
Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.



#BehindMigrationCurtains this 2019 effort seems an apropos re-up right about now. This may get a reboot. I may also make some new videos about migration.




#Migrants #Refugees #WarsForIsrael #Immigrants #Fakugees #Invaders #Interlopers #WarOnWhites #MultinationalCorporations #AntiwhiteShocktroops #AntiWhite #OrchestratedChaos #AntiWhites #AntiWhitism #ManufacturedCollapse #InvasionOfAmerica #MilitaryIsraelComplex #WarOnTheWest #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #Jews #Globalism #Judaism #GlobalistAgendas #CIA #EvidenceViolatesCommunityGuidelines


Well, folks, if there’s one thing you can count on, it’s that a Trump rally is never boring. The latest proof? A pair of incognito protesters thought they could sneak past the eagle-eyed crowd at a recent Vegas rally. But boy, were they wrong!
According to reports, these two wily characters had their faces covered with American flag bandanas, and wore patriotic attire in an attempt to blend in with the crowd. But just as Trump took the stage, they started shouting. And that’s when the Trump supporters sprang into action.
The crowd didn’t take kindly to this disruption. Oh no, sir! They quickly identified the interlopers and shoved them straight out the door. In the process, some even tried to pull off their masks to snap their photos. As the protesters were escorted out, the crowd broke into a chant of “USA! USA! USA!” Talk about a show of patriotism!

This act of defiance was captured by Katelyn Caralle, who posted a video of the incident on Twitter. New York Times reporter Kellen Browning also shared his view of the incident, noting how quickly the protesters were escorted out.

Trump, ever the showman, paused his speech to watch the drama unfold. He then quipped, “They’re actually friends – enthusiastic friends.” Now, while it’s unclear what these masked protesters were shouting about, one thing is clear: Trump supporters won’t stand for any disruptions at their rallies.
This incident comes at a time when tensions are high and political divisions are deep. But it’s reassuring to see that people are still willing to stand up for what they believe in. They saw something they didn’t like, and they weren’t afraid to take action.


International Public Notice: Step by Step Analysis
By Anna Von Reitz

In 1840, Queen Victoria married Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, which was one German marrying another, while sitting on the English throne. It has remained that way ever since, and that may be why they haven't cared how neglected the English Throne is or how bad the British Government looks to the rest of the world.

The Germans have been able to engineer all this dirty work behind the Brits back, just as the Brits have endeavored to perform their malfeasance and war-mongering behind ours.

Shortly after his marriage to Queen Victoria, Prince Albert --- in possession of his wife's property and fortune --- consolidated and modernized British banking and the Royal fortunes and cut deals with the British Crown leading to the incorporation of the banks and their redefinition as investment banks dealing in securities.

This was in keeping with what was going on at the time on the Continent, and especially with the big banks in Hamburg.

This change also involved standardization of the names and conventions used to designate corporations and human beings and living people throughout the then-British Empire to bring them into compliance with British Grammar and Corporate-ese. with the result that in 1851, for Federal purposes, the name of this country operating in National Jurisdiction was changed from "the United States" to "The United States" in accord with English Grammar.

This left two other entities still using the name "United States" --- the corporate but unincorporated American Federal Subcontractor doing business as "the United States" and the Roman Municipal Federal Subcontractor also doing business as "the United States".

This enabled the Roman Municipal Subcontractor to seamlessly usurp upon the American Subcontractor when the American Federal Republic ceased operations as a result of the Mercenary Conflict that the British Territorial Municipal Corporation dba "the United States of America, (Incorporated)" started on our shores in 1861.

Similar changes took place at the same time regarding the name "United States of America".
The name of our unincorporated Federation of States remained: The United States of America.

The name of the British Territorial United States entity remained "the United States of America"; but in addition to this name for the Territorial Government, they added a new incorporated entity calling itself, "the United States of America (Incorporated)" which was chartered under the auspices of the British Territorial Government.

It was this entity, "the United States of America, (Incorporated)" that Abraham Lincoln was President of, and which he declared bankrupt in April of 1863.

Remember that Lincoln was no American President of any kind. He was not President of our Federation of States, nor was he President of the American Federal Subcontractor known as the Federal Republic. He was President of the British Territorial Subcontractor doing business as "the United States of America (Incorporated)".

This was further confirmed by his action bankrupting that entity in April of 1863: he couldn't be operating as President of the Federation or the Federal Republic, either one, and seek bankruptcy protection -- a privilege of incorporated entities only.

So all British Territorial interest in the proceedings of the Civil War were severed at that point and it was left to the remaining American troops enrolled as mercenaries from the Several States to finish the job while the Brits were in receivership to their creditors.

This also means that the Brits, fighting for the "North", lost the substantial part of any claim to benefit from the conquest; they were riding on our State-of-State coat tails from then on. The victory -- such as it was-- didn't belong to them or their creditors, either.

The American mercenaries forged on, via improperly presenting themselves as honorable soldiers and claiming expenses from the American States-of-States organizations -- which of course, passed the cost onto the States, which never agreed to any of this.

Our States never declared war and never got involved in the so-called Civil War, but as a result of these dishonest charges made against our treasuries by the American States-of-States, we got stuck paying for most of it.

This circumstance makes our States the Priority and Preferential Creditors from then until now. It was our money commandeered to finish the "war" -- and our States and people who were imposed upon by the States-of-States organizations extending our credit without our permission to do this.

Thus, a State of the Union, like Wisconsin, through the offices of The State of Wisconsin, got billed for the expenses of supporting the Wisconsin contingent of mercenaries enrolled to fight in the Civil War -- and those running The State of Wisconsin knew they had no business making these charges, because the actual State wasn't involved in any such "war" and didn't condone it.

Sooner or later, this malfeasance would be discovered and The State of Wisconsin would owe the actual State an insurmountable debt.

This is exactly what happened after the successful Armistice, but note: not a Peace Treaty ending the armed hostilities--- because there wasn't ever a Peace Treaty and couldn't be a Peace Treaty to end an illegal Mercenary Conflict.

