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16 hrs ago

Climate Cult Wants Marxist Control – Brian Sussman

America and the world are in a battle with evil godless demons for control. This is where all of the problems we face are coming from. It is that simple. Award winning meteorologist, newsman and best-selling author Brian Sussman lays out the plan for total tyranny and domination of everyone’s life in an upcoming book called “Climate Cult: Exposing Their War on Life, Liberty & Property.” Sussman explains, “I know the title to the book is an attention getter, but the ‘climate change’ agenda has all the facets of a cult. . . . The first is doom. They keep telling us if the temperature rises another half degree, it’s going to be the end of the earth as we know it. . . . If we go back to The Industrial Revolution, which basically got rolling in 1850, we had the use of fossil fuels. We have had billions more people on the planet, countless cars, trucks, planes and rockets. . . . Since the 1850’s, we have only warmed one degree–one degree! That is perfectly in keeping with temperatures as we know it based on geological records. They say another half degree and it’s over. So, they are scaring the pants off people. Then, just like all cults, they look at you as the problem. They say, ‘You are a carbon sinner,’ especially if you live in the United States of America. . . . Shame on you! You are a carbon sinner. Oh, but there is atonement. You can atone by reducing your carbon footprint. You can atone by becoming an activist. You can atone by planting a tree. Then they promise you utopia. . . . These people have partnered with the UN and the World Economic Forum . . . I have the documents. . . . This climate change agenda will give us no more social injustice. There will be no more social inequity, and we will all live in peace in a brand-new world. These are their plans. It’s frightening, but that is how they get people into this cult.” Sussman contends, the “Climate Cult” wants Marxist control.

Sussman says big business is involved with something called ESG (Environment, Social Governance). Sussman says, “These companies want to play by their ESG scores, and this has become a multi-trillion dollar investment business. People are picking their investment based on a company’s ESG score. . . . The problem is as these companies attempt to fulfill their ESG status and raise their ratings, they are doing it at the expense of the investors. So, it’s really bass- ackwards, and it is biting investors in the shorts. It’s a loser, but the climate change agenda is all in on this.”

Sussman says, “The Biden Administration is full of the ‘climate cult’ idiots, and they are carrying the torch to go forward, not just to end global warming and climate change, it is to end the way we live in America. They believe as Karl Marx did. They believe in the ‘Laws that Matter.’ The Laws that Matter basically say some people are born with a better brain than others. Those with a better brain have a responsibility to rule over those with a lessor brain. Otherwise, those with the lessor brains will kill one another and destroy the planet. That’s what Marx believed, and that’s what the modern-day liberal Democrat party believes to this day. For example, that stupid ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ that recently passed Congress, there is $250 billion to be spent on climate change. This goes to line the pockets of people with degrees that are worthless. It’s stupid.”

Sussman says he wrote the book to try and get young people out of the “Climate Cult,” and he points out, “We have to do something to wake people up. Just like prior to the American Revolution, there was a shining light of truth that went forth. There was an old-fashioned revival that took place, and it gave the people courage to stand up to the biggest military in the history of the world, and guess what, they won. . . and we are up against a big enemy right now.”

There is much more in the 35-minute interview. Join Greg Hunter of as he interviews Brian Sussman, ( ) award winning meteorologist, newsman and best-selli


International Public Notice: Check the History
By Anna Von Reitz

On April 12th 1861, Abraham Lincoln issued an "Executive Declaration" allowing the Northern Forces at Fort Sumter, South Carolina, to fire on Confederate Forces.

He was acting as the President of a corporation doing business as the United States of America, Incorporated, when he did this.

No Declaration of War by any Congress authorized to Declare War on behalf of this country--- as required by all three Federal Constitutions--- was ever issued.

This made the American Civil War into a clear-cut Mercenary Conflict and an illegal as well as unlawful action from Day One.

You may search for a proper Declaration of War for a lifetime; no such action was ever taken and no recourse to The Law of War is possible then or at any time thereafter, because after the hostilities ceased, there was no longer a Congress competent to declare war seated.

Two years later, in the spring of 1863, Abraham Lincoln declared the United States of America, Incorporated, bankrupt. The day before, he had issued General Order 100, the very first Executive Order, and made the Union Army responsible for the fate of our country.

This bankrupt British Territorial Corporation doing business as the United States of America, Incorporated (1863), was replaced by a Scottish Corporation doing business as "The United States of America, Incorporated" in 1868.

