Beyonce Giselle Knowles Carter like Jennifer Lynn Lopez like etc else kicking 2 the curb-can't B bothered 2 hear-see NO of the set 4th example 2 ALL adult USA-global men & women of Mary Magdalene of fill in blank's TOP-down of U fellow human 'capable' straight-hetrosexual alpha male-beta female adult Bro's-Brother's & Sis's-Sister's, Son's & Daughter's of FAILED tested Adam 1st THEN Eve of ANY-ALL skin color race's & NO matter wherever U live USA-globally, as well as NON exhibited-witnessed (seen) USA-global male & female past historical long ago TRUE SELF deny Warrior Achilles-Leonidas-Maximus Decimus Meridius-Ardeth Bay-Aragorn 2nd (Elessar-Telcontar-Thorongil-Estel-Dunadan-Wingfoot)-Alan Dutch Schaefer-John James Rambo, so vast but R FEW aside from separately SELF deny Warrior Heaven's Warrior angel's & 4 Horsemen Holy wrath retributionarily Coming 4 us ALL!