retention and fractionation of genomic components.

We construct a comprehensive genomic variome based on 1961 cottons and identify 456 Mb and 357 Mb of sequence with domestication and improvement selection signals and 162 loci, 84 of which are novel, including 47 loci associated with 16 agronomic traits. Using pan-genome analyses, we identify 32,569 and 8851 non-reference genes lost from Gossypium hirsutum and Gossypium barbadense reference genomes respectively, of which 38.2% (39,278) and 14.2% (11,359) of genes exhibit presence/absence variation (PAV). We document the landscape of PAV selection accompanied by asymmetric gene gain and loss and identify 124 PAVs linked to favorable fiber quality and yield loci.

This variation repertoire points to genomic divergence during cotton domestication and improvement, which informs the characterization of favorable gene alleles for improved breeding practice using a pan-genome-based approach.
This variation repertoire points to genomic divergence during cotton domestication and improvement, which informs the characterization of favorable gene alleles for improved breeding practice using a pan-genome-based approach.
The emergence of SARS-CoV-2 mutants might lead to European border closures, which impact on trade and result in serious economic losses. In April 2020, similar border closures were observed during the first SARS-CoV-2 wave in East Africa.

Since 2017 the East African Community EAC together with the Bernhard-Nocht-Institute for Tropical Medicine BNITM established a mobile laboratory network integrated into the National Public Health Laboratories of the six Partner States for molecular diagnosis of viral haemorrhagic fevers and SARS-CoV-2. Since May 2020, the National Public Health Laboratories of Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda and South Sudan deployed these mobile laboratories to their respective borders, issuing a newly developed "Electronic EAC COVID-19 Digital Certificate" to SARS-CoV-2 PCR-negative truck drivers, thus assuring regional trade.

Considering the large financial damages of border closures, such a mobile laboratory network as demonstrated in East Africa is cost-effective, easy to implement and feasible. The East African Community mobile laboratory network could serve as a blueprint for Europe and other countries around the globe.
Considering the large financial damages of border closures, such a mobile laboratory network as demonstrated in East Africa is cost-effective, easy to implement and feasible. The East African Community mobile laboratory network could serve as a blueprint for Europe and other countries around the globe.
Recent genome-wide studies of many species reveal the existence of a myriad of RNAs differing in size, coding potential and function. Among these are the long non-coding RNAs, some of them producing functional small peptides via the translation of short ORFs. It now appears that any kind of RNA presumably has a potential to encode small peptides. Accordingly, our team recently discovered that plant primary transcripts of microRNAs (pri-miRs) produce small regulatory peptides (miPEPs) involved in auto-regulatory feedback loops enhancing their cognate microRNA expression which in turn controls plant development. Here we investigate whether this regulatory feedback loop is present in Drosophila melanogaster.

We perform a survey of ribosome profiling data and reveal that many pri-miRNAs exhibit ribosome translation marks. Focusing on miR-8, we show that pri-miR-8 can produce a miPEP-8. Functional assays performed in Drosophila reveal that miPEP-8 affects development when overexpressed or knocked down. Combining genetic and molecular approaches as well as genome-wide transcriptomic analyses, we show that miR-8 expression is independent of miPEP-8 activity and that miPEP-8 acts in parallel to miR-8 to regulate the expression of hundreds of genes.

Taken together, these results reveal that several Drosophila pri-miRs exhibit translation potential. Contrasting with the mechanism described in plants, these data shed light on the function of yet undescribed primary-microRNA-encoded peptides in Drosophila and their regulatory potential on genome expression.
Taken together, these results reveal that several Drosophila pri-miRs exhibit translation potential. Contrasting with the mechanism described in plants, these data shed light on the function of yet undescribed primary-microRNA-encoded peptides in Drosophila and their regulatory potential on genome expression.
To compare the safety and efficacy of dexmedetomidine and remifentanil with sufentanil-based general anesthesia for the transthoracic device closure of ventricular septal defects (VSDs) in pediatric patients.

A retrospective analysis was performed on 60 children undergoing the transthoracic device closure of VSDs from January 2019 to June 2020. The patients were divided into two groups based on different anesthesia strategies, including 30 cases in group R (dexmedetomidine- and remifentanil-based general anesthesia) and 30 cases in group S (sufentanil-based general anesthesia).

There was no significant difference in preoperative clinical information, hemodynamics before induction and after extubation, postoperative pain scores, or length of hospital stay between the two groups. However, the hemodynamic data of group R were significantly lower than those of group S at the time points of anesthesia induction, skin incision, thoracotomy, incision closure, and extubation. The amount of intravenous patient-controlled analgesia (PCA), the duration of mechanical ventilation, and the length of the intensive care unit (ICU) stay in group R were significantly less than those in group S.


of sustainable development.Intimate partner violence has been associated with numerous consequences for women, including pregnancy termination. This study aimed to examine the association between intimate partner violence and pregnancy termination among adolescent girls and young women in 25 sub-Saharan African countries. Data for this study was obtained from the demographic and health surveys of 25 countries in sub-Saharan Africa, published between 2010 and 2019. A total of 60,563 adolescent girls and young women were included in this study. Binary logistic regression models were used in analyzing the data and the results were presented as crude odds ratios (CORs) and adjusted odds ratios (AORs) at 95% confidence interval (CI). The prevalence of intimate partner violence and pregnancy termination among adolescent girls and young women in the 25 countries in sub-Saharan Africa were 19% and 10.1% respectively. In all these countries, the odds of pregnancy termination was higher among adolescent girls and young women who had ever experienced intimate partner violence, compared to those who had never experienced intimate partner violence [COR = 1.60, 95% CI = 1.51-1.71], and this persisted after controlling for confounders [AOR = 1.58, 95% CI = 1.48-1.68]. However, across countries, intimate partner violence had significant association with pregnancy termination among adolescent girls and young women in Angola, Chad, Congo DR and Gabon (Central Africa); Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote D'lvoire, Gambia and Mali (West Africa); Comoros, Rwanda and Uganda (East Africa); and Malawi and Zambia (Southern Africa). The findings imply that reducing pregnancy termination among adolescent girls and young women in sub-Saharan Africa depends on the elimination of intimate partner violence. Thus, policies and programmes aimed at reducing pregnancy termination among adolescent girls and young women in sub-Saharan Africa, should pay particular attention to those who have history of intimate partner violence.In sub-Saharan Africa, where intimate partner violence has been found to be predominant, several scholars have made efforts to understand its predictors. Socio-culturally, polygyny has been considered as a key determinant of intimate partner violence. This study aimed to examine the association between polygyny and intimate partner violence in 16 sub-Saharan African countries. Binary logistic regression models were used in testing the association and the results were presented as crude and adjusted odds ratios at 95% confidence interval. The proportion of women in polygamous marriages in the 16 countries was 20.2%, ranging from as high as 40% in Chad to as low as 1.6% in South Africa. The prevalence of IPV was 30.7% in the 16 countries, ranging from as high as 44% in Uganda to as low as 12.7% in South Africa. The odds of IPV were higher among women in polygamous marriages in Angola, Burundi, Ethiopia, Uganda, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe but was lower among women in polygamous marriages in Cameroon [COR = 0.54, 95% CI = 0.44-0.66] and Nigeria [COR = 0.61, 95% CI = 0.55-0.67], and this persisted after controlling for level of education, place of residence, wealth quintile, media exposure, and justification of violence. This study has found a significant association between polygyny and intimate partner violence. The practice of intimate partner violence in sub-Saharan Africa is fused into the socio-cultural norms and religious traditions of most countries in the sub-Saharan African region. The findings imply that family structures expose women to intimate partner violence. Therefore, global efforts in dealing with intimate partner violence through the Sustainable Development Goals should be done with attention on the socio-cultural norms and traditions around marriage and family structures.•Immune checkpoint inhibitors are approved for all mismatch repair deficient tumors.•Although rare, autoimmune myositis complicating pembrolizumab therapy may be fatal.•In this case, pembrolizumab caused rhabdomyolysis but also a durable response.•Severe autoimmune reaction may be associated with durable treatment response.Pupil tracking data are collected through the use of an infrared camera, and a head-mounted system [1]. The head-mounted system detects the relative pupil position and adjusts the mouse cursor position accordingly. The data are available for comparison of eye tracking with saccadic movements (with the head fixed in space) versus those from smooth movements (with the head moving in space). The analysis comprises two experiments for both types of eye tracking, which are performed with ten trials each for two participants. In the first experiment, the participant attempts to place the cursor into a target boundary of varying sizes. In the second experiment, the participant attempts to move the cursor to a target location within the shortest time.Stress has been shown to disturb the balance of human intestinal microbiota and subsequently causes mental health problems like anxiety and depression. Our previous study showed that ingesting the probiotic strain, Lactobacillus (L.) plantarum P-8, for 12 weeks could alleviate stress and anxiety of stressed adults. The current study was a follow-up work aiming to investigate the functional role of the gut metagenomes in the observed beneficial effects. The fecal metagenomes of the probiotic (n = 43) and placebo (n = 36) receivers were analyzed in depth. The gut microbiomes of the placebo group at weeks 0 and 12 showed a significantly greater Aitchison distance (P less then 0.001) compared with the probiotic group. Meanwhile, the Shannon diversity index of the placebo group (P less then 0.05) but not the probiotic group decreased significantly at week 12. Additionally, significantly more species-level genome bins (SGBs) of Bifidobacterium adolescentis, Bifidobacterium longum, and Fecalibacterium prausnitzii (P less then 0.01) were identified in the fecal metagenomes of the probiotic group, while the abundances of SGBs representing the species Roseburia faecis and Fusicatenibacter saccharivorans decreased significantly (P less then 0.05). Furthermore, the 12-week probiotic supplementation enhanced the diversity of neurotransmitter-synthesizing/consuming SGBs and the levels of some predicted microbial neuroactive metabolites (e.g., short-chain fatty acids, gamma-aminobutyric acid, arachidonic acid, and sphingomyelin). Our results showed a potential link between probiotic-induced gut microbiota modulation and stress/anxiety alleviation in stressed adults, supporting that the gut-brain axis was involved in relieving stress-related symptoms. The beneficial effect relied not only on microbial diversity changes but more importantly gut metagenome modulations at the SGB and functional gene levels.


es being non-significant. PBF can contribute to a better management of malnutrition at HC level; yet, to address the huge problem of child malnutrition in Burundi, additional strategies are urgently required.HIV-1 infection exhibits a significant sex bias. This study aimed at identifying and examining lymphocyte associated sex differences in HIV-1 pathogenesis using a data-driven approach. To select targets for investigating sex differences in lymphocytes, data of microarray experiments and literature mining were integrated. Data from three large-scale microarray experiments were obtained from NCBI/GEO and screened for sex differences in gene expression. Literature mining was employed to identify sex biased genes in the microarray data, which were relevant to HIV-1 pathogenesis and lymphocyte biology. Sex differences in gene expression of selected genes were investigated by RT-qPCR and flowcytometry in healthy individuals and persons living with HIV-1. A significant and consistent sex bias was identified in 31 genes, the majority of which were related to immunity and expressed at higher levels in women. Using literature mining, three genes (DPP4, FCGR1A and SOCS3) were selected for analysis by qPCR because of their relevance to HIV, as well as, B and T cell biology. DPP4 exhibited the most significant sex bias in mRNA expression (p = 0.00029). Therefore, its expression was further analyzed on B and T cells using flowcytometry. In HIV-1 infected controllers and healthy individuals, frequencies of CD4+DPP4+ T cells were higher in women compared to men (p = 0.037 and p = 0.027). In women, CD4 T cell counts correlated with a predominant decreased in DPP4+CD4+ T cells (p = 0.0032). Sex differences in DPP4 expression abrogated in progressive HIV-1 infection. In conclusion, we found sex differences in the pathobiology of T cells in HIV-1 infection using a data-driven approach. Our results indicate that DPP4 expression on CD4+ T cells might contribute to the immunological sex differences observed in chronic HIV‑1 infection.In older adults with subjective memory complaints (SMCs), featuring a decline in memory but not exhibiting problems during medical examinations and objective memory tests, the weak links between nodes evident in the word retrieval process can be a primary factor for predicting mild cognitive impairment and dementia. This study examined the frequency of the "Tip-of-the-Tongue" (ToT) phenomenon according to age and subjective memory complaints of older adults, and identified differences in the resolution method using sequential cues. A celebrity naming task was performed on older adults (aged 50 to 79) with SMCs (n = 30) and without SMCs (n = 30), comparing the frequency of the ToT phenomenon and in resolution methods. We found that, even if our subjects with SMCs obtained normal results in the objective neuropsychology test, they experienced a significantly higher frequency of the ToT phenomenon than those without SMCs. In addition, subjects with SMCs showed a significantly lower rate of resolution, both spontaneous and following a syllabic cue, compared to those without SMCs. SMCs can be a very early marker of degenerative diseases causing cognitive dysfunction, and thus the selection of appropriate tools for early detection of SMCs is important. The proper naming task may sensitively detect subclinical symptoms of SMCs in subjects who are not classified as patients with cognitive impairments on general neuropsychological test. In addition, this task can identify weak connections between semantic and phonological nodes due to changes in the neural region of older adults with SMCs.Based on 0.01°×0.01° grid data of PM2.5 annual concentration and statistical yearbook data for 11 cities in Hebei Province from 2000 to 2015, the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of PM2.5 in the study area are analysed, the level of intensive land use in the area is evaluated, and decoupling theory and spatial regression are used to discuss the relationship between PM2.5 concentration and intensive land use and the influence of intensive land use variables on PM2.5 in Hebei Province. The results show that 1. In terms of time, the concentration of PM2.5 in Hebei Province showed an overall upward trend from 2000 to 2015, with the highest in winter and the lowest in summer. The daily variations show double peaks at 800-1000 and 2100-000 and a single valley at 1600-1800. 2. In terms of space, the concentration of PM2.5 in Hebei Province is high in the southeast and low in the northwest, and the pollution spillover initially decreases and then increases. 3. In the past 16 years, the level of intensive land use in Hebei Province has increased annually, but blind expansion still exists. 4. Decoupling theory and the spatial lag model show that land use intensity, land input level and land use structure are positively correlated with PM2.5 concentration, land output benefit is negatively correlated with PM2.5 concentration, and PM2.5 concentration and land intensive use level have not yet been decoupled; thus, the relationship is not harmonious. This research can provide a scientific basis for reducing air pollution and promoting the development of urban land resources for intensive and sustainable development.The immunopathogenesis of H5N1 virus has been studied intensively since it caused cross-species infection and induced high mortality to human. We previously observed the interaction between monocytes and B cells, which increased the susceptibility of B cell to H5N1 virus infection after a co-culture. Levels of α2,3 sialic acid (avian flu receptor) were also significantly increased on B cell surface in this co-culture model with unclear explanation. In this study, we aimed to determine the possible mechanism that responded for this increase in α2,3 sialic acid on B cells. Acquisition of α2,3 SA by B cells via cell contact-dependent trogocytosis was proposed. Results showed that the lack of α2,3 SA was detected on B cell surface, and B cells acquired membrane-bound α2,3 SA molecules from monocytes in H5N1-infected co-cultures. Occurrence of membrane exchange mainly relied on H5N1 infection and cell-cell contact as opposed to a mock infection and transwell. The increase in α2,3 SA on B cell surface mediated by trogocytosis was associated with the enhanced susceptibility to H5N1 infection.


Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.



Preoperative anemia and transfusion are associated with worse outcomes. This study aims to identify the prevalence of preoperative anemia, transfusion rates on surgery day, and predictors of transfusion in elective cardiac surgery patients at our centre. We also aim to evaluate our preoperative intervention program, and examine the intervention window for anemia before surgery.

This study included 797 adult patients who underwent elective cardiac surgery at a tertiary hospital. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to identify predictors of transfusion on surgery day.

Preoperative anemia was present in 15% of patients. Anemic patients had a significantly higher transfusion rate at 53% compared to 10% in non-anemic patients. Hemoglobin concentration, estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), body surface area (BSA), and total cardiopulmonary bypass time were predictive of transfusion on surgery day. Patients had a median of 7 days between initial visit and surgery day, however, referral operative anemic patient.
Millennia of directional human selection has reshaped the genomic architecture of cultivated cotton relative to wild counterparts, but we have limited understanding of the selective retention and fractionation of genomic components.

We construct a comprehensive genomic variome based on 1961 cottons and identify 456 Mb and 357 Mb of sequence with domestication and improvement selection signals and 162 loci, 84 of which are novel, including 47 loci associated with 16 agronomic traits. Using pan-genome analyses, we identify 32,569 and 8851 non-reference genes lost from Gossypium hirsutum and Gossypium barbadense reference genomes respectively, of which 38.2% (39,278) and 14.2% (11,359) of genes exhibit presence/absence variation (PAV). We document the landscape of PAV selection accompanied by asymmetric gene gain and loss and identify 124 PAVs linked to favorable fiber quality and yield loci.

This variation repertoire points to genomic divergence during cotton domestication and improvement, which informs the characterization of favorable gene alleles for improved breeding practice using a pan-genome-based approach.
This variation repertoire points to genomic divergence during cotton domestication and improvement, which informs the characterization of favorable gene alleles for improved breeding practice using a pan-genome-based approach.
The emergence of SARS-CoV-2 mutants might lead to European border closures, which impact on trade and result in serious economic losses. In April 2020, similar border closures were observed during the first SARS-CoV-2 wave in East Africa.

Since 2017 the East African Community EAC together with the Bernhard-Nocht-Institute for Tropical Medicine BNITM established a mobile laboratory network integrated into the National Public Health Laboratories of the six Partner States for molecular diagnosis of viral haemorrhagic fevers and SARS-CoV-2. Since May 2020, the National Public Health Laboratories of Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda and South Sudan deployed these mobile laboratories to their respective borders, issuing a newly developed "Electronic EAC COVID-19 Digital Certificate" to SARS-CoV-2 PCR-negative truck drivers, thus assuring regional trade.

Considering the large financial damages of border closures, such a mobile laboratory network as demonstrated in East Africa is cost-effective, easy to implement and feasible. The East African Community mobile laboratory network could serve as a blueprint for Europe and other countries around the globe.
Considering the large financial damages of border closures, such a mobile laboratory network as demonstrated in East Africa is cost-effective, easy to implement and feasible. The East African Community mobile laboratory network could serve as a blueprint for Europe and other countries around the globe.
Recent genome-wide studies of many species reveal the existence of a myriad of RNAs differing in size, coding potential and function. Among these are the long non-coding RNAs, some of them producing functional small peptides via the translation of short ORFs. It now appears that any kind of RNA presumably has a potential to encode small peptides. Accordingly, our team recently discovered that plant primary transcripts of microRNAs (pri-miRs) produce small regulatory peptides (miPEPs) involved in auto-regulatory feedback loops enhancing their cognate microRNA expression which in turn controls plant development. Here we investigate whether this regulatory feedback loop is present in Drosophila melanogaster.

We perform a survey of ribosome profiling data and reveal that many pri-miRNAs exhibit ribosome translation marks. Focusing on miR-8, we show that pri-miR-8 can produce a miPEP-8. Functional assays performed in Drosophila reveal that miPEP-8 affects development when overexpressed or knocked down. Combining genetic and molecular approaches as well as genome-wide transcriptomic analyses, we show that miR-8 expression is independent of miPEP-8 activity and that miPEP-8 acts in parallel to miR-8 to regulate the expression of hundreds of genes.

Taken together, these results reveal that several Drosophila pri-miRs exhibit translation potential. Contrasting with the mechanism described in plants, these data shed light on the function of yet undescribed primary-microRNA-encoded peptides in Drosophila and their regulatory potential on genome expression.
Taken together, these results reveal that several Drosophila pri-miRs exhibit translation potential. Contrasting with the mechanism described in plants, these data shed light on the function of yet undescribed primary-microRNA-encoded peptides in Drosophila and their regulatory potential on genome expression.
To compare the safety and efficacy of dexmedetomidine and remifentanil with sufentanil-based general anesthesia for the transthoracic device closure of ventricular septal defects (VSDs) in pediatric patients.

A retrospective analysis was performed on 60 children undergoing the transthoracic device closure of VSDs from January 2019 to June 2020. The patients were divided into two groups based on different anesthesia strategies, including 30 cases in group R (dexmedetomidine- and remifentanil-based general anesthesia) and 30 cases in group S (sufentanil-based general anesthesia).

There was no significant difference in preoperative clinical information, hemodynamics before induction and after extubation, postoperative pain scores, or length of hospital stay between the two groups. However, the hemodynamic data of group R were significantly lower than those of group S at the time points of anesthesia induction, skin incision, thoracotomy, incision closure, and extubation. The amount of intravenous patient-controlled analgesia (PCA), the duration of mechanical ventilation, and the length of the intensive care unit (ICU) stay in group R were significantly less than those in group S.


of sustainable development.Intimate partner violence has been associated with numerous consequences for women, including pregnancy termination. This study aimed to examine the association between intimate partner violence and pregnancy termination among adolescent girls and young women in 25 sub-Saharan African countries. Data for this study was obtained from the demographic and health surveys of 25 countries in sub-Saharan Africa, published between 2010 and 2019. A total of 60,563 adolescent girls and young women were included in this study. Binary logistic regression models were used in analyzing the data and the results were presented as crude odds ratios (CORs) and adjusted odds ratios (AORs) at 95% confidence interval (CI). The prevalence of intimate partner violence and pregnancy termination among adolescent girls and young women in the 25 countries in sub-Saharan Africa were 19% and 10.1% respectively. In all these countries, the odds of pregnancy termination was higher among adolescent girls and young women who had ever experienced intimate partner violence, compared to those who had never experienced intimate partner violence [COR = 1.60, 95% CI = 1.51-1.71], and this persisted after controlling for confounders [AOR = 1.58, 95% CI = 1.48-1.68]. However, across countries, intimate partner violence had significant association with pregnancy termination among adolescent girls and young women in Angola, Chad, Congo DR and Gabon (Central Africa); Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote D'lvoire, Gambia and Mali (West Africa); Comoros, Rwanda and Uganda (East Africa); and Malawi and Zambia (Southern Africa). The findings imply that reducing pregnancy termination among adolescent girls and young women in sub-Saharan Africa depends on the elimination of intimate partner violence. Thus, policies and programmes aimed at reducing pregnancy termination among adolescent girls and young women in sub-Saharan Africa, should pay particular attention to those who have history of intimate partner violence.In sub-Saharan Africa, where intimate partner violence has been found to be predominant, several scholars have made efforts to understand its predictors. Socio-culturally, polygyny has been considered as a key determinant of intimate partner violence. This study aimed to examine the association between polygyny and intimate partner violence in 16 sub-Saharan African countries. Binary logistic regression models were used in testing the association and the results were presented as crude and adjusted odds ratios at 95% confidence interval. The proportion of women in polygamous marriages in the 16 countries was 20.2%, ranging from as high as 40% in Chad to as low as 1.6% in South Africa. The prevalence of IPV was 30.7% in the 16 countries, ranging from as high as 44% in Uganda to as low as 12.7% in South Africa. The odds of IPV were higher among women in polygamous marriages in Angola, Burundi, Ethiopia, Uganda, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe but was lower among women in polygamous marriages in Cameroon [COR = 0.54, 95% CI = 0.44-0.66] and Nigeria [COR = 0.61, 95% CI = 0.55-0.67], and this persisted after controlling for level of education, place of residence, wealth quintile, media exposure, and justification of violence. This study has found a significant association between polygyny and intimate partner violence. The practice of intimate partner violence in sub-Saharan Africa is fused into the socio-cultural norms and religious traditions of most countries in the sub-Saharan African region. The findings imply that family structures expose women to intimate partner violence. Therefore, global efforts in dealing with intimate partner violence through the Sustainable Development Goals should be done with attention on the socio-cultural norms and traditions around marriage and family structures.•Immune checkpoint inhibitors are approved for all mismatch repair deficient tumors.•Although rare, autoimmune myositis complicating pembrolizumab therapy may be fatal.•In this case, pembrolizumab caused rhabdomyolysis but also a durable response.•Severe autoimmune reaction may be associated with durable treatment response.Pupil tracking data are collected through the use of an infrared camera, and a head-mounted system [1]. The head-mounted system detects the relative pupil position and adjusts the mouse cursor position accordingly. The data are available for comparison of eye tracking with saccadic movements (with the head fixed in space) versus those from smooth movements (with the head moving in space). The analysis comprises two experiments for both types of eye tracking, which are performed with ten trials each for two participants. In the first experiment, the participant attempts to place the cursor into a target boundary of varying sizes. In the second experiment, the participant attempts to move the cursor to a target location within the shortest time.Stress has been shown to disturb the balance of human intestinal microbiota and subsequently causes mental health problems like anxiety and depression. Our previous study showed that ingesting the probiotic strain, Lactobacillus (L.) plantarum P-8, for 12 weeks could alleviate stress and anxiety of stressed adults. The current study was a follow-up work aiming to investigate the functional role of the gut metagenomes in the observed beneficial effects. The fecal metagenomes of the probiotic (n = 43) and placebo (n = 36) receivers were analyzed in depth. The gut microbiomes of the placebo group at weeks 0 and 12 showed a significantly greater Aitchison distance (P less then 0.001) compared with the probiotic group. Meanwhile, the Shannon diversity index of the placebo group (P less then 0.05) but not the probiotic group decreased significantly at week 12. Additionally, significantly more species-level genome bins (SGBs) of Bifidobacterium adolescentis, Bifidobacterium longum, and Fecalibacterium prausnitzii (P less then 0.01) were identified in the fecal metagenomes of the probiotic group, while the abundances of SGBs representing the species Roseburia faecis and Fusicatenibacter saccharivorans decreased significantly (P less then 0.05). Furthermore, the 12-week probiotic supplementation enhanced the diversity of neurotransmitter-synthesizing/consuming SGBs and the levels of some predicted microbial neuroactive metabolites (e.g., short-chain fatty acids, gamma-aminobutyric acid, arachidonic acid, and sphingomyelin). Our results showed a potential link between probiotic-induced gut microbiota modulation and stress/anxiety alleviation in stressed adults, supporting that the gut-brain axis was involved in relieving stress-related symptoms. The beneficial effect relied not only on microbial diversity changes but more importantly gut metagenome modulations at the SGB and functional gene levels.


es being non-significant. PBF can contribute to a better management of malnutrition at HC level; yet, to address the huge problem of child malnutrition in Burundi, additional strategies are urgently required.HIV-1 infection exhibits a significant sex bias. This study aimed at identifying and examining lymphocyte associated sex differences in HIV-1 pathogenesis using a data-driven approach. To select targets for investigating sex differences in lymphocytes, data of microarray experiments and literature mining were integrated. Data from three large-scale microarray experiments were obtained from NCBI/GEO and screened for sex differences in gene expression. Literature mining was employed to identify sex biased genes in the microarray data, which were relevant to HIV-1 pathogenesis and lymphocyte biology. Sex differences in gene expression of selected genes were investigated by RT-qPCR and flowcytometry in healthy individuals and persons living with HIV-1. A significant and consistent sex bias was identified in 31 genes, the majority of which were related to immunity and expressed at higher levels in women. Using literature mining, three genes (DPP4, FCGR1A and SOCS3) were selected for analysis by qPCR because of their relevance to HIV, as well as, B and T cell biology. DPP4 exhibited the most significant sex bias in mRNA expression (p = 0.00029). Therefore, its expression was further analyzed on B and T cells using flowcytometry. In HIV-1 infected controllers and healthy individuals, frequencies of CD4+DPP4+ T cells were higher in women compared to men (p = 0.037 and p = 0.027). In women, CD4 T cell counts correlated with a predominant decreased in DPP4+CD4+ T cells (p = 0.0032). Sex differences in DPP4 expression abrogated in progressive HIV-1 infection. In conclusion, we found sex differences in the pathobiology of T cells in HIV-1 infection using a data-driven approach. Our results indicate that DPP4 expression on CD4+ T cells might contribute to the immunological sex differences observed in chronic HIV‑1 infection.In older adults with subjective memory complaints (SMCs), featuring a decline in memory but not exhibiting problems during medical examinations and objective memory tests, the weak links between nodes evident in the word retrieval process can be a primary factor for predicting mild cognitive impairment and dementia. This study examined the frequency of the "Tip-of-the-Tongue" (ToT) phenomenon according to age and subjective memory complaints of older adults, and identified differences in the resolution method using sequential cues. A celebrity naming task was performed on older adults (aged 50 to 79) with SMCs (n = 30) and without SMCs (n = 30), comparing the frequency of the ToT phenomenon and in resolution methods. We found that, even if our subjects with SMCs obtained normal results in the objective neuropsychology test, they experienced a significantly higher frequency of the ToT phenomenon than those without SMCs. In addition, subjects with SMCs showed a significantly lower rate of resolution, both spontaneous and following a syllabic cue, compared to those without SMCs. SMCs can be a very early marker of degenerative diseases causing cognitive dysfunction, and thus the selection of appropriate tools for early detection of SMCs is important. The proper naming task may sensitively detect subclinical symptoms of SMCs in subjects who are not classified as patients with cognitive impairments on general neuropsychological test. In addition, this task can identify weak connections between semantic and phonological nodes due to changes in the neural region of older adults with SMCs.Based on 0.01°×0.01° grid data of PM2.5 annual concentration and statistical yearbook data for 11 cities in Hebei Province from 2000 to 2015, the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of PM2.5 in the study area are analysed, the level of intensive land use in the area is evaluated, and decoupling theory and spatial regression are used to discuss the relationship between PM2.5 concentration and intensive land use and the influence of intensive land use variables on PM2.5 in Hebei Province. The results show that 1. In terms of time, the concentration of PM2.5 in Hebei Province showed an overall upward trend from 2000 to 2015, with the highest in winter and the lowest in summer. The daily variations show double peaks at 800-1000 and 2100-000 and a single valley at 1600-1800. 2. In terms of space, the concentration of PM2.5 in Hebei Province is high in the southeast and low in the northwest, and the pollution spillover initially decreases and then increases. 3. In the past 16 years, the level of intensive land use in Hebei Province has increased annually, but blind expansion still exists. 4. Decoupling theory and the spatial lag model show that land use intensity, land input level and land use structure are positively correlated with PM2.5 concentration, land output benefit is negatively correlated with PM2.5 concentration, and PM2.5 concentration and land intensive use level have not yet been decoupled; thus, the relationship is not harmonious. This research can provide a scientific basis for reducing air pollution and promoting the development of urban land resources for intensive and sustainable development.The immunopathogenesis of H5N1 virus has been studied intensively since it caused cross-species infection and induced high mortality to human. We previously observed the interaction between monocytes and B cells, which increased the susceptibility of B cell to H5N1 virus infection after a co-culture. Levels of α2,3 sialic acid (avian flu receptor) were also significantly increased on B cell surface in this co-culture model with unclear explanation. In this study, we aimed to determine the possible mechanism that responded for this increase in α2,3 sialic acid on B cells. Acquisition of α2,3 SA by B cells via cell contact-dependent trogocytosis was proposed. Results showed that the lack of α2,3 SA was detected on B cell surface, and B cells acquired membrane-bound α2,3 SA molecules from monocytes in H5N1-infected co-cultures. Occurrence of membrane exchange mainly relied on H5N1 infection and cell-cell contact as opposed to a mock infection and transwell. The increase in α2,3 SA on B cell surface mediated by trogocytosis was associated with the enhanced susceptibility to H5N1 infection.


ssive histology.
Treatment paradigms for borderline resectable pancreatic cancer are evolving with increasing use of neoadjuvant chemotherapy and neoadjuvant chemoradiation. Variations in the definition of borderline resectable pancreatic cancer and neoadjuvant approaches have made standardizing care for borderline resectable pancreatic cancer difficult. We report an effort to standardize management of borderline resectable pancreatic cancer throughout Sanford Health, a large community oncology network.

Starting in October 2013, cases of pancreatic adenocarcinoma without known metastatic disease were categorized as borderline resectable pancreatic cancer if they met ≥1 of the following criteria (1) abutment of superior mesenteric, common hepatic, or celiac arteries with <180° involvement, (2) venous involvement deemed potentially suitable for reconstruction, and/or (3) biopsy-proven lymph node involvement. Patients with borderline resectable pancreatic cancer were treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by reimargical outcomes are similar to many reported series.
This report demonstrates the feasibility of implementing a standardized approach to borderline resectable pancreatic cancer across multiple sites over a wide geographic area. Adherence to protocol therapies was good and surgical outcomes are similar to many reported series.
In the absence of verbal communication, it is challenging to infer an individual's sensory and emotional experience. In communicative adults, functional MRI (fMRI) has been used to develop multivariate brain activity signatures, which reliably capture elements of human pain experience. We aimed to translate whole-brain fMRI signatures that encode pain perception in adults to the newborn infant brain, to advance understanding of functional brain development and pain perception in early life.

In this cross-sectional, observational study, we recruited adults at the University of Oxford (Oxford, UK) and infants on the postnatal wards of John Radcliffe Hospital (Oxford, UK). Healthy full-term infants were eligible for inclusion if they were clinically stable, self-ventilating in air, and had no neurological abnormalities. Infants were consecutively recruited in two cohorts (A and B) due to the installation of a new fMRI scanner using the same recruitment criteria. Adults (aged ≥18 years) were eligible if they study expands the use of brain activity pain signatures to non-verbal patients and provides a potential research approach to assess the impact of analgesic interventions on brain function in infants.

Wellcome Trust, Supporting the Sick Newborn and their Parents Medical Research Fund.
Wellcome Trust, Supporting the Sick Newborn and their Parents Medical Research Fund.Identifying the most effective therapeutic intervention in patients with NAFLD is challenging. Precise stratification in clinical trials is key to ensuring the inclusion of patients who will benefit (and not those who will be harmed) and/or in whom the natural history can be improved. Clinical trials in NAFLD can provide useful information about the individual components that underlie this complex metabolic disorder and the concomitant medications that could interfere with responses to an experimental intervention. However, to date, clinical trial reporting for NAFLD has been suboptimal, limiting our understanding. Frequently dysmetabolic comorbidities and/or daily habits are not reported or adequately accounted for. Herein, we suggest new strategies to integrate the spectra of comorbidities usually present in patients with NAFLD, accounting for the impact of lifestyle, to develop personalised therapeutic approaches. First, the mechanism of action of the drug being explored should be considered. Second, the same proportion of patients with relevant metabolic comorbidities should be maintained from phase II to III clinical trials, if such comorbidities are expected to impact on the treatment response. Third, innovative trial designs, such as the adaptative, umbrella or basket strategies, could be used to increase the efficiency of clinical trials, potentially benefiting patients while reducing costs and enhancing the likelihood of finding a real benefit of the therapy being studied. Finally, alcohol intake and daily exercise should be assessed objectively not only in the screening period but also during follow-up.
In resource-limited contexts, available data indicate that people with disability are disproportionally affected by the HIV epidemic. While disability resulting from chronic HIV infection has received some attention, few epidemiologic studies have examined the vulnerability of people with disability to HIV acquisition. The aims of the study were as follows to estimate and compare HIV prevalence among people with and without disability living in Bujumbura, Burundi; to examine how the interaction among disability, gender and socioeconomic environment shapes vulnerability to HIV; and to identify potential pathways to higher HIV risk.

In this cross-sectional population-based study, 623 persons with disability (302 with disability onset ≤10 years ["early disability"]) and 609 persons without disability matched for age, sex and location were randomly selected to be tested for HIV and to participate in an interview about their life history, their social environment and their knowledge of sexual health.

A totalh was funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (Grant W08.560.005) and the Initiative HIV-TB-Malaria (new name of the organisation).
This research was funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (Grant W08.560.005) and the Initiative HIV-TB-Malaria (new name of the organisation).
Patients with ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TIA) are at high risk of recurrent stroke and other cardiovascular diseases and commonly suffer from reduced quality of life. We aimed to determine whether the disease management programme STROKE-CARD can prevent cardiovascular diseases and improve quality of life in these patients.

In this pragmatic open-label two-centre randomised controlled trial with blinded outcome assessment, we randomly assigned patients with acute ischaemic stroke or TIA (ABCD
score ≥3) in a 21 ratio to receive STROKE-CARD care or standard care. STROKE-CARD care is a disease management programme by a multidisciplinary stroke team that comprises a standardised 3-month visit and access to a web-based patient portal targeting risk factor management, post-stroke complications, comorbidities and cardiovascular warning signs, rehabilitation demands, and patient education, counselling, and self-empowerment. Co-primary outcomes were analysed on an intention-to-treat basis and were (i) major cardiovascular disease events defined as nonfatal ischaemic or haemorrhagic stroke, nonfatal myocardial infarction, or vascular death occurring between hospital discharge and 12 months; and (ii) health-related quality of life at 12 months quantified with the EuroQol-5-Dimensions-3-Levels (EQ-5D-3L) overall utility score.


