

Report identifies links between #FBI and #neoNazi rallies #chaos #riots #falseflag

The Orlando neo-Nazi rally that grabbed headlines in 2006 was organized by the FBI, a new report shows, and it was part of a broader program that organized similar rallies throughout the nation – even though the bureau knew that they would cause more people to join the movement. The report claims the Nazi rallies […]





During police week the house GOP announced new bills to support police and allow them to actually do their job. The George floyd riots brought about police reform and defund the police movements. But since the implementation of these rules, that allow criminals to break the law, crime has skyrocketed across the nation. Americans are fed up and the campus protests breaking out across college campuses was the final straw. Students and professional protesters who joined the ranks, destroyed university campuses, terrorized students who actually go there, and even interrupted or caused graduations to be canceled. UNC completely did away with their DEI programs and is transferring the $2.3 million funding to campus police and public safely. Motivated by recent pro-Palestinian campus protests, the board reasoned that more funds were needed for law enforcement on campus. States and companies are also reversing laws allowing shoplifters to get away scot free. On this episode of 360 View Scottie Nell Hughes discusses with her panel ("Dominick Izzo, Former Chicago area police officer; Ronald Hampton, Author & retired DC Metropolitan police officer; Steve Abramowicz, CEO, Heartland Journal) about the absolute 180 on police and crime.


France is no stranger to political and social upheaval; it was home to one of the most famous revolutions, which lasted ten years at the end of the 18th century. However, the recent riots and protests in France after the killing of a 17-year-old boy by French police sparked significant concern, as they were not limited to a certain city or region, but rather, the entire country. Some analysts even pondered if France’s colonial past may have paved the way for the ethnic and socioeconomic tensions that have plagued the Western European country. Host Manila Chan sits down with renowned French-American cartoonist Ted Rall to discuss the current situation in France.


During a news conference about COVID-19 testing in West Palm Beach Thursday, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said that the anniversary of the January 6 Capitol riot is “Christmas” for Democrats and the mainstream media.

"I don’t expect anything good to come out of anything that Pelosi and the gang are doing. I don’t expect anything from the corporate press to be enlightening. I think it’s going to be nauseating, quite frankly, and I’m not going to do it,” he said, adding that most Floridians would not pay attention either. ​

H​e also ​condemned comparisons of January 6 to the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, describing the idea as an “insult.”



During police week the house GOP announced new bills to support police and allow them to actually do their job. The George floyd riots brought about police reform and defund the police movements. But since the implementation of these rules, that allow criminals to break the law, crime has skyrocketed across the nation. Americans are fed up and the campus protests breaking out across college campuses was the final straw. Students and professional protesters who joined the ranks, destroyed university campuses, terrorized students who actually go there, and even interrupted or caused graduations to be canceled. UNC completely did away with their DEI programs and is transferring the $2.3 million funding to campus police and public safely. Motivated by recent pro-Palestinian campus protests, the board reasoned that more funds were needed for law enforcement on campus. States and companies are also reversing laws allowing shoplifters to get away scot free. On this episode of 360 View Scottie Nell Hughes discusses with her panel ("Dominick Izzo, Former Chicago area police officer; Ronald Hampton, Author & retired DC Metropolitan police officer; Steve Abramowicz, CEO, Heartland Journal) about the absolute 180 on police and crime.


France is no stranger to political and social upheaval; it was home to one of the most famous revolutions, which lasted ten years at the end of the 18th century. However, the recent riots and protests in France after the killing of a 17-year-old boy by French police sparked significant concern, as they were not limited to a certain city or region, but rather, the entire country. Some analysts even pondered if France’s colonial past may have paved the way for the ethnic and socioeconomic tensions that have plagued the Western European country. Host Manila Chan sits down with renowned French-American cartoonist Ted Rall to discuss the current situation in France.


During a news conference about COVID-19 testing in West Palm Beach Thursday, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said that the anniversary of the January 6 Capitol riot is “Christmas” for Democrats and the mainstream media.

"I don’t expect anything good to come out of anything that Pelosi and the gang are doing. I don’t expect anything from the corporate press to be enlightening. I think it’s going to be nauseating, quite frankly, and I’m not going to do it,” he said, adding that most Floridians would not pay attention either. ​

H​e also ​condemned comparisons of January 6 to the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, describing the idea as an “insult.”


Riots and violence feared as protesters take to the streets after a jury cleared Kyle Rittenhouse on charges.


The effort being put forward by House Democrats to Impeach President Trump for the second time in two years is about blocking Trump from running again in 2024.

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Report identifies links between #FBI and #neoNazi rallies #chaos #riots #falseflag

The Orlando neo-Nazi rally that grabbed headlines in 2006 was organized by the FBI, a new report shows, and it was part of a broader program that organized similar rallies throughout the nation – even though the bureau knew that they would cause more people to join the movement. The report claims the Nazi rallies […]




Crime Rates Skyrocket as Police Leave Democrat Cities En Masse

( – Democrat-run cities are feeling the impact of their disdain for law enforcement with soaring crime rates, unlike anything they were experiencing before the pandemic and George Floyd riots of 2020.
Census Bureau data was used to demonstrate that several American cities lost 1,500 cops by 2023 over a few short years. Those cities concomitantly had soaring rates of criminal activity. The cities reviewed by the analysis included: Los Angeles, Portland, New York City, Washington, D.C., and Austin.
The pandemic-related spike in homicides failed to drop following the end of lockdowns and medical mandates in these major metropolitan areas. Portland’s homicide rate was 13.2 per 100,000 people in 2023 which was up 140% from 2019. Portland also slashed its police department in response to the George Floyd riots and demands from radical leftists. They lost 183 officers from 2019 through 2023. The city defunded their local police department by $15 million and terminated 84 positions for cops on the force. The number of homicides went up by 83% thereafter. Four thousand residents moved out of the area between July 2022 and July 2023.


Soros funded the Ferguson protest movement, the George Floyd riots, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and any other groups that throw gasoline on the "hate" fire

George Soros, the far-Left globalist and eugenicist, is currently worth close to $7 billion; however, he has somehow funded over $30 billion in efforts to destroy democracies, incite civil wars and flood troubled nations with illegal immigrants. George Soros profits from chaos, turmoil and in-fighting. It doesn’t matter who wins, or if anybody wins, or […]