
15 hrs ago

Whistleblower: Secret Service agent stationed on the rooftop where Trump assassin opened fire ABANDONED post due to heat

A whistleblower has disclosed that a Secret Service agent posted to the rooftop where former President Donald Trump’s would-be assassin left their post due to the heat. U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) revealed this in a July 22 letter to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. According to the senator’s letter, the whistleblower’s claim ran contrary […]


Agent Who Ran Biden’s Inauguration Wargame Says Trump Assassination A False Flag Event

Agent Who Ran Biden’s Inauguration Wargame Says Trump Assassination A False Flag Event


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Charles Howard “Dick” Ellis was a prominent MI6 officer during World War II, serving as the agency’s top intelligence officer in the United States. Known for his numerous medals and recognition, Ellis was considered one of the greatest intelligence professionals in UK history. After retiring in the mid-1950s, he faced accusations of being a triple agent. In “The Eagle in the Mirror: The Greatest Spy Story Never Told,” author Jesse Fink gets to the bottom of these allegations. Host John Kiriakou explores the claims with Fink, ultimately concurring that Ellis was indeed the greatest spy in history.

“... they need to stop spraying glyphosate as a drying agent on their crops. It is not absolutely necessary, and it is poison.” — Zen Honeycutt, Moms Across America

Watch the entire disturbing interview with Zen Honeycutt + Polly Tommey on #CHDTV ?


Music has always been an agent of change. However, a debate whether that change is for the good or for the bad has always raged around the rap music industry. On this addition of 360 View Scottie Nell Hughes talks with rap music artist Bryson Gray about violence, sex, and wokeness in the industry and whether or not these themes are an honest reflection of its audience.


Charles Howard “Dick” Ellis was a prominent MI6 officer during World War II, serving as the agency’s top intelligence officer in the United States. Known for his numerous medals and recognition, Ellis was considered one of the greatest intelligence professionals in UK history. After retiring in the mid-1950s, he faced accusations of being a triple agent. In “The Eagle in the Mirror: The Greatest Spy Story Never Told,” author Jesse Fink gets to the bottom of these allegations. Host John Kiriakou explores the claims with Fink, ultimately concurring that Ellis was indeed the greatest spy in history.

“... they need to stop spraying glyphosate as a drying agent on their crops. It is not absolutely necessary, and it is poison.” — Zen Honeycutt, Moms Across America

Watch the entire disturbing interview with Zen Honeycutt + Polly Tommey on #CHDTV ?


Music has always been an agent of change. However, a debate whether that change is for the good or for the bad has always raged around the rap music industry. On this addition of 360 View Scottie Nell Hughes talks with rap music artist Bryson Gray about violence, sex, and wokeness in the industry and whether or not these themes are an honest reflection of its audience.

What is it like to be an undercover agent busting some of the most infamous global drug dealers? And do undercover agents for the DEA ever run up against opposition from other U.S. agencies like the CIA? It turns out they do! Career veteran of the United States Drug Enforcement Administration, Mark Levine joins John Kiriakou on this episode of The Whistleblowers to discuss the job of taking down drug kingpins and how he exposed the CIA for trying to stop him.

In this episode of the Whistleblowers, John Kiriakou speaks to Stephen Friend, an FBI agent who recently blew the whistle on an increasingly politicized FBI. For his trouble, the 12-year FBI veteran and member of the FBI’s Special Weapons and Tactics Team was stripped of his gun and badge and escorted out of the building. He tells us why he decided to to come out with the truth.


15 hrs ago

Whistleblower: Secret Service agent stationed on the rooftop where Trump assassin opened fire ABANDONED post due to heat

A whistleblower has disclosed that a Secret Service agent posted to the rooftop where former President Donald Trump’s would-be assassin left their post due to the heat. U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) revealed this in a July 22 letter to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. According to the senator’s letter, the whistleblower’s claim ran contrary […]


Agent Who Ran Biden’s Inauguration Wargame Says Trump Assassination A False Flag Event

Agent Who Ran Biden’s Inauguration Wargame Says Trump Assassination A False Flag Event


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SIGNS FOR YOU offers high-quality estate agent signs that maximize property visibility. Their double-sided signs are designed for clear, attention-grabbing displays, ensuring potential buyers easily see available properties. With customizable options and durable materials, they provide reliable solutions for enhancing real estate marketing efforts.

