SIGH & amidst my however daily 9-5 creative Holy intel info output, ever more is me just SELF forced 2 not pay YAW humanity NO mind (attention) dead or alive, whatever, so B it as death ain't but a thang & my faith via Hebrews 11:1 is of Jesus, NOT yaw failed idea of a species, FINE, sigh whatever, REAP God's wrath, what I care, I'm merely ever more SELF acknowledgingly until I'm not while witnessing the species 2 eventually just cave in & dissolve upon itself aside from Coming event's of Holy Bible's Book of Revelations, sigh huh 2 (?) SELF disconnect of-from ALL around me locally 2 USA-globally & just deem all just a sick blur-fog & just do my job-service 2-4 Jesus until my Coming moment 2 bounce via Holy Trinity, sigh whatever, so B it.