This Scottish Corporation doing business as The United States of America, Incorporated, operated from 1868 to 1907 when it was bankrupted and ceased operation.

At this point, the Perpetrators gave up the pretense that they were operating under The Articles of Confederation.

They were and remained "at war" -- that is, commercial "war" with the Municipal Corporation in charge of the Federal Civil Service for another thirty years.

In 1937, these two corporations operating the military and the civil service, respectively, got together and signed The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States.

They began colluding in full earnest against their American Employers and began a rampage under color of law and in gross breach of trust, with both corporations setting up redundant services and administrations, so that we have had, for example, the Municipal "DOD" and the Territorial Department of Defense running in tandem this entire time, and been soaked for all the expense of both.

In 1946, these colluding corporations set themselves up to occupy most of the world as "Territorial Forces", and settled in to pillage The United States, the former Commonwealth, most of Europe, Japan, and numerous other parts of Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

They spent American assets and credit to rebuild the war-torn world after the Second World War, and assigned their War debts and investment costs to the American people; when it came time to pay back the private assets that they borrowed, they welched on it and have been running and evading that necessity since 2005.

The Bretton Woods agreements were "vacated" in 1971, though the "U.S. Military" continued on its rampage of occupying the western world as a Raj-like British Territorial Mercenary Service.

Throughout this period, 1868 to present, the British Territorial Federal Subcontractor has been running a financial theft and embezzlement scam on our shores, based on personage (impersonating living people as "Persons") and barratry (the crime of knowingly bringing charges against these Legal Fiction Entities).

Those in charge of this illegal military occupation have licensed and otherwise controlled many professions that are occupations of common right, and have conscripted doctors, attorneys, dentists, nurses, chiropractors, and others, as "Uniformed Officers" obligated to serve in a "civilian military".

They deployed the Bar Attorneys as "civilian military officers" to open foreign Equity Courts on our shores and use these to illegally confiscate assets belonging to Americans under Pretense of War. They also used Medical Doctors to set up their Personage Scheme by registering American babies as U.S. Citizens, and more recently, used them to inject millions of helpless trusting people with deadly "vaccines".

These two corporations, the modern day equivalents of the Dutch East India Company and the British East India Company, have been operating our military forces as mercenary forces and weaponizing the Federal Civil Service since 1861, and they have all been operated under color of law to the detriment of the entire world.

Read that as many times as you need to.

Now that they are exposed, these quasi-military operations are trying to make themselves look like heroes, and are offering up the Bar Attorneys and Doctors and Police they conscripted and employed to do their Dirty Work as scapegoats.

It is a little known fact that most police officers are members of the Freemasonic Lodges, so when these "White Hats" go after the Freemasons, they are actually going after the domestic police -- one of the few forces that could organize against them.

These corporations and their military operatives should not be allowed to go forward with any blood bath against their former employees, as they are just as guilty--- or more so--- themselves.

Who is more guilty? The man who commits a crime thinking that he is upholding the law, or the man who knowingly voids the law and orders someone else to commit the crime?

It's time for healing and an end to deceit and game playing.

The quasi-military forces still want to control everything and everyone in the name of keeping us "safe" but they have themselves proven to be the most constant source of strife and endangerment we face.

If they are willing to come home and submit to the authority of the actual government of this country, they can be given amnesty. Otherwise they are just a rogue mercenary force on the land and pirates on the sea.

Their promises that "we will be happy" (as genetically lobotomized robots) are not worth words or paper, and all the blood-letting they propose to do against their own employees is just more of the diabolical hypocrisy we are all too familiar with.

They hired and directed these Bar Attorneys to embezzle from us and defraud us in foreign courts. They told everyone that our government was "missing" and that they had to "occupy" our country for our "safety" and then pretended that we were "Enemy Combatants" in a non-existent "war".

They cashiered our assets and used them for their own benefit as collateral backing their debts and used our credit to promote and build all these underground bases and the Secret Space Force, too.

Now they are charging us for destroying all the underground bases our money paid for.

You see how this goes?

First, they fleece us and misappropriate the value of our labor and other assets to build all these underground facilities, then, they destroy all these underground facilities they built using our money, and charge us for that "service", too.

They ordered the doctors, their civilian "Uniformed Officers", to inject us with the Covid 19 "vaccine" and have thus far killed more than a billion people --- and they are blaming the doctors for this, when they licensed and conscripted these doctors and when these "vaccines" were developed under their own auspices.

Because we have been trusting and "asleep" for all these years, they think we are stupid; so it is necessary to tell them that nobody is buying this Hollywood narrative of theirs, making them out to be grand heroes.

They are more like sentries caught sleeping on the job, or, even more apt, caught shaking down whoever happened to pass by.

Nobody should believe this hokum that they are spinning, trying to make themselves look like heroes.

They are not heroes and war is not glorious; war since 1861 is exactly what Smedley Butler said it is: "a racket".

It's long overdue for the illegal U.S. Army Occupation to end and for our American Military Forces to resume their honorable status as a national military service --- not cheap mercenary whores doing the bidding of oil companies and rubber plantation owners.

The civilian population must be set free without further ado. The civilian government must be respected, protected, and assisted. Transparent public elections have to be held. And blood baths to provide "a show of Justice" have to be avoided.

There has already been far too much death and destruction and we have no need for more of what we never wanted in the first place.

Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents, Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals.

We won't tolerate any wholesale haphazard slaughter of doctors, lawyers, or police (Freemasons) and won't pay for any such services.

The idea recently expressed by Pascal Najadi that White Hats are going to sweep through the streets and summarily execute millions of people--- quote: "Bang! Shot in the head." may be the way the White Hats operate, but it's not the way we operate in this country. We are likely to forget who the "White Hats" are, and start shooting the obvious attackers.

Everyone is owed Due Process and nobody is guilty simply because they are a member of a profession that was commandeered and used to commit crimes against humanity under force and color of law.

The U.S. Military acting as a foreign Territorial and Mercenary Force is guilty of illegally occupying this country, guilty of commandeering, misdirecting, and coercively managing all these "civilian military" Uniformed Officers to commit these crimes against us and against our people and our country and our government.

Our eyes are wide open and our backs are up.

It's time for the U.S. Army in all its forms to admit its failings and complicity in these crimes, and ask for amnesty and forgiveness. Also time to get back in its box and stop this "narrative" nonsense.

We know who has been screwing us. We don't need to be told that Uncle Sam didn't really mean anything by patting our bottom and fondling our breasts, oh, in fact, he had a Grand Plan and was just trying to "draw the criminals out" for another sixty years....

We don't need any tales about JFK surviving the attack in Dallas, or Princess Di surviving the wreck in Paris, either. Just stop.

All these lies are repugnant and below the dignity of grown men. We don't need and we don't want any "show" of Justice. We don't want a "show" of any kind.

We want practical, peaceful, honest action returning our purloined assets and our autonomy. Not some infantile displaced Blame Game leading to more bloodshed and disruption.

Peace is the very least that the Constitutions and basic decency demand.

Give us back our stuff, honor your obligation to protect this country and its people, release and redirect the "civilian military", and clear the way forward without any more drama or violence.

This is what is requested and required of the U.S. Military, including the Space Force.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
May 11th 2024


See this article and over 4800 others on Anna's website here:


#ADL is an #enemy of #freedom and the #FirstAmendment

Israel’s number-one supporter right now appears to be the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which is working really hard to sanitize Israel’s image amid its ongoing genocide in Gaza. A self-described “anti-hate” organization with a mission “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all,” ADL wants you to […]



Space is the ultimate high ground. When your enemy controls the orbitals you lose.

Benjamin Franklin understood what most people seem to miss today, that government is an enemy of #liberty @mmaharrey10th

“all history informs us, there has been in every state and kingdom a constant kind of warfare between the governing and the governed”

This power elite operation to crush freedom of speech IS the enemy attack from within – it threatens the very core of our democratic republic. It’s a complete betrayal of the vision of the American Founders, and a direct attack on the mission statement in the Declaration of Independence. Instead of a government ordained “to secure these rights,” we now face a government determined to take them away.



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Space is the ultimate high ground. When your enemy controls the orbitals you lose.

Benjamin Franklin understood what most people seem to miss today, that government is an enemy of #liberty @mmaharrey10th

“all history informs us, there has been in every state and kingdom a constant kind of warfare between the governing and the governed”

This power elite operation to crush freedom of speech IS the enemy attack from within – it threatens the very core of our democratic republic. It’s a complete betrayal of the vision of the American Founders, and a direct attack on the mission statement in the Declaration of Independence. Instead of a government ordained “to secure these rights,” we now face a government determined to take them away.

Original upload from 11-22-2021

#stevencrowder #waukesha #kylerittenhouse


16 hrs ago

Climate Cult Wants Marxist Control – Brian Sussman

America and the world are in a battle with evil godless demons for control. This is where all of the problems we face are coming from. It is that simple. Award winning meteorologist, newsman and best-selling author Brian Sussman lays out the plan for total tyranny and domination of everyone’s life in an upcoming book called “Climate Cult: Exposing Their War on Life, Liberty & Property.” Sussman explains, “I know the title to the book is an attention getter, but the ‘climate change’ agenda has all the facets of a cult. . . . The first is doom. They keep telling us if the temperature rises another half degree, it’s going to be the end of the earth as we know it. . . . If we go back to The Industrial Revolution, which basically got rolling in 1850, we had the use of fossil fuels. We have had billions more people on the planet, countless cars, trucks, planes and rockets. . . . Since the 1850’s, we have only warmed one degree–one degree! That is perfectly in keeping with temperatures as we know it based on geological records. They say another half degree and it’s over. So, they are scaring the pants off people. Then, just like all cults, they look at you as the problem. They say, ‘You are a carbon sinner,’ especially if you live in the United States of America. . . . Shame on you! You are a carbon sinner. Oh, but there is atonement. You can atone by reducing your carbon footprint. You can atone by becoming an activist. You can atone by planting a tree. Then they promise you utopia. . . . These people have partnered with the UN and the World Economic Forum . . . I have the documents. . . . This climate change agenda will give us no more social injustice. There will be no more social inequity, and we will all live in peace in a brand-new world. These are their plans. It’s frightening, but that is how they get people into this cult.” Sussman contends, the “Climate Cult” wants Marxist control.

Sussman says big business is involved with something called ESG (Environment, Social Governance). Sussman says, “These companies want to play by their ESG scores, and this has become a multi-trillion dollar investment business. People are picking their investment based on a company’s ESG score. . . . The problem is as these companies attempt to fulfill their ESG status and raise their ratings, they are doing it at the expense of the investors. So, it’s really bass- ackwards, and it is biting investors in the shorts. It’s a loser, but the climate change agenda is all in on this.”

Sussman says, “The Biden Administration is full of the ‘climate cult’ idiots, and they are carrying the torch to go forward, not just to end global warming and climate change, it is to end the way we live in America. They believe as Karl Marx did. They believe in the ‘Laws that Matter.’ The Laws that Matter basically say some people are born with a better brain than others. Those with a better brain have a responsibility to rule over those with a lessor brain. Otherwise, those with the lessor brains will kill one another and destroy the planet. That’s what Marx believed, and that’s what the modern-day liberal Democrat party believes to this day. For example, that stupid ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ that recently passed Congress, there is $250 billion to be spent on climate change. This goes to line the pockets of people with degrees that are worthless. It’s stupid.”

Sussman says he wrote the book to try and get young people out of the “Climate Cult,” and he points out, “We have to do something to wake people up. Just like prior to the American Revolution, there was a shining light of truth that went forth. There was an old-fashioned revival that took place, and it gave the people courage to stand up to the biggest military in the history of the world, and guess what, they won. . . and we are up against a big enemy right now.”

There is much more in the 35-minute interview. Join Greg Hunter of as he interviews Brian Sussman, ( ) award winning meteorologist, newsman and best-selli


International Public Notice: Check the History
By Anna Von Reitz

On April 12th 1861, Abraham Lincoln issued an "Executive Declaration" allowing the Northern Forces at Fort Sumter, South Carolina, to fire on Confederate Forces.

He was acting as the President of a corporation doing business as the United States of America, Incorporated, when he did this.

No Declaration of War by any Congress authorized to Declare War on behalf of this country--- as required by all three Federal Constitutions--- was ever issued.

This made the American Civil War into a clear-cut Mercenary Conflict and an illegal as well as unlawful action from Day One.

You may search for a proper Declaration of War for a lifetime; no such action was ever taken and no recourse to The Law of War is possible then or at any time thereafter, because after the hostilities ceased, there was no longer a Congress competent to declare war seated.

Two years later, in the spring of 1863, Abraham Lincoln declared the United States of America, Incorporated, bankrupt. The day before, he had issued General Order 100, the very first Executive Order, and made the Union Army responsible for the fate of our country.

This bankrupt British Territorial Corporation doing business as the United States of America, Incorporated (1863), was replaced by a Scottish Corporation doing business as "The United States of America, Incorporated" in 1868.

This Scottish Corporation doing business as The United States of America, Incorporated, operated from 1868 to 1907 when it was bankrupted and ceased operation.

At this point, the Perpetrators gave up the pretense that they were operating under The Articles of Confederation.

They were and remained "at war" -- that is, commercial "war" with the Municipal Corporation in charge of the Federal Civil Service for another thirty years.

In 1937, these two corporations operating the military and the civil service, respectively, got together and signed The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States.

They began colluding in full earnest against their American Employers and began a rampage under color of law and in gross breach of trust, with both corporations setting up redundant services and administrations, so that we have had, for example, the Municipal "DOD" and the Territorial Department of Defense running in tandem this entire time, and been soaked for all the expense of both.

In 1946, these colluding corporations set themselves up to occupy most of the world as "Territorial Forces", and settled in to pillage The United States, the former Commonwealth, most of Europe, Japan, and numerous other parts of Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

They spent American assets and credit to rebuild the war-torn world after the Second World War, and assigned their War debts and investment costs to the American people; when it came time to pay back the private assets that they borrowed, they welched on it and have been running and evading that necessity since 2005.

The Bretton Woods agreements were "vacated" in 1971, though the "U.S. Military" continued on its rampage of occupying the western world as a Raj-like British Territorial Mercenary Service.

Throughout this period, 1868 to present, the British Territorial Federal Subcontractor has been running a financial theft and embezzlement scam on our shores, based on personage (impersonating living people as "Persons") and barratry (the crime of knowingly bringing charges against these Legal Fiction Entities).

Those in charge of this illegal military occupation have licensed and otherwise controlled many professions that are occupations of common right, and have conscripted doctors, attorneys, dentists, nurses, chiropractors, and others, as "Uniformed Officers" obligated to serve in a "civilian military".

They deployed the Bar Attorneys as "civilian military officers" to open foreign Equity Courts on our shores and use these to illegally confiscate assets belonging to Americans under Pretense of War. They also used Medical Doctors to set up their Personage Scheme by registering American babies as U.S. Citizens, and more recently, used them to inject millions of helpless trusting people with deadly "vaccines".

These two corporations, the modern day equivalents of the Dutch East India Company and the British East India Company, have been operating our military forces as mercenary forces and weaponizing the Federal Civil Service since 1861, and they have all been operated under color of law to the detriment of the entire world.

Read that as many times as you need to.

Now that they are exposed, these quasi-military operations are trying to make themselves look like heroes, and are offering up the Bar Attorneys and Doctors and Police they conscripted and employed to do their Dirty Work as scapegoats.

It is a little known fact that most police officers are members of the Freemasonic Lodges, so when these "White Hats" go after the Freemasons, they are actually going after the domestic police -- one of the few forces that could organize against them.

These corporations and their military operatives should not be allowed to go forward with any blood bath against their former employees, as they are just as guilty--- or more so--- themselves.

Who is more guilty? The man who commits a crime thinking that he is upholding the law, or the man who knowingly voids the law and orders someone else to commit the crime?

It's time for healing and an end to deceit and game playing.

The quasi-military forces still want to control everything and everyone in the name of keeping us "safe" but they have themselves proven to be the most constant source of strife and endangerment we face.

If they are willing to come home and submit to the authority of the actual government of this country, they can be given amnesty. Otherwise they are just a rogue mercenary force on the land and pirates on the sea.

Their promises that "we will be happy" (as genetically lobotomized robots) are not worth words or paper, and all the blood-letting they propose to do against their own employees is just more of the diabolical hypocrisy we are all too familiar with.

They hired and directed these Bar Attorneys to embezzle from us and defraud us in foreign courts. They told everyone that our government was "missing" and that they had to "occupy" our country for our "safety" and then pretended that we were "Enemy Combatants" in a non-existent "war".

They cashiered our assets and used them for their own benefit as collateral backing their debts and used our credit to promote and build all these underground bases and the Secret Space Force, too.

Now they are charging us for destroying all the underground bases our money paid for.

You see how this goes?

First, they fleece us and misappropriate the value of our labor and other assets to build all these underground facilities, then, they destroy all these underground facilities they built using our money, and charge us for that "service", too.

They ordered the doctors, their civilian "Uniformed Officers", to inject us with the Covid 19 "vaccine" and have thus far killed more than a billion people --- and they are blaming the doctors for this, when they licensed and conscripted these doctors and when these "vaccines" were developed under their own auspices.

Because we have been trusting and "asleep" for all these years, they think we are stupid; so it is necessary to tell them that nobody is buying this Hollywood narrative of theirs, making them out to be grand heroes.

They are more like sentries caught sleeping on the job, or, even more apt, caught shaking down whoever happened to pass by.

Nobody should believe this hokum that they are spinning, trying to make themselves look like heroes.

They are not heroes and war is not glorious; war since 1861 is exactly what Smedley Butler said it is: "a racket".

It's long overdue for the illegal U.S. Army Occupation to end and for our American Military Forces to resume their honorable status as a national military service --- not cheap mercenary whores doing the bidding of oil companies and rubber plantation owners.

The civilian population must be set free without further ado. The civilian government must be respected, protected, and assisted. Transparent public elections have to be held. And blood baths to provide "a show of Justice" have to be avoided.

There has already been far too much death and destruction and we have no need for more of what we never wanted in the first place.

Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents, Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals.

We won't tolerate any wholesale haphazard slaughter of doctors, lawyers, or police (Freemasons) and won't pay for any such services.

The idea recently expressed by Pascal Najadi that White Hats are going to sweep through the streets and summarily execute millions of people--- quote: "Bang! Shot in the head." may be the way the White Hats operate, but it's not the way we operate in this country. We are likely to forget who the "White Hats" are, and start shooting the obvious attackers.

Everyone is owed Due Process and nobody is guilty simply because they are a member of a profession that was commandeered and used to commit crimes against humanity under force and color of law.

The U.S. Military acting as a foreign Territorial and Mercenary Force is guilty of illegally occupying this country, guilty of commandeering, misdirecting, and coercively managing all these "civilian military" Uniformed Officers to commit these crimes against us and against our people and our country and our government.

Our eyes are wide open and our backs are up.

It's time for the U.S. Army in all its forms to admit its failings and complicity in these crimes, and ask for amnesty and forgiveness. Also time to get back in its box and stop this "narrative" nonsense.

We know who has been screwing us. We don't need to be told that Uncle Sam didn't really mean anything by patting our bottom and fondling our breasts, oh, in fact, he had a Grand Plan and was just trying to "draw the criminals out" for another sixty years....

We don't need any tales about JFK surviving the attack in Dallas, or Princess Di surviving the wreck in Paris, either. Just stop.

All these lies are repugnant and below the dignity of grown men. We don't need and we don't want any "show" of Justice. We don't want a "show" of any kind.

We want practical, peaceful, honest action returning our purloined assets and our autonomy. Not some infantile displaced Blame Game leading to more bloodshed and disruption.

Peace is the very least that the Constitutions and basic decency demand.

Give us back our stuff, honor your obligation to protect this country and its people, release and redirect the "civilian military", and clear the way forward without any more drama or violence.

This is what is requested and required of the U.S. Military, including the Space Force.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
May 11th 2024


See this article and over 4800 others on Anna's website here:


#ADL is an #enemy of #freedom and the #FirstAmendment

Israel’s number-one supporter right now appears to be the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which is working really hard to sanitize Israel’s image amid its ongoing genocide in Gaza. A self-described “anti-hate” organization with a mission “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all,” ADL wants you to […]


[Open letter to the The State Duma The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation]
On behalf of the free people of the nation of Canada:
Today, the people of Russia remember День Победы, Victory Day. We, the people of Canada, remember that day as well. We remember the 27 million sons, fathers, grandparents, mothers, daughters who died to protect Russian and Canadian citizens from the Nazi German tyranny that gripped Europe. We, the people of Canada, fully understand that you were our ally during World War Two and today wish to live in peace and mutual prosperity with the people of Canada. As well, we wish for this peace and prosperity. But our nation finds itself under the grip of the fallen angel, Satan. Our nation is being mismanaged by a group of political fools who drag us into one conflict after another, one economic destruction after another until they will discover that they have destroyed Canada.
We the people of Canada want the Russian people to understand that we love the Russian people and hate the way NATO has willfully mistreated you. We, the Canadian people wish only the very best for the Russian people and send our love and respect. The sacrifices that you made for us will not be forgotten. We, the people of Canada, want you to know that Canadians are not your enemy and never will be. Whatever may happen in the future. Take care. We love you all. --Nakajima
#VictoryDay #RussianFederation #LestWeForget #Canada #peace #remembering #respect #WorldWarTwo #WarDead #ДеньПобеды


ADL is an enemy of freedom

Israel’s number-one supporter right now appears to be the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which is working really hard to sanitize Israel’s image amid its ongoing genocide in Gaza. A self-described “anti-hate” organization with a mission “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all,” ADL wants you to […]