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The automatic identification and verification of speakers through representative audio continue to gain the attention of many researchers with diverse domains of applications. Despite this diversity, the availability of classified and categorized multi-purpose Arabic audio libraries is scarce. Therefore, we introduce a large Arabic-based audio clips dataset (15810 clips) of 30 popular reciters cantillating 37 chapters from the Holy Quran. These chapters have a variable number of verses saved to different subsequent folders, where each verse is allocated one folder containing 30 audio clips for the declared reciters covering the same textual content. An additional 397 audio clips for 12 competent imitators of the top reciters are collected based on popularity and number of views/downloads to allow for cross-comparison of text, reciters, and authenticity. Based on the volume, quality, and rich diversity of this dataset we anticipate a wide range of deployments for speaker identification, in addition to setting a new direction for the structure and organization of similar large audio clips dataset.This article provides the most updated dataset of Latin botanical identifications for the materia medica in Tibetan medicine, known as Bö Luk Sowa Rigpa (Tib. Bod lugs gso ba rig pa), or the "Tibetan knowledge field of healing," often denoted in English simply as Sowa Rigpa. As one of the major scholarly Asian traditional medical systems, Sowa Rigpa is the principal health resource for populations across Tibetan regions of China, Mongolia, Bhutan, Nepal, India, and culturally-related areas of Russia. The geography represented by this medicinal plant dataset extends across the entire Tibetan plateau, its adjacent ranges, the wider transregional Himalayas, central Asia and much of the Indian subcontinent. Data collection drew from textual analysis of the seminal works of the Tibetan medical canon, including the Four Medical Treatises, Crystal Orb and Rosary among others; as well as the contemporary definitive work Stainless Crystal Mirror of Materia Medica by Gawé Dorjé. Study authors applied the same classificra Online (WFO) and Flora of China (FoC). This dataset is the first publicly available comprehensive ethnobotanical identification of Sowa Rigpa materia medica with Latin binomial nomenclature. This dataset was developed to inform botanical and pharmacological analysis of the Tibetan medical materia medica repertoire as well as make comparative analyses of related materia medica in other Asian medical systems.Data presented in this article are associated with the research article "Identification of antiviral compounds against equid herpesvirus-1 using real-time cell assay screening efficacy of decitabine and valganciclovir alone and in combination" [1]. These data correspond to the in vitro screening of 2,891 potential antiviral compounds against equid herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1) based on impedance measurements using the xCELLigence® RTCA MP System. This dataset includes compounds from three different libraries i) 1,199 compounds from the Prestwick® Chemical Library, which contains mostly US Food and Drug Administration approved drugs (Prestwick® Chemical, Illkirch, France); ii) 1,651 compounds from the Centre d'Etudes et de Recherche sur le Médicament de Normandie (CERMN, Caen, France); iii) 41 compounds (called herein in-house antiviral library) selected for their effects against different human viruses. Compounds effective against EHV-1 were selected using the area under normalised curves (AUCn) and the time required for the Cell Index to decrease by 50% after virus infection (CIT50). The full dataset from the screen is made publicly available for further analyses.Data presented are on carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) inputs, and changes in soil C and N in eight systems during the first eight years of a tillage-intensive organic vegetable systems study that was focused on romaine lettuce and broccoli production in Salinas Valley on the central coast region of California. The eight systems differed in organic matter inputs from cover crops and urban yard-waste compost. The cover crops included cereal rye, a legume-rye mixture, and a mustard mixture planted at two seeding rates (standard rate 1x versus high rate 3x). There were three legume-rye 3x systems that differed in compost inputs (0 versus 7.6 Mg ha-1 vegetable crop-1) and cover cropping frequency (every winter versus every fourth winter). The data include (1) changes in soil total organic C and total N concentrations and stocks and nitrate N (NO3-N) concentrations over 8 years, (2) cumulative above ground and estimated below ground C and N inputs, cover crop and crop N uptake, and harvested crop N export over 8 years, (3) soil permanganate oxidizable carbon (POX-C) concentrations and stocks at time 0, 6 and 8 years, and (4) cumulative, estimated yields of lettuce and broccoli (using total biomass and harvest index values) over the 8 years. The C inputs from the vegetables and cover crops included estimates of below ground inputs based on shoot biomass and literature values for shootroot. The data in this article support and augment information presented in the research article "Winter cover crops increase readily decomposable soil carbon, but compost drives total soil carbon during eight years of intensive, organic vegetable production in California".This article contains supplemental data to the publication "Central Sleep Apnea and Pacing-Induced Cardiomyopathy" [1], which was the most recent publication of the "UPGRADE" study. It provides in-depth analysis of the effects of cardiac resynchronisation therapy (CRT) in patients suffering from pacing-induced cardiomyopathy (PICM) on cardiac remodeling as well as functional cardiac parameters in comparison to continuous right ventricular pacing (RVP). Furthermore, it also covers additional data on several sleep parameters, which were not presented in the main article including the index for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), the index for mixed sleep apnea and the oxygen saturation measurements during polysomnography. Further, Kaplan-Meier curves are presented for major adverse cardiac events (MACE) and overall mortality by severity of sleep apnea. Generally, the "UGRADE" study was a single-center prospective double-blinded randomized controlled trial lasting from 2014 to 2020. The methodology included a cross-over design giving the possibility to detect differences while CRT was activated and while continuous RVP was applied.


The expressions of proteins related to saliva secretion and immunomodulatory were upregulated in ENO1 overexpressed SMG-C6 cells.

Both ENO1 and anti-ENO1 autoantibody are overexpressed in pSS patients. Nevertheless, their potential role in the pathogenesis of pSS warrants further study.
Both ENO1 and anti-ENO1 autoantibody are overexpressed in pSS patients. Nevertheless, their potential role in the pathogenesis of pSS warrants further study.
Breast cancer is one of the most significant causes of death in women around the world. Circular RNAs (circRNAs), which are a novel class of conserved RNA molecules, are involved in the occurrence and development of various diseases, especially malignancies; however, researchers rarely report their roles in human breast cancer.

