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10 hrs ago

Friday, July 26th, 2024

The American Tradition of Abolishing Central Banks
Thomas DiLorenzo

Have We Been Living in an MMT World Since 2008?
Joseph T. Salerno

No Matter Who Wins the November Election, Zionists Will Control the White House
Chuck Baldwin

Why the U.S. Secrecy Surrounding Evan Gershkovich?
Jacob G. Hornberger

Inner Party Putsch Ousted Biden
John Seiler

Equity Crash Fuelling Liquidation
Alasdair Macleod

Unelected Technocrats Are Now the Nation’s Chief Executives
Ryan McMaken

The Global Risks Report- Top Insurance Execs ‘Alarmed’ by ‘Sudden Surge’ in Deaths Among Jabbed Young People
Madge Waggy

Suicide Squad
Nick Turse

US Representatives Jim Jordan & James Comer Must Undertake a Congressional investigation of the Assassination Attempt on Trump
Paul Craig Roberts

Netanyahu’s Speech Was as American as It Gets
Caitlin Johnstone

Bad Actors
Taki Theodoracopulos

As ALL IS past historically thru 2date (year AD) cuz of NOT maintaining tight & ie: all on same page misc else but via Holy Bible & staying NON voluntary-optionally nigh-near 2 Jesus-God 4 daily Counsel & sigh huh look around, just deaths & blood everywhere . . . as if any dictionary EVER could even hope 2 convey anything, sigh 4get about it, sigh huh talk about SELF feeling like just another tired, frail, straight-hetrosexual, alpha male old dying-dead man walking, sigh huh I'm just ("EH"?) here until I'm not, what I know, not B-ing sharpest tool in shed BUT I KNOW Jesus loves me, sigh huh SO there's THAT, anyway, whatever, carry on, go on, as yaw were.




Yesterday, over 5,400 cat lovers like you signed our petition calling for an end to the controversial cat-culling competition in New Zealand.

Many of our supporters reached out to ask where exactly this was happening, as we had missed it in our original email, You also wanted to know who the petition was directed at
We apologise for the oversight. It wasn't intentional.

The petition is directed to the New Zealand Embassy in the UK and Mayor Mary Black of the Hurunui District in Northern Canterbury. We call for an immediate ban and request that the New Zealand Government implement humane solutions to managing the stray cat population.
This year, nearly 400 cats lost their lives in this tragic competition, Participants of all ages, including children as young as 14, were encouraged to take part in this gruesome event, where the goal was to kill as many feral cats as possible.

Many animals were left to suffer agonisingly slow deaths, trapped in cages and casually shot by hunters. The sheer brutality of this competition cannot be overstated.
The weigh-in produced a horrifying spectacle of thousands of dead animals, so numerous that earthmovers were required to shift their corpses.

If you have already signed this petition, thank you so much. There will be a petition hand-in in the next few weeks, and we will keep you updated on our progress,

If you still need to sign the petition, please click here to sign now. We appreciate your support!



Remember when Colin Powell testified that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction by holding up those vials of "biological weapons" samples?

This bold-faced lie led to the US invasion of Iraq and the deaths of over 1 million Iraqi people.

So the question that thinking people must ask: Could the same thing be happening with Ukraine?

“This film is powerful. It’s the result of 50,000 miles on a bus across the country, hundreds of interviews with doctors, scientists, nurses, and parents who will no longer be silenced about the vaccine injuries and hospital protocol deaths they have witnessed.” — Toby Tommey, #VXD3 producer

? IMPORTANT: In order for the documentary to air in theaters, a certain number of tickets must be purchased by Aug. 18 — this number is theater-dependent, but is typically around 50% of total seats.



Even with the arms that have been dedicated to Ukraine (many of which have not made it to the front lines), Russia has over:

-3X the manpower
-13X as many aircraft
-7X as many military ships
-and 8X as many tanks.

So what if our giving Ukraine more and more weapons is only resulting in more Ukrainian deaths?


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Sorry, no results were found.



Remember when Colin Powell testified that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction by holding up those vials of "biological weapons" samples?

This bold-faced lie led to the US invasion of Iraq and the deaths of over 1 million Iraqi people.

So the question that thinking people must ask: Could the same thing be happening with Ukraine?

“This film is powerful. It’s the result of 50,000 miles on a bus across the country, hundreds of interviews with doctors, scientists, nurses, and parents who will no longer be silenced about the vaccine injuries and hospital protocol deaths they have witnessed.” — Toby Tommey, #VXD3 producer

? IMPORTANT: In order for the documentary to air in theaters, a certain number of tickets must be purchased by Aug. 18 — this number is theater-dependent, but is typically around 50% of total seats.



Even with the arms that have been dedicated to Ukraine (many of which have not made it to the front lines), Russia has over:

-3X the manpower
-13X as many aircraft
-7X as many military ships
-and 8X as many tanks.

So what if our giving Ukraine more and more weapons is only resulting in more Ukrainian deaths?


In this episode of ""Direct Impact,"" guest host Ben Swann covers several major stories. First, Ukrainian forces used American ATACMS missiles to strike civilian areas in Crimea, resulting in multiple deaths and injuries, raising questions about U.S. involvement. Then, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu contradicted the White House by stating there would be no end to the Gaza conflict until Hamas is eradicated, while hinting at potential conflict with Lebanon. The episode concludes with a discussion with veteran war correspondent Ghadi Francis, who shares her experiences covering conflicts in Gaza and other regions."

