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Hollywood Descends Upon DC as vast mingled with politicians & journalists at Washington's annual 4/2024 correspondents dinner “nerd prom" -

Billy Porter, Molly Ringwald, and Rosario Dawson mingled with politicians and journalists at Washington's annual “nerd prom."

22 hrs ago

An unidentified anti-Israel protester was photographed at George Washington University (GWU) with a sign calling for the “final solution,” echoing the Nazi plan to exterminate all Jews.


Insane vs Sane – Demonic vs Divine – Catherine Austin Fitts, Greg Hunter

Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report, financial expert and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), has long said, “The federal government is being run as a criminal enterprise. . . .not just a little criminal, but a lot criminal.” Now, CAF contends what is going on in America is much more than greedy criminals. CAF says, “This has turned into warfare against “We the People” on a spiritual level.”

CAF goes on to point out, “There is so much effort in persuading people to think there is nothing you can do, and it’s hopeless. Let me tell you something . . . the central bankers are telling you what they are going to do, and this is not far away in the future. You have all these merchant codes where you cannot use your credit card to buy a gun or the bank throws you out. That’s the control grid getting built.”

What can you do to fight for freedom? CAF says, “Bring transparency, and the second thing is to use cash. If we can all use cash, build cash back up and keep checks going, if you have cash and checks, they cannot go to an all-digital financial system. Find out who is leading the way in your state, and see what you can do to support them. Above anything, you can pray because this is a spiritual war. The devil wants you to believe it’s hopeless and there is nothing you can do. . . . It’s not true. The sane cannot go along with the insane. The divine cannot go along with the demonic. You have to say NO! I am seeing this all over the country. I am seeing Treasurers and State Attorney Generals, and they are all pushing back because they realize this is insane. You cannot go along with this.”

CAF says not only do the Deep State globalists want control of the financial system, but they also want control of your food. CAF says, “You see at this level when you are trying to protect freedom, they cannot get financial control unless they can control the food supply. People can always start their own currencies as long as they can grow food. If you look at the push for financial control and central bank digital currency, it is the same push. They are pushing to control the food supply.”

CAF thinks Washington is so broken, corrupt and criminal that whoever wins the Presidential Election it will not make much of a difference. CAF points out, “Look at how quickly Speaker Mike Johnson caved. Speaker Johnson caved for Ukraine and war all over the world, but he won’t protect our borders. Mike Johnson, Christian, conservative and not a dime to protect our borders. . . Washington is a criminal enterprise, and there is no electing someone big enough to change this. This is not Trump vs Biden. This is the pro-centralization team in Washington. We have to pull power back from Washington.”

There is much more in the 56-minute interview. Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with the Publisher of The Solari Report for 4.27.24. To Donate to Click Here: h


What is the difference between an informant and a Whistleblower. Does motive matter? On this episode of the Whistleblowers, John Kiriakou speaks with Legal and media analyst Lionel about how Charles Littlejohn become something of a controversial figure in whistleblower circles and the ugly current political atmosphere in Washington.

Supporters of unilateral executive war powers want you to believe that kind of power is ok - because George Washington engaged in war without getting authorization from congress. They’re either ignorant, or lying - or both.

Path to Liberty: February 2, 2024

There is “nothing more dangerous to the cause of truth and liberty than a party-spirit.” Yet, today, most people approach most issues through a party-first mentality. That has to stop for liberty to grow.

Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: January 12, 2024


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What is the difference between an informant and a Whistleblower. Does motive matter? On this episode of the Whistleblowers, John Kiriakou speaks with Legal and media analyst Lionel about how Charles Littlejohn become something of a controversial figure in whistleblower circles and the ugly current political atmosphere in Washington.

Supporters of unilateral executive war powers want you to believe that kind of power is ok - because George Washington engaged in war without getting authorization from congress. They’re either ignorant, or lying - or both.