In the present study, the differentially expressed levels of circRNAs in human breast cancer tissues and paired noncancerous tissues were screened by circRNA microarray. Hsa_circ_0043278 was downregulated 43-fold in breast cancer and was selected for further analysis. The expression of hsa_circ_0043278 was verified in breast cancer specimens and paired noncancerous tissues by quantitative reverse transcription polymerized chain reaction (qRT-PCR) technique. The relationship between the expression of hsa_circ_0043278 and the clinicopathological features was analyzed.

Among the 520 differentially expressed circRNAs, 292 significantly upregulated circRNAs and 228 downregulated circRNAs in the breast cancer tissues compared with the paired noncancerous tissues. The area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve of hsa_circ_0043278 was 0.690. The results of the bioinformatics prediction showed five target miRNAs that might be sponged by hsa_circ_0043278. The expression of hsa_circ_0043278 was associated with lymph node metastasis and histological type of the patient. Patients with lymph node metastasis have tumors with significantly downregulated expression of hsa_circ_0043278 (P=0.0201).

Our results suggest that hsa_circ_0043278 is downregulated and may play a key role in human breast cancer.
Our results suggest that hsa_circ_0043278 is downregulated and may play a key role in human breast cancer.
Pathological nipple discharge (PND) is usually associated with benign intraductal papilloma, which has a higher malignant rate than other benign tumors in most cases. Fiberoductoscopy (FDS) is an alternative possibility in diagnostic and finding lesions in PND patients. Previously, the bloody discharge was presumed to show papilloma or breast cancer. However, as we started using FDS, papilloma or cancer also can be found in the cases with a transparent or yellow discharge. This study investigated the value of FDS for the diagnosis and locating of intraductal lesions in cases with nipple discharge.

A retrospective analysis of 3,696 cases that initially presented with pathologic nipple discharge was performed. There were 4,456 FDSs performed, and the correlations between the FDS findings for distinct types of lesions and the pathological diagnosis were determined.

Among the 2,816 cases of elevated lesions, FDS confirmed 1,933 cases of intraductal papilloma, 584 cases of intraductal papillomatosis, and 299bserve the lesions, increasing the detection rate of early stage breast cancer, simple to operate, low cost, and no need for the appointment, appropriate for Chinese conditions.
Currently, there are few studies on the characteristics of lymph node metastasis in the central region in patients with preoperative negative lymph node (cN0) papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) coexistent with Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT). There is still a significant controversy on whether to perform prophylactic central compartment lymph node dissection for T1/T2 cN0 PTC. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the characteristics and risk factors of central compartment lymph node metastasis in cN0 PTC (T1 or T2 stage) coexists with HT.

From Jun. 2015 to Apr. 2019, the clinicopathological data of 354 patients with stage T1/T2 cN0 PTC admitted to the thyroid tumor surgery of Inner Mongolia People's Hospital were analyzed retrospectively. All patients underwent central compartment lymph node dissection. According to the results of the postoperative pathological examination, the patients were divided into two groups PTC group (n=236) and PTC coexistent with the HT group (n=118).

The proportion of PTC patients factors for central lymph node metastasis in patients with T1/T2 cN0 PTC. Therefore, preventive lymph node dissection in the central region should be conducted actively during the operation.
1 cm and multifocal cancer are risk factors for central lymph node metastasis in patients with T1/T2 cN0 PTC. Therefore, preventive lymph node dissection in the central region should be conducted actively during the operation.
Complete injury of the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) is a serious complication of thyroid surgery. Increasingly researches focus on the voice recovery of patients with RLN injury. This paper studied the effect of immediate end-to-end neuroanastomosis after complete injury of the unilateral RLN during thyroid surgery on postoperative vocal function.

Thirteen patients who underwent end-to-end neuroanastomosis for the treatment of complete injury of the unilateral RLN caused by thyroid surgery in Hunan Provincial People's Hospital between October 2009 and January 2020 were selected. The basic information, cause of RLN injury, postoperative voice recovery, recovery time, and subjective assessment of voice by auditory perception results (Grade, Roughness, Breathiness, Asthenia, and Strain, the GRBAS score) of the patients were recorded.

Among the 13 cases with RLN injury, the cause of RLN injury in 10 cases was transection by sharp instruments, and the voice was recovered one day after the operation. The cause of RLN injury in one case was suture of the RLN branch, and the voice was recovered one day after the operation. The cause of RLN injury in two cases was thermal injury, and the times for voice recovery after end-to-end neuroanastomosis were 3 and 4 months. The patients with a GRBAS score of 0 or 1 recovered their voice one day after the operation. The GRBAS score reached 1 in the two thermal injury cases, with voice recovery at 3 and 4 months after surgery. By 6 months, the voice recovery rate of the patients was 100%.

After complete injury of the unilateral RLN, immediate end-to-end anastomosis of the RLN can maximally preserve the postoperative vocal function of patients.
After complete injury of the unilateral RLN, immediate end-to-end anastomosis of the RLN can maximally preserve the postoperative vocal function of patients.


