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& 2 HUH, say the LEAST, U ALL of USA's Congress, misc else across the board have since past tense-2 date tick tock 'Time' (day & night, 24/7) have literally done NOTHING but DISGRACE, misc else (fill in blank's) the historical memory of & ALL the USA's Founding Father's have done but even say amidst a garden with ever more growing weed's USA-globally upon dying non human innocent original 5 day created Earth (trying 2 heal at any time while-though U humanity instead deem, 'The heck U will (heal)' as it (Earth) screams B-ing raped, misc that we humanity were suppose 2 B it's SELF deny care taker's & instead U've given Devil endless laughing humor show as it (Devil) deems we're doing it's job against God 4 it?!

& however know people today regarding if there's there any descendants of past historical figures & they were 2 come in2 vast wealth-$ money, huh they'd probably B hunted down & killed-murdered-ceased & robbed of such thus 2 my point, just NOTHING ever change past historically-2date despite like past history repeating itself 2 worse Coming of a ALL out across the USA-global board murder-suicide-mutiny, sanitizing, annihilation, genocidal, bloodbath, massacre, eradicating, extermination, Russian roulette upon fellow 8,019,876,189 individual human's give or take (as of 1/2024) of 195 individual countries worldwide USA-globally = 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity itself, sigh sad but true, "EH" oh well, moving on.


HISTORICAL VIDEO: Kamala Harris Appointed Border Czar– She Now Denies It!

HISTORICAL VIDEO: Kamala Harris Appointed Border Czar– She Now Denies It!



In this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez discusses the escalating tensions between the US, its NATO allies, and Russia, following a controversial decision by the US, Germany, and France to provide Ukraine with missiles capable of striking deep inside Russian territory. Plus, the show highlights Russia’s strategic military maneuvers in Cuba, drawing historical parallels to the Cuban Missile Crisis. The episode concludes with an interview with Professor Francis Anthony Boyle, who links NATO’s actions to the conflict in Ukraine.


The same historical factors that caused the American gun culture will be present in space. Everything in space is dangerous and can be weaponized including your ship. Personal defense is a basic human right and will be even more important when expanding into the galaxy.


Referendums are meant to take political decisions straight to the people. All over the globe governments seek to make important decisions for their countries once the voters have had their direct say in a matter. But are referendums always fair, or can they be used as tools to manipulate outcomes? In this episode of 360 View we dive into referendums both present and historical and examine how referendums as a tool are growing in popularity all over the world. Host Scottie Nell Hughes sits down with Dr. RIchard Albert, Professor of Government at the University of Texas after an extensive report by international correspondent Roxana Solano.


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In this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez discusses the escalating tensions between the US, its NATO allies, and Russia, following a controversial decision by the US, Germany, and France to provide Ukraine with missiles capable of striking deep inside Russian territory. Plus, the show highlights Russia’s strategic military maneuvers in Cuba, drawing historical parallels to the Cuban Missile Crisis. The episode concludes with an interview with Professor Francis Anthony Boyle, who links NATO’s actions to the conflict in Ukraine.


The same historical factors that caused the American gun culture will be present in space. Everything in space is dangerous and can be weaponized including your ship. Personal defense is a basic human right and will be even more important when expanding into the galaxy.


Referendums are meant to take political decisions straight to the people. All over the globe governments seek to make important decisions for their countries once the voters have had their direct say in a matter. But are referendums always fair, or can they be used as tools to manipulate outcomes? In this episode of 360 View we dive into referendums both present and historical and examine how referendums as a tool are growing in popularity all over the world. Host Scottie Nell Hughes sits down with Dr. RIchard Albert, Professor of Government at the University of Texas after an extensive report by international correspondent Roxana Solano.

On August 20, a compelling line-up of international speakers will travel to Nuremberg to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the Nuremberg Code. Now of all times, this achievement of mankind is facing the greatest hardship since it was written. WATCH the historical event LIVE on #CHDTV


‘astonishing’ historical parallels regarding accusations of #monkeypox in the gay male community + the WHO’s recent declaration of the spread as a global health emergency of international concern. #CHDTV



& 2 HUH, say the LEAST, U ALL of USA's Congress, misc else across the board have since past tense-2 date tick tock 'Time' (day & night, 24/7) have literally done NOTHING but DISGRACE, misc else (fill in blank's) the historical memory of & ALL the USA's Founding Father's have done but even say amidst a garden with ever more growing weed's USA-globally upon dying non human innocent original 5 day created Earth (trying 2 heal at any time while-though U humanity instead deem, 'The heck U will (heal)' as it (Earth) screams B-ing raped, misc that we humanity were suppose 2 B it's SELF deny care taker's & instead U've given Devil endless laughing humor show as it (Devil) deems we're doing it's job against God 4 it?!

& however know people today regarding if there's there any descendants of past historical figures & they were 2 come in2 vast wealth-$ money, huh they'd probably B hunted down & killed-murdered-ceased & robbed of such thus 2 my point, just NOTHING ever change past historically-2date despite like past history repeating itself 2 worse Coming of a ALL out across the USA-global board murder-suicide-mutiny, sanitizing, annihilation, genocidal, bloodbath, massacre, eradicating, extermination, Russian roulette upon fellow 8,019,876,189 individual human's give or take (as of 1/2024) of 195 individual countries worldwide USA-globally = 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity itself, sigh sad but true, "EH" oh well, moving on.


HISTORICAL VIDEO: Kamala Harris Appointed Border Czar– She Now Denies It!

HISTORICAL VIDEO: Kamala Harris Appointed Border Czar– She Now Denies It!

& like U ALL fellow human 'capable' straight-hetrosexual alpha male-beta female adult Bro's-Brother's & Sis's-Sister's, Son's & Daughter's of FAILED tested Adam 1st THEN Eve of ANY-ALL skin color race's & NO matter wherever U live USA-globally R truly exhibitedly short attention span-feeble minded-naive-lazy-arrogantly egotistical & cowardice! & those of male & female past historical long ago TRUE SELF deny Warrior Achilles-Leonidas-Maximus Decimus Meridius-Ardeth Bay-Aragorn 2nd (Elessar-Telcontar-Thorongil-Estel-Dunadan-Wingfoot)-Alan Dutch Schaefer-John James Rambo, so vast but R FEW got MORE on us 2 date than we of them, make NO mistake & YEAH I JUST DID! YEAH SHADDAP! Cry me a river-sing YO B/S 2 any choir-go pound sand LOSER'S!

Beyonce Giselle Knowles Carter like Jennifer Lynn Lopez like etc else kicking 2 the curb-can't B bothered 2 hear-see NO of the set 4th example 2 ALL adult USA-global men & women of Mary Magdalene of fill in blank's TOP-down of U fellow human 'capable' straight-hetrosexual alpha male-beta female adult Bro's-Brother's & Sis's-Sister's, Son's & Daughter's of FAILED tested Adam 1st THEN Eve of ANY-ALL skin color race's & NO matter wherever U live USA-globally, as well as NON exhibited-witnessed (seen) USA-global male & female past historical long ago TRUE SELF deny Warrior Achilles-Leonidas-Maximus Decimus Meridius-Ardeth Bay-Aragorn 2nd (Elessar-Telcontar-Thorongil-Estel-Dunadan-Wingfoot)-Alan Dutch Schaefer-John James Rambo, so vast but R FEW aside from separately SELF deny Warrior Heaven's Warrior angel's & 4 Horsemen Holy wrath retributionarily Coming 4 us ALL!