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Debunking the TOP 10 MYTHS about emergency food storage

#Myths #Debunked #Emergency #FoodStorage #Prepper #Preparedness #SHTF #offgrid #Stockpile #Food

Ensuring that you have a long-term food supply is a huge part of prepping – one that requires a lot of careful planning, hard work and investment. The goal of building up a survival food stockpile is not just to keep your family from starving when SHTF, but to make sure they get proper nutrition and energy from the foo

Debunking the TOP 10 MYTHS about emergency food storage

#Myths #Debunked #Emergency #FoodStorage #Prepper #Preparedness #SHTF #offgrid #Stockpile #Food

Ensuring that you have a long-term food supply is a huge part of prepping – one that requires a lot of careful planning, hard work and investment. The goal of building up a survival food stockpile is not just to keep your family from starving when SHTF, but to make sure they get proper nutrition and energy from the foo


Michael Yon investigates decentralized, off-grid communities that reject authoritarian governments

Decentralize.TV - Episode 22 - Nov 6, 2023

#MichaelYon #decentralized #migrants #immigration #freedom #liberty #Decentralized #DecentralizeTV #secession #DTV #MikeAdams #ToddPitner #offgrid #tyranny

International war correspondent Michael Yon joins Decentralize TV from Belize, where he is investigating Mennonite off grid communities. With vast knowledge of “human osmotic pressure,” Yon is one of the world's foremost experts on mass migration and refugee operations, where people are fleeing war, famine and tyranny (or bring deliberately directed by globalist orgs to invade western nations). In this episode, he gives us a valuable overview of what's really happening in the world in terms of groups of human beings fleeing tyranny and seeing freedom and self-determination. Follow more from Michael Yon at


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Debunking the TOP 10 MYTHS about emergency food storage

#Myths #Debunked #Emergency #FoodStorage #Prepper #Preparedness #SHTF #offgrid #Stockpile #Food

Ensuring that you have a long-term food supply is a huge part of prepping – one that requires a lot of careful planning, hard work and investment. The goal of building up a survival food stockpile is not just to keep your family from starving when SHTF, but to make sure they get proper nutrition and energy from the foo

Debunking the TOP 10 MYTHS about emergency food storage

#Myths #Debunked #Emergency #FoodStorage #Prepper #Preparedness #SHTF #offgrid #Stockpile #Food

Ensuring that you have a long-term food supply is a huge part of prepping – one that requires a lot of careful planning, hard work and investment. The goal of building up a survival food stockpile is not just to keep your family from starving when SHTF, but to make sure they get proper nutrition and energy from the foo


Michael Yon investigates decentralized, off-grid communities that reject authoritarian governments

Decentralize.TV - Episode 22 - Nov 6, 2023

#MichaelYon #decentralized #migrants #immigration #freedom #liberty #Decentralized #DecentralizeTV #secession #DTV #MikeAdams #ToddPitner #offgrid #tyranny

International war correspondent Michael Yon joins Decentralize TV from Belize, where he is investigating Mennonite off grid communities. With vast knowledge of “human osmotic pressure,” Yon is one of the world's foremost experts on mass migration and refugee operations, where people are fleeing war, famine and tyranny (or bring deliberately directed by globalist orgs to invade western nations). In this episode, he gives us a valuable overview of what's really happening in the world in terms of groups of human beings fleeing tyranny and seeing freedom and self-determination. Follow more from Michael Yon at


Robert Kiyosaki reveals powerful strategies for decentralizing away from BANKS and FIAT CURRENCY

Decentralize.TV - Episode 16 – Sep 27, 2023

#RichDad #RobertKiyosaki #fiatcurrency #money #finance #risk #decentralization #DecentralizeTV #economics #moneyprinting #interestrates #gold #silver #preciousmetals #banks #offgrid #pensions #inflation #stocks #crypto #Bitcoin #assets #WallStreet #bailin #dollars

“Rich Dad, Poor Dad” author Robert Kiyosaki joins Decentralize TV to warn about the coming collapse of pensions and fiat currencies, along with powerful strategies for moving away from the broken banking system and getting into REAL assets (gold, silver, oil, commodities, etc.). “Personally, I don't trust anything you can print,” says Kiyosaki. Holding up a dollar bill, he says, “This is toilet paper. One day it will be worth less than toilet paper.” Adams adds, “The system is engineered to screw you!” Learn more from Robert Kiyosaki at


LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions) can decentralize power production and provide abundant energy for all

Decentralize.TV - Episode 7 - July 27, 2023

#LENR #LowEnergyNuclearReactions #coldfusion #powergrid #electricity #power #decentralization #decentralized #decentralizeTV #James Martinez #abundance #physics #chemistry #generators #offgrid #MikeAdams #ToddPitner

In this episode, we interview James Martinez, a longtime advocate of LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions), a breakthrough technology that produces heat and energy by converting heavy water mass into thermal output. It used to be called "cold fusion" and was suppressed for decades by the dishonest science establishment. Now, it's being researched and replicated by the US Navy, US Army and deep-pocketed Big Tech giants like Google. Licensing deals are under way with appliance makers and boiler manufacturers in several nations around the world. Soon, the world will be powered by LENR, and you won't need to be connected to a centralized power grid.