
16 hrs ago

RESULTS The side effects were mild two patients had hypertension, five had hyperglycemia, and two had varicella. Prednisolone increased the global ADL score in children younger than 5 years of age who had developmental regression (p=0.0057). The ABFW's total of communicative acts also responded favorably in those participants with regression (p=0.054). The ABFW's total of vocal acts showed the most significant results, especially in children younger than 5 years (p=0.004, power=0.913). CONCLUSIONS The benefit of prednisolone for language scores was more evident in participants who were younger than five years, with a history of developmental regression, but the trial's low dose may have limited this benefit. The observed side effects do not contraindicate corticosteroid use in autism. PURPOSE The purpose of the present study was to correlate the airway volume and maximum constriction area (MCA) with the type of dentofacial deformity in patients who had required orthognathic surgery. MATERIALS AND METHODS The present retrospective cohort study included orthognathic surgery patients selected from the private practice of one of us. The selected cases were stratified into 5 different groups according to the clinical and cephalometric diagnosis of their dentofacial deformity. The preoperative airway volume and anatomic location of the MCA were calculated using the airway tool of the Dolphin Imaging software module (Dolphin Imaging and Management Solutions, Chatsworth, CA) and correlated with the diagnosed dentofacial deformity. Differences in the pretreatment airway volumes and MCA location were compared among the deformities. RESULTS The MCA location was more often the nasopharynx for maxillary deficiency and the oropharynx for mandibular deficiency deformities. The nasopharynx volume was significantly smaller statistically (P  .005). CONCLUSIONS The location of the airway MCA seems to have a strong correlation with the horizontal position of the maxilla and mandible. The MCA in maxillary deficiencies (isolated or combined) was in the nasopharynx, and the MCA in mandibular deficiencies (isolated or combined) was in the oropharynx. Clinicians should consider these anatomic findings when planning the location and magnitude of orthognathic surgery movements to optimize the outcomes. Mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I) is an autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disease characterized by severe phenotypes, including corneal clouding. MPS I is caused by mutations in alpha-l-iduronidase (IDUA), a ubiquitous enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of glycosaminoglycans. Currently, no treatment exists to address MPS I corneal clouding other than corneal transplantation, which is complicated by a high risk for rejection. Investigation of an adeno-associated virus (AAV) IDUA gene addition strategy targeting the corneal stroma addresses this deficiency. In MPS I canines with early or advanced corneal disease, a single intrastromal AAV8G9-IDUA injection was well tolerated at all administered doses. The eyes with advanced disease demonstrated resolution of corneal clouding as early as 1 week post-injection, followed by sustained corneal transparency until the experimental endpoint of 25 weeks. AAV8G9-IDUA injection in the MPS I canine eye with early corneal disease prevented the development of advanced corneal changes while restoring clarity. Biodistribution studies demonstrated vector genomes in ocular compartments other than the cornea and in some systemic