
& if U ALL out there who CLAIM 2 B in-of Holy Trinity, R not SELF prepared or R afraid 2 (humanly) die 4 Holy Trinity (though U will eternally live via Soul in Heaven 4 standing up 4 HIM), THEN U R NOT in-of HIM & U only lie 2 YO selves & only further humor Devil! & THOSE like Deep State, UN, World Economic Forum, George Soros, etc (fill in blank's) ie: any & all SELF $ selling out 2 highest $ paying bidder police law enforcement-military TOP-down (locally) wherever U live USA-globally have literally-clearly NO exhibited care NOR regard 2 B right-proper 4 Holy Trinity, which regardless of THEIR endless volume of gun magazine's & etc weapon's R - even like U ALL coward's = SELF committing eternal suicide-signing YO own eternal death warrant via YO own WHEN IN LIFE Heaven Life Record, GET it? WE CLEAR?!

& though those like terrorist group's out there DO 4 evil, WE ALL who CLAIM 2 B in-of Jesus, STILL NO do NOTHING like Heaven's SELF deny Warrior angel's DID un2 Devil long ago though (Devil) brought us this Holy War & YEAH, God DID The Flood - CEASED LGBTQiA via Holy Bible's Genesis 19, hence, setting the example & U ALL since ALLOW them existence ie: dust & ash corpse human weed's of garden which is evil-unholy opposite 2 God &-but like Jesus said, 'MORE B in Hell than Heaven' after YO last breath ie: death, U R ALL individually walking a dangerous unholy-evil life path & playing a dangerous unholy-evil game only 2 have it led U 2 B sent by Jesus 2 Hell after last breath ie: death; huh U gonna go 2 Hell 4 THEM around U? Then B gone, I - Jesus-Holy Trinity NEVER knew U!

Sigh huh, past historically-tick tock 'Time' 2 date USA-globally, evil-unholy, dust & ash bleedable, weed of garden, CAN B touched-handled-ceased, THEM-THEY of Power (fill in blank's, name THEM) almost have what THEY want-need-demand, ABSOLUTE CONTROL! THEY (ie: have done-did via Jeremy Lee Renner's 'CAN'T B UNDONE' & R gonna STILL continue doing) & it WON'T stop there! The $, etc price of USA-global God given-allowed-privilege of freedom is HIGH, it always has been & it's a price I'm (dying tired frail old man, straight-hetrosexual, celibate, alpha male) SELF denyingly (& Holy Trinity WITHOUT or NEVER QUESTIONING HIM) via Luke 17:21-22 ie: kingdom of God is embedded internally within FEW, NOT ALL, willing 2 pay (do or die trying, 'WHATEVER it takes' cuz I 'GET'-realize what's solely alone at stake = angering-pissing off God BUT me NO lone wolf-ing) & if I'm R-the ONLY 1 (& above), then so B it! via my WHEN IN temporary human, NON SELF owned via Holy Bible's Luke 9:24) LIFE assigned Heaven Life Record!


The question of “Who Killed Darren Seals?” made national headlines in 2016 after the Ferguson activist was found shot and burned to death inside his car in St. Louis. Host John Kiriakou discussed this case with filmmaker, journalist, and podcaster Ray Nowosielski and former Missouri state senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal as they investigate the life and death of Seals, who became a prominent spokesperson against police violence and racial bias following the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. Why Darren Seals was under FBI scrutiny and whether his case will ever be resolved are lingering questions to be answered.

Julian Assange, the cofounder of Wikileaks, has been held in London’s notorious maximum-security Belmarsh Prison for almost five years. Before that, he was in self-imposed exile in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. The CIA a few years ago made plans to kill or kidnap Julian in broad daylight in the streets of London, if the US government’s request to extradite him were to be unsuccessful. But that request is pending and is likely to go forward in the near future. The big question, then, is whether the US Justice Department will offer Julian a deal he can live with or whether he will be forced to go on trial for his life. On this episode of the Whistleblowers, John Kiriakou speaks with journalist and Consortium News editor Joe Lauria and activist and radio host Randy Credico about what the future might hold for Julian Assange.


Republicans are facing another political headache in the wake of the overturning of Roe v. Wade, this time involving in vitro fertilization procedures, that could spell disaster for the party heading into the 2024 election. The latest hurdle comes out of Alabama after the state Supreme Court ruled frozen embryos are legally children and the destruction of embryos constitutes a crime under the state’s “wrongful death of a minor” law. In response to the significant backlash, lawmakers in both chambers of the Alabama legislature have filed bills to clarify the state law related to embryos created via IVF. In this episode of 360 View, Scottie Nell Hughes debate with her panel (Steve Abramowicz, Host, Mill Creek View; Desi K Robinson, Health Professor, Doula, Media Analyst) about the ruling and the morality of deciding when does life begin?


The question of “Who Killed Darren Seals?” made national headlines in 2016 after the Ferguson activist was found shot and burned to death inside his car in St. Louis. Host John Kiriakou discussed this case with filmmaker, journalist, and podcaster Ray Nowosielski and former Missouri state senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal as they investigate the life and death of Seals, who became a prominent spokesperson against police violence and racial bias following the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. Why Darren Seals was under FBI scrutiny and whether his case will ever be resolved are lingering questions to be answered.

Julian Assange, the cofounder of Wikileaks, has been held in London’s notorious maximum-security Belmarsh Prison for almost five years. Before that, he was in self-imposed exile in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. The CIA a few years ago made plans to kill or kidnap Julian in broad daylight in the streets of London, if the US government’s request to extradite him were to be unsuccessful. But that request is pending and is likely to go forward in the near future. The big question, then, is whether the US Justice Department will offer Julian a deal he can live with or whether he will be forced to go on trial for his life. On this episode of the Whistleblowers, John Kiriakou speaks with journalist and Consortium News editor Joe Lauria and activist and radio host Randy Credico about what the future might hold for Julian Assange.


Republicans are facing another political headache in the wake of the overturning of Roe v. Wade, this time involving in vitro fertilization procedures, that could spell disaster for the party heading into the 2024 election. The latest hurdle comes out of Alabama after the state Supreme Court ruled frozen embryos are legally children and the destruction of embryos constitutes a crime under the state’s “wrongful death of a minor” law. In response to the significant backlash, lawmakers in both chambers of the Alabama legislature have filed bills to clarify the state law related to embryos created via IVF. In this episode of 360 View, Scottie Nell Hughes debate with her panel (Steve Abramowicz, Host, Mill Creek View; Desi K Robinson, Health Professor, Doula, Media Analyst) about the ruling and the morality of deciding when does life begin?

In this episode of The Cost of Everything, host Christy Ai teams up with author Marion Nestle to uncover the hidden costs lurking on our plates, particularly in the realm of fast food – an area often overlooked in terms of its health ramifications. Together, they delve into how what may seem like a convenient and satisfying meal option can actually harbor a multitude of hidden costs for our wellbeing. By unraveling the complexities of fast-food ingredients – from preservatives and additives designed to enhance flavor and prolong shelf life to chemicals that may pose risks to human health – Christy and Marion shed light on the true impact of fast-food consumption. They also examine the stark differences in food regulations between the US and Europe, highlighting banned substances in other countries that continue to find their way into American fast-food products.


The first episode profiles Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his transformation from actor to war-time president. It does so by contrasting the saintly, celebrity image that western countries have promoted to the dark and deadly reality of Ukrainian life under his rule.


& if U ALL out there who CLAIM 2 B in-of Holy Trinity, R not SELF prepared or R afraid 2 (humanly) die 4 Holy Trinity (though U will eternally live via Soul in Heaven 4 standing up 4 HIM), THEN U R NOT in-of HIM & U only lie 2 YO selves & only further humor Devil! & THOSE like Deep State, UN, World Economic Forum, George Soros, etc (fill in blank's) ie: any & all SELF $ selling out 2 highest $ paying bidder police law enforcement-military TOP-down (locally) wherever U live USA-globally have literally-clearly NO exhibited care NOR regard 2 B right-proper 4 Holy Trinity, which regardless of THEIR endless volume of gun magazine's & etc weapon's R - even like U ALL coward's = SELF committing eternal suicide-signing YO own eternal death warrant via YO own WHEN IN LIFE Heaven Life Record, GET it? WE CLEAR?!

& though those like terrorist group's out there DO 4 evil, WE ALL who CLAIM 2 B in-of Jesus, STILL NO do NOTHING like Heaven's SELF deny Warrior angel's DID un2 Devil long ago though (Devil) brought us this Holy War & YEAH, God DID The Flood - CEASED LGBTQiA via Holy Bible's Genesis 19, hence, setting the example & U ALL since ALLOW them existence ie: dust & ash corpse human weed's of garden which is evil-unholy opposite 2 God &-but like Jesus said, 'MORE B in Hell than Heaven' after YO last breath ie: death, U R ALL individually walking a dangerous unholy-evil life path & playing a dangerous unholy-evil game only 2 have it led U 2 B sent by Jesus 2 Hell after last breath ie: death; huh U gonna go 2 Hell 4 THEM around U? Then B gone, I - Jesus-Holy Trinity NEVER knew U!

Sigh huh, past historically-tick tock 'Time' 2 date USA-globally, evil-unholy, dust & ash bleedable, weed of garden, CAN B touched-handled-ceased, THEM-THEY of Power (fill in blank's, name THEM) almost have what THEY want-need-demand, ABSOLUTE CONTROL! THEY (ie: have done-did via Jeremy Lee Renner's 'CAN'T B UNDONE' & R gonna STILL continue doing) & it WON'T stop there! The $, etc price of USA-global God given-allowed-privilege of freedom is HIGH, it always has been & it's a price I'm (dying tired frail old man, straight-hetrosexual, celibate, alpha male) SELF denyingly (& Holy Trinity WITHOUT or NEVER QUESTIONING HIM) via Luke 17:21-22 ie: kingdom of God is embedded internally within FEW, NOT ALL, willing 2 pay (do or die trying, 'WHATEVER it takes' cuz I 'GET'-realize what's solely alone at stake = angering-pissing off God BUT me NO lone wolf-ing) & if I'm R-the ONLY 1 (& above), then so B it! via my WHEN IN temporary human, NON SELF owned via Holy Bible's Luke 9:24) LIFE assigned Heaven Life Record!

Sigh there's solely only 1 Sonny Crockett & THAT B 'DJ', peace my Bro, hope U find what U looking 4, stay safe out there, & God bless, B well even as SIGH just nothing's simple or easy anymore, probably a understatement but what I know, I'm nothing more than a tired frail old aging dying straight-hetrosexual alpha man with HOWEVER only my own eventual death 2 look 4 ward 2 having (seemingly feeling internally within) having witness much 2 last 10 lifetime's & Coming find myself upon my knees B4 Jesus & my WHEN IN LIFE Heaven Life Record, 4 better or worse -

A video I made of the huge 80's TV show Miami Vice with the soundtrack of Crockett's Theme by Jan Hammer. Enjoy!

& if George Timothy Clooney like vast etc else SELF choose with their God given FREE Will etc internally within-inside & gained of tick tock 'Time' NON SELF owned via Holy Bible's Luke 9:24 LIFE 2 B about & with political Democratic Party which is 2 say AGAINST Holy Majesty-Master, retributionary Eye's of Fire, King Jesus Christ, eternal Son of Yahweh Jehovah Father God = 3 in 1-1 in 3 Holy Trinity, either try if Holy Counseled by Jesus-God 2 reach out 2 them OR, SHUN THEM ALL like the plague as ALL individually got a SELF own individual assigned WHEN IN LIFE Heaven Life Record besides noting Book of Revelations: 2 TEST period's & 2 judgment day's.