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13 hrs ago

“Pizza Gate” now a crisis of NATIONAL PROPORTIONS as Biden Regime promotes child trafficking through government agencies fostering mass-illegal-immigration

Remember Pizza Gate? Most Americans thought it was a conspiracy theory that demented politicians and rich elites in Washington DC were deeply involved in child-trafficking and child rape, nicknaming many of the lude sexual acts and “preferences” these perverts had under code terms that correlated with pizza toppings. There was a whole child-prostitution ring that […]


“Pizza Gate” now a crisis of NATIONAL PROPORTIONS as Biden Regime promotes child trafficking through government agencies fostering mass-illegal-immigration

Remember Pizza Gate? Most Americans thought it was a conspiracy theory that demented politicians and rich elites in Washington DC were deeply involved in child-trafficking and child rape, nicknaming many of the lude sexual acts and “preferences” these perverts had under code terms that correlated with pizza toppings. There was a whole child-prostitution ring that […]


Q Elon Confirms Kamala Is A Double

Elon Musk's comment at David Sacks:
"Kamala is just a puppet" - July 24, 2024

5️⃣🕔 Q Drop #3473 - Jul 24, 2019:
There are Puppets.
There are Puppet Masters.

🎭 Puppets = Doubles 🎭
[Central Casting Crisis Actors]

↙️↙️Read & Share The Full Articles↘️↘️

🔍"Kamala Harris: Corrupt Former Prosecutor Selected As Joe Biden's 2020 Running Mate & 2024 POTUS Replacement"

🔍 "The Executed: Clones, Doubles, & Vril Lizard Reptilian Parasites"




In this episode of "Direct Impact," host Ben Swann discusses the pressing issue of illegal immigration at the U.S. southern border, a critical topic in the 2024 presidential election. The show examines the drastic changes in border encounters following the end of Title 42 and the significant increase in migrants from countries like Venezuela, India, and China. Political Analyst Bill Crane and former U.S. diplomat Jim Jatras join the discussion, addressing the complexities and political implications of this crisis and International correspondent Manila Chan provides further insights into the numbers and the political ramifications for the Biden administration.


In today’s episode of “Direct Impact,” Rick Sanchez explores the underlying motivations behind America’s involvement in Ukraine, citing statements from Hungarian leader Victor Orban and US Senator Lindsey Graham that suggest financial interests are at play. Rick also highlights Tucker Carlson’s interview with Congressman Thomas Massie, who discusses the powerful influence of the Israel Lobby, AIPAC, over US politicians. Finally, Rick has a discussion with Kevork Almassian, host of Syriana Analysis, to uncover the reasons behind Syria’s ongoing crisis.


In this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez discusses the escalating tensions between the US, its NATO allies, and Russia, following a controversial decision by the US, Germany, and France to provide Ukraine with missiles capable of striking deep inside Russian territory. Plus, the show highlights Russia’s strategic military maneuvers in Cuba, drawing historical parallels to the Cuban Missile Crisis. The episode concludes with an interview with Professor Francis Anthony Boyle, who links NATO’s actions to the conflict in Ukraine.


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In this episode of "Direct Impact," host Ben Swann discusses the pressing issue of illegal immigration at the U.S. southern border, a critical topic in the 2024 presidential election. The show examines the drastic changes in border encounters following the end of Title 42 and the significant increase in migrants from countries like Venezuela, India, and China. Political Analyst Bill Crane and former U.S. diplomat Jim Jatras join the discussion, addressing the complexities and political implications of this crisis and International correspondent Manila Chan provides further insights into the numbers and the political ramifications for the Biden administration.


In today’s episode of “Direct Impact,” Rick Sanchez explores the underlying motivations behind America’s involvement in Ukraine, citing statements from Hungarian leader Victor Orban and US Senator Lindsey Graham that suggest financial interests are at play. Rick also highlights Tucker Carlson’s interview with Congressman Thomas Massie, who discusses the powerful influence of the Israel Lobby, AIPAC, over US politicians. Finally, Rick has a discussion with Kevork Almassian, host of Syriana Analysis, to uncover the reasons behind Syria’s ongoing crisis.