The purpose of the present study was to determine the presence of Rickettsia sp. and Coxiella burnetii in Hyalomma asiaticum collected from Bactrian camels (Camelus bactrianus) in Inner Mongolia of China. A total of 385 H. asiaticum adults collected from Bactrian camels from Alxa in Inner Mongolia from 2017 to 2018 were examined using PCR combined with sequencing. The results indicated that 18 (4.7 %) and 5 (1.3 %) samples tested positive for Rickettsia and C. burnetii, respectively. The corresponding nucleotide identities among detected genes ranged between 99.7 % and 100 % for the sequences of 17 kD and ompB from Rickettsia and 16S rRNA and FtsX from C. burnetii. Two representative strains-Rickettsia IMA-1 strain and C. burnetii IMA-1 strain-were used for subsequent analysis. NCBI BLAST and phylogenetic analyses demonstrated that the detected strain Rickettsia IMA-1 may represent a novel species of spotted fever group (SFG) rickettsiae. The C. burnetii IMA-1 strain was grouped with Coxiella burnetii str. RSA439 (GenBank CP040059.1). In addition, the Rickettsia sp. was successfully isolated from the ticks in Vero cells incubated at 28 °C. These findings indicate that the H. asiaticum collected off Bactrian camels in Inner Mongolia carried SFG Rickettsia species and C. burnetii and could contribute to the etiology of febrile illness in animals and humans.Ferritin 2 (FER2) is an iron storage protein, which has been shown to be critical for iron homeostasis during blood feeding and reproduction in ticks and is therefore suitable as a component for anti-tick vaccines. In this study, we identified the FER2 of Ixodes persulcatus, a major vector for zoonotic diseases such as Lyme borreliosis and tick-borne relapsing fever in Japan, and investigated its functions. Ixodes persulcatus-derived ferritin 2 (Ip-FER2) showed concentration-dependent iron-binding ability and high amino acid conservation, consistent with FER2s of other tick species. Vaccines containing the recombinant Ip-FER2 elicited a significant reduction of the engorgement weight of adult I. persulcatus. Interestingly, the reduction of engorgement weight was also observed in Ixodes ovatus, a sympatric species of I. persulcatus. In silico analyses of FER2 sequences of I. persulcatus and other ticks showed a greater similarity with I. scapularis and I. ricinus and lesser similarity with Hyalomma anatolicum, Haemaphysalis longicornis, Rhipicephalus microplus, and R. appendiculatus. Moreover, it was observed that the tick FER2 sequences possess conserved regions within the primary structures, and in silico epitope mapping analysis revealed that antigenic regions were also conserved, particularly among Ixodes spp ticks. In conclusion, the data support further protective tick vaccination applications using the Ip-FER2 antigens identified herein.The aim of this work was to evaluate the presence of Borrelia infection in Ixodes sp. cf. Ixodes affinis ticks from Argentina. Specimens of Ixodes sp. cf. I. affinis were collected on vegetation and birds in five locations belonging the most humid part of the Chaco Biogeographic Province. Specimens were tested for Borrelia infection by nested-PCR targeting the flaB gene and the rrfA-rrlB intergenic spacer region (IGS), sequenced and phylogenetically analyzed. A total of 48 Ixodes sp. cf. I. affinis (12 questing adults from vegetation and 20 nymphs and 16 larvae on nine bird species Arremon flavirostris, Basileuterus culicivorus, Campylorhamphus trochilirostris, Myiothlypis leucoblephara, Tachyphonus rufus, Thlypopsis sordida, Turdus amaurochalinus, Turdus rufiventris and Troglodytes aedon) were collected. Twelve adults, 14 nymphs and 11 larvae (3 individually and 8 in 3 pools) were analyzed. Partial sequences were detected in 6 adults, 11 nymphs and 4 larvae (2 individual and 2 pools). Phylogenetically, the Borrelia found in Ixodes sp. cf. I. affinis belongs to the B. burgdorferi sensu lato (s. l.) complex. The partial sequences obtained from the borrelian gene flaB and IGS were associated to two groups formed by sequences previously detected in Ixodes fuscipes, Ixodes longiscutatus and Ixodes pararicinus from the Southern Cone of America in northern Argentina, southern Brazil and Uruguay. The results of this work suggest that the haplotypes of B. burgdorferi s. l. complex detected in the three species of the I. ricinus complex distributed in the Southern Cone of America are related and widely distributed.Lyme neuroborreliosis (LNB) typically presents as a painful radiculitis or a cranial mononeuropathy with lymphocytic meningitis (Bannwarth's syndrome). Isolated peripheral mononeuropathy or multiple mononeuropathy is less frequently recognised. A 58-year-old female with a background of IgA nephropathy and chronic kidney disease presented with a painful left ulnar neuropathy followed within 3 months by superficial radial neuropathy. Initial serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis were unremarkable; nerve conduction study was in keeping with a mononeuritis multiplex. A superficial radial nerve biopsy demonstrated inflammation with axonal injury consistent with a pathologically possible vasculitis. Borrelia antibodies were identified using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunoblot in serum consistent with active recent Lyme borreliosis. A 6-week course of doxycycline was initiated with gradual resolution of pain and improved power. A repeat nerve conduction study demonstrated improvement in sensory and motor responses. This case report identifies a peripheral nerve syndrome of a mononeuritis multiplex secondary to LNB in the absence of CSF pleocytosis with excellent outcome following antibiotic treatment. Peripheral nervous system manifestations of Lyme borreliosis can mimic a vasculitic neuropathy and therefore should be considered in individuals presenting with a painful mononeuritis multiplex.It is commonly assumed that Dermacentor reticulatus immature life stages are nidicolous and therefore cannot be collected from vegetation. However, in June and July of 2018 and 2019, a total of 47 questing D. reticulatus larvae and two nymphs were collected by the flagging method in two different sites close to the city of Leipzig, Germany. To confirm their role in the transmission of tick-borne pathogens, 45 larvae (pooled by 2 in 21 pools and 1 pool with three individuals) and one nymph were tested either by conventional or real-time PCR for the presence of Bartonella spp., Neoehrlichia mikurensis, Rickettsia spp., and Babesia spp. All samples tested negative for Bartonella spp., N. mikurensis, and Babesia spp.; while the minimal infection rate of larvae for Rickettsia spp. was 42%, and the one tested nymph was also positive. Sequencing partial ompB genes revealed the presence of Rickettsia raoultii in larvae and nymph. Further research needs to be done to determine under which circumstances immature D. reticulatus ticks are found outside the burrows of their hosts and can be collected from vegetation.