Path to Liberty: February 2, 2024

There is “nothing more dangerous to the cause of truth and liberty than a party-spirit.” Yet, today, most people approach most issues through a party-first mentality. That has to stop for liberty to grow.

Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: January 12, 2024


"Patriot Front," a group labeled as a right-wing organization, is currently matching towards the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C.

Name a better way to spend your tax dollars...

It seems that all the talk in Washington is about classified documents. Who has them? Why were they retained? And what should be done about it? But those are the easy
questions. The more difficult ones concern why the American government produces more than 100 million classified documents every year. How many of those documents are properly and legitimately classified? John Kiriakou talks with whistleblower Jesselyn Radack about the the mishandling of classifed documents.


Hollywood Descends Upon DC as vast mingled with politicians & journalists at Washington's annual 4/2024 correspondents dinner “nerd prom" -

Billy Porter, Molly Ringwald, and Rosario Dawson mingled with politicians and journalists at Washington's annual “nerd prom."

22 hrs ago

An unidentified anti-Israel protester was photographed at George Washington University (GWU) with a sign calling for the “final solution,” echoing the Nazi plan to exterminate all Jews.


Insane vs Sane – Demonic vs Divine – Catherine Austin Fitts, Greg Hunter

Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report, financial expert and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), has long said, “The federal government is being run as a criminal enterprise. . . .not just a little criminal, but a lot criminal.” Now, CAF contends what is going on in America is much more than greedy criminals. CAF says, “This has turned into warfare against “We the People” on a spiritual level.”

CAF goes on to point out, “There is so much effort in persuading people to think there is nothing you can do, and it’s hopeless. Let me tell you something . . . the central bankers are telling you what they are going to do, and this is not far away in the future. You have all these merchant codes where you cannot use your credit card to buy a gun or the bank throws you out. That’s the control grid getting built.”

What can you do to fight for freedom? CAF says, “Bring transparency, and the second thing is to use cash. If we can all use cash, build cash back up and keep checks going, if you have cash and checks, they cannot go to an all-digital financial system. Find out who is leading the way in your state, and see what you can do to support them. Above anything, you can pray because this is a spiritual war. The devil wants you to believe it’s hopeless and there is nothing you can do. . . . It’s not true. The sane cannot go along with the insane. The divine cannot go along with the demonic. You have to say NO! I am seeing this all over the country. I am seeing Treasurers and State Attorney Generals, and they are all pushing back because they realize this is insane. You cannot go along with this.”

CAF says not only do the Deep State globalists want control of the financial system, but they also want control of your food. CAF says, “You see at this level when you are trying to protect freedom, they cannot get financial control unless they can control the food supply. People can always start their own currencies as long as they can grow food. If you look at the push for financial control and central bank digital currency, it is the same push. They are pushing to control the food supply.”

CAF thinks Washington is so broken, corrupt and criminal that whoever wins the Presidential Election it will not make much of a difference. CAF points out, “Look at how quickly Speaker Mike Johnson caved. Speaker Johnson caved for Ukraine and war all over the world, but he won’t protect our borders. Mike Johnson, Christian, conservative and not a dime to protect our borders. . . Washington is a criminal enterprise, and there is no electing someone big enough to change this. This is not Trump vs Biden. This is the pro-centralization team in Washington. We have to pull power back from Washington.”

There is much more in the 56-minute interview. Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with the Publisher of The Solari Report for 4.27.24. To Donate to Click Here: h


Today's postings, April 27, 2024,
Why Did China Facing Endless Troubles from Washington Accept a Visit from Blinken Aimed at Disrupting China’s Relationship with Russia?
Paul Craig Roberts

On Target with Larry Sparano: PCR interview Part 1 The Great Dispossession

The Truth About the Destruction of Gaza
Michael Hudson

No Permanent Alliances: Foreign Policy of Washington and Jefferson

George Washington: “It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world.” Thomas Jefferson: “Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto.”Path to Liberty: April 24, 2024