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& of the JEWS, sigh huh Yahweh Jehovah Father God deemed YAW HIS people & STILL 2date after past historically YAW have & STILL FAIL HIM despite us gentile's unsuccessfully (I know & acknowledge yes) have had 2 pick up the slack 4 YAW, SHADDPA! UGH! SAVE IT 4 Holy Majesty-Master, retributionary Eye's of Fire, King Jesus Christ, eternal Son of Yahweh Jehovah Father God = 3 in 1-1 in 3 Holy Trinity immediately after YO last NON SELF owned via Holy Bible's Luke 9:24 breath B4 HIM & YO SELF own individual assigned WHEN IN LIFE Heaven Life record as Jesus KNOWS who R HIS!


International Public Notice: Modus Operandi
By Anna Von Reitz

Many of the things that the enemies of mankind do are anti-intuitive and diabolical. The Liars use inverted reasoning. Let's give some examples:

Remember the story in the Bible where Jesus washes the feet of his Disciples? Most people think of this in terms of the Master humbling himself to serve his students -- the Master becomes the Servant.

The Liars think of it in terms of the Servant becoming the Master. Masters become dependent on Servants....and as a result, the Servants become the Masters.

As another example from Christendom:

Most people looking at a Crucifix contemplate the suffering of Jesus and behold their own iniquities; it inspires them to live better lives.

The Liars look at the same Crucifix and think --- death and the devil win every time. Might as well be on the "winning" side.

This same sly and inverted way of thinking makes such people "double-minded". They not only realize that there are two sides to everything, they see both sides immediately, and for expedience, choose the wrong side.

The ends, whatever they are, always justify the means in their view.

The Hegelian Dialectic is perfect for them: create a problem, draw attention to the problem, present the solution to the problem, get paid for solving the problem you created.

Or as one of our Marshals-at-Arms observed: "They create a False Narrative, pretend that I'm their enemy, and fight against what they've created."

This is the Modus Operandi of the Liars in motion, and it is a learned behavior.

Many people who are doing this and demonstrating this "double-mindedness" aren't even aware of what they are doing. Like their more skilled and aware counterparts, they are causing trouble and confusion in the world, but without a clear motive.

They are just doing it to feel like they are doing something important and to get attention for their gossiping and reckless suppositions. Other more adept Liars use the same basic drill to get job advancements, money, and coercive power.

Impersonation and substitution fraud are also deeply ingrained practices among the Liars. Like everything else associated with this Cult, it began in Mesopotamia, in Babylon, and was carried through in the Hebrew tradition as well.

What did Jacob the Liar do, but substitute himself for his brother, Esau, and impersonate Esau to steal his brother's birthright?

How is that any different from what the Liars have attempted to do here and now with our Government and with ourselves?

They have substituted their corporate franchises for our American States-of-States.

They have misrepresented themselves as our custodians in our "absence", when we've been here all along.

They have impersonated us as British Territorial U.S. Citizens. They have impersonated us as Municipal Corporation franchises.

This is no particular reflection upon the Jews. Many ancient peoples used "mirroring" to defraud.

The Phoenicians were famous for it, so much so, that the modern slang word "phony" became popular and the Phoenicians themselves were held in near-universal disrespect and distrust.

Let us suggest that, given the solid evidence, they managed to migrate to Scotland and England and weaseled their way into power using the same old implements: lies, double-mindedness, illusions, reversed logic, substitution, impersonation, misrepresentation, confusion, and the Hegelian Dialectic -- creating problems, solving the problem thus created, and being rewarded for doing so.

In our country, both the offending corporations, the Municipal UNITED STATES and the British Crown entity known as "the United States of America, Incorporated", have both ultimately been owned and operated by the Popes, through their loyal Overseers of the Commonwealth -- the British Monarchs and British Crown operators.

These Principals and their corporations haven't been at war with each other in any sense. Not even a mercenary "war". It has all been sheer pretense for profit, a carrot and stick routine, or perhaps more aptly, a game of Good Cop/Bad Cop, all of it rooted in ancient modes of thinking and doing things first practiced by the Babylonians, Sumerians, and Akkadians.

We very recently witnessed precisely such an old, old practice deriving from these Middle Eastern cultures; the Ritual Killing of the King happened last Saturday, with the attack on Donald Trump.

In this Ritual, a scapegoat impersonates the King, so that assassins or bad luck or whatever evil portents are deceived, and attack the scapegoat instead.

Freemasons are all-too familiar with the drill. The "lost shoe" ritual that was performed on stage last Saturday, the 20-something scapegoat, Donald Trump announcing to the world that he is a "changed man" --- literally; this is all Freemason initiation rites and we can rest assured that DJT has succumbed and is now a member of the Brotherhood, which has been traipsing around the world for 8,000-plus years, deceiving everyone.

Thus, DJT comes under the protection of the Freemasons and collects their votes as well. A young man formerly employed by BlackRock climbs onto a building owned by BlackRock and doesn't quite manage to kill Trump; his "sacrifice" is honored by upbraiding and firing the Secret Service Agent who did his job and took the shot.

We can safely assume that Agent Willis wasn't in on the joke and the secret handshakes. He was crouched there, watching innocent people being shot to death in front of his face while his superiors dithered, and he finally did the right thing.

Agent Willis did his actual job.

What a concept.

Agent Willis is now suffering for saving lives at the Trump Rally last Saturday. He has lost his job and rating, with prejudice, for insubordination to criminally negligent and corrupt superiors--- people who weren't doing their jobs.

Now we get to see if Trump is a Liar or not.

If he is not a Liar, Trump will be grateful and laud Willis and see to it that Agent Willis gets a good job on his own personal staff; but, if Trump is a Liar as well as a Freemason, he will be upset that the drama was cut short by a loyal sniper, and do nothing but stalk off-camera.

Keep posted and see what you see.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


"These bankers really have no shame; their greed knows no bounds. The value of life will have no meaning for them until and unless they are hung upside down and given a chance to repent. "
REMEMBER that Creature from Jekyll Island when JEWS planned the take over of America though BANKING!!!


International Public Notice: Regarding "Gold Revaluation Accounts"
By Anna Von Reitz

Also called "off ledger accounts" the "gold revaluation accounts" being held by banks are their hedge funds against the day when the delusion of the Federal Reserve Notes and EUROs can no longer be maintained.

This is the "back end" of the Federal Reserve scheme, the means they intended to ultimately profit from, ever since their first meeting at Jekyll Island.

The idea, part of a "Hundred Year Plan" that included multiple government corporation bankruptcies, is simple.

Take everyone off the gold standard and the silver standard, hoard the bullion and coinage in "off ledger accounts" that the banks can see as "private holdings" ---pretend that these "holdings" belong to unknown depositors, claim them via claims on abandonment benefiting the banks, wait for deflation and inflation to eat away the fiat currencies and run up the "value" of gold, then cash in.

That is, they used a simple hedge-fund approach on a macro-economic scale, and are counting on the increase in the perceived value of "their" gold and silver hedge fund holdings, to more than compensate for the loss of value of the fiat currencies.

Only it's not their gold and not their silver in these "revaluation accounts". A good portion of it belongs to the actual land and soil jurisdiction governments, and far more belongs to private trusts and mining companies and others who have been bypassed, conveniently side-stepped, and attacked by turns.

The bankers anticipate being able to sell the gold and silver back to the grandsons and granddaughters of the people they stole it from, at anywhere between $2500 and $10,000 "dollars" per ounce of gold, and eventually anywhere between $1800 and $6500 per ounce of silver, once the gold market plays out.

We are just now entering the "target range" for the "collapse" of these investments and the beginning sell-offs of profit-taking related to these plans put in place over 100 years ago.

This early profit-taking is what makes the "prime indicators" like the M1 and M2 go up and down like a yo-yo. Both the banks and the "undetermined private investors" are darting back and forth into the cash pool and selling gold for cash of various kinds to improve their short term liquidity.

This is leading to cash crunches of various severity on a temporary but gathering long-term basis, which is exactly what the banks ultimately want --- the cash being drained out of the economy and gold stores increasing prior to the Big Crash.

They will milk this along as long as they reasonably can, luring more gold out of the hidden private investment pools, "ingesting" each spike in the gold supply before each new spike in cash value inflation.

Remember that they are still operating on non-negotiable I.O.U.s (FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES) and getting away with it; so they are selling nothing for something and have no motive to stop.

Because these gold accounts have been managed and traded on an off-ledger basis, nobody knows for sure how much gold and silver is held outside the banking system worldwide, but extensive efforts have been made by the pirates to identify and cashier over 5,000 private family trusts and their assets which have been cashiered in the banking system for the benefit of the dishonest bankers and their scheming corporations "functioning as" governments.

The banks, if they are allowed to get away with it, will sing the public a song and dance and avoid the truth about all the precious metals accounts they have been collecting and cashiering and trading upon on an off-ledger basis for all these many years.

The identities of the actual owners of all this wealth, unincorporated governments, private family trusts, unincorporated mining operations, and so on, will be avoided and ignored if at all possible -- because otherwise the banks would have to explain to the world why these nice people with their history and court cases and receipts and deposit tickets are being ignored.

The bankers will pretend that these and other "global collateral accounts" were just left in their banks by unknown depositors whose heirs never showed up to collect.

They will lie and pretend that it has been so long that they no longer know who the gold and silver belongs to, or who the heirs and intended beneficiaries of all these precious metals accounts are.

They will find every excuse in the book to refuse to acknowledge the rightful donors, the rightful heirs, and the rightful trustees/owners so that they and their banks can continue to benefit from vast holdings that don't belong to them.

If they really get pressed to the ropes, they will accuse the lawful heirs of these physical assets of being crooks, fraud artists, or "enemies of state" and try to weasel out of paying them back by pretending that the rightful heirs or rightful donors or rightful trustees are criminals or communists or whatever else they can drum up --- when, in fact, the bankers who have engineered this mess and obtained possession of the assets under False Pretenses are the crooks.

They will even have the brass cajones to allege that the heirs owe them storage fees in excess of everything they've gained by surreptitiously using these gold and silver asset accounts as collateral to make other Third Party loans and blocking these accounts for periods of time as "sure bets" on casino-like trading platforms.

These bankers really have no shame; their greed knows no bounds. The value of life will have no meaning for them until and unless they are hung upside down and given a chance to repent.

We are watching the markets and indicators being wound up and wound down, wound up and wound down like a mechanical mouse. The price of gold per ounce will edge upward through this step-step-step dance between hedge fund holders and cash asset "producers" and the only way we can hurry this along is by making arrests. Lots of them.

The owners of the gold and silver deposits in all these banks are still here, still know who they are, still have the receipts.

(They tried to destroy the gold transfer records kept by the U.S. Navy Fiscal Agents during their 9/11 attack, but failed. They also stole the gold backing the Brady Bonds and just recently unlawfully seized $30 B in Russian assets trapped within the infinitely corrupt and despicable SWIFT transfer monopoly.)

Instead of the actual heirs and owners being held suspect and disrespected by banks that have acted against the actual law and in breach of public trust, we say it's time these banks were asked what their purported interest is in all these "legacy trusts"?

Do they hold signature authority? No. Do they have receipts for the deposits? No. Do they have any Power of Attorney? No. Do they have a contract stipulating service fees that aren't already paid for via private trading profits? No.

So what is to keep us from presuming the obvious? That these banks bilked their depositors and knowingly and willingly set up a constructive fraud scheme to obtain possession of these asset accounts so as to unjustly enrich and empower and protect themselves at the expense of their depositors?

The Gold Revaluation Account assets don't belong to these banks nor to these bankers; the assets belong to other parties who are being deprived of Due Process and rightful possession of their own property using the same old tired and dishonest excuses pertaining to a non-existent "war" and amounting to deliberate entrapment and constructive fraud and illegal "military" confiscation of private American civilian assets under color of law.

We are waiting to hear a new answer and new findings about the operations of all these banks and all these governmental services corporations that have been occupying our country under False Pretenses and which have embezzled us blind for164 years.

We want to know how it is that your Department of the Federal Reserve sat down with a man and got him to extend you another ten years to use his gold, silver, and other assets in 1995, yet in 2005 when that loan extension was due, you all pretend not to know who he is?

It's an astonishing lack of institutional memory, even when we name the names of the agents responsible and show the documents of this loan extension supporting the asset accounts underlying every central bank member of the Bank for International Settlements?

You all think you are going to get away with this theft and embezzlement and the whole impersonation and identity theft fraud underlying it?

Like Donald Rumsfeld muttering about trillions of dollars misplaced by the Department of Defense just minutes before the September 11th attack on the World Trade Center?

Think again.

Those assets were not misplaced. Those assets were deliberately trafficked offshore to the Philippines and Indonesia and then placed under a trust administered by the Government of the Philippines in 1934.

We know who we are, too.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
July 7th 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:



"Carano was fired from her role on The Mandalorian television series in February 2021, after she posted on Instagram that Jews in the Holocaust were beaten up simply for their religious beliefs, with the post questioning, “How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?” Some took Carano’s post as a comparison between Republicans to Jews, though she has denied comparing the two.

“It was so absurd, my cancellation, which is why the people that were really paying attention were like ‘oh my word, this is how aggressive this is,’” Carano said."

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours.

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House Democrats slammed Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. during a hearing on Thursday over his comments promoting a false claim that suggested COVID-19 was "ethnically targeted" to spare Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese people.

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"Carano was fired from her role on The Mandalorian television series in February 2021, after she posted on Instagram that Jews in the Holocaust were beaten up simply for their religious beliefs, with the post questioning, “How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?” Some took Carano’s post as a comparison between Republicans to Jews, though she has denied comparing the two.

“It was so absurd, my cancellation, which is why the people that were really paying attention were like ‘oh my word, this is how aggressive this is,’” Carano said."

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours.

All Video Source Links Can Be Found Here At The Last American Vagabond:

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"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.”

House Democrats slammed Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. during a hearing on Thursday over his comments promoting a false claim that suggested COVID-19 was "ethnically targeted" to spare Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese people.

SOVREN FOLLOWERS: First 50 to use code 'Sovren50' will get 50% off an annual Insider membership at!

Part 2 found here:


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Twitter: @Chris_martenson

“This time, the repressive measures are not limited to Jews. Today’s false narrative targets the entire global population.” — Vera Sharav

#NeverAgainIsNowGlobal continues TONIGHT with Part 4 @ 7pm ET // 4pm PT on #CHDTV

? #NeverAgain


& of the JEWS, sigh huh Yahweh Jehovah Father God deemed YAW HIS people & STILL 2date after past historically YAW have & STILL FAIL HIM despite us gentile's unsuccessfully (I know & acknowledge yes) have had 2 pick up the slack 4 YAW, SHADDPA! UGH! SAVE IT 4 Holy Majesty-Master, retributionary Eye's of Fire, King Jesus Christ, eternal Son of Yahweh Jehovah Father God = 3 in 1-1 in 3 Holy Trinity immediately after YO last NON SELF owned via Holy Bible's Luke 9:24 breath B4 HIM & YO SELF own individual assigned WHEN IN LIFE Heaven Life record as Jesus KNOWS who R HIS!


International Public Notice: Modus Operandi
By Anna Von Reitz

Many of the things that the enemies of mankind do are anti-intuitive and diabolical. The Liars use inverted reasoning. Let's give some examples:

Remember the story in the Bible where Jesus washes the feet of his Disciples? Most people think of this in terms of the Master humbling himself to serve his students -- the Master becomes the Servant.

The Liars think of it in terms of the Servant becoming the Master. Masters become dependent on Servants....and as a result, the Servants become the Masters.

As another example from Christendom:

Most people looking at a Crucifix contemplate the suffering of Jesus and behold their own iniquities; it inspires them to live better lives.

The Liars look at the same Crucifix and think --- death and the devil win every time. Might as well be on the "winning" side.

This same sly and inverted way of thinking makes such people "double-minded". They not only realize that there are two sides to everything, they see both sides immediately, and for expedience, choose the wrong side.

The ends, whatever they are, always justify the means in their view.

The Hegelian Dialectic is perfect for them: create a problem, draw attention to the problem, present the solution to the problem, get paid for solving the problem you created.

Or as one of our Marshals-at-Arms observed: "They create a False Narrative, pretend that I'm their enemy, and fight against what they've created."

This is the Modus Operandi of the Liars in motion, and it is a learned behavior.

Many people who are doing this and demonstrating this "double-mindedness" aren't even aware of what they are doing. Like their more skilled and aware counterparts, they are causing trouble and confusion in the world, but without a clear motive.

They are just doing it to feel like they are doing something important and to get attention for their gossiping and reckless suppositions. Other more adept Liars use the same basic drill to get job advancements, money, and coercive power.

Impersonation and substitution fraud are also deeply ingrained practices among the Liars. Like everything else associated with this Cult, it began in Mesopotamia, in Babylon, and was carried through in the Hebrew tradition as well.

What did Jacob the Liar do, but substitute himself for his brother, Esau, and impersonate Esau to steal his brother's birthright?

How is that any different from what the Liars have attempted to do here and now with our Government and with ourselves?

They have substituted their corporate franchises for our American States-of-States.

They have misrepresented themselves as our custodians in our "absence", when we've been here all along.

They have impersonated us as British Territorial U.S. Citizens. They have impersonated us as Municipal Corporation franchises.

This is no particular reflection upon the Jews. Many ancient peoples used "mirroring" to defraud.

The Phoenicians were famous for it, so much so, that the modern slang word "phony" became popular and the Phoenicians themselves were held in near-universal disrespect and distrust.

Let us suggest that, given the solid evidence, they managed to migrate to Scotland and England and weaseled their way into power using the same old implements: lies, double-mindedness, illusions, reversed logic, substitution, impersonation, misrepresentation, confusion, and the Hegelian Dialectic -- creating problems, solving the problem thus created, and being rewarded for doing so.

In our country, both the offending corporations, the Municipal UNITED STATES and the British Crown entity known as "the United States of America, Incorporated", have both ultimately been owned and operated by the Popes, through their loyal Overseers of the Commonwealth -- the British Monarchs and British Crown operators.

These Principals and their corporations haven't been at war with each other in any sense. Not even a mercenary "war". It has all been sheer pretense for profit, a carrot and stick routine, or perhaps more aptly, a game of Good Cop/Bad Cop, all of it rooted in ancient modes of thinking and doing things first practiced by the Babylonians, Sumerians, and Akkadians.

We very recently witnessed precisely such an old, old practice deriving from these Middle Eastern cultures; the Ritual Killing of the King happened last Saturday, with the attack on Donald Trump.

In this Ritual, a scapegoat impersonates the King, so that assassins or bad luck or whatever evil portents are deceived, and attack the scapegoat instead.

Freemasons are all-too familiar with the drill. The "lost shoe" ritual that was performed on stage last Saturday, the 20-something scapegoat, Donald Trump announcing to the world that he is a "changed man" --- literally; this is all Freemason initiation rites and we can rest assured that DJT has succumbed and is now a member of the Brotherhood, which has been traipsing around the world for 8,000-plus years, deceiving everyone.

Thus, DJT comes under the protection of the Freemasons and collects their votes as well. A young man formerly employed by BlackRock climbs onto a building owned by BlackRock and doesn't quite manage to kill Trump; his "sacrifice" is honored by upbraiding and firing the Secret Service Agent who did his job and took the shot.

We can safely assume that Agent Willis wasn't in on the joke and the secret handshakes. He was crouched there, watching innocent people being shot to death in front of his face while his superiors dithered, and he finally did the right thing.

Agent Willis did his actual job.

What a concept.

Agent Willis is now suffering for saving lives at the Trump Rally last Saturday. He has lost his job and rating, with prejudice, for insubordination to criminally negligent and corrupt superiors--- people who weren't doing their jobs.

Now we get to see if Trump is a Liar or not.

If he is not a Liar, Trump will be grateful and laud Willis and see to it that Agent Willis gets a good job on his own personal staff; but, if Trump is a Liar as well as a Freemason, he will be upset that the drama was cut short by a loyal sniper, and do nothing but stalk off-camera.

Keep posted and see what you see.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


"These bankers really have no shame; their greed knows no bounds. The value of life will have no meaning for them until and unless they are hung upside down and given a chance to repent. "
REMEMBER that Creature from Jekyll Island when JEWS planned the take over of America though BANKING!!!


International Public Notice: Regarding "Gold Revaluation Accounts"
By Anna Von Reitz

Also called "off ledger accounts" the "gold revaluation accounts" being held by banks are their hedge funds against the day when the delusion of the Federal Reserve Notes and EUROs can no longer be maintained.

This is the "back end" of the Federal Reserve scheme, the means they intended to ultimately profit from, ever since their first meeting at Jekyll Island.

The idea, part of a "Hundred Year Plan" that included multiple government corporation bankruptcies, is simple.

Take everyone off the gold standard and the silver standard, hoard the bullion and coinage in "off ledger accounts" that the banks can see as "private holdings" ---pretend that these "holdings" belong to unknown depositors, claim them via claims on abandonment benefiting the banks, wait for deflation and inflation to eat away the fiat currencies and run up the "value" of gold, then cash in.

That is, they used a simple hedge-fund approach on a macro-economic scale, and are counting on the increase in the perceived value of "their" gold and silver hedge fund holdings, to more than compensate for the loss of value of the fiat currencies.

Only it's not their gold and not their silver in these "revaluation accounts". A good portion of it belongs to the actual land and soil jurisdiction governments, and far more belongs to private trusts and mining companies and others who have been bypassed, conveniently side-stepped, and attacked by turns.

The bankers anticipate being able to sell the gold and silver back to the grandsons and granddaughters of the people they stole it from, at anywhere between $2500 and $10,000 "dollars" per ounce of gold, and eventually anywhere between $1800 and $6500 per ounce of silver, once the gold market plays out.

We are just now entering the "target range" for the "collapse" of these investments and the beginning sell-offs of profit-taking related to these plans put in place over 100 years ago.

This early profit-taking is what makes the "prime indicators" like the M1 and M2 go up and down like a yo-yo. Both the banks and the "undetermined private investors" are darting back and forth into the cash pool and selling gold for cash of various kinds to improve their short term liquidity.

This is leading to cash crunches of various severity on a temporary but gathering long-term basis, which is exactly what the banks ultimately want --- the cash being drained out of the economy and gold stores increasing prior to the Big Crash.

They will milk this along as long as they reasonably can, luring more gold out of the hidden private investment pools, "ingesting" each spike in the gold supply before each new spike in cash value inflation.

Remember that they are still operating on non-negotiable I.O.U.s (FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES) and getting away with it; so they are selling nothing for something and have no motive to stop.

Because these gold accounts have been managed and traded on an off-ledger basis, nobody knows for sure how much gold and silver is held outside the banking system worldwide, but extensive efforts have been made by the pirates to identify and cashier over 5,000 private family trusts and their assets which have been cashiered in the banking system for the benefit of the dishonest bankers and their scheming corporations "functioning as" governments.

The banks, if they are allowed to get away with it, will sing the public a song and dance and avoid the truth about all the precious metals accounts they have been collecting and cashiering and trading upon on an off-ledger basis for all these many years.

The identities of the actual owners of all this wealth, unincorporated governments, private family trusts, unincorporated mining operations, and so on, will be avoided and ignored if at all possible -- because otherwise the banks would have to explain to the world why these nice people with their history and court cases and receipts and deposit tickets are being ignored.

The bankers will pretend that these and other "global collateral accounts" were just left in their banks by unknown depositors whose heirs never showed up to collect.

They will lie and pretend that it has been so long that they no longer know who the gold and silver belongs to, or who the heirs and intended beneficiaries of all these precious metals accounts are.

They will find every excuse in the book to refuse to acknowledge the rightful donors, the rightful heirs, and the rightful trustees/owners so that they and their banks can continue to benefit from vast holdings that don't belong to them.

If they really get pressed to the ropes, they will accuse the lawful heirs of these physical assets of being crooks, fraud artists, or "enemies of state" and try to weasel out of paying them back by pretending that the rightful heirs or rightful donors or rightful trustees are criminals or communists or whatever else they can drum up --- when, in fact, the bankers who have engineered this mess and obtained possession of the assets under False Pretenses are the crooks.

They will even have the brass cajones to allege that the heirs owe them storage fees in excess of everything they've gained by surreptitiously using these gold and silver asset accounts as collateral to make other Third Party loans and blocking these accounts for periods of time as "sure bets" on casino-like trading platforms.

These bankers really have no shame; their greed knows no bounds. The value of life will have no meaning for them until and unless they are hung upside down and given a chance to repent.

We are watching the markets and indicators being wound up and wound down, wound up and wound down like a mechanical mouse. The price of gold per ounce will edge upward through this step-step-step dance between hedge fund holders and cash asset "producers" and the only way we can hurry this along is by making arrests. Lots of them.

The owners of the gold and silver deposits in all these banks are still here, still know who they are, still have the receipts.

(They tried to destroy the gold transfer records kept by the U.S. Navy Fiscal Agents during their 9/11 attack, but failed. They also stole the gold backing the Brady Bonds and just recently unlawfully seized $30 B in Russian assets trapped within the infinitely corrupt and despicable SWIFT transfer monopoly.)

Instead of the actual heirs and owners being held suspect and disrespected by banks that have acted against the actual law and in breach of public trust, we say it's time these banks were asked what their purported interest is in all these "legacy trusts"?

Do they hold signature authority? No. Do they have receipts for the deposits? No. Do they have any Power of Attorney? No. Do they have a contract stipulating service fees that aren't already paid for via private trading profits? No.

So what is to keep us from presuming the obvious? That these banks bilked their depositors and knowingly and willingly set up a constructive fraud scheme to obtain possession of these asset accounts so as to unjustly enrich and empower and protect themselves at the expense of their depositors?

The Gold Revaluation Account assets don't belong to these banks nor to these bankers; the assets belong to other parties who are being deprived of Due Process and rightful possession of their own property using the same old tired and dishonest excuses pertaining to a non-existent "war" and amounting to deliberate entrapment and constructive fraud and illegal "military" confiscation of private American civilian assets under color of law.

We are waiting to hear a new answer and new findings about the operations of all these banks and all these governmental services corporations that have been occupying our country under False Pretenses and which have embezzled us blind for164 years.

We want to know how it is that your Department of the Federal Reserve sat down with a man and got him to extend you another ten years to use his gold, silver, and other assets in 1995, yet in 2005 when that loan extension was due, you all pretend not to know who he is?

It's an astonishing lack of institutional memory, even when we name the names of the agents responsible and show the documents of this loan extension supporting the asset accounts underlying every central bank member of the Bank for International Settlements?

You all think you are going to get away with this theft and embezzlement and the whole impersonation and identity theft fraud underlying it?

Like Donald Rumsfeld muttering about trillions of dollars misplaced by the Department of Defense just minutes before the September 11th attack on the World Trade Center?

Think again.

Those assets were not misplaced. Those assets were deliberately trafficked offshore to the Philippines and Indonesia and then placed under a trust administered by the Government of the Philippines in 1934.

We know who we are, too.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
July 7th 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:


International Public Notice: Ever Since 1823....
By Anna Von Reitz

It turns out that the French Rothschild banking empire has been managing the Vatican's assets ever since 1823. Doesn't that explain a lot of history?

Bloody history. Dishonest history. Evil history. Napoleonic history. Payseur history. Even Abraham Lincoln history.

We consider this the last shoe that needed to be dropped, the last pixel needed to complete the total picture of depravity, corruption, and hidden collusion.

Charlemagne would be turning over in his grave, but Mayer Amschel Rothschild would be dancing on it.

It was a unique coup, to pretend to hate the Holy Roman Empire, while working for it and using its vast assets to benefit oneself from it -- but also a textbook application of the Sabbatean modus operandi -- to deceive at all costs and profit from it.

No doubt the Roman Cult hidden within the Catholic Church --- no slouches in the realm of deception -- learned a few things themselves.

The so-called Egyptian Jews were Idolaters who pretended to be Jews; our best glimpse of them came when Moses confronted them over the Golden Calf, a new moon representation of the Egyptian Cow Goddess Hathor.

Once they arrived in Canaan they mixed and mashed with the local Amorite and Samaritan and Canaanite Idolaters and eventually concocted their own version of Judaism -- what Jesus called the "Synagogue of Satan".

They concocted their own version of Christianity, too -- a mixture of Egyptian monotheism, Babylonian idolatry, Early Christian teachings and Greek Mythology. They pictured Jesus as Zeus, therefore the name I-zeus.

This is the branch of "Christianity" that survived long enough to make it to Rome, having made a long trek from Samaria to Turkey to the Balkan homelands of the Romans and finally to Rome itself.

There was no conversion of Constantine the Great.

He and his Flavian family already practiced this form of Christianity that was popular among the Dacian nobility. As usual, the story we got was "true in a way" but also upside down.

Constantine didn't convert to the Apostles' Christian Church; the Apostles' Church converted to Constantine's version of Christianity, instead.

This is how we got the golden-haired, blue-eyed, perfectly formed and god-like figure of Zeus transferred to Zeus's Son, I-zeus.

Frankfurt, in the mid-to-late 1700s, is where the Synagogue of Satan caught up with the Roman Cult of I-zeus. Mayer Amschel Bauer, a Jew who was not a Jew, made the happy acquaintance of Fritz von Estorff, a Christian who wasn't a Christian.

The rest is history, or perhaps, fate.

Jews could charge usury to non-Jews; and, Christians, though as greedy as everyone else, couldn't charge usury at all. It didn't take long for the Holy Roman Empire to employ Jews to do all their banking for them, as the Jews could lend at interest.

So a bit of Roman Christian hypocrisy combined with Jewish mystical idolatry, both having their roots in Samaria, and neither one being a pure form of either religion, formed an alliance based on their mutual desire to be both rich and powerful.

This version of Christianity and this version of Judaism, both ultimately coming out of Samaria, pretended to hate Islam, a religion that they invented and bank-rolled as a foil -- just as they more recently invented Israel as a foil for Palestinians.

The moon god of Islam, Allah, would be used as the "necessary enemy" of their own sun god, Amun Ra.

That deliberately engineered conflict would give them no end of excuses for war-profiteering and meddling with trade routes and commodity rigging and, of course, taxation.

Their cousins, the Dacian priests of Cybele, were already the tax collectors for the City of Rome.

Amun Ra is the reason that Romanized Christians say "Amen" at the end of every prayer.

The Sabbatean Jews and the Roman Flavian Cult embedded in the Church of Rome both represent offshoots of the far older Babylonian religion; they were twins formed in the womb of Samaria, more like each other -- under the skin -- than any outsider might suppose.

Both actually practice and believe things that are carefully hidden --- and evil, but perhaps it is simply knowing this that binds them together, like two blackmailers who have the goods on each other.

Both indulge in Black Masses and Orgies; both cultivate the ability to lie convincingly, both practice various kinds of blood sacrifice including human sacrifice, both use sex as a sacrament, both practice idolatry, especially the idolatry of money.

And if one calls himself a Jew and another calls himself a Christian, it's all the same to them. Anyone that wants to call himself a Muslim and participate in all of this, will be welcomed as one of them. Religion is just a means to an end and their cynicism knows no bounds.

The only actual religion they have is the religion of Mammon, and they are all in it together, both ends against the middle, which meets in the High Lodges of the Scottish Rite and spreads out like a spider web from there.

We feel quite content having answered the riddles and traced the web back to its home in ancient Samaria, and thence to its new home in Scotland, and all around the world from there along every sea lane and byway, wherever men lust for sex and gold and are willing to wager everything for it.

The enemy of humankind is revealed to be humankind itself, and to each of us a decision is given, to choose life or death, according to what seems good to us.

The Black Magic Money Spell has no power; no delusions about money remain. We recognize the dead things in the realm of the dead and don't concern ourselves: to each is given a time and a season, and the time of Babylon, like the season of the Saturnine Brotherhood, is long gone.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


Public International Notice: So We Are Told
By Anna Von Reitz

This morning, the Fourth of July in the year of 2024, we are told that "President" Trump, the "Commander-in-Chief" of the British Territorial Corporation doing business as "the United States of America -- Incorporated" has given the order to the U.S. Military to disclose what has gone on here.

We are told that in "3 to 5 days everyone will know".

But will we?

It seems very doubtful that those who have been chiefly responsible for the ruses and abuses will come clean, and far more likely that they will come forward with some fictional Hollywood narrative seeking to excuse themselves and make themselves look good ---- while continuing to use and abuse.

Historically, when cornered and accused of their vile religious practices and other criminal acts, the Vermin double-down and accuse others of what they have been doing themselves.

So expect that.

They use bit players as the Fall Guys to satiate public outrage, while the actual leaders and perpetrators escape to pleasant vacation homes and retreats. They sit in comfy leather recliners and watch their whipping boys go to the guillotines and gallows.

Expect that, too.

The whole political furor, the phony prosecution of Trump and the January 6th protestors, the staged election, the attacks against our food production facilities and oil refineries, the entire pandemic complete with rehearsals, the continued slow march toward the UN CORP 2030 goals, the so-called "Open Borders Policy", the whole criminal house of cards that makes up the current financial system --- all that they are going to explain? Without, however, incriminating themselves?


We've been led to expect a full-on Hollywood extravaganza of unbelievable proportions, a combination of phony movie footage and Project Blue Beam illusions designed to make Donald Trump look like at least Moses, if not the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

They've been telling us to "enjoy the show" for a decade. We haven't enjoyed it yet, but the Queen Anons and others keep saying we are going to love it and love the way this Big Production ends.

Our Shinola Sensors are set on High. We don't expect any of this to pass the credibility test, but who knows?

What we expect is a Hollywood-style softcore Horror Movie seeking to excuse and explain away all the things that we have directly observed for ourselves.

We will be told that all the lies and cheating and stealing were necessary, part of a brilliant 160 year Master Plan. Yup.

Never fear. Uncle Sam had it all in hand.

We will be told that "aliens" or some other unknown entity or force was to blame, but a cult of Sabbatean Jews, based out of Frankfurt, Germany, and having secret ties to the Holy Roman Empire, will always be closer to the truth, and the truth will remain.

They will make up an enemy of the people one way or another, and do their best to pin their donkey on the scapegoat.

They will pay actors to play every role from Valiant Thor to JFK, Jr. and Princess Di ---- and because we are chumps, because we are endlessly gullible, they will count on us to believe them.

Feed us some bread and circuses, or what passes for it in the modern day, popcorn, and eight hour loops of movies to sell the narrative of the White Hats, right?

They will do their best to scare the pants off us as they reveal the terrible danger that they were fighting against this entire time, the horrific lizard-like humanoid invaders and insectoid robots that they protected us from. The evil swamp creatures that live inside the Beltway....

Think of mini-Godzillas and Praying Mantis-like robots ready to bite your heads off.

We'll be so grateful to them that any cost for their operations and upkeep will be happily accepted, even if it means being enslaved for another 300 years.

Their leadership will be proven, their candidate the only choice. Mr. Trump will be so gracious in victory, we will forget that he's an egotist and learn to love his nasal foghorn voice.

They will try to sell us the faked Princess Di as a replacement for the failed (and actually non-existent) British Monarchy, and the faked JFK, Jr. as the American equivalent.

Why not have a fake President for a fake government? And a fake Queen to run a non-existent Constitutional Monarchy?

It's all just actors on a stage, put there to distract attention away from what's going on behind the curtain.

It will be as staged as the "attack" on the World Trade Center, designed to sweep the ugly old elephants under the rug and open up a whole new day of accepting any lie they tell us.

With or without Blue Ribbon Commissions to back them up.

We expect a Hail, Mary attempt to keep the same old Players (albeit, wearing different masks) in place and in power. We don't expect any sincere offer to change or admit mistakes.

We expect more lies. More masks. More "confidence" tricks and illusions.

So should you.

They've all been caught red-handed, so what can they do?

Answer: whip around and hand-cuff the guy standing next to them--- and present him as the problem.

See here? We captured all these criminals who used to be in league with us. Now we are going to bring them to justice....Gunslingers v Horse Thieves, in Technicolor.

It was all a brilliant plan to draw out the Bad Guys, who were being bad in plain sight and mostly in public for decades at a time.

We are told that this long-awaited theater production to end all theater productions is almost upon us. Almost.

So we are told.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
July 4th 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here: