& if U ALL out there who CLAIM 2 B in-of Holy Trinity, R not SELF prepared or R afraid 2 (humanly) die 4 Holy Trinity (though U will eternally live via Soul in Heaven 4 standing up 4 HIM), THEN U R NOT in-of HIM & U only lie 2 YO selves & only further humor Devil! & THOSE like Deep State, UN, World Economic Forum, George Soros, etc (fill in blank's) ie: any & all SELF $ selling out 2 highest $ paying bidder police law enforcement-military TOP-down (locally) wherever U live USA-globally have literally-clearly NO exhibited care NOR regard 2 B right-proper 4 Holy Trinity, which regardless of THEIR endless volume of gun magazine's & etc weapon's R - even like U ALL coward's = SELF committing eternal suicide-signing YO own eternal death warrant via YO own WHEN IN LIFE Heaven Life Record, GET it? WE CLEAR?!