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BUT, NO lone wolves, it's U ALL locally USA-globally that claim 2 B in-of Holy Trinity, like (fill in blank's) past historically that SELF denied Warrior rose up - NOT afraid of temporary human death but via faith (Hebrews 11:1) in Holy Trinity know via doing the job-responsibility of representing-regulating 4 Holy Trinity that (fill in blank's) B4 us would NOT see-taste death but eternal Heaven; & past historically since-2 date, U all locally USA-globally have exhibitedly grown WEAK, coward like & even those formerly of USA's DOD military think they had right 2 just walk away instead of marching 2 TOP & telling THEM what THEIR GONNA DO. Sigh whatever, FINE then, just DIE ALREADY humanity, perhaps better 4 God's overall Holy Well B-ing versus humanity continuing 2 B a pain, misc B4 God, ugh LOSER'S! & YEAH I JUST 'F'-ing DID! As I'm NOT afraid 2 die (I won't see Hell but THAT of Heaven) 4 Holy Trinity, GET STUPID & I'll see (?) on Coming judgment day!

& know whether ANY care or not, I NO fret (tripp, worry about) (?) - what have U out there exhibited as & cuz of Holy Bible's Hebrews 11:1 (WHAT faith is) - Luke 17:21-22 (kingdom of God is embedded internally with in me - as however generally saying-speaking ANY 1 right-proper in-of Jesus) - Luke 9:24 (NONE SELF own NOTHING, NOT breath NOR Soul) & as overall such, I KNOW via Holy Trinity what this ALL is-(past) been & worse Coming via Holy Trinity's Holy intel info of Holy Bible so nevertheless, I fret NOT but stay-remain SELF denied Holy Warrior 4 Jesus Holy Trinity despite worse Coming. Check my various other social media profile's & go back as far as U want B sides various web keyword News research search U can do, DON'T deny what's past been-is now & Coming!

What 1-U miss by B-ing a Christian via Holy Bible - 2ndly U must believe (via Hebrews 11:1 = what faith is) & further more that we ALL individually deserve eternal Hell: Romans 5:12. 3rdly U must repent (feel or express sincere regret or remorse about YO wrongdoing or sin); as God has-takes NO pleasure in the death of the bad-wicked, misc BUT hope that they'd SELF choose with their given Free Will 2 turn away from ALL that is opposite of solely God's desire as the saying goes, 'Father knows best': Ezekiel 33:11.



I am finally out of prison. Happy to be free, grateful to be loved, and excited for what’s next.

My spirit is bright. My heart is full. My mind is sharpened. My soul is rejuvenated.

My faith in God solidified.
My faith in the American people reaffirmed.

< >


A debate about some of the most controversial issues is happening in the Christian faith and it is causing some to question the future of the Church. Scottie Nell Hughes speaks to Deacon Calvin Robinson of the Anglican Church on this episode of 360 View. We are going to look at the divide happening within the Christian Church and what effect the Church’s demise could have globally.

Just days after the proposed Constitution was signed in Philadelphia, the first of Cato’s Antifederalist papers was published in the New York Journal. In this paper, Cato urged caution, and urged readers to decide for or against the plan based on principle rather than faith in any man.

Path to Liberty: January 31, 2022


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I am finally out of prison. Happy to be free, grateful to be loved, and excited for what’s next.

My spirit is bright. My heart is full. My mind is sharpened. My soul is rejuvenated.

My faith in God solidified.
My faith in the American people reaffirmed.

< >


A debate about some of the most controversial issues is happening in the Christian faith and it is causing some to question the future of the Church. Scottie Nell Hughes speaks to Deacon Calvin Robinson of the Anglican Church on this episode of 360 View. We are going to look at the divide happening within the Christian Church and what effect the Church’s demise could have globally.

Just days after the proposed Constitution was signed in Philadelphia, the first of Cato’s Antifederalist papers was published in the New York Journal. In this paper, Cato urged caution, and urged readers to decide for or against the plan based on principle rather than faith in any man.

Path to Liberty: January 31, 2022

Joining me today is Melanie Kangus, a registered nurse who up until recently worked for Catholic Charities New Hampshire. Melanie is here to discuss the forceful vaccine mandate put forth by her former employer, and how the process lacked the necessary safeguards regarding the disclosure of personal medical information, and instead, became a public admonishing of those going against the grain. We discuss how she filed a religious exemption, and how this Catholic facility not only chose, subjectively, not to honor this exemption, but instead took the stance that Melanie's religious convictions were not "sincerely held beliefs". In effect they called her a liar, while undermining the very religious foundation of her life that lead her to work for Catholic Charities to begin with. 

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Twitter recently deleted hundreds of accounts for the crime of "undermining faith" in NATO with the problem being that the accounts were linked to Russia, Iran and Armenia.


BUT, NO lone wolves, it's U ALL locally USA-globally that claim 2 B in-of Holy Trinity, like (fill in blank's) past historically that SELF denied Warrior rose up - NOT afraid of temporary human death but via faith (Hebrews 11:1) in Holy Trinity know via doing the job-responsibility of representing-regulating 4 Holy Trinity that (fill in blank's) B4 us would NOT see-taste death but eternal Heaven; & past historically since-2 date, U all locally USA-globally have exhibitedly grown WEAK, coward like & even those formerly of USA's DOD military think they had right 2 just walk away instead of marching 2 TOP & telling THEM what THEIR GONNA DO. Sigh whatever, FINE then, just DIE ALREADY humanity, perhaps better 4 God's overall Holy Well B-ing versus humanity continuing 2 B a pain, misc B4 God, ugh LOSER'S! & YEAH I JUST 'F'-ing DID! As I'm NOT afraid 2 die (I won't see Hell but THAT of Heaven) 4 Holy Trinity, GET STUPID & I'll see (?) on Coming judgment day!

& know whether ANY care or not, I NO fret (tripp, worry about) (?) - what have U out there exhibited as & cuz of Holy Bible's Hebrews 11:1 (WHAT faith is) - Luke 17:21-22 (kingdom of God is embedded internally with in me - as however generally saying-speaking ANY 1 right-proper in-of Jesus) - Luke 9:24 (NONE SELF own NOTHING, NOT breath NOR Soul) & as overall such, I KNOW via Holy Trinity what this ALL is-(past) been & worse Coming via Holy Trinity's Holy intel info of Holy Bible so nevertheless, I fret NOT but stay-remain SELF denied Holy Warrior 4 Jesus Holy Trinity despite worse Coming. Check my various other social media profile's & go back as far as U want B sides various web keyword News research search U can do, DON'T deny what's past been-is now & Coming!

What 1-U miss by B-ing a Christian via Holy Bible - 2ndly U must believe (via Hebrews 11:1 = what faith is) & further more that we ALL individually deserve eternal Hell: Romans 5:12. 3rdly U must repent (feel or express sincere regret or remorse about YO wrongdoing or sin); as God has-takes NO pleasure in the death of the bad-wicked, misc BUT hope that they'd SELF choose with their given Free Will 2 turn away from ALL that is opposite of solely God's desire as the saying goes, 'Father knows best': Ezekiel 33:11.

SIGH & amidst my however daily 9-5 creative Holy intel info output, ever more is me just SELF forced 2 not pay YAW humanity NO mind (attention) dead or alive, whatever, so B it as death ain't but a thang & my faith via Hebrews 11:1 is of Jesus, NOT yaw failed idea of a species, FINE, sigh whatever, REAP God's wrath, what I care, I'm merely ever more SELF acknowledgingly until I'm not while witnessing the species 2 eventually just cave in & dissolve upon itself aside from Coming event's of Holy Bible's Book of Revelations, sigh huh 2 (?) SELF disconnect of-from ALL around me locally 2 USA-globally & just deem all just a sick blur-fog & just do my job-service 2-4 Jesus until my Coming moment 2 bounce via Holy Trinity, sigh whatever, so B it.

Sigh huh SO YEAH, I guess I'm AM calling out & in2 question ALL of YAW fellow 1 all connected whole NECLEUS species-humanity itself ie: government-entertainment industry etc else fill in blanks as with even Luke 12:51 Jesus came 2 DIVIDE as Luke 17:21-22 Kingdom of God is inside U & ALL around U with accompanying Hebrews 11:1 WHAT faith is though noting Luke 9:24 NONE SELF individually SELF own NOTHING, NOT breath coming in & outta YO mouth-nose NOR eternal power Mist Soul source temporarily powering YO dust & ash corpse 4 a tick tock 'Time' daily flies.