TAKE THEM ALL B4 THEY deem 2 take us MORE OF all Coming - of Deep State, UN, World Economic Forum, George Soros, etc (fill in blank's), USA-globally, & etc else (fill in blank's), STOP allowing U ALL of adult civilian masses 2 get caught up in all THEIR B/S, thus affecting us ALL as I heard media host Jesse Kelly say, this is the Age of Coward's; huh, WHY? Why do U ALL allow this THOUGH U talk about packing (gun's) & collecting, 4 WHAT exactly? PREVENT B4 (?, !) happens cuz by the Time Coming what does & is, it will B too late! YEAH, there's MORE of U ALL USA-globally than THEM but with past-2 date, U ALL ill-foul trusting THEM, huh just what U think THEY been doing? I told U, this is a Holy War Devil brought 2 us after 86-ed outta Heaven & it's only been mounting, misc over Time & STILL, U ALL wishful thinking bad asses CLAIMING 2 B all that act like MORE of coward's, former soldier's of USA's DOD military walking away versus BRINGING IT 2 THEM of TOP rank & file, SAVE IT CORPSE, I NO WANNA HEAR IT! WE either SELF deny Warrior represent-regulate 4 Holy Trinity or like Jesus said, FINE, MORE B in Hell after last breath than Heaven, YO choice FOOL'S!