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#CancelCulture in the 60's finding their power and exercising it.
Peggy Sundelle CharrenIn of Action for Children's Television (ACT) set out to remove violence from children's TV shows.
A very popular TV show at the time was "Frankenstein Jr." She managed to Axe the show with their power.

In 1990, the U.S. Congress passed the Children's Television Act which required that every television station provide educational programming for children.
In 1996, the rules were further tightened to require three hours of children's programming per week.

Where are the educational shows today?


Ready for a reality check? Unity can't exist without truth! Dive into the heated discussion surrounding today's political landscape. From calls for unity to the painful reminders of past actions, it's time to unpack it all!

#PoliticalDebate #TruthMatters #Unity #RealityCheck #CancelCulture #FreedomOfSpeech #CurrentEvents #WakeUp #Repentance #CriticalThinking

🎥 Watch the full interview at

🗣️ Ready for a reality check? Unity can't exist without truth! 🛑 Dive into the heated discussion surrounding today's political landscape. 💥 From calls for unity to the painful reminders of past actions, it's time to unpack it all! #PoliticalDebate #TruthMatters #Unity #RealityCheck #CancelCulture #FreedomOfSpeech #CurrentEvents #WakeUp #Repentance #CriticalThinking

Ready for a reality check? Unity can't exist without truth! Dive into the heated discussion surrounding today's political landscape. From calls for unity to the painful reminders of past actions, it's time to unpack it all!

#PoliticalDebate #TruthMatters #Unity #RealityCheck #CancelCulture #FreedomOfSpeech #CurrentEvents #WakeUp #Repentance #CriticalThinking

🎥 Watch the full interview at

🗣️ Ready for a reality check? Unity can't exist without truth! 🛑 Dive into the heated discussion surrounding today's political landscape. 💥 From calls for unity to the painful reminders of past actions, it's time to unpack it all! #PoliticalDebate #TruthMatters #Unity #RealityCheck #CancelCulture #FreedomOfSpeech #CurrentEvents #WakeUp #Repentance #CriticalThinking


On this episode of The Cost of Everything, we take a closer look at the ‘wokeness’ moment that has taken over the world. From movies to classrooms, it has shaped and groomed citizens with an ideology not everyone is on board with. Host Christy Ai and co-host Ed Martin explain how the ‘woke’ movement has impacted their careers. Later, filmmaker Sean Stone joins the show to dive deep into how wokeness has made Big Pharma big money with hormone disruptors and medication for teenagers, as well as groomed children to doubt their own sexuality.


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On this episode of The Cost of Everything, we take a closer look at the ‘wokeness’ moment that has taken over the world. From movies to classrooms, it has shaped and groomed citizens with an ideology not everyone is on board with. Host Christy Ai and co-host Ed Martin explain how the ‘woke’ movement has impacted their careers. Later, filmmaker Sean Stone joins the show to dive deep into how wokeness has made Big Pharma big money with hormone disruptors and medication for teenagers, as well as groomed children to doubt their own sexuality.



#CancelCulture in the 60's finding their power and exercising it.
Peggy Sundelle CharrenIn of Action for Children's Television (ACT) set out to remove violence from children's TV shows.
A very popular TV show at the time was "Frankenstein Jr." She managed to Axe the show with their power.

In 1990, the U.S. Congress passed the Children's Television Act which required that every television station provide educational programming for children.
In 1996, the rules were further tightened to require three hours of children's programming per week.

Where are the educational shows today?


Ready for a reality check? Unity can't exist without truth! Dive into the heated discussion surrounding today's political landscape. From calls for unity to the painful reminders of past actions, it's time to unpack it all!

#PoliticalDebate #TruthMatters #Unity #RealityCheck #CancelCulture #FreedomOfSpeech #CurrentEvents #WakeUp #Repentance #CriticalThinking

🎥 Watch the full interview at

🗣️ Ready for a reality check? Unity can't exist without truth! 🛑 Dive into the heated discussion surrounding today's political landscape. 💥 From calls for unity to the painful reminders of past actions, it's time to unpack it all! #PoliticalDebate #TruthMatters #Unity #RealityCheck #CancelCulture #FreedomOfSpeech #CurrentEvents #WakeUp #Repentance #CriticalThinking

Ready for a reality check? Unity can't exist without truth! Dive into the heated discussion surrounding today's political landscape. From calls for unity to the painful reminders of past actions, it's time to unpack it all!

#PoliticalDebate #TruthMatters #Unity #RealityCheck #CancelCulture #FreedomOfSpeech #CurrentEvents #WakeUp #Repentance #CriticalThinking

🎥 Watch the full interview at

🗣️ Ready for a reality check? Unity can't exist without truth! 🛑 Dive into the heated discussion surrounding today's political landscape. 💥 From calls for unity to the painful reminders of past actions, it's time to unpack it all! #PoliticalDebate #TruthMatters #Unity #RealityCheck #CancelCulture #FreedomOfSpeech #CurrentEvents #WakeUp #Repentance #CriticalThinking


Did you hear that #BenShapiro and #TomMacDonald will now be releasing an album? Gonna be called -Straight Outta Zion-. Buy it early and often so folks know you support meritocracy and oppose antisemitism!

Facts Don't Care About Your Cringing

#RiggedSystems #OccupiedWorld #StraightOuttaZion #Facts #Feelings #FactsVsFeelings #Cringe #CringeHop #HipHop #Cringing #Jews #Zionists #Gangster #Gatekeeper #Gatekeepers #Gangsters #Gatekeeping #GangsterGatekeepers #GatekeeperGangsters #GatekeepingGangster #GatekeepingGangsters #Seekers #ControlledOpposition #TruthTellers #BraveJewWorld #Shabbos #1984 #DucksSpreadingCanards #RightWingJews #LeftWingJews #ZionistJews #AntiZionistJews #InternationalJewishMafia #Astroturf #Astroturfing #Astroturfed #NumberOneSong #ChartToppers #ChartTopper #JewsAndMusic #JewsAndSocialMedia #BenDropsBars #BarsDropBen #CancelCulture #CancelKosher #KosherCancelCulture #ElonMusk #ElonCuck #ClownWorld #Clownworld2020s #Zion #Zionism #GreaterIsraelProject #WorldwideZionism #OperationJudaismUberAlles #ObsessiveKabbalahDisorder #Judaism #Judaic #Judaics #Jew #EvidenceViolatesCommunityGuidelines #TheRealEVCG #EVCGmemes #ShillinLikeAvillain #Corruption #SocialMedia #NotEnoughHashtags #ShillinLikeVillains


Believing in so-called hate speech = may be a #ZOGlodyte or have #SchiffForBrains. Two productions o’ mine from 2018. Now Elon's X-ing out here in 2024. #ElonCuck

Zio-Psycho Censorship Countrywide and Worldwide

#FreeSpeech #Jews #Censorship #Israel #CancelCulture #ZionistJews #OnlineCensorship #Zionism #OfflineCensorship #OccupiedAmerica #OccupiedWorld #JewishPower #JewishInfluence #IsraelLobby #ZOGlodytes #MAGA #AmericaFirst #ElonMusk #ZionCuck #ZioPsychos