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International Public Notice: Ever Since 1823....
By Anna Von Reitz

It turns out that the French Rothschild banking empire has been managing the Vatican's assets ever since 1823. Doesn't that explain a lot of history?

Bloody history. Dishonest history. Evil history. Napoleonic history. Payseur history. Even Abraham Lincoln history.

We consider this the last shoe that needed to be dropped, the last pixel needed to complete the total picture of depravity, corruption, and hidden collusion.

Charlemagne would be turning over in his grave, but Mayer Amschel Rothschild would be dancing on it.

It was a unique coup, to pretend to hate the Holy Roman Empire, while working for it and using its vast assets to benefit oneself from it -- but also a textbook application of the Sabbatean modus operandi -- to deceive at all costs and profit from it.

No doubt the Roman Cult hidden within the Catholic Church --- no slouches in the realm of deception -- learned a few things themselves.

The so-called Egyptian Jews were Idolaters who pretended to be Jews; our best glimpse of them came when Moses confronted them over the Golden Calf, a new moon representation of the Egyptian Cow Goddess Hathor.

Once they arrived in Canaan they mixed and mashed with the local Amorite and Samaritan and Canaanite Idolaters and eventually concocted their own version of Judaism -- what Jesus called the "Synagogue of Satan".

They concocted their own version of Christianity, too -- a mixture of Egyptian monotheism, Babylonian idolatry, Early Christian teachings and Greek Mythology. They pictured Jesus as Zeus, therefore the name I-zeus.

This is the branch of "Christianity" that survived long enough to make it to Rome, having made a long trek from Samaria to Turkey to the Balkan homelands of the Romans and finally to Rome itself.

There was no conversion of Constantine the Great.

He and his Flavian family already practiced this form of Christianity that was popular among the Dacian nobility. As usual, the story we got was "true in a way" but also upside down.

Constantine didn't convert to the Apostles' Christian Church; the Apostles' Church converted to Constantine's version of Christianity, instead.

This is how we got the golden-haired, blue-eyed, perfectly formed and god-like figure of Zeus transferred to Zeus's Son, I-zeus.

Frankfurt, in the mid-to-late 1700s, is where the Synagogue of Satan caught up with the Roman Cult of I-zeus. Mayer Amschel Bauer, a Jew who was not a Jew, made the happy acquaintance of Fritz von Estorff, a Christian who wasn't a Christian.

The rest is history, or perhaps, fate.

Jews could charge usury to non-Jews; and, Christians, though as greedy as everyone else, couldn't charge usury at all. It didn't take long for the Holy Roman Empire to employ Jews to do all their banking for them, as the Jews could lend at interest.

So a bit of Roman Christian hypocrisy combined with Jewish mystical idolatry, both having their roots in Samaria, and neither one being a pure form of either religion, formed an alliance based on their mutual desire to be both rich and powerful.

This version of Christianity and this version of Judaism, both ultimately coming out of Samaria, pretended to hate Islam, a religion that they invented and bank-rolled as a foil -- just as they more recently invented Israel as a foil for Palestinians.

The moon god of Islam, Allah, would be used as the "necessary enemy" of their own sun god, Amun Ra.

That deliberately engineered conflict would give them no end of excuses for war-profiteering and meddling with trade routes and commodity rigging and, of course, taxation.

Their cousins, the Dacian priests of Cybele, were already the tax collectors for the City of Rome.

Amun Ra is the reason that Romanized Christians say "Amen" at the end of every prayer.

The Sabbatean Jews and the Roman Flavian Cult embedded in the Church of Rome both represent offshoots of the far older Babylonian religion; they were twins formed in the womb of Samaria, more like each other -- under the skin -- than any outsider might suppose.

Both actually practice and believe things that are carefully hidden --- and evil, but perhaps it is simply knowing this that binds them together, like two blackmailers who have the goods on each other.

Both indulge in Black Masses and Orgies; both cultivate the ability to lie convincingly, both practice various kinds of blood sacrifice including human sacrifice, both use sex as a sacrament, both practice idolatry, especially the idolatry of money.

And if one calls himself a Jew and another calls himself a Christian, it's all the same to them. Anyone that wants to call himself a Muslim and participate in all of this, will be welcomed as one of them. Religion is just a means to an end and their cynicism knows no bounds.

The only actual religion they have is the religion of Mammon, and they are all in it together, both ends against the middle, which meets in the High Lodges of the Scottish Rite and spreads out like a spider web from there.

