With it ALL out there & everywhere USA-globally in-deniably & clearly, ever more so is it B-coming (?), ripe 2-with, (?) else like TOP Power wants = all else below THEM 2 literally knock each other off - understand THAT meaning cuz it's not like it hasn't happened nor been done B4, cuz it has SO then history is repeating itself then meanwhile exhibited is SLOW & STEADY GENOCIDE just none enough seem 2 B internally within picking up on it despite so called 'MORE OF' us than THEM = is a sick joke & Coming is gonna B worse like this 2 date's species-humanity has NOT witnessed in centuries. Sigh, what a waste & FAILED idea past-2 date via Holy Bible, MORE than U realize but OH how the truth is a bitch (hard pill 2 swallow). Sigh FINE guess we'll do it the hard way then.