Sigh huh like Joseph Frank (Joe-Joey) Pesci said in 'With Honors", THOSE of Congress SHOULD & R SUPPOSE 2 B about daily working a regular REAL job (s) while USA federal government is SUPPOSE 2 B small via Constitution & the USA's Founding Father's & 2 THINK that those GOOD ie: MLK Jr, etc fill in blank's thru out history have lived & died 4 NOTHING & it's DEEMED by-of THEM (fill in blank's) Founding Fathers R dead THEIR running show now & Hitler NO do right, THEIR gonna do BETTER?!; listen 2 Joseph Frank (Joe-Joey) Pesci's VERY CAREFULLY, sincerely-humbly, & the actual timed id verbal scene is at: 2:29 which U can easily just slide the below video slider bar over 2 exactly 2:29 -

A lesson for all tyrants......