We feel quite content having answered the riddles and traced the web back to its home in ancient Samaria, and thence to its new home in Scotland, and all around the world from there along every sea lane and byway, wherever men lust for sex and gold and are willing to wager everything for it.

The enemy of humankind is revealed to be humankind itself, and to each of us a decision is given, to choose life or death, according to what seems good to us.

The Black Magic Money Spell has no power; no delusions about money remain. We recognize the dead things in the realm of the dead and don't concern ourselves: to each is given a time and a season, and the time of Babylon, like the season of the Saturnine Brotherhood, is long gone.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


International Public Notice: For Your Awareness
By Anna Von Reitz

Time does not actually exist. It is an illusion that persists based on natural cycles and changes that do exist, but mathematically and factually, time does not exist. We live in one eternal moment called "now" -- the ever-present present moment.

That said, there have been numerous systems based on everything from the vibrations of an atom (atomic clock now in use) to the lunar calendar created from the moon's cycles, to the solar calendar created from the sun's cycles relative to the constellations.

Among calendars that are designed to track cyclic natural phenomena there are proponents on all sides, those who promote the 13 month 28 day lunar calendar that the Hebrews and people of Meso and South America used and which are still in use today, versus those who promote the 12 month, variable day calendar imposed by the Romans and the Roman Catholic Church.

The lunar calendar far predates the solar calendar and has been used throughout most of the world since very ancient times. The Hebrew lunar calendar year is 5784 this year--- an unbroken run of going on 6,000 years.

This very ancient lunar calendar, still observed by Judaism worldwide, begins with the fall celebration Feast of Rosh Hashanah which falls on a slightly different day each year. Last year, 2023 on the Roman Calendar, the Hebrew New Year 5784 began on September 15th.

The Roman Calendar Year, which is based on solar cycles, begins every year on January first, and follows a rigid 12 month pattern, albeit, with slight variation in the days accorded to each month.

This Roman solar calendar is actually based on a much older Summarian solar calendar and on mathematics which is itself based on circular geometry, with the sky divided into 360 degrees and each season taking up 90 degrees of the circle.

The purpose of time, apart from tracking the regular cyclic phenomenon of the season, was to make time a measurable commodity -- which was in turn bought and sold. We see this practice in hourly wage schedules today, where a man's labor and skill level are accorded a specific value.

This is the most infamous use of the concept of time and the measurement of this imaginary commodity -- as it appears to reduce the value of life and the value of a man or woman, to a term of hours spent performing labor for hire, or sitting useless in a jail "doing time".

This mechanistic and arbitrary concept of "time" and its measurement and monetization has also been the basis of other mental missteps and false ideas.

We truly don't know what day it is or what time it is, as time itself does not exist, yet we persist in attaching great importance to time.

Contracts, we are told, are not valid unless they include the date they are issued, and may not be valid without reference to other days and dates; the pieces of paper issued by banks and known as "negotiable instruments" are not valid without both a date of issuance and a date of maturation.

Everywhere we look, time is invoked as an authority of one kind or another--- schedules of trains and air transport, the apportionment of work schedules and factory production, the beginning of each school session, and the value of University degrees -- all subject to time.

Even the duration of a man's working life is artificially bound by time, so that we speak of "retirement age", even though we observe that many people retire before that age or continue working long after it.

Our reason for bringing this discussion of time and the measurement of this non-existent commodity forward, is that its introduction into our psyches has then meant its inclusion in every facet of our lives as a means of organization and validation, when in fact it enforces a fictional matrix on the actual world, an element of falsehood into every contract, and places a false value on every man's time on Earth.

Thanks to the measurement and valuation of time as a commodity, we can stumble into the error of looking at how much money a man earned in his lifetime, for example, how much did Steve Jobs or Warren Buffet earn? And think that that was the value of the man.

This is not the value of anything, not time, not the man, either.

Why? Because time does not exist, its value as a commodity is a lie.

The value of a man can never be calculated in time or money, for his true potential for good or evil remains incalculable throughout his lifetime and remains incalculable going forward after his death.

We are still paying the social debts and enjoying the benefits of men like Westinghouse and Tesla, J.D. Rockefeller and Einstein; we are still suffering the miseries and injustices promoted by Cecil Rhodes more than a hundred years ago, and still reaping the evil returns of Lord Pirbright's elitism and belief in eugenics.

These observations are not casual nor meant to encourage idle meanderings of the mind. They are meant for serious contemplation and correction of every sphere of our lives where the concepts of time and money have entered in.

It is one thing to use an arbitrary system of weights and measures to trade orange juice and potatoes, so long as we are aware that it is arbitrary; it is another thing to accept such arbitrary "concepts of convenience" as means to promote delusions.

Life cannot be measured or valued in terms of false concepts like "time" or "money" any longer; we must thoroughly understand that we, each one of us, embody the only value there is-- and act accordingly, in this one eternal moment called now.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


An Unexpected Ally

March 06, 2024
by Pastor Chuck Swindoll
Scriptures: Acts 5:33–38
When they heard this, the high council was furious and decided to kill them. But one member, a Pharisee named Gamaliel, who was an expert in religious law and respected by all the people, stood up and ordered that the men be sent outside the council chamber for a while. Then he said to his colleagues, “Men of Israel, take care what you are planning to do to these men! Some time ago there was that fellow Theudas, who pretended to be someone great. About 400 others joined him, but he was killed, and all his followers went their various ways. The whole movement came to nothing. After him, at the time of the census, there was Judas of Galilee. He got people to follow him, but he was killed, too, and all his followers were scattered.

“So my advice is, leave these men alone. Let them go. If they are planning and doing these things merely on their own, it will soon be overthrown." (Acts 5:33–38)
William Barclay calls Gamaliel an "unexpected ally." In the midst of flaring tempers and irrational thinking, this wise, seasoned teacher calmly rose to his feet and warned, "Take care here. Don't rush to judgment." In his words: "Stay away from these men and let them alone, for if this plan or action is of men, it will be overthrown; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them; or else you may even be found fighting against God" (Acts 5:38–39).

The young Pharisee [Saul] shook his head in disbelief. "This man was supposed to be a spokesman for Judaism. He taught me much of what I know about Judaism and the Law. He schooled me in how to do precisely what I'm doing. Master Gamaliel, you've lost your mind!"

Saul, of course, had no way of knowing that it would be this sort of calm reasoning that would hold him together when he later carried the torch for Christ. He would remind himself that those who fight against him were really fighting God. But at this moment he knew none of that. All he saw was red. Blood red. He couldn't believe the Sanhedrin would heed such calm counsel and consider going soft on these infidels. Bu that's exactly what they did.

If you would allow me a moment of digression here, I think Peter remained alive then and in the years that followed because of Gamaliel's wise intervention. I think this "unexpected ally" saved his life. Saul and the rest of them would have stoned the whole bunch. But God graciously intervened through Gamaliel. He used the words of a wise professor to preserve the lives of those who would later play strategic roles in the formation of his Christian church. Keep that in mind when you feel your circumstances have become hopeless. No matter what you face, God is still in control, silently and sovereignly working all things out according to His perfect plan. He has His Gamaliels waiting in the wings. At the precise moment when their words will have the greatest impact, they will step out of the shadows and onto the stage to deliver their life-saving words.


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Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.



International Public Notice: Ever Since 1823....
By Anna Von Reitz

It turns out that the French Rothschild banking empire has been managing the Vatican's assets ever since 1823. Doesn't that explain a lot of history?

Bloody history. Dishonest history. Evil history. Napoleonic history. Payseur history. Even Abraham Lincoln history.

We consider this the last shoe that needed to be dropped, the last pixel needed to complete the total picture of depravity, corruption, and hidden collusion.

Charlemagne would be turning over in his grave, but Mayer Amschel Rothschild would be dancing on it.

It was a unique coup, to pretend to hate the Holy Roman Empire, while working for it and using its vast assets to benefit oneself from it -- but also a textbook application of the Sabbatean modus operandi -- to deceive at all costs and profit from it.

No doubt the Roman Cult hidden within the Catholic Church --- no slouches in the realm of deception -- learned a few things themselves.

The so-called Egyptian Jews were Idolaters who pretended to be Jews; our best glimpse of them came when Moses confronted them over the Golden Calf, a new moon representation of the Egyptian Cow Goddess Hathor.

Once they arrived in Canaan they mixed and mashed with the local Amorite and Samaritan and Canaanite Idolaters and eventually concocted their own version of Judaism -- what Jesus called the "Synagogue of Satan".

They concocted their own version of Christianity, too -- a mixture of Egyptian monotheism, Babylonian idolatry, Early Christian teachings and Greek Mythology. They pictured Jesus as Zeus, therefore the name I-zeus.

This is the branch of "Christianity" that survived long enough to make it to Rome, having made a long trek from Samaria to Turkey to the Balkan homelands of the Romans and finally to Rome itself.

There was no conversion of Constantine the Great.

He and his Flavian family already practiced this form of Christianity that was popular among the Dacian nobility. As usual, the story we got was "true in a way" but also upside down.

Constantine didn't convert to the Apostles' Christian Church; the Apostles' Church converted to Constantine's version of Christianity, instead.

This is how we got the golden-haired, blue-eyed, perfectly formed and god-like figure of Zeus transferred to Zeus's Son, I-zeus.

Frankfurt, in the mid-to-late 1700s, is where the Synagogue of Satan caught up with the Roman Cult of I-zeus. Mayer Amschel Bauer, a Jew who was not a Jew, made the happy acquaintance of Fritz von Estorff, a Christian who wasn't a Christian.

The rest is history, or perhaps, fate.

Jews could charge usury to non-Jews; and, Christians, though as greedy as everyone else, couldn't charge usury at all. It didn't take long for the Holy Roman Empire to employ Jews to do all their banking for them, as the Jews could lend at interest.

So a bit of Roman Christian hypocrisy combined with Jewish mystical idolatry, both having their roots in Samaria, and neither one being a pure form of either religion, formed an alliance based on their mutual desire to be both rich and powerful.

This version of Christianity and this version of Judaism, both ultimately coming out of Samaria, pretended to hate Islam, a religion that they invented and bank-rolled as a foil -- just as they more recently invented Israel as a foil for Palestinians.

The moon god of Islam, Allah, would be used as the "necessary enemy" of their own sun god, Amun Ra.

That deliberately engineered conflict would give them no end of excuses for war-profiteering and meddling with trade routes and commodity rigging and, of course, taxation.

Their cousins, the Dacian priests of Cybele, were already the tax collectors for the City of Rome.

Amun Ra is the reason that Romanized Christians say "Amen" at the end of every prayer.

The Sabbatean Jews and the Roman Flavian Cult embedded in the Church of Rome both represent offshoots of the far older Babylonian religion; they were twins formed in the womb of Samaria, more like each other -- under the skin -- than any outsider might suppose.

Both actually practice and believe things that are carefully hidden --- and evil, but perhaps it is simply knowing this that binds them together, like two blackmailers who have the goods on each other.

Both indulge in Black Masses and Orgies; both cultivate the ability to lie convincingly, both practice various kinds of blood sacrifice including human sacrifice, both use sex as a sacrament, both practice idolatry, especially the idolatry of money.

And if one calls himself a Jew and another calls himself a Christian, it's all the same to them. Anyone that wants to call himself a Muslim and participate in all of this, will be welcomed as one of them. Religion is just a means to an end and their cynicism knows no bounds.

The only actual religion they have is the religion of Mammon, and they are all in it together, both ends against the middle, which meets in the High Lodges of the Scottish Rite and spreads out like a spider web from there.

We feel quite content having answered the riddles and traced the web back to its home in ancient Samaria, and thence to its new home in Scotland, and all around the world from there along every sea lane and byway, wherever men lust for sex and gold and are willing to wager everything for it.

The enemy of humankind is revealed to be humankind itself, and to each of us a decision is given, to choose life or death, according to what seems good to us.

The Black Magic Money Spell has no power; no delusions about money remain. We recognize the dead things in the realm of the dead and don't concern ourselves: to each is given a time and a season, and the time of Babylon, like the season of the Saturnine Brotherhood, is long gone.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


International Public Notice: For Your Awareness
By Anna Von Reitz

Time does not actually exist. It is an illusion that persists based on natural cycles and changes that do exist, but mathematically and factually, time does not exist. We live in one eternal moment called "now" -- the ever-present present moment.

That said, there have been numerous systems based on everything from the vibrations of an atom (atomic clock now in use) to the lunar calendar created from the moon's cycles, to the solar calendar created from the sun's cycles relative to the constellations.

Among calendars that are designed to track cyclic natural phenomena there are proponents on all sides, those who promote the 13 month 28 day lunar calendar that the Hebrews and people of Meso and South America used and which are still in use today, versus those who promote the 12 month, variable day calendar imposed by the Romans and the Roman Catholic Church.

The lunar calendar far predates the solar calendar and has been used throughout most of the world since very ancient times. The Hebrew lunar calendar year is 5784 this year--- an unbroken run of going on 6,000 years.

This very ancient lunar calendar, still observed by Judaism worldwide, begins with the fall celebration Feast of Rosh Hashanah which falls on a slightly different day each year. Last year, 2023 on the Roman Calendar, the Hebrew New Year 5784 began on September 15th.

The Roman Calendar Year, which is based on solar cycles, begins every year on January first, and follows a rigid 12 month pattern, albeit, with slight variation in the days accorded to each month.

This Roman solar calendar is actually based on a much older Summarian solar calendar and on mathematics which is itself based on circular geometry, with the sky divided into 360 degrees and each season taking up 90 degrees of the circle.

The purpose of time, apart from tracking the regular cyclic phenomenon of the season, was to make time a measurable commodity -- which was in turn bought and sold. We see this practice in hourly wage schedules today, where a man's labor and skill level are accorded a specific value.

This is the most infamous use of the concept of time and the measurement of this imaginary commodity -- as it appears to reduce the value of life and the value of a man or woman, to a term of hours spent performing labor for hire, or sitting useless in a jail "doing time".

This mechanistic and arbitrary concept of "time" and its measurement and monetization has also been the basis of other mental missteps and false ideas.

We truly don't know what day it is or what time it is, as time itself does not exist, yet we persist in attaching great importance to time.

Contracts, we are told, are not valid unless they include the date they are issued, and may not be valid without reference to other days and dates; the pieces of paper issued by banks and known as "negotiable instruments" are not valid without both a date of issuance and a date of maturation.

Everywhere we look, time is invoked as an authority of one kind or another--- schedules of trains and air transport, the apportionment of work schedules and factory production, the beginning of each school session, and the value of University degrees -- all subject to time.

Even the duration of a man's working life is artificially bound by time, so that we speak of "retirement age", even though we observe that many people retire before that age or continue working long after it.

Our reason for bringing this discussion of time and the measurement of this non-existent commodity forward, is that its introduction into our psyches has then meant its inclusion in every facet of our lives as a means of organization and validation, when in fact it enforces a fictional matrix on the actual world, an element of falsehood into every contract, and places a false value on every man's time on Earth.

Thanks to the measurement and valuation of time as a commodity, we can stumble into the error of looking at how much money a man earned in his lifetime, for example, how much did Steve Jobs or Warren Buffet earn? And think that that was the value of the man.

This is not the value of anything, not time, not the man, either.

Why? Because time does not exist, its value as a commodity is a lie.

The value of a man can never be calculated in time or money, for his true potential for good or evil remains incalculable throughout his lifetime and remains incalculable going forward after his death.

We are still paying the social debts and enjoying the benefits of men like Westinghouse and Tesla, J.D. Rockefeller and Einstein; we are still suffering the miseries and injustices promoted by Cecil Rhodes more than a hundred years ago, and still reaping the evil returns of Lord Pirbright's elitism and belief in eugenics.

These observations are not casual nor meant to encourage idle meanderings of the mind. They are meant for serious contemplation and correction of every sphere of our lives where the concepts of time and money have entered in.

It is one thing to use an arbitrary system of weights and measures to trade orange juice and potatoes, so long as we are aware that it is arbitrary; it is another thing to accept such arbitrary "concepts of convenience" as means to promote delusions.

Life cannot be measured or valued in terms of false concepts like "time" or "money" any longer; we must thoroughly understand that we, each one of us, embody the only value there is-- and act accordingly, in this one eternal moment called now.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


An Unexpected Ally

March 06, 2024
by Pastor Chuck Swindoll
Scriptures: Acts 5:33–38
When they heard this, the high council was furious and decided to kill them. But one member, a Pharisee named Gamaliel, who was an expert in religious law and respected by all the people, stood up and ordered that the men be sent outside the council chamber for a while. Then he said to his colleagues, “Men of Israel, take care what you are planning to do to these men! Some time ago there was that fellow Theudas, who pretended to be someone great. About 400 others joined him, but he was killed, and all his followers went their various ways. The whole movement came to nothing. After him, at the time of the census, there was Judas of Galilee. He got people to follow him, but he was killed, too, and all his followers were scattered.

“So my advice is, leave these men alone. Let them go. If they are planning and doing these things merely on their own, it will soon be overthrown." (Acts 5:33–38)
William Barclay calls Gamaliel an "unexpected ally." In the midst of flaring tempers and irrational thinking, this wise, seasoned teacher calmly rose to his feet and warned, "Take care here. Don't rush to judgment." In his words: "Stay away from these men and let them alone, for if this plan or action is of men, it will be overthrown; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them; or else you may even be found fighting against God" (Acts 5:38–39).

The young Pharisee [Saul] shook his head in disbelief. "This man was supposed to be a spokesman for Judaism. He taught me much of what I know about Judaism and the Law. He schooled me in how to do precisely what I'm doing. Master Gamaliel, you've lost your mind!"

Saul, of course, had no way of knowing that it would be this sort of calm reasoning that would hold him together when he later carried the torch for Christ. He would remind himself that those who fight against him were really fighting God. But at this moment he knew none of that. All he saw was red. Blood red. He couldn't believe the Sanhedrin would heed such calm counsel and consider going soft on these infidels. Bu that's exactly what they did.

If you would allow me a moment of digression here, I think Peter remained alive then and in the years that followed because of Gamaliel's wise intervention. I think this "unexpected ally" saved his life. Saul and the rest of them would have stoned the whole bunch. But God graciously intervened through Gamaliel. He used the words of a wise professor to preserve the lives of those who would later play strategic roles in the formation of his Christian church. Keep that in mind when you feel your circumstances have become hopeless. No matter what you face, God is still in control, silently and sovereignly working all things out according to His perfect plan. He has His Gamaliels waiting in the wings. At the precise moment when their words will have the greatest impact, they will step out of the shadows and onto the stage to deliver their life-saving words.


A Brutal Beginning

March 05, 2024
by Pastor Chuck Swindoll
Scriptures: Acts 5:29–32; 8:1–3
Saul was one of the witnesses, and he agreed completely with the killing of Stephen.

A great wave of persecution began that day, sweeping over the church in Jerusalem; and all the believers except the apostles were scattered through the regions of Judea and Samaria. (Some devout men came and buried Stephen with great mourning.) But Saul was going everywhere to destroy the church. He went from house to house, dragging out both men and women to throw them into prison. (Acts 8:1–3)
We must not forget that as we study the life of the man they called Paul. We must also brace ourselves for some rather gruesome surprises. The first pen portrait of Paul (whom we first meet as Saul of Tarsus) is both brutal and bloody. If an artist were to render it with brush and oils, not one of us would want it hung framed in our living room. The man looks more like a terrorist than a devout follower of Judaism. To our horror, the blood of the first martyr splattered across Saul's clothes while he stood nodding in agreement, an accomplice to a vicious crime.

Throughout our lives we've naturally adopted a Christianized mental image of the apostle Paul. After all, he's the one who gave us both letters to the Corinthians. He wrote Romans, the Magna Carta of the Christian life. He penned that liberating letter to the Galatians exhorting them and us to live in the freedom God's grace provides. And he wrote the Prison Epistles and the Pastoral Letters so full of wisdom, so rich with relevance. Based on all that, you'd think the man loved the Savior from birth. Not even close.

He hated the name of Jesus. So much so, he became a self-avowed, violent aggressor, persecuting and killing Christians in allegiance to the God of heaven. Shocking though it may seem, we must never forget the pit from which he came. The better we understand the darkness of his past, the more we will understand his deep gratitude for grace.

The first portrait of Paul's life painted in Holy Scripture is not of a little baby being lovingly cradled in his mother's arms. Nor does it depict a Jewish lad leaping and bounding with neighborhood buddies through the narrow streets of Tarsus. The original portrait is not even of a brilliant, young law student sitting faithfully at the feet of Gamaliel. Those images would only mislead us into thinking he enjoyed a storybook past. Instead, we first meet him as simply a "young man named Saul," party to Stephen's brutal murder, standing "in hearty agreement with putting him to death" (Acts 7:58; 8:1).

That's the realistic Saul we need to see in order to truly appreciate the glorious truths of the New Testament letters he wrote. No wonder he later came to be known as the "apostle of grace."


#BehindMigrationCurtains this 2019 effort seems an apropos re-up right about now. This may get a reboot. I may also make some new videos about migration.




#Migrants #Refugees #WarsForIsrael #Immigrants #Fakugees #Invaders #Interlopers #WarOnWhites #MultinationalCorporations #AntiwhiteShocktroops #AntiWhite #OrchestratedChaos #AntiWhites #AntiWhitism #ManufacturedCollapse #InvasionOfAmerica #MilitaryIsraelComplex #WarOnTheWest #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #Jews #Globalism #Judaism #GlobalistAgendas #CIA #EvidenceViolatesCommunityGuidelines