
& U ALL amidst USA B4 local education school board's, U go with Holy Bible in hand & point out 2 THEM, THEY R going 2 Hell after death if THEY keep on allowing & THAT of God set example via Genesis 19 with literally Holy retributionarily CEAASING onsite that of LGBTQiA = point their NOT suppose 2 exist aside from ALL ugh evil-unholy-immorally allowed un2 Jesus's little Heaven supported innocent 1's ie: babies-kid's-children-teen's which is B-ing of Devil & going against Jesus, I WOULDN'T! But we created 4 only 1 thing: 2 SELF deny care take of each other & non human innocent Earth, NOTHING off Earth - we're NOT suppose 2 B off Earth as 2 why Space itself is not right - proper 4 human's ie: is volatile 2 human's because we're NOT suppose 2 B off Earth. BUT like on a 1 way street in the WRONG direction STILL 2 date this day in age & Coming is worse, ugh, U humanity R literally MORE than U know a lost cause & FAILED idea B4 Holy Trinity & ALL of Heaven = OH how the truth is a bitch ie: hard pill 2 swallow!

With it ALL out there & everywhere USA-globally in-deniably & clearly, ever more so is it B-coming (?), ripe 2-with, (?) else like TOP Power wants = all else below THEM 2 literally knock each other off - understand THAT meaning cuz it's not like it hasn't happened nor been done B4, cuz it has SO then history is repeating itself then meanwhile exhibited is SLOW & STEADY GENOCIDE just none enough seem 2 B internally within picking up on it despite so called 'MORE OF' us than THEM = is a sick joke & Coming is gonna B worse like this 2 date's species-humanity has NOT witnessed in centuries. Sigh, what a waste & FAILED idea past-2 date via Holy Bible, MORE than U realize but OH how the truth is a bitch (hard pill 2 swallow). Sigh FINE guess we'll do it the hard way then.

Truth Behind so-called Anti-Semitic Laws Throughout the Ages
(1 hour each)

Part 1
[April 29, 2024]

Part 2
[April 30, 2024]

Part 3
[May 2, 2024]


Only 2 cases in humans have been reported in the U.S. The first case reported they felt tired for 4 days + the second case had pink eye. ?

Meryl Nass, M.D. + James Corbett discuss the dangers of the 3 approved bird flu vaccines + warn us of the truth behind the coming “new pandemic” push.

Watch the entire episode on #CHDTV ?


Preview of the new 12-part series that exposing the truth behind what’s really going on in Ukraine.


What we learned in our exclusive interview with a now-deceased U.S. journalist. Truth in Media was one of the last media outlets to speak with Gonzalo Lira before he died in a Ukrainian Prison


Only 2 cases in humans have been reported in the U.S. The first case reported they felt tired for 4 days + the second case had pink eye. ?

Meryl Nass, M.D. + James Corbett discuss the dangers of the 3 approved bird flu vaccines + warn us of the truth behind the coming “new pandemic” push.

Watch the entire episode on #CHDTV ?


Preview of the new 12-part series that exposing the truth behind what’s really going on in Ukraine.


What we learned in our exclusive interview with a now-deceased U.S. journalist. Truth in Media was one of the last media outlets to speak with Gonzalo Lira before he died in a Ukrainian Prison

Thanks, Brian Hooker, Ph.D., for speaking the TRUTH.

Watch Sen. Ron Johnson’s FULL hearing on #CHDTV ?

Today we’re diving into the nitty-gritty details of those elusive ‘senior claims’. Remember how in part one we discussed the shocking revelation that you don’t actually own your stocks and bonds?
Yeah, that was a shocker for me too.

Instead, you’re just a subordinated claimant with a neutered position as the holder of a ‘security entitlement.’ It’s like you’re forced to play blackjack because the Federal Reserve has made it its mission to slowly destroy the value of your savings via inflation, but there are other people seated at your table who can bet massive amounts secure in the knowledge that if they lose their chips tey can always reach over and help themselves to yours. Bizarre, right?

But hang on, it gets even more intriguing. Those senior claims? They’re mostly held by the big boys – the major banks and financial institutions.

Join the Conversation:

Continuation to part 2 found here:

Miss part 1? Still need the audio book? Click here (Free):

Continuation to Part 1 found here:

Original David Webb interview that kicked this research off found here:

Part 1 (Free):
Part 2 (Free):

For more information on our amazing new webinar series - Prospering With Integrity with Bret Weinstein, Ed Dowd and Peter St Onge, click here:

? NOTE: Annual members to get all episodes of Prospering with Integrity (and much more!) as a perk of the subscription. Watch more of our videos here to find hidden codes to use on our membership! ?️‍♂️?

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Twitter: @Chris_martenson

Truth @PeakProsperity

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& U ALL amidst USA B4 local education school board's, U go with Holy Bible in hand & point out 2 THEM, THEY R going 2 Hell after death if THEY keep on allowing & THAT of God set example via Genesis 19 with literally Holy retributionarily CEAASING onsite that of LGBTQiA = point their NOT suppose 2 exist aside from ALL ugh evil-unholy-immorally allowed un2 Jesus's little Heaven supported innocent 1's ie: babies-kid's-children-teen's which is B-ing of Devil & going against Jesus, I WOULDN'T! But we created 4 only 1 thing: 2 SELF deny care take of each other & non human innocent Earth, NOTHING off Earth - we're NOT suppose 2 B off Earth as 2 why Space itself is not right - proper 4 human's ie: is volatile 2 human's because we're NOT suppose 2 B off Earth. BUT like on a 1 way street in the WRONG direction STILL 2 date this day in age & Coming is worse, ugh, U humanity R literally MORE than U know a lost cause & FAILED idea B4 Holy Trinity & ALL of Heaven = OH how the truth is a bitch ie: hard pill 2 swallow!

With it ALL out there & everywhere USA-globally in-deniably & clearly, ever more so is it B-coming (?), ripe 2-with, (?) else like TOP Power wants = all else below THEM 2 literally knock each other off - understand THAT meaning cuz it's not like it hasn't happened nor been done B4, cuz it has SO then history is repeating itself then meanwhile exhibited is SLOW & STEADY GENOCIDE just none enough seem 2 B internally within picking up on it despite so called 'MORE OF' us than THEM = is a sick joke & Coming is gonna B worse like this 2 date's species-humanity has NOT witnessed in centuries. Sigh, what a waste & FAILED idea past-2 date via Holy Bible, MORE than U realize but OH how the truth is a bitch (hard pill 2 swallow). Sigh FINE guess we'll do it the hard way then.

Truth Behind so-called Anti-Semitic Laws Throughout the Ages
(1 hour each)

Part 1
[April 29, 2024]

Part 2
[April 30, 2024]

Part 3
[May 2, 2024]

& Regarding Covid vaccine's & booster & misc else generally speaking, if you're looking for a good Doctor who NO B/S's around & gives you truth straight, Dr. Mary Bowden -


The evidence about 9/11 being perpetrated by israel is overwhelming.

9/11 was a mass murder of 3000 Americans on American soil.

The "Project for the New American Century" which they called it at the time, was to use 9/11 as the pretext to destroy and take control over 7 middle eastern countries in 5 yrs. All they needed was the "catastrophic event perpetrated by Islamic extremists" which we know full well who trains and finances them all over the Middle East. (Ron Paul spoke of this many years ago in Congress when he was serving. )

The Project for a Greater israel, outlined in the document Oded Yinon, defines exactly how these criminals want to continue to breed world destabilization, by repeatedly orchestrating crisis and perpetrating false flags (and they have a long list of past ones), to practically ensure total global destruction, (and thus dependence or enslavement).

This will enable them to usher their "solution" of One World Government with people's consent.

They want a single world government, they speak of it openly, they are messianic jews who print currency and control mainstream media and have through their illegal lobbying , extorted and compromised the people who are OUR employees in governmental offices.

They lie about their history positioning themselves as "victims" to ensure unconstitutional silencing of free speech.

They want to formulate laws that deem as a "crime", the overwhelming evidence which exposes their fraud.

This illegitimate illegal bullying in American Congress under these false pretenses, in and of itself is by definition a crime against humanity and human values.

There were never 6 million jews who were gassed and even many jews themselves have admitted to this fact.

All jews are indoctrinated to a point of hysteria unfortunately to defend their own demise.

They are given many privileges and stipends (especially in israel) to support this grotesque messianic ideology, therefore becoming easy for them to turn their heads away from the evidence.

There are too many documents from jewish financier groups, admissions, and documented orders from Stalin that made sure jews in Europe were tyrannized by mercenaries who had stolen and fabricated National Socialist uniforms.

Using those uniforms, they terrorized society, thus creating schism , and especially terrorized the jews to force them to populate Palestine, which didn't have enough jewish occupiers at that time.

No jews during that time wanted to go, and this how these criminals forced them.

Don't forget : The Palestinian land grab and genocide started in 1917, much before World War Two. In order to establish an illegal occupation and deem it a "state", they needed jews, and needed to wear the "victim" badge.

They are still prompting jews today to move there. And with our tax money , they offer billions in incentives for jews to relocate and initiate businesses there. They want israel to be the capital of the "single world order" of slaves.

During the Second World War, The real genocide was committed by the jewish bolsheviks, with the same sadism we can witness in Palestine today in real time, including the famine. (3 Holodomors ).

This is why they want to destroy Russia today. It's not only for the resources. These messianic jews no longer control Russia, and Putin speaks about how they want to send Russia back into "soviet union status" (which was their first failed attempt to a single world govt). Russia today stands against this single world order, and speaks of it openly. So does China.

These messianic jews with the assistance of the indoctrinated jews, and "evangelicals" who were taught to believe in a certain convenient "prophecy".... are using America as their work horse and killing us on our soil and abroad, destroying our economy in deliberate disguised forms, WHILE BULLYING AND INTIMIDATING US INTO SILENCE THROUGH UNCONSTITUTIONAL MEANS.



Screaming weaponized terms such as "conspiracy theorist" or "anti semite" or "fake news" , cancelling the ability for independent journalists to be heard, and truthful information to be spread and be exposed in a global court broadcast system, only confirms their desperation, fraud and their deep understanding of how truly weak they are.

Please let's not white wash the truth for fear of such a criminal minority. They are criminals. They are parasites. They manipulate how people think to a point of self destruction because WE ALLOW THEM THE POWER. DON'T BE INTIMIDATED BY THESE CRIMINALS.

Information and a critical mass awareness is the only peaceful transition to a final solution, which by the way is seamless and easy. No population needs to be hurt.

Only the criminals and treasonous officials should be exposed, removed from all power (media and central banking included) and be held accountable for these massive crimes against WORLD POPULATIONS.