In this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez, along with Craig ‘Pasta’ Jardula from The Convo Couch, takes you through a rollercoaster of global events. They kick things off with a dramatic look at how a tragic case of friendly fire has caused a major shakeup in Ukraine’s military. The show also explores a rare moment of tension between the UK and Israel, highlighting shifts in international alliances. Rick then sits down with former Pentagon official Michael Maloof to unpack the latest developments in Ukraine and their broader implications.


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Sorry, no results were found.



In this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez, along with Craig ‘Pasta’ Jardula from The Convo Couch, takes you through a rollercoaster of global events. They kick things off with a dramatic look at how a tragic case of friendly fire has caused a major shakeup in Ukraine’s military. The show also explores a rare moment of tension between the UK and Israel, highlighting shifts in international alliances. Rick then sits down with former Pentagon official Michael Maloof to unpack the latest developments in Ukraine and their broader implications.



The automatic identification and verification of speakers through representative audio continue to gain the attention of many researchers with diverse domains of applications. Despite this diversity, the availability of classified and categorized multi-purpose Arabic audio libraries is scarce. Therefore, we introduce a large Arabic-based audio clips dataset (15810 clips) of 30 popular reciters cantillating 37 chapters from the Holy Quran. These chapters have a variable number of verses saved to different subsequent folders, where each verse is allocated one folder containing 30 audio clips for the declared reciters covering the same textual content. An additional 397 audio clips for 12 competent imitators of the top reciters are collected based on popularity and number of views/downloads to allow for cross-comparison of text, reciters, and authenticity. Based on the volume, quality, and rich diversity of this dataset we anticipate a wide range of deployments for speaker identification, in addition to setting a new direction for the structure and organization of similar large audio clips dataset.This article provides the most updated dataset of Latin botanical identifications for the materia medica in Tibetan medicine, known as Bö Luk Sowa Rigpa (Tib. Bod lugs gso ba rig pa), or the "Tibetan knowledge field of healing," often denoted in English simply as Sowa Rigpa. As one of the major scholarly Asian traditional medical systems, Sowa Rigpa is the principal health resource for populations across Tibetan regions of China, Mongolia, Bhutan, Nepal, India, and culturally-related areas of Russia. The geography represented by this medicinal plant dataset extends across the entire Tibetan plateau, its adjacent ranges, the wider transregional Himalayas, central Asia and much of the Indian subcontinent. Data collection drew from textual analysis of the seminal works of the Tibetan medical canon, including the Four Medical Treatises, Crystal Orb and Rosary among others; as well as the contemporary definitive work Stainless Crystal Mirror of Materia Medica by Gawé Dorjé. Study authors applied the same classificra Online (WFO) and Flora of China (FoC). This dataset is the first publicly available comprehensive ethnobotanical identification of Sowa Rigpa materia medica with Latin binomial nomenclature. This dataset was developed to inform botanical and pharmacological analysis of the Tibetan medical materia medica repertoire as well as make comparative analyses of related materia medica in other Asian medical systems.Data presented in this article are associated with the research article "Identification of antiviral compounds against equid herpesvirus-1 using real-time cell assay screening efficacy of decitabine and valganciclovir alone and in combination" [1]. These data correspond to the in vitro screening of 2,891 potential antiviral compounds against equid herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1) based on impedance measurements using the xCELLigence® RTCA MP System. This dataset includes compounds from three different libraries i) 1,199 compounds from the Prestwick® Chemical Library, which contains mostly US Food and Drug Administration approved drugs (Prestwick® Chemical, Illkirch, France); ii) 1,651 compounds from the Centre d'Etudes et de Recherche sur le Médicament de Normandie (CERMN, Caen, France); iii) 41 compounds (called herein in-house antiviral library) selected for their effects against different human viruses. Compounds effective against EHV-1 were selected using the area under normalised curves (AUCn) and the time required for the Cell Index to decrease by 50% after virus infection (CIT50). The full dataset from the screen is made publicly available for further analyses.Data presented are on carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) inputs, and changes in soil C and N in eight systems during the first eight years of a tillage-intensive organic vegetable systems study that was focused on romaine lettuce and broccoli production in Salinas Valley on the central coast region of California. The eight systems differed in organic matter inputs from cover crops and urban yard-waste compost. The cover crops included cereal rye, a legume-rye mixture, and a mustard mixture planted at two seeding rates (standard rate 1x versus high rate 3x). There were three legume-rye 3x systems that differed in compost inputs (0 versus 7.6 Mg ha-1 vegetable crop-1) and cover cropping frequency (every winter versus every fourth winter). The data include (1) changes in soil total organic C and total N concentrations and stocks and nitrate N (NO3-N) concentrations over 8 years, (2) cumulative above ground and estimated below ground C and N inputs, cover crop and crop N uptake, and harvested crop N export over 8 years, (3) soil permanganate oxidizable carbon (POX-C) concentrations and stocks at time 0, 6 and 8 years, and (4) cumulative, estimated yields of lettuce and broccoli (using total biomass and harvest index values) over the 8 years. The C inputs from the vegetables and cover crops included estimates of below ground inputs based on shoot biomass and literature values for shootroot. The data in this article support and augment information presented in the research article "Winter cover crops increase readily decomposable soil carbon, but compost drives total soil carbon during eight years of intensive, organic vegetable production in California".This article contains supplemental data to the publication "Central Sleep Apnea and Pacing-Induced Cardiomyopathy" [1], which was the most recent publication of the "UPGRADE" study. It provides in-depth analysis of the effects of cardiac resynchronisation therapy (CRT) in patients suffering from pacing-induced cardiomyopathy (PICM) on cardiac remodeling as well as functional cardiac parameters in comparison to continuous right ventricular pacing (RVP). Furthermore, it also covers additional data on several sleep parameters, which were not presented in the main article including the index for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), the index for mixed sleep apnea and the oxygen saturation measurements during polysomnography. Further, Kaplan-Meier curves are presented for major adverse cardiac events (MACE) and overall mortality by severity of sleep apnea. Generally, the "UGRADE" study was a single-center prospective double-blinded randomized controlled trial lasting from 2014 to 2020. The methodology included a cross-over design giving the possibility to detect differences while CRT was activated and while continuous RVP was applied.