In this episode of Direct Impact, Rick Sanchez discusses the escalating tensions between the US, its NATO allies, and Russia, following a controversial decision by the US, Germany, and France to provide Ukraine with missiles capable of striking deep inside Russian territory. Plus, the show highlights Russia’s strategic military maneuvers in Cuba, drawing historical parallels to the Cuban Missile Crisis. The episode concludes with an interview with Professor Francis Anthony Boyle, who links NATO’s actions to the conflict in Ukraine.

On this epsiode of the Whilstleblowers, John Kiriakou speaks with, David Bacon, a photojournalist, a fine art photographer, author, union organizer, and activist about the American Dream. Most importantly, whether or not the American Dream is still available to immigrants as the border crisis has those in command from both side s of the isle read yto shut the border down due to extreme violence flooding the country.

Only 2 cases in humans have been reported in the U.S. The first case reported they felt tired for 4 days + the second case had pink eye. ?

Meryl Nass, M.D. + James Corbett discuss the dangers of the 3 approved bird flu vaccines + warn us of the truth behind the coming “new pandemic” push.

Watch the entire episode on #CHDTV ?


13 hrs ago

“Pizza Gate” now a crisis of NATIONAL PROPORTIONS as Biden Regime promotes child trafficking through government agencies fostering mass-illegal-immigration

Remember Pizza Gate? Most Americans thought it was a conspiracy theory that demented politicians and rich elites in Washington DC were deeply involved in child-trafficking and child rape, nicknaming many of the lude sexual acts and “preferences” these perverts had under code terms that correlated with pizza toppings. There was a whole child-prostitution ring that […]


“Pizza Gate” now a crisis of NATIONAL PROPORTIONS as Biden Regime promotes child trafficking through government agencies fostering mass-illegal-immigration

Remember Pizza Gate? Most Americans thought it was a conspiracy theory that demented politicians and rich elites in Washington DC were deeply involved in child-trafficking and child rape, nicknaming many of the lude sexual acts and “preferences” these perverts had under code terms that correlated with pizza toppings. There was a whole child-prostitution ring that […]


Q Elon Confirms Kamala Is A Double

Elon Musk's comment at David Sacks:
"Kamala is just a puppet" - July 24, 2024

5️⃣🕔 Q Drop #3473 - Jul 24, 2019:
There are Puppets.
There are Puppet Masters.

🎭 Puppets = Doubles 🎭
[Central Casting Crisis Actors]

↙️↙️Read & Share The Full Articles↘️↘️

🔍"Kamala Harris: Corrupt Former Prosecutor Selected As Joe Biden's 2020 Running Mate & 2024 POTUS Replacement"

🔍 "The Executed: Clones, Doubles, & Vril Lizard Reptilian Parasites"



The Dark Arts: Fear Nudging
Frame. Obstruct. Ruse. Compel. Entangle. Seduce
Robert W Malone MD, MS,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/

During the COVID crisis, nudging emerged as one of the primary psyops tools used by globalists, governments, NGOs, and “security” (intelligence) forces against us ordinary folk.

Recently, a number of peer-reviewed papers have come to light, exposing just how pervasive and damaging the use of nudges was during COVID-19. They also reveal how nudging, including fear nudging, is being used to control individuals and populations on matters such as health, climate change, meat-eating, tobacco use, alcohol use, weight control, electoral candidates, political campaigns, and more.

The PsyWar Campaign continues to work to control our hearts and minds on all matters of statecraft.

For those that need reminding, nudging is a form of psychological manipulation that is often used in psyops and psywar campaigns.


Is Germany having any regrets about letting the flood gates open for millions of Muslim refugees?