
[Open letter to the The State Duma The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation]
On behalf of the free people of the nation of Canada:
Today, the people of Russia remember День Победы, Victory Day. We, the people of Canada, remember that day as well. We remember the 27 million sons, fathers, grandparents, mothers, daughters who died to protect Russian and Canadian citizens from the Nazi German tyranny that gripped Europe. We, the people of Canada, fully understand that you were our ally during World War Two and today wish to live in peace and mutual prosperity with the people of Canada. As well, we wish for this peace and prosperity. But our nation finds itself under the grip of the fallen angel, Satan. Our nation is being mismanaged by a group of political fools who drag us into one conflict after another, one economic destruction after another until they will discover that they have destroyed Canada.
We the people of Canada want the Russian people to understand that we love the Russian people and hate the way NATO has willfully mistreated you. We, the Canadian people wish only the very best for the Russian people and send our love and respect. The sacrifices that you made for us will not be forgotten. We, the people of Canada, want you to know that Canadians are not your enemy and never will be. Whatever may happen in the future. Take care. We love you all. --Nakajima
#VictoryDay #RussianFederation #LestWeForget #Canada #peace #remembering #respect #WorldWarTwo #WarDead #ДеньПобеды