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Sigh huh iight it's THAT Time AGAIN 4 me 2 wrap up my 9-5 & settle in 4 my evening via micro TV dinner-supper-chow, old classic B/W TV shows, Naturescape channel under Animals + Nature category via Pluto TV & ? News & then me 2 bed & repeat tomorrow if God willing, God bless in Jesus & stay safe

& mind U (me just noting-conveying here), I'm NOT - concerned with eternal Heaven (itself), it's past historically tense since been - & is tick tock 'Time' (flies) 2 date right now currently-presently wherever U all connected whole, FAILED idea though created originally in LESS than a day & given embedded internally within all we'd (who R capable adult's) ever need 2 SELF deny Warrior do our non voluntary-non optional job-responsibility 4 why we were even Holy thought & & exist), NECLEUS species-humanity live locally USA-globally that is 'The evil-unholy-immoral Problem' B4 Holy Trinity & Heaven & with NOT having changed past-2 date, allowing weed's of garden amidst (above) = why worse is Coming!

& note TIME of day-night amidst-amongst 8,019,876,189 individual human's give or take (as of 1/2024) of 195 individual countries worldwide USA-globally Earth slowly rotating = 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity itself. & I'm sharing there is USA 2 global public FREE USA-global public access webcams 2 view local USA 2 global public areas ie: cities, local small businesses etc; feel free 2 web keyword search, good luck God bless in Jesus & please B safe out there, smile.



No one talks about the draft anymore (at least since Vietnam), so why did Congress pass a bill automatically registering men ages 18-26 for the draft last week?

And why did Congress pass this bill at the same time as a new White House policy is allowing Ukraine to attack Russia with U.S. weapons?


Called the Gulag of our Time, the Detention Facilities in the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base has been the facility where the US Department of Defense has detained and interrogated what has been deemed extraordinarily dangerous people and to prosecute for war crimes. On this edition of 360 View, Scottie Nell Hughes and a panel (Steve Gill, Radio Show Host, The Steve Gill Show/Political Commentator; Andy Worthington, Investigative Journalist) are going to look at whether the United States can justify the continued operations of the Military prison at GITMO.

Beth A. Maloney, author + lawyer specializing in medical kidnapping, reveals how these doctors prey on vulnerable, medically complex children + their parents.

Learn the shocking truth about child abuse pediatricians + their mantra: “Every child, every time.”

Watch the entire gripping episode with Catherine Austin Fitts from The Solari Report on #CHDTV ?


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No one talks about the draft anymore (at least since Vietnam), so why did Congress pass a bill automatically registering men ages 18-26 for the draft last week?

And why did Congress pass this bill at the same time as a new White House policy is allowing Ukraine to attack Russia with U.S. weapons?


Called the Gulag of our Time, the Detention Facilities in the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base has been the facility where the US Department of Defense has detained and interrogated what has been deemed extraordinarily dangerous people and to prosecute for war crimes. On this edition of 360 View, Scottie Nell Hughes and a panel (Steve Gill, Radio Show Host, The Steve Gill Show/Political Commentator; Andy Worthington, Investigative Journalist) are going to look at whether the United States can justify the continued operations of the Military prison at GITMO.

Beth A. Maloney, author + lawyer specializing in medical kidnapping, reveals how these doctors prey on vulnerable, medically complex children + their parents.

Learn the shocking truth about child abuse pediatricians + their mantra: “Every child, every time.”

Watch the entire gripping episode with Catherine Austin Fitts from The Solari Report on #CHDTV ?


The department of veteran affairs has just rescinded and denounced a memo sent out without approval which instructed the removal of the iconic VJ day and time squares photograph from every VA institution saying it depicted a non-consensual act and was inconsistent with the VA’s no tolerance policy towards sexual harassment and assault. On this edition of 360 View, Scottie Nell Hughes will discuss with a panel (Steve Malzberg, Political Commentator; Angie Wong, Host, The Final Call; Lionel, Attorney/Media Analyst) if the eradication of American history in the name of tolerance is justified or if there is a darker motivation?


Republicans are facing another political headache in the wake of the overturning of Roe v. Wade, this time involving in vitro fertilization procedures, that could spell disaster for the party heading into the 2024 election. The latest hurdle comes out of Alabama after the state Supreme Court ruled frozen embryos are legally children and the destruction of embryos constitutes a crime under the state’s “wrongful death of a minor” law. In response to the significant backlash, lawmakers in both chambers of the Alabama legislature have filed bills to clarify the state law related to embryos created via IVF. In this episode of 360 View, Scottie Nell Hughes debate with her panel (Steve Abramowicz, Host, Mill Creek View; Desi K Robinson, Health Professor, Doula, Media Analyst) about the ruling and the morality of deciding when does life begin?


Sigh huh iight it's THAT Time AGAIN 4 me 2 wrap up my 9-5 & settle in 4 my evening via micro TV dinner-supper-chow, old classic B/W TV shows, Naturescape channel under Animals + Nature category via Pluto TV & ? News & then me 2 bed & repeat tomorrow if God willing, God bless in Jesus & stay safe

& mind U (me just noting-conveying here), I'm NOT - concerned with eternal Heaven (itself), it's past historically tense since been - & is tick tock 'Time' (flies) 2 date right now currently-presently wherever U all connected whole, FAILED idea though created originally in LESS than a day & given embedded internally within all we'd (who R capable adult's) ever need 2 SELF deny Warrior do our non voluntary-non optional job-responsibility 4 why we were even Holy thought & & exist), NECLEUS species-humanity live locally USA-globally that is 'The evil-unholy-immoral Problem' B4 Holy Trinity & Heaven & with NOT having changed past-2 date, allowing weed's of garden amidst (above) = why worse is Coming!

& note TIME of day-night amidst-amongst 8,019,876,189 individual human's give or take (as of 1/2024) of 195 individual countries worldwide USA-globally Earth slowly rotating = 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity itself. & I'm sharing there is USA 2 global public FREE USA-global public access webcams 2 view local USA 2 global public areas ie: cities, local small businesses etc; feel free 2 web keyword search, good luck God bless in Jesus & please B safe out there, smile.

TAKE THEM ALL B4 THEY deem 2 take us MORE OF all Coming - of Deep State, UN, World Economic Forum, George Soros, etc (fill in blank's), USA-globally, & etc else (fill in blank's), STOP allowing U ALL of adult civilian masses 2 get caught up in all THEIR B/S, thus affecting us ALL as I heard media host Jesse Kelly say, this is the Age of Coward's; huh, WHY? Why do U ALL allow this THOUGH U talk about packing (gun's) & collecting, 4 WHAT exactly? PREVENT B4 (?, !) happens cuz by the Time Coming what does & is, it will B too late! YEAH, there's MORE of U ALL USA-globally than THEM but with past-2 date, U ALL ill-foul trusting THEM, huh just what U think THEY been doing? I told U, this is a Holy War Devil brought 2 us after 86-ed outta Heaven & it's only been mounting, misc over Time & STILL, U ALL wishful thinking bad asses CLAIMING 2 B all that act like MORE of coward's, former soldier's of USA's DOD military walking away versus BRINGING IT 2 THEM of TOP rank & file, SAVE IT CORPSE, I NO WANNA HEAR IT! WE either SELF deny Warrior represent-regulate 4 Holy Trinity or like Jesus said, FINE, MORE B in Hell after last breath than Heaven, YO choice FOOL'S!

GET (understand) what THIS ALL has been & STILL is, a Holy War that Devil brought 2 us AFTER B-ing defeated by Heaven's SELF deny Warrior angel's & 86-ed outta Heaven & like say, Adam 1st (by God) & THEN Eve (by Devil) FAILED their individual test's - have we individually been as such & tick tock 'Time' 2 date 2023 AD, look around, what THEY ALL of Deep State, UN, World Economic Forum, George Soros, etc (fill in blank's) past decade's-2 date behind closed door's, in secret, above & mile's down below ground like bullies in a classroom, what is deemed, "Well they out there USA-globally ain't literally stop us & cease us immediately onsite SO then fine, we'll do OUR (THEIR) agenda, misc of ceasing majority of THEM USA-globally THEN our selves", hence, 'then can B only 1, & when there's only 1, there'll (literally) B none', GET it? Understand? Huh U humanity have gotten EVERYTHING WRONG, NO done NOTHING right-proper ie: Heaven's SELF deny Warrior angel's & worthy of B-ing CEASED (itself) as God CAN crumble ALL up like a used piece of paper, no have 2 even mere thought-blink an eye-exhale & literally out quicker-faster than a candle, & NO, I'm NOT B/S-ing U!