GET (understand) what THIS ALL has been & STILL is, a Holy War that Devil brought 2 us AFTER B-ing defeated by Heaven's SELF deny Warrior angel's & 86-ed outta Heaven & like say, Adam 1st (by God) & THEN Eve (by Devil) FAILED their individual test's - have we individually been as such & tick tock 'Time' 2 date 2023 AD, look around, what THEY ALL of Deep State, UN, World Economic Forum, George Soros, etc (fill in blank's) past decade's-2 date behind closed door's, in secret, above & mile's down below ground like bullies in a classroom, what is deemed, "Well they out there USA-globally ain't literally stop us & cease us immediately onsite SO then fine, we'll do OUR (THEIR) agenda, misc of ceasing majority of THEM USA-globally THEN our selves", hence, 'then can B only 1, & when there's only 1, there'll (literally) B none', GET it? Understand? Huh U humanity have gotten EVERYTHING WRONG, NO done NOTHING right-proper ie: Heaven's SELF deny Warrior angel's & worthy of B-ing CEASED (itself) as God CAN crumble ALL up like a used piece of paper, no have 2 even mere thought-blink an eye-exhale & literally out quicker-faster than a candle, & NO, I'm NOT B/S-ing U!