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Martin Armstrong of Armstrong Economics argues that neocons in the West want World War 3 to come soon

Martin Armstrong of Armstrong Economics believes World War III isn’t far fetched, as the Western powers have allowed neoconservatives to maneuver the Russia-Ukraine war for this purpose. He put forward this claim in a July 3 piece, noting that the modern neocons have spent their entire lives hating Russians for particularly personal reasons. One example […]


Microsoft, OpenAI, and Nvidia Facing Antimonopoly Probes
( – A deal between the United States Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission has been decided for how they will pursue antitrust investigations into Microsoft, OpenAI, and Nvidia.
These are the top three companies when it comes to generative artificial intelligence with OpenAI being the nonprofit startup behind ChatGPT. Microsoft is the largest company and has invested billions into OpenAI while owning forty-nine percent of the company. Nvidia is the global leader in AI chipmaking and is now the world’s second-largest company.
United States authorities want to investigate the companies to determine if they have been using anticompetitive means to dominate the artificial intelligence industry. Microsoft and OpenAI will be investigated by the FTC while the DOJ investigates Nvidia.

U.S. regulators are concerned about the dominance of some companies in certain industries and how this could affect smaller competitors. The U.S. government has just recently looked into Google’s monopoly over search engines and they also looked into Meta as they dominate the social media space.
Dirk Auer, director of competition policy at the International Center for Law & Economics in Portland, Oregon, said that these cases are a result of a policy change that happened over the last few years which pushed for more regulation.


fashion dissertation topics

Exploring fashion dissertation ideas can be a fun and enriching academic experience. There are numerous routes to pursue, ranging from assessing historical fashion trends and their societal implications to researching the history of sustainable fashion practices. Topics could include the importance of technology in fashion design, the impact of cultural heritage on contemporary fashions, or the economics of the global fashion business.

Luxury Brand Dissertation Topics and Ideas Free Customized Topic Complete Dissertation Help


Explore the depths of financial complexities with us as we dive deeper into The Great Taking and what it means, where integrity is not just a concept, but a critical lens to view the economic world. This session is not just about learning; it’s about actively engaging in the pursuit of truth in a landscape often clouded by hidden agendas and opaque practices.

Audio Book and Part 1 of Webb interview found here (FREE):

Pdf found here:


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FINANCIAL DISCLAIMER. PEAK PROSPERITY, LLC, AND PEAK FINANCIAL INVESTING ARE NOT ENGAGED IN RENDERING LEGAL, TAX, OR FINANCIAL ADVICE OR SERVICES VIA THIS WEBSITE. NEITHER PEAK PROSPERITY, LLC NOT PEAK FINANCIAL INVESTING ARE FINANCIAL PLANNERS, BROKERS, OR TAX ADVISORS. Their websites are intended only to assist you in your financial education. Your personal financial situation is unique, and any information and advice obtained through this website may not be appropriate for your situation. Accordingly, before making any final decisions or implementing any financial strategy, you should consider obtaining additional information and advice from your accountant or other financial advisers who are fully aware of your individual circumstances. All information in this video is as accurate as we believe them to be based on current market conditions at the time of recording.


Twitter: @Chris_martenson

(Over 1 Hr) Prepare to be shocked; you don’t actually own your stocks and bonds, but instead have a “security entitlement” which is as squishy as it sounds. But who does have the senior-most claim to your financial assets and how did this come about? Tune in to find out.

Full audio book found here (FREE):

Part 2 found here:

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The United States has been home to countless banking scandals over the decades. On the Whistleblowers, John Kiriakou has spoken to numerous whistleblowers who have told us about money laundering, income tax evasion, and illegal offshoring of assets. But sometimes the good guys actually win. Bill Black is an associate professor of economics and author of “The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One.”


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Explore the depths of financial complexities with us as we dive deeper into The Great Taking and what it means, where integrity is not just a concept, but a critical lens to view the economic world. This session is not just about learning; it’s about actively engaging in the pursuit of truth in a landscape often clouded by hidden agendas and opaque practices.

Audio Book and Part 1 of Webb interview found here (FREE):

Pdf found here:


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Join the #1 resilience community today!

FINANCIAL DISCLAIMER. PEAK PROSPERITY, LLC, AND PEAK FINANCIAL INVESTING ARE NOT ENGAGED IN RENDERING LEGAL, TAX, OR FINANCIAL ADVICE OR SERVICES VIA THIS WEBSITE. NEITHER PEAK PROSPERITY, LLC NOT PEAK FINANCIAL INVESTING ARE FINANCIAL PLANNERS, BROKERS, OR TAX ADVISORS. Their websites are intended only to assist you in your financial education. Your personal financial situation is unique, and any information and advice obtained through this website may not be appropriate for your situation. Accordingly, before making any final decisions or implementing any financial strategy, you should consider obtaining additional information and advice from your accountant or other financial advisers who are fully aware of your individual circumstances. All information in this video is as accurate as we believe them to be based on current market conditions at the time of recording.


Twitter: @Chris_martenson

(Over 1 Hr) Prepare to be shocked; you don’t actually own your stocks and bonds, but instead have a “security entitlement” which is as squishy as it sounds. But who does have the senior-most claim to your financial assets and how did this come about? Tune in to find out.

Full audio book found here (FREE):

Part 2 found here:

Wanna buy me a coffee?

Join the #1 resilience community today!

The United States has been home to countless banking scandals over the decades. On the Whistleblowers, John Kiriakou has spoken to numerous whistleblowers who have told us about money laundering, income tax evasion, and illegal offshoring of assets. But sometimes the good guys actually win. Bill Black is an associate professor of economics and author of “The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One.”

I go over what inflation actually is in economic terms. Catch behind-the-scenes posts and help choose my next video topic at:


Sources and transcript:

If you want to become a more philosophical thinker for liberty and stand out from the crowd, pick up Philosophical Voluntaryism. It will equip you with the fundamental reasoning tools needed to maximize your potential and guide you toward a peaceful and prosperous life through the consistent application of Voluntaryist ethical principles.
Get your own copy here:


#inflation #endthefed #prices #money #economics


On this episode of The M.O., host Manila Chan discusses the modern-day feudalism that has emerged through the private purchases of large swaths of real estate worldwide. In particular, Manila delves into the power attained by billionaires like Bill Gates, who, over time, have built billion dollar real estate portfolios, while large numbers of people live in poverty. Manila speaks to Trends Journal editor Gerald Celente about these billionaires who have presented themselves as philanthropists, all the while they accumulate greater wealth and lands.



Martin Armstrong of Armstrong Economics argues that neocons in the West want World War 3 to come soon

Martin Armstrong of Armstrong Economics believes World War III isn’t far fetched, as the Western powers have allowed neoconservatives to maneuver the Russia-Ukraine war for this purpose. He put forward this claim in a July 3 piece, noting that the modern neocons have spent their entire lives hating Russians for particularly personal reasons. One example […]


Microsoft, OpenAI, and Nvidia Facing Antimonopoly Probes
( – A deal between the United States Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission has been decided for how they will pursue antitrust investigations into Microsoft, OpenAI, and Nvidia.
These are the top three companies when it comes to generative artificial intelligence with OpenAI being the nonprofit startup behind ChatGPT. Microsoft is the largest company and has invested billions into OpenAI while owning forty-nine percent of the company. Nvidia is the global leader in AI chipmaking and is now the world’s second-largest company.
United States authorities want to investigate the companies to determine if they have been using anticompetitive means to dominate the artificial intelligence industry. Microsoft and OpenAI will be investigated by the FTC while the DOJ investigates Nvidia.

U.S. regulators are concerned about the dominance of some companies in certain industries and how this could affect smaller competitors. The U.S. government has just recently looked into Google’s monopoly over search engines and they also looked into Meta as they dominate the social media space.
Dirk Auer, director of competition policy at the International Center for Law & Economics in Portland, Oregon, said that these cases are a result of a policy change that happened over the last few years which pushed for more regulation.


fashion dissertation topics

Exploring fashion dissertation ideas can be a fun and enriching academic experience. There are numerous routes to pursue, ranging from assessing historical fashion trends and their societal implications to researching the history of sustainable fashion practices. Topics could include the importance of technology in fashion design, the impact of cultural heritage on contemporary fashions, or the economics of the global fashion business.

Luxury Brand Dissertation Topics and Ideas Free Customized Topic Complete Dissertation Help


"🚨Government Borrowing Serves The Elite, US Economy Is In Trouble | Prof. Richard Wollf"
#economics #revolt #capitalism #end

Watch the entire interview with Prof. Wollf here: D. Wolff is Professor of Economics Emeritus, University of Massachusett...

Economics of Solar Power: Cost-Benefit Analysis for Homeowners and Businesses

The global push towards sustainable energy has put solar power at the forefront of the energy transition. With advancements in technology and favorable government policies, solar power has become increasingly accessible and economically viable for both homeowners and businesses. This article explores the economics of solar power, providing a cost-benefit analysis for those considering this renewable energy source.

Understanding Solar Power Economics
Solar power's economics are influenced by several factors, including initial installation costs, government incentives, energy savings, and maintenance expenses. The financial appeal of solar energy lies in its ability to provide long-term savings and environmental benefits.

Initial Installation Costs
The upfront cost of installing a solar power system can be significant. This includes the price of solar panels, inverters, mounting equipment, and installation labor. However, the costs have been decreasing steadily. In India, for instance, the cost of solar panels has dropped by nearly 80% over the past decade, making solar power more affordable than ever.

Government Incentives and Subsidies
Governments worldwide, including India, offer various incentives to encourage the adoption of solar power. These incentives can significantly reduce the net cost of installation. The Indian government provides subsidies under the National Solar Mission, making solar energy systems more accessible to the masses. Additionally, tax benefits and accelerated depreciation are available for businesses investing in solar power.

Energy Savings and Payback Period
One of the main economic benefits of solar power is the reduction in electricity bills. Solar energy can offset a substantial portion of a homeowner's or business's electricity consumption. For businesses, especially those with high energy demands, the savings can be substantial. Typically, the payback period for solar installations ranges from 5 to 10 years, after which the energy generated is virtually free.

Maintenance and Lifespan
Solar power systems require minimal maintenance. Regular cleaning and occasional inspections are usually sufficient to keep the system running efficiently. Solar panels have a lifespan of 25-30 years, ensuring a long-term return on investment. Inverters may need replacement after 10-15 years, but this cost is relatively minor compared to the overall savings.

Economic Analysis for Homeowners
For homeowners, the decision to switch to solar power can be financially prudent. A typical residential solar power system can generate enough electricity to cover most, if not all, of a household's energy needs. With the falling costs of solar technology and the availability of subsidies, the initial investment can be recouped within a few years through savings on electricity bills. Furthermore, homes with solar installations often have higher property values, providing an additional economic benefit.

Economic Analysis for Businesses
For businesses, especially those with large energy requirements, investing in solar power can lead to significant cost savings. Utility-scale solar projects can provide a stable and predictable source of energy, shielding businesses from the volatility of traditional energy markets. Companies like Tata Power Solar and Adani Solar, among the top renewable energy companies in India, offer comprehensive solutions for commercial solar installations, ensuring efficient and cost-effective energy production.

Energy Transition in India
India's commitment to renewable energy is evident in its ambitious targets and supportive policies. The country aims to achieve 100 GW of solar power capacity by 2022, with substantial investments in utility-scale solar projects. This energy transition is crucial for reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainable development. The involvement of top renewable energy companies in India has been pivotal in driving this transition, with significant contributions to both grid-connected and off-grid solar installations.

The economics of solar power are increasingly favorable for both homeowners and businesses. With decreasing installation costs, substantial government incentives, and significant energy savings, solar power presents a viable and attractive option for reducing energy costs and contributing to environmental sustainability. As India continues its energy transition, supported by top renewable energy companies, the adoption of solar power is set to rise, offering long-term economic and ecological benefits.

Switching to solar power is not just an environmentally conscious decision but also a financially sound investment that promises enduring returns and sustainability for the future.

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