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This will be the first time that the US has imposed sanctions on an Israeli military unit. This is a punishing break with our most devoted and stalwart ally, all while continuing to fund Iran, the world's largest state sponsor of terror and it's vicious jihad proxies in Gaza (Hamas), Syria and Lebanon (Hezb'Allah) and Judea, Samaria ('Palestinian' jihad) in their genocidal jihad against the tiny Jewish nation. It beggars belief, too gruesome to contemplate. The United States of America is rewarding savage jihad terrorists unimaginable bounty for the most unspeakable massacre and monstrous atrocities against the Jewish people since the Holocaust. The message the Biden regime is sending to jihad terrorists is clear.


Biden sends $15 million to Bangladesh despite its links to terrorist organizations and history of corruption and human rights abuses

The administration of President Joe Biden has approved a $15 million taxpayer-funded grant to Bangladesh to prevent so-called climate change despite the country’s long track record of corruption, human rights abuses and ties with terrorist organizations. The $15 million comes from the Enabling Environment for Climate Resiliency Activity program, a government program for enhancing climate […]


International Public Notice: An Invasion by Any Other Name
By Anna Von Reitz

Throughout the history of these Liars they have made a steady practice of using semantic deceit.

They use similar or even identical names to work substitution frauds and to hide the nature of what they are talking about or doing. For example:

The United States of America -- an unincorporated Federation of American State Governments.

The United States of America (Inc.) -- a foreign Scottish commercial corporation in the business of providing government services.

Or consider, The State of Washington, an American State-of-State service provider versus the State of Washington, a British Territorial usurper.

Or The Office of The President of The United States of America (the actual office of our Federation Presidency) versus the Office of the President of the United States of America -- the presidency of the United States of America, Incorporated, yet another British knock off.

Relabeling and rebranding is another common trick and so are undeclared mergers, for example:

The "Covid-19" injection wasn't a vaccine, so they changed the definition of vaccine to include mRNA gene therapies, then it turns out that the injection wasn't a vaccine and not a gene therapy, either, but instead a nanoscale gene editing device and Pfizer knew this the whole time.

So what's the difference between "migration" and "invasion" to these Liars?

Their abuses of language to deceive defraud are myriad and multilayered. They are Masters of Deceit, both verbal and practical. This is all done to cover up what they are actually doing.

They also use corporate acquisitions and mergers to cover up their actual identity and nature.

Wells Fargo Bank and Trust is an American Business Name that has been used long after WELLS FARGO (a British Crown CORPORATION) acting as a Securities Broker took it over.

JPMORGAN and Chase Bank each acquired business names out of the bankruptcy of the trademarked FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM and are now secretly doing business as THE FEDERAL RESERVE and FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD OF GOVERNORS.

Would you like to know who is operating as UNITED STATES OF AMERICA right now? A British Crown Corporation called FLOW.

This abuse of language, hiding the nature of legal fiction entities, hiding their identity, and often serving to hide criminal identities as well, is only one of the reasons that all these corporations need to be dissolved or forced to lawfully convert.

What do we mean by "lawful conversion"? It's the opposite of "unlawful conversion" -- an unlawful and illegal activity which the British Territorial U.S. Congress has supported and been engaged in since the days of Woodrow Wilson.

In an unlawful conversion the nature of a legal fiction and its jurisdictional habitat are changed from the lawful international land jurisdiction to the unlawful international jurisdiction of the sea.

In a lawful conversion the same corporations and franchises are forced back onto the land jurisdiction of their origin and must obey land law again. This is often called "nationalizing" a corporation, which is what needs to be done to all these corporations like the UNITED STATES CONGRESS, INC. and JOSEPH R. BIDEN, INC.

We have reason to believe that Joseph R. Biden and all Presidents since Woodrow Wilson have knowingly been involved in promoting and profiting themselves from a grossly illegal impersonation and securitization scheme involving living people, unconscionable contracts, "social insurance" fraud, and liens exercised against totally fictional property interests that have been misapplied to living men and actual property interests.

As such, every President since Woodrow Wilson and through the present day, has been a criminal engaged in international fraud under force and has promoted a vast, insidious, racketeering scheme under color of law.

The means used to implement this fraud scheme have been the Federal Reserve Act which must be repealed and the Social Security Act which must also be repealed, together with all corporate charters and registrations allowing these organizations to exist.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


Although we generally refer to that list of abuses in the Declaration of Independence as “grievances” - that’s not how they were described in the text. Instead, they were referred to as “usurpations,” or a theft of power from the people. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: June 30, 2023


Recent events surrounding the World Cup have shown a possible inequality in the application of disdain for countries who do not express equality for homosexuals, what many call the "GloboHomo Agenda". On this edition of 360 View we are going to examine if the West is exploiting "homosexual rights" in countries as a way to disrupt them and level complaints of human rights abuses against them. We discuss with Tim Gordon, Catholic philosopher and podcast host of "Rule for Retrogrades", why this only happens in countries which are considered to be adversarial.


The corruption of the family court system on full display as these children are forcibly removed from their father and taken against their will to their mother while the children beg not to go, explaining that she sexually abuses them.


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Sorry, no results were found.


Although we generally refer to that list of abuses in the Declaration of Independence as “grievances” - that’s not how they were described in the text. Instead, they were referred to as “usurpations,” or a theft of power from the people. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: June 30, 2023


Recent events surrounding the World Cup have shown a possible inequality in the application of disdain for countries who do not express equality for homosexuals, what many call the "GloboHomo Agenda". On this edition of 360 View we are going to examine if the West is exploiting "homosexual rights" in countries as a way to disrupt them and level complaints of human rights abuses against them. We discuss with Tim Gordon, Catholic philosopher and podcast host of "Rule for Retrogrades", why this only happens in countries which are considered to be adversarial.


The corruption of the family court system on full display as these children are forcibly removed from their father and taken against their will to their mother while the children beg not to go, explaining that she sexually abuses them.


The US is hosting the ’Summit for Democracy’ this week, where it plans to call on allies to sanction corrupt officials over ‘human rights abuses’

Russia, China and Iran didn’t make the list of more than 100 countries invited by the State Dept.



This will be the first time that the US has imposed sanctions on an Israeli military unit. This is a punishing break with our most devoted and stalwart ally, all while continuing to fund Iran, the world's largest state sponsor of terror and it's vicious jihad proxies in Gaza (Hamas), Syria and Lebanon (Hezb'Allah) and Judea, Samaria ('Palestinian' jihad) in their genocidal jihad against the tiny Jewish nation. It beggars belief, too gruesome to contemplate. The United States of America is rewarding savage jihad terrorists unimaginable bounty for the most unspeakable massacre and monstrous atrocities against the Jewish people since the Holocaust. The message the Biden regime is sending to jihad terrorists is clear.


Biden sends $15 million to Bangladesh despite its links to terrorist organizations and history of corruption and human rights abuses

The administration of President Joe Biden has approved a $15 million taxpayer-funded grant to Bangladesh to prevent so-called climate change despite the country’s long track record of corruption, human rights abuses and ties with terrorist organizations. The $15 million comes from the Enabling Environment for Climate Resiliency Activity program, a government program for enhancing climate […]


International Public Notice: An Invasion by Any Other Name
By Anna Von Reitz

Throughout the history of these Liars they have made a steady practice of using semantic deceit.

They use similar or even identical names to work substitution frauds and to hide the nature of what they are talking about or doing. For example:

The United States of America -- an unincorporated Federation of American State Governments.

The United States of America (Inc.) -- a foreign Scottish commercial corporation in the business of providing government services.

Or consider, The State of Washington, an American State-of-State service provider versus the State of Washington, a British Territorial usurper.

Or The Office of The President of The United States of America (the actual office of our Federation Presidency) versus the Office of the President of the United States of America -- the presidency of the United States of America, Incorporated, yet another British knock off.

Relabeling and rebranding is another common trick and so are undeclared mergers, for example:

The "Covid-19" injection wasn't a vaccine, so they changed the definition of vaccine to include mRNA gene therapies, then it turns out that the injection wasn't a vaccine and not a gene therapy, either, but instead a nanoscale gene editing device and Pfizer knew this the whole time.

So what's the difference between "migration" and "invasion" to these Liars?

Their abuses of language to deceive defraud are myriad and multilayered. They are Masters of Deceit, both verbal and practical. This is all done to cover up what they are actually doing.

They also use corporate acquisitions and mergers to cover up their actual identity and nature.

Wells Fargo Bank and Trust is an American Business Name that has been used long after WELLS FARGO (a British Crown CORPORATION) acting as a Securities Broker took it over.

JPMORGAN and Chase Bank each acquired business names out of the bankruptcy of the trademarked FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM and are now secretly doing business as THE FEDERAL RESERVE and FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD OF GOVERNORS.

Would you like to know who is operating as UNITED STATES OF AMERICA right now? A British Crown Corporation called FLOW.

This abuse of language, hiding the nature of legal fiction entities, hiding their identity, and often serving to hide criminal identities as well, is only one of the reasons that all these corporations need to be dissolved or forced to lawfully convert.

What do we mean by "lawful conversion"? It's the opposite of "unlawful conversion" -- an unlawful and illegal activity which the British Territorial U.S. Congress has supported and been engaged in since the days of Woodrow Wilson.

In an unlawful conversion the nature of a legal fiction and its jurisdictional habitat are changed from the lawful international land jurisdiction to the unlawful international jurisdiction of the sea.

In a lawful conversion the same corporations and franchises are forced back onto the land jurisdiction of their origin and must obey land law again. This is often called "nationalizing" a corporation, which is what needs to be done to all these corporations like the UNITED STATES CONGRESS, INC. and JOSEPH R. BIDEN, INC.

We have reason to believe that Joseph R. Biden and all Presidents since Woodrow Wilson have knowingly been involved in promoting and profiting themselves from a grossly illegal impersonation and securitization scheme involving living people, unconscionable contracts, "social insurance" fraud, and liens exercised against totally fictional property interests that have been misapplied to living men and actual property interests.

As such, every President since Woodrow Wilson and through the present day, has been a criminal engaged in international fraud under force and has promoted a vast, insidious, racketeering scheme under color of law.

The means used to implement this fraud scheme have been the Federal Reserve Act which must be repealed and the Social Security Act which must also be repealed, together with all corporate charters and registrations allowing these organizations to exist.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


International Public Notice -- It Was Not a Mistake
By Anna Von Reitz

The reasons are made obvious:

Please note the video clips of the bizarre stadium pageant staged at the London Olympics years before the pandemic --- with sexy nurses carrying needles and patients using hospital beds as trampolines and trying to escape assassins and all the rest of it.

That was years before the democide.

We let JFK's murder stand under a manure pile of government secrecy and obvious Warren Commission lies.

We accepted the same snow jobs with RFK, MLK, Princess Diana, Vince Foster, and so many other people who depended on us for justice.

We turned our backs on Randy Weaver's wife, baby, and young son. We didn't look at what went on in Waco and the massacre of the Branch Davidians.

We were horrified but did nothing about LaVoy Finicum.

Nothing about the Colorado Nine.

Nothing about Russell Means, Don Benson, Steve Curry and thousands of other Americans who have suffered and died under the bootheels of lawless piratical foreign corporations acting as "government services providers" and phony judges acting as bill collectors taking a cut on commission.

Congressman Louis T. MacFadden? Charles Lindburgh's baby? General George Patton?

The dumb clucks among us still shrug and think, "Well, it's our government, and our government wouldn't do anything wrong...."

But now you know for sure that it's not our government doing these things.

It's foreign Municipal Corporation Subcontractors and their Agencies staging all these murders and violence, not only abroad, but increasingly in this country, too.

Remember September 11th? How about Paradise, California. How about Lahaina? Sandyhook? The Boston Marathon? Pearl Harbor?

The concert in Las Vegas? January 6? Building Seven? Fukushima?

Thanks to the worthless bought off, co-opted, gagged, dumbed down, clueless media, we haven't heard even a tenth of what goes on in the world.

We didn't hear about the slaughter of the elected Ukrainian government.

Out of 22 hot wars going on in the world this Christmas, we heard about two.

People, we've been looking the other way for far too long, so now, look at this one from World War II:

Bayer is still around; in fact, it recently picked up Monsanto --- another Corporate Bad Boy that needs to go down the toilet.


How about the "State of Israel, Inc." incorporated a year ago in February of 2023 as a new business entity by the Companies House, London, with its address given as the Israeli Embassy at Kensington Palace, and the Beneficial Owner listed as the Israeli Knesset.

Benghazi? The Nordstream Pipeline bombings? The "Emergency" Withdrawal from Afghanistan? The Helicopter Money to Iran?

Joe Biden bragging -- on television -- about how he leveraged his then-office as Vice President to get a Ukrainian Prosecutor fired for investigating Hunter Biden's influence peddling?

Are you finally awake? Are you sick of it? And sick of looking the other way?

The Swiss Government giving diplomatic immunity to all these murderers who planned and promoted the democide, protecting them so that they can't even be prosecuted?

The U.S. Congress giving similar immunity to Big Pharma so that they don't have to care what they shove in our arms as long as it is labeled "vaccine"?

It could be rat poison, but they are doing that already and calling it "Warfarin". Or it could be "Luciferase".

The Uniform Commercial Code being deliberately altered after-the-fact to provide a loophole for the big banks to come in and pretend to be the Secured Party Creditors against your homes and land for debt owed in fact by these same foreign banks?

Your borders being left open to every security risk on Earth? Our gold being transported to the Philippines by the U.S. Navy for "safekeeping"?

G.W. Bush thinking that he had the right and authority to erase our borders with Canada and Mexico?

Your silver dollars being stolen in inequitable exchange for unpaid I.O.U.s without a "certain date payable"? The fiat currency being inflated into oblivion?

Your gold stolen to bankroll the World Bank and IBRD? And the Federal Reserve?

Where's the 20,000 Metric Tons of gold those useless pieces of corporate corruption owe us by FDR's own admission?

Hillary Clinton's computer? Did you know that she was an Irish Dual Citizen while operating as Secretary of State?

Your good name stolen and copyrighted by the British Crown? Your natural political status denigrated to the level of an animal or worse?

And who was playing God that day in 1940, when the British Territorial U.S. Congress thought it good to pass the Buck Act?

Or when they founded Hamas? Isis? And Hezbollah?

Germans working for the Pope pretending to sit on the English Throne and to be Protestant Monarchs?

Placentas being passed off as stillborn fraternal twins and then this ruse being used to create infant decedent estate interests for these criminal hypocrites to pillage and plunder?

Millions of missing children?

We've been looking the other way for so long, we've forgotten how to look; but, this rampage of corporate criminality and the abuses of commercial law are coming to an end, because we will make it so.

Because this time we won't look the other way while they are bombing Yemen or believe their lies at all. This time we are going to pull our ostrich heads out of our butts and we are going to look, and see, and call this horror show what it is.

This entire planet has been turned into a crime scene because of a couple dozen banks that have been funding and benefiting from the war-mongering and the destruction and corruption.

Issued by:

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


International Public Notice of Lawfare
By Anna Von Reitz

In Scotland to this day apprentice Barristers are called “devils” for a reason. It’s because they are being taught the Law of the Sea, and the Sea is acknowledged to be Satan’s realm and home where he was “cast down from Heaven”.

So the Law of the Sea is Satan’s “law” and the practitioners of it are rightly called “Devils” and “Masters of Deceit”.

It should come as no surprise then that the man most singularly responsible for destroying and polluting ten millennia of English Common Law was a Scottish Admiralty Attorney, William Murray, otherwise known as Lord Mansfield.

He is credited in today's white-washed version with "reforming" English Law, but to many observers, it is apparent that he destroyed it, instead.

The essence of Murray's reform was to bring Admiralty Law ashore and intermingle it with English Common Law, a forced and unholy marriage that resulted in what is today called "Equity Law".

The only "equity" in Equity Law is the King's, which is precisely what its proponents like about it.

The new law set up by Murray established a system on the land by which the King's cronies could dispose of private property (and persons) however they liked, so long as it was in the King's arguable best interests----and get a share of the spoils themselves.

This neatly divested the King from any direct responsibility for the courts, and created a self-perpetuating system of greed-fulfillment that runs without undue oversight. As long as the accounting mechanisms are kept in trim, the fleecing can go on day and night for years on end with barely a ripple breaking the surface of this parody of justice.

This criminal equity system derives from a long history of "prize money" under British Admiralty Law, by which a captured ship could be "salvaged" and towed ashore, sold, and the receipts shared out with so much going to the King, so much to the Captain who captured the ship, and so much split up to the members of the crew.

This is what happens in Equity Courts to this day, wherein the Government gets its' share, the Judge receives his bit, and the rest goes to the Attorneys.

The prisoner or defendant in the "dock" --- naval term ---is misaddressed on a "docket" -- another naval term, and is mischaracterized as a captured ship being salvaged. The victim's soul is considered his "cargo" and the "salvage" operation is considered to be his "salvation". The payment of fines and dock fees is his "redemption".

It's a peculiar combination of sanctimonious Calvinist doctrine gone askew, abject toady-ism to the King or other Government, and theft, washed down with a straight face and whiskey flasks in the Judge's chambers.

Equity Law leads directly to capricious justice wherein no two punishments for the same crime are similar, as each judge is free to interpret and excuse things according to their own "discernment".

Usually, if the victim is ignorant and poor and not likely to effectively protest, he is dealt with most severely; if the Defendant is socially and economically well-placed, possibly with avenues to the King's ear, he gets off with a slap on the wrist. So much for discernment.

The salvation of the latter's soul becomes less of a public concern and more in the nature of a private one, as a rich man is automatically assumed to be on good terms with Satan, who sits as the Great Judge over this entire system of law.

The thing that Equity Law (created in the 1750's) promises in dry dock is also accomplished on the land by Public Trust Administration (created in 1666 by the Cestui Que Vie Act) --- and both get away with their abuses by assuming a "public interest" in private property.

The "public interest" is an ownership interest, which allows the King to take out insurance policies on his Subjects. It is not possible to insure something if you don't have an ownership interest in it and this is no exception.

Via the imposition of Equity Law or via the presumptions provided by the Cestui Que Vie Act, the British King happily presumes an ownership interest in living people who have no relationship to him at all. He simply theorizes the existence of a British Person, a Subject that exists in his care as their Trustee while on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways, or presumes the existence of an "abandoned" orphan using the same name as the Victim, and insures that Person as his own Possession---his slave or indentured servant.

Then, no matter what happens to that Person, up to and including death, the King makes a tidy profit from him or her. Such Persons are handily subject to Equity Law and Administrative Law, both. And unknown to the Brits, Americans, Canadians, and others who have been victimized by this purposeful fraud scheme, these are the imaginary foreign "Persons" being addressed under the foreign law of the equally foreign Equity Courts and (corporate tribunal) Administrative courts sitting on our shores.

These courts can never address the actual living people at all. If they did, they'd be committing crimes.

Instead, they have to successfully misaddress and mischaracterize their victims as one of their own foreign Subjects, in order to establish jurisdiction.

People fall into their trap by replying to a misaddressed Summons or by appearing as a character, a Defendant, in one of their court dramas. They can also do this by successfully misaddressing you as "Mister" or "Miss" or attaching some other Title to you.

Mister is the proper form of address for a British Midshipman. If you answer to someone calling you, "Mister Brown" you have taken the bait.
A "Taxpayer" is a Warrant Officer in the British Merchant Marine Service.
This pattern of purposefully mischaracterizing and impersonating people so as to invoke sea-going jurisdictions is endemic.

Having once successfully misaddressed the target, they can proceed with the rest of their agenda, which is simply to fleece the victim and coerce them on behalf of their King.

This is bad enough in times of peace, but during times of war, it devolves into "lawfare" wherein even the rules of Equity Law are bent beyond recognition and the judges operate more or less openly as petty tyrants, handing out arbitrary sentences, lying, practicing law from the bench, tampering with evidence, and generally making a mockery of justice, victimizing anyone they can misidentify as an "Enemy Combatant".

In this country, they have used The American Civil War, an illegal Mercenary Conflict that actually ended over 150 years ago, as their excuse to presume enemies behind every bush and invoke Admiralty Law on dry land. This allows them to presume virtually unlimited powers over life and death, property and its disposal, prison terms, etc.

To weaponize their other venue, the Administrative Courts, they have their Captains declare various other kinds of "war" -- wars on poverty, drugs, and terrorism, for example.

All this, where there is in fact no war and no Subjects to prosecute.

There's a whole lot of "legal presumption" going on where it is not merited.

We have trustingly, stupidly, endured this situation for over 150 years.

These foreign courts have misapplied their foreign and self-serving "law" to generations of innocent Americans, robbing, defrauding, mischaracterizing and coercing us in the process.

The creation of Equity Law and its true nature as institutionalized crime did not escape the notice of our ancestors, who vehemently denied it access to our shores. It only crawled out of the slime in the wake of the Civil War, when, in May of 1865, the Territorial Rump Congress provided for the creation of Military Districts in the eleven Southern States and the so-called District Courts were born.

These Carpetbagger Courts became infamous for their injustice and raw avarice.

And they are still in operation.

We call for the removal of all maritime and admiralty courts from our shores and their permanent relocation to the District of Columbia, or other foreign locations.

We can administer our own Public Law and Law of the Land with no trouble, all by ourselves.

We also call for investigation by the Inspector General, Postmaster General, and the Post Master of The United States concerning the use of Dog Latin, also mischaracterized as "American Sign Language '', to misaddress mail delivered within the borders of our States of the Union.

Finally, we call for the lawful conversion of all private corporation assets presently occupying what appear to be public offices, departments, courts, and similar public service positions and their return to duty under the auspices of our lawful civilian government.

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

26th November 2023