The expressions of proteins related to saliva secretion and immunomodulatory were upregulated in ENO1 overexpressed SMG-C6 cells.

Both ENO1 and anti-ENO1 autoantibody are overexpressed in pSS patients. Nevertheless, their potential role in the pathogenesis of pSS warrants further study.
Both ENO1 and anti-ENO1 autoantibody are overexpressed in pSS patients. Nevertheless, their potential role in the pathogenesis of pSS warrants further study.
Breast cancer is one of the most significant causes of death in women around the world. Circular RNAs (circRNAs), which are a novel class of conserved RNA molecules, are involved in the occurrence and development of various diseases, especially malignancies; however, researchers rarely report their roles in human breast cancer.

In the present study, the differentially expressed levels of circRNAs in human breast cancer tissues and paired noncancerous tissues were screened by circRNA microarray. Hsa_circ_0043278 was downregulated 43-fold in breast cancer and was selected for further analysis. The expression of hsa_circ_0043278 was verified in breast cancer specimens and paired noncancerous tissues by quantitative reverse transcription polymerized chain reaction (qRT-PCR) technique. The relationship between the expression of hsa_circ_0043278 and the clinicopathological features was analyzed.

Among the 520 differentially expressed circRNAs, 292 significantly upregulated circRNAs and 228 downregulated circRNAs in the breast cancer tissues compared with the paired noncancerous tissues. The area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve of hsa_circ_0043278 was 0.690. The results of the bioinformatics prediction showed five target miRNAs that might be sponged by hsa_circ_0043278. The expression of hsa_circ_0043278 was associated with lymph node metastasis and histological type of the patient. Patients with lymph node metastasis have tumors with significantly downregulated expression of hsa_circ_0043278 (P=0.0201).

Our results suggest that hsa_circ_0043278 is downregulated and may play a key role in human breast cancer.
Our results suggest that hsa_circ_0043278 is downregulated and may play a key role in human breast cancer.
Pathological nipple discharge (PND) is usually associated with benign intraductal papilloma, which has a higher malignant rate than other benign tumors in most cases. Fiberoductoscopy (FDS) is an alternative possibility in diagnostic and finding lesions in PND patients. Previously, the bloody discharge was presumed to show papilloma or breast cancer. However, as we started using FDS, papilloma or cancer also can be found in the cases with a transparent or yellow discharge. This study investigated the value of FDS for the diagnosis and locating of intraductal lesions in cases with nipple discharge.

A retrospective analysis of 3,696 cases that initially presented with pathologic nipple discharge was performed. There were 4,456 FDSs performed, and the correlations between the FDS findings for distinct types of lesions and the pathological diagnosis were determined.

Among the 2,816 cases of elevated lesions, FDS confirmed 1,933 cases of intraductal papilloma, 584 cases of intraductal papillomatosis, and 299bserve the lesions, increasing the detection rate of early stage breast cancer, simple to operate, low cost, and no need for the appointment, appropriate for Chinese conditions.
Currently, there are few studies on the characteristics of lymph node metastasis in the central region in patients with preoperative negative lymph node (cN0) papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) coexistent with Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT). There is still a significant controversy on whether to perform prophylactic central compartment lymph node dissection for T1/T2 cN0 PTC. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the characteristics and risk factors of central compartment lymph node metastasis in cN0 PTC (T1 or T2 stage) coexists with HT.

From Jun. 2015 to Apr. 2019, the clinicopathological data of 354 patients with stage T1/T2 cN0 PTC admitted to the thyroid tumor surgery of Inner Mongolia People's Hospital were analyzed retrospectively. All patients underwent central compartment lymph node dissection. According to the results of the postoperative pathological examination, the patients were divided into two groups PTC group (n=236) and PTC coexistent with the HT group (n=118).

The proportion of PTC patients factors for central lymph node metastasis in patients with T1/T2 cN0 PTC. Therefore, preventive lymph node dissection in the central region should be conducted actively during the operation.
1 cm and multifocal cancer are risk factors for central lymph node metastasis in patients with T1/T2 cN0 PTC. Therefore, preventive lymph node dissection in the central region should be conducted actively during the operation.
Complete injury of the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) is a serious complication of thyroid surgery. Increasingly researches focus on the voice recovery of patients with RLN injury. This paper studied the effect of immediate end-to-end neuroanastomosis after complete injury of the unilateral RLN during thyroid surgery on postoperative vocal function.

Thirteen patients who underwent end-to-end neuroanastomosis for the treatment of complete injury of the unilateral RLN caused by thyroid surgery in Hunan Provincial People's Hospital between October 2009 and January 2020 were selected. The basic information, cause of RLN injury, postoperative voice recovery, recovery time, and subjective assessment of voice by auditory perception results (Grade, Roughness, Breathiness, Asthenia, and Strain, the GRBAS score) of the patients were recorded.

Among the 13 cases with RLN injury, the cause of RLN injury in 10 cases was transection by sharp instruments, and the voice was recovered one day after the operation. The cause of RLN injury in one case was suture of the RLN branch, and the voice was recovered one day after the operation. The cause of RLN injury in two cases was thermal injury, and the times for voice recovery after end-to-end neuroanastomosis were 3 and 4 months. The patients with a GRBAS score of 0 or 1 recovered their voice one day after the operation. The GRBAS score reached 1 in the two thermal injury cases, with voice recovery at 3 and 4 months after surgery. By 6 months, the voice recovery rate of the patients was 100%.