Currently, Namibia, Angola, South Sudan, Burundi and Uganda have the least burden. These findings could be useful in guiding epidemiological interventions and the allocation of scarce resources based on heterogeneity of the disease patterns.Increased intake of vegetables and fruits has been associated with reduced risk of tuberculosis infection. Vegetables and fruits exert immunoregulatory effects; however, it is not clear whether vegetables and fruits have an adjuvant treatment effect on tuberculosis. Between 2009 and 2013, a hospital-based cohort study was conducted in Linyi, Shandong Province, China. Treatment outcome was ascertained by sputum smear and chest computerised tomography, and dietary intake was assessed by a semi-quantitative FFQ. The dietary questionnaire was conducted at the end of month 2 of treatment initiation. Participants recalled their dietary intake of the previous 2 months. A total of 2309 patients were enrolled in this study. After 6 months of treatment, 2099 patients were successfully treated and 210 were uncured. In multivariate models, higher intake of total vegetables and fruits (OR 0·70; 95 % CI 0·49, 0·99), total vegetables (OR 0·68; 95 % CI 0·48, 0·97), dark-coloured vegetables (OR 0·61; 95 % CI 0·43, 0·86) and light-coloured vegetables (OR 0·67; 95 % CI 0·48, 0·95) were associated with reduced failure rate of tuberculosis treatment. No association was found between total fruit intake and reduced failure rate of tuberculosis treatment (OR 0·98; 95 % CI 0·70, 1·37). High intake of total vegetables and fruits, especially vegetables, is associated with lower risk of failure of tuberculosis treatment in pulmonary tuberculosis patients. The results provide important information for dietary guidelines during tuberculosis treatment.
To assess the safety, sustainability, and effectiveness of a laboratory intervention to reduce processing of midstream urine (MSU) cultures.

Prospective observational cohort.

Medical and surgical inpatients in a tertiary-care hospital.

The study included 1,678 adult inpatients with an order for MSU culture.

From 2013 to 2019, ordered MSU cultures were not processed unless the laboratory was called. Patients were interviewed on days 0 and 4; from 2017 to 2019, day-30 follow-up was added. Primary outcome was serious adverse events due to not processing MSU cultures. Secondary outcomes were nonserious adverse events due to not processing MSU cultures, rates of MSU cultures submitted, proportion of MSU cultures processed, proportion of patients prescribed urinary tract infection (UTI)-directed antibiotics, and laboratory workload.

Among 912 and 459 patients followed to days 4 and 30, respectively, no serious adverse events attributable to not processing MSU cultures were identified. However, 6 patientll proportion of patients.
The role of medical students in the current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is rapidly evolving. The aim of this review is to explore the involvement of medical students in past global health emergencies, to help inform current and future scenarios.

A rapid systematic review was undertaken, including articles from online databases discussing the roles, willingness and appropriateness of medical student involvement in global health emergencies. Data were extracted, appraised and written up as a narrative synthesis. This study was registered with PROSPERO (CRD42020177231).

Twenty-eight articles were included. Medical students played a wide variety of clinical and nonclinical roles including education and logistics, although medical assistance was the most commonly reported role. Challenges included a lack of preparedness and negative mental health impacts. A total of 91.7% of included articles about willingness found medical students were more willing to be involved than not.

This review shows medical students are capable and willing to be involved in global health emergencies. However, there should be clear protocols for the roles that they play, taking into account the appropriateness. As a rapid review, there were study limitations and more research is required regarding the impact of these roles on medical students and the system.
This review shows medical students are capable and willing to be involved in global health emergencies. However, there should be clear protocols for the roles that they play, taking into account the appropriateness. As a rapid review, there were study limitations and more research is required regarding the impact of these roles on medical students and the system.This article describes priority areas for research on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on older adults that have been identified by the CIHR Institute of Aging (CIHR-IA). The process used by CIHR-IA consists of several iterative phases and thus far has resulted in identification of three key areas for Covid-19 research needs and four cross-cutting thematic areas. The key research priority areas are as follows response of older adults to disease, vaccination, and therapeutics; mental health and isolation; and supportive care environments. The four cross-cutting themes are equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI); ethical/moral considerations; evidence-informed practices; and digital health technologies. The priorities outlined in this article will inform CIHR-IA's responses to Covid-19 research needs.
To examine the feasibility of taste testing and point-of-purchase prompting to promote healthier food choices at a food truck event.

A pre-/post-study was conducted where food trucks provided samples of healthy food items to patrons and implemented point-of-purchase prompting (promotional signage; verbal cues). Implementation fidelity, acceptability and initial effectiveness were assessed via observation, patron surveys and sales data. A linear mixed model with a random effect for subject (food truck) and fixed effect for time point (baseline, intervention and post-intervention) was used to assess changes in relative sales of promoted healthy items as a percentage of food items sold.

Weekly food truck event in Buffalo, New York.

Seven food trucks; 179 patrons.

Implementation fidelity data illustrated that all food trucks complied with manualised procedures. Approximately one-third of surveyed patrons accepted a healthy sample, with the majority rating the sample positively. There was no main effect of time when examining changes in relative sales of promoted healthy items across all periods (P = 0·32); however, effect sizes representing changes between individual time points are consistent with an increase from baseline to intervention (d = 0·51), which was maintained through post-intervention (d = 0·03).