By then,1865-68, the British Territorial contingent, encouraged by this acrimony between The State of Wisconsin and Wisconsin (for example) and the paralysis of the American Federal Subcontractor, proposed, with the help of its own bank creditors, to take over and launch their own version of a State-of-State known as "the State of Wisconsin" and to coerce Wisconsin to accept their services instead.

This required rewriting The Constitution of The State of Wisconsin so that it became "The Constitution of the State of Wisconsin".

This same pattern of the British Territorial interests coercing the State Government to rewrite their Constitutions to allow this was applied throughout the country.

By 1868, the two foreign Federal Subcontractors, British Territorial and Roman Municipal, had split up the duties of the paralyzed American Federal Subcontractor awaiting Reconstruction; the British Territorial United States Government had become the operator of all the State-of-State concessions, and unauthorized British Territorial [Military] District Courts had been spread across the land. As a final element of the fraud practiced against this country, a Scottish corporation doing business as The United States of America (Incorporated) was booted up and used to impersonate our Federation of States.

They simply neglected to add the word "Incorporated" to the name, and the banks smirked and looked the other way. In this way, the criminals responsible for this whole debacle gained access to our credit in exactly the same way that a credit card hacker does it --- via impersonation.

The banks are totally, one hundred percent responsible for this horrible fraud against our people and our country. It could never succeed without their participation and they knew it. They demanded their cut and are damned by it.

What became of the American Federal Subcontractor known as The Federal Republic?

It was inoperable, because its sponsor, the States of America organization operating as the Confederation of States from 1781 to 1860 was inoperable -- left without a quorum. The Federal Republic fell because the Confederation fell.

And both stayed down and were never Reconstructed because the remaining Federal Subcontractors were up to no good.

We've seen what happened to the original American State-of-States which were members of the Confederation -- being subsumed by Territorial versions, so that The State of Vermont, for example, an American Service Provider, was replaced by "the State of Vermont", a British Territorial Service Provider.

What happened to the actual States and their Federation of States doing business as The United States of America?

The foreign States-of-States used their Legislatures to govern instead of accepting the direction of the State Assemblies. Over time, they latched onto the assets of each State by forming State Trusts and cashiering the assets -- land, soil, people, cash, cars, etc. -- in the State Trust, and using these assets and other items of infrastructure as collateral for them to borrow against.

State Assemblies were redefined in the foreign system spawned by these Usurpers as advisory bodies that met once every two years to consider
infrastructure spending and other odd things that only a land jurisdiction body politic could decide.

In this way, they endeavored to promote the idea that the State Assemblies still existed as intended and still directed and approved major capital expenditures, long after their State-of-State Legislatures had usurped all actual power over the assets in the State Trusts and dubbed themselves the Trustees.

Later, in the 1930's, another whole layer of phony "state" government was added, and the American people were saddled with the expense of Municipal STATE OF STATE government franchises, so that the Territorial State of Tennessee was operating at the same time as the Municipal STATE OF TENNESSEE.

The people of Tennessee, deprived of their own American State of State known as The State of Tennessee, got stuck paying for the services of two interlopers, neither one of which had any actual consciously accepted and voluntary contract.

The British Territorials were thus reigning as the Trustees over a State Trust that the people never created and never appointed them to manage, and these foreign interests were spending lavishly on all sorts of investments through their investment banks --- all financed on the physical assets and labor assets of Americans -- and also sending the bill for all this "service" to the Americans, but never affording the victims of this scheme with even a cut of the proceeds rolling off of it, year after year.

Instead, the people funding all this were "mistakenly" identified as British Territorials, Protestants "lost at sea" and "presumed dead" and everyone was caught up in Henry the Eighth's old double-cross fraud scheme, benefiting the King as the Pope's Overseer with 40% of the "take" and 60% going back to the Pope.

And all this while, the American people and their government weren't told a whisper about any of these cozy arrangements made for them by their erstwhile public servants.

Not a word.

The men responsible for running the Federation of States were hunted down in the waning days of the armed conflict and immediately afterward, accused of crimes they never committed, ambushed, burned out, murdered outright, by "Union Army" thugs in civilian clothing. Those that survived and carried the memory of the Federation with them hid out on the edges of the Great Plains in places like Montana and the Northwestern States and later, Alaska.

They kept on the run for more than a century and passed down knowledge of the actual structure of our government by word of mouth. It's to them that we owe this "remarkable resurgence". They never forgot, and neither will any American.

When the two layers of interloping foreign government "service providers" organized as Municipal Corporations went bankrupt yet again, we lifted our hands and refused to contract with any Successors that these organizations propose, and wished for the Perpetrators to be punished and ineligible for any privilege to incorporate as much as a dog house concession.

We have properly provenanced our Assembly members, they have declared their birthright political status, and assembled our State Assemblies.

We have insisted that our foreign public employees get back in their boxes and stop usurping against their Employers, that these presumptions and arrangements imposed upon us without our knowledge or consent, come to an end, and that the corporations responsible for the harm and expenses be forfeited for the benefit of the victims of this bizarre monolithic attempted theft of our National Identity and theft of our credit and assets for the unjust enrichment of our European Employees.

For some years now, these Perpetrators have been using the United States Mail owed to our American Subcontractor, and absent that Subcontractor to the Federation of States, to promote crimes of illegal confiscation, mail fraud, false arrest, unlawful conversion, racketeering, identity theft, and more.

The MAIL has been routinely substituted for the POST and nobody has been taught the difference. Intergovernmental MAIL has been deliberately misaddressed to private people to promote the idea that they are government employees or dependents, when they are not, and when the victims innocently assume that this MAIL is being addressed to them as POST, they are seized upon by the foreign courts as "subject matter", railroaded, and robbed.

These same Perpetrators send deceptive court summons to their own District Courts and State-of-State Courts concerning foreign State-of-State Persons and foreign ESTATE trusts that have been named after these same Americans without any disclosure.

When the victims innocently assume that this [Royal] MAIL is addressed to them and respond, the courts and agencies "presume" that they are too ignorant to defend themselves and begin their whole constructive fraud scheme song and dance.

We wish for these courts to be shut down and the people running them to be fully and permanently informed regarding their limitations and liabilities.

The Perpetrators send tax notices owed by these trusts named after the American victims and they racketeer against the Americans to pay up or else. They send armed "security personnel" hired by their commercial service corporations to evict people from their homes on the presumption of debt that these people never owed, and these "troopers" and "police" and "sheriffs" masquerading as legitimate public peacekeepers don't even know that they are doing anything wrong.

They are kept as ignorant as the people they prey upon.

This is all related to a practice of black magic using "poppets" or voo-doo doll-like representations of the living man or woman -- "personal trusts" -- to impose the debts of fictional entities on people who have had no disclosure that any of this was going on behind their backs, and who cannot defend themselves as a result.

Prince Albert's dream of a clean and orderly financial system and a sensible uniform nomenclature for living, corporate, and incorporated entities, has gone terribly and violently astray.

So have public employees in every branch and capacity.

These terrible errors must be corrected without further delay and those responsible must make amends.

The courts must be severely reprimanded and brought back to serve the cause of justice, not Justicia, a pagan Roman goddess. This means among other things, that the so-called Department of Justice devoted to "Justicia" needs to be dissolved or lawfully converted without delay.

The "Department of Justice" is an in-house corporate subcontractor of the District of Columbia Municipal Subcontractors, providing the District of Columbia Municipal Corporations with Legal Services that these same corporations have repeatedly failed to pay for, and dumped back onto the American Public via bankruptcy fraud.

If they don't pay for their own Legal Services contracts, those contracts need to go away, and everyone needs to understand that the "public" responsible for their frequent, deliberate bankruptcies, is not the American Public.

It's the British Territorial U.S. Citizens and the Municipal citizens of the United States responsible for those corporations and their spending, and there are very few of them compared to the numbers of people who have been deceitfully "registered" and "enrolled" without disclosure and enslaved and subjected to peonage to pay for their employees' unauthorized, reckless, and unaccountable spending.

The so-called Law Enforcement personnel must be fully-informed of their limitations and stand down from any more illegal and unlawful confiscation activities. The Legislatures need to be reminded that we and our courts sit in judgment over them and their misapplied codes, statutes, and regulations.

We have done our part in good faith and more than good faith for well over a century and endured all the harm inflicted by this gross breach of trust, violation of service contracts, bad faith, and fraud; we now require restitution for ourselves, remedy, cure and maintenance for our employees, and both compassion and redemption for the loss and damage done to us from the loss and conscription of the nephesh-portion of our soul's labor as debt payments that we never owed.

We are fed up and so is the entire world. All this black collar and white collar fraud has run its course.

This criminal misapplication of law, the impersonations, the theft of our labor and latching upon our assets, the venal pretensions and non-disclosures in breach of trust that have led to this -- have got to end.

We are The United States of America --- Unincorporated. Free. The Last Man Standing. We are the Priority Preferential Creditors.

We invoke our rights and guarantees, our treaties and our contracts, our lawful and legal interests, all assets, trusts and debts owed to us, all beneficial interest whatsoever that is owed to us, as well as the forfeiture of all Municipal Corporations in the District of Columbia or established as their franchises anywhere in the world, subject to lawful conversion (that is, nationalization) for their crimes and breaches of contract.

Insomuch as other countries have been impacted by this same constructive fraud scheme and we have wound up claiming their franchises, we have developed fair and simple means for the living people and their lawful governments to reclaim their assets and their credit.

We are not -- repeat, not -- proposing to continue any of this fraud and malfeasance for any reason whatsoever. Our intention is to clean up the mess and have done with it, now and forever.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.


Sorry, no results were found.



#BehindMigrationCurtains this 2019 effort seems an apropos re-up right about now. This may get a reboot. I may also make some new videos about migration.




#Migrants #Refugees #WarsForIsrael #Immigrants #Fakugees #Invaders #Interlopers #WarOnWhites #MultinationalCorporations #AntiwhiteShocktroops #AntiWhite #OrchestratedChaos #AntiWhites #AntiWhitism #ManufacturedCollapse #InvasionOfAmerica #MilitaryIsraelComplex #WarOnTheWest #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #Jews #Globalism #Judaism #GlobalistAgendas #CIA #EvidenceViolatesCommunityGuidelines


Well, folks, if there’s one thing you can count on, it’s that a Trump rally is never boring. The latest proof? A pair of incognito protesters thought they could sneak past the eagle-eyed crowd at a recent Vegas rally. But boy, were they wrong!
According to reports, these two wily characters had their faces covered with American flag bandanas, and wore patriotic attire in an attempt to blend in with the crowd. But just as Trump took the stage, they started shouting. And that’s when the Trump supporters sprang into action.
The crowd didn’t take kindly to this disruption. Oh no, sir! They quickly identified the interlopers and shoved them straight out the door. In the process, some even tried to pull off their masks to snap their photos. As the protesters were escorted out, the crowd broke into a chant of “USA! USA! USA!” Talk about a show of patriotism!

This act of defiance was captured by Katelyn Caralle, who posted a video of the incident on Twitter. New York Times reporter Kellen Browning also shared his view of the incident, noting how quickly the protesters were escorted out.

Trump, ever the showman, paused his speech to watch the drama unfold. He then quipped, “They’re actually friends – enthusiastic friends.” Now, while it’s unclear what these masked protesters were shouting about, one thing is clear: Trump supporters won’t stand for any disruptions at their rallies.
This incident comes at a time when tensions are high and political divisions are deep. But it’s reassuring to see that people are still willing to stand up for what they believe in. They saw something they didn’t like, and they weren’t afraid to take action.


International Public Notice: Step by Step Analysis
By Anna Von Reitz

In 1840, Queen Victoria married Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, which was one German marrying another, while sitting on the English throne. It has remained that way ever since, and that may be why they haven't cared how neglected the English Throne is or how bad the British Government looks to the rest of the world.

The Germans have been able to engineer all this dirty work behind the Brits back, just as the Brits have endeavored to perform their malfeasance and war-mongering behind ours.