organs; however, a capsid antibody response was detected in only the highest dosed subject. Collectively, the results suggest that intrastromal AAV8G9-IDUA therapy prevents and reverses visual impairment associated with MPS I corneal clouding. The live-attenuated oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV or Sabin vaccine) replicates in gut-associated tissues, eliciting mucosa and systemic immunity. OPV protects from disease and limits poliovirus spread. Accordingly, vaccination with OPV is the primary strategy used to end the circulation of all polioviruses. However, the ability of OPV to regain replication fitness and establish new epidemics represents a significant risk of polio re-emergence should immunization cease. Here, we report the development of a poliovirus type 2 vaccine strain (nOPV2) that is genetically more stable and less likely to regain virulence than the original Sabin2 strain. We introduced modifications within at the 5' untranslated region of the Sabin2 genome to stabilize attenuation determinants, 2C coding region to prevent recombination, and 3D polymerase to limit viral adaptability. Prior work established that nOPV2 is immunogenic in preclinical and clinical studies, and thus may enable complete poliovirus eradication. The redox-based protein S-nitrosylation is a conserved mechanism modulating nitric oxide (NO) signaling and has been considered mainly as a non-enzymatic reaction. S-nitrosylation is regulated by the intracellular NO level that is tightly controlled by S-nitrosoglutathione reductase (GSNOR). However, the molecular mechanisms regulating S-nitrosylation selectivity remain elusive. Here, we characterize an Arabidopsis "repressor of" gsnor1 (rog1) mutation that specifically suppresses the gsnor1 mutant phenotype. ROG1, identical to the non-canonical catalase, CAT3, is a transnitrosylase that specifically modifies GSNOR1 at Cys-10. The transnitrosylase activity of ROG1 is regulated by a unique and highly conserved Cys-343 residue. A ROG1C343T mutant displays increased catalase but decreased transnitrosylase activities. Consistent with these results, the rog1 mutation compromises responses to NO under both normal and stress conditions. We propose that ROG1 functions as a transnitrosylase to regulate the NO-based redox signaling in plants. Tumor cells orchestrate their microenvironment. Here, we provide biochemical, structural, functional, and clinical evidence that Cathepsin S (CTSS) alterations induce a tumor-promoting immune microenvironment in follicular lymphoma (FL). We found CTSS mutations at Y132 in 6% of FL (19/305). Another 13% (37/286) had CTSS amplification, which was associated with higher CTSS expression. CTSS Y132 mutations lead to accelerated autocatalytic conversion from an enzymatically inactive profrom to active CTSS and increased substrate cleavage, including CD74, which regulates major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC class II)-restricted antigen presentation. Lymphoma cells with hyperactive CTSS more efficiently activated antigen-specific CD4+ T cells in vitro. Tumors with hyperactive CTSS showed increased CD4+ T cell infiltration and proinflammatory cytokine perturbation in a mouse model and in human FLs. In mice, this CTSS-induced immune microenvironment promoted tumor growth. Clinically, patients with CTSS-hyperactive FL had better treatment outcomes with standard immunochemotherapies, indicating that these immunosuppressive regimens target both the lymphoma cells and the tumor-promoting immune microenvironment.

