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G. Edward Griffin's
Need To Know
News & Analysis
2024 July 22 Edition

Was Global Microsoft IT Outage, Caused During CrowdStrike Update, a Trial Run for The Great Reset?
Dan Dicks said that this outage was a trial trial run in preparation to take out global supply chains…
July 22, 2024

US Government Gives Moderna $176 Million to Develop mRNA Bird Flu Biologic ‘Vaccine’
The virus has been claimed to have spread to 129 dairy herds in 12 states in the country and infected…
July 22, 2024

Yemeni Houthis Struck Tel Aviv with Iran-Made Drone. AIPAC Says “America Must Have Israel’s Back”
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the Israeli lobby organization, tweeted,…
July 22, 2024

Illegal Alien Who Urged Migrants to Squat in US Homes Reportedly Worked For Venezuela’s Military Intel
Leonel Moreno was an illegal alien from Venezuela who used TikTok to inform other migrants how to…
July 21, 2024

The WHO Pandemic Treaty Negotiations Continue — It’s Not Over Yet
Researcher James Roguski says that the World Health Organization (WHO) was not defeated and that half…
July 21, 2024


#Ohio faces influx of #migrants from #Mauritania, thanks to instructions on #illegalentry posted on #socialmedia

The state of Ohio is facing an influx of migrants from the African nation of Mauritania, mainly spurred on by instructions on getting there that have made the rounds on social media. According to FOX 19, these Mauritanian nationals are finding their way to the Buckeye State based on a route posted on TikTok and […]


Muslims are the only immigrant group who come to the West with a ready made model of society they believe to be superior to Western law and they work furiously, by all means, to impose it. Under Islam, shariah (Islamic) law supersedes Western law. Anywhere Western law and Shariah law conflict, it is always Western law that must give way.



In this episode of "Direct Impact," host Ben Swann discusses the pressing issue of illegal immigration at the U.S. southern border, a critical topic in the 2024 presidential election. The show examines the drastic changes in border encounters following the end of Title 42 and the significant increase in migrants from countries like Venezuela, India, and China. Political Analyst Bill Crane and former U.S. diplomat Jim Jatras join the discussion, addressing the complexities and political implications of this crisis and International correspondent Manila Chan provides further insights into the numbers and the political ramifications for the Biden administration.

Title 42 has ended. Here’s what it did, and how US immigration policy is changing.The U.S. is putting new restrictions into place at its southern border to try to to stop migrants from crossing illegally and encourage them instead to apply for asylum online through a new process.

The changes come with the end of coronavirus restrictions on asylum that have allowed the U.S. to quickly turn back migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border for the past three years. Those restrictions are known as Title 42, because the authority comes from Title 42 of a 1944 public health law allowing curbs on migration in the name of protecting public health.


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Twitter: @Chris_martenson

#podcast #immigration #mexico #mexican #usanewstoday #news #title42

On this episode of the Cost of Everything, we take a closer look at the human and economic impact of refugees due to military chaos. Host Christy Ai discusses with professor Nabil Al-Tikriti the costly movement of displaced refugees worldwide, and how this affects them, as well as the local population. Can host countries sustain refugees, and what will be the cost to return them to war-torn nations?


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In this episode of "Direct Impact," host Ben Swann discusses the pressing issue of illegal immigration at the U.S. southern border, a critical topic in the 2024 presidential election. The show examines the drastic changes in border encounters following the end of Title 42 and the significant increase in migrants from countries like Venezuela, India, and China. Political Analyst Bill Crane and former U.S. diplomat Jim Jatras join the discussion, addressing the complexities and political implications of this crisis and International correspondent Manila Chan provides further insights into the numbers and the political ramifications for the Biden administration.

Title 42 has ended. Here’s what it did, and how US immigration policy is changing.The U.S. is putting new restrictions into place at its southern border to try to to stop migrants from crossing illegally and encourage them instead to apply for asylum online through a new process.

The changes come with the end of coronavirus restrictions on asylum that have allowed the U.S. to quickly turn back migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border for the past three years. Those restrictions are known as Title 42, because the authority comes from Title 42 of a 1944 public health law allowing curbs on migration in the name of protecting public health.


Wanna buy me a coffee?

Join the #1 resilience community today!


Twitter: @Chris_martenson

#podcast #immigration #mexico #mexican #usanewstoday #news #title42

On this episode of the Cost of Everything, we take a closer look at the human and economic impact of refugees due to military chaos. Host Christy Ai discusses with professor Nabil Al-Tikriti the costly movement of displaced refugees worldwide, and how this affects them, as well as the local population. Can host countries sustain refugees, and what will be the cost to return them to war-torn nations?


almost all men, at a parking garage in Brownsville. Taxi cabs were then called for them. We followed the taxis to Harlingen airport, where the migrants were dropped off to get on flights around U.S.


Thousands of migrants sought to storm the border from Belarus into Poland on Monday. The siege escalated a crisis along the European Union’s eastern border that has been simmering for months.



G. Edward Griffin's
Need To Know
News & Analysis
2024 July 22 Edition

Was Global Microsoft IT Outage, Caused During CrowdStrike Update, a Trial Run for The Great Reset?
Dan Dicks said that this outage was a trial trial run in preparation to take out global supply chains…
July 22, 2024

US Government Gives Moderna $176 Million to Develop mRNA Bird Flu Biologic ‘Vaccine’
The virus has been claimed to have spread to 129 dairy herds in 12 states in the country and infected…
July 22, 2024

Yemeni Houthis Struck Tel Aviv with Iran-Made Drone. AIPAC Says “America Must Have Israel’s Back”
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the Israeli lobby organization, tweeted,…
July 22, 2024

Illegal Alien Who Urged Migrants to Squat in US Homes Reportedly Worked For Venezuela’s Military Intel
Leonel Moreno was an illegal alien from Venezuela who used TikTok to inform other migrants how to…
July 21, 2024

The WHO Pandemic Treaty Negotiations Continue — It’s Not Over Yet
Researcher James Roguski says that the World Health Organization (WHO) was not defeated and that half…
July 21, 2024


#Ohio faces influx of #migrants from #Mauritania, thanks to instructions on #illegalentry posted on #socialmedia

The state of Ohio is facing an influx of migrants from the African nation of Mauritania, mainly spurred on by instructions on getting there that have made the rounds on social media. According to FOX 19, these Mauritanian nationals are finding their way to the Buckeye State based on a route posted on TikTok and […]


Muslims are the only immigrant group who come to the West with a ready made model of society they believe to be superior to Western law and they work furiously, by all means, to impose it. Under Islam, shariah (Islamic) law supersedes Western law. Anywhere Western law and Shariah law conflict, it is always Western law that must give way.



Sen. Marco Rubio: Government provides more welfare to new migrants than to Social Security recipients

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) has denounced the fact that recent immigrants often receive more federal payouts than Social Security recipients. In an address on the floor of the United States Senate, Rubio pointed out the stark differences in benefits received by Cuban refugees who arrived in the U.S. decades ago and have since earned Social Security benefits […]