Shortly after his marriage to Queen Victoria, Prince Albert --- in possession of his wife's property and fortune --- consolidated and modernized British banking and the Royal fortunes and cut deals with the British Crown leading to the incorporation of the banks and their redefinition as investment banks dealing in securities.

This was in keeping with what was going on at the time on the Continent, and especially with the big banks in Hamburg.

This change also involved standardization of the names and conventions used to designate corporations and human beings and living people throughout the then-British Empire to bring them into compliance with British Grammar and Corporate-ese. with the result that in 1851, for Federal purposes, the name of this country operating in National Jurisdiction was changed from "the United States" to "The United States" in accord with English Grammar.

This left two other entities still using the name "United States" --- the corporate but unincorporated American Federal Subcontractor doing business as "the United States" and the Roman Municipal Federal Subcontractor also doing business as "the United States".

This enabled the Roman Municipal Subcontractor to seamlessly usurp upon the American Subcontractor when the American Federal Republic ceased operations as a result of the Mercenary Conflict that the British Territorial Municipal Corporation dba "the United States of America, (Incorporated)" started on our shores in 1861.

Similar changes took place at the same time regarding the name "United States of America".
The name of our unincorporated Federation of States remained: The United States of America.

The name of the British Territorial United States entity remained "the United States of America"; but in addition to this name for the Territorial Government, they added a new incorporated entity calling itself, "the United States of America (Incorporated)" which was chartered under the auspices of the British Territorial Government.

It was this entity, "the United States of America, (Incorporated)" that Abraham Lincoln was President of, and which he declared bankrupt in April of 1863.

Remember that Lincoln was no American President of any kind. He was not President of our Federation of States, nor was he President of the American Federal Subcontractor known as the Federal Republic. He was President of the British Territorial Subcontractor doing business as "the United States of America (Incorporated)".

This was further confirmed by his action bankrupting that entity in April of 1863: he couldn't be operating as President of the Federation or the Federal Republic, either one, and seek bankruptcy protection -- a privilege of incorporated entities only.

So all British Territorial interest in the proceedings of the Civil War were severed at that point and it was left to the remaining American troops enrolled as mercenaries from the Several States to finish the job while the Brits were in receivership to their creditors.

This also means that the Brits, fighting for the "North", lost the substantial part of any claim to benefit from the conquest; they were riding on our State-of-State coat tails from then on. The victory -- such as it was-- didn't belong to them or their creditors, either.

The American mercenaries forged on, via improperly presenting themselves as honorable soldiers and claiming expenses from the American States-of-States organizations -- which of course, passed the cost onto the States, which never agreed to any of this.

Our States never declared war and never got involved in the so-called Civil War, but as a result of these dishonest charges made against our treasuries by the American States-of-States, we got stuck paying for most of it.

This circumstance makes our States the Priority and Preferential Creditors from then until now. It was our money commandeered to finish the "war" -- and our States and people who were imposed upon by the States-of-States organizations extending our credit without our permission to do this.

Thus, a State of the Union, like Wisconsin, through the offices of The State of Wisconsin, got billed for the expenses of supporting the Wisconsin contingent of mercenaries enrolled to fight in the Civil War -- and those running The State of Wisconsin knew they had no business making these charges, because the actual State wasn't involved in any such "war" and didn't condone it.

Sooner or later, this malfeasance would be discovered and The State of Wisconsin would owe the actual State an insurmountable debt.

This is exactly what happened after the successful Armistice, but note: not a Peace Treaty ending the armed hostilities--- because there wasn't ever a Peace Treaty and couldn't be a Peace Treaty to end an illegal Mercenary Conflict.

By then,1865-68, the British Territorial contingent, encouraged by this acrimony between The State of Wisconsin and Wisconsin (for example) and the paralysis of the American Federal Subcontractor, proposed, with the help of its own bank creditors, to take over and launch their own version of a State-of-State known as "the State of Wisconsin" and to coerce Wisconsin to accept their services instead.

This required rewriting The Constitution of The State of Wisconsin so that it became "The Constitution of the State of Wisconsin".

This same pattern of the British Territorial interests coercing the State Government to rewrite their Constitutions to allow this was applied throughout the country.

By 1868, the two foreign Federal Subcontractors, British Territorial and Roman Municipal, had split up the duties of the paralyzed American Federal Subcontractor awaiting Reconstruction; the British Territorial United States Government had become the operator of all the State-of-State concessions, and unauthorized British Territorial [Military] District Courts had been spread across the land. As a final element of the fraud practiced against this country, a Scottish corporation doing business as The United States of America (Incorporated) was booted up and used to impersonate our Federation of States.

They simply neglected to add the word "Incorporated" to the name, and the banks smirked and looked the other way. In this way, the criminals responsible for this whole debacle gained access to our credit in exactly the same way that a credit card hacker does it --- via impersonation.

The banks are totally, one hundred percent responsible for this horrible fraud against our people and our country. It could never succeed without their participation and they knew it. They demanded their cut and are damned by it.

What became of the American Federal Subcontractor known as The Federal Republic?

It was inoperable, because its sponsor, the States of America organization operating as the Confederation of States from 1781 to 1860 was inoperable -- left without a quorum. The Federal Republic fell because the Confederation fell.

And both stayed down and were never Reconstructed because the remaining Federal Subcontractors were up to no good.

We've seen what happened to the original American State-of-States which were members of the Confederation -- being subsumed by Territorial versions, so that The State of Vermont, for example, an American Service Provider, was replaced by "the State of Vermont", a British Territorial Service Provider.

What happened to the actual States and their Federation of States doing business as The United States of America?

The foreign States-of-States used their Legislatures to govern instead of accepting the direction of the State Assemblies. Over time, they latched onto the assets of each State by forming State Trusts and cashiering the assets -- land, soil, people, cash, cars, etc. -- in the State Trust, and using these assets and other items of infrastructure as collateral for them to borrow against.

State Assemblies were redefined in the foreign system spawned by these Usurpers as advisory bodies that met once every two years to consider
infrastructure spending and other odd things that only a land jurisdiction body politic could decide.

In this way, they endeavored to promote the idea that the State Assemblies still existed as intended and still directed and approved major capital expenditures, long after their State-of-State Legislatures had usurped all actual power over the assets in the State Trusts and dubbed themselves the Trustees.

Later, in the 1930's, another whole layer of phony "state" government was added, and the American people were saddled with the expense of Municipal STATE OF STATE government franchises, so that the Territorial State of Tennessee was operating at the same time as the Municipal STATE OF TENNESSEE.

The people of Tennessee, deprived of their own American State of State known as The State of Tennessee, got stuck paying for the services of two interlopers, neither one of which had any actual consciously accepted and voluntary contract.

The British Territorials were thus reigning as the Trustees over a State Trust that the people never created and never appointed them to manage, and these foreign interests were spending lavishly on all sorts of investments through their investment banks --- all financed on the physical assets and labor assets of Americans -- and also sending the bill for all this "service" to the Americans, but never affording the victims of this scheme with even a cut of the proceeds rolling off of it, year after year.

Instead, the people funding all this were "mistakenly" identified as British Territorials, Protestants "lost at sea" and "presumed dead" and everyone was caught up in Henry the Eighth's old double-cross fraud scheme, benefiting the King as the Pope's Overseer with 40% of the "take" and 60% going back to the Pope.

And all this while, the American people and their government weren't told a whisper about any of these cozy arrangements made for them by their erstwhile public servants.

Not a word.

The men responsible for running the Federation of States were hunted down in the waning days of the armed conflict and immediately afterward, accused of crimes they never committed, ambushed, burned out, murdered outright, by "Union Army" thugs in civilian clothing. Those that survived and carried the memory of the Federation with them hid out on the edges of the Great Plains in places like Montana and the Northwestern States and later, Alaska.

They kept on the run for more than a century and passed down knowledge of the actual structure of our government by word of mouth. It's to them that we owe this "remarkable resurgence". They never forgot, and neither will any American.

When the two layers of interloping foreign government "service providers" organized as Municipal Corporations went bankrupt yet again, we lifted our hands and refused to contract with any Successors that these organizations propose, and wished for the Perpetrators to be punished and ineligible for any privilege to incorporate as much as a dog house concession.

We have properly provenanced our Assembly members, they have declared their birthright political status, and assembled our State Assemblies.

We have insisted that our foreign public employees get back in their boxes and stop usurping against their Employers, that these presumptions and arrangements imposed upon us without our knowledge or consent, come to an end, and that the corporations responsible for the harm and expenses be forfeited for the benefit of the victims of this bizarre monolithic attempted theft of our National Identity and theft of our credit and assets for the unjust enrichment of our European Employees.

For some years now, these Perpetrators have been using the United States Mail owed to our American Subcontractor, and absent that Subcontractor to the Federation of States, to promote crimes of illegal confiscation, mail fraud, false arrest, unlawful conversion, racketeering, identity theft, and more.

The MAIL has been routinely substituted for the POST and nobody has been taught the difference. Intergovernmental MAIL has been deliberately misaddressed to private people to promote the idea that they are government employees or dependents, when they are not, and when the victims innocently assume that this MAIL is being addressed to them as POST, they are seized upon by the foreign courts as "subject matter", railroaded, and robbed.

These same Perpetrators send deceptive court summons to their own District Courts and State-of-State Courts concerning foreign State-of-State Persons and foreign ESTATE trusts that have been named after these same Americans without any disclosure.

When the victims innocently assume that this [Royal] MAIL is addressed to them and respond, the courts and agencies "presume" that they are too ignorant to defend themselves and begin their whole constructive fraud scheme song and dance.

We wish for these courts to be shut down and the people running them to be fully and permanently informed regarding their limitations and liabilities.

The Perpetrators send tax notices owed by these trusts named after the American victims and they racketeer against the Americans to pay up or else. They send armed "security personnel" hired by their commercial service corporations to evict people from their homes on the presumption of debt that these people never owed, and these "troopers" and "police" and "sheriffs" masquerading as legitimate public peacekeepers don't even know that they are doing anything wrong.

They are kept as ignorant as the people they prey upon.

This is all related to a practice of black magic using "poppets" or voo-doo doll-like representations of the living man or woman -- "personal trusts" -- to impose the debts of fictional entities on people who have had no disclosure that any of this was going on behind their backs, and who cannot defend themselves as a result.

Prince Albert's dream of a clean and orderly financial system and a sensible uniform nomenclature for living, corporate, and incorporated entities, has gone terribly and violently astray.

So have public employees in every branch and capacity.

These terrible errors must be corrected without further delay and those responsible must make amends.

The courts must be severely reprimanded and brought back to serve the cause of justice, not Justicia, a pagan Roman goddess. This means among other things, that the so-called Department of Justice devoted to "Justicia" needs to be dissolved or lawfully converted without delay.

The "Department of Justice" is an in-house corporate subcontractor of the District of Columbia Municipal Subcontractors, providing the District of Columbia Municipal Corporations with Legal Services that these same corporations have repeatedly failed to pay for, and dumped back onto the American Public via bankruptcy fraud.

If they don't pay for their own Legal Services contracts, those contracts need to go away, and everyone needs to understand that the "public" responsible for their frequent, deliberate bankruptcies, is not the American Public.

It's the British Territorial U.S. Citizens and the Municipal citizens of the United States responsible for those corporations and their spending, and there are very few of them compared to the numbers of people who have been deceitfully "registered" and "enrolled" without disclosure and enslaved and subjected to peonage to pay for their employees' unauthorized, reckless, and unaccountable spending.

The so-called Law Enforcement personnel must be fully-informed of their limitations and stand down from any more illegal and unlawful confiscation activities. The Legislatures need to be reminded that we and our courts sit in judgment over them and their misapplied codes, statutes, and regulations.

We have done our part in good faith and more than good faith for well over a century and endured all the harm inflicted by this gross breach of trust, violation of service contracts, bad faith, and fraud; we now require restitution for ourselves, remedy, cure and maintenance for our employees, and both compassion and redemption for the loss and damage done to us from the loss and conscription of the nephesh-portion of our soul's labor as debt payments that we never owed.

We are fed up and so is the entire world. All this black collar and white collar fraud has run its course.

This criminal misapplication of law, the impersonations, the theft of our labor and latching upon our assets, the venal pretensions and non-disclosures in breach of trust that have led to this -- have got to end.

We are The United States of America --- Unincorporated. Free. The Last Man Standing. We are the Priority Preferential Creditors.

We invoke our rights and guarantees, our treaties and our contracts, our lawful and legal interests, all assets, trusts and debts owed to us, all beneficial interest whatsoever that is owed to us, as well as the forfeiture of all Municipal Corporations in the District of Columbia or established as their franchises anywhere in the world, subject to lawful conversion (that is, nationalization) for their crimes and breaches of contract.

Insomuch as other countries have been impacted by this same constructive fraud scheme and we have wound up claiming their franchises, we have developed fair and simple means for the living people and their lawful governments to reclaim their assets and their credit.

We are not -- repeat, not -- proposing to continue any of this fraud and malfeasance for any reason whatsoever. Our intention is to clean up the mess and have done with it, now and forever.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


Concerns Answered- Faith v. Bucks, Counties v. Boroughs
By Anna Von Reitz

This past week, I have had some important questions and concerns raised.

It's important to understand that the moment the churches, mosques, temples, and synagogues incorporated themselves, they became part of the problem and subjugated themselves to the secular commercial law.

The Roman Catholic Church, for example, has always had two sides to its structure, one sacred, one secular --- one ministerial, one administrative.

It's entirely possible to cling to the ministerial church and eschew the "secular church" --- which is another oxymoron, but does describe the situation that arises when a church adopts an incorporated business structure.

Most church, synagogue, mosque and temple communities have this same structure, because while they pursue their sacred functions, they also have to deal with the external world.

In this country, when threatened with taxation by the British Territorial Interlopers, most of these religious institutions chose to be labelled 201 or 501 (c) (3) corporations and in doing so, engaged in commerce and became subject to commercial law.

That is, they are no longer private religious institutions by definition.

They might as well be selling pickles under the Kroger brand name.

Many of these incorporated churches are literally selling souls, using Baptismal Certificates as well as Birth Certificates, as instruments in commerce.

If they define themselves as corporations and behave as for-profit corporations, they lose the protected status of religious institutions and have to be covered by legislated exemptions, instead.

This is precisely what has happened, here, in Europe, and throughout the world.

Institutions that are thought to be religious in nature have been converted into for-profit, albeit tax-exempted, corporations.

People are welcome to keep their religious ties and beliefs and practices, attend their traditional religious services, etc., but they need to recognize the difference between the religion and the business.

As we all know, our government maintains separation between church and state, and does not presume to monitor or censor anyone's religious beliefs.

We do, however, also maintain a line between religion and Big Business.

That is why we ask our Declarants when returning from the sea, to declare in favor of their religion and against the insidious foreign incorporation process that has served to control and undermine the principles of freedom of religion.

The churches and other religious institutions in this country have always been able to operate tax free, but when the British Raj Bully Boys came to town, they acted under Color of Law and threatened them with taxation -- which is against our Public Law.

The institutions fell in line, thinking that these men were part of our legitimate government.

By incorporating these institutions the British Raj gained subtle control of their affairs, limited their rights to free speech, and gained a club with which to beat these institutions and their leaders into submission as franchises subject to their own foreign corporate political agendas.

So, declare against this corporate interference in your freedom of religion. Do it with good faith and honor and good conscience; it doesn't mean you have to give up being Catholic or Lutheran or Jewish or Muslim, etc.

It means that you recognize the difference between the religion and the incorporated for-profit business that has been coercively attached to it, like a barnacle on the hull of a ship.

Another concern has been re-establishing the Counties in States where counties were never formally populated (like Alaska) and California where multiple sets of counties developed over time.

Let's begin with where "counties" come from and what is the basis of their legitimacy?

Counties in this country arise from prior British Territorial Administration of the Colonies before the War of Independence and from the Northwest Ordinance ever afterward.

The Northwest Ordinance sets forth the process by which new land masses can be populated and eventually become States of the Union under the Equal Footing Doctrine.

This process requires that new lands must first gain sufficient numbers of people inhabiting them, and then must be entered as Territories and administered and developed until such time as the Territory has sufficient infrastructure and population to apply for full enrollment as a State of the Union.

Part of the Territorial process is to define the boundaries of the new incipient State and establish the initial county borders within the Territory. All the Territories and Territorial States of States in the western United States have counties established by the Bureau of Land Management, which are patented under cadastral surveys.

This primary definition of a "County" delineates a specific portion of land and specifies the borders within which a specific population lives and conducts its business.

Alaska presents a somewhat problematic situation in that although the Bureau of Land Management fulfilled its obligations under the Northwest Ordinance, and established Counties for the Territory and later, the Territorial State of State, the initial Statehood Convention was hijacked by the Municipal United States Government and Boroughs were overlaid over the Counties.

The Counties exist on the map, but owing to non-disclosure, false registration processes, and ignorance, they were never officially populated until now, when Alaskans have returned to the land and soil jurisdiction and populated their Counties in the process.

I am attaching a copy of the Alaska Counties Map and ask that it be posted and that people all over this country print it off and also save it to their hard drives, so that it can't be "lost" again.

It was with some considerable difficulty that it was unearthed from the BLM archives in the first place and it has been consistently disregarded, misplaced, and misinterpreted even by people who live in this State and who suppose that it is irrelevant because the Counties here weren't occupied in 1959.

That is not the point. The point is that we are back on the land and soil ourselves, and we are populating our Counties now, as part of reclaiming our birthright.

It's hard to reclaim something if you don't know where it is, and can't point to a map and say, see, there it is and that's the name of it. Please tuck away copies of the map.

All those who have been hypnotized by the fact that the Municipal Government hurried in and established Boroughs, have been blinded to their own power and their own obligation to populate their Counties and self-govern.


If I were a British Territorial U.S. Citizen temporarily residing in Alaska under the auspices of the Residence Act, I'd be "inhabiting" the Territorial State of Alaska.

If I were a Municipal citizen of the United States, temporarily residing in Alaska under the auspices of the Residence Act, I'd be "inhabiting" the Matanuska-Susitna Borough.

As I am a Wisconsinite more or less permanently living in Alaska, and having declared my intention to stay here and own land here, I am part of the population of the Matanuska-Susitna County; I am not here under the auspices of the Residence Act, and I am enjoying the fact that as of October 1st 2020, Alaska has been formally enrolled as a State of the Union and is no longer limited to so-called "Territorial Statehood".

In places like California, the development of Counties by the Territorial Government acting as a "State of State" franchise has continued even after the State was formally enrolled as a State of the Union.

The land and soil jurisdiction Counties are the ones developed and defined immediately prior to official Statehood. They have not changed.

Any "Counties" added to the "State of California" in the intervening years are merely administrative subunits of the franchise corporation.

As we regain our land legs and operate our own State Government again, we must strive to follow the logic of things.

There was a long period of time between the 1860's and 2018 when our American State Governments were not in Session and when no new States were added to the Union.

No actual States could be enrolled absent the pre-1860 States being in Session to enroll them.

As a result the only "States" that could be added in this long time period weren't actually States of the Union. They were "Territorial States" meaning State Trusts operated by Territorial State-of-State business organizations in our purported absence and the so-called interregnum of our lawful government.

Now that we are home at last, having overcome the deceit and impersonation foisted off on us by our Employees, we naturally resume where we left off and there is a great deal of housekeeping to do.

One important piece, the enrollment of the western and post-1860 States has been attended to as of October 1st 2020: all the Territorial States developed after 1860 have been enrolled as States of the Union and are now properly in place on the land and soil, by Roll Call Vote of the properly declared and provenanced State Assemblies serving the pre-1860 States of the Union.

And all fifty (50) States are now in Session.


See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here:


Public International Notice: They Are Offering Our Money for Their Debts
By Anna Von Reitz

It should be apparent to everyone at this point that our public employees, foreign incorporated private government Subcontractors, have acted in gross Breach of Trust against their Employers and have acted in Bad Faith to obtain access to our credit.

Here's a detailed analogy for those who need one:

Your very wealthy Cousin disappears without a trace. After seven years, the Courts appoint you administrator of his estate. So you spend wildly on whatever you like, live it up, and have a good time on his assets. Twenty years later, he shows up and demands that his estate be returned. Both you and the Court are on the skids for it.

Then it additionally turns out that your Cousin was being kept in an offshore prison under an assumed identity the entire time and prevented from returning home. It turns out that the Courts were secretly in league with you and getting kickbacks from you. It also turns out that most of the banks were in on the scheme and making big money from your Cousin's assets.

This is, essentially, what the British Crown and the British Maritime Courts and their associated Maritime Commercial Banks did to each and every one of us.

Constructive fraud and the use of deceptive names is the main element in the set up, followed by other abundant criminality-- inland piracy, impersonation, kidnapping, human trafficking, unjust enrichment, conspiracy against the Constitutions, treason, insurance and bankruptcy fraud, barratry, racketeering, extortion, unlawful conversion, breach of trust, pillaging, plundering, illegal confiscation of private property for public debts, illegal and unlawful securitization of living flesh, counterfeiting, false imprisonment, false arrest, unlawful use of bills of attainder, criminal collusion, press-ganging, illegal conscription, entrapment, fraudulent misrepresentation, false claims in commerce, armed banditry and robbery, mortgage fraud, illegal interlocking trust directorates, monopoly, commodity and stock market rigging, identity theft, theft of intellectual property assets, illegal occupation by undisclosed mercenary forces, credit fraud, false claims on abandonment, illegal forms of usury, war profiteering, collusion to create war, illegal weaponization of nature and the courts, violation of international law including treaties and contracts and covenants, tax evasion, criminal non-disclosure, election fraud, gross misuse of public funds, trespass, murder, espionage, bank fraud, illegal surveillance, privateering, enslavement, peonage, false claim of war powers, emergency powers, and other powers never granted, embezzlement, deliberate misapplication of law, subournation, false advertising, obstruction of trade and commerce, bribery, blackmail, deceit, operating under void charters and false registrations, criminal misuse and abuse of the Title IV flag, treachery, false witness, censorship, segregation, alienation, undisclosed false claims of ownership and abandonment, illegal non-consensual and unilateral contracting schemes, false enrollment and induction, enforcement of implied contracts, usurpation --- and all accomplished under color of law by foreign Territorial and Municipal Corporations pretending to represent unincorporated governments.

The list of victims includes Americans, Canadians, Brits, Australians, New Zealanders, and the populations of all other former Commonwealth nations, the populations of seventeen European nations still under illegal occupation following World War II, Japan, and unknown numbers of other countries that have been tricked or coerced into participating in their Territorial Incorporation Scam.

The Territorial Incorporation Scam involves setting up a British Crown Corporation to "represent" the actual lawful government owed to the people, then sending in commercial mercenaries to impose the rules and taxes and other aspects of Corporate Feudalism on the law-abiding victims under color of law. The Raj in India is an example.

Their debt is insurmountable.

They've been mischaracterizing and impersonating us for their benefit, assuming control of our estates during our forced and contrived "absence", and giving themselves access to our assets and credit to do whatever they liked.

Now we have returned home, and told everyone where we've been and how we were kidnapped, trafficked, impersonated, subjected to foreign law, unconscionably registered, and how our estates have been unlawfully, illegally, and immorally plundered and pillaged by our Hired Help.

This was all done in Breach of Trust, violation of their Service Contracts, and in violation of both international and commercial law.

We are now on the Third Round of this fraud scheme.

The first time, a Scottish Commercial Corporation operated "in our name" accessed our credit and bilked investors with their Greenbacks and 1040 Bonds scandal.

The second time, a consortium of private banks deceptively calling itself the Federal Reserve loaned the interlopers credit based on our assets and they operated as the UNITED STATES, INC. and the USA, INC.

These organizations contrived to obtain undisclosed and unconscionable "birth registration contracts" and pretended that we had voluntarily waived our American estates, leaving them to claim everything thus "abandoned". The colluding banks gave them more credit based on our assets.

The colluding banks issued Federal Reserve Notes and United States Treasury Bonds ---only the "Federal Reserve" was not associated with us or our actual American government, and the "United States Treasury" was actually the International Monetary Fund. Again, investors were deliberately misled and everyone concerned was defrauded -- including us.

Now, in round three, they have attempted to pull off an insurance fraud based on "Life Force Value Annuities" and insurance policies based on all the "registered vessels" they claimed to own. This is very similar to the Bottomry bonds scandal of 1702, in which insured non-existent ships were "lost at sea" together with their cargos and insurance claims were presented for this "loss" on paper.

The Perpetrators also demonized carbon dioxide, a harmless and necessary gas in our atmosphere, as an excuse to promote a new taxation scheme that would tax us and our domestic animals for breathing.

In an attempt to re-establish ownership claims against us and our estates, they launched a false pandemic, and under color of law, these corporations issued mandates and executive orders and similar dictates applicable only to their own employees and actual dependents, forcing them ---and by misapplication, members of the general public --- to receive injections laced with poisons and tracking devices and patented scraps of mRNA coded to produce a harmful venom-like protein.

This was meant to yield these corporations a big payoff in multiple ways, all at our expense.

They intended to act as the patentholders of the injected mRNA to claim ownership of all the resulting "genetically modified organisms" which they pre-labelled as "transhumans". Conveniently, such "transhumans" would have no "human rights" and of course, everything they owned including their labor and their lives would belong to the patentholder.

The deliberate poisoning of the victims with substances like aluminum, polyethylene glycol (antifreeze) and graphene oxide found in the injected serum supplemented the venom-like substance encoded into the victim's genome without disclosure.

This injection served multiple purposes.

All these substances combined enabled the deployment of advanced surveillance and communication technology, which was imported into the purportedly "transhuman" bodies without disclosure. Everyone who was vaccinated now sends out an unidentified corporate cell phone signal similar to a "burner" phone.

They, together with the harmful protein synthesized by the patented mRNA also guaranteed that a large percentage of the recipients would die, be sterilized, or develop chronic pathologies -- creating a captive audience for the drug and medical services sector of the economy, and hastening the turn over of the insurance policy receipts.

All these actions and a purposeful long-term pollution of the natural environment via the spraying of incendiary industrial pollutants have been calculated to see the criminals through -- by force and fraud against innocent people -- the death of the Federal Reserve Note and United States Treasury Bond.

As with the Greenbacks and the 1040 Bonds, now the Schemers must deal with replacement of the Federal Reserve Note and the IMF-issued "United States Treasury" Bonds.

The Federal Reserve Notes must now be removed from the market and the Bonds have to be paid off somehow. So, enter the Third Round Sting Operation:

In collapsing the phony birth certificate and birth certificate bond which was backed with gold, the colluding corporations have worked together to again use our assets to pay their debts.

The gold backing the bonds used to enslave individuals under the false presumption that they were Fourteenth Amendment Municipal citizens of the United States (UNITED STATES, INC.) were returned to the USA, INC. as part of the bankruptcy settlement of the UNITED STATES, INC.

The Territorial partner to this scheme has used this gold source, which actually belongs to us, to promote a replacement currency for the Federal Reserve Notes called "United States Notes" or USNs.

They claim that these promissory notes are backed by gold and have apparently went so far as to put threads of gold into the paper the notes are printed on, which converts these "notes" into actual money. So in what sense are they promissory "notes"?

The debt is owed to us, the victims of these endless swindles, which have gripped the world along with pernicious wars for profit, ever since Queen Anne signed the Treaty of Utrecht.

We get to pay for their credit using our gold, and they'll just owe it to us -- so they imply. The rest of the world can continue to do businees with the crooks, literally using our money as their credit.

This way, the foreign investors are held harmless and the entire cost and focus of the Sting is shifted to us.

They propose to extend our credit to themselves with no granted authority, no formal agreement and nothing stopping them from going bankrupt again.

That would leave us holding the bag-- both for the overt loss of our gold and for the repayment losses that they never intend to repay.

The phony "United States Treasury" Bonds issued by the IMF they propose to pay off by forcing all the "transhuman" slaves to pay "carbon taxes" and medical bills and only God knows what else.

We are calling an end to it here and now.

We wish for SERCO to be replaced by an American Paymaster of our choosing.

We have already outlawed any repugnant ownership claims based on the undisclosed injection of patented mRNA or any DNA product whatsoever.

We don't believe in any form of human-caused climate change.

We don't agree to having our gold paid out as credit for the benefit of these criminals and we do not agree to leaving our credit under their control.

They are not the Federal Republic and cannot act "as" the Federal Republic. They do not have any authorization to issue our money "for" us or issue credit in our names.

Those responsibilities were delegated to our American Subcontractors operating as the Federal Republic under The Constitution for the united States of America, not the British Territorial Corporation operating under The Constitution of the United States of America.

The track record of the British Territorial organization speaks for itself.

They are not authorized and cannot be trusted to set aside dollops of our credit for their use, and must come back under the direct supervision of our Federation of States from which the Delegated Powers were apportioned.

We do agree to the immediate lawful conversion of their banks and courts and commercial corporations for the benefit of the victims worldwide.

We do agree to a general amnesty for their victims, many of whom were the employees of these venal organizations, but we retain the right to prosecute ringleaders and those having cause to know they were engaging in criminal activities.

We do agree to the discharge of all Odious Debts.

We do agree to the recoupment and distribution of restitution funds including asset-backed currency issued by us and pre-paid credit issued by us -- all tax and usury free.

We do agree to support international collaboration to heal our planet and our people, and to repair and remove the damage and the obstructions we have all suffered at the hands of these crooks.

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652