More than 34,000 people have been killed there since the start of hostilities on October 7, 2023, and more than 90 percent of those deaths have been civilians. The Israeli military has used a very heavy hand, even by Israeli military standards, destroying hospitals, churches, mosques, apartment blocks, and literally everything else in its path. On this episode of the Whistleblowers, John Kiriakou speaks with Tareq Hajjaj who is the Mondoweiss Gaza Correspondent, and a member of the Palestinian Writers Union, who had to be evacuated from Gaza.


10 hrs ago

Friday, July 26th, 2024

The American Tradition of Abolishing Central Banks
Thomas DiLorenzo

Have We Been Living in an MMT World Since 2008?
Joseph T. Salerno

No Matter Who Wins the November Election, Zionists Will Control the White House
Chuck Baldwin

Why the U.S. Secrecy Surrounding Evan Gershkovich?
Jacob G. Hornberger

Inner Party Putsch Ousted Biden
John Seiler

Equity Crash Fuelling Liquidation
Alasdair Macleod

Unelected Technocrats Are Now the Nation’s Chief Executives
Ryan McMaken

The Global Risks Report- Top Insurance Execs ‘Alarmed’ by ‘Sudden Surge’ in Deaths Among Jabbed Young People
Madge Waggy

Suicide Squad
Nick Turse

US Representatives Jim Jordan & James Comer Must Undertake a Congressional investigation of the Assassination Attempt on Trump
Paul Craig Roberts

Netanyahu’s Speech Was as American as It Gets
Caitlin Johnstone

Bad Actors
Taki Theodoracopulos

As ALL IS past historically thru 2date (year AD) cuz of NOT maintaining tight & ie: all on same page misc else but via Holy Bible & staying NON voluntary-optionally nigh-near 2 Jesus-God 4 daily Counsel & sigh huh look around, just deaths & blood everywhere . . . as if any dictionary EVER could even hope 2 convey anything, sigh 4get about it, sigh huh talk about SELF feeling like just another tired, frail, straight-hetrosexual, alpha male old dying-dead man walking, sigh huh I'm just ("EH"?) here until I'm not, what I know, not B-ing sharpest tool in shed BUT I KNOW Jesus loves me, sigh huh SO there's THAT, anyway, whatever, carry on, go on, as yaw were.




Yesterday, over 5,400 cat lovers like you signed our petition calling for an end to the controversial cat-culling competition in New Zealand.

Many of our supporters reached out to ask where exactly this was happening, as we had missed it in our original email, You also wanted to know who the petition was directed at
We apologise for the oversight. It wasn't intentional.

The petition is directed to the New Zealand Embassy in the UK and Mayor Mary Black of the Hurunui District in Northern Canterbury. We call for an immediate ban and request that the New Zealand Government implement humane solutions to managing the stray cat population.
This year, nearly 400 cats lost their lives in this tragic competition, Participants of all ages, including children as young as 14, were encouraged to take part in this gruesome event, where the goal was to kill as many feral cats as possible.

Many animals were left to suffer agonisingly slow deaths, trapped in cages and casually shot by hunters. The sheer brutality of this competition cannot be overstated.
The weigh-in produced a horrifying spectacle of thousands of dead animals, so numerous that earthmovers were required to shift their corpses.

If you have already signed this petition, thank you so much. There will be a petition hand-in in the next few weeks, and we will keep you updated on our progress,

If you still need to sign the petition, please click here to sign now. We appreciate your support!


Wait, What? Chicago Mayor Blames Richard Nixon for July 4 Shootings
July 9, 2024 Staff Writer442Leave A Comment On Wait, What? Chicago Mayor Blames Richard Nixon For July 4 Shootings

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson has attributed the 100 people shot in the city over the July 4 weekend to an unexpected culprit: President Richard Nixon.
Over the weekend, approximately 100 individuals were shot, resulting in at least 19 deaths, according to the Chicago Sun-Times
Speaking at a press conference addressing the rampant shootings, Johnson, a Democrat, suggested that these incidents stem from a broader issue of federal neglect of poor cities.

“Black death has been unfortunately accepted in this country for a very long time,” he began, before invoking Nixon, the 37th president. “We had a chance 60 years ago to get at the root causes and people mocked President [Lyndon B.] Johnson and we ended up with [President] Richard Nixon.”
Over 100 people were shot in Chicago last weekend, including 18 fatally.
Mayor Brandon Johnson blamed it on Richard Nixon in his press conference today.
No, that is not a joke.
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) July 8, 2024
It is unclear how Nixon could be held responsible for the deaths of Chicagoans nearly 50 years after leaving office and 30 years after passing.
Nevertheless, Johnson pledged to transform the city into “a better, stronger, safer Chicago. I need everybody to step up and help us do that.”

In response to the shootings, Johnson called on the federal government to intervene and promised to hold those responsible accountable for “wreaking havoc on my streets.”
Continuing, he added, “We need to ensure that we are holding every single individual accountable for the pain and trauma and the torment that they have caused in this city. There will be consequences for the violence. We will not let criminal activity ruin and harm our city.”


Leading medical journal Lancet said that the “indirect deaths” of Palestinians in Gaza from Israel’s destruction of civilian infrastructure would far surpass those killed directly by the bombing and war efforts.

A top medical journal The Lancet said that the “indirect deaths” of Palestinians in Gaza from Israel’s destruction of civilian infrastructure would far surpass those killed directly by the bombing and war efforts. Of course, The Lancet also claimed ivermectin was dangerous to try to scare people away from this lifesaving off-patent medication, so the credibility […]