After complete injury of the unilateral RLN, immediate end-to-end anastomosis of the RLN can maximally preserve the postoperative vocal function of patients.
After complete injury of the unilateral RLN, immediate end-to-end anastomosis of the RLN can maximally preserve the postoperative vocal function of patients.


The purpose of the present study was to determine the presence of Rickettsia sp. and Coxiella burnetii in Hyalomma asiaticum collected from Bactrian camels (Camelus bactrianus) in Inner Mongolia of China. A total of 385 H. asiaticum adults collected from Bactrian camels from Alxa in Inner Mongolia from 2017 to 2018 were examined using PCR combined with sequencing. The results indicated that 18 (4.7 %) and 5 (1.3 %) samples tested positive for Rickettsia and C. burnetii, respectively. The corresponding nucleotide identities among detected genes ranged between 99.7 % and 100 % for the sequences of 17 kD and ompB from Rickettsia and 16S rRNA and FtsX from C. burnetii. Two representative strains-Rickettsia IMA-1 strain and C. burnetii IMA-1 strain-were used for subsequent analysis. NCBI BLAST and phylogenetic analyses demonstrated that the detected strain Rickettsia IMA-1 may represent a novel species of spotted fever group (SFG) rickettsiae. The C. burnetii IMA-1 strain was grouped with Coxiella burnetii str. RSA439 (GenBank CP040059.1). In addition, the Rickettsia sp. was successfully isolated from the ticks in Vero cells incubated at 28 °C. These findings indicate that the H. asiaticum collected off Bactrian camels in Inner Mongolia carried SFG Rickettsia species and C. burnetii and could contribute to the etiology of febrile illness in animals and humans.Ferritin 2 (FER2) is an iron storage protein, which has been shown to be critical for iron homeostasis during blood feeding and reproduction in ticks and is therefore suitable as a component for anti-tick vaccines. In this study, we identified the FER2 of Ixodes persulcatus, a major vector for zoonotic diseases such as Lyme borreliosis and tick-borne relapsing fever in Japan, and investigated its functions. Ixodes persulcatus-derived ferritin 2 (Ip-FER2) showed concentration-dependent iron-binding ability and high amino acid conservation, consistent with FER2s of other tick species. Vaccines containing the recombinant Ip-FER2 elicited a significant reduction of the engorgement weight of adult I. persulcatus. Interestingly, the reduction of engorgement weight was also observed in Ixodes ovatus, a sympatric species of I. persulcatus. In silico analyses of FER2 sequences of I. persulcatus and other ticks showed a greater similarity with I. scapularis and I. ricinus and lesser similarity with Hyalomma anatolicum, Haemaphysalis longicornis, Rhipicephalus microplus, and R. appendiculatus. Moreover, it was observed that the tick FER2 sequences possess conserved regions within the primary structures, and in silico epitope mapping analysis revealed that antigenic regions were also conserved, particularly among Ixodes spp ticks. In conclusion, the data support further protective tick vaccination applications using the Ip-FER2 antigens identified herein.The aim of this work was to evaluate the presence of Borrelia infection in Ixodes sp. cf. Ixodes affinis ticks from Argentina. Specimens of Ixodes sp. cf. I. affinis were collected on vegetation and birds in five locations belonging the most humid part of the Chaco Biogeographic Province. Specimens were tested for Borrelia infection by nested-PCR targeting the flaB gene and the rrfA-rrlB intergenic spacer region (IGS), sequenced and phylogenetically analyzed. A total of 48 Ixodes sp. cf. I. affinis (12 questing adults from vegetation and 20 nymphs and 16 larvae on nine bird species Arremon flavirostris, Basileuterus culicivorus, Campylorhamphus trochilirostris, Myiothlypis leucoblephara, Tachyphonus rufus, Thlypopsis sordida, Turdus amaurochalinus, Turdus rufiventris and Troglodytes aedon) were collected. Twelve adults, 14 nymphs and 11 larvae (3 individually and 8 in 3 pools) were analyzed. Partial sequences were detected in 6 adults, 11 nymphs and 4 larvae (2 individual and 2 pools). Phylogenetically, the Borrelia found in Ixodes sp. cf. I. affinis belongs to the B. burgdorferi sensu lato (s. l.) complex. The partial sequences obtained from the borrelian gene flaB and IGS were associated to two groups formed by sequences previously detected in Ixodes fuscipes, Ixodes longiscutatus and Ixodes pararicinus from the Southern Cone of America in northern Argentina, southern Brazil and Uruguay. The results of this work suggest that the haplotypes of B. burgdorferi s. l. complex detected in the three species of the I. ricinus complex distributed in the Southern Cone of America are related and widely distributed.Lyme neuroborreliosis (LNB) typically presents as a painful radiculitis or a cranial mononeuropathy with lymphocytic meningitis (Bannwarth's syndrome). Isolated peripheral mononeuropathy or multiple mononeuropathy is less frequently recognised. A 58-year-old female with a background of IgA nephropathy and chronic kidney disease presented with a painful left ulnar neuropathy followed within 3 months by superficial radial neuropathy. Initial serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis were unremarkable; nerve conduction study was in keeping with a mononeuritis multiplex. A superficial radial nerve biopsy demonstrated inflammation with axonal injury consistent with a pathologically possible vasculitis. Borrelia antibodies were identified using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunoblot in serum consistent with active recent Lyme borreliosis. A 6-week course of doxycycline was initiated with gradual resolution of pain and improved power. A repeat nerve conduction study demonstrated improvement in sensory and motor responses. This case report identifies a peripheral nerve syndrome of a mononeuritis multiplex secondary to LNB in the absence of CSF pleocytosis with excellent outcome following antibiotic treatment. Peripheral nervous system manifestations of Lyme borreliosis can mimic a vasculitic neuropathy and therefore should be considered in individuals presenting with a painful mononeuritis multiplex.It is commonly assumed that Dermacentor reticulatus immature life stages are nidicolous and therefore cannot be collected from vegetation. However, in June and July of 2018 and 2019, a total of 47 questing D. reticulatus larvae and two nymphs were collected by the flagging method in two different sites close to the city of Leipzig, Germany. To confirm their role in the transmission of tick-borne pathogens, 45 larvae (pooled by 2 in 21 pools and 1 pool with three individuals) and one nymph were tested either by conventional or real-time PCR for the presence of Bartonella spp., Neoehrlichia mikurensis, Rickettsia spp., and Babesia spp. All samples tested negative for Bartonella spp., N. mikurensis, and Babesia spp.; while the minimal infection rate of larvae for Rickettsia spp. was 42%, and the one tested nymph was also positive. Sequencing partial ompB genes revealed the presence of Rickettsia raoultii in larvae and nymph. Further research needs to be done to determine under which circumstances immature D. reticulatus ticks are found outside the burrows of their hosts and can be collected from vegetation.


Differentiation between ecotypes is usually presumed to be complex and polygenic. Seasonal patterns of life history in salmon are used to categorize them into ecotypes, which are often considered "distinct" animals. Using whole-genome sequencing and tribal fishery sampling of Chinook salmon, we show that a single, small genomic region is nearly perfectly associated with spawning migration timing but not with adiposity or sexual maturity, traits long perceived as central to salmon ecotypes. Distinct migration timing does not prevent interbreeding between ecotypes, which are the result of a simple, ancient polymorphism segregating within a diverse population. Our finding that a complex migratory phenotype results from a single gene region will facilitate conservation and restoration of this iconic fish.Contemporary earthquake hazard models hinge on an understanding of how strain is distributed in the crust and the ability to precisely detect millimeter-scale deformation over broad regions of active faulting. Satellite radar observations revealed hundreds of previously unmapped linear strain concentrations (or fractures) surrounding the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence. We documented and analyzed displacements and widths of 169 of these fractures. Although most fractures are displaced in the direction of the prevailing tectonic stress (prograde), a large number of them are displaced in the opposite (retrograde) direction. We developed a model to explain the existence and behavior of these displacements. A major implication is that much of the prograde tectonic strain is accommodated by frictional slip on many preexisting faults.Proton transport in nanochannels under humid conditions is crucial for the application in energy storage and conversion. However, existing materials, including Nafion, suffer from limited conductivity of up to 0.2 siemens per centimeter. We report a class of membranes assembled with two-dimensional transition-metal phosphorus trichalcogenide nanosheets, in which the transition-metal vacancies enable exceptionally high ion conductivity. A Cd0.85PS3Li0.15H0.15 membrane exhibits a proton conduction dominant conductivity of ~0.95 siemens per centimeter at 90° Celsius and 98% relative humidity. This performance mainly originates from the abundant proton donor centers, easy proton desorption, and excellent hydration of the membranes induced by cadmium vacancies. We also observed superhigh lithium ion conductivity in Cd0.85PS3Li0.3 and Mn0.77PS3Li0.46 membranes.Solid-state spin defects are a promising platform for quantum science and technology. The realization of larger-scale quantum systems with solid-state defects will require high-fidelity control over multiple defects with nanoscale separations, with strong spin-spin interactions for multi-qubit logic operations and the creation of entangled states. We demonstrate an optical frequency-domain multiplexing technique, allowing high-fidelity initialization and single-shot spin measurement of six rare-earth (Er3+) ions, within the subwavelength volume of a single, silicon photonic crystal cavity. We also demonstrate subwavelength control over coherent spin rotations by using an optical AC Stark shift. Our approach may be scaled to large numbers of ions with arbitrarily small separation and is a step toward realizing strongly interacting atomic defect ensembles with applications to quantum information processing and fundamental studies of many-body dynamics.Magnets derived from inorganic materials (e.g., oxides, rare-earth-based, and intermetallic compounds) are key components of modern technological applications. Despite considerable success in a broad range of applications, these inorganic magnets suffer several drawbacks, including energetically expensive fabrication, limited availability of certain constituent elements, high density, and poor scope for chemical tunability. A promising design strategy for next-generation magnets relies on the versatile coordination chemistry of abundant metal ions and inexpensive organic ligands. Following this approach, we report the general, simple, and efficient synthesis of lightweight, molecule-based magnets by postsynthetic reduction of preassembled coordination networks that incorporate chromium metal ions and pyrazine building blocks. The resulting metal-organic ferrimagnets feature critical temperatures up to 242°C and a 7500-oersted room-temperature coercivity.A late Middle Pleistocene mandible from Baishiya Karst Cave (BKC) on the Tibetan Plateau has been inferred to be from a Denisovan, an Asian hominin related to Neanderthals, on the basis of an amino acid substitution in its collagen. Here we describe the stratigraphy, chronology, and mitochondrial DNA extracted from the sediments in BKC. We recover Denisovan mitochondrial DNA from sediments deposited ~100 thousand and ~60 thousand years ago (ka) and possibly as recently as ~45 ka. The long-term occupation of BKC by Denisovans suggests that they may have adapted to life at high altitudes and may have contributed such adaptations to modern humans on the Tibetan Plateau.We present analyses of the genome of a ~34,000-year-old hominin skull cap discovered in the Salkhit Valley in northeastern Mongolia. We show that this individual was a female member of a modern human population that, following the split between East and West Eurasians, experienced substantial gene flow from West Eurasians. Both she and a 40,000-year-old individual from Tianyuan outside Beijing carried genomic segments of Denisovan ancestry. These segments derive from the same Denisovan admixture event(s) that contributed to present-day mainland Asians but are distinct from the Denisovan DNA segments in present-day Papuans and Aboriginal Australians.Dogs were the first domestic animal, but little is known about their population history and to what extent it was linked to humans. We sequenced 27 ancient dog genomes and found that all dogs share a common ancestry distinct from present-day wolves, with limited gene flow from wolves since domestication but substantial dog-to-wolf gene flow. By 11,000 years ago, at least five major ancestry lineages had diversified, demonstrating a deep genetic history of dogs during the Paleolithic. Coanalysis with human genomes reveals aspects of dog population history that mirror humans, including Levant-related ancestry in Africa and early agricultural Europe. Other aspects differ, including the impacts of steppe pastoralist expansions in West and East Eurasia and a near-complete turnover of Neolithic European dog ancestry.


Eleven of the 69 ε2ε2 subjects (16%) developed dyslipidemia - likely FD - during follow-up. Age-, sex- and cohort-adjusted risk factors for the development of FD were BMI (OR 1.19; 95%CI 1.04-1.39), waist circumference (OR 1.26 95%CI 1.01-1.61) and presence of non-TG metabolic syndrome (OR 4.39; 95%CI 1.04-18.4) at baseline. Change in adiposity during follow-up was not associated with development of dyslipidemia.

Adiposity increases the risk of developing an FD-like lipid phenotype in homozygous APOE ε2 subjects. These results stress the importance of healthy body weight in subjects at risk of developing FD.
Adiposity increases the risk of developing an FD-like lipid phenotype in homozygous APOE ε2 subjects. These results stress the importance of healthy body weight in subjects at risk of developing FD.
We aimed to validate a nurse-led process using electronic health records to identify those at risk of familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) for genetic diagnosis in primary care.

Those at risk of FH were identified using searches developed and refined locally and implemented in primary care by a trained nurse; they were invited for further assessment and genetic testing if indicated. Family members at risk of FH were identified and invited for cascade testing.

In total 94,444 patient records were screened (expected prevalence of FH (1 in 250); 377). Of 176 records which already had a diagnostic for FH, 15 had been genetically confirmed and one was undergoing DNA testing. A further 572 (0.61%) were identified as high risk of FH. After desktop screening, 113 (15%) were invited for further assessment. Of these, 73 individuals attended the primary care clinic (64%) of whom 61 (54%) underwent proband genetic testing. Pathogenic variants were detected in 22 cases (36%) and variants of unknown significance in a further 4 cases; a total of 26 probands (43%) were therefore referred for family cascade testing.

An optimised FH identification pathway, based on the NICE CG71 recommendations for systematic searching of primary care electronic health records, can be deployed successfully in primary care settings.
An optimised FH identification pathway, based on the NICE CG71 recommendations for systematic searching of primary care electronic health records, can be deployed successfully in primary care settings.Contaminant removal from wastewater using natural biosorbents has been widely studied as a suitable and environmentally benign alternative for conventional techniques. Currently, researchers are working on various biomass-based composites for wastewater remediation to improve the performance of natural biosorbents. This review takes into focus a wide range of biomass-based composites like hydrogel composites, metal oxide composites, magnetic composites, polymer composites, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene composites, metal organic framework composites (MOFs) and clay composites for the removal of various contaminants from wastewater. It is evident from the literature survey that the composite fabrication involves the modification of morphological and textural features of the biomass which results in significant enhancement of adsorption capacity. Apart from this, regeneration of the used biomass-based composite is also studied in depth in order to overcome the problem of solid waste generation. This review would prove to be beneficial for researchers who are currently focusing on the development of cost-effective, easily available, recyclable biomass-based composites with enhanced adsorption capacities for wastewater treatment.The observed atmospheric methane (CH4) concentration in China has grown rapidly in recent years, showing marked spatial-temporal variation. However, existing inventories, most of which are yearly, provincial, and incomplete, have failed to reflect the spatial variation and seasonal trends of CH4 emissions. This study aims to develop a high-resolution (0.05° × 0.05°) monthly inventory of CH4 emissions across China in 2015 from eight major natural and anthropogenic sources. The inventory evaluation of CH4 emissions was based on the gridded activity data and high spatial-temporal resolution emission factors, which were estimated by their relationship with environmental factors in most source sectors. The results showed that the annual CH4 emissions across China were 61.65 Tg, of which 85% was associated with anthropogenic emissions. Energy activities, livestock, and paddy fields were the largest contributors, accounting for 31% (19.06 Tg), 24% (15.01 Tg) and 19% (11.45 Tg) of the total emissions respectively, followed by vegetation (7%, 4.52 Tg), wetlands (7%, 4.20 Tg), wastewater (6%, 3.43 Tg), municipal solid waste, (4%, 2.59 Tg) and biomass burning (2%, 1.40 Tg). However, these proportions varied by month; paddy fields, vegetation, and wetlands emitted the most CH4 in July and August with approximately 29%, 14%, and 8% of total emissions, respectively, and least in January and December with 0%, 2%, and 2%, respectively, leading to a CH4 emissions peak in summer and a valley in winter. Moreover, the major contributing provinces of CH4 emissions in China were Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, and Hunan, accounting for 33% of China's total emissions. The dominant emission sources were energy activities in Mongolia, Shanxi, and Guizhou; livestock in Sichuan; and paddy fields in Hunan. This improved inventory of CH4 emissions can help understanding the spatial-temporal variation of CH4 concentration in the atmosphere and formulating regional-seasonal-specific emission reduction policies.A biochar (BC) was obtained by the pyrolysis of watermelon seeds (WM) in nitrogen environment. In addition, a modified biochar (HP-BC) was obtained by means of H2O2 treatment of BC. Later on, both kinds of biochar (BC and HP-BC) were characterized and compared as regards their potential for Pb(II) adsorption from wastewater. Characterization was performed by using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), Zeta potential analysis, elemental mapping, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Pb(II) adsorption characteristics for HP-BC and BC as were evaluated as a function of solution pH, contact time and Pb(II) equilibrium concentration, using kinetic and thermodynamic studies, as well as adsorption isotherms. Regarding kinetics, the pseudo-second order model showed good fitting to experimental data. Based on the Langmuir model, the maximum Pb(II) adsorption capacities were calculated as 44.32 mg g-1 and 60.