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International Public Notice: Modus Operandi
By Anna Von Reitz

Many of the things that the enemies of mankind do are anti-intuitive and diabolical. The Liars use inverted reasoning. Let's give some examples:

Remember the story in the Bible where Jesus washes the feet of his Disciples? Most people think of this in terms of the Master humbling himself to serve his students -- the Master becomes the Servant.

The Liars think of it in terms of the Servant becoming the Master. Masters become dependent on Servants....and as a result, the Servants become the Masters.

As another example from Christendom:

Most people looking at a Crucifix contemplate the suffering of Jesus and behold their own iniquities; it inspires them to live better lives.

The Liars look at the same Crucifix and think --- death and the devil win every time. Might as well be on the "winning" side.

This same sly and inverted way of thinking makes such people "double-minded". They not only realize that there are two sides to everything, they see both sides immediately, and for expedience, choose the wrong side.

The ends, whatever they are, always justify the means in their view.

The Hegelian Dialectic is perfect for them: create a problem, draw attention to the problem, present the solution to the problem, get paid for solving the problem you created.

Or as one of our Marshals-at-Arms observed: "They create a False Narrative, pretend that I'm their enemy, and fight against what they've created."

This is the Modus Operandi of the Liars in motion, and it is a learned behavior.

Many people who are doing this and demonstrating this "double-mindedness" aren't even aware of what they are doing. Like their more skilled and aware counterparts, they are causing trouble and confusion in the world, but without a clear motive.

They are just doing it to feel like they are doing something important and to get attention for their gossiping and reckless suppositions. Other more adept Liars use the same basic drill to get job advancements, money, and coercive power.

Impersonation and substitution fraud are also deeply ingrained practices among the Liars. Like everything else associated with this Cult, it began in Mesopotamia, in Babylon, and was carried through in the Hebrew tradition as well.

What did Jacob the Liar do, but substitute himself for his brother, Esau, and impersonate Esau to steal his brother's birthright?

How is that any different from what the Liars have attempted to do here and now with our Government and with ourselves?

They have substituted their corporate franchises for our American States-of-States.

They have misrepresented themselves as our custodians in our "absence", when we've been here all along.

They have impersonated us as British Territorial U.S. Citizens. They have impersonated us as Municipal Corporation franchises.

This is no particular reflection upon the Jews. Many ancient peoples used "mirroring" to defraud.

The Phoenicians were famous for it, so much so, that the modern slang word "phony" became popular and the Phoenicians themselves were held in near-universal disrespect and distrust.

Let us suggest that, given the solid evidence, they managed to migrate to Scotland and England and weaseled their way into power using the same old implements: lies, double-mindedness, illusions, reversed logic, substitution, impersonation, misrepresentation, confusion, and the Hegelian Dialectic -- creating problems, solving the problem thus created, and being rewarded for doing so.

In our country, both the offending corporations, the Municipal UNITED STATES and the British Crown entity known as "the United States of America, Incorporated", have both ultimately been owned and operated by the Popes, through their loyal Overseers of the Commonwealth -- the British Monarchs and British Crown operators.

These Principals and their corporations haven't been at war with each other in any sense. Not even a mercenary "war". It has all been sheer pretense for profit, a carrot and stick routine, or perhaps more aptly, a game of Good Cop/Bad Cop, all of it rooted in ancient modes of thinking and doing things first practiced by the Babylonians, Sumerians, and Akkadians.

We very recently witnessed precisely such an old, old practice deriving from these Middle Eastern cultures; the Ritual Killing of the King happened last Saturday, with the attack on Donald Trump.

In this Ritual, a scapegoat impersonates the King, so that assassins or bad luck or whatever evil portents are deceived, and attack the scapegoat instead.

Freemasons are all-too familiar with the drill. The "lost shoe" ritual that was performed on stage last Saturday, the 20-something scapegoat, Donald Trump announcing to the world that he is a "changed man" --- literally; this is all Freemason initiation rites and we can rest assured that DJT has succumbed and is now a member of the Brotherhood, which has been traipsing around the world for 8,000-plus years, deceiving everyone.

Thus, DJT comes under the protection of the Freemasons and collects their votes as well. A young man formerly employed by BlackRock climbs onto a building owned by BlackRock and doesn't quite manage to kill Trump; his "sacrifice" is honored by upbraiding and firing the Secret Service Agent who did his job and took the shot.

We can safely assume that Agent Willis wasn't in on the joke and the secret handshakes. He was crouched there, watching innocent people being shot to death in front of his face while his superiors dithered, and he finally did the right thing.

Agent Willis did his actual job.

What a concept.

Agent Willis is now suffering for saving lives at the Trump Rally last Saturday. He has lost his job and rating, with prejudice, for insubordination to criminally negligent and corrupt superiors--- people who weren't doing their jobs.

Now we get to see if Trump is a Liar or not.

If he is not a Liar, Trump will be grateful and laud Willis and see to it that Agent Willis gets a good job on his own personal staff; but, if Trump is a Liar as well as a Freemason, he will be upset that the drama was cut short by a loyal sniper, and do nothing but stalk off-camera.

Keep posted and see what you see.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


International Public Notice: the Vice President -- Literally
By Anna Von Reitz

Many people have been shocked to see J.D. Vance selected as a Vice-Presidential candidate and running mate for Trump.

Remember -- just as these Corporation "Presidents" are not elected by popular vote, but instead by members of the Electoral College, they don't actually get to choose their running mates, either.

Most people also think of the Vice-President as a sort of Second in Command, ready to step in if the President is disabled.

Stop and think again what the words actually say and imply. What is "vice"?

So, logically, what is a "Vice-President"?

He's the guy in charge of dirty operations, the bag man, the collections agent, the enforcer, the filthy tricks administrator, the bad guy standing behind and just to the left of the "good" front man acting as President.

The duo of President and Vice-President is the personification of the whole Duality Paradigm in action. Think of the French King and His Grey Eminence, Cardinal Richelieu.

Why would we have such a "Vice-President" associated with our country---?

Short answer: in order to administer all the programs related to Sin Taxes and Federal Revenues and Black Ops and Money Laundering, etc., etc.

Remember, the Federal Government was originally designed and intended to operate entirely on the revenues collected from federally regulated substances --- alcohol, tobacco and firearms --- and federally regulated activities: interstate commerce.

Of course, they branched out into other kinds of sin-based income streams: indentured servitude, enslavement, counterfeiting, non-negotiable promissory notes, money laundering, war-for-profit, drug production and smuggling and pushing, human trafficking, illegal arms sales, illegal confiscation, impersonation, barratry, biological and weather warfare, brain-washing, etc.

The Vice President is in charge of handling this entire Empire of Vice.

So no surprises that J.D. Vance is a good candidate for this office -- another "Skull and Bones" graduate of Yale University, who worked for "Ambrosia" a company selling adrenochrome products, an attorney who worked for the Sidney Austin Law Firm which also employed Barack Obama and his spouse.

Even J.D. Vance's wife is a perfect helpmate -- a Gates Foundation beneficiary and devotee, a law clerk for John Roberts and Brett Kavanaugh, educated at Cambridge, so the Brits have their dedicated spy and influencer on the inside, calling shots for them at the highest levels.

Never forget what we are telling you. It's not the front man you have to watch. It's the guy standing right behind him.

There is a reason nobody liked Mike Pence. There is a reason nobody liked Lyndon B. Johnson. There's a reason nobody will like J.D. Vance, either.

Also remember that he is the one, coiled like a rattlesnake ready to strike at Trump's right hand, just like LBJ was ready to take down Kennedy and, conveniently, assume command.

This is a crime family --- just a different kind of crime family, where the real "power" is vested in those who appear to be second-in-command or not in command at all.

The American people are growing up and can now see what is taking place and how it is staged and who is staging it and what kinds of excuses are being employed to perpetuate what is essentially a commercial corporation gone wild --- a commercial corporation working for and being directed by foreign interests as a trans-national crime syndicate.

The Holy Roman Empire brand of this corruption has gone underground and withdrawn from the public field of mercenary and commercial "battle", leaving their Enforcers, the British Empire and their clueless American Mercenaries to protect their rear flank.

We can only hope that some of the Horse Fly Maggots they are breeding by the millions and dropping on Argentina and Panama will find their way to a prime spot on all their lily white rumps.

Argentina is being targeted because they are a world class producer of beef and Panama is being targeted because they want to take back control of the Canal.

They --- these men and their women, too --- all remind us of the nasty little boys who used to linger in the cloak room to play with themselves and pull wings off of flies. Once you see them for what they are, they are an odd mix of criminals and actors. They and their objectives and modus operandi are not hard to identify.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
July 19th 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here: