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8 hrs ago

#MainstreamMedia pushing risky #weightloss #vaccines on the masses #bigpharma

The mainstream media has long been used to advertise for and support the pharmaceutical industry, and anyone who has ever doubted this is the case was proven wrong by the way the media handled COVID-19 vaccines. Now, the “solution” they’re pushing on the masses is the weight loss drug Ozempic and others of its ilk, […]


Scientists say ribonuclease-targeting CHIMERAS can deactivate mRNA COVID

#chaos #health #bigpharma

A study undertaken by researchers at the McCullough Foundation claims to have found a treatment for mRNA (modRNA) Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccination” and associated spike protein production. A tweet from the fund explains that small interfering RNA, also known as siRNA, as well as ribonuclease targeting chimeras known as RIBOTACs, could “target, inactivate, and degrade […]


#FDA urging #staffers who leave for the #BigPharma to #WorkBehindTheScenes

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) encourages staffers departing for pharmaceutical industry jobs that they can work behind the scenes to influence the regulator’s decision-making. The British Medical Journal (BMJ) disclosed this in a July 1 feature penned by its senior editor Peter Doshi. He cited an internal email obtained by the publication through a […]


There have been so many important whistleblowers over the years—big names like Daniel Ellsberg, Edward Snowden, Bradley Birkenfeld, Annie Machon, and Katherine Gunn, just to name a few—that you wouldn’t be wrong to think that official opinion, the opinion of governments, had changed so that these truthtellers would be protected for their revelations. But that’s not necessarily the case. Certainly, many countries have moved forward on whistleblower protection. The European Union immediately comes to mind. But the US and UK are not among them. In most cases, at least involving government whistleblowers, the US and UK cite national security as the reason for not welcoming new disclosures. And indeed, they use the Espionage Act and the Official Secrets Act, respectively, to prosecute whistleblowers. But why hasn’t more been done to protect private sector whistleblowers? Why do people who blow the whistle on waste, fraud, abuse, illegality, or threats to the public health or public safety at Big Pharma, in international banking, inside international conglomerates, and elsewhere still face the untampered wrath of their companies? Where are protections for these whistleblowers? On this episode of The Whistleblowers, John Kiriakou discuss the critical importance of whistleblowers with former whistleblower and whistleblower advocate Jane Turner.

On this episode of The Cost of Everything, we take a closer look at the ‘wokeness’ moment that has taken over the world. From movies to classrooms, it has shaped and groomed citizens with an ideology not everyone is on board with. Host Christy Ai and co-host Ed Martin explain how the ‘woke’ movement has impacted their careers. Later, filmmaker Sean Stone joins the show to dive deep into how wokeness has made Big Pharma big money with hormone disruptors and medication for teenagers, as well as groomed children to doubt their own sexuality.

ICYMI: Dr. Mike Yeadon — Former Pfizer VP NAMES NAMES of his ex-#BigPharma colleagues + calls for accountability for those directly responsible for #CrimesAgainstHumanity



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There have been so many important whistleblowers over the years—big names like Daniel Ellsberg, Edward Snowden, Bradley Birkenfeld, Annie Machon, and Katherine Gunn, just to name a few—that you wouldn’t be wrong to think that official opinion, the opinion of governments, had changed so that these truthtellers would be protected for their revelations. But that’s not necessarily the case. Certainly, many countries have moved forward on whistleblower protection. The European Union immediately comes to mind. But the US and UK are not among them. In most cases, at least involving government whistleblowers, the US and UK cite national security as the reason for not welcoming new disclosures. And indeed, they use the Espionage Act and the Official Secrets Act, respectively, to prosecute whistleblowers. But why hasn’t more been done to protect private sector whistleblowers? Why do people who blow the whistle on waste, fraud, abuse, illegality, or threats to the public health or public safety at Big Pharma, in international banking, inside international conglomerates, and elsewhere still face the untampered wrath of their companies? Where are protections for these whistleblowers? On this episode of The Whistleblowers, John Kiriakou discuss the critical importance of whistleblowers with former whistleblower and whistleblower advocate Jane Turner.

On this episode of The Cost of Everything, we take a closer look at the ‘wokeness’ moment that has taken over the world. From movies to classrooms, it has shaped and groomed citizens with an ideology not everyone is on board with. Host Christy Ai and co-host Ed Martin explain how the ‘woke’ movement has impacted their careers. Later, filmmaker Sean Stone joins the show to dive deep into how wokeness has made Big Pharma big money with hormone disruptors and medication for teenagers, as well as groomed children to doubt their own sexuality.

ICYMI: Dr. Mike Yeadon — Former Pfizer VP NAMES NAMES of his ex-#BigPharma colleagues + calls for accountability for those directly responsible for #CrimesAgainstHumanity



This is a declaration of war from #BigPharma on our children. It’s time for people to stop complying.

ACT NOW: Demand CDC + elected officials STOP COVID MANDATES!


#HandsOffOurChildren #NoMandates


8 hrs ago

#MainstreamMedia pushing risky #weightloss #vaccines on the masses #bigpharma

The mainstream media has long been used to advertise for and support the pharmaceutical industry, and anyone who has ever doubted this is the case was proven wrong by the way the media handled COVID-19 vaccines. Now, the “solution” they’re pushing on the masses is the weight loss drug Ozempic and others of its ilk, […]


Scientists say ribonuclease-targeting CHIMERAS can deactivate mRNA COVID

#chaos #health #bigpharma

A study undertaken by researchers at the McCullough Foundation claims to have found a treatment for mRNA (modRNA) Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccination” and associated spike protein production. A tweet from the fund explains that small interfering RNA, also known as siRNA, as well as ribonuclease targeting chimeras known as RIBOTACs, could “target, inactivate, and degrade […]


#FDA urging #staffers who leave for the #BigPharma to #WorkBehindTheScenes

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) encourages staffers departing for pharmaceutical industry jobs that they can work behind the scenes to influence the regulator’s decision-making. The British Medical Journal (BMJ) disclosed this in a July 1 feature penned by its senior editor Peter Doshi. He cited an internal email obtained by the publication through a […]


If you rely on #drugs to live, you'd better start planning for this #BigPharma #drugshortages #supplychain #collapse

The United States Pharmacopeia, an independent, science-based nonprofit, released its first annual Drug Shortage Report (USP) showing that drug shortages are currently at the highest level in a decade with 2023 marking the worst year yet. Over the past 10 years, the number of drug shortages has increased dramatically, the report explains, with 125 active […]


#EliLilly's refusal to supply #Russian children with #insulin could be positive in the long run #bigpharma

Eli Lilly will no longer be supplying life-saving insulin to the Russian market, with the Kommersant newspaper reporting that supplies of its Humalog-brand insulin are nearly exhausted. The drug’s customer base is largely made up of children who have type 1 diabetes, which requires external insulin. The Big Pharma manufacturer announced that it was going […]