Hating the Anti-Christ is AntiSemitic according to the ADL so clearly satanic Talmudic Jews and Satanists who are not Jews control the world


Ten patients with ACC and 14 patients with one-stage TCC met the inclusion criteria. The period for returning home with full ADL recovery was a median of 15 days (range 9-45 days) after ACC, while the median was 21.5 days (range 10-62 days) after one-stage TCC (p = 0.2904). Although there was a tendency for the ADL recovery period to be longer after one-stage TCC, there were no statistically significant differences in any category of ADL recovery period. Eleven of 14 (78.6 %) patients who received a one-stage TCC showed favorable seizure outcomes, with drop attack cessation, which was significantly better than 1 of 10 (10 %) patients with ACC (p = 0.0009).

From the viewpoint of postoperative seizure outcomes and ADL recovery period, one-stage TCC is preferred to ACC for adolescent and young adults with severe mental retardation.
From the viewpoint of postoperative seizure outcomes and ADL recovery period, one-stage TCC is preferred to ACC for adolescent and young adults with severe mental retardation.Due to their intimate relationship with human beings, animals can experience abuse, especially in the family environment. Research on the variables involved in this topic is scarce in Latin America. The objective of this study was to identify the main types of animal abuse in Brazilian municipalities and to characterize animals and perpetrators in addition to identifying the socioeconomic factors associated with the incidents. The occurrences of animal abuse were analyzed from the records of the Police Station Specialized in Fauna Crimes Investigation Department of the Civil Police of Minas Gerais operating in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, from September 2016 to September 2018. Events involving cruelty to animals were categorized as active maltreatment, while acts of omission, which refer to neglected animals, were categorized as passive maltreatment, defined according to sets of nutritional, health, behavioral, and comfort indicators. Cruel crimes were the most frequently registered (45.7 %, 101/221), with intoxic 25 times greater chance of being between 18 and 24 years old compared to the category between 40 and 59 years old and perpetrators of animal intoxication had 5 times greater chance of being also between 18 and 24 years old. Among all victimized animals, dogs and cats were the most affected, probably due to their close relationships with humans. Understanding the profile of victims and suspects involved in neglect maltreatment and cruelty to animals is fundamental to the establishment of policies and strategies to prevent and restrain these activities.Little is known about disease transmission relevant contact rates at the wildlife-livestock interface and the factors shaping them. Indirect contact via shared resources is thought to be important but remains unquantified in most systems, making it challenging to evaluate the impact of livestock management practices on contact networks. Free-ranging wild pigs (Sus scrofa) in North America are an invasive, socially-structured species with an expanding distribution that pose a threat to livestock health given their potential to transmit numerous livestock diseases, such as pseudorabies, brucellosis, trichinellosis, and echinococcosis, among many others. Our objective in this study was to quantify the spatial variations in direct and indirect contact rates among wild pigs and cattle on a commercial cow-calf operation in Florida, USA. Using GPS data from 20 wild pigs and 11 cattle and a continuous-time movement model, we extracted three types of spatial contacts between wild pigs and cattle, including direct contact, indirect contact in the pastoral environment (unknown naturally occurring resources), and indirect contact via anthropogenic cattle resources (feed supplements and water supply troughs). We examined the effects of sex, spatial proximity, and cattle supplement availability on contact rates at the species level and characterized wild pig usage of cattle supplements. Our results suggested daily pig-cattle direct contacts occurred only occasionally, while a significant number of pig-cattle indirect contacts occurred via natural resources distributed heterogeneously across the landscape. At cattle supplements, more indirect contacts occurred at liquid molasses than water troughs or molasses-mineral block tubs due to higher visitation rates by wild pigs. Our results can be directly used for parameterizing epidemiological models to inform risk assessment and optimal control strategies for controlling transmission of shared diseases.An efficient route for the preparation of new heterocyclic cyanoacrylamides based p-fluorophenyl and p-phenolic compounds was depicted. All structures were confirmed based on the different spectral tools and elemental analyses. MTT assay for the novel synthesized series was performed against four different cell lines (A549, MCF7, Hepg2, and Wi38). Among all tested groups, the p-phenolic compound 10 (207.1 µg/ml) and the corresponding p-fluorophenyl derivative 6 (325.7 µg/ml) were selected for further simulation and molecular studies against liver carcinoma. Compounds 6 and 10 were investigated theoretically to different protein sets as (cdk2, Bcl2-xl, cIAP1-BIR3, and MDM2) and they illustrated different binding affinities. The computational studies and different molecular techniques (e.g. cell cycle analysis, DPA assay, relative gene expression, and ELISA assay) were utilized in this report.When human influenza viruses are isolated and passaged in chicken embryos, variants with amino acid substitutions around the receptor binding site of hemagglutinin (HA) are selected; however, the mechanisms that underlie this phenomenon have yet to be elucidated. Here, we analyzed the receptor structures that contributed to propagation of egg-passaged human H1N1 viruses. The analysis included seasonal and 2009 pandemic strains, both of which have amino acid substitutions of HA found in strains isolated or passaged in eggs. These viruses exhibited high binding to sulfated glycans containing NeuAcα2-3Gal. In MDCK cells overexpressing the sulfotransferase that synthesize Galβ1-4(SO3--6)GlcNAc, production of human H1N1 viruses was increased up to 90-fold. Furthermore, these sulfated glycans were expressed on the allantoic and amniotic membranes of chicken embryos. These results suggest that 6-sulfo sialyl Lewis X and/or NeuAcα2-3Galβ1-4(SO3--6)GlcNAc are involved in efficient propagation of human H1N1 viruses in chicken embryos.


Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.


16 hrs ago

RESULTS The side effects were mild two patients had hypertension, five had hyperglycemia, and two had varicella. Prednisolone increased the global ADL score in children younger than 5 years of age who had developmental regression (p=0.0057). The ABFW's total of communicative acts also responded favorably in those participants with regression (p=0.054). The ABFW's total of vocal acts showed the most significant results, especially in children younger than 5 years (p=0.004, power=0.913). CONCLUSIONS The benefit of prednisolone for language scores was more evident in participants who were younger than five years, with a history of developmental regression, but the trial's low dose may have limited this benefit. The observed side effects do not contraindicate corticosteroid use in autism. PURPOSE The purpose of the present study was to correlate the airway volume and maximum constriction area (MCA) with the type of dentofacial deformity in patients who had required orthognathic surgery. MATERIALS AND METHODS The present retrospective cohort study included orthognathic surgery patients selected from the private practice of one of us. The selected cases were stratified into 5 different groups according to the clinical and cephalometric diagnosis of their dentofacial deformity. The preoperative airway volume and anatomic location of the MCA were calculated using the airway tool of the Dolphin Imaging software module (Dolphin Imaging and Management Solutions, Chatsworth, CA) and correlated with the diagnosed dentofacial deformity. Differences in the pretreatment airway volumes and MCA location were compared among the deformities. RESULTS The MCA location was more often the nasopharynx for maxillary deficiency and the oropharynx for mandibular deficiency deformities. The nasopharynx volume was significantly smaller statistically (P  .005). CONCLUSIONS The location of the airway MCA seems to have a strong correlation with the horizontal position of the maxilla and mandible. The MCA in maxillary deficiencies (isolated or combined) was in the nasopharynx, and the MCA in mandibular deficiencies (isolated or combined) was in the oropharynx. Clinicians should consider these anatomic findings when planning the location and magnitude of orthognathic surgery movements to optimize the outcomes. Mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I) is an autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disease characterized by severe phenotypes, including corneal clouding. MPS I is caused by mutations in alpha-l-iduronidase (IDUA), a ubiquitous enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of glycosaminoglycans. Currently, no treatment exists to address MPS I corneal clouding other than corneal transplantation, which is complicated by a high risk for rejection. Investigation of an adeno-associated virus (AAV) IDUA gene addition strategy targeting the corneal stroma addresses this deficiency. In MPS I canines with early or advanced corneal disease, a single intrastromal AAV8G9-IDUA injection was well tolerated at all administered doses. The eyes with advanced disease demonstrated resolution of corneal clouding as early as 1 week post-injection, followed by sustained corneal transparency until the experimental endpoint of 25 weeks. AAV8G9-IDUA injection in the MPS I canine eye with early corneal disease prevented the development of advanced corneal changes while restoring clarity. Biodistribution studies demonstrated vector genomes in ocular compartments other than the cornea and in some systemic organs; however, a capsid antibody response was detected in only the highest dosed subject. Collectively, the results suggest that intrastromal AAV8G9-IDUA therapy prevents and reverses visual impairment associated with MPS I corneal clouding. The live-attenuated oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV or Sabin vaccine) replicates in gut-associated tissues, eliciting mucosa and systemic immunity. OPV protects from disease and limits poliovirus spread. Accordingly, vaccination with OPV is the primary strategy used to end the circulation of all polioviruses. However, the ability of OPV to regain replication fitness and establish new epidemics represents a significant risk of polio re-emergence should immunization cease. Here, we report the development of a poliovirus type 2 vaccine strain (nOPV2) that is genetically more stable and less likely to regain virulence than the original Sabin2 strain. We introduced modifications within at the 5' untranslated region of the Sabin2 genome to stabilize attenuation determinants, 2C coding region to prevent recombination, and 3D polymerase to limit viral adaptability. Prior work established that nOPV2 is immunogenic in preclinical and clinical studies, and thus may enable complete poliovirus eradication. The redox-based protein S-nitrosylation is a conserved mechanism modulating nitric oxide (NO) signaling and has been considered mainly as a non-enzymatic reaction. S-nitrosylation is regulated by the intracellular NO level that is tightly controlled by S-nitrosoglutathione reductase (GSNOR). However, the molecular mechanisms regulating S-nitrosylation selectivity remain elusive. Here, we characterize an Arabidopsis "repressor of" gsnor1 (rog1) mutation that specifically suppresses the gsnor1 mutant phenotype. ROG1, identical to the non-canonical catalase, CAT3, is a transnitrosylase that specifically modifies GSNOR1 at Cys-10. The transnitrosylase activity of ROG1 is regulated by a unique and highly conserved Cys-343 residue. A ROG1C343T mutant displays increased catalase but decreased transnitrosylase activities. Consistent with these results, the rog1 mutation compromises responses to NO under both normal and stress conditions. We propose that ROG1 functions as a transnitrosylase to regulate the NO-based redox signaling in plants. Tumor cells orchestrate their microenvironment. Here, we provide biochemical, structural, functional, and clinical evidence that Cathepsin S (CTSS) alterations induce a tumor-promoting immune microenvironment in follicular lymphoma (FL). We found CTSS mutations at Y132 in 6% of FL (19/305). Another 13% (37/286) had CTSS amplification, which was associated with higher CTSS expression. CTSS Y132 mutations lead to accelerated autocatalytic conversion from an enzymatically inactive profrom to active CTSS and increased substrate cleavage, including CD74, which regulates major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC class II)-restricted antigen presentation. Lymphoma cells with hyperactive CTSS more efficiently activated antigen-specific CD4+ T cells in vitro. Tumors with hyperactive CTSS showed increased CD4+ T cell infiltration and proinflammatory cytokine perturbation in a mouse model and in human FLs. In mice, this CTSS-induced immune microenvironment promoted tumor growth. Clinically, patients with CTSS-hyperactive FL had better treatment outcomes with standard immunochemotherapies, indicating that these immunosuppressive regimens target both the lymphoma cells and the tumor-promoting immune microenvironment.

Hating the Anti-Christ is AntiSemitic according to the ADL so clearly satanic Talmudic Jews and Satanists who are not Jews control the world


Ten patients with ACC and 14 patients with one-stage TCC met the inclusion criteria. The period for returning home with full ADL recovery was a median of 15 days (range 9-45 days) after ACC, while the median was 21.5 days (range 10-62 days) after one-stage TCC (p = 0.2904). Although there was a tendency for the ADL recovery period to be longer after one-stage TCC, there were no statistically significant differences in any category of ADL recovery period. Eleven of 14 (78.6 %) patients who received a one-stage TCC showed favorable seizure outcomes, with drop attack cessation, which was significantly better than 1 of 10 (10 %) patients with ACC (p = 0.0009).

From the viewpoint of postoperative seizure outcomes and ADL recovery period, one-stage TCC is preferred to ACC for adolescent and young adults with severe mental retardation.
From the viewpoint of postoperative seizure outcomes and ADL recovery period, one-stage TCC is preferred to ACC for adolescent and young adults with severe mental retardation.Due to their intimate relationship with human beings, animals can experience abuse, especially in the family environment. Research on the variables involved in this topic is scarce in Latin America. The objective of this study was to identify the main types of animal abuse in Brazilian municipalities and to characterize animals and perpetrators in addition to identifying the socioeconomic factors associated with the incidents. The occurrences of animal abuse were analyzed from the records of the Police Station Specialized in Fauna Crimes Investigation Department of the Civil Police of Minas Gerais operating in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, from September 2016 to September 2018. Events involving cruelty to animals were categorized as active maltreatment, while acts of omission, which refer to neglected animals, were categorized as passive maltreatment, defined according to sets of nutritional, health, behavioral, and comfort indicators. Cruel crimes were the most frequently registered (45.7 %, 101/221), with intoxic 25 times greater chance of being between 18 and 24 years old compared to the category between 40 and 59 years old and perpetrators of animal intoxication had 5 times greater chance of being also between 18 and 24 years old. Among all victimized animals, dogs and cats were the most affected, probably due to their close relationships with humans. Understanding the profile of victims and suspects involved in neglect maltreatment and cruelty to animals is fundamental to the establishment of policies and strategies to prevent and restrain these activities.Little is known about disease transmission relevant contact rates at the wildlife-livestock interface and the factors shaping them. Indirect contact via shared resources is thought to be important but remains unquantified in most systems, making it challenging to evaluate the impact of livestock management practices on contact networks. Free-ranging wild pigs (Sus scrofa) in North America are an invasive, socially-structured species with an expanding distribution that pose a threat to livestock health given their potential to transmit numerous livestock diseases, such as pseudorabies, brucellosis, trichinellosis, and echinococcosis, among many others. Our objective in this study was to quantify the spatial variations in direct and indirect contact rates among wild pigs and cattle on a commercial cow-calf operation in Florida, USA. Using GPS data from 20 wild pigs and 11 cattle and a continuous-time movement model, we extracted three types of spatial contacts between wild pigs and cattle, including direct contact, indirect contact in the pastoral environment (unknown naturally occurring resources), and indirect contact via anthropogenic cattle resources (feed supplements and water supply troughs). We examined the effects of sex, spatial proximity, and cattle supplement availability on contact rates at the species level and characterized wild pig usage of cattle supplements. Our results suggested daily pig-cattle direct contacts occurred only occasionally, while a significant number of pig-cattle indirect contacts occurred via natural resources distributed heterogeneously across the landscape. At cattle supplements, more indirect contacts occurred at liquid molasses than water troughs or molasses-mineral block tubs due to higher visitation rates by wild pigs. Our results can be directly used for parameterizing epidemiological models to inform risk assessment and optimal control strategies for controlling transmission of shared diseases.An efficient route for the preparation of new heterocyclic cyanoacrylamides based p-fluorophenyl and p-phenolic compounds was depicted. All structures were confirmed based on the different spectral tools and elemental analyses. MTT assay for the novel synthesized series was performed against four different cell lines (A549, MCF7, Hepg2, and Wi38). Among all tested groups, the p-phenolic compound 10 (207.1 µg/ml) and the corresponding p-fluorophenyl derivative 6 (325.7 µg/ml) were selected for further simulation and molecular studies against liver carcinoma. Compounds 6 and 10 were investigated theoretically to different protein sets as (cdk2, Bcl2-xl, cIAP1-BIR3, and MDM2) and they illustrated different binding affinities. The computational studies and different molecular techniques (e.g. cell cycle analysis, DPA assay, relative gene expression, and ELISA assay) were utilized in this report.When human influenza viruses are isolated and passaged in chicken embryos, variants with amino acid substitutions around the receptor binding site of hemagglutinin (HA) are selected; however, the mechanisms that underlie this phenomenon have yet to be elucidated. Here, we analyzed the receptor structures that contributed to propagation of egg-passaged human H1N1 viruses. The analysis included seasonal and 2009 pandemic strains, both of which have amino acid substitutions of HA found in strains isolated or passaged in eggs. These viruses exhibited high binding to sulfated glycans containing NeuAcα2-3Gal. In MDCK cells overexpressing the sulfotransferase that synthesize Galβ1-4(SO3--6)GlcNAc, production of human H1N1 viruses was increased up to 90-fold. Furthermore, these sulfated glycans were expressed on the allantoic and amniotic membranes of chicken embryos. These results suggest that 6-sulfo sialyl Lewis X and/or NeuAcα2-3Galβ1-4(SO3--6)GlcNAc are involved in efficient propagation of human H1N1 viruses in chicken embryos.


needs of each patient.
The different formulations of trazodone allow a personalization of the treatment, which may be targeted to the specific needs of each patient.
The aim of the retrospective study is to determine whether CoViD-19 positive patients with olfactory and gustatory dysfunction have the ability to recover chemoreceptorial loss, unlike other viral and inflammatory diseases in which the damage is partial and in some cases is permanent.

The study examined 75 patients admitted, from March to April 2020, at the Poliambulanza Foundation with CoViD-19. In 53 out of 75 patients, chest X-rays were positive for infiltration and/or pleural effusion. Two weeks after discharge, two rhinopharyngeal swabs were performed with negative results for CoViD-19. Enlisted patients responded to a questionnaire, upon informed consent, called the Questionnaire for Olfactory Dysfunction (QOD) which evaluates the severity of the disorder and social impact. In the second phase of the study we carefully researched the recovery times of olfactory dysfunction and dysgeusia.

The analysis of the scores of the Olfactory Dysfunction Questionnaire CoViD-19 (QOD) recorded the total recovery in all patients of olfactory and gustatory function with an average time of 17.4 days. This study reveals that Coronavirus does not cause a permanent olfactory and gustatory loss. The olfactory and gustatory impairment has been recognized as a distinctive sign of CoViD-19, but should not be considered as a favorable prognostic index.
The analysis of the scores of the Olfactory Dysfunction Questionnaire CoViD-19 (QOD) recorded the total recovery in all patients of olfactory and gustatory function with an average time of 17.4 days. This study reveals that Coronavirus does not cause a permanent olfactory and gustatory loss. The olfactory and gustatory impairment has been recognized as a distinctive sign of CoViD-19, but should not be considered as a favorable prognostic index.
Today's healthcare system requires more care for older patients. Aim of this study is to determine the relationships between the SOSIA classification system and the MPI_AGE index (Multidimensional Prognostic Index) based on a Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA).

The comparison was made by the retrieval of information from the CBA social-health folder, User Management (SOSIA Area) and MPI Computer Archive. The cross-mapping has been developed by a dedicate working group using Delphi process.

From January 2018 to April 2018, 100 geriatric patients were assessed by cross-mapping the two classification systems applied to an Italian Nursing Home. Among these patients, 100% were women (mean age 82 years). SOSIA form 1 was the most frequent classification system with 45% of patients followed by SOSIA form 3 (31%), form 7 (16%), form 8 (5%), form 5 (3%) and (MPI_AGE= 3 with 79% of patients). Using the MPI_AGE system, the patients analyzed in class 1 has MPI= 0.81, with Activities of Daily Living (ADL= 0), Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL= 0), Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire (SPMSQ= 10), Mini Nutritional Assessement (MNAShort= 12), Exton-Smith= 11, Cumulative Index Rating Scale - Comorbidity Index (CIRS= 8), drugs assumed= 5.

The benif of a comparison between different classification systems may be found in a more accurately treatment of older patient with an "individual personalized care plan".
The benif of a comparison between different classification systems may be found in a more accurately treatment of older patient with an "individual personalized care plan".The first cases of SARS-CoV-2 were reported in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. In January the disease spread rapidly to other regions and beyond Chinese borders until it reached Italy where, on February 21, the first case of non-imported contagion was found. On the same date, as the commercial activities were still regularly open, the dinner, which saw as protagonists the participants of this retrospective study, took place. Of the 49 people attending the event, 47 joined the study. The participants of this study were all males, with an average age of 57 years old, all asymptomatic during the dinner. The participants voluntarily underwent serological or swab tests for SARS-CoV-2 and answered questions from our telephone interview. From the data obtained it emerges that 26 people (55.3%), after the dinner, developed one or more symptoms. The most frequently encountered symptom was fever, present in 76.9% of the symptomatic. 26 people were positive on the diagnostic tests (55.3% of the total examined), 24 of them were symptomatic. The conceivable R0 (the basic reproduction number) is higher than the one present in the literature (7.7 vs 3.8), this is probably due to the conditions in which the dinner took place (not ventilated environment, absence of safety distances, absence of personal protective equipment).The current CoViD-19 pandemic threatens both physical and psychological well-being. According to the bio-psycho-social model, Units of Clinical Psychology of the Hospitals in Lombardy (Italy) reacted to this risk, offering diversified interventions, described in the present contribution. The medical staff operated on the front line during the emergency psychologists addressed their needs through individual clinical work, sessions of decompression and debriefing. At the same time, Units of Clinical Psychology supported the hospitalized positive patients by conducting psychological consultations, either on the ward or through devices. Moreover, some hospitals activated helplines to address the needs of the population and family members, who were particularly vulnerable during the relative's illness and after the mourning.
The MonCOVID study aimed to assess the feasibility of early home management and monitoring of patients with suspected or confirmed CoViD-19, and to evaluate if this would ensure a rapid and adequate transfer to hospital care.

This pilot, open-label, single-arm study included adult symptomatic patients with suspected or confirmed CoViD-19 for whom the general practitioner or other carer had decided not to proceed to hospitalization. Participants were monitored daily at home, by measuring the pulse oximetry (SpO2) at rest and after a rapid walking test. The study assessed feasibility outcomes (at least 80% of patients recommended to be sent to the competent emergency room actually transferred within 24 hours from reporting) and efficacy (SpO2 at emergency room admission). Patients with SpO2 values below 90% (86% if affected by chronic pulmonary diseases) at rest or with a decrease in SpO2 of five percentage points after a rapid walking test were recommended for hospital care.

Thirty-seven participants reported by the local health unit of Alessandria and the Metropolitan City of Turin were included in the study.


This review will discuss the evidence, rationale, significance, and implications of this new model.Multilocular cystadenoma are benign lesions located most commonly between the rectum and the bladder. Their presence manifests as obstructive or/and irritative lower urinary tract symptoms or transit disorders. Computed tomography scan and magnetic resonance imaging may help to establish the diagnosis. Surgery is the established treatment standard, with a high risk of recurrence in case of incomplete excision of the lesions. Here we report a case of 59-year-old man presenting with an acute urinary retention due to a giant multilocular prostatic cystadenoma treated by complete excision. The diagnosis has never been suspected before surgery and has been confirmed histologically after complete excision.
Motor complications are common in Parkinson's disease (PD). The reported occurrence of motor complications varies across regions and races. The aim of our study was to describe the development of dyskinesias and motor fluctuations among Chinese PD patients and the relative risk factors.

In the current cross-sectional survey study, PD patients with motor fluctuations and dyskinesia were enrolled from March to November 2018 in Shaanxi province, a northwest area of China. Data were collected by the movement disorder specialists. A self-designed questionnaire was utilized during face-to-face interviews. In addition, the relevant factors of motor complications were analyzed by univariable and multivariable analyses.

Of the166 PD patients recruited, 52 (31.33%) and 25 (15.06%) patients had motor fluctuations and dyskinesia, respectively, which occurred in 6.76 ± 3.77 and 8.61 ± 4.46 years after the onset of motor symptoms and 5.37 ± 3.33 and 6.80 ± 3.43 years after the treatment of levodopa therapy, respectivn, and longer duration of levodopa therapy are more likely to develop motor complications.
The rate of motor fluctuations was higher than dyskinesias in Chinese patients with Parkinson's disease. Patients with younger age onset, bradykinesia-rigidity dominant type, longer disease duration, and longer duration of levodopa therapy are more likely to develop motor complications.
Individuals with Parkinson's Disease (PD) have bradykinesia during mobility tasks in the morning before intake of dopaminergic treatment and have difficulties managing Activities of Daily Living (ADLs). Early morning off (EMO) refers to off-states in the morning where the severity of bradykinesia is increased and causes a decrease in mobility related to wearing off of effects of medication. Measurements from devices capable of continuously recording motor symptoms may provide insight into the patient's response to medication and possible impact on ADLs.

To test whether poor or slow response to medication in the morning predicts the overall ADL-level and to assess the association between change in bradykinesia score (BKS) and the risk of having disabilities within three selected ADL-items.

In this cross-sectional study, the sample consists of 34 patients with light to moderate PD. Data collection encompasses measurements from the Parkinson KinetiGraph, and the ADL-limitations are assessed by the Movement Disorder Society Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Part II.

The association between UPDRS- II and BKS from the algorithm was -0.082 (
< 0.01), 95% CL-0.113; -0.042). The individuals experienced disabilities in performing "Speech" (
=0.004) and "Doing hobbies" (
=0.038) when being slow or poor responders to dopaminergic therapy. The PD patients' L-dopa equivalent dose seems to be a strong predictor of the ADL-level in the morning.

Slow response to the medication dosages in the morning is correlated with disabilities in the overall ADL-level in PD. The combination of PD-drugs and precise, timely dosages must be considered in the improvement of the ADL-level in PD patients.
Slow response to the medication dosages in the morning is correlated with disabilities in the overall ADL-level in PD. The combination of PD-drugs and precise, timely dosages must be considered in the improvement of the ADL-level in PD patients.
People with Parkinson's disease (PD) have lower life satisfaction (LS) than healthy peers. No study has yet identified predictors of LS in people with PD. Such information would be valuable for health care and future interventions that aim to maintain or increase LS.

To examine how LS evolved in people with PD over a 3-year period, as well as to identify predictive factors of LS.

We used data from baseline assessments and a 3-year follow-up of 163 people with PD (baseline, mean age 68 years; median PD duration 8 years, 35% women). LS was assessed with item 1 of the Life Satisfaction Questionnaire (LiSat-11). Dichotomized LS data from the 3-year follow-up were used as the dependent variable in multivariable logistic regression analyses. In the first step, independent variables included baseline information on sex, education, general self-efficacy, motor symptoms, perceived walking difficulties, fall-related activity avoidance, and difficulties with/need help in activities of daily living. At the second sefficacy, and depressive symptoms are important predictors of LS in people with PD.Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is the most cultured and available fish for Kenyan consumers, and therefore, any tilapine disease deprives them the valuable source of protein. Nile tilapia farm was diagnosed with severe concurrent black spot disease and multiple bacteriosis using gross lesions and parasitological, histopathology, and standard bacteriological procedures. A total of 25 fish were sampled and inspected, and all of them had raised, macroscopic 1 mm-sized black spot lesions. The mean intensity of black spots per fish was 728 with an abundance of 2-1740 metacercariae cysts per fish. A high intensity of black spot infestation was observed in the fins (43.9%), skin and underlying muscles (18.3%), and gills (18%). In addition, histopathological data confirmed presence of a metacercaria of Neascus spp. as the aetiological agent of black spot disease. Furthermore, a thick fibrous capsule around the metacercaria, black pigment melanomacrophages, and moderate muscle atrophy were observed. The most prevalent bacteria isolated were Aeromonas, Enterobacter cloacae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Micrococcus luteus.