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What 1-U miss by B-ing a Christian via Holy Bible - & U must believe Jesus died 4 YO sins: Romans 5:8. 2 all who receive & believe in Jesus, receives the right 2 B-come a child of God: John 1:12. Romans 10:9: if U declare with YO mouth Jesus is Lord & believe in U God raised HIM from the dead, U will B saved & John 3:36 = those who believe in Jesus have 4ever life & those who refuse 2, DON'T have it = instead the wrath-anger of God remains on them individually!

Sigh huh as NO matter what YAW 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity itself deem, only matters is the unseen sand in hourglass internally within-inside God of HIS limited patience & temporary held back wrath-anger upon we all (above) as though we R merely dust & ash corpses & THAT inside of MIST like Soul & noting Holy Bible's Luke 9:24, HOPE-PEACE died the instant moment long ago Adam & Eve sealed all our fate in a microsecond & END (whoever deems) is ONLY the beginning, sigh huh so B it.

🚨 ‘He Suffered Greatly’: Parents of Student Who Died After Pfizer Shot Speak Out

Trent received two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in 2022, two-and-a-half months apart. Initially, all seemed well — but approximately eight to nine months later, Trent experienced cardiac arrest and subsequent brain damage, apparently due to blood clots.

Trent spent the rest of his life in a vegetative state until he died on Aug. 24, 2023. His death certificate acknowledged “reaction to COVID-19 vaccination” as one of the causes of his death.

More from #TheDefender on Substack ⬇️

Trent Lieffring received two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine in 2022. Eight to nine months later, Trent experienced cardiac arrest and subsequent brain damage. He died on Aug. 24, 2023.


Last August, CDC recommended infants receive an injectable drug called nirsevimab — marketed under the name Beyfortus® — purportedly to prevent RSV infections. What their recommendation did not mention is that multiple infants died during clinical trials.

Parents, have you left the pediatrician’s office feeling gaslighted for raising valid concerns?

Watch a week’s worth of news on this episode of ‘This Week’ on #CHDTV ?

On February 25, 2024, a young active duty airman by the name of Aaron Bushnell went to the Israeli Embassy in Washington, said that as a member of the US Air Force he could not be party to a genocide against the Palestinian people, doused himself with kerosene, and set himself on fire. He shouted “Free Palestine” five times until finally collapsing. He died later at a hospital. He was only 25 years old. On this episode of the Whistleblowers, John Kiriakou asks journalist and podcaster Esha Krishnaswamy if Aaron Bushnell’s death a bold political statement, or a simple suicide by someone suffering from mental illness.


What we learned in our exclusive interview with a now-deceased U.S. journalist. Truth in Media was one of the last media outlets to speak with Gonzalo Lira before he died in a Ukrainian Prison


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Last August, CDC recommended infants receive an injectable drug called nirsevimab — marketed under the name Beyfortus® — purportedly to prevent RSV infections. What their recommendation did not mention is that multiple infants died during clinical trials.

Parents, have you left the pediatrician’s office feeling gaslighted for raising valid concerns?

Watch a week’s worth of news on this episode of ‘This Week’ on #CHDTV ?

On February 25, 2024, a young active duty airman by the name of Aaron Bushnell went to the Israeli Embassy in Washington, said that as a member of the US Air Force he could not be party to a genocide against the Palestinian people, doused himself with kerosene, and set himself on fire. He shouted “Free Palestine” five times until finally collapsing. He died later at a hospital. He was only 25 years old. On this episode of the Whistleblowers, John Kiriakou asks journalist and podcaster Esha Krishnaswamy if Aaron Bushnell’s death a bold political statement, or a simple suicide by someone suffering from mental illness.


What we learned in our exclusive interview with a now-deceased U.S. journalist. Truth in Media was one of the last media outlets to speak with Gonzalo Lira before he died in a Ukrainian Prison


In 2009, a large-scale food poisoning incident affected 300,000 babies in China, 13 of whom died. This was after eating Nestle baby biscuits. On this episode of the Whistleblowers, John Kiriakou speaks with the one woman behind ousting Nestle, Yasmine Motarjemi, and how she tried to prevent this tragedy and other incidents of neglect at the company.


What 1-U miss by B-ing a Christian via Holy Bible - & U must believe Jesus died 4 YO sins: Romans 5:8. 2 all who receive & believe in Jesus, receives the right 2 B-come a child of God: John 1:12. Romans 10:9: if U declare with YO mouth Jesus is Lord & believe in U God raised HIM from the dead, U will B saved & John 3:36 = those who believe in Jesus have 4ever life & those who refuse 2, DON'T have it = instead the wrath-anger of God remains on them individually!

Sigh huh as NO matter what YAW 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity itself deem, only matters is the unseen sand in hourglass internally within-inside God of HIS limited patience & temporary held back wrath-anger upon we all (above) as though we R merely dust & ash corpses & THAT inside of MIST like Soul & noting Holy Bible's Luke 9:24, HOPE-PEACE died the instant moment long ago Adam & Eve sealed all our fate in a microsecond & END (whoever deems) is ONLY the beginning, sigh huh so B it.

🚨 ‘He Suffered Greatly’: Parents of Student Who Died After Pfizer Shot Speak Out

Trent received two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in 2022, two-and-a-half months apart. Initially, all seemed well — but approximately eight to nine months later, Trent experienced cardiac arrest and subsequent brain damage, apparently due to blood clots.

Trent spent the rest of his life in a vegetative state until he died on Aug. 24, 2023. His death certificate acknowledged “reaction to COVID-19 vaccination” as one of the causes of his death.

More from #TheDefender on Substack ⬇️

Trent Lieffring received two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine in 2022. Eight to nine months later, Trent experienced cardiac arrest and subsequent brain damage. He died on Aug. 24, 2023.

ANYTHING of HOPE - PEACE, misc literally DIED instantly the moment Adam THEN Eve FAILED their God given & allowed test's thus literally sealing ALL OUT EVER fate in a microsecond as 2 B SELF like, "Aw did I do that', AH SHADDPA ie: when 1 creates something, 1 wants 2 test it, WELL, this is the 1st of 2 temporary human life test's period's (as the Coming 2nd test period is Jesus's 1,000 year reign AFTER the 1st of 2 Coming Judgment Day's) & VAST won't succeed the 1st Judgment Day via their WHEN IN temporary human, NON SELF owned via Holy Bible's Luke 9:24, LIFE assigned Heaven Life eternal convictable recorded-archived-documented Record, even as Adam was SUPPOSE 2 have had Eve's back, hence, coming FROM Adam, BOTH in LESS than a day = created & FAILED, thus off setting & downed (dying) non human innocent Earth's Natural protective, forcefield shielding Balance (2 keep out the bad) like a web-pc firewall!

Sigh huh like Joseph Frank (Joe-Joey) Pesci said in 'With Honors", THOSE of Congress SHOULD & R SUPPOSE 2 B about daily working a regular REAL job (s) while USA federal government is SUPPOSE 2 B small via Constitution & the USA's Founding Father's & 2 THINK that those GOOD ie: MLK Jr, etc fill in blank's thru out history have lived & died 4 NOTHING & it's DEEMED by-of THEM (fill in blank's) Founding Fathers R dead THEIR running show now & Hitler NO do right, THEIR gonna do BETTER?!; listen 2 Joseph Frank (Joe-Joey) Pesci's VERY CAREFULLY, sincerely-humbly, & the actual timed id verbal scene is at: 2:29 which U can easily just slide the below video slider bar over 2 exactly 2:29 -

A lesson for all tyrants......