The automatic identification and verification of speakers through representative audio continue to gain the attention of many researchers with diverse domains of applications. Despite this diversity, the availability of classified and categorized multi-purpose Arabic audio libraries is scarce. Therefore, we introduce a large Arabic-based audio clips dataset (15810 clips) of 30 popular reciters cantillating 37 chapters from the Holy Quran. These chapters have a variable number of verses saved to different subsequent folders, where each verse is allocated one folder containing 30 audio clips for the declared reciters covering the same textual content. An additional 397 audio clips for 12 competent imitators of the top reciters are collected based on popularity and number of views/downloads to allow for cross-comparison of text, reciters, and authenticity. Based on the volume, quality, and rich diversity of this dataset we anticipate a wide range of deployments for speaker identification, in addition to setting a new direction for the structure and organization of similar large audio clips dataset.This article provides the most updated dataset of Latin botanical identifications for the materia medica in Tibetan medicine, known as Bö Luk Sowa Rigpa (Tib. Bod lugs gso ba rig pa), or the "Tibetan knowledge field of healing," often denoted in English simply as Sowa Rigpa. As one of the major scholarly Asian traditional medical systems, Sowa Rigpa is the principal health resource for populations across Tibetan regions of China, Mongolia, Bhutan, Nepal, India, and culturally-related areas of Russia. The geography represented by this medicinal plant dataset extends across the entire Tibetan plateau, its adjacent ranges, the wider transregional Himalayas, central Asia and much of the Indian subcontinent. Data collection drew from textual analysis of the seminal works of the Tibetan medical canon, including the Four Medical Treatises, Crystal Orb and Rosary among others; as well as the contemporary definitive work Stainless Crystal Mirror of Materia Medica by Gawé Dorjé. Study authors applied the same classificra Online (WFO) and Flora of China (FoC). This dataset is the first publicly available comprehensive ethnobotanical identification of Sowa Rigpa materia medica with Latin binomial nomenclature. This dataset was developed to inform botanical and pharmacological analysis of the Tibetan medical materia medica repertoire as well as make comparative analyses of related materia medica in other Asian medical systems.Data presented in this article are associated with the research article "Identification of antiviral compounds against equid herpesvirus-1 using real-time cell assay screening efficacy of decitabine and valganciclovir alone and in combination" [1]. These data correspond to the in vitro screening of 2,891 potential antiviral compounds against equid herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1) based on impedance measurements using the xCELLigence® RTCA MP System. This dataset includes compounds from three different libraries i) 1,199 compounds from the Prestwick® Chemical Library, which contains mostly US Food and Drug Administration approved drugs (Prestwick® Chemical, Illkirch, France); ii) 1,651 compounds from the Centre d'Etudes et de Recherche sur le Médicament de Normandie (CERMN, Caen, France); iii) 41 compounds (called herein in-house antiviral library) selected for their effects against different human viruses. Compounds effective against EHV-1 were selected using the area under normalised curves (AUCn) and the time required for the Cell Index to decrease by 50% after virus infection (CIT50). The full dataset from the screen is made publicly available for further analyses.Data presented are on carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) inputs, and changes in soil C and N in eight systems during the first eight years of a tillage-intensive organic vegetable systems study that was focused on romaine lettuce and broccoli production in Salinas Valley on the central coast region of California. The eight systems differed in organic matter inputs from cover crops and urban yard-waste compost. The cover crops included cereal rye, a legume-rye mixture, and a mustard mixture planted at two seeding rates (standard rate 1x versus high rate 3x). There were three legume-rye 3x systems that differed in compost inputs (0 versus 7.6 Mg ha-1 vegetable crop-1) and cover cropping frequency (every winter versus every fourth winter). The data include (1) changes in soil total organic C and total N concentrations and stocks and nitrate N (NO3-N) concentrations over 8 years, (2) cumulative above ground and estimated below ground C and N inputs, cover crop and crop N uptake, and harvested crop N export over 8 years, (3) soil permanganate oxidizable carbon (POX-C) concentrations and stocks at time 0, 6 and 8 years, and (4) cumulative, estimated yields of lettuce and broccoli (using total biomass and harvest index values) over the 8 years. The C inputs from the vegetables and cover crops included estimates of below ground inputs based on shoot biomass and literature values for shootroot. The data in this article support and augment information presented in the research article "Winter cover crops increase readily decomposable soil carbon, but compost drives total soil carbon during eight years of intensive, organic vegetable production in California".This article contains supplemental data to the publication "Central Sleep Apnea and Pacing-Induced Cardiomyopathy" [1], which was the most recent publication of the "UPGRADE" study. It provides in-depth analysis of the effects of cardiac resynchronisation therapy (CRT) in patients suffering from pacing-induced cardiomyopathy (PICM) on cardiac remodeling as well as functional cardiac parameters in comparison to continuous right ventricular pacing (RVP). Furthermore, it also covers additional data on several sleep parameters, which were not presented in the main article including the index for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), the index for mixed sleep apnea and the oxygen saturation measurements during polysomnography. Further, Kaplan-Meier curves are presented for major adverse cardiac events (MACE) and overall mortality by severity of sleep apnea. Generally, the "UGRADE" study was a single-center prospective double-blinded randomized controlled trial lasting from 2014 to 2020. The methodology included a cross-over design giving the possibility to detect differences while CRT was activated and while continuous RVP was applied.