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La musculation pendant la grossesse est une pratique qui peut être bénéfique pour la santé de la mère et du bébé, mais il est important de prendre certaines précautions.
En tant que femme enceinte passionnée de fitness et de musculation, je sais à quel point il est important de maintenir une routine dexercice régulière pour rester en bonne santé et en forme pendant la grossesse. Mais je suis également consciente quil est crucial de prendre des mesures de sécurité pour éviter toute blessure ou complication pour moi ou mon bébé.
Avant de commencer un programme dexercices de musculation pendant la grossesse, consultez toujours votre médecin pour vous assurer que cest sûr pour vous et votre bébé. Évitez les exercices à haute intensité et les mouvements brusques qui pourraient mettre en danger votre grossesse. Au lieu de cela, privilégiez les séances dentraînement à faible impact et les mouvements contrôlés qui renforcent les muscles du dos, des jambes et du bassin, ce qui peut aider à prévenir les douleurs lombaires et autres problèmes courants pendant la grossesse.
Noubliez pas de rester hydraté et de porter des vêtements confortables et respirants pendant vos séances dentraînement. Écoutez votre corps et arrêtez immédiatement si vous ressentez des douleurs, des étourdissements ou des nausées.
En fin de compte, la musculation pendant la grossesse peut être une pratique sûre et saine, à condition de prendre les précautions nécessaires et de consulter votre médecin avant de commencer. Pour moi, cela a été une excellente façon de maintenir ma forme physique et de me sentir bien dans ma peau tout en accueillant mon petit miracle.
Musculation Et Grossesse -


China wants rich customers, which is very different than wanting to control the world.

It's a concept that hasn't sunk in the American paradigm.

There's a lot of misinformation / stained propaganda regarding China (and Russia) in America.

It only poses danger to America for the benefit of those who control FED, IMF, EURO BANK , BANK OF ENGLAND, WORLD BANK and are enslaving us under "boogie men" pretenses.


International Public Notice: Sodomy as a "Tradition"
By Anna Von Reitz

It may have escaped the notice of our dumbed down and desperate population-at-large, but the Romans borrowed virtually all the culture they ever had from the Greeks, and unfortunately, the Ancient Greeks, especially the Spartans, who the Romans most admired, practiced institutionalized sodomy.

The Romans followed suit as they did in most things Greco-Roman, and soon, the Roman Legions were engaging in the "rites" which paired young acolytes with experienced masters in the military.

Thus, sodomy became a tradition in both the Greek and Roman military and generations of people throughout the Middle East practiced sodomy. It has remained a feature of military forces to a greater or lesser extent ever since.

The most common form of rape in the military does not involve men and women.

The American Military has been impacted by this, too, with many World War I and World War II veterans returning home as either bisexuals or dedicated homosexuals.

Nobody ever talks about this. We try to ignore it, gloss it over, look the other way. The Academics who know about it, shove it under the dusty rug as "history" and fail to enlighten the rest of us.

Nonetheless, there it is, and that's where it came from: the Ancient Greeks and Romans.

The Greeks, for their part, got this "tradition" from the Babylonians, who got it from their own peculiar sex-as-sacrament religion.

Sparta, the most famous practitioner among the Greeks, formalized this tradition of military sodomy by overtly pairing young boys with specific captains for their "initiation" and "training".

Rome did the same.

Sodomy and slavery went hand-in-hand in Roman society outside the military as another result; once a Roman returned home from his obligatory service to Rome, the habits of the military remained ingrained and many of Rome's most illustrious statesmen and senior politicians owned multiple "puer delicata" boy slaves used as sexual toys.

Much to the frustration of their wives.

In this way, the Roman family structure was degraded and the Patrician class, especially, was worn down by sex-based intrigues.

You get some echoes of all this from Homer and from the Roman poets and even some PBS offerings like "I, Claudius", but a more blatant and flat-footed discussion of this is needed to get the impact across to the American Public.

This Big Push to normalize sodomy is coming from Europe and from largely military sources. It's not sourced in New York or Las Vegas. It's coming from Hamburg and Vienna and Paris and Bern.

And it's coming directly from the military.

That may seem counter-intuitive, as everyone knows the Nazis were badasses on the battlefield (so were the Ancient Spartans) and that seems to run counter to the frivolity of men prancing around half-naked with rainbow colored hair shouting Liberal slogans --but you must know what you are dealing with.

The Romans admired the Greeks, and the Nazis admired the Romans. So the Nazis aped the Romans like the Romans aped the Greeks and as the Greeks aped the Babylonians.

Monkey see, monkey do.

On top of all their other odd beliefs that seem at complete odds with their dictum, "Kirche, Kinder, Kuche" applied to their wives, the Nazis practiced sodomy in the ranks and thought nothing of it.

Just like the boys at prestigious British private schools (perversely called "public schools" in Britain) and Universities indulge in every kind of sex imaginable and are often involved in homosexual liaisons by the age of eleven.

This focus on sex-sex-and-more-sex comes direct to us from Ancient Babylon, through Greece, through Rome, through Britain, through Germany--- and it lives and breathes and gains ground because it is rife and "traditional" in the European Military, not because of quiet middle-aged homos living together in Somerset or because of Flamers like Liberace parading around.

As a result of NATO and UN "Peacekeeping" Forces and other occasions requiring hobnobbing between American (U.S.) and European military forces for years on end, there has been explosive growth of sodomy in our own military, which inevitably comes home to the dinner table in places like Gatsville, Nebraska.

It festers. It causes guilt in some and rage in others. It gives rise to crimes of violence against women and children, scandals that tear families apart, declining birth rates, alcoholism, broken families and broken hearts.

Sodomy does not deserve to be "taught" or justified as a military tradition, but we can't escape the fact that it has been and still is. We have to recognize that it's not coming to us from a "bunch of liberal faggots" who stumbled on anal sex in a college dorm room.

It's coming straight to us from Babylon and by a route that most people would never suspect -- our own military; and, it continues to create social and psychological upheaval long after military service ends.

We tend to assume that the terrors and misery and PTSD so many veterans suffer is uniquely the result of experiences on the battlefield, but the memory of being gang-raped by other soldiers is even more traumatic for many.

Unlike talking about a battle or even having to kill someone in particular, a shroud of silence hangs over all of this. It's not only too painful, it's too shameful to talk about. So the victims suffer in silence and rage that cannot be expressed, or by some homemade, limping forward, come to terms with it, and though injured, move on.

Why do men talk to me about things like this, when they wouldn't tell their best friend, their wives, or their mothers? They come to me for help and healing. They let all the ugly things come out and roll around like so many little demons released from jail.

Sometimes they just walk up to me and fall into my arms and weep. I am left standing there in a Walgreens parking lot with a sobbing stranger who is crying so hard he can't even say his name.

I hold their hands, and tell them that in the great realm of Heaven, it's all known and accounted for. They don't suffer alone. Indeed, we all suffer with them, because they are a part of us, and they have been harmed physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually by military service.

Sadly, broken as they are, they too often come home and harm others, or harm themselves, or "fail to adjust" or as a young friend did just last year, hang themselves in the garage once they get back home.

We've got to wake up and we've got to say, "No!".

These men and now, women, are being ritualistically abused in the name of military discipline. If they are not physically raped, as many are, they are nonetheless reduced and compromised and battered and brain-washed beyond belief.

We cannot stand around and let the Perpetrators of these "traditions" continue. They cannot be allowed to fill the senior ranks of our military by a process of secret love relationships and blackmail.

Babylon fell, Greece fell, Rome fell, Nazi Germany fell, Britain is falling --- and if we don't face reality, America will fall, too.

Ancient Sparta fell first to a slave rebellion; the warriors were away fighting, and the slaves just took over and raped the wives and retrained the children. The final death blow was struck when the Visigoths arrived and did the same to the slaves.

Sparta, that once-proud and independent city, that stood virtually alone against the vastness of the Persian Empire, was reduced to flames and left vacant, its pale stones like half-buried bones in the clay, trampled on by fur-clad, club-carrying Visigoths.

All (military) glory is fleeting.

The glory of love, of righteous action, of compassion, of wisdom, of courage, these victories of the heart are what remain.

We ask for every man and woman now alive to examine their hearts and engage their minds, to admit their full experience in life, to grapple with their demons, and to emerge victorious.

We've told bitter truths here today, and bitter they remain; still, we cannot solve a problem we cannot see, or salve a wound if we don't know it exists.

The practice of sodomy as a "military tradition" has to end. We must free our soldiers from it, and free ourselves of the cultural consequences, too.

Most of all, we have to stop thinking that this sudden "Rainbow Revolution" is a result of liberalism or a matter of personal choice in the bedroom.

This is the predictable and known result of an evil practice of institutionalized sodomy in military circles; it is designed to embarrass and subjugate and compromise individuals on a lifetime basis. And it has to be stopped, once and for all.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


See this article and over 4800 others on Anna's website here:



France is no stranger to political and social upheaval; it was home to one of the most famous revolutions, which lasted ten years at the end of the 18th century. However, the recent riots and protests in France after the killing of a 17-year-old boy by French police sparked significant concern, as they were not limited to a certain city or region, but rather, the entire country. Some analysts even pondered if France’s colonial past may have paved the way for the ethnic and socioeconomic tensions that have plagued the Western European country. Host Manila Chan sits down with renowned French-American cartoonist Ted Rall to discuss the current situation in France.

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours.

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"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.”

On this episode of the Whistleblower we are going to tell you about the most important and impactful financial whistleblowers in the world, one you probably have never heard of. John Kiriakou speaks with Antoine Deltour, the man behind LukLeaks, about how whistleblowing can be a dangerous affair and lead to financial and emotional ruin for those brave enough to speak up.


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Sorry, no results were found.



France is no stranger to political and social upheaval; it was home to one of the most famous revolutions, which lasted ten years at the end of the 18th century. However, the recent riots and protests in France after the killing of a 17-year-old boy by French police sparked significant concern, as they were not limited to a certain city or region, but rather, the entire country. Some analysts even pondered if France’s colonial past may have paved the way for the ethnic and socioeconomic tensions that have plagued the Western European country. Host Manila Chan sits down with renowned French-American cartoonist Ted Rall to discuss the current situation in France.

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours.

All Video Source Links Can Be Found Here At The Last American Vagabond:

Want to send a check to support TLAV, or just words of encouragement?
Use our new P.O. box:
Ryan Cristian
1113 Murfreesboro Rd. Ste 106-146
Franklin, Tn 37064

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Like What You See? Help Us Stay People Funded:$TLAVagabond

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Ethereum Donations: 0x5e68B8984d9D8167dAf890588a7037Ae6Cc87d4b
Litecoin Donations: MX3T2kYvzfD4mNS4VNSyXFgY4abhUJC5ff
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Support The Last American Vagabond by Subscribing here:

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#TLAVPirateStreams #TheDailyWrapUp #TheLastAmericanVagabond

"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.”

On this episode of the Whistleblower we are going to tell you about the most important and impactful financial whistleblowers in the world, one you probably have never heard of. John Kiriakou speaks with Antoine Deltour, the man behind LukLeaks, about how whistleblowing can be a dangerous affair and lead to financial and emotional ruin for those brave enough to speak up.

“The separation of the power of declaring war, from that of conducting it, is wisely contrived, to exclude the danger of its being declared for the sake of its being conducted.”
-James Madison

“The separation of the power of declaring war, from that of conducting it, is wisely contrived, to exclude the danger of its being declared for the sake of its being conducted."

James Madison summed up the reason why the founders went out of their way to make sure the power to declare and wage war were not put in the same hands.



La musculation pendant la grossesse est une pratique qui peut être bénéfique pour la santé de la mère et du bébé, mais il est important de prendre certaines précautions.
En tant que femme enceinte passionnée de fitness et de musculation, je sais à quel point il est important de maintenir une routine dexercice régulière pour rester en bonne santé et en forme pendant la grossesse. Mais je suis également consciente quil est crucial de prendre des mesures de sécurité pour éviter toute blessure ou complication pour moi ou mon bébé.
Avant de commencer un programme dexercices de musculation pendant la grossesse, consultez toujours votre médecin pour vous assurer que cest sûr pour vous et votre bébé. Évitez les exercices à haute intensité et les mouvements brusques qui pourraient mettre en danger votre grossesse. Au lieu de cela, privilégiez les séances dentraînement à faible impact et les mouvements contrôlés qui renforcent les muscles du dos, des jambes et du bassin, ce qui peut aider à prévenir les douleurs lombaires et autres problèmes courants pendant la grossesse.
Noubliez pas de rester hydraté et de porter des vêtements confortables et respirants pendant vos séances dentraînement. Écoutez votre corps et arrêtez immédiatement si vous ressentez des douleurs, des étourdissements ou des nausées.
En fin de compte, la musculation pendant la grossesse peut être une pratique sûre et saine, à condition de prendre les précautions nécessaires et de consulter votre médecin avant de commencer. Pour moi, cela a été une excellente façon de maintenir ma forme physique et de me sentir bien dans ma peau tout en accueillant mon petit miracle.
Musculation Et Grossesse -


China wants rich customers, which is very different than wanting to control the world.

It's a concept that hasn't sunk in the American paradigm.

There's a lot of misinformation / stained propaganda regarding China (and Russia) in America.

It only poses danger to America for the benefit of those who control FED, IMF, EURO BANK , BANK OF ENGLAND, WORLD BANK and are enslaving us under "boogie men" pretenses.


International Public Notice: Sodomy as a "Tradition"
By Anna Von Reitz

It may have escaped the notice of our dumbed down and desperate population-at-large, but the Romans borrowed virtually all the culture they ever had from the Greeks, and unfortunately, the Ancient Greeks, especially the Spartans, who the Romans most admired, practiced institutionalized sodomy.

The Romans followed suit as they did in most things Greco-Roman, and soon, the Roman Legions were engaging in the "rites" which paired young acolytes with experienced masters in the military.

Thus, sodomy became a tradition in both the Greek and Roman military and generations of people throughout the Middle East practiced sodomy. It has remained a feature of military forces to a greater or lesser extent ever since.

The most common form of rape in the military does not involve men and women.

The American Military has been impacted by this, too, with many World War I and World War II veterans returning home as either bisexuals or dedicated homosexuals.

Nobody ever talks about this. We try to ignore it, gloss it over, look the other way. The Academics who know about it, shove it under the dusty rug as "history" and fail to enlighten the rest of us.

Nonetheless, there it is, and that's where it came from: the Ancient Greeks and Romans.

The Greeks, for their part, got this "tradition" from the Babylonians, who got it from their own peculiar sex-as-sacrament religion.

Sparta, the most famous practitioner among the Greeks, formalized this tradition of military sodomy by overtly pairing young boys with specific captains for their "initiation" and "training".

Rome did the same.

Sodomy and slavery went hand-in-hand in Roman society outside the military as another result; once a Roman returned home from his obligatory service to Rome, the habits of the military remained ingrained and many of Rome's most illustrious statesmen and senior politicians owned multiple "puer delicata" boy slaves used as sexual toys.

Much to the frustration of their wives.

In this way, the Roman family structure was degraded and the Patrician class, especially, was worn down by sex-based intrigues.

You get some echoes of all this from Homer and from the Roman poets and even some PBS offerings like "I, Claudius", but a more blatant and flat-footed discussion of this is needed to get the impact across to the American Public.

This Big Push to normalize sodomy is coming from Europe and from largely military sources. It's not sourced in New York or Las Vegas. It's coming from Hamburg and Vienna and Paris and Bern.

And it's coming directly from the military.

That may seem counter-intuitive, as everyone knows the Nazis were badasses on the battlefield (so were the Ancient Spartans) and that seems to run counter to the frivolity of men prancing around half-naked with rainbow colored hair shouting Liberal slogans --but you must know what you are dealing with.

The Romans admired the Greeks, and the Nazis admired the Romans. So the Nazis aped the Romans like the Romans aped the Greeks and as the Greeks aped the Babylonians.

Monkey see, monkey do.

On top of all their other odd beliefs that seem at complete odds with their dictum, "Kirche, Kinder, Kuche" applied to their wives, the Nazis practiced sodomy in the ranks and thought nothing of it.

Just like the boys at prestigious British private schools (perversely called "public schools" in Britain) and Universities indulge in every kind of sex imaginable and are often involved in homosexual liaisons by the age of eleven.

This focus on sex-sex-and-more-sex comes direct to us from Ancient Babylon, through Greece, through Rome, through Britain, through Germany--- and it lives and breathes and gains ground because it is rife and "traditional" in the European Military, not because of quiet middle-aged homos living together in Somerset or because of Flamers like Liberace parading around.

As a result of NATO and UN "Peacekeeping" Forces and other occasions requiring hobnobbing between American (U.S.) and European military forces for years on end, there has been explosive growth of sodomy in our own military, which inevitably comes home to the dinner table in places like Gatsville, Nebraska.

It festers. It causes guilt in some and rage in others. It gives rise to crimes of violence against women and children, scandals that tear families apart, declining birth rates, alcoholism, broken families and broken hearts.

Sodomy does not deserve to be "taught" or justified as a military tradition, but we can't escape the fact that it has been and still is. We have to recognize that it's not coming to us from a "bunch of liberal faggots" who stumbled on anal sex in a college dorm room.

It's coming straight to us from Babylon and by a route that most people would never suspect -- our own military; and, it continues to create social and psychological upheaval long after military service ends.

We tend to assume that the terrors and misery and PTSD so many veterans suffer is uniquely the result of experiences on the battlefield, but the memory of being gang-raped by other soldiers is even more traumatic for many.

Unlike talking about a battle or even having to kill someone in particular, a shroud of silence hangs over all of this. It's not only too painful, it's too shameful to talk about. So the victims suffer in silence and rage that cannot be expressed, or by some homemade, limping forward, come to terms with it, and though injured, move on.

Why do men talk to me about things like this, when they wouldn't tell their best friend, their wives, or their mothers? They come to me for help and healing. They let all the ugly things come out and roll around like so many little demons released from jail.

Sometimes they just walk up to me and fall into my arms and weep. I am left standing there in a Walgreens parking lot with a sobbing stranger who is crying so hard he can't even say his name.

I hold their hands, and tell them that in the great realm of Heaven, it's all known and accounted for. They don't suffer alone. Indeed, we all suffer with them, because they are a part of us, and they have been harmed physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually by military service.

Sadly, broken as they are, they too often come home and harm others, or harm themselves, or "fail to adjust" or as a young friend did just last year, hang themselves in the garage once they get back home.

We've got to wake up and we've got to say, "No!".

These men and now, women, are being ritualistically abused in the name of military discipline. If they are not physically raped, as many are, they are nonetheless reduced and compromised and battered and brain-washed beyond belief.

We cannot stand around and let the Perpetrators of these "traditions" continue. They cannot be allowed to fill the senior ranks of our military by a process of secret love relationships and blackmail.

Babylon fell, Greece fell, Rome fell, Nazi Germany fell, Britain is falling --- and if we don't face reality, America will fall, too.

Ancient Sparta fell first to a slave rebellion; the warriors were away fighting, and the slaves just took over and raped the wives and retrained the children. The final death blow was struck when the Visigoths arrived and did the same to the slaves.

Sparta, that once-proud and independent city, that stood virtually alone against the vastness of the Persian Empire, was reduced to flames and left vacant, its pale stones like half-buried bones in the clay, trampled on by fur-clad, club-carrying Visigoths.

All (military) glory is fleeting.

The glory of love, of righteous action, of compassion, of wisdom, of courage, these victories of the heart are what remain.

We ask for every man and woman now alive to examine their hearts and engage their minds, to admit their full experience in life, to grapple with their demons, and to emerge victorious.

We've told bitter truths here today, and bitter they remain; still, we cannot solve a problem we cannot see, or salve a wound if we don't know it exists.

The practice of sodomy as a "military tradition" has to end. We must free our soldiers from it, and free ourselves of the cultural consequences, too.

Most of all, we have to stop thinking that this sudden "Rainbow Revolution" is a result of liberalism or a matter of personal choice in the bedroom.

This is the predictable and known result of an evil practice of institutionalized sodomy in military circles; it is designed to embarrass and subjugate and compromise individuals on a lifetime basis. And it has to be stopped, once and for all.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


See this article and over 4800 others on Anna's website here:


President Trump took time to speak with supporters on Thursday morning on his way into court in the New York City Alvin Bragg – Juan Merchan show trial.


HIDDEN DANGER: Beware of arsenic contamination in rice

One of the world’s healthiest grains, brown rice is a popular staple food enjoyed in various cultures all across the globe. It is an excellent source of nutrients, such as dietary fiber, magnesium, manganese and selenium. But despite its status as a healthy superfood, brown rice hides an invisible danger. Most